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Dyah Pangastuti
"Kebutuhan akan datum vertikal yang akurat di Jawa dan Sumatera sangat mendesak karena pada kedua pulau tersebut banyak dilakukan pembangunan infrastruktur. Saat ini referensi tinggi yang tersedia di Jawa dan Sumatera adalah geoid EGM2008. Hasil penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan bahwa geoid EGM2008 di Jawa dan Sumatera memiliki ketelitian 89.8 cm dan 33.4 cm. Penelitian terdahulu menggunakan asumsi bahwa mean sea level (MSL) berhimpit dengan geoid. Pada kenyataannya, geoid tidak berhimpit dengan MSL. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui ketelitian geoid EGM2008 di Jawa dan Sumatera dengan mengasumsikan MSL tidak berhimpit dengan geoid, yaitu dengan menggunakan parameter mean dynamic topography (MDT) dari ocean model.
Pada penelitian ini, MDT digunakan dalam penghitungan geoid geometris di Jawa dan Sumatera. MDT yang digunakan adalah hasil simulasi dari asimilasi altimetri dan Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dengan memasukkan parameter MDT pada penghitungan geoid geometris dan melakukan fitting terhadap jaring kontrol vertikal (JKV), ketelitian geoid EGM2008 di Jawa dan Sumatera meningkat menjadi 5.6 cm dan 4.4 cm. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa geoid EGM2008 sudah mencukupi untuk pemetaan skala besar dan menengah.

The needs for accurate vertical datum in Java and Sumatera are urgent, due to rapid development of infrastructure in both islands. Nowadays, the only vertical datum available in Java and Sumatera is the geoid of EGM2008. Previous research indicates that the accuracies of geoid EGM2008 were 89.8 cm and 33.4 cm in Java and Sumatera, respectively. Those results used assumption that geoid coincides with mean sea level (MSL). In fact, geoid does not coincide with MSL. Therefore, this research was conducted to investigate the accuracy of geoid of EGM2008 using mean dynamic topography (MDT) parameter from an ocean model.
In this research, the mean dynamic topography was introduced to calculate the geoid geometries. The MDT used was the result of assimilation of altimeter data and Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). Using MDT parameter has improved the accuracies of the geoid of EGM2008 to be 5.6 cm and 4.4 cm for Java and Sumatera, respectively, after it has been fitted by local reference. Hence, it can be concluded that these accuracies comply for medium and large-scale mapping.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marwa Millennia Chaerani
"Penelitian dilakukan di Sub-DAS Citarik, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Provinsi Jawa Barat dan merupakan bagian dari DAS Cimandiri, WS Cisadea-Cibareno. Sub-DAS Citarik. Secara geografis terletak pada 6°43'05" - 7°01'15"LS dan 106°30'50" - 106°41'00"BT. Litologi daerah penelitian secara regional terdiri dari batuan vulkanik, batuan piroklastik, dan batuan sedimen. Berdasarkan cakupan daerah aliran sungai, anakan Sungai Citarik mengalir dari kaki Gunung Salak hingga muara Pelabuhan Ratu. Karena itu Sungai Citarik memiliki beragam topografi dari bentukan lahan pegunungan hingga dataran rendah. Debit pada Sub-DAS Citarik yang sebagian besar berada pada daerah perbukitan dapat terpengaruh oleh struktur. Melalui analisis fault fracture density (FFD) dilakukan pendugaan zona permeabel dari suatu lokasi untuk mengetahui implikasinya terhadap debit aliran dasar, debit limpasan langsung, dan debit jumlah air tersedia. Berdasarkan perhitungan debit dengan pendekatan keseimbangan air metode F.J.Mock, didapatkan perbandingan rasio debit aliran dasar dan debit limpasan langsung pada zona FFD tinggi lebih besar dibandingkan dengan zona FFD rendah. Hal tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa bahwa lebih banyak debit yang terinfiltrasi dibandingkan dengan debit yang mengalir di permukaan.

The research was conducted in Citarik Sub-Watershed, Sukabumi Regency, West Java Province and part of the Cimandiri Watershed, WS Cisadea-Cibareno. Citarik sub-watershed. Geographically it is located at 6°43'05" - 7°01'15" S and 106°30'50" - 106°41'00"E. The lithology of the research area regionally consists of volcanic rocks, pyroclastic rocks, and sedimentary rocks. Based on the watershed coverage, the tributary of the Citarik River flows from the foot of Mount Salak to the Pelabuhan Ratu estuary. Therefore, the Citarik River has a variety of topography from mountainous landforms to lowlands. The flow of the Citarik Sub-watershed which is mostly located in hilly areas, can be affected by the structure. Through fault fracture density (FFD) analysis, it is possible to estimate the permeable zone to find out its implications for base flow discharge, surface runoff discharge, and total available water discharge. Based on the calculation of the discharge with the water balance approach, the F.J. Mock method, the ratio of base flow and surface runoff in the high FFD zone is greater than that in the low FFD zone. This indicates that more discharge infiltrate than flows on the surface."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Made Sandy
Jakarta: Direktorat Topografi. Departemen Angkatan Darat, 1961?
910.598 65 IMA t
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tomografi merupakan teknik pencintraan struktur internal objek dengan memetakan distribusi besaran fisis yang menjadi perhatian di dalam bidang tampang lintang objek. Landasan fisika dan matematika teknik tomografi dan akuisisi data yang diperlukan untuk merekonstruksi citra dibahas di dalam tulisan ini. Perkembangan tomografi dimulai dengan tomografi transmisi sinar-x (CT scan) sampai pada penggunaan jenis radiasi yang lain serta usaha pengembangan yang dilakukan oleh penulis juga dikemukakan. "
JURFIN 2:8 (1998)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Elvis F.
This paper is shown the leading sector in seven regencies in The National Strategic Area of Lake Toba, i.e. Tapanuli Utara, Simalungun, Karo, Dairi, Toba Samosir, Humbang Hasundutan, and Samosir. There are three approaches which used, i.e. the location quotient (LQ) to determine the base sector, sectoral typology to determine the prime sector, and overlay of the base sector and prime sector to determine the leading sector. The data analyzed is the gross regional domestic product (GRDP, PDRB) in the year of 2010 to 2016 at 2010 constant market prices.
The result of data analysis show that all of the prime sector are as leading sector and not all of base sector as the prime sector. With the overlay method between the base sector and the prime sector, the leading sector are: (1) agriculture, forestry, and fishing; (2) construction; (3) accommodation and food service; and (4) public administration and defence; compulsory social security. However, only one of them as the leading sector among the seven regencies, namely public administration and defense; compulsory social security sector. From the data analysis, all prime sectors are the leading sector and not all base sectors are the prime sector. So, the overlay results indicate that the prime sector as well as the leading sector. Thus, to determine the leading sector simply by using the approach of sectoral typology.
Universitas HKBP Nonmensen, 2018
050 VISI 26:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aryo Hendrawan W. K.
Kelestarian Kebun Raya Bogor kini semakin tertekan oleh pesatnya pembangunan
di kawasan sekitarnya. Untuk mencegah semakin memburuknya kondisi ini, maka
diperlukan sebuah upaya untuk membentuk buffer zone berupa wujud fisik
maupun buffer berupa kegiatan edukasi di sekitar Kebun Raya.
Perancangan kawasan buffer zone tersebut salah satunya adalah di daerah
Paledang, salah satu contact point antara Kebun Raya Bogor dengan kawasan
sekitarnya. Perancangan kawasan ini menggunakan konsep Experience Design.
Experience design ini dilihat sebagai alternatif cara pandang baru terhadap upaya
penyebarluasan kesadaran pelestarian lingkungan.
Dalam proses desain, ditemukan lima keunikan kawasan yaitu curah hujan yang
sangat tinggi, keberadaan kebun raya itu sendiri, keindahan bentang alam,
keadaan topografi, dan kehadiran pekarangan. Keunikan kawasan ini kemudian
dipadukan dengan penerapan lima indera manusia sebagai pemicu terjadinya suatu
pengalaman bersentuhan dengan alam. Penerapan konsep ini dihadirkan melalui
konsep experience farming yang dituangkan dalam wujud zona farming serta zona
greening. Konsep ini juga akan digunakan untuk membentuk legibility kawasan.

The environment quality of Bogor Botanical Garden is hardly affected by the
development of its surrounding area. An effort is needed to prevent the condition
become even worse. One of the effort is to provide a buffer zone in the form of
physical and educational activity surrounding its periphery.
One area that will be functioned as the buffer zona is Paledang area, one of the
contact point between Bogor Botanical Garden and its surrounding. The designing
of this area is using experience design approach. Experience design is seen as a
new perspective on the education of natural awareness.
In the design process, there are five uniqueness of this urban area. These are the
high amount of rain, the presence of the Bogor Botanical Garden itself, the beauty
of landscape, and the presence of pekarangan. These uniqueness then mixed
together with the aplication of five human senses as the triggers of the experience
gaining. The application of this concept is presented through experience farming
concept that is divided into two zone those are farming and greening. This
experience farming concept also used to form the legibility of the area.

The environment quality of Bogor Botanical Garden is hardly affected by the
development of its surrounding area. An effort is needed to prevent the condition
become even worse. One of the effort is to provide a buffer zone in the form of
physical and educational activity surrounding its periphery.
One area that will be functioned as the buffer zona is Paledang area, one of the
contact point between Bogor Botanical Garden and its surrounding. The designing
of this area is using experience design approach. Experience design is seen as a
new perspective on the education of natural awareness.
In the design process, there are five uniqueness of this urban area. These are the
high amount of rain, the presence of the Bogor Botanical Garden itself, the beauty
of landscape, and the presence of pekarangan. These uniqueness then mixed
together with the aplication of five human senses as the triggers of the experience
gaining. The application of this concept is presented through experience farming
concept that is divided into two zone those are farming and greening. This
experience farming concept also used to form the legibility of the area."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astri Rahayu
"Kecepatan rambat gelombang geser lapisan tanah 30 meter dari permukaan (VS30) adalah parameter penting untuk menilai perilaku dinamis dari tanah. Lapisan tanah 30 meter dari permukaan sebagai media penjalaran gelombang gempa yang paling dekat ke struktur bangunan memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda-beda terhadap struktur sesuai dengan jenis tanahnya. SNI 1726 : 2012, Tata Cara Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa untuk Struktur Bangunan Gedung dan Non Gedung menggunakan nilai VS30 pengukuran langsung, sebagai parameter untuk melihat pengaruh kekakuan sedimen. Pengukuran langsung VS30 dapat dilaksanakan dengan metode invasif atau metode non invasif antara lain dengan Multi-Chanel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW), dimana pelaksanaannya membutuhkan biaya tinggi sehingga diperlukan metode yang dapat memudahkan bagi perencana yaitu dengan nilai estimasi VS30 yang merupakan pendekatan nilai VS30. Riset Pemodelan estimasi kecepatan rambat gelombang geser tanah (VS30) berbasis topografi dan geologi untuk perencanaan struktur tahan gempa diperlukan untuk menjembatani keperluan persamaan percepatan pergerakan tanah untuk pembangunan infrastruktur di wilayah Indonesia yang luas secara cepat.
Riset ini membuat korelasi pengukuran langsung VS30 dengan atribut topografi, geomorfologi dan geologi. Atribut topografi berupa lereng dan elevasi dari data Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 30 arcsec yang divalidasi dengan peta topografi manual. Satuan geomorfologi yaitu struktural, gunungapi (volkanik), laut (marine), sungai (fluvial) serta karst (gamping) dari peta sistim lahan. Faktor geologi yaitu umur geologi dari peta geologi Indonesia digital dan manual. Data dianalisa dengan regresi linier dan analisa spasial. Pemodelan estimasi VS30 menghasilkan model dengan empat variabel yaitu elevasi, lereng, unit geomorfologi dan umur geologi dari persamaan lokal dan global pada wilayah Yogyakarta, Palu dan Padang. Persamaan global menghasilkan Model global yang lebih baik dari estimasi VS30 oleh Wald dan Allen, akan tetapi Model dari persamaan lokal lebih baik dari Model dari persamaan global. Model dengan empat variabel memberikan nilai yang sedikit lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah tetapi dalam kisaran yang tidak jauh dari pengukuran langsung.
Hasil analisis pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa kondisi lokal sangat mempengaruhi estimasi VS30 di Yogyakarta, Palu dan Padang. Yogyakarta didominasi oleh satuan geomorfologi Vulkanik, Palu oleh Fluvial dan Padang oleh Marin dan Fluvial. Efek satuan geomorfologis dan umur geologis perlu dipertimbangkan dalam memperkirakan nilai VS30. Sebagai kesimpulan umum, metode ini memungkinkan untuk mendefinisikan daerah-daerah dengan perilaku serupa yang diharapkan dalam hal penguatan stratigrafi, yang tidak dapat hanya dengan menggunakan pendekatan berbasis-lereng sederhana atau berbasis-geologi. Keandalannya tergantung pada kualitas investigasi yang tersedia dan efektivitas pengaturan geomorfologi dan peta umur geologi. Model estimasi VS30 ini sesuai untuk klasifikasi lokasi pada skala regional dan dapat diadopsi untuk peta mikrozonasi kelas I atau real-time shake. Riset ini aplikasinya diharapkan memberikan masukkan bagi pengembangan peraturan keamanan dalam perencanaan struktur bangunan tahan gempa dan mitigasi gempa di Indonesia.

The shear-wave velocity over the top 30 m subsoil (VS30) is an important assessment parameter of seismic ground surface motion. The 30 m top layer of soil is the closest to the structure of the building, and could have different effects depending on the type of soil and topography. The Indonesian earthquake code for building and non building structures known as SNI 1726-2012 uses the directly measured VS30 as the primary parameter to identify the stiffness effect of sediment. The VS30 can be measured using non invasive methods, such as multi-channel analysis of surface waves (MASW). Direct, invasive measurements of VS30 around Indonesia would be difficult to implement due to the vastness of the country and the high cost nature of the testing. To provide an alternative to the direct measurement, VS30 estimationmodels have been developed.
This research was carried out by correlating the VS30 obtained from series of MASWtests with estimated VS30 values obtained using the topographic slope and elevation from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 30 arcsec data. geologic age data. The Geomorphology units data which are Struktural, Karst, Vulkanik, Fluvial and Marine from landsystem map and the geologic age data from Geological Survey Centre (PSG). Data were analyzed by linear regression and spatial analysis. VS30 estimation modeling produces models with four variables, namely elevation, slope, geomorphological unit and geological age of local and global equations in the regions of Yogyakarta, Palu and Padang. Global equations produce global models that are better than VS30 estimates by Wald and Allen, but models of local equations are better than models of global equations. Four proxy based estimates provide values that are slightly higher or lower but in a range not so far from direct measurements.
The results of data processing analysis shows that local conditions greatly affect VS30 estimates in Yogyakarta, Palu and Padang. Yogyakarta area is dominated by volcanic geomorphology, Palu area by Fluvial and Padang area by Marin and Fluvial. The effects of geomorphological units and geological age need to be considered in estimating VS30 values. As a general conclusion, the method allows for defining areas with an expected similar behaviour in terms of stratigraphic amplification, that cannot be perceived using simple slope-based or rough geology-based approaches. Its reliability depends on both the quality of the available investigations and the effectiveness of the geomorphology and geology age map setting elaborated for the specific region. However, the suggested approach is appropriate for site classification at a regional scale, to be adopted for Grade I microzonation maps or real-time shake.To obtain the best result with an accurate estimate of Vs30, maps of all four variables must be available. In the future, with the development of government attention to research in the field of geomorphology unit and geology age which concerns the availability of spatial data as in the policy of one map policy, we believe this research will be increasingly accurate and cover a large area of Indonesia. This research application is expected to provide input for the development of security regulations in planning earthquake-resistant building structures and earthquake mitigation in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farah Diba
"Latar Belakang: American Association of Endodontist (AAE) (2021) menganjurkan penggunaan irigasi NaOCl 1,5% - 3% dan EDTA 17% pada prosedur regeneratif endodontik. Namun, kedua larutan irigasi tersebut memiliki efek terhadap sel punca dan jaringan dentin. Oleh karena itu bahan pengganti bersumber dari bahan alami mulai diteliti, salah satunya adalah cuka apel. Tujuan: Menganalis efek larutan cuka apel berbagai konsentrasi dan larutan irigasi sintetik terhadap topografi dan kekasaran permukaan dentin saluran akar. Metode: 28 spesimen dentin setebal 1 mm dibagi random pada 7 kelompok, lalu tiap kelompok terdiri dari 4 spesimen. Spesimen dentin direndam dengan aquades, NaOCl 1,5%, NaOCl 2,5%, EDTA 17%, larutan cuka apel 2,5%, 5% dan 10% dengan volume 1,8 ml selama 1 menit. Pengamatan topografi dan analisis kekasaran permukaan dentin saluran akar dilakukan dengan mikroskop digital. Hasil: Terdapat efek larutan cuka apel berbagai konsentrasi dan larutan irigasi sintetik terhadap topografi dan kekasaran permukaan dentin saluran akar yang dievaluasi dengan mikroskop digital. Namun tidak terdapat perbedaan efek larutan cuka apel konsentrasi 2,5%, 5% dan 10% dibandingkan dengan NaOCl 1,5%, 2,5% dan EDTA 17% terhadap kekasaran permukaan dentin saluran akar. Kesimpulan: Larutan cuka apel memiliki efek terhadap kekasaran permukaan dentin saluran akar. Nilai rerata kekasaran permukaan terendah adalah cuka apel 2,5% walaupun nilainya tidak berbeda bermakna dengan larutan uji lainnya.

Background: The American Association of Endodontist (AAE) (2021) recommends the use of 1.5% - 3% NaOCl irrigation and 17% EDTA in regenerative endodontic procedures. However, these two irrigant solutions had an effect on stem cells and dentine tissue. Therefore, substitutes derived from natural ingredients have begun to be researched, one of which is apple vinegar. Objective: To analyze the effect of various concentrations of apple vinegar and synthetic irrigation solutions on topography and surface roughness of root canal dentin Method: 28 specimens of 1 mm thick dentin were randomly devided into 7 groups, then each group consisted of 4 specimens. Dentin specimens were immersed in distilled water, 1.5% NaOCl, 2.5% NaOCl, 17% EDTA, 2.5%, 5% and 10% apple vinegar solution with 1.8 ml volume of solution for 1 minute. The topography and surface roughness observation was carried out using digital microscope. Results: There was effect of apple vinegar solutions with various concentrations and synthetic irrigant solutions on topography and surface roughness of root canal dentin evaluated by digital microscopy. However, there was no difference in the effect of apple vinegar solution concentrations of 2.5%, 5% and 10% compared to 1.5%, 2.5% NaOCl and 17% EDTA on surface roughness of root canal dentin. Conclusion: Apple vinegar solution has an effect on surface roughness of root canal dentin. The lowest average surface roughness value was 2.5% apple vinegar, although the value was not significantly different from the other test solutions."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dini Andiani
"Metode moiré telah banyak digunakan terhadap permukaan obyek, yaitu untuk mengukur simpangan sejajar permukaan dan untuk memetakan topografi permukaan, tetapi masih jarang untuk mengukur simpangan tegak Iurus permukaan. Dalam disertasi ini telah diselidiki pengukuran simpangan tegak lurus obyek dengan memanfaatkan metode moire proyeksi. Sebagai kisi proyeksi, digunakan hasil interferensi cahaya laser dari perangkat interferometer Michelson, yang dikenal sebagai kisi maya. Sistem yang dikembangkan terdiri atas dua bagian utama, yaitu bagian optik yang terdiri alas sumbar cahaya laser, interferometer Micheison, dan kamera CCD yang dihubungkan dengan komputer untuk merekam citra. Bagian kedua ialah program pengolah citra yang dibuat khusus untuk penelitian ini. Dalam percobaan digunakan obyek uji berbentuk pelat memanjang yang satu ujungnya dijepit dan ujung lainnya ditekan dengan sebuah mikrometer. Sejumlah citra direkam dari kisi yang terproyeksi pada permukaan obyek, sebelum dan sesudah obyek mengalami simpangan. Oleh program pengolah citra, citra-citra tersebut dikurangkan satu sama lain untuk memperoleh pola moiré. Dari kerapatan pola moiré, simpangan permukaan dapat disimpulkan. Pemakaian komputer mempercepat proses perekaman dan pengolahan citra. Untuk perekaman 10 citra dan pengolahannya, pola frinji moiré dapat diperoleh dalam waktu sekitar 30 menit. Dalam percobaan dilibatkan berturut-turut kisi maya dengan 3 kerapatan yang berbeda. Kisi yang rapat mempunyai periode 0,817 mm pada permukaan obyek dan memberikan ketelitian pengukuran simpangan sebesar 1,85 mm. Kisi yang lebih renggang mempunyai periode 1,196 mm dan menghasilkan ketelitian 1,01 mm, sedangkan kisi yang paling renggang mempunyai periode 1,419 mm dan memberikan ketelitian 1,51 mm. Diperoleh bahwa simpangan yang kecil menghasilkan periode frinji moiré yang besar, sehingga dapat melampaui bidang perekaman. Karenanya terdapat batas simpangan minimum yang dapat diukur. Dinyatakan dalam W sebagai simpangan pada lokasi mikrometer, batas tersebut berkisar dari W =4 mm dengan kisi yang rapat hingga W = 6 mm dengan kisi yang paling renggang. Di pihak lain, kisi yang rapat pada simpangan yang besar akan menghasilkan frinji moire yang sangat berdekatan sehingga menyulitkan penentuan periode frinji moire. Dalam percobaan dengan kisi yang rapat, hal tersebut terjadi waktu W > 12 mm.
The moiré method has been extensively used for the surface measure of an object, i. e. to measure the in-plane displacement ofthe surface and to map the surface contour. Howe ver, so far the method is rarely utilized to measure the out-of-plane displacement. In this dissertation, the measurement of the out-ojlplane displacement has been investigated by employing projection moiré method As the projected grid o virtual grating formed by interjerencs of laser light from a Michelson interferometer is involved The system developed in this research consists of two main parts. The optical part comprises a laser source, a Michelson interferometer, and a CCD camera coupled to a computer for recording the images. The second part is an image processing program that is specially developed for this work. In experiments, the object takes the form of a cantilever clamped at its one and pushed at the other end by a micrometer. Several images are recorded from the projected gratings at the object surface, before and after displacement. By an image processing program, the images are subtracted one from the other to obtain moiré fringe patterns. From the fringe period surface displacement can be determined. The use of the computer has speeded up the recording and the processing of the images. The whole sequence of recording 10 images successively and processing them to obtain the moiré fringe pattern takes no longer than 30 minutes. Three virtual grating with diferent periods have been involved in the experiments. The most dense grating has a period of 0.81 7 mm at the object surface, resulting the in an accuracy of the displacement measurement of 1. 85 mm. The coarser grating shows a period 1.196 mm and yields an accuracy of 1.01 mm. The period of coarsest grating is 1.419 mm, resulting in an accuracy of 1. 51 mm. In the case of small surface displacement, large moiré fringe periods have been produced which may exceed the recording frame size. Consequently, there is a minimum value of the measurable displacement. This minimum displacement ranges from W = 4 mm for the most dense grating to W = 6 mm for the coarsest virtual grating, W being the object displacement at the micrometer location.. On the other hand, large surface displacement observed with dense virtual grating produces small periods of the moire fringes, which make it very difficult to evaluate. In the experiments it occurs of W > 12 mm."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Resentday, the application and user of the GPS/GNSS technology become wider and vary in Indonesia. However the application is not optimal, as the GPS/GNSS height (geometric height) could not utilized especially for practical purposes. To optimalize, the GPS/GNSS height has to be transformed to the the orthometric height through the availability of geoid model. An alternative utilized geoid model is global geoid model (GGM). Seven (7) GGM have been evaluated in this research to determine the most suitable GGM for the case of Jawa island. First of all the differences among the model have been calculated and analized. Further, each GGM has been compared with the geometric geoid model derived from combination of geometric height (GPS/GGNS height) and orthometric height (Waterpass height). The comparison have been carried out absolutely within one point and relatively among the points. Based on mean differences between the GGM and geometric geoid the most suitable was determined. Finally the best GGM was fitted to the geometrics geoid using 2nd degree polynomial to determine its bias and get the hybrid global geoid model. The results show that the best GGM in Jawa island is GGM02C for absolute comparison and EGM08 for relative comparison with the relative acuracy of about 0.017 ppm - 52.63 ppm. GGM with higher orde and degree results in more detail and closer to the geometric geoid. Finally, the fitting results shows that the differences between the GGM to the gravimetric geoid significantly decrese and controlling the result using 5 independent points for absolut and 16 baselines for relative shows the RMS of 0.066m and 0.035m, respectively."
MTUGM 30:4 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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