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Tujuan dari tesis ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh faktor-faktor identitas
dan identifikasi politik masyarakat terhadap rendahnya perolehan suara parpol Islam. Selain
itu juga untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor perilaku apa saja dan interaksi politik parpol
Islam seperti apa yang berpengaruh terhadap menurunnya elektabilitas, serta apakah
perubahan landscape politik nasional dalam sejarah politik Indonesia berpengaruh terhadap
strategi parpol Islam untuk mengantisipasi penurunan elektabilitas tersebut.
Pemilu 2014 menjadi potret terbaru bagaimana partai Islam kembali mengulangi sejarah yang
sama, yakni tidak mampu mendobrak dominasi partai-partai nasionalis dalam perolehan suara
pemilu di Indonesia. Kekalahan ini menghidupkan lagi wacana sekaligus perdebatan
mengenai berakhirnya politik aliran di Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini, ditemukan bahwa
politik aliran itu tidak betul-betul berakhir. Meskipun pengaruhnya terhadap pemilih tidak
sekuat Pemilu 1955, namun politik aliran tetap bereksistensi. Tentu saja saat ini trikotomi
Geertz, yang membagi umat Islam atas santri, priyayi, dan abangan, tidak terlalu relevan.
Sebab, umat Islam sudah semakin rasional dalam memilih, tak terkecuali kaum santri. Di sisi
lain, partai politik sendiri cenderung bergeser ke tengah. Partai-partai nasionalis saat ini tidak
“anti” Islam. Bahkan partai seperti PDIP, Gerindra, dan Golkar sudah punya sayap organisasi
Islam. Sebaliknya, partai Islam seperti PPP dan PKS sudah sering menyatakan diri sebagai
partai terbuka, sebagai respon dari asumsi bahwa politik aliran sudah mencair dan bahkan
berakhir. Selain persoalan tersebut, dalam tesis ini juga dikemukakan mengenai prospek
partai Islam, yang di antaranya dengan mengacu pada hasil suara partai Islam dalam Pemilu
2014 dan posisinya ketika dikonfrontir dengan berbagai hasil survei yang menyebutkan
bahwa partai Islam pasca Pemilu 2014 akan suram.
Tesis ini menggunakan teori partai politik dan teori ideologi, bagaimana teori tersebut
melihat partai Islam di Indonesia. Konsep-konsep, baik dari Geertz yang membagi umat
Islam di Jawa yang terdiri dari santri, abangan, dan priyayi, maupun dari Herbert Faith juga
menjadi salah satu pembanding, apakah konsep-konsep tersebut masih relevan dalam melihat
politik aliran dalam Pemilu 2014.

The purpose of this thesis is to determine the extent of the influence of factors of identity and
political identification of society to the low number of votes of Islamic political parties. In
addition, to identify the factors and interaction behavior any Islamic political parties as to
what effect on decreasing elektabilitas, and whether changes in the national political
landscape in Indonesia's political history affect the strategy of Islamic political parties to
anticipate the decline elektabilitas.
Election of 2014 became the latest portrait how Islamic parties reiterated the same history,
which is not able to break the dominance of nationalist parties in the history of vote elections
in Indonesia. This defeat at the same discourse revive debate about the end of the flow in
Indonesian politics. In this study, it was found that the flow politics not really ended.
Although its influence on voters is not as strong as the 1955 election, but the political stream
remains to exist. Of course, this time the trichotomy of Geertz, which divides the muslim
students, gentry, and abangan, not too relevant. Therefore, the muslim students are
increasingly rational in choosing, not to mention the students. On the other hand, the political
parties themselves are likely to shift to the center. Nationalist parties today are not "anti"
Islam. Even parties like PDIP, Gerindra, and Golkar already have Islamic organization‟s
wings. In contrast, Islamist parties like PPP and PKS have often refers to himself as an open
party, with the assumption that the political stream has ended. In this thesis also expressed
about the prospects for Islamic parties, some of which with reference to the Islamic party‟s
vote in the 2014 election and its position when confronted with various results of many
survey say that the Islamist party after the 2014 election will be bleak.
This thesis uses the theory of political parties and the theory of ideology, how these theories
see Islamic parties in Indonesia. Concepts, both of Geertz that divides Muslims in Java,
which consists of students, abangan, and gentry, and of Herbert She also became one of the
comparison, whether these concepts are still relevant in view of the political streams in the
2014 election, The purpose of this thesis is to determine the extent of the influence of factors of identity and
political identification of society to the low number of votes of Islamic political parties. In
addition, to identify the factors and interaction behavior any Islamic political parties as to
what effect on decreasing elektabilitas, and whether changes in the national political
landscape in Indonesia's political history affect the strategy of Islamic political parties to
anticipate the decline elektabilitas.
Election of 2014 became the latest portrait how Islamic parties reiterated the same history,
which is not able to break the dominance of nationalist parties in the history of vote elections
in Indonesia. This defeat at the same discourse revive debate about the end of the flow in
Indonesian politics. In this study, it was found that the flow politics not really ended.
Although its influence on voters is not as strong as the 1955 election, but the political stream
remains to exist. Of course, this time the trichotomy of Geertz, which divides the muslim
students, gentry, and abangan, not too relevant. Therefore, the muslim students are
increasingly rational in choosing, not to mention the students. On the other hand, the political
parties themselves are likely to shift to the center. Nationalist parties today are not "anti"
Islam. Even parties like PDIP, Gerindra, and Golkar already have Islamic organization‟s
wings. In contrast, Islamist parties like PPP and PKS have often refers to himself as an open
party, with the assumption that the political stream has ended. In this thesis also expressed
about the prospects for Islamic parties, some of which with reference to the Islamic party‟s
vote in the 2014 election and its position when confronted with various results of many
survey say that the Islamist party after the 2014 election will be bleak.
This thesis uses the theory of political parties and the theory of ideology, how these theories
see Islamic parties in Indonesia. Concepts, both of Geertz that divides Muslims in Java,
which consists of students, abangan, and gentry, and of Herbert She also became one of the
comparison, whether these concepts are still relevant in view of the political streams in the
2014 election]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Rhevi Geraldi
Skripsi ini membahas tentang kekalahan partai Ennahda dan Koalisi Troika pada pemilu legislatif di Tunisia tahun 2014. Pemilu tahun 2014 merupakan pemilu legislatif yang dilaksanakan pada masa transisi demokrasi di Tunisia. Pada fase transisi demokrasi negara mengalami keadaan yang tidak stabil akibat banyaknya masalah-masalah transisi yang terjadi. Penelitian ini melihat dinamika transisi demokrasi yang ada di Tunisia memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap kekalahan Partai Ennahda dan dan Koalisi Troika dalam pemilu legislatif tahun 2014. Di fase transisi demokrasi banyak ditemukan masalah-masalah transisional yang harus dihadapi oleh pemerintahan rezim demokratis. Masalah-masalah tersebut antara lain masalah kontekstual dan sistemik yang hadir sebagai masalah utama yang dihadapi oleh Tunisia pada tahun 2011-2014. Sebagai pemerintah dalam periode tersebut partai Ennahda dan Koalisi Troika harus mengatasi masalah-masalah yang terjadi. Masalah kontekstual yang terjadi antara lain masalah dalam bidang ekonomi dan keamanan sebagai masalah utama yang dihadapi oleh Tunisia. Sedangkan Masalah sistemik yang terjadi terlihat dari tidak solidnya koalisi pemerintahan dalam masa Transisi demokrasi. Ennahda dan Koalisi Troika dianggap gagal untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut, pada akhirnya kegagalan tersebut menyebabkan kekalahan bagi Partai Ennahda dan koalisi Troika pada pemilu legislatif tahun 2014.

This thesis discusses about the defeat of The Ennahda Party and The Troika Alliance in 2014 legislative elections in Tunisia.The Tunisias 2014 elections is the legislative elections that were held during the democracy transition period. At the moment, democracy transition phase had put the country in the condition where Tunisia was forced to experience unstable circumstances due to large number of transitional problems that occur. This research pay attention to the dynamics of the democracy transition period in Tunisia that has a major influence upon the defeat of The Ennahda Party and The Troika Alliance in the 2014 legislative elections. In democracy transition phase, there were many of transitional issues that government of democratic regime must face.Those issues consists contextual and systemic problems as the main issues Tunisia has faced in 2011-2014. As the government in that period, The Ennahda Party and The Troika Alliance should be able to resolve problems that occur. The main contextual issues that occur in Tunisia consists economy and security issues, While systemic problems that occur could be seen  that the coalition government was unsolid in the period of democracy transition. Ennahda and Troika Alliance were failed to overcome such issues. In the end, that kind of failure had brought Ennahda Party and The Troika Alliance to their defeat in 2014 legislative elections."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rosechand Guilaume
"PDI Perjuangan merupakan salah satu partai terbesar di Indonesia, setelah menjadi partai penguasa pada tahun 1999, PDI Perjuangan kembali menjadi partai penguasa pada tahun 2014 dengan mendapatkan suara terbesar. Telah dibuktikan, bahwa PDI Perjuangan juga berhasil mendapatkan dukungan dari pemilih muda dari hasil exit poll yang dilakukan. Angka pemilih muda pada setiap pemilu berkembang dengan pesat, ini membuat kelompok pemilih muda sangat penting untuk diraih oleh partai, tetapi tidaklah mudah untuk partai mendapatkan dukungan dari pemilih muda. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan bersifat deskriptif, dan mendalami unsur-unsur komunikasi politk (komunikator, pesan, medium, khalayak, dan efek).

Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle is one of the biggest political parties in Indonesia, they won the elections in 1999 and then continue to succeed and become the government party in 2014 with the majority vote. Not only gaining the majority vote, but they were also the number one choice of the young voters in the exit poll. The number of young voters is growing rapidly each year and this notes the importance of being their preference for the parties, though it is not easy to get their support. This study uses the qualitative - descriptive method, which focuses on the political communication variables (communicator, message, medium, audience, effect)."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elisabeth Maria R
"Praktisi public relations di Indonesia telah merambah dunia politik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan strategi dan peran praktisi public relations Partai Nasional Demokrat sebagai partai politik baru dalam pelaksanaan komunikasi dan persuasi politik menuju Pemilu 2014. Peneliti mengidentifikasikan bahwa semakin banyak strategi praktisi public relations dalam komunikasi dan persuasi politik, semakin besar pula peran praktisi public relations dalam komunikasi dan persuasi politik Partai Nasional Demokrat menuju Pemilu 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivis, pendekatan kualitatif dan bersifat deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam dan studi kepustakaan/ literatur.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktisi public relations menjalankan strategi dan perannya dalam pelaksanaan komunikasi dan persuasi politik Partai Nasional Demokrat menuju Pemilu 2014 dengan baik.

Public relations practitioners in Indonesia has penetrated the world of politics. This study aims to describe the strategies and the roles of public relations practitioners of the National Democratic Party as a new political party in the implementation of communication and political persuasion towards Elections 2014. Researchers identified that a growing number of practitioners of public relations strategies in political communication and persuasion, the greater the roles of public relations practitioners in the communications and political persuasion National Democratic Party towards Elections 2014. This study uses a constructivist paradigm, qualitative and descriptive approach. Data collection methods used were interviews and library research / literature.
The results showed that public relations practitioners working out the strategies and its roles in the implementation of communication and political persuasion of the Democratic National Party to the 2014 election as well."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miftah Khairi Amrillah
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai praktik kampanye politik yang dilakukan oleh Partai Gerindra pada pemilu legislatif tahun 2014. Kasus ini di analisis menggunakan teori kampanye politik modern. Pada kampanye politik yang dilakukan oleh Partai Gerindra terlihat bahwa media memainkan peran sentral, terutama televisi dan media berbasis internet. Studi ini menemukan bahwa kampanye politik Partai Gerindra sangat profesional. Partai Gerindra mempekerjakan tenaga ahli diluar kader partai untuk merancang kampanye politiknya. Kampanye politik yang dilakukan Partai Gerindra fokus terhadap satu figur politik untuk menarik dan mempengaruhi pemilih.

This undergraduate-thesis analyzes about Gerindra’s political campaign in legislative election 2014 using the modern political campaign theory. Media played a central role in Gerindra’s political campaign, mainly used television and internet. The study finds that Gerindra’s political campaign was highly professional. The party employed a marketing expert outside of their party members to design Gerindra’s political campaign. The campaign is focused or personalized to one political figure to attract and influenced voters."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amanah Upara
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keluarnya Ketua DPW Partai NasDem Malut Mukti Baba dan beberapa pengurus partai. Sehingga NasDem merekrut elit partai lain untuk menjadi anggota partai dan Caleg DPRD Malut Pileg 2014. Sebagai pijakan teoritis, penelitian ini menggunakan dua teori yakni: Pertama, teori partai politik dari Otto Krichheimer dan Kantz S. Richard tentang partai Catch-all. Kedua, teori modal politik dari Kimberly L. Casey, modal sosial dari Pierre Bourdieu, Robert D. Putnam dan Francis Fukuyuma dan teori modal ekonomi dari Pierre Bourdieu.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, sedangkan teknik analisa data menggunakan deskriptif analisis. Penelitian menggunakan dua metode pengumpulan data yakni: Pertama, wawancara mendalam terhadap informan yang memahami proses rekrutmen elit partai. Kedua, melalui dokumentasi dengan pengumpulan data dengan cara membaca, mempelajari, menganalisa bahan-bahan yang relevan dengan masalah penelitian, seperti buku, artikel dari internet, naskah, dan arsip yang berhubungan dengan topik penelitian.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyebab Partai NasDem merekrut elit partai lain pada Pileg 2014 di Malut yakni: Pertama, elit yang direkrut merupakan elit populer. Kedua elit partai yang direkrut merupakan elit politik lokal. Ketiga, elit yang direkrut memiliki basis massa. Keempat, elit partai yang direkrut memiliki dukungan modal finansial.
Implikasi teoritis menunjukkan bahwa dalam menghadapi kontestasi politik pada Pileg 2014, Partai NasDem merekrut elit partai lain dari latar belakang partai yang memiliki ideologi berbeda-beda dan merekrut elit partai yang memeliki modal politik, modal sosial dan modal ekonomi dengan tujuan untuk meraih dukungan eloktoral yang signifikan pada Pileg 2014 di DPRD Malut.

This research is based on the departure of Malut Mukti Baba, the head of the NasDem Party, and several other party members. As a result of this departure, the Nasdem Party recruited elites from other parties to become its member and to become candidates in the 2014 Legislative Election.
As a theoretical foundation, this research used two theories namely: First, the theory of the political parties Kantz Krichheimer and Otto S. Richard about Catch-all parties. Second, the theory of the political capital of Kimberly L. Casey, the social capital of Pierre Bourdieu, Robert D. Putnam and Francis Fukuyama and the economic capital theory of Pierre Bourdieu.
This research used qualitative methods, while the technique of data analysis using descriptive analysis. The study used two methods of data collection are: First, in-depth interview to the informant who understand the process of recruitment of the party elite. Secondly, through the documentation with data collection by reading and analyzing the materials that are relevant to the research problems, such as books, articles from the internet, and archives related to the research topic.
The principal findings of this research because of the Party elite NasDem recruit another party in 2014 Malut Pileg namely: First, the elite recruits a popular elite. Secondly, the party elite who recruited the local political elite. Third, the elite recruits a mass base. Fourth, the party elite recruits have the support of financial capital.
The theoretical implication shows that in facing the 2014 Legislative Election, NasDem Party recruit elite other parties of background party has and ideology different and recruit the party elite who own a political capital, social capital and economic capital for the purpose of gaining support eloctoral significant in 2014 parliament legislative election of the Malut.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jamila Catheleya Emor
"Saat ini strategi komunikasi pemasaran politik telah berkembang luas. Salah satunya adalah dengan pendekatan political marketing. Penelitian ini ingin melihat bagaimana strategi komunikasi pemasaran politik Partai Aceh. Partai Aceh merupakan Partai Lokal konsekuensi dari hasil kesepakatan MoU Helsinki antara Pemerintah RI dengan GAM. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif untuk mendapat gambaran jelas strategi partai Aceh dalam memenangkan Pemilu pasca MoU berturut-turut. Informan penelitian adalah aktor politik di Aceh yang terlibat aktif pada pemilu 2014.
Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa Partai Aceh masih menggunakan cara-cara komunikasi pemasaran tradisional. Untuk menjadi partai modern maka Partai Aceh harus mempebahrui dan beradaptasi dengan kondisi situasi masyarakat saat ini.

Nowadays marketing communication strategy on politics has variably developed. One of them is using political marketing and branding perspective. This research aims to find out how Aceh Party planning on their marketing communication strategy in Aceh. This research was conducted on qualitative descriptive method with the informant whom actively participated in 2014 election.
The description will give valuable feedback for Aceh Party in creating communication strategy. The results shows Aceh Party using traditional ways on building its strategy, Aceh Party sucesfully won and dominates the legislative member in Aceh Parliament though."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Inco Hary Perdana
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi political marketing Partai NasDem sebagai partai politik baru dengan tujuan memenangkan Pemilu Legislatif 2014, khususnya bagaimana peran kepemilikan media dalam strategi tersebut. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan kerangka konsep political marketing Lees‐Marshment (2001) dan strategi kampanye partai politik Nursal (2004).
Kesimpulan utama, Partai NasDem merupakan sales oriented party dan banyak menggunakan pull political marketing dalam menyampaikan pesan politik mereka. Melihat dari fakta di Indonesia bahwa partai politik masih sangatlah lekat dengan figur ketokohan untuk dapat mengangkat elektabilitasnya, maka dibahas pula pembelajaran dari fenomena Partai Demokrat yang dapat memenangkan pemilu pada keikutsertaannya yang kedua kali karena kekuatan figur tokoh SBY. Sehingga penelitian ini dapat melengkapi strategi political marketing Partai NasDem yang ada saat ini.

This study aims to determine how political marketing strategy NasDem Party as a new political party with the aim of winning the 2014 legislative elections, in particular how the role of media ownership in the strategy. This qualitative study uses the concept of political marketing framework Lees‐ Marshment (2001) and political partyʹs campaign strategy Nursal (2004).
The main conclusion, NasDem Party is party oriented sales and using pull political marketing in their political message. View of the fact that political parties in Indonesia are still very closely with the figures to be able to lift the electability, then discussed the phenomenon of learning from the Democratic Party who can win elections on the participation of two times the force of character figures SBY. So this study can complement the strategy of political marketing NasDem Party that exists today.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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