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Sibarani, Martha Relitha
"[Kegiatan eksplorasi geothermal bertujuan mengetahui sistem geothermal daerah penyelidikan yang meliputi model dan batas prospek, karakteristik dan potensial reservoir dan hidrogeologi, untuk penentuan target pemboran, dilanjutkan dengan pemboran eksplorasi.Hasil inversi 3-dimensi data MT akan menyajikan distribusi struktur resistivitas bawah permukaan.
Pemboran eksplorasi geothermal bertujuan untuk membuktikan adanya sumber daya geothermal dan menguji model sistem geothermal yang telah dibuat. Kriteria target pemboranadalah area yang memiliki temperature dan permeabilitas yang tinggi. Pada waktu pemboran sumur panas bumi ditembusnya zona bertemperatur tinggi yang disertai atau diikuti dengan terjadinya loss of circulation sangat diharapkan (permeabilitas tinggi), karena merupakan suatu indikasi telah ditembusnya rekahan-rekahan yang diharapkan merupakan zona produksi (feed zone).
Untuk menguji model sistem yang dibuat dilakukan korelasi antara data hasil pemboran dengan inverse 3D data MT, khususnya nilai resistivity lapisandengan data temperatur, kandungan mineral alterasi, geokimia dari data pemboran.
Dari hubunganantar parameter akan terlihat karakteristik sistem geothermal di daerah penyelidikan, yang memperlihatkan zona prospek yang berhubungan dengan temperature dan permeabilitas yang tinggi. Dari hasil evaluasi akan dilakukan rekonstruksi system geothermal daerah penyelidikan, yang lebih mendekati kondisi bawah permukaan dan dapat dipergunakan untuk membuat rekomendasi pemboran selanjutnya dan arah pengembangan di masa yang akan datang;Geothermal exploration activities aimed at knowing the geothermal system that includes model and boundary the prospects, potential and reservoir characteristics and also hydrological system. By using 3D inversion of MT data, subsurface resistivity distribution structure can be obtained and with the addition of other geosciences data, LumutBalai geothermal system can be constructed. Futhermore, drilling targets zone can be identified from geothermal system which then followed by exploration drilling .
Geothermal exploration drilling is carried out to verify the existence of geothermal resources and test the geothermal systems which previously has been made. Drilling target criteria is the area which consist of high temperature and permeability. During geothermal drilling, it is expected that high temperature zone shall be encountered. It will be followed by loss circulation zone which indicates that fractures have already been penetrated and confirm that feed zone has been discovered.
In order to test constructed model, correlation between drilling data and 3D MT inverse is carried out, particularly values of resistivity layer with temperature data, alteration mineralcomposition, and geochemical data derived from drilling.
Parameter correlation will explain geothermal system characteristics in study area which delineates prospect zones and its association with high temperature and permeability. The evaluation results of this study will reconstruction geothermal system the investigation area, which can be used to develop a recommendation of subsequent drilling and further development direction;Geothermal exploration activities aimed at knowing the geothermal system that includes model and boundary the prospects, potential and reservoir characteristics and also hydrological system. By using 3D inversion of MT data, subsurface resistivity distribution structure can be obtained and with the addition of other geosciences data, LumutBalai geothermal system can be constructed. Futhermore, drilling targets zone can be identified from geothermal system which then followed by exploration drilling .
Geothermal exploration drilling is carried out to verify the existence of geothermal resources and test the geothermal systems which previously has been made. Drilling target criteria is the area which consist of high temperature and permeability. During geothermal drilling, it is expected that high temperature zone shall be encountered. It will be followed by loss circulation zone which indicates that fractures have already been penetrated and confirm that feed zone has been discovered.
In order to test constructed model, correlation between drilling data and 3D MT inverse is carried out, particularly values of resistivity layer with temperature data, alteration mineralcomposition, and geochemical data derived from drilling.
Parameter correlation will explain geothermal system characteristics in study area which delineates prospect zones and its association with high temperature and permeability. The evaluation results of this study will reconstruction geothermal system the investigation area, which can be used to develop a recommendation of subsequent drilling and further development direction, Geothermal exploration activities aimed at knowing the geothermal system that includes model and boundary the prospects, potential and reservoir characteristics and also hydrological system. By using 3D inversion of MT data, subsurface resistivity distribution structure can be obtained and with the addition of other geosciences data, LumutBalai geothermal system can be constructed. Futhermore, drilling targets zone can be identified from geothermal system which then followed by exploration drilling .
Geothermal exploration drilling is carried out to verify the existence of geothermal resources and test the geothermal systems which previously has been made. Drilling target criteria is the area which consist of high temperature and permeability. During geothermal drilling, it is expected that high temperature zone shall be encountered. It will be followed by loss circulation zone which indicates that fractures have already been penetrated and confirm that feed zone has been discovered.
In order to test constructed model, correlation between drilling data and 3D MT inverse is carried out, particularly values of resistivity layer with temperature data, alteration mineralcomposition, and geochemical data derived from drilling.
Parameter correlation will explain geothermal system characteristics in study area which delineates prospect zones and its association with high temperature and permeability. The evaluation results of this study will reconstruction geothermal system the investigation area, which can be used to develop a recommendation of subsequent drilling and further development direction]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Safiul Primasatya
"Eksplorasi panas bumi merupakan tahapan yang sangat penting pada kegiatan pengusahaan panas bumi karena memiliki tingkat resiko kegagalan pemboran yang sangat tinggi serta biaya yang dikeluarkan cukup besar. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan interpretasi terpadu berdasarkan data geosains untuk mendelineasi prospek sistem geothermal Gn. Lawu sehingga penentuan lokasi pemboran mempunyai tingkat kepastian yang lebih tinggi. Dalam mendelineasi sistem geothermal sangat ditentukan dengan sebaran batuan resistivitas rendah yang mengindikasikan adanya lapisan penudung (caprock) yang didominasi oleh material lempung. Selain itu, target utama dari eksplorasi panas bumi adalah temperatur dan permeabilitas batuan yang tinggi. Distribusi sebaran temperatur bawah permukaan dapat diperkirakan melalui data manifestasi pada lokasi penelitian. Sedangkan permeabilitas tinggi berasosiasi dengan zona patahan dimana fluida dapat mengalir ke permukaan. Magnetotelluric (MT) merupakan metode geofisika pasif yang melibatkan pengukuran fluktuasi medan listrik dan magnet alam sebagai sarana untuk menentukan resistivitas batuan di bawah permukaan bumi dimana pemodelan data MT dapat dilakukan menggunakan inversi 3D. Untuk memahami lebih lanjut mengenai pemodelan MT tersebut, maka penelitian ini difokuskan pada inversi 3D dengan MT3Dinv-X yang kemudian diintegrasikan dengan data dukung gravitasi, geologi dan geokimia untuk mendelineasi sistem geothermal Gn. Lawu. Hasil akhir penelitian ini adalah memberikan rekomendasi pola sebaran resistivitas batuan serta membuat model konseptual untuk menentukan area target pemboran pada daerah penelitian.

Geothermal exploration is crucial step in geothermal business because it has uncertainty drilling result and high cost. Therefore, an integrated interpretation based on geosciences data is needed to delineate the prospect of Gn. Lawu geothermal system so the location of drilling could be more convince. The distribution of low resistivity rocks that indicating the presence of a caprock which is dominated by the material of clay. Moreover, the main target of geothermal exploration is the high temperature and permeability of rocks. The distribution of subsurface temperature can be estimated through the manifestation data on site. High permeability is associated with a fault zone where fluid can flow to the surface. Magnetotelluric (MT) is a passive geophysical method that involves measuring the fluctuations of electric and natural magnetic fields as a means of determining the resistivity of rocks beneath the Earth's surface where MT data modeling can be performed using 3D inversion. To understand more about the MT modeling, this research is focused on 3D inversion with MT3Dinv-X which is then integrated with gravity, geological and geochemical support data to delineate Gn. Lawu geothermal system. The final result of this research is to recommend the pattern of distribution of rock resistivity as well as to create conceptual model to determine drilling target area in research area.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riri Oktobiyanti
"Lapangan geothermal Sibayak terletak di kawasan utara Great Sumatra Fault Zone (GSFZ) yang memiliki topografi yang tinggi di dalam kaldera Singkut. Ditinjau dari kondisi geologinya, lapangan ini memiliki prospek geothermal yang ditandai dengan keberadaan manifestasi panas berupa solfatara, fumarole, chloride springs dan silica sinters. Untuk menginvestigasi struktur bawah permukaan secara lebih detail, maka dilakukan reinterpretasi data magnetotellurik dan gravitasi. Dari pemodelan 2-Dimensi MT yang menggunakan software MT2Dinv dan 3-Dimensi MT menggunakan software GeoSlicer-X maka dapat diketahui clay cap mempunyai nilai resistivitas 5-10 Ωm. Zona reservoir diindikasikan dengan harga resistivitas 50- 200 Ωm yang terdapat di bawah zona clay cap dan berada pada kedalaman sekitar 1600m. Pusat reservoir terdapat pada daerah yang meliputi Gunung Sibayak dan Gunung Pratektekan dengan luas yang diperkirakan sekitar 4 km². Pemodelan data gravitasi mendukung gambaran stuktur utama yang berupa kaldera Singkut dan sesarsesar yang berarah barat laut-tenggara. Berdasarkan studi ini dapat direkomendasikan sumur produksi diarahkan pada pusat reservoir, sedangkan reinjeksi ditempatkan di daerah dekat reservoir tetapi yang diduga memiliki hubungan permeabilitas, yaitu di sekitar batas kaldera sebelah selatan.

Sibayak geothermal field is situated in the northern Great Sumatra Fault Zone (GSFZ), which has high topography inside Singkut caldera. From the geological point of view, Sibayak field is a potential geothermal area supported by the occurrence of surface manifestations such as solfataras, fumaroles, chloride springs and silica sinters. To investigate subsurface geological structure, reinterpretation of the Magnetotelluric and gravity data were carried out. Two-dimensional modeling of MT data using MT2Dinv software and 3-D visualization of the MT data using GeoSlicer-X have delineated clay cap with resistivity of 5-10 ohm. Reservoir zone is indicated by slightly higher resistivity (50 - 200 ohm-m) below the clay cap located in the depth of about 1600m. Center of reservoir is probably located in the area between Mt Sibayak and Mt Pratektekan covering about 4 km². The gravity data modeling supports the existence of main structures, those are Singkut caldera and faults zone oriented in the northwest - southeast direction. Based on this study, it is recommended that the production wells shoud be located to the central of reservoir and reinjection wells should be sited to the area close to the main reservoir which has permeability connection, that is in the southern caldera boundary."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dizanissa Purnama Sari
"Lapangan geotermal X merupakan salah satu lapangan di Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur yang memiliki potensi geotermal dan masih dalam tahap pengembangan. Pada Tahap eksplorasi, diperlukan pemahaman yang sangat baik terhadap sistem geotermal yang dapat digambarkan melalui model konseptua. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sebuah model konseptual yang terintegrasi data geofisika, geologi, geokimia, dan data sumur. Hal ini digunakan untuk meminimalisir kegagalan dalam pemboran. Model konseptual merupakan informasi awal untuk menentukan lokasi pengeboran. Pemodelan dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis inversi 3D magnetotellurik (MT) dan 2D gravitasi yang dikorelasikan dengan data sumur. Hasil geotermometer menunjukan temperatur reservoir berkisar 225-250ºC. Berdasarkan korelasi data tersebut dapat dilihat bahwa lapisan dibawah permukaan X dibagi menjadi 3 yaitu argilik, transisi, dan propilitik. Zona argilik diidentifikasikan sebagai clay cap dengan resistivitas ≤ 10 ohm-m dengan temperature 200ºC. Sedangkan zona transisi merupakan batas dari reservoir dan clay cap yang memiliki suhu sebesar 200-210ºC dan resistivitas 10-20 ohm-m. Zona propilitik merupakan zona reservoir yang kaya mineral illit dengan resistivitas 20-100 ohm-m dan temperature ≥ 210ºC. Luas area prospek lapangan geotermal X sebesar 3.4 km2 dengan potensi tertinggi di bagian utara daerah penelitian. Rekomendasi pengembangan yaitu 3 sumur produksi ke arah utara dan 2 sumur injeksi ke arah selatan. Disimpulkan bahwa model konseptual yang dihasilkan berkorelasi dengan baik dengan data sumur.

The X Geothermal field is one of the fields in Flores, East Nusa Tenggara that has geothermal potential and is still under development. At the exploration stage, understanding the geothermal system is important can be described through a conceptual model. This study aims to build an integrated conceptual model with geophysical, geological, geochemical, and well data. It is used to minimize failures in drilling. This is used to minimize failure in drilling. The geothermal conceptual model is the initial information for determining the drilling location. Modeling was carried out using inverse 3D magnetotelluric (MT) and 2D gravity analysis which was correlated with well data. The results of the geothermometer show that the reservoir temperature ranges from 225-250ºC. Based on the data correlation, it can be seen that the subsurface layer X is divided into 3 namely argillic, transitional, and propylitic. The argillic zone is identified as a clay cap with a resistivity of ≤ 10 ohm-m at a temperature of 200ºC. While the transition zone is the boundary of the reservoir and clay cap which has a temperature of 200-210ºC and a resistivity of 10-20 ohm-m. The prophylactic zone is a reservoir zone rich in illite minerals with a resistivity of 20-100 ohm-m and a temperature of ≥ 210ºC. The prospect area for the X geotermal field is 3.4 km2 with the highest potential in the northern part of the study area. Development recommendations are 3 production wells to the north and 2 injection wells to the south. It was concluded that the resulting conceptual model correlated well with the well data."
Jakarta: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desy Rhobiatul Adhawiyah
"Sistem panasbumi lapangan "D" merupakan sistem panasbumi tipe kaldera yang terbentuk karena aktivitas tektonik dan vulkanik. Formasi batuannya merupakan formasi sedimen berumur tersier di bagian bawah, dengan formasi batuan beku berumur kuarter di bagian atasnya. Manifestasi permukaan yang ada berupa fumarol di atas Gunung Taf dan Gunung "D" serta mata air panas pada arah tenggara dari pusat sistem. Data MT menunjukkan adanya up-dome shape sedangkan data gravity menunjukkan keberadaan reservoar yang ditandai dengan anomali gravitasi rendah. Untuk memahami karakteristik reservoar, letak sumber panas, serta hidrogeologi, dilakukan pemodelan sistem panasbumi lapangan "D". Pemodelan dilakukan secara forward dengan software TOUGH2 dan inversi dengan software iTOUGH2. Input pemodelan forward dibuat berdasarkan data geologi, geofisika, geokimia, dan data sumur.
Output yang dihasilkan digunakan sebagai input untuk proses inversi dengan tujuan optimalisasi model Natural State yang ingin dicapai. Ketercapaian kondisi natural state ditunjukkan dengan adanya kesesuaian antara profil temperatur sumur dengan hasil pemodelan. Hasil pemodelan menunjukkan bahwa sumber panas berada di bawah Gunung Taf dan Gunung "D", dengan outflow ke arah tenggara, serta keberadaan zona recharge di sebelah barat daya dari sistem. Top reservoar diperkirakan berada pada elevasi 0 m. Dari profil temperatur juga diberikan rekomendasi wilayah yang tepat sebagai sumur produksi dan sumur reinjeksi.

Geothermal system at field "D" is a caldera-type system which was developed by volcanism and tectonism activities. The "D" area composed of pre-Tertiary-Tertiary sedimentary formation in the lower part, and unconformably covered by Quaternary volcanic rock formation. Surface manifestations present in this area are fumaroles right above Mount Taf and Mount "D" and hot-springs in north east and south east direction from the center of the system. MT data inform the present of up-dome shape, while gravity data show the reservoir location with low gravity anomaly. For understanding the characteristic of reservoir, heat source location, and hydrogeology, the modeling of geothermal system at field "D" was conducted using TOUGH2 and iTOUGH2 simulator in forward and inverse modeling respectively. Input for forward modeling were composed based on geological, geophysical, geochemical and well-bore data.
The calculated output from forward modeling was then used as input data for inversion process in order to optimize the Natural State condition being obtained. Natural State condition is reached when the temperature profiles of the model show relatively good agreement with measured temperature from wells. The result indicates that the heat source is located beneath Mount Taf and Mount "D", with present outflow to the south east and north east direction outward the system, while recharge zones are located at south west and north west from the system. Top of reservoir was estimated to be 200 m above sea level. Recommendation for production and reinjection wells is also given based on measured temperature profiles.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Dwi Hafidah
"Pulau Sumatera memiliki potensi panas bumi terbesar di Indonesia yang tersebar di sepanjang zona subduksi antara lempeng Hindia-Australia dan lempeng Eurasia, salah satunya adalah lapangan geothermal ldquo;A rdquo;. Secara umum, litologi di wilayah penelitian didominasi oleh batuan vulkanik yang berumur kuarter dengan manifestasi berupa fumarol dan mata air panas. Struktur geologi berupa patahan dan pendugaan intrusi batuan yang diidentifikasi sebagai heat source menjadi target dalam penelitian ini.
Metode penginderaan jauh dengan analisis Fault Fracture Density FFD dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi gejala struktur patahan di permukaan yang berasosiasi dengan manifestasi dan metode gravitasi dengan analisis First Horizontal Derivative FHD dan Second Vertical Derrivative SVD dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi patahan di bawah permukaan.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kemunculan manifestasi berada pada zona FFD tinggi dengan kerapatan sebesar 4 km/km2. Analisis data FHD dan SVD dapat mengkonfirmasi patahan berarah Barat Daya-Timur Laut, Barat Laut-Tenggara, dan struktur kaldera dengan jenis patahan keseluruhan berupa patahan normal.
Hasil inversi 3D gravitasi mengidentifikasi batuan clay cap memiliki densitas 2.015 gr/cc sampai 2.24 gr/cc, batuan reservoir memiliki densitas 2.3 gr/cc sampai 2.4 gr/cc dan batuan heat source memiliki densitas 2.5 gr/cc sampai 2/8 gr/cc. Zona upflow terletak di bagian Barat wilayah penelitian dengan suhu reservoir berkisar antara 200°C-220°C.

Sumatra Island has the largest geothermal potential in Indonesia spread along the subduction zone between the Indies Australian plate and the Eurasian plate. ldquo A rdquo geothermal field is one of them. In general, lithology in the study area is dominated by quaternary volcanic rocks and it has some manifestations such as fumaroles and hot springs. This study is focus on identify the structure and intrusion that identified as a heat source.
Remote sensing methods with Fault Fracture Density FFD analysis were performed to identify symptoms of surface fractures associated with manifestations and gravity methods with First Horizontal Derivative FHD and Second Vertical Derivative SVD analyzes performed to identify subsurface fractures.
The results of this study indicate that the appearance of manifestation is in the high FFD zone with a density of 4 km km2. Analysis of FHD and SVD data can confirm the Southwest Northeast, Northwest Southeast fault, and caldera structure with the overall fracture type are normal fault.
The result of gravity 3D inversion identifies clay cap rock has density 2,015 gr cc to 2,24 gr cc, reservoir rock has density 2,3 gr cc to 2,4 gr cc and heat source rock has density 2.5 gr cc to 2 8 gr cc . The upflow zone is located in the west of the research area with reservoir temperatures ranging from 200°C 220°C.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syafrima Wahyu
"Telah dilakukan penelitian guna delineasi zona prospek sistem panasbumi daerah ldquo;Z rdquo; menggunakan permodelan tiga Dimensi magnrtotellurik didukung data terpadu berupa geologi dan geokimia serta terintegrasi data gravitasi. Daerah panasbumi ldquo;Z rdquo; dalam tatanan tektoniknya termasuk pada jalur backarc Sumatera, tepat pada salah satu segmen sesar Sumatera bagian selatan, disusun oleh batuan vulkanik dan sedimen klastik yang berumur Tersier hingga Kuarter Andesit-Basalt . Gejala adanya sistem panasbumi pada daerah penelitian ditandai dengan kemunculan manifestasi permukaan berupa alterasi dan lima mata air panas bersuhu 44,4 - 92,5 oC, pH 8,19 - 9,43 dan bertipe bikarbonat, sulfat-bikarbonat, serta sulfat-klorida. Pembentukan sistem panasbumi dipengaruhi oleh aktivitas tektonik menyerong oblique antara lempeng Samudera India dan Lempeng Kontinen Eurasia searah dengan pola sesar Sumatera.
Berdasarkan analisis air panasbumi temperatur reservoir diambil melalui perhitungan geothermomether SiO2 Fournier 1977 , Na-K Giggenbach 1988 , Na-K-Ca, diagram Na-K-Mg serta diagram Enthalphy - Cloride Mixing Model berkisar 145 - 155oC, termasuk dalam sistem panas bumi bertemperatur sedang. Berdasarkan inversi tiga dimensi data MT didapatkan kedalaman Top of Reservoar TOR sistem panasbumi daerah ldquo;Z rdquo; sekitar 400 m elevasi 50 mdpl sedangkan berdasarkan forward modeling data gravitasi lintasan 2 dimensi diperkirakan sumber panas berupa cooling instrusion diperkirakan batuan gabro ; resistivitas ge; 450 ?m ; densitas 2,95 - 3,15 gr/cc dan reservoar berupa batupasir resistivitas 50 - 250 ?m ; densitas 2,60 gr/cc . Sistem panasbumi daerah penelitian termasuk jenis tektonik fracture zone dengan temperatur sedang dengan luas daerah prospek sekitar 7,5 km2.

A study for delineating geothermal system of prospect area ldquo Z rdquo has been done by using tree dimension modeling of magnetotelluric supported unified data just like geological and goechemical and integrated gravity data. Geothermal area ldquo Z rdquo in tectonic setting included in Sumatra volcanic backarc, right on one of the southern part of Sumatra fault segment. Compodes by volcanic and clastic sendimentary rock are Tertiary to Quarternary Andesite Basalt. The existance of goethermal system in this area is indicated by the presence of thermal manifestation in form of alteration and five hot springs temperature in the ranges 44.4 ndash 92.5 oC, and pH 8.19 ndash 9.43 and type of fluida are bicarbonate, sulphate bicarbonate, and sulfate chloride. The development of geothermal system is affected by tectonic oblique between the Indian Ocean plate and the Eurasian Contenent Plate direction of the Sumatra fault patterns.
Based on the analysis of geothermal water reservoir temperature are taken through the calculation geothermometer SiO2 Fournier 1977, Na K Giggenbach 1988 , Na K Ca, Na K Mg diagram and Enthalpi Mixing Cloride Model range 145 ndash 155 oC, classified as intermediate temperature. Base on a three dimensional inversion of the magnetotelluric data obtained depth Top of Reservoir TOR geothermal system area ldquo Z rdquo about 400 m elevation 50 meters above sea leavel , while based on the two dimensional of the gravity data predicted heat sources such as cooling instrusion estimated gabbro density 2,95 ndash 3,15 gr cc and reservoar such as sandstone resistivity 50 ndash 250 m density 2,60 gr cc . The Geothermal systems of research area classified as the type of intermediate temperature tectonic fracture zone with prospect area about 7,5 km2.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sibarani, Catherine
"Salah satu metode geofisika yang dapat digunakan untuk eksplorasi panas bumi adalah metode gravitasi karena metode ini dapat mendeteksi batuan dibawah permukaan berdasarkan variasi medan gravitasi yang disebabkan oleh perbedaan densitas batuan. Dalam sistem panas bumi, salah satu objek yang sensitif terhadap kontras densitas adalah batuan reservoir. Oleh sebab itu, metode gravitasi sangat tepat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi batuan reservoir. Batuan reservoir memiliki densitas batuan yang relatif rendah akibat efek pemanasan dari heat source, sedangkan batuan non-reservoir disekitarnya memiliki densitas batuan yang lebih tinggi. Kontak antara kedua batuan inilah yang akan dideteksi oleh metode gravitasi dan selanjutnya dimodelkan dengan metode inversi dalam 3D.
Metode inversi dilakukan karena bersifat lebih objektif dan sesuai dengan keadaan asli dilapangan dibandingkan dengan pemodelan forward. Pemodelan juga dilakukan dalam 3D untuk memberikan gambaran yang lebih jelas tentang batuan dibawah permukaan, tidak hanya dari satu penampang saja. Sebagai justifikasi letak batuan reservoir, dilakukan analisis patahan menggunakan analisis derivatif berupa First Horizontal Derivatives FHD dan Second Vertical Derivatives SVD . Identifikasi patahan ini akan membantu menganalisis keberadaan dan bentuk batuan reservoir karena patahan berperan penting sebagai zona recharge dan discharge yang mengarah menuju atau keluar dari batuan reservoir.

One of many geophysical methods that can be used for geothermal exploration is gravity method because this method is able to detect subsurface rocks based on the variation of gravity field that is caused by the difference of rock density. In geothermal system, one of the object that is sensitive to density contrast is reservoir rock Therefore, gravity method is the appropriate method used to identify geothermal reservoir. Reservoir rock has a relatively low density as a heating efect from heat source, while non reservoir rock has higher density. The contact between these rocks will be detected with gravity method and further will be modeled with inversion method in 3D.
Inversion method is applied because it is more objective and suitable with the real condition rather than forward method. Modeling is also done in 3D to give a better representation on subsurface area, not only from one section. To justify the location of reservoir rock, subsurface structure analysis using derivatives analysis which are First Horizontal Derivatives FHD and Second Vertical Derivatives SVD is done. Structure identification will help analyzing reservoir whereabouts and its form because subsurface structure has an important role as recharge and discharge zone of the geothermal system that aim towards and leave the reservoir rock.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Rifa Saifanah
"Walaupun sudah diprediksi dapat menghasilkan sebanyak 20 MW energi listrik, Lapangan Geotermal “T” masih belum dapat mencapai target tersebut bahkan setelah dibornya lima sumur. Dengan data dari lubang bor yang sudah tersedia, dilakukan analisis keberadaan feed zone untuk mencoba memetakan lapisan permeabel serta kemenerusan struktur geologi di Lapangan Geotermal “T”. Hasilnya, lapisan permeabel terduga reservoir berada pada rentang kedalaman 800 – 1400 m, dan dipotong oleh dua sesar normal yaitu Sesar Banda dan Sesar Banda-Hatuhasa yang menerus hingga kedalaman ±1400 m Kedua sesar tersebut memiliki arah kemiringan ke tenggara – selatan, dengan besar kemiringan 50° (Sesar Banda) dan 70° (Sesar Banda-Hatuhasa).  Selain itu, data temperatur bawah-permukaan dan data geokimia Na/K menunjukkan bahwa pusat sistem panas bumi adalah G. Eriwakang. Dari hasil analisis tersebut, diperkirakan lokasi pengeboran terbaik untuk meningkatkan temperatur fluida panas bumi yang diekstraksi adalah dengan membuat sumur yang lebih dekat dengan G. Eriwakang dengan menargetkan sesar baru.

The previously predicted 20 MW electrical energy producing “T” Geothermal Field still has not reached said target even after five wells being drilled. Earlier studies showed that the center of geothermal system in the area was predicted to be below Mt. Eriwakang all along and not below Mt. Salahutu – Mt. Kadera as JICA had reported. Using temperature, pressure, and lithology datas acquired from existing wells, feed zone analysis were done in order to map permeable layers and faults’ continuities beneath the surface. The results showed that the major permeable layer is located at around 800 – 1400 m beneath the surface, being cut by two, 1400 m deep-normal faults named Banda Fault and Banda-Hatuhasa Fault. Both faults has shown south to southeast dip direction, facing the field’s heat source and upflow zone with dip value of ±50° for Banda Fault and ±70° for Banda-Hatuhasa Fault. Through subsurface temperature data and Na/K ratio analysis it is predicted that Mt. Eriwakang is the center of the geothermal system. From this analysis, it is assumed that the best location for drilling to increase extracted fluid’s temperature in the future would be near Mt. Eriwakang while targetting faults other than Banda and Banda-Hatuhasa."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Yunita
"Daerah penelitian “M” merupakan salah satu daerah yang memiliki potensi geotermal di Indonesia. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan adanya struktur geologi dan kemunculan manifestasi di permukaan yang dapat membantu dalam mengidentifikasi keberadaan sistem geotermal di bawah permukaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan inversi 3-dimensi magnetotellurik untuk mengetahui distribusi resistivitas di bawah permukaan, penentuan area prospek, serta pembuatan model konseptual dengan integrasi data magnetotellurik dan data pendukung berupa data geologi, geokimia, dan gravitasi. Berdasarkan data pendukung geologi, daerah “M” terdiri dari susunan produk vulkanik berumur kuarter dan struktur geologi dengan arah barat laut-tenggara. Dari data pendukung geokimia, ditemukan endapan travertine di sekitar manifestasi mata air panas yang relatif bersifat netral, temperatur cukup tinggi, dan berasosiasi dengan struktur geologi. Fluida di mata air panas tersebut dominan bertipe bicarbonate water yang menandakan fluida berasal dari reservoir dan dominan telah terkontaminasi oleh meteoric water. Fluida tersebut juga dominan memiliki nilai klorida tinggi yang menandakan bahwa lingkungan manifestasi mata air panas berada di lingkungan vulkanik. Selain itu, perhitungan dengan geotermometer diperoleh dugaan temperatur reservoir berkisar antara 160°C-180°C. Berdasarkan hasil pemodelan inversi 3-dimensi magnetotellurik dan data pendukung berupa model forward2-dimensi gravitasi diketahui sebaran dari variasi resistivitas dan densitas bawah permukaan yang menggambarkan lapisan clay cap, top of reservoir, dan bentuk updome yang kemungkinan merupakan heat source. Lapisan dengan nilai resistivitas rendah diduga merupakan clay cap atau batuan penudung berupa sebaran batuan beku yang mengalami alterasi. Di bawah lapisan clay cap terdapat sebaran resistivitas medium yang diindikasikan sebagai reservoir berupa batu gamping bahbotala. Di bagian bawahnya terdapat lapisan dengan resistivitas tinggi yang kemungkinan adalah batuan metamorf yang menjadi batuan dasar/basement. Diantara basement ini terdapat bentuk updome dengan resistivitas sedikit lebih tinggi yang diduga merupakan batuan terobosan atau intrusi yang dapat menjadi sumber panas bagi sistem geotermal. Sumber panas ini diduga berasal dari Dolok Tinggi Raja dikarenakan terbentuknya dome di permukaan yang mungkin diakibatkan oleh adanya larutan magma yang tidak tererupsikan keluar permukaan sehingga membentuk batuan terobosan di bawah permukaan. Adanya sumber panas ini dapat menimbulkan aliran fluida panas secara vertikal (upflow). Berdasarkan integrasi data-data tersebut, area prospek geotermal di daerah “M” diperkirakan berada di sekitar Dolok Tinggi Raja melebar ke arah timur laut, timur, dan selatan.

The research area "M" is one of the areas with geothermal potential in Indonesia. This is indicated by the presence of geological structures and the appearance of manifestations on the surface which can assist in identifying the presence of subsurface geothermal systems. This study uses 3-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion to determine the distribution of resistivity below the surface, determine prospect areas, and construct a conceptual model by integrating magnetotelluric data and supporting data in the form of geological, geochemical and gravity data. Based on supporting geological data, the "M" area consists of volcanic products of quarter age and geological structures in a northwest-southeast direction. From supporting geochemical data, travertine deposits around hot spring manifestations were found which were relatively neutral, had relatively high temperatures, and were associated with geological structures. The fluid in the hot springs is dominant of the bicarbonate water type, which indicates that the fluid comes from a reservoir and has been predominantly contaminated by meteoric water. The fluid also dominantly has a high chloride value which indicates that the manifestation environment of the hot springs is in a volcanic environment. In addition, calculations with the geothermometer obtained an estimated reservoir temperature ranging from 160°C-180°C. Based on the results of 3-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion modeling and supporting data in the form of a 2-dimensional forward gravity model, it is known that the distribution of resistivity and subsurface density variations describes the clay cap layer, top of reservoir, and up-dome shape which may be a heat source. The layer with a low resistivity value is thought to be a clay cap or a cap rock in the form of a distribution of altered igneous rocks. Beneath the clay cap layer, there is a medium resistivity distribution which is indicated as a reservoir in the form of bahbotala limestone. At the bottom, there is a layer with high resistivity which is probably the metamorphic rock that became the basement. Among these basements, there is an up-dome with slightly higher resistivity which is thought to be a breakthrough or intrusive rock which can be a heat source for geothermal systems. This heat source is thought to have originated from Dolok Tinggi Raja due to the formation of a dome on the surface which may be caused by the presence of magma solution that has not erupted off the surface to form breakthrough rock below the surface. The existence of this heat source can cause a vertical flow of hot fluid (up-flow). Based on the integration of these data, the geothermal prospect area in the “M” area is estimated to be around Dolok Tinggi Raja, widening to the northeast, east, and south."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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