"[Tesis ini membahas mengenai program kemitraan sawit PTPN VII bersama dengan petani mitra sebagai bentuk dari Community Development. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif disesuaikan dengan kompleksitas permasalahannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa proses pengorganisasian yang dilakukan merupakan satu kesatuan sistem yang saling keterkaitan. Tahapan
pelaksanaan program ini dipetakan menjadi tiga yakni, empowerment sebagai pondasi dari program kemitraan, partnership sebagai tahapan dimana needs assesment dilakukan oleh masing-masing stakeholders serta, pengorganisasian sebagai bentuk pembagian tugas dan fungsi masing-masing stakeholders berdasarkan hasil dari needs assesment yang dilakukan sebelumnya. Tahapan ini yang menjadikan dasar bahwa program kemitraan sawit yang dilakukan oleh PTPN VII berlandaskan konsep community development. Stagnasi dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ini didasarkan pada hilangnya fungsi pemerintah dalam pelaksanaan program. Kondisi ini dilatarbelakangi dengan pindahnya pusat administrasi Kabupaten Lampung Tengah dari Metro (kini menjadi Kotamadya Metro) ke Gunungsugih. Berangkat dari kondisi ini, dalam
pelaksanaan program lanjutan nantinya dibutuhkan peran pemerintah daerah sebagai regulator dalam hal memberikan jaminan keterlibatan sebagai bentuk payung hukum dari pelaksanaan program-program sejenis. Kondisi ini yang kemudian menunjukan pentingnya peran dan keterlibatan secara utuh dari masingmasing stakeholder. Pada akhir studi ini, tedapat disain program kemitraan yang berbasiskan pada community development sebagai bentuk konstribusi yang merupakan hasil dari pemahaman terhadap konteks yang diteliti sebelumnya;The focus of this study is about to discuss that partnership program wich is
woven by PTPN VII with “petani mitra” as a form of a partnership based on Community Development. This research take a qualitative approach based on the complexity of the problems that existing. The results of this research is showed that the process of organizing is an unity of interrelated system. The program is mapped into three stages, empowerment as the foundation of the partnership program. Empowerment with is PTPN VII and Disbun done is one of the form of
community development. Partnership as a stage where the needs assessment will be defined by stakeholders. At the first stage of the partnership is based on three basic fundamental that is, equality, Transparency and Mutual-benefit. Organizing as a form of distribution on tasks and functions from stakeholders is based on the need’s assessment earlier. This program will have a stagnation moment becouse of district goverment lost their function. Based on this condition, the partnership program as a form of CD is just a systemic activity. Becouse of the necessary of role and involvement from each stakeholder, so it’s need to run the fit and propper test in this kind of
program. At the end of this research, as a constribution there is a sistematic design of the partnership program based on community development, as the result of an understanding abut this studied context., The focus of this study is about to discuss that partnership program wich is
woven by PTPN VII with “petani mitra” as a form of a partnership based on
Community Development. This research take a qualitative approach based on the
complexity of the problems that existing. The results of this research is showed
that the process of organizing is an unity of interrelated system. The program is
mapped into three stages, empowerment as the foundation of the partnership
program. Empowerment with is PTPN VII and Disbun done is one of the form of
community development. Partnership as a stage where the needs assessment will
be defined by stakeholders. At the first stage of the partnership is based on three
basic fundamental that is, equality, Transparency and Mutual-benefit. Organizing
as a form of distribution on tasks and functions from stakeholders is based on the
need’s assessment earlier.
This program will have a stagnation moment becouse of district goverment
lost their function. Based on this condition, the partnership program as a form of
CD is just a systemic activity. Becouse of the necessary of role and involvement
from each stakeholder, so it’s need to run the fit and propper test in this kind of
program. At the end of this research, as a constribution there is a sistematic design
of the partnership program based on community development, as the result of an
understanding abut this studied context.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015