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Kurniawan Adikusuma
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pelaksanaan nilai-nilai budaya perusahaan terkait
kualitas layanan, kualitas proses, tingkat kedisiplinan, dan kepatuhan terhadapStandard
Operating Procedure (SOP) pada suatu organisasi. Dengan mengambil kasus komunikasi
keorganisasian di Bank DKI, tujuan penelitian adalah mengevaluasi peran komunikasi
terhadap penerapan budaya perusahaan di lingkungan internal Bank DKI.Penelitian ini
menggunakan teori Smith (2005) mengenai tiga tingkatan tujuan program organisasi dan
teori evaluasi program komunikasi.Penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif melalui
metode wawancara ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa perlunya komitmen dari
manajemen untuk fokus memperbaiki nilai-nilai budaya perusahaan dan meningkatkan
kinerja bisnis melalui proses SOP yang benar dan melaksanakan fungsi risk and
compliance dalam menjalankan proses bisnis.

This research is based on the implementation of corporate culture related to service
standard, process quality, disciplinary, and level of conformation of an
organization’sStandard Operating Procedure(SOP) in an organization. Using
anorganizational communication case in Bank DKIfor the research sample, the goal is to
evaluate the function of communication on the implementation of internal corporate
culture applicationinBank DKI.This research uses Smith’s Theory (2005) on the three
levels of organizational program and communication evaluation. Using qualitative
approach utilizing interview method to a conclusion that management commitment is
needed to focus on improving its corporate culture value and enhancing business
productivity by implementing SOP correctly and executing risk and compliance function
on business process., This research is based on the implementation of corporate culture related to service
standard, process quality, disciplinary, and level of conformation of an
organization’sStandard Operating Procedure(SOP) in an organization. Using
anorganizational communication case in Bank DKIfor the research sample, the goal is to
evaluate the function of communication on the implementation of internal corporate
culture applicationinBank DKI.This research uses Smith’s Theory (2005) on the three
levels of organizational program and communication evaluation. Using qualitative
approach utilizing interview method to a conclusion that management commitment is
needed to focus on improving its corporate culture value and enhancing business
productivity by implementing SOP correctly and executing risk and compliance function
on business process.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vina Juwitasari
Nama : Vina JuwitasariProgram Studi : Kajian Administrasi Rumah SakitJudul Tesis : Analisis Budaya Keselamatan Pasien Sebagai Salah Satu Upaya DalamMewujudkan Visi Misi Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah Puri IndahBudaya keselamatan menjadi hal yang diutamakan dalam melaksanakanpelayanan pasien terutama di RS. Penelitian mengenai budaya keselamatan pasien diRumah Sakit Pondok Indah Puri Indah dilakukan untuk memenuhi temuan JCI padatrianneal survey tahun 2016 yaitu belum dilaksanakannya evaluasi terhadap persepsi stafmengenai budaya keselamatan pasien. Metode penelitian ini memakai mix methodexplanatory dengan menganalisis outcome dari hasil survei AHRQ dengan menggunakanpendekatan sistemik Malcolm Baldrige. Instrumen penelitian yang dipakai adalah denganmenggunakan kuesioner HSOPC Hospital Survey of Patient Safety Culture dari AHRQ Agency for Health Research and Quality yang terdiri dari 42 pertanyaan dandikelompokkan dalam 12 dimensi dan dilanjutkan dengan wawancara terstrukturmenggunakan pendekatan 7 aspek dari Malcolm Baldrige yaitu Kepemimpinan, RencanaStartegis, Fokus pada Tim, Fokus pada Pelanggan, Fokus pada Proses, Pengukuran,Analisisdan Manajemen Pengetahuan serta Hasil. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan dimensiPembelajaran Organisasi dan Peningkatan Berkelanjutan 77 dan dimensi KerjasamaDalam Unit 76 memiliki hasil persepsi positif yang tertinggi dan digolongkan dalamkategori Baik. Dimensi Respon non-punitive terhadap kesalahan, Staffing dan Serah terimadan transisi mempunyai hasil persepsi positif terendah dan masuk dalam kategori Kurang.Rencana tindakan yang akan dilakukan adalah perbaikan kebijakan dan prosedur mengenaipenanganan pelaporan insiden yang menjelaskan mengenai respon non-punitif serta RSakan membuat program mengenai budaya keselamatan pasien yang akan dievaluasi secaraberkala.Kata Kunci : Budaya Keselamatan Pasien, AHRQ, Malcolm Baldrige

Name Vina JuwitasariStudy Program Hospital Administration, Public Health Faculty, University of IndonesiaJudul Tesis Patient Safety Culture Analysis As An Effort To Actualize Vision and Missionof Pondok Indah Puri Indah HospitalPatient safety culture is a priority to implement a good patient care especiallyin hospital. Research of patient safety culture in Pondok Indah Puri Indah Hospital wasconducted to accomplish JCI Not Met finding in 2016 trianneal survey ldquo there is noevaluation of staf perception on patient safety culture being conducted rdquo . This research isusing a mix method explanatory that analyse the outcome of the survey with sistemicapproach of Malcolm Baldrige. The tool used for this research is HSOPC Hospital Surveyof Patient Safety Culture from AHRQ Agency for Health Research and Quality thatconsist of 42 questions and grouped to 12 dimention then will be continue with structuredinterview using 7 aspect from Malcolm Baldrige Leadership, Strategic Planning, Focus onTeam, Focus on customer, Focus on Process, Measurement, Analysis and KnowledgeManagement and Outcome. The outcome of this research are Organization Learning andContinous Improvement dimention 77 and Teamwork Within Unit 76 dimention hasthe highest results of positive perceptions and classified to Good category. And dimention ofNon punitive respond to error, Staffing and Handoffs and Transition has the lowest resultsof positive perceptions and classified to Poor category. Actions plans and recommendationsfor the hospital are to review the policy and procedure of incident report handling andmanagement that will explain more about the incident management and non punitiveresponds and to create a program that support patient safety culture and will be evaluatedperiodically.Keywords Patient Safety Culture, AHRQ, Malcolm Baldrige,"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Bachrudin
Pembentukan budaya Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) menjadi hal yang penting bagi perusahaan karena perusahaan dengan budaya GCG yang lebih baik, memiliki kinerja pasar yang lebih baik pula. Untuk melakukan internalisasi budaya perusahaan, dibutuhkan komunikasi organisasi yang tepat sesuai dengan karakteristik perusahaan dan hasil asesmen budaya. Penelitian ini membahas tentang bagaimana gambaran pembentukan budaya Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance/GCG) dan mengidentifikasi Program Komunikasi Organisasi yang mendukung internalisasi budaya Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance/GCG). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, dengan pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan kepustakaan berdasarkan dokumentasi dan laporan. Dalam hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa alur komunikasi secara diagonal (diagonal comunication) menjadi alur komunikasi yang banyak digunakan seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi. Program komunikasi budaya organisasi yang mendukung dalam internalisasi budaya GCG dengan cara Fantasy themes saat ini dapat dilakukan secara efisien khususnya bagi lingkungan unit kerja yang memiliki hasil assessment budaya yang rendah.

The formation of a culture of Good Corporate Governance is important for companies because companies with a better Good Corporate Culture have better market performance. To internalize the corporate culture, proper organizational communication is needed in accordance with the characteristics of the company and the results of the cultural assessment. This study discusses how to describe the formation of a Good Corporate Governance (GCG) culture and identify an Organizational Communication Program that supports the internalization of a Good Corporate Governance (GCG) culture. The research method used is qualitative, with data collection using observations, in-depth interviews, and literature based on documentation and reports. In the research results show that the diagonal communication channel (diagonal communication) becomes the communication channel that is widely used along with the development of information technology. Organizational culture communication programs that support the internalization of Good Corporate Culture by means of Fantasy themes can now be done efficiently, especially for work unit environments that have low cultural assessment results.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Faris Mas`Ud
"Penerapan Teknologi Informasi atau TI telah mencakup berbagai bidang. Sehingga pemanfaatannya sudah menjadi kebutuhan semua organisasi lembaga ataupun perusahaan dalam maupun luar negeri. Dalam penerapan TI tersebut perlu suatu acuan agar terjadi keselarasan penerapan visi misi perusahaan. Acuan ini sering kita sebut sebagai Tata Kelola. Berdasarkan Visi Misi dari Perusahaan tempat penelitian, terdapat tiga pertimbangan sehingga memerlukan pengukuran tata kelola TI. Yaitu: 1. Mengukur keuntungan Investasi TI, 2. Mengukur Tingkat kapabilitas level tata kelola perusahaan, dan 3. Kondisi persaingan yang semakin pesat sehingga menuntut organisasi untuk terus berinovasi. Hubungan antara tata kelola TI dapat diukur menggunakan kerangka kerja COBIT. Kerangka kerja yang digunakan ialah COBIT 5, karena memiliki kriteria penilaian yang akurat, konsisten terhadap kondisi visi misi perusahaan sekarang ini. Oleh karena itu, COBIT 5 dapat menjadi metode evaluasi TI yang tepat dan mampu membantu Organisasi untuk mengetahui capability level dari tata kelola TI, dan tentu memberikan rekomendasi untuk organisasi di masa mendatang. Dari hasil yang dilakukan, pengukuran level kapabilitas di PT. XYZ adalah 4 dari skala 5. Dimana hasil tersebut masih belum sesuai dari harapan Kepala Divisi. Tetapi dari hasil tersebut menunjukkan penerapan Tata kelola TI di PT. XYZ sudah optimal.

Applied Information Technology has covered various fields. So that its use itself has become a necessity for all organizations, both domestic companies. In the application of IT, a reference is needed so that there is an alignment of implementation from company’s vision and mission. This referred to as Governance. Vision and mission based on the company research that there are three considerations that require measurement of IT Governance. These are: 1. Measuring profitability of IT Investment, 2. Measuring the level of corporate governance capability level, and 3. The competitive conditions require organizations to continuously improvement. This case can be measured using the COBIT Framework. In this study, researcher using COBIT 5 because this has accurate assessment criteri and consistent. Therefore, COBIT 5 can be appropriate IT evaluation method and is able to determine the capability level of IT Governance, and this course provide the best recommendations for oganizations in the future. From the results of assessment, we assumed that IT Governance from PT. XYZ is 4 out a scale of 5. This result is still not in line with expectation from Division Head. But from these results indicate the application of IT governance at PT. XYZ is already optimized."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggara Mastangi
Tujuan dari karya akhir ini adalah untuk memahami bagaimana balanced scorecard dapat menjadi sebuah alat untuk membantu pencapaian tujuan perguruan tinggi negeri, yaitu Universitas Indonesia, yang secara eksplisit dinyatakan dalam visi dan misinya. Karya akhir ini juga menjelaskan kerangka kerja balanced scorecard pada pendidikan tinggi untuk mengalirkan tujuan utama Universitas Indonesia sebagai institusi pendidikan tinggi negeri, yang dideskripsikan ke dalam 4 empat komponen utama: perspektif pemangku kepentingan, perspektif proses bisnis internal, perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran dan perspektif keuangan. Karya akhir ini juga akan mendiskusikan bagaimana balanced scorecard memainkan peranan penting sebagai alat manajemen strategis untuk membantu Universitas Indonesia untuk menerjemahkan tujuan institusinya menjadi serangkaian inisiatif strategis, ukuran kinerja dan indikator rasional.Kata kunci ndash; balanced scorecard, ukuran, indikator, target, tujuan strategis, perspektif, universitas.

The purpose of this paper is to understand how balanced scorecard can be a tool to achieve the goals of state university, University of Indonesia, which are explicitly stated on its vision and mission. This paper is also to explain the framework of balanced scorecard in higher education to cascade the main goal for University of Indonesia as higher education institution, which described on its 4 four main components stakeholders perspective, internal business process perspective, learning and growth perspective, and financial perspective. This paper will discuss how balanced scorecard will play an important role as a strategic management tool to help University of Indonesia to translate its institutional goals into a comprehensive set of strategic initiatives, performance measures, and rational indicators.Keywords ndash balanced scorecard, measures, indicators, target, strategic goals, perspective, university"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dody Danindra
Tesis ini membahas mengenai kompetensi yang dimiliki auditor intern saat ini,
dalam proses melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai internal auditor, untuk mencapai
misi dan visi yang telah ditetapkan oleh Departemen Audit Intern Bank Indonesia.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan
disain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi auditor belum
dapat mewujudkan dengan baik, misi dan visi Departemen Audit Intern Bank
Indonesia yang mencakup profesionalisme auditor dan pemenuhan standar
internasional audit intern. Auditor intern belum memahami secara lebih mendalam
terhadap proses bisnis di departemen lain di Bank Indonesia. Kompetensi teknis
yang dimiliki auditor antara lain, pemahaman mengenai governance dan risk
management, belum diimplementasikan dengan baik dalam pelaksanaan audit.
Lebih lanjut, persyaratan pemenuhan kompetensi belum didukung dengan adanya
threshold kompetensi yang wajib dimiliki auditor intern dan pengembangan
auditor intern belum dilakukan sesuai prioritas kebutuhan audit. Semua itu
membutuhkan komitmen seluruh pihak di Departemen Audit Intern Bank

This thesis discusses about currently competency of internal auditors in the
process of carrying out his duties as internal auditor, to achieve the mission and
vision that has been set by the Internal Audit Department at Bank Indonesia. The
method used in this research is qualitative method with descriptive design. The
results showed that the competence of the auditor has not been able to realize the
mission and vision of the Internal Audit Department at Bank Indonesia, which
includes professionalism of auditors and internal audit compliance with
international standards. Internal auditors do not understand in more depth the
business processes in other departments at Bank Indonesia. Technical competence
of auditors, among others, an understanding of the governance and risk
management, has not been implemented properly in the audit processes.
Furthermore, compliance with the requirements of competence has not been
supported by the competence threshold that must be owned by the internal auditor
and internal auditor development has not performed according to the priorities of
the audit requirement. All off this require the commitment of all parties in the
Internal Audit Department at Bank Indonesia."
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Farid Raditia
"Tesis ini membahas kemampuan mahasiswa Pasca Sarjana Manajemen Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik UI angkatan 2006 dalam menelaah teori — teori komunikasi organisasi, budaya organisasi, merger dan perubahan budaya organisasi pasca merger untuk meneliti bagaimana dampak dari kegiatan komunikasi internal terhadap perubahan budaya pasca merger dalam suatu perusahaan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain metode penelitian deskriptif menggunakan strategi intrinsic case study. Penelitian ini menyarankan bahwa pasca merger, perusahaan perlu menciptakan agen - agen perubahan dalam membantu komunikasi dalam upaya perubahan budaya pasca merger. Kemudian perusahaan juga perlu mengadakan audit budaya dan mengadakan forum group discussion (FGD) yang berkelanjutan antara manajemen dan karyawan.

Focus of this thesis is about capability of Corporate Communication Management Student from Post Graduate Program at Sosial Political Science Faculty University of Indonesia experience of acquiring of corporate communication, merger, and corporate culture change post merger to research impact of internal communication within corporate culture transformation post merger. This research is qualitative research with descriptive design and using intrinsic case study strategy. This research is has advice that a company need to create change agent to support internal communication within effort for cultural change post merger. Company also need to do a cultural audit and then build 2 ( two ) direction communication by Forum Group Discussion."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Rianda Anugre
"[Tesis ini menganalisis komunikasi internal pada organisasi perusahaan multinasional dalam konteks manajemen komunikasi yang didasarkan pada faktor penentu dan faktor penghambat komunikasi yang efektif (Lesley, 1991) serta menganalisis strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan organisasi dalam rangka sosialisasi Good Corporate Governance (“GCG”). Studi ini mengangkat kasus perusahaan multinasional yaitu Telin Group, yang mensosiliasikan kebijakan di anak perusahaan dengan dua perbedaan karakteristik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan perolehan data melalui wawancara mendalam, studi dokumen dan kepustakaan. Hasil akhir dari studi ini menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi organisasi internal adalah sangat penting dan jelas dibutuhkan dalam sebuah organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan organisasi. Komunikasi internal yang dikelola dan diorganisasikan secara baik dapat membantu organisasi dalam menciptakan iklim komunikasi yang baik dan kondusif;This thesis analyzing internal communication on the multinational corporations to take the socialization Good Corporate Governance (“GCG”) at PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International group and 2 subsidiary company Telin Malaysia dan Telin Timor Leste. In terms of management of communications based on decisive and a barrier aspect to effective communication presented by Lesley (1991) and also analyzed the communications strategy within the socialization of the GCG. This study took the case to the multinational companies that TELIN Group, where the parent policy socialize the group policy in subsidiaries, studied company profile is divided into companies that are in the countries that already have good rules of corporate governance and in countries that do not have corporate governance rules. This study used a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews , a number of valuable dokunmen , and literature study . At the end result of this study showed that internal organizational communication is very important and clearly needed within an organization to achieve organizational goals . Internal communications are managed and well organized can help organizations to create a climate of good and conductive communication., This thesis analyzing internal communication on the multinational corporations to take the socialization Good Corporate Governance (“GCG”) at PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International group and 2 subsidiary company Telin Malaysia dan Telin Timor Leste. In terms of management of communications based on decisive and a barrier aspect to effective communication presented by Lesley (1991) and also analyzed the communications strategy within the socialization of the GCG. This study took the case to the multinational companies that TELIN Group, where the parent policy socialize the group policy in subsidiaries, studied company profile is divided into companies that are in the countries that already have good rules of corporate governance and in countries that do not have corporate governance rules. This study used a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews , a number of valuable dokunmen , and literature study . At the end result of this study showed that internal organizational communication is very important and clearly needed within an organization to achieve organizational goals . Internal communications are managed and well organized can help organizations to create a climate of good and conductive communication.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tobing, Melati Mediana
"The world is changing at a very high speed. Changes taking place have made human anticipate them at the same manner. Global culture has become unavoidable as the impact of advanced civilization and technological advancement which, on the one hand, bring human happiness in their life. On the other hand people have to meet the requirement to be part of the global world; either they have to 'run' or 'walk slowly'.
Culture is a set of values which should be the strength to develop human life over a long period of time. Being a follower of other culture that has been a success has caused human to lose their identity over forgetting their own values and characters.
Corporate organization as part of the society also has culture values that grow along the corporate development. Each corporate always (or should) has its own culture, strong or weak. The stronger the cultures the more potential the corporate has in order to survive and succeed over time. Thus, the development of corporate value will be useful to meet the company objectives and gain benefits.
Each communication interaction taking place always takes up spatial dimension. People create their living environment by organizing their bed .and sitting area, furniture, house until their city. Gradually, the living environment will create back the way people live which include communication among people within. Characteristics of culture are reflected in the behavior of the people within the culture.
However, space as the external factor in communication is often ignored. There have only been several research and studies on space facilitated communication. Every culture uses space in various different ways. Environment plays an important role in communication and shaping communication behavior in a small scope. Therefore, it will be interesting to look at the culture concepts of a society (in this case is Bank -corporate).
This research helps us to better understand the different culture contexts. The mindful, communication also helps us to be successful communicators across cultures which in the end will increase quality production and avoid conflicts and culture shock."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
T 9151
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novrina Nur Isyani
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh media komunikasi internal terhadap kinerja karyawan melalui budaya perusahaan pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Dalam penelitian kali ini, ada tiga media komunikasi internal BRI yang akan diuji, yaitu Digital Office, BRISmart, dan BRIShare. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui survey dengan menyebarkan kuesioner. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 204 orang yang merupakan karyawan BRI yang berada di kantor pusat, mulai dari karyawan tetap, kontrak, dan trainee.
Dari hasil analisis data diketahui bahwa ketiga media komunikasi internal tersebut berpengaruh langsung terhadap kinerja. Ketiga media komunikasi internal tersebut juga berpengaruh terhadap budaya perusahaan. Selain itu, dengan menggunakan causal steps yang dikembangkan oleh Baron & Kenny (1986) untuk menentukan hasil mediasi, diketahui bahwa dua media dimediasi secara parsial oleh budaya perusahaan dan satu media dimediasi secara penuh oleh budaya perusahaan.

This study aims to examine the effect of internal communication media on employee performance through corporate culture at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. There are three internal communication media of BRI to be tested in this research, namely Digital Office, BRISmart, and BRIShare. This study uses quantitative methods with survey as the data collection technique by distributing questionnaires. The number of respondents in this study are 204 people who are employees of BRI located at head office, starting from permanent employees, temporary employees, and the trainees as well.
From the data analysis, it is known that these internal communication media have an effect on the employee performance. These media also affect the corporate culture. Furthermore, using the causal steps developed by Baron & Kenny (1986) to determine the outcome of mediation, it is known that there are two media that are mediated partially by the corporate culture and the other one are fully mediated by the corporate culture.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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