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Bayu Donokusumo
Jalak Bali merupakan satwa endemik Pulau Bali dan masuk kategori hewan yang dilindungi. Penurunan populasi jalak bali disebabkan faktor alih fungsi lahan sehingga sumber makan dan tempat bersarang di Taman Nasional Bali Barat berkurang. Persyaratan hidup jalak bali untuk kesesuaian habitat meliputi variabel wilayah ketinggian, jarak dari sungai, tipe vegetasi, jarak dari permukiman dan jarak dari jalan. Dengan menentukan indeks kesesuaian dibantu dengan metode pembobotan dan analisis overlay akan didapatkan wilayah kesesuaian habitat jalak bali. Wilayah yang paling sesuai memiliki karakteristik dataran rendah, berupa vegetasi hutan musim dan savana, dekat dengan sungai dan jauh dari permukiman dan akses jalan.

Bali starling is a species endemic of the Bali Island and in the category of protected animals. Bali starling population declines due to land conversion factor so that the source of food and nesting places in the Bali Barat National Park is reduced. Bali starling life requirements for habitat suitability covering altitude region, distance from the river, vegetation type, distance from settlements and distance from the road variable. By determining the suitability index and aided by the weighting method and overlay analysis will be obtained suitability region of Bali starling?s habitat. The most suitable areas for the Bali starling?s habitat has the characteristics of the lowland areas, such as monsoon forest vegetation and savanna, close to the river and away from settlements and roads access."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sutomo Sutomo
"Tropical savannas and dry forests in Indonesia are important types of ecosystems which provide habitat to support various endemic wildlife. Several of these endemic species are now seriously threatened and accordingly have high conservation status according to IUCN, including the Bali starling (Leucopsar rotschildi) which is mostly now restricted to the Bali Barat National Park. Given the high extinction risk facing such species, conservation programmes are likely to require multidisciplinary approaches that address both the biological attributes of the species itself, as well as their habitat requirements. Regrettably, for many species, their habitat ecology remains inadequately understood. The objectives of this paper are to: 1) characterise the habitat of the Bali starling in terms of structure and floristic composition; and 2) document evidence of vegetation cover changes in the Bali Barat National Park. Analysis of remote sensing imagery as well as field sampling for vegetation attributes was conducted to address these objectives. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was calculated from Landsat imageries using red and near infrared bands. Tree cover percentage data were downloaded from Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF) product from the University of Maryland’s website. Results showed that forest and savanna are the dominant land cover types in the Bali Barat National Park but their distribution is somewhat dynamic with changes in vegetation cover and greenness found across the years in which increasing cover of woody plants is the general trend. In the Bali Barat National Park, the Bali starling is mostly found at or near distinct vegetation boundaries, such as the border between savanna-forest; savanna-cropland; savanna-shrubland; settlement-cropland; and forest-shrubland. Although Cekik area had planted species that has been known to be able to provide shelter and food for Bali Starling (so was Brumbun), the bird has not been observed to be presence in the area since the 1990s. These results further confirm the importance of examining habitat patterns of endemic bird within a landscape that are influenced by multiple factors that interact in space and time. Addressing data shortage in habitat patterns within endemic species distribution is important for conservation managers developing conservation management strategies. Evaluating the remaining habitat of the species is important for conservation of Bali starling and useful for the reintroduction and release program to their natural habitat."
Bogor: Seameo Biotrop, 2021
634.6 BIO 28:2 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Jakarta dengan perkembangan yang terjadi menyebabkan terjadinya degradasi lingkungan fisik, ditandai dengan berkurangnya ruang hijau dan bertambahnya kuantitas gas polutan di udara. Interpretasi citra landsat ETM7 dan ALOS melalui indeks vegetasi, dikaitkan dengan model allometri biomassa digunakan untuk mengetahui ketersediaan karbon di Jakarta. Pola ketersediaan karbon di Jakarta dari utara (ke arah Tanjung Priok dari Monas) menuju ke selatan Jakarta (dari Monas menuju kea rah Cilandak) menunjukkan peningkatan jumlah, artinya semakin ke selatan semakin banyak dan rapat jumlah vegetasi yang ada. Pola ketersediaan karbon di Jakarta tahun 2001 ke tahun 2006 menunjukkan penurunan di beberapa daerah yakni tepatnya di Kecamatan Kebayoran Lama dan Jagakarsa, Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan dan Kecamatan Makasar Kotamadya Jakarta Timur.

Development that is happening in Jakarta, causing environment physical degradation which marked by decreasing number of green spaces and increasing quantity of pollutant gasses in the air. Interpretation of Landsat ETM7 and ALOS images through vegetation index connected to the allometry biomass model used to knowing the carbon suitability in Jakarta. Carbon suitability pattern in Jakarta from north (to Tanjung Priok from Monas) to the south (form Monas to Cilandak) of Jakarta, show increasing number of carbon suitability, which is mean more south of Jakarta, more number and density of vegetation. Carbon suitability pattern in Jakarta from 2001 to 2006 showed decrease number, this happen in a few area in south and east of Jakarta, precisely on Kebayoran Lama district dan Jagakarsa district, South Jakarta and Makasar district East Jakarta."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rifqa Khairunnisa Putri
"Penelitian telah dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis dan memprediksi pola kekayaan spesies burung dan habitatnya di Taman Nasional Bali Barat TNBB . Penelitian dilakukan pada tanggal 23--27 Juli 2016 di kawasan TNBB, Kabupaten Buleleng meliputi lima lokasi yaitu Trimbawan pelataran , Trimbawan baru, Prapat Agung, Lampu Merah dan Tegal Bunder. Metode observasi burung menggunakan Point Count, sedangkan profil habitat dilakukan dengan analisis vegetasi. Pengolahan data citra menggunakan citra satelit Landsat 7 Thematic Mapper TM. Nilai NDVI dihitung melalui perbandingan rasio band 4 sebagai near-infrared NIR dan band 3 sebagai red-light RED. Analisis hubungan dan pengaruh antara kekayaan spesies burung dengan nilai NDVI dihitung dengan analisis regresi linier. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat 52 spesies burung dan 303 individu. Hubungan antara kekayaan spesies burung dengan nilai NDVI berkorelasi signifikan R2 = 0.808; p-value = 0.037; P < 0.05 menunjukkan bahwa nilai NDVI dapat memprediksi kekayaan spesies burung di TNBB.

Research has been conducted to analyze and predict bird species richness pattern and their habitat in the West Bali National Park TNBB . Research was conducted on 23 27 July 2016 in TNBB area, Buleleng Regency covering five locations namely Trimbawan pelataran , Trimbawan baru, Prapat Agung, Lampu Merah and Tegal Bunder. Bird observation was carried out using Point Count method, while habitat profile is measure by vegetation analysis. Image data processing used Landsat 7 Thematic Mapper TM satellite image. The NDVI value is calculated by comparison of ratio band 4 as near infrared NIR and band 3 as red light RED . Analysis of relationship and the effect of bird species richness with NDVI values was calculated by linear regression. Results showed that there were 52 species of birds and 303 individuals. The association between bird species richness and NDVI values was significant R2 0.808 p value 0.037 P 0.05 indicating that NDVI values can predict the bird species richness in TNBB."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Prasetyo Nugroho
"Penelitian ini menggunakan metode gabungan khususnya explanatory mixed methods design, yaitu menggunakan metode kuantitatif pada tahap awal, lalu ditindaklanjuti dengan metode kualitatif untuk memperkuat temuan. Terdapat beberapa faktor penyebab gangguan hutan di Kawasan Taman Nasional yang dibedakan menjadi penyebab tidak langsung, langsung dan geografis serta bentuk gangguan hutan. Pengelolaan hutan yang keliru, intervensi kebijakan yang keliru, kemiskinan dan rendahnya perkembangan sosial merupakan faktor penyebab tidak langsung gangguan hutan. Kemudian eksploitasi berlebih, pekerjaan dan subsisten merupakan faktor penyebab langsung gangguan hutan. Adapun faktor geografis seperti akses darat dan laut serta kedekatan dengan permukiman merupakan penyebab geografis gangguan hutan. Terdapat beberapa bentuk gangguan yang terjadi seperti pencurian kayu, perambahan, penggembalaan, pertanian dalam hutan dan perburuan hewan tersebar di berbagai desa dengan tingkat gangguan hutan tertinggi berada di Desa Sumberkelampok. Masing-masing penyebab dan bentuk gangguan hutan memiliki keterkaitan tersendiri. Pola perkembangan gangguan hutan mengikuti aksesibilitas yang terdapat di hutan yang mengarah ke hutan penyangga, kemudian ke hutan inti (TNBB). Proses dimulai dengan adanya pembalakan liar di hutan penyangga, kemudian lahan kosong hasil pembalakan liar ditanami palawija dibarengi dengan aktivitas penggembalaan di hutan penyangga, kemudian perambahan dan pencurian kayu mulai terjadi di hutan inti (TNBB).

This study uses an explanatory mixed methods design, which uses quantitative methods at an early stage, then followed up with a qualitative method to strengthen the findings. There are several factors of forest encroachment in West Bali National Park area which is divided into indirect cause, direct cause and geographical cause as well as the form of forest encroachment. There are several indirect factor of forest encroachment specifically mistaken of forest management, mistaken policy interventions, poverty and low social development; and direct factors of forest encroachment specifically over exploitation, work and subsistence. The geographical factors such as accesibility in mainland and coastal area, proximity to settlements is a geographical causes of forest encroachment. The form of encroachment such as logging, encroachment, grazing, farming and hunting animals in the forest are scattered in various villages with the highest levels of forest encroachment in the Sumberkelampok Village. Patterns of forest encroachment followed the development of accessibility contained in the woods that leads to the buffer zone of forest, then into the forest core (TNBB). First illegal logging take place in the forest buffer, second empty land planted with crops, third the grazing activity appear at buffer forest, and then illegal logging began to enter forest core (TNBB)."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"As a mall zoobenthos inhabiting interstitial spaces of the substrates, endopsammon play an important ecological role in ecological marine ecosystem...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
The diversity of mangrove at West Bali National Park has not been reported completely. The exploration was conducted from 12 - 16 June, 2011 from Banyuwedang to Gilimanuk and from Gilimanuk to Sumbersari-Melaya mangrove forests. The result showed that 18 families consist of 21 genera and 28 mangrove species were recorded at West Bali National Park, these are 11,5% of the Indonesian mangroves.
580 BKR 15:1 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Didiek Setiabudi Hargono
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas penyaluran Alokasi Dana Desa pada empat desa sampel di empat kecamatan yang berbeda di Kabupaten Karangasem, Propinsi Bali dan disparitas (kesenjangan) pembangunan antar kecamatan. Perhitungan kuantitas Alokasi Dana Desa yang diterima tiap daerah harus sesuai dengan formula Alokasi Dana Desa (ADD) dengan menggunakan variabel, yaitu variabel-variabel yang berhubungan dengan karakteristik desa, seperti variabel kemiskinan, pendidikan, kesehatan, keterjangkauan desa, jumlah penduduk, luas wilayah, dan jumlah PBB desa serta variabel jumlah komunitas di desa, yaitu dusun, yang dihasilkan oleh masing-masing desa di Kabupaten Karangasem. Indikator efektifitas dapat dilihat dari penurunan tingkat kemiskinan dan juga peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi desa yang diproksikan pada PDRB Kecamatan, serta kecilnya tingkat disparitas (kesenjangan) antar wilayah kecamatan.
Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang berasal dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Kabupaten Karangasem dan Propinsi Bali, Data Alokasi Dana Desa dari Badan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Pembangunan Desa (BPMPD) Kabupaten Karangasem, serta Data Monografi Desa dan Kecamatan pada empat desa, yaitu Desa Pempatan, Desa Selat, Desa Bebandem, dan Desa Tenganan.
Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ada tiga macam, yaitu formula Alokasi Dana Desa yang disesuaikan dengan Surat Mendagri Nomor 140/640/SJ Tahun 2005 perihal Alokasi Dana Desa dari Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota kepada Pemerintah Desa, sedangkan untuk menghitung disparitas (kesenjangan) pembangunan antar wilayah digunakan Indeks Williamson dan analisa Tipologi Klassen.
Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa besarnya Alokasi Dana Desa yang diberikan ke setiap desa tidak menggunakan formula yang ditentukan dengan pembobotan tujuh variabel penting desa, tetapi menggunakan pembagian total jumlah desa di Kabupaten untuk penentuan ADDM (ADD Merata) dan pembagian total jumlah banjar dinas untuk penentuan ADDP (ADD Proporsional). Hasil perhitungan ini dianggap tidak adil bagi Desa, sehingga menimbulkan ketidakefektifan penyaluran ADD. Pemanfaatan ADD tidak disalurkan pada bidang-bidang yang dapat menggerakkan ekonomi desa. Ketidakefisienan ini menyebabkan kecenderungan berasosiasi dengan disparitas yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai Indeks Williamson yang mendekati satu, yaitu : Iw2004 = 0.378, Iw2005 = 0.389, Iw2006 = 0.404, Iw2007 = 0.410, dan Iw2008 = 0.421 yang berarti semakin timbul kesenjangan. Analisa Tipologi Klassen, menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan selama tahun 2004-2008 mengelompokan kecamatan Karangasem dan Manggis pada kuadran daerah yang cepat maju dan cepat tumbuh, sedangkan kecamatan Sidemen, Selat, Rendang, Kubu, Abang, dan Bebandem pada kuadran relative tertinggal.
This research attempts to figure out the effectiveness of the distribution of Grant Allocation for Villages in four villages as sample in four different subdistricts in Karangasem Regency, Bali and disparity in development among subdistrics. The calculation of quantity for ?Village Grant Allocation? received by every district has to be match with ?Village Grant Allocation? formula using variables related to the characteristics of a village such as poverty, education, health, access to the village, population, the width of the area, and the number of the PBB and the number of the communities in the village i.e., orchard made by each village in Karangasem Region. The indicators of the effectiveness can be seen from the decrease of poverty level and an increase in economy growth of the village by proxy to PDRB of the subdistrict, and also low level of disparity among subdistrict.
Data used in this research are from Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Karangasem Region and the Province of Bali, Data of Village Grant Allocation from the Board of Community Empowerment and Village Development (BPMPD) Karangasem Region, and Data of Village and Subdistrict Monograph of four villages, namely Pempatan, Selat, Bebandem, and Tenganan. Three kinds of analysis tools are used in this research i.e.., the formula of Village Grant Allocation which is in line with Minister of Home Affairs Decree No. 140/640/SJ the year 2005 about Village Grant Allocation from the local government of region to the local government of the village/district. Meanwhile, to count disparity in development among districts, the tools used are Williamson Index and Klassen analysis in Typology.
The result shows that the amount of Village Grant Allocation given to every village didn?t use formula which is determined by weighing seven important variables of the villages, but it uses division of the total number of the villages in the region to determine ADDM (equal ADD) and division of the number of official ?banjar? to determine ADDP (Proportional ADD). The result of this calculation is considered unfair for the villages, so it makes ADD distribution ineffective. ADD is not distributed on the fields that can drive the economy of the village. This inefficiency has caused the tendency of associating with disparity as shown by the score of Williamson Index which is close to 1, i.e.,: Iw2004 = 0.378, Iw2005 = 0.389, Iw2006 = 0.404, Iw2007 = 0.410, and Iw2008 = 0.421 which means that there is greater disparity. The analysis of Klassen Typology shows that the development from 2004 to 2008 grouped Karangasem Region and Manggis into the quadrant of areas which easily develop and grow, while subdistricts like Sidemen, Selat, Rendang, Kubu, Abang, and Bebandem are in quadrant of areas which are relatively left behind.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Poverty is one of the main problems in a complex and chronic process of economic development that has no border in time and space dimension. Tabanan Regency, one of the regions with the highest poverty index among other regions has 41.894 people in poverty and Kediri sub-district has a pole position of people in poverty One of the poverty problems to implement poverty alleviation is not optimal because the indicator does not use local specific or the root of the problem. This study aimed to analyze poverty condition in Tabanan Regency includes 1) describing real condition of poverty in Tabanan Regency with Nested Spheres of Poverty; 2) identifying the determinant of poverty in Tabanan Regency; 3) determining strategy of poverty alleviation based on
local genius. The method used in this study was descriptive-quantitative using poverty index and other statistical descriptive analysis. The area of the study is ten sub-districts in Tabanan Regency: Selemadeg, Kerambitan, Tabanan, Kediri, Marga, Baturiti, Penebel, Pupuan, West Selernadeg, and East Selemadeg. The result of this study is poverty in Tabanan Regency is of moderate category for all aspect of Nested Spheres of Poverty, so poverty problem is still important program to alleviate. Aggregately, the rank priority of poverty is economic, wealth, political, natural resources, knowledge, health, social and infrastructure. The strategy to alleviate poverty in Tabanan Regency is to strengthen the economy, social culture and local institution, mitigating vulnerability of poverty, and sustainabile program for increasing the welfare of the community."
JORI 2:1 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini membahas kebijakan publik oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Karawang dalam usaha mengembangkan Kawasan industri. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh, pentingnya mengembangkan kawasan industri guna membuka lapangan kerja dan lapangan usaha serta untuk meningkatkan ekonomi daerah. penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengevaluasi sejauh mana kebijakan yang telah dilakaukan oleh Pemerintah Daerah kabupaten Karawang melalui Peraturan Daerah Nomor 19 Tahun 2004 terhadap pengembangan kawasan industri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan model yang dikembangkan oleh George C. Edwards III yaitu implementasi kebijakan dipengaruhi oleh empat variabel yaitu Komunikasi, sikap, sumber-sumber, dan struktur birokrasi. Pokok masalah yang dikaji pada penelitian ini adalah kebijakan apa yang telah dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Karawang dalam mengembangkan kawasan industri dan permasalahan apa yang menghambat kebijakan tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil analisa dan pembahasan yang mengacu pada konsep George C. Edwards III, disimpulkan bahwa hambatan yang dihadapi adalah kurang efektifnya komunikasi, rendahnya kualitas sumber daya manusia, dan terbatasnya sarana dan prasarana kerja. Untuk pengembangan kawasan industri melalui penciptaan iklim investasi yang baik, pemerintah daerah segera melakukan deregulasi berbagai peraturan yang menghambat investasi dan debirokratisasi dalam mewujudkan pelayanan publik yang baik dan memuaskan dunia usaha dan masyarakat.

This thesis is about public policy by the Regional Government of Karawang in order to develop the industrial region. The research was conducted because of the importance of developing industrial region in order to provide new job opportunities and business opportunities and also to increase the economic development in the region. This thesis was trying to evaluate the previous policy which has been implemented by the Regional Government of Karawang by the Local Regulation Number 19/2004 on Industrial Region Development. The research used qualitative research method by the model which was developed by George C. Edwards III mentioned that policy implementation is influenced by four variables, communication, attitude, resources, and structure of bureaucracy. The main problem which was analyzed in the research is about the policy which has been implemented by the Regional Government of Karawang in order to develop the industrial region and also the problems which have impeded the policy. According to the analysis result and study related to the concept of George C. Edwards III, the conclusion could be taken that the obstacles happened because lack of effective communication, lack of qualified human resources, and lack of working facility and infrastructure. In order to develop the industrial region by creating a good investment situation, the local government immediately made deregulation in some regulations which impeded the investment and also simplified the bureaucracy in order to create a good public service which could satisfy business and society need."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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