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Vincentia Gladys Djunaidy
"[Praktik pengasuhan negatif adalah salah satu penyebab munculnya
perilaku disruptive pada remaja. Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)
merupakan salah satu bentuk behavior parent training yang digunakan untuk
mencegah maupun menangani masalah perilaku, emosi dan perkembangan pada
anak, dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan kepercayaan diri
orangtua terkait proses pengasuhan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian
single case design (N=1), yang bertujuan untuk melihat efektivitas penerapan
Triple P untuk membentuk praktik pengasuhan positif pada orangtua dari remaja
dengan perilaku disruptive. Perubahan kualitas praktik pengasuhan diukur dengan
melihat perubahan skor Skala Praktik Pengasuhan, sementara perilaku disruptive
remaja diukur menggunakan Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa Triple P mampu menurunkan masalah perilaku disruptive
remaja dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan kepercayaan diri
orangtua terkait proses pengasuhan;Disruptive behavior in teenager are often caused by negative parenting
practices. Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) is one of behavior parent training
that can be used for preventing or reducing behavioral , emotional and
developmental problems in children, by enhancing parents’ knowledge, skills and
confidence in parenting practices. This research is a single case design (N=1), that
aimed to determine the effectiveness of the application of Triple P to create
positive parenting practices in parent of teenager with disruptive behavior. The
improvement of parenting practices are measured by Parenting Practices Scale,
meanwhile Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) is used to measure teenager’s
disruptive behavior. The result shows that Triple P is effective for reducing
teenager’s disruptive behavior by enhancing parents’ knowledge, skills and
confidence in parenting practices, Disruptive behavior in teenager are often caused by negative parenting
practices. Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) is one of behavior parent training
that can be used for preventing or reducing behavioral , emotional and
developmental problems in children, by enhancing parents’ knowledge, skills and
confidence in parenting practices. This research is a single case design (N=1), that
aimed to determine the effectiveness of the application of Triple P to create
positive parenting practices in parent of teenager with disruptive behavior. The
improvement of parenting practices are measured by Parenting Practices Scale,
meanwhile Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) is used to measure teenager’s
disruptive behavior. The result shows that Triple P is effective for reducing
teenager’s disruptive behavior by enhancing parents’ knowledge, skills and
confidence in parenting practices]"
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewa Ayu Diah Tri Paramita Putri Nida
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efektifitas penerapan prinsip-prinsip Standard Positive Parenting Program (Triple-P) untuk mengurangi perilaku mencuri pada anak. Penanganan perilaku mencuri pada anak penting dilakukan untuk menghindari terbentuknya pola perilaku bermasalah di kemudian hari. Salah satu faktor resiko yang dapat menyebabkan munculnya perilaku mencuri adalah rendahnya kualitas pengasuhan orangtua. Program intervensi Standard Triple-P akan menyasar pada kompetensi pengasuhan orangtua untuk mengurangi perilaku mencuri melalui peningkatan pengawasan, keterlibatan ayah, pemahaman kebutuhan anak serta penerapan aturan yang efektif. Intervensi Standard Triple-P terdiri dari 11 sesi yang dirancang sesuai manual program dengan modifikasi berdasarkaan kebutuhan partisipan. Partisipan penelitian adalah anak perempuan berusia 10 tahun 6 bulan yang menunjukkan masalah perilaku mencuri dengan kondisi Borderline Intellectual Functioning dan Child Affected By Parental Relationship Distress, serta ayah L yang berperan sebagai orangtua tunggal dengan kualitas pengasuhan yang rendah.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah single case subject design dengan bentuk penelitian kuasi ekperimen. Perubahan perilaku mencuri dilihat dari lembar pencatatan frekuensi perilaku mencuri dan alat ukur Eyberg Child Behaviour Inventory. Perubahan kompetensi pengasuhan ayah akan diketahui dari alat ukur Parenting Sense of Competence Scale dan Parental Scale.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penurunan frekuensi perilaku mencuri, skor masalah perilaku anak dan disfungsi pengasuhan serta peningkatan rasa kompeten ayah dalam melakukan pengasuhan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan intervensi Standard Triple-P yang telah dimodifikasi sesuai kebutuhan partisipan terbukti efektif mengurangi frekuensi perilaku mencuri anak melalui peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan ayah dalam melakukan pengasuhan.

This study aims to know the effectiveness of applying the principles of Standard Positive Parenting Program (Triple-P) to reduce stealing behavior in children. The handling of stealing behavior in children is important to avoid the formation of problematic behavior patterns in the future. One of the risk factors that can lead to the appearance of stealing behavior is poor parenting quality. The Standard Triple-P intervention program will target parental care competencies to reduce stealing behavior through increased supervision, father involvement, understanding of the needs of children, and effective application of rules. Standard Triple-P intervention consists of 11 sessions designed according to the program manual with the modification based on participants' needs. The study participants were a 10-year-6-month-old girl (L) who demonstrated stealing behavior problem with Borderline Intellectual Functioning and Child Affected by Parental Relationship Distress condition and L's father who acted as single parent with poor parenting qualities.
The research method used is single case subject design with quasi experimental research form. Changes in stealing behavior are seen from the recording sheets of the frequency of stealing behavior and the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory measuring instrument. Changes in the competence of parenting will be known from the Parenting Sense of Competence Scale and Parental Scale instruments to find out.
The results of the study show a decrease in the frequency of stealing behavior, the score of child behavior problems, parenting dysfunction, and enhancement on the competence of father in parenting. This suggests that the implementation of the modified Standard Triple-P interventions according to the needs of the participants has proven effective in reducing the frequency stealing behavior, through the increase on knowledge and skills of father in parenting."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syadza Andini
"[Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penerapan intervensi Stepping Stones Triple-P pada keluarga yang memiliki anak dengan Mild Intellectual Disability yang memiliki permasalahan perilaku disruptive (agresif dan tidak patuh). Program intervensi ini bertujuan untuk membantu orangtua mengembangkan strategi manajemen yang efektif untuk menangani berbagai masalah perilaku anak dengan developmental disabilities dan isu-isu perkembangan yang terkait. Program intervensi dilaksanakan dalam 7 sesi, yang terdiri dari 5 sesi di klinik, dan 2 sesi observasi di rumah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah melalui metode ceramah, diskusi, worksheet dan
roleplay. Permasalahan perilaku anak diukur dengan menggunakan Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) yang diisi oleh orangtua pada sesi pertama dan terakhir program dan catatan harian perilaku yang diisi sepanjang program berlangsung. Gaya pengasuhan orangtua diukur dengan menggunakan instrument The Parenting Scale dari Arnold, O’Leary, Wolff, & Acker (1993). Selain itu, pengukuran persepsi orangtua mengenai kompetensinya dalam praktek pengasuhan diukur dengan Parenting Sense of Competence Scale (PSOC) dari
Gibaud-Wallston, J. & Wandersman, L.P.(1978). Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah orangtua (Ayah) dari anak laki-laki usia 14 tahun 9 bulan (G) dengan diagnosa Mild Intellectual Disability, yang memiliki permasalahan perilaku disruptive (agresif dan tidak patuh). Ayah sebagai partisipan memiliki karakteristik pola pengasuhan yang keras, mudah marah, dan menggunakan kekerasan fisik sebagai metode pendisiplinan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penerapan program intervensi Stepping Stones Triple-P terbukti efektif dalam mengurangi permasalahan perilaku membantah dan agresif pada G, melalui
peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan orangtua dalam menerapkan gaya pengasuhan yang positif. Pada studi ini, Ayah mengalami perubahan berupa lebih tenang ketika bereaksi terhadap kesalahan-kesalahan G dan tidak langsung memuncak kemarahannya, menerapkan strategi dalam meningkatkan hubungan positif dengan G, dan mampu menerapkan pola disiplin yang tegas dan konsisten, serta tidak menggunakan kekerasan;The study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of Stepping Stones Triple-P intervention on a family who have a child with Mild Intellectual Disability and disruptive behavior problems (aggressive and non-compliant). This program aims to help parent develop effective management strategies for dealing with a variety of behavioral problems of child with developmental disabilities and issues related to the development. This program implemented in 7 sessions, which consist 5 sessions at the clinic, and two observation sessions at home. The method used in this study is through lectures, discussions, worksheets, and role-plays. Child behavior problems were measured by using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) filled out by parents on the first and last session of the program; as well as diaries of problem behavior filled out throughout the program. Dysfunctional
parenting styles were measured using The Parenting Scale (PS) of Arnold, O’Leary, Wolff, and Acker (1993). In addition, the measurement of parental perceptions regarding their competence in parenting practices measured by the Parenting Sense of Competence Scale (PSOC) of Gibaud-Wallston, J. & Wandersman, LP (1978). Both PS and PSOC were filled out by parents on the first and last session of the program. Participant in this study were parents (father) of a boy ages 14 years and 9 months old (G) with a diagnosis of Mild Intellectual Disability, who has disruptive behavior problems (aggressive and non-compliant).
Father as a participant has characteristics of harsh parenting, irritability, and using physical violence as a disciplinary method. The results showed that the implementation of the Stepping Stones Triple-P interventions proved effective in reducing the problem of non-compliant and aggressive behaviors in G, by enhancing the knowledge and skills of parents to implement positive parenting styles. In this study, father experienced changes in parenting attitude that are able
to be calm when reacting to G’s problem behavior, able to implement positive relation strategies with G, and capable of implementing firm and consistent discipline instead of coercive disciplinary method., The study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of Stepping Stones
Triple-P intervention on a family who have a child with Mild Intellectual
Disability and disruptive behavior problems (aggressive and non-compliant). This
program aims to help parent develop effective management strategies for dealing
with a variety of behavioral problems of child with developmental disabilities and
issues related to the development. This program implemented in 7 sessions, which
consist 5 sessions at the clinic, and two observation sessions at home. The method
used in this study is through lectures, discussions, worksheets, and role-plays.
Child behavior problems were measured by using the Child Behavior Checklist
(CBCL) filled out by parents on the first and last session of the program; as well
as diaries of problem behavior filled out throughout the program. Dysfunctional
parenting styles were measured using The Parenting Scale (PS) of Arnold,
O’Leary, Wolff, and Acker (1993). In addition, the measurement of parental
perceptions regarding their competence in parenting practices measured by the
Parenting Sense of Competence Scale (PSOC) of Gibaud-Wallston, J. &
Wandersman, LP (1978). Both PS and PSOC were filled out by parents on the
first and last session of the program. Participant in this study were parents (father)
of a boy ages 14 years and 9 months old (G) with a diagnosis of Mild Intellectual
Disability, who has disruptive behavior problems (aggressive and non-compliant).
Father as a participant has characteristics of harsh parenting, irritability, and using
physical violence as a disciplinary method. The results showed that the
implementation of the Stepping Stones Triple-P interventions proved effective in
reducing the problem of non-compliant and aggressive behaviors in G, by
enhancing the knowledge and skills of parents to implement positive parenting
styles. In this study, father experienced changes in parenting attitude that are able
to be calm when reacting to G’s problem behavior, able to implement positive
relation strategies with G, and capable of implementing firm and consistent
discipline instead of coercive disciplinary method.]"
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rosyatul Hikmiya
"Ikatan orang tua-anak dapat mempengaruhi perilaku disruptive. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari hubungan dari ikatan orang tua-anak dengan perilaku disruptive pada remaja tengah yang dilakukan di empat SMK di wilayah Depok. Dengan sampel 196 responden (perempuan, n=114, usia 16-17 tahun). Penelitian ini menggunakan consecutive sampling dan desain penelitian descriptive correlation dengan analisis uji kai kuadrat (fisher’s excact) dan regresi logistik sederhana. Ikatan orang tua-anak diukur dengan parental bonding instrument dan perilaku dengan kuesioner perilaku disruptive yang dikembangkan sendiri oleh peneliti dengan bersumber pada APA (2000). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan antara ikatan orang tua-anak dengan perilaku disruptive (p value 0,003 dan OR 2,917 (1,435- 5,928)). Terdapat jenis ikatan tertentu yang memiliki risiko tertinggi. Rekomendasi untuk penelitian selanjutnya, disarankan mengunakan pendekatan longitudinal.

Disruptive behavior influenced by parent-child bonding in middle adolescence. This research aimed to value about relationship parent-child bonding with disruptive behavior in middle adolenscent, wich conducted in four vocationals at Depok. A sample amount of 196 respondents (women, n = 114, age 16-17 yo). Used consecutive sample and descriptive study design with correlation analysis chi-square test (Fisher's exact) and simple logistic regression. This study Based on two instruments namely Parker’s parental bonding instrument and disruptive behavior questionnaire wich was modified by the researcher referred to APA (2000). This research showed that there is significant relationship of parent-child bonding and disruptive behavior, with p value 0.003 and OR 95% CI: 2,917 (1,435- 5,928). The recomendation for next research is using longitudinal study and complete with other component factors.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kantiana Taslim
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh penerapan prinsip-prinsip positive parenting program untuk menurunkan perilaku berbohong pada remaja dengan Parent-Child Relational Problems. Positive Parenting Program bertujuan untuk mencegah dan mengatasi masalah perilaku anak dengan cara meningkatkan komunikasi dan hubungan positif antara orangtua anak melalui penerapan praktek gaya pengasuhan positif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan before-after study design dan metode single-subject design. Keberhasilan program pengasuhan positif dalam menurunkan perilaku berbohong terlihat dari perbandingan skor pre-test dan post-test. Perilaku berbohong diukur dengan Lying Towards Parents Scale dan Child Behavior Checklist khusus pada item lie/cheat. Perubahan gaya pengasuhan positif diukur dengan alat ukur Skala Gaya Pengasuhan dan Parents Sense of Competence Scale. Hasil penerapan program intervensi ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat penurunan skor pada perilaku berbohong remaja dan peningkatan skor pada gaya pengasuhan positif orangtua.

This research was conducted to examine the application of positive parenting program principles to reduce lying behavior in adolescence with Parent Child Relational Problems. Positive Parenting Program is a program to prevent and solve children rsquo s behavior problem by increasing positive relationship and communication between parents and their children using positive parenting style. This research is an experimental research, conducted using before after study design and single subject design. The success outcome in the application of this program was seen from the comparison of pre test and post test scores. Lying behavior was measured with Lying Towards Parents Scale and Child Behavior Checklist, specifically in item lie cheat. The changes in positive parenting style are measured with Parenting Style Scale and Parents Sense of Competence Scale. The outcome of this intervention program shows that adolescence rsquo s lying score is decreasing and score of positive parenting style is increasing."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manalu, Lamtiur Gracesita
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penerapan intervensi
Stepping Stones Triple-P pada satu keluarga yang memiliki anak praremaja usia 11 tahun dengan Mild Intellectual Disability yang memiliki masalah perilaku
temper tantrum. Program intervensi ini bertujuan untuk membantu orangtua
melalui peningkatan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan kepercayaan diri orangtua dalam melakukan pengasuhan yang positif untuk mengelola permasalahan perilaku anak dengan mild intellectual disability. Program intervensi dilaksanakan sebanyak 7 sesi (3 sesi di klinik dan 4 sesi praktikum di rumah). Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah, diskusi, dan roleplay. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan antara lain Child Behavior Checklist, Parenting Scale (dari Arnold,O Leary, Wolff, dan Acker, 1999), Parenting Sense of Competence (dari Gibaud-Wallston dan Wandersman, 1978), serta Catatan Pengukuran Temper Tantrum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program intervensi Stepping Stones Triple-P terbukti efektif dalam menurunkan frekuensi dan durasi perilaku temper tantrum O, menurunkan disfungsi gaya pengasuhan orangtua dan meningkatkan pandangan kompetensi orangtua dalam praktik pengasuhan

The study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of Stepping Stones
Triple-P intervention on a family who has a 11 year-old child with Mild Intellectual Disability and temper tantrums. This program aims to help parent
develop effective management strategies for dealing with a variety of behavioral problems of child with developmental disabilities and issues related to the development. This program implemented in 7 sessions (3 sessions at the clinic and 3 practice sessions at home). The results demonstrated significant improvement in parental reports of child behavior, parenting styles, and parents sense of competence"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuraini Kusuma Dewi
"Keluarga militer cenderung memiliki budaya khas yang berbeda dari keluarga pada umumnya. Budaya tersebut mencakup praktik pengasuhan bergaya militer, stres finansial, frekuensi perpindahan tempat tinggal yang tinggi (relokasi) dan perpisahan dengan pasangan akibat tugas dinas jarak jauh (deployment). Sejumlah penelitian menunjukkan bahwa budaya tersebut dapat memunculkan tantangan-tantangan yang dapat meningkatkan kerentanan stres pengasuhan pada istri anggota militer. Di samping itu, tugas pengasuhan anak usia sekolah dasar dapat menjadi tantangan tambahan yang dapat memicu stres pengasuhan pada istri anggota militer. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, sejumlah penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa praktik mindful parenting berhubungan dengan penurunan tingkat stres pengasuhan pada ibu dari berbagai latar belakang sosial. Selanjutnya, partisipan (n=135) diuji menggunakan Interpersonal Mindfulness in Parenting Scale untuk mengukur mindful parenting dan The Parenting Stress Index – Short Form untuk mengukur tingkat stres pengasuhan. Dalam penelitian ini, menggunakan desain penelitain korelasional dengan jumlah sampel 135. Selanjutnya, uji korelasi menunjukkan adanya hubungan negatif antara mindful parenting dan stres pengasuhan. Hal ini menandakan bahwa semakin tinggi keterampilan mindful parenting maka semakin rendah tingkat stres pengasuhan. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat korelasi negatif antara kedua variabel, maupun dengan dimensi-dimensi mindful parenting.

Military families tend to have a distinctive culture which different from other families. This culture includes military-style parenting practices, financial stress, high frequency of relocation and separation from spouse due to long-distance service assignments (deployment). A number of studies have shown that this culture can present challenges which can increase the vulnerability to parenting stress in mothers from military families. In addition, the task of caring for school age children which can be an additional challenge that can trigger parenting stress for mothers from military families. In this regard, a number of studies have shown that mindful parenting practices are associated with reduced levels of parenting stress in mothers from various social backgrounds. Thus, this study wanted to examine the relationship between mindful parenting and parenting stress on mothers from military families with school age children (6 to 12 years). Furthermore, participants (n=135) were tested using the Interpersonal Mindfulness in Parenting Scale to measure mindful parenting capacity and The Parenting Stress Index – Short Form to measure the level of parenting stress. Trough convencience sampling technicque, participants with an age range of 24 until 55 years (M = 39, SD = 6,2). The correlation test showed a negative correlation between mindful parenting and parenting stress. This result indicates that the higher the mindful parenting skill, the lower the level of parenting stress."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Damaris Cherine Yeraf
"Inovasi disruptif merupakan inovasi yang membawa perubahan terhadap sistem yang sebelumnya dan bahkan dapat menjadi sebuah ancaman terhadap incumbent. Kode Quick Response, atau kode QR, telah digunakan untuk beberapa fungsi, seperti pemasaran, industri hospitality, dan pembayaran mobile, serta dapat dianggap sebagai inovasi disruptif.

Disruptive innovations are described as innovations that change how things used to work, and may even pose a threat towards incumbents, or firms that currently exist in the industry. Quick Response codes or more widely known as QR codes, have been utilised for many functions lately, such as marketing, hospitality, and mobile payments and can be said to be a disruptive innovation."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ismi Tamara
"Banyak perusahaan besar yang berangsur tenggelam dalam industri karena tersandung masalah inovasi dan adaptasi seperti Blockbuster, Dell, Motorola, Sony, dan Yahoo. Teori consumer innovativeness dan disruptive innovation mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan karakteristik pada early adopter dalam jenis inovasi yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa early adopter inovasi disruptive memiliki product knowledge lebih besar daripada early adopter inovasi sustaining. Selain itu monetary resource terbukti memberi pengaruh moderasi antara hubungan intention terhadap actual adoption. Dengan memahami pengaruh jenis inovasi pada tingkat pembelian produk baru, diharapkan manajer dapat mengambil keputusan yang lebih tepat dalam proses pengembangan produk baru.

Many of big company such as Blockbuster, Dell, Motorola, Sony, and Yahoo move toward the end of their business. Such phenomenon happens because they cannot adapt and follow the disruptive changes in the market. Consumer innovativeness and disruptive innovation theories implied that each early adopter of different types of innovation have different characteristics. This research found that early adopters of disruptive innovation possess deeper knowledge in related product domain. Moreover, monetary resource proved to moderates the relationship of intention to adoption. Understanding the effect of innovation types towards actual adoption of new product provides manager better information during the product development decision making.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eden, Alvin N
New York: Hetherleigh , 2007
649.1 EDE p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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