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Arif Krisbudiman
"Inovasi dalam praktek rekayasa desain sangat penting di dunia manufaktur dalam persaingan pasar global yang semakin kompetitif. Pembuatan prototipe dan evaluasi adalah langkah-langkah yang tak terpisahkan dari proses desain dalam pembuatan suatu produk. Dan membuat satu dari banyak prototipe secara fisik membutuhkan biaya yang sangat mahal dan memakan waktu, sehingga teknologi Virtual Reality (VR) sangat diperlukan agar industri dapat dengan cepat dan tepat dalam mengambil keputusan. Teknologi Virtual Reality menggabungkan antara lingkungan manusia dengan komputer secara visual, sehingga pengguna seolah-olah masuk ke dalam dunia maya. Tujuannya agar pengguna dengan gerakan tangan dapat berinteraksi dengan apa yang ditampilkan di layar komputer atau pengguna dapat berinteraksi dengan lingkungan tidak nyata yang ingin ditambahkan ke dalam dunia nyata. VR diperlukan untuk simulasi yang membutuhkan banyak interaksi seperti metode perakitan prototipe atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Virtual Assembly. Konsep Virtual Assembly yang dikembangkan sebagai kemampuan untuk merakit representasi tidak nyata dari model fisik, yaitu model 3D dalam CAD software melalui simulasi gerakan alami tangan manusia. Leap motion (akurasi 0,01 mm) digunakan untuk menggantikan Microsoft?s Kinect (akurasi 1,5 cm) dan Motion Glove dengan flex sensor (akurasi 1°) pada beberapa penelitian sebelumnya. Leap motion controller adalah alat yang menangkap setiap gerakan dari tangan untuk kemudian diolah dan diintegrasikan dengan model 3D pada CAD software. Dan simulasi proses assembly secara virtual pada CAD software dengan gerakan tangan yang terdeteksi oleh leap motion, assembly part dapat digerakkan baik secara translasi maupun rotasi, proses zooming dan menambahkan assembly constraint. Selain itu juga dapat melakukan fungsi mouse (seperti left click, middle click, right click dan menggerakkan posisi mouse cursor) untuk simulasi proses assembly secara virtual pada CAD software.

Innovation in design engineering practice is very important in the world of manufacturing in the increasingly competitive global market. Prototyping and evaluation measures are inseparable from the design process in the manufacture of a product. And made one of many physical prototypes require very expensive and time consuming, so the technology of Virtual Reality (VR) is needed, so the industry can quickly and precisely in the decision. VR technology combines a human being with a computer environment visually, so that the user as if into the virtual world. The goal is that users with hand movements can interact with what is displayed on the computer screen or the user can interact with the environment is unreal to be added into the real world. VR is required for simulations that require a lot of interaction such as prototype assembly methods, or better known as the Virtual Assembly. Virtual Assembly concept which was developed as the ability to assemble a real representation of the physical model, the 3D models in CAD software by simulating the natural movement of the human hand. Leap Motion (accuracy of 0.01 mm) was used to replace Microsoft's Kinect (accuracy of 1.5 cm) and Motion Glove with flex sensors (accuracy of 1 °) in several previous research. Leap motion controller is a device that captures every movement of the hand to then be processed and integrated with 3D models in CAD software. And simulation of assembly process virtually in CAD software with hand gestures detected by the leap motion, assembly parts can be driven either in translation or rotation, zooming and adding the assembly constraint. It also can perform mouse functions (such as left click, middle click, right click and move the mouse cursor position) to a virtual assembly process simulation on CAD software."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This volume consists of 52 peer-reviewed papers, presented at the International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (SDM-19) held in Budapest, Hungary in July 2019. Leading-edge research into sustainable design and manufacturing aims to enable the manufacturing industry to grow by adopting more advanced technologies, and at the same time improve its sustainability by reducing its environmental impact. The topic includes the sustainable design of products and services; the sustainable manufacturing of all products; energy efficiency in manufacturing; innovation for eco-design; circular economy; industry 4.0; industrial metabolism; automotive and transportation systems. Application areas are wide and varied. The book will provide an excellent overview of the latest developments in the Sustainable Design and Manufacturing Area."
Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kompetisi ekonoml global saat ini mendesak setlap perusahaan untuk menggunakan peralatan-peralatan dan teknik-teknlk tertaaik dengan pengendalian struktur organisasl yang elisien. Demikian juga halnya dengan_PT United Tractors. Sebagai sebuah perusahaan yang barkeclmpung dalam bidang alat-alat berat, PT United Tractors menghadapi kompetisi yang semakln ketat dengan penzsahan-perusahaan lain yang juga bergerak di bidang yang sama. Oleh karena ltu, timbul kebutuhan yang semakin mendesak untuk menghasllkan produk-produk yang berkualltas tlnggi dan didesain dengan balk pada harga yang lebih rendah dan dengan waktu yang lebih singkat.
Salah satu produknya, PATRIA lumber fork LBF-350 pada pengembangannya telah mangalami perubahan-perubahan dari desain awalnya Kegagalan-kegagalan yang dialami pada pengujian prototlp desain awal PATRIA lumber fork LBF-350, terjadinya patah atau bangkok pada beberapa komponennya, menyebabkan penambahan komponen-komponen penguat pada produk tersebut. Hal ini menyebabkan terjadl penarnbahan kerumitan struktur yang mengakibatkan ?efek bola salju" yang menyebabkan produk tersebut semakin sulit dan lama untuk dimanufaktur dan diraklt yang pada akhimya akan semakin mahal. Oleh karena ltu, produk ini semakin sullt untuk berkompetisl dengan produk serupa dan merek Iain, misalnya RANDALL (Australia) dan KOMATSU (Jepang).
Dalam tugas sarjana ini, PATRIA lumber fork LBF-350 akan didesaln-ulang dengan mengimplementasikan metocle Boothroyd-Dewhust Design for Manufacture and ASSEmbb. lmpementasi metode ini akan memperpanjang tahap desain konsepsual (conceptual design) dalam proses desain karena menambahkan pertimbangan-pertimbangan manufaktur dan perakitan_ Tetapi, waktu lebih yang diperlukan pada awal proses desain (desain konsepsual) dikompensasikan dengan lebih banyak waktu yang dapat dihemat untuk membuat prototip dan mengadakan perubahan desain.Jadi, selain menurunkan biaya produksi, penerapan metode Boothroyd-Dewhurst DPM/DFA mernpersingkat waktu yang diperlukan unluk membawa produk ke pasar_ sehlngga produk lersr-vbut akan Semakin kompetitif di pasar."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dede Lia Zairiatin
Proses micro-milling merupakan salah satu pilihan proses mikro-manufaktur 3D, yang mampu menghasilkan produk dengan bentuk kompleks. Bentuk kompleks umumnya ditemui pada mold dan dies atau produk kompleks lainnya seperti impeller dan turbin.
Tahapan penelitian diawali dengan pengembangan mesin micro-milling Hadia Micromill-5X, yang meliputi pengembangan konstruksi, pengembangan sistem kontrol gerak dan pengembangan metode perencanaan lintasan pahat yang memanfaatkan sistem CAD/CAM terintegrasi. Tahap berikutnya adalah karakterisasi perfoma proses micro-milling dalam menghasilkan produk mikro, yang dilakukan melalui studi literatur dan pengujian eksperimental. Analisis karakterisasi meliputi kekasaran permukaan, burr yang terbentuk, serta analisis kondisi pahat pada rentang waktu tertentu. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan kekasaran permukaan pada sisi proses end-milling dapat dicapai lebih baik bila dibandingkan pada sisi proses peripheral dengan nilai kekasaran permukaan minimum 20 nm. Terdapat empat jenis burr yang terbentuk pada suatu micro-channel yaitu yaitu enterance burr, top burr, exit side burr dan bottom burr. Bottom burr merupakan salah satu jenis burr baru yang diidentifikasi pada penelitian ini. Hasil utama dari tahap ini adalah rekomendasi parameter pemesinan optimum untuk aplikasi produk mikro dengan bentuk dinding tipis.
Dari hasil pengujian performa, mesin Hadia Micromill-5X dan metode yang dikembangkan terbukti mampu menghasilkan produk dinding tipis datar dengan ketebalan minimum 11,71 μm dengan aspek rasio 23,48. Perbedaan antara tebal desain dan tebal aktual (∆Tda) adalah berkisar antara 3,51 μm hingga 25,48 μm. Salah satu penyebabnya perbedaan ini adalah ketidaksesuaian diameter pahat aktual (Da) dengan diameter yang ditetapkan. Ketika ketidaksesuaian pahat turut diperhitungakan terhadap diameter aktual, maka deviasi atau perbedaan ukuran yang terjadi (∆Tae) adalah berkisar antara -4,69 μm hingga 3,48 μm. Nilai ∆Tae masih berada dalam rentang keakurasian motor stage, yaitu ± 5 μm maupun run-out aktual, yaitu 8,33 μm.
Metode micro-milling untuk produk dinding tipis dengan bentuk kompleks yang dikembangkan pada penelitian ini, diaplikasikan untuk pembuatan 2 micro-impeller yang masing-masing memiliki jumlah blade dan ketebalan yang berbeda. Micro-impeller yang memiliki 8 blade dengan diameter aktual 3.098 μm, tinggi 600 μm, ketebalan rata-rata blade 33,7 μm dan jarak terluar antara blade 1.207 μm, deviasi ukuran maksimum yang terjadi hingga 13,3 μm dapat dihasilkan dengan baik. Namun, pada micro-impeller yang memiliki 16 blade dengan diameter 3.190 μm dan ketebalan rata-rata blade 11,96 μm terdapat beberapa blade yang terbelah dan terdefleksi. Secara umum, metode micro-milling yang dikembangkan telah dapat diaplikasikan dengan baik. Keterbatasan dalam menghasilkan bentuk dinding tipis lebih dikarenakan sifat dan karakteristik material dari produk, yang mengalami defleksi sebagai akibat dimensi dinding yang sangat tipis.;

Micro-milling process is one of choices to manufacture 3D product, which has the ability to produce complex shape. Complex shapes are commonly found in mold and dies or other complex product such as impeller and turbine.
The research was started by developing the micro-milling machine, Hadia Micromill-5X, which covers the development of machine construction, control system and tool-path generation method by using integrated CAD/CAM system. The next part of the research is to characterize the micro-milling performance to produce micro product, through literature study and experimental test. Characterizations analysis covers surface roughness, burrs and tool condition in a certain range of time. The result shows that the surface roughness on end-milling process side is better than peripheral process side, with minimum surface roughness of 20 nm. There are four types of burr that formed on micro-channel, which are entrances burr, top burr, exit side burr and bottom burr. Bottom burr is the first identify in this research. The main result of characterization phase is a recommendation of optimum cutting parameter for thin-wall micro-product application.
Based on performance testing, the micro-milling machine Hadia Micromill-5X and developed method is proved to have the capability to produce thin-wall product with minimum thickness of 11.71 μm, with an aspect ratio of 23.48. The difference between design and actual thickness (∆Tda) is around 3.51 μm to 25.48 μm. One of the causes of the difference is the incompatibility of actual tool diameter (Da) with desired diameter. If the tool diameter incompatibility is considered, than the size differences (∆Tae) are around -4.69 μm to 3.48 μm. ∆Tae value is still in the range of motor stage accuracy and actual run-out, which ± 5 μm are and 8.33 μm respectively.
Micro-milling method for thin-wall complex shape product developed in this research was applied to produce 2 micro-impellers with different amount of blades and thickness. 8?s blade micro-impeller with actual diameter of 3,098 μm, 600 μm heights, average thickness of 33.7 μm, with 13.3 μm of maximum deviation size, was produced properly. However, there are several torn and cloven blades on 16?blade micro-impeller with a diameter of 3,190 μm and average actual thickness of 11.96 μm. In general, the micro-milling method developed in this research is properly applied. The limitation to produce a thinner wall is caused by the material properties and characteristic of the product, which experiences deflection due to the flimsiness of a thin wall.
;Micro-milling process is one of choices to manufacture 3D product, which has the ability to produce complex shape. Complex shapes are commonly found in mold and dies or other complex product such as impeller and turbine.
The research was started by developing the micro-milling machine, Hadia Micromill-5X, which covers the development of machine construction, control system and tool-path generation method by using integrated CAD/CAM system. The next part of the research is to characterize the micro-milling performance to produce micro product, through literature study and experimental test. Characterizations analysis covers surface roughness, burrs and tool condition in a certain range of time. The result shows that the surface roughness on end-milling process side is better than peripheral process side, with minimum surface roughness of 20 nm. There are four types of burr that formed on micro-channel, which are entrances burr, top burr, exit side burr and bottom burr. Bottom burr is the first identify in this research. The main result of characterization phase is a recommendation of optimum cutting parameter for thin-wall micro-product application.
Based on performance testing, the micro-milling machine Hadia Micromill-5X and developed method is proved to have the capability to produce thin-wall product with minimum thickness of 11.71 μm, with an aspect ratio of 23.48. The difference between design and actual thickness (∆Tda) is around 3.51 μm to 25.48 μm. One of the causes of the difference is the incompatibility of actual tool diameter (Da) with desired diameter. If the tool diameter incompatibility is considered, than the size differences (∆Tae) are around -4.69 μm to 3.48 μm. ∆Tae value is still in the range of motor stage accuracy and actual run-out, which ± 5 μm are and 8.33 μm respectively.
Micro-milling method for thin-wall complex shape product developed in this research was applied to produce 2 micro-impellers with different amount of blades and thickness. 8?s blade micro-impeller with actual diameter of 3,098 μm, 600 μm heights, average thickness of 33.7 μm, with 13.3 μm of maximum deviation size, was produced properly. However, there are several torn and cloven blades on 16?blade micro-impeller with a diameter of 3,190 μm and average actual thickness of 11.96 μm. In general, the micro-milling method developed in this research is properly applied. The limitation to produce a thinner wall is caused by the material properties and characteristic of the product, which experiences deflection due to the flimsiness of a thin wall.
, Micro-milling process is one of choices to manufacture 3D product, which has the ability to produce complex shape. Complex shapes are commonly found in mold and dies or other complex product such as impeller and turbine.
The research was started by developing the micro-milling machine, Hadia Micromill-5X, which covers the development of machine construction, control system and tool-path generation method by using integrated CAD/CAM system. The next part of the research is to characterize the micro-milling performance to produce micro product, through literature study and experimental test. Characterizations analysis covers surface roughness, burrs and tool condition in a certain range of time. The result shows that the surface roughness on end-milling process side is better than peripheral process side, with minimum surface roughness of 20 nm. There are four types of burr that formed on micro-channel, which are entrances burr, top burr, exit side burr and bottom burr. Bottom burr is the first identify in this research. The main result of characterization phase is a recommendation of optimum cutting parameter for thin-wall micro-product application.
Based on performance testing, the micro-milling machine Hadia Micromill-5X and developed method is proved to have the capability to produce thin-wall product with minimum thickness of 11.71 μm, with an aspect ratio of 23.48. The difference between design and actual thickness (∆Tda) is around 3.51 μm to 25.48 μm. One of the causes of the difference is the incompatibility of actual tool diameter (Da) with desired diameter. If the tool diameter incompatibility is considered, than the size differences (∆Tae) are around -4.69 μm to 3.48 μm. ∆Tae value is still in the range of motor stage accuracy and actual run-out, which ± 5 μm are and 8.33 μm respectively.
Micro-milling method for thin-wall complex shape product developed in this research was applied to produce 2 micro-impellers with different amount of blades and thickness. 8’s blade micro-impeller with actual diameter of 3,098 μm, 600 μm heights, average thickness of 33.7 μm, with 13.3 μm of maximum deviation size, was produced properly. However, there are several torn and cloven blades on 16’blade micro-impeller with a diameter of 3,190 μm and average actual thickness of 11.96 μm. In general, the micro-milling method developed in this research is properly applied. The limitation to produce a thinner wall is caused by the material properties and characteristic of the product, which experiences deflection due to the flimsiness of a thin wall.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ferdiansyah Zhultriza
Perkembangan dunia manufaktur di abad ke-21 ini berkembang seiring bertambahnya permintaan produk. Pembuatan produk baru yang inovatif, cepat, dan murah dapat memberikan keuntungan bagi industri manufaktur. Desain produk dengan pembuatan prototipe nyata membuat harga penelitian produk dan risiko kegagalan menjadi tinggi. Penelitian ini menggagas konsep virtual manufacturing yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan assembly dan desain memanfaatkan hasil data image processing. Penggunaan perakitan secara virtual dapat memangkas harga pembuatan produk uji coba dan merasakan sensasi langsung. Model software yang dikembangkan menggunakan kamera webcam pada laptop dan integrasi hasil identifikasi dan tracking tangan dengan 3D CAD System. Pengguna menggunakan software ini tanpa perlu terganggu dengan sensor yang banyak maupun pembelian device tambahan yang mahal sehingga lebih leluasa dalam melakukan simulasi virtual manufacturing. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah model software virtual designing dan virtual assembly sebagai bagian dari virtual manufacturing.

The development of the manufacturing world in the 21st century is growing as the demand for product rsquo s increase. Creating innovative, fast, and inexpensive new products can provide benefits for the manufacturing industry. Product design with real prototype has expensive cost for research and the failure is too high. This research initiated a concept of virtual manufacturing that can be used to perform assembly and design utilize the results of image processing data. The use of virtual assembly can cut the price of making test products and feel the sensation instantly. The software model is developed using webcam cameras on laptop and integration of the results of identification and hand tracking based on image processing with 3D CAD System. User can use this software without feeling interupted by the sensors so they can feel more flexible in performing virtual manufacturing simulation and do not have to purchase of additional devices that are expensive. The end results of this research are virtual designing and virtual assembly software model as part of virtual manufacturing. "
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pressure vessels are closed containers designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure substantially different from the ambient pressure. They have a variety of applications in industry, including in oil refineries, nuclear reactors, vehicle airbrake reservoirs, and more. The pressure differential with such vessels is dangerous, and due to the risk of accident and fatality around their use, the design, manufacture, operation and inspection of pressure vessels is regulated by engineering authorities and guided by legal codes and standards. Pressure Vessel Design Manual is a solutions-focused guide to the many problems and technical challenges involved in the design of pressure vessels to match stringent standards and codes. It brings together otherwise scattered information and explanations into one easy-to-use resource to minimize research and take readers from problem to solution in the most direct manner possible."
Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2013
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farag, Mahmoud M.
London: Prentice-Hall, 1997
620.11 FAR m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Albertus Chandra Wijayanto
"Kemajuan teknologi juga berkembang pada dunia perakitan. Sekarang analisa proses perakitan ini sudah bisa dilakukan pada dunia virtual dengan bantuan program Computer-Aided Design dan beberapa sensor (Inertial Measurement Unit, dan sensor flex, dan lain-lain), sehingga tanpa memerlukan bentuk fisik dari material maupun proses pembuatan. Kegiatan perakitan ini akan lebih mudah dan lebih terlihat nyata jika adanya interaksi dengan lingkungan, maka dari itu penggunaan augmented reality digunakan. Karya tulis ini membahas cara mengimplementasikan augmented reality pada sistem InvenGlove (motion glove dari penelitian sebelumnya), yaitu: penggunaan kamera, merubah background 3D Computer-Aided Design Autodesk Inventor, dan pemilihan program augmented reality yang akan digunakan; serta membahas peningkatan kinerja InvenGlove. Dalam implementasi memanfaatkan Application Programming Interface pada program Autodesk Inventor dan Windows. Pada akhirnya dihasilkan virtual assembly dengan augmented reality berdasarkan pada program Autodesk Showcase.

Advanced technology is also developing in the assembling world. Now, assembly process analysis can be done in virtual with some programs suggests Computer-Aided Design and some sensors (Inertial Measurement Unit, flex sensor, etc) without the actual physic materials and the process of making the product itself. Assembling will be easier and looked more real if there are interactions with the environment. Hence augmented reality is used. This paper explains how to implement augmented reality in the InvenGlove system (motion glove from the researches before), such as: using camera device, changing 3D Computer-Aided Design Autodesk Inventor background, and the selection of augmented reality program; and also improvement in performance of InvenGlove. In the implementation utilize Application Programming Interface in Autodesk Inventor program and Windows. The product is virtual assembly with augmented reality based on Autodesk Showcase program."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Himawan Hadi Sutrisno
"Penelitian mengenai pendeteksian terhadap ruang terbatas proses pemesinan awal 5 Axis, merupakan salah satu bagian dalam pengembangan sistem CAM yang berbasis model faset 3D. Ruang terbatas dibedakan menjadi 2 bagian yaitu ruang terbatas terbuka dan ruang terbatas tertutup. Perbedaan ruang terbatas terbuka dan ruang terbatas tertutup yaitu perlunya orientasi pahat untuk proses pengerjaan ruang terbatas tertutup.
Dalam penelitian ini pendeteksian ruang terbatas dilakukan dengan mendeteksi kebertumpukan segitiga dalam bidang x dan y dan perbedaaan arah vektor normal terhadap sumbu radius pahat. untuk mendapatkan hasil deteksi pahat pada ruang terbatas, penulis mengembangkan algoritma-algoritma dalam mengolah data yang berupa STL file. Metode yang telah dikembangkan ini kemudian di uji terhadap beberapa model produk dan mampu memberikan informasi mengenai adanya ruang terbatas dan areanya.

The research concerning of bounded volume detection method for roughing process in multi-axis milling is one of a section to develop CAM system wich based on faceted model 3D. The bounded volume have 2 part wich very important, that is close boundary volume and open Boundary volume. The differences of open boundary volume and close boundary volume is tool oriented needed in machining process for close boundry volume.
In this research. Boundary volume will be get with detection of stacking of triangle and the differences of normal vector with normal angle of radius tool. To get bounded volume detection result, The writer develop algorithms to processing of STL file. The method which have been developed will be test to some models product and can give information regarding the existence of bounded volume area.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ashania Rahmadhani
"Transformasi yang besar dalam industri automasi telah memasuki fase baru yang dikenal sebagai era Industri 4.0. Fenomena perkembangan teknologi secara besar pada era industri ke-4 ini telah mendesak negara-negara di dunia untuk mengambil langkah dalam merevitalisasi teknologi pada industri penopang pertumbuhan ekonomi negaranya, khususnya industri manufaktur, agar dapat merasakan manfaat-manfaat yang dijanjikan oleh penggunaan teknologi industri 4.0 tersebut dalam kurun waktu panjang. Sebagai negara berkembang yang sedang berupaya untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja dan potensi dari sektor manufaktur nya, Indonesia pada tahun 2018 meluncurkan sebuah peta jalan implementasi industri 4.0 pada lima sektor unggulannya yang berjudul Making Indonesia 4.0. Industri makanan dan minuman sebagai kontributor PDB terbesar dari industri manufaktur non-migas ini merupakan industri penopang dari perekonomian Indonesia dan dipilih sebagai industri prioritas dalam pengimplementasian peta jalan industri 4.0 di Indonesia. Dalam upaya mempercepat implementasi, pemerintah menyusun beberapa kebijakan yang diharapkan dapat mengakselerasi tingkat adopsi teknologi pada industri yang telah dipilih termasuk industri makanan dan minuman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak dari kebijakan-kebijakan pemerintah terhadap adopsi teknologi industri 4.0 pada sektor makanan dan minuman menggunakan pendekatan sistem dinamis. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini berupa model konseptual yang menggambarkan interaksi antarvariabel dalam percepatan adopsi teknologi industri 4.0 pada industri ini.

The great transformation in industrial automation has entered a new phase known as the Industrial 4.0. The phenomenon of major technological developments in industry 4.0 has triggered countries in the world to take steps in revitalizing their nation-wide industrial technology in order to reap the benefits from Industry 4.0. As a developing country which is trying to optimize the performance and potential of its manufacturing sector, Indonesia launched a national roadmap for implementing industry 4.0 in its five leading sectors entitled Making Indonesia 4.0. The food and beverage industry, as the largest GDP contributor of the non-oil and gas manufacturing industry, was chosen as the priority industry in implementing 4.0 industrial roadmap in Indonesia. To accelerate the implementation, the government has developed a number of policies that are expected to accelerate the level of technology adoption in selected industries including the food and beverage industry. This paper aims to analyse the impact of industrial policies toward industry 4.0 implementation in food and beverage industry in Indonesia by using system dynamics approach. The output of this research is a conceptual model representing variable interactions that hasten technologies 4.0 adoption in this industry."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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