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Sheila Dewi Ayu Kusumaningtyas
"[;;;, ABSTRAK
Kebakaran hutan dan lahan (karhutla) di Riau mulai marak seiring dengan
meningkatnya laju penebangan hutan, pembersihan lahan dan iklim kering. Karhutla
menyebabkan pencemaran udara bahkan hingga ke Singapura sehingga
mempengaruhi ketegangan politik diantara kedua negara. Karhutla kerap terjadi tiap
tahunnya, padahal sudah banyak regulasi dan institusi yang menangani pencegahan
karhutla serta pengendalian bencana asap. Ketika proses pembakaran biomassa
terjadi, pencemar aerosol terlepas ke udara. Tingginya konsentrasi aerosol
menurunkan kualitas udara setempat dan mengurangi jarak pandang. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk menganalisis kaitan karhutla di Provinsi Riau pada Juni 2013 dengan
pencemaran udara di Riau dan Singapura, karakteristik aerosol di Singapura pada saat
periode karhutla di Riau dan menganalisis implementasi kebijakan pencegahan dan
pengendalian bencana asap akibat karhutla. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah
campuran kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan data sekunder dan primer yang berasal
dari wawancara. Berdasarkan penelitian diketahui bahwa kebakaran di Riau pada Juni
2013 mengakibatkan kenaikan ISPU hingga 1084 (berbahaya) di Riau, kenaikan
konsentrasi PM 2,5, dan menurunkan visibilitas di Singapura. Hasil karakterisasi
melalui parameter aerosol optical depth (AOD), parameter Ångstrom, dan distribusi
ukuran partikel menunjukkan keberadaan aerosol berukuran kecil dengan jumlah
lebih banyak di Singapura yang merupakan ciri aerosol dari karhutla.
Lemahnya kepemimpinan dan penegakan hukum, kurangnya koordinasi antar institusi di tingkat pemerinrah daerah, dan belum optimalnya pemanfaatan informasi peringatan dini adalah sejumlah faktor penghambat implementasi kebijakan pengendalian bencana
asap akibat karhutla.

Forest and land fire in Riau increase along with the rapid deforestation, land clearing, and fueled by dry climate. Forest and land fire causes trans-boundary air pollution up to Singapore and creates tensions among neighboring countries. Fires in Riau routinely occur every year, although there are a lot of regulations and institutions dealing with fire prevention and smoke haze management. When biomass burns, certain aerosol pollutant is emitted to the atmosphere. High concentration of aerosol could degrade the local air quality and reduce visibility. This study aimed to analyze the relation of forest and land fire in Riau in June 2013 with the air pollution in Riau and Singapore, the characteristics of aerosol in Singapore during the fire period in Riau and the implementation of fire prevention and smoke haze management policies.Research method that being used are a mixture of quantitative and qualitative with secondary and primary data from interview. The research found that Riau fires in June 2013 resulted the increase of Pollutant Standard Index (PSI) until 1084 (hazardous) in Riau, increase the concentration of PM 2,5, and reduce visibility in Singapore. Aerosol characterization through aerosol optical depth (AOD), Ångstrom parameter and particle size distribution indicates the existence of a small-sized aerosol in a great number in Singapore which is characteristic of aerosol from forest and land fire. Weak leadership and law enforcement, lack of coordination among institutions in local level as well as low utilization of early warning information are a number of factors inhibiting the implementation of smoke haze management policies.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana implementasi kebijakan pencegahan kebakaran hutan dan lahan serta menganalisis apa saja faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Dalam melaksanakan upaya dalam pencegahan kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Provinsi Riau, bukan hanya dilakukan dengan sosialisasi dan kegiatan lainnya yang hanya menyasar permukaan dari penyebab permasalahan kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Tetapi juga menyasar bagaimana pengelolaan tata ruang khususnya pada kawasan gambut. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif pendekatan post positivis dengan studi literatur yang terkait dengan implementasi kebijakan dan pencegahan kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Sebagai bahan pendukung, peneliti melakukan tinjauan literatur. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bagaimana implementasi kebijakan pencegahan kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Provinsi Riau dan faktor-faktor yang mempegaruhinya masih terdapat beberapa kekurangan, namun upaya-upaya yang dilakukan pemerintah dapat dioptimalkan. Arah kebijakan Pemerintah Provinsi Riau dalam menetapkan RTRW yang tepat dan akurat untuk mendukung pencegahan kebakaran hutan dan lahan terutama dalam pengelolaan gambut telah menunjukkan komitmen yang tinggi dengan hadirnya kebijakan RPPEG dan Riau Hijau.

This study aims to analyze how policies are implemented to prevent forest and land fires and analyze the factors that influence them. In carrying out efforts to prevent forest and land fires in Riau Province, it is not only carried out with socialization and other activities that only target the surface of the causes of forest and land fire problems. But it also targets spatial management, especially in peat areas. The research uses a qualitative post-positivist approach with literature studies related to policy implementation and prevention of forest and land fires. As a supporting material, the researcher conducted a literature review. The results of the analysis show how the implementation of forest and land fire prevention policies in Riau Province and the factors that influence them still have some deficiencies, but the efforts made by the government can be optimized. The policy direction of the Riau Provincial Government in establishing a precise and accurate RTRW to support the prevention of forest and land fires, especially in peat management, has shown high commitment with the presence of the RPPEG and Riau Hijau policies."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bari Eka Nugraha
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang penerapan asas tanggung jawab negara dalam kasus kerusakan lintas batas dan / atau pencemaran. Penelitian dalam tesis ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif dan deskriptif. Pembahasan dalam penelitian ini membahas tentang pengenaan tanggung jawab Nikaragua atas perusakan lingkungan di wilayah teritorial Negara Kosta Rika. Kajian ini juga membahas potensi pemberlakuan asas tanggung jawab negara terhadap bencana kabut asap lintas batas akibat kebakaran hutan dan / atau lahan. Penugasan pertanggungjawaban kepada negara dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengacu pada Pasal Tanggung Jawab Negara atas Perbuatan Salah Secara Internasional. Juga akan dibahas tentang pengakuan asas tanggung jawab negara dalam konteks kerusakan lintas batas dan / atau pencemaran dalam kerangka hukum internasional dan kerangka hukum nasional serta beberapa kasus kerusakan dan / atau pencemaran lintas batas, seperti kasus trail smelter. , kasus Danau Lanoux, kasus Selat Corfu, dan kasus uji senjata nuklir. Penulis menemukan bahwa akuntabilitas negara lahir dari pengakuan kedaulatan negara yang melarang negara menimbulkan kerusakan dan / atau pencemaran yang melintasi batas wilayah negara. Larangan menimbulkan kerusakan dan / atau pencemaran telah menjadi norma hukum lingkungan internasional setelah dituangkan dalam prinsip 21 Stockholm Declaration dan penggunaan norma ini sebagai dasar penyelesaian sengketa lingkungan lintas batas.
This thesis discusses the application of the principle of state responsibility in cases of cross-border damage and / or pollution. The research in this thesis is a normative and descriptive juridical research. The discussion in this study discusses the imposition of Nicaragua's responsibility for environmental destruction in the territory of the State of Costa Rica. This study also discusses the potential for the application of the principle of state responsibility for transboundary haze disasters due to forest and / or land fires. The assignment of accountability to the state in this research is carried out with reference to the Article of State Responsibility for International Wrong Actions. It will also discuss the recognition of the principle of state responsibility in the context of transboundary damage and / or pollution in the international legal framework and national legal framework as well as several cases of cross-border damage and / or pollution, such as the trail smelter case. , the Lake Lanoux case, the Corfu Strait case, and the nuclear weapons test case. The author finds that state accountability is born from the recognition of state sovereignty which prohibits the state from causing damage and / or pollution that crosses national borders. The prohibition of causing damage and / or pollution has become a norm of international environmental law after it has been stated in the principles of the 21 Stockholm Declaration and the use of these norms as a basis for resolving cross-border environmental disputes."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adrianus Eryan Wisnu Wibowo
"Kabut asap telah menjadi momok yang sangat merugikan banyak pihak. Kerugian materiil maupun immateriil yang diderita begitu masif dan timbul dalam waktu yang cukup lama. Menariknya belum pernah ada gugatan terhadap kerugian akibat kabut asap di pengadilan Indonesia. Alasannya sederhana, karena kausalitas kabut asap dengan kerugian yang dialami korban sulit dibuktikan apabila merujuk pada ketentuan hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia saat ini, termasuk dengan teori kausalitas yang dianut. Skripsi ini hendak menjawab pertanyaan sederhana, dengan perkembangan teori kausalitas dalam ilmu hukum apakah kerugian akibat kabut asap dapat dibuktikan di pengadilan? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan perbandingan. Penelitian ini menuai hasil yang cukup positif di mana terdapat doktrin market share liability yang dapat mengakomodir pembuktian kausalitas kabut asap, baik dari segi hukum materiil maupun segi hukum formil di Indonesia. Namun pada akhirnya tetap diperlukan keterbukaan dari hakim untuk membangun logika hukum berdasarkan nilai-nilai kebenaran dan keadilan, yang dalam pandangan penulis dapat diakomodir melalui penerapan doktrin market share liability untuk membuktikan kausalitas terhadap kerugian akibat kabut asap.

Haze has become very detrimental scourge to many parties. Both material dan immaterial losses suffered are massive and arise in a long period of time. Interestingly, there has never been a lawsuit against haze in Indonesian courts. The reason is simply because proof of causation based on losses suffered by the victim from haze is very difficult to prove if one refer to laws recognized in Indonesia, including the embraced theory of causation. This undergraduate thesis wants to answer a simple question, with the development of theory of causation in jurisprudence, is it possible to prove causation based on losses from haze in courts The research method used in this thesis is a normative juridical research with conceptual approach and comparative approach. This research reaping positive results in which theory of market share liability could accommodate the proof of causation of haze, both in terms of material law and procedural law aspects recognized in Indonesia. In the end it still takes the open minded judge to build legal logic based on the value of justice and fairness, which in my point of view could be accomodated by applying market share liability doctrine as a proof of causation of loss from haze.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susilo Sudarman
Kebakaran lahan dan hutan merupakan ancaman terhadap lingkungan hidup.
Kebakaran lahan dan hutan dipengaruhi oleh pola penggunaan lahan untuk
budidaya. Karakteristik wilayah rawan kebakaran di Kabupaten Pelalawan adalah
wilayah yang memiliki kawasan hutan dengan fungsi hutan produksi konversi dan
hutan produksi terbatas; memiliki tutupan lahan dengan jenis hutan lahan kering
sekunder, semak belukar, semak belukar rawa dan tanah terbuka; serta memiliki
jenis tanah dan sistem lahan berupa endapan aluvial dan tanah mineral perbukitan
rendah, serta jenis tanah gambut dengan kedalaman rendah sampai sedang.
Kemunculan hotspot sebagai indikator kebakaran lahan dan hutan memiliki
hubungan dengan pola curah hujan rendah yang terjadi dua kali selama setahun di
Pelalawan, yaitu antara Januari─Februari dan yang paling ekstrim pada
Juli─Agustus. Langkah mitigasi kebakaran yang dilakukan pemerintah belum
diikuti dengan alternatif solusi budidaya tanam tanpa api. Perubahan budidaya
jenis tanaman semusim ke tanaman keras adalah bentuk adaptasi yang dilakukan
masyarakat. Laju pertumbuhan penduduk berpengaruh nyata terhadap peluang
terjadinya kebakaran lahan dan hutan. Tekanan terhadap penguasaan ruang
sebagai dampak dari pembangunan mempengaruhi kearifan lokal penggunaan api
dalam pengelolaan lahan. Terbatasnya akses terhadap modal perekonomian
menjadi salah satu faktor penghambat trasformasi sosial ekonomi dan budaya dari
pertanian subsisten menjadi agraris, sehingga penggunaan api masih menjadi
bagian dari budaya pengelolaan lahan.

Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture., Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Rahma Citra Lestari
"Masalah kebakaran hutan dan lahan telah menjadi isu nasional yang patut mendapat perhatian serius dari pemerintah. Kejadian ini terjadi setiap tahun secara berulang, khususnya pada lahan gambut. Perlu dipahami bahwa, instansi pemerintah dan masyarakat, termasuk petani, perusahaan-perusahaan perkebunan dan HTI, merupakan mata rantai yang tidak terputus yang terkait langsung dengan kebakaran hutan dan lahan ini. Pada penelitian ini dibuat sebuah hubungan antara kebakaran hutan yang dilihat dari parameter hotspot terhadap nilai parameter pencemar udara (ISPU) dan tingkat kesehatan masyarakat kota Pekanbaru. Parameter hotspot yang diteliti adalah semua lokasi yang terdapat di provinsi Riau dari tahun 2005 sampai tahun 2009. Sedangkan resiko pencemaran kualitas udara dan kesehatan masyarakat yang diteliti adalah di kota Pekanbaru pada tahun 2009. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisa data sekunder. Penelitian ini menghasilkan hubungan yang erat antara jumlah hotspot yang terdapat di berbagai daerah di provinsi Riau terhadap peningkatan nilai ISPU di kota Pekanbaru. Peningkatan nilai ISPU di kota Pekanbaru seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah hotspot yang terdapat di provinsi Riau. Peningkatan nilai ISPU ini juga berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan masyarakat kota Pekanbaru. Jumlah penderita penyakit meningkat 1 bulan sampai 2 bulan setelah kenaikan nilai ISPU di kota Pekanbaru.

Problem of land and forest fires have become national issues that deserve serious attention from the government. This event happens every year, especially on peatlands. It should be understood that, government agencies and communities, including farmers, companies and timber plantations, is an unbroken chain which is directly related to this land and forest fires. This study is to learn a relationship between forest fire from the hotspots parameters against the value of air pollutant parameters (ISPU) and the level of public health in Pekanbaru city. Hotspot parameters studied are all the locations contained in Riau province from 2005 until the year 2009. While the risk of pollution of air quality and public health research is in the Pekanbaru city in the year 2009. The method used in this research is secondary data analysis. This research produced a strong correlation between the number of hotspots in the various regions in the Riau province on the increase of the value of ISPU in the Pekanbaru city. Increasing the value of ISPU in the Pekanabaru city along with the increasing number of hotspots located in Riau province. Increasing the value of ISPU is also an effect on people's health in Pekanbaru city. The number of patients increased by one month until two months after the increase in value of ISPU in the Pekanbaru city."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farisya Isnaayu Khairunisa
"Kebakaran hutan dan lahan, baik disengaja maupun tidak, sering terjadi di Provinsi Riau, Indonesia, terutama saat musim kemarau. Riau memiliki lahan gambut seluas sekitar 4.811.865 ha. Pada akhir 2023, terdapat 163 hotspot kebakaran di Riau, dengan Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu memiliki hotspot terbanyak, yakni 69 titik, terutama di Kecamatan Rengat Barat, Rengat, dan Kuala Cenaku. Selain kondisi fisik lahan gambut, aktivitas manusia seperti kepadatan permukiman dan kerapatan parit juga berperan sebagai penyebab utama kebakaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) dan overlay serta super-imposed untuk mengolah distribusi hotspot, dengan tujuan mengetahui hubungan distribusi spasial potensi bahaya kebakaran hutan dan lahan dengan faktor kedalaman lahan gambut, kepadatan permukiman, dan kerapatan parit berdasarkan wilayah administrasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa distribusi potensi bahaya kebakaran cenderung mengelompok di area tertentu, seperti Kelurahan Sekip Hilir (Kecamatan Rengat), Kelurahan Sungai Dawu (Kecamatan Rengat Barat), dan Kelurahan Rawa Asri (Kecamatan Kuala Cenaku). Distribusi spasial potensi bahaya kebakaran memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan kedalaman lahan gambut dan kerapatan parit. Kepadatan permukiman yang dekat dengan jaringan jalan cenderung berpotensi rendah terhadap kebakaran, sementara kerapatan parit yang lebih dekat justru berpotensi lebih tinggi karena parit berfungsi sebagai drainase air gambut yang tidak terkendali.

Forest and land fires in Indonesia's Riau Province are common, particularly during the dry season. Riau's peatlands span about 4,811,865 hectares. By the end of 2023, the province had 163 hotspots, with Indragiri Hulu Regency having the highest number at 69. The numerous hotspots and extensive peatlands in Indragiri Hulu, especially in West Rengat, Rengat, and Kuala Cenaku sub-districts, make these areas particularly vulnerable to fires. Human activities, such as settlement density and drainage density, also contribute significantly to fire occurrences. This study uses Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) and overlay methods to analyze the spatial distribution of fire hazards, focusing on peatland depth, settlement density, and drainage density across administrative areas. The results indicate that fire hazards tend to cluster in specific areas: Sekip Hilir Village (Rengat Sub-district), Sungai Dawu Village (West Rengat Sub-district), and Rawa Asri Village (Kuala Cenaku Sub-district). The spatial distribution of fire hazards is significantly related to peatland depth and drainage density. Areas with high settlement density and close proximity to road networks tend to have lower fire potential. Conversely, areas with higher drainage density have increased fire potential due to uncontrolled peat water drainage systems."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Indra Januar
"Kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Kalimantan Barat akan menghasilkan emisi pencemar udara yaitu partikulat (PM10), karbon monoksida (CO), sulfur dioksida (SO2), nitrogen dioksida (NO2), dan ozon (O3) yang berpotensi mencemari kualitas udara di Kota Pontianak. Hasil pemantauan kualitas udara ini berupa nilai Indeks Standar Pencemar Udara (ISPU) yang berisikan nilai konsentrasi dari 5 macam parameter pencemar udara yaitu partikulat (PM10), karbon monoksida (CO), sulfur dioksida (SO2), nitrogen dioksida (NO2), dan ozon (O3). Kebakaran hutan dan lahan yang terjadi antara lain dikarenakan proses konversi hutan dan lahan di beberapa daerah di Kalimantan Barat menjadi lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit serta pemahaman oleh masyarakat bahwa cara membakar hutan merupakan metode paling murah dalam melakukan pembersihan lahan (land clearing). Kebakaran hutan dan lahan dapat dideteksi dengan menggunakan teknologi penginderaan jarak jauh yaitu dengan melakukan pemantauan jumlah dan sebaran hotspot (titik panas) di wilayah Kalimantan Barat. Penelitian mengenai dampak kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Kalimantan Barat terhadap kualitas udara Kota Pontianak ini dimulai pada bulan Desember 2009 hingga bulan Mei 2010.
Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa semakin banyak jumlah hotspot (titik panas) yang terpantau berpengaruh terhadap kualitas udara di Kota Pontianak. Dimana faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi seberapa besar dampak dari peristiwa kebakaran hutan dan lahan terhadap kualitas udara Kota Pontianak antara lain adalah jarak hotspot dari Kota Pontianak, suhu, serta arah dan kecepatan angin. Penurunan kualitas udara Kota Pontianak sebagai akibat dari peristiwa kebakaran hutan dan lahan menyebabkan peningkatan jumlah penderita penyakit infeksi saluran pernafasan atas (ISPA) dan gangguan saluran pernafasan lainnya. Penelitian ini juga memperlihatkan bahwa walaupun nilai ISPU harian termasuk ke dalam kategori baik-sedang, terdapat beberapa jam di hari tersebut yang termasuk ke dalam katergori tidak sehat dan peristiwa peningkatan konsentrasi polutan seringkali terjadi di malam hari.

Land and forest fire at West Borneo will emit carbon monoxide (CO), particulate (PM10), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and ozon (O3) which are potentially damage the air quality of Pontianak City. The monitoring result will be presented in air polluted standard index (ISPU) value. This index will contain the concentrating value from 5 different air polluting parameters like those that have been mentioned above. Most of land and forest fire caused by several things such as forest and land conversion process in some areas within West Borneo into coconut tree plantation, and the lack of understanding on how to do land clearing in a very cost effective way without burning the land and forest. Land and forest fire is able to be detected by far field identification technology like monitoring the amount and the spreaded hotspot of the burning area in West Borneo. The Research about the effect of land and forest fire at West Borneo to the air quality in Pontianak City was starting in December 2009 until May 2010.
This research result then shows that the amount of the detected hotspot area will directly correlated to the air quality of Pontianak City. The distance of the detected hotspot area from Pontianak City, the temperature, the wind speed and direction are a few factors that contributes on how bad the land and forest fire caused the air pollution in Pontianak City. The degradation of air quality in Pontianak City has also made the increasing of the people who suffer upper breathing channel infection (ISPA) and other similar diseases. The research also indicates that although the daily ISPU value is categorized in middle range between good and bad, there are several hours in a single day especially in the evening where the ISPU value will be in the unhealthy range."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Octa Fredi
"Isu lingkungan khususnya deforestasi telah menjadi perhatian dunia termasuk Indonesia yang kemudian merespon dengan keluarnya kebijakan moratorium hutan dan gambut di tahun 2011. Kebijakan ini menimbulkan pro dan kontra terkait trade off antara lingkungan dan ekonomi khususnya pada studi kasus sektor kelapa sawit. Penyelamatan lingkungan melalui kebijakan moratorium harus dihadapkan dengan potensi dampak melambatnya kontribusi ekonomi dari kelapa sawit sebagai komditas andalan baik di level regional dan nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak kebijakan moratorium terhadap daerah sentra kelapa sawit, Riau. Analisis penelitian menggunakan metode sistem dinamik selama periode aktual 2008-2016 dan dilanjutkan dalam proyeksi hingga 2026 dengan membandingkan skenario kondisi moratorium, tanpa moratorium dan moratorium berjangka. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kebijakan moratorium memberikan dampak positif terhadap perlambatan penurunan luas hutan namun di satu sisi juga memberikan dampak negatif terhadap perlambatan kontribusi ekonomi yang ditandai dengan perlambatan laju ekspansi lahan kelapa sawit, produksi kelapa sawit dan volume ekspor kelapa sawit yang kemudian berujung pada kontirbusi nilai ekspor kelapa sawit baik dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang.

Environmental issues, especially deforestation, have become the world's attention, including Indonesia, which then responded with the release of forest and peat moratorium policies in 2011. This policy raises the pros and cons of trade-offs between the environment and the economy especially on the case study of the palm oil sector. Saving the environment through moratorium policies should be faced with the potential impact of slowing economic contributions from oil palm as a reliable commodity both at regional and national levels. This study aims to analyze the impact of moratorium policy on the area of ​​oil palm center, Riau. The research analysis used dynamic system method during the actual period of 2008-2016 and continued in projection up to 2026 by comparing scenario of moratorium condition, without moratorium and futures moratorium. The results of the research indicate that the moratorium policy has a positive impact on the decline in forest area but on the one hand it also negatively impacts the slowdown of economic contribution which is marked by the slowing of the expansion rate of oil palm, palm oil production and export volume of palm oil which then lead to the contribution of value export of palm oil both in short and long term."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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