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Ditemukan 210064 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ghaida Yasmin
"Penelitian ini membahas mengapa mayoritas penduduk di Indonesia beragama Islam, namun partai-partai Islam tidak pernah menang. Dari literatur sebelumnya dijelaskan peran struktur negara pada masa Orde Baru dan elit politik Islam yang tidak kredibel membuat pemilih muslim lebih memilih partai lain (partai non-Islam). Sementara dalam penelitian ini lebih melihat perilaku pemilih muslimnya. Faktor sosiologis yang meliputi ritual ibadah, keterlibatan dalam kelompok sosialkeagamaan, dan orientasi Islam politik berhubungan dengan pilihan politik muslim dan menyebabkan adanya aliran politik. Selain itu, pada faktor psikologis, adanya hubungan afeksi atau kedekatan partai dan tokoh dengan pilihan politik muslim. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui survey. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebesar 100 pemilih muslim yang berasal dari partai politik yang berbeda. Penarikan sampel menggunakan cluster random sampling. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa faktor sosiologis yang meliputi ritual ibadah, keterlibatan dalam kelompok sosial-keagamaan, dan orientasi Islam politik memiliki hubungan dengan perilaku memilih. Sementara faktor psikologis yang meliputi afeksi partai dan afeksi tokoh tidak memiliki hubungan dengan perilaku memilih.

This study discusses why the majority of the population in Indonesia are Muslims, but the Islamic parties have never won. From the literature previously described the role of state structures in the New Order and the political elite of Islam is not credible make Muslim voters prefer the other party, while this research is looking at the behavior of Muslim voters. Sociological factors which include the ritual of worship, involvement in socio-religious groups, and the orientation of political Islam have relationship with political choice of muslim voters and make a political cleavages in islamic societies. Moreover, in the psychological factors, including affection of parties and leader have relationship with political choice of muslim voters. This study uses a quantitative method with data collection through surveys. The number of samples is 100 Muslim voters who come from different political parties. Sampling using cluster random sampling. From the research found that the sociological factors that include rituals, involvement in socioreligious groups, and the orientation of political Islam have relationship with voting behavior. While psychological factors that include affection of party and leader have no relationship with voting behavior."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moch. Aly Taufiq
"Tesis ini menganalisis fenomena politik uang dan keterlibatan pemuda pada pemilihan anggota legislatif 2014 di Bojonegoro. Temuan penelitian ini menggambarkan besarnya motivasi berkuasa menjadi pendorong kuat untuk melakukan politik uang. Konsumerisme dan materealisme yang masuk dalam wilayah politik menjadikan hal-hal yang bersifat ideologi, program kerja, nilai dan norma politik menjadi kurang relevan. Penerapan sistem proporsional terbuka membuat persaingan antarcaleg semakin ketat. Lemahnya pengawasan aparat serta sulitnya penindakan pelanggaran Pemilu menjadikan pelaku politik uang semakin leluasa bergerak. Di sisi lain, pemuda yang semestinya menjadi agen perubahan malah terlibat aktif dalam praktik politik uang dan membangun hubungan patron-klien dengan Caleg.

This thesis analyzes the phenomenon of money politics and youth involvement in the 2014 legislative elections in Bojonegoro. The findings of this study illustrate the magnitude of power to drive strong motivation for money politics. Consumerism and materealisme that fall into political territory to make the things that are ideologies, programs, values and political norms become less relevant. Application of open proportional system makes competition increasingly fierce antarcaleg. Weak supervision and the difficulty of enforcement officers make the perpetrators of violations of election politics more freely move money. On the other hand, youth who should be agents of change instead actively engaged in the practice of money politics and build patron-client relationships with candidates.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Julizar Idris
"Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Preferensi Politik Pemilih Pemula dalam Pemilu Legislatif 2014 (Survei Perilaku Pemilih diKecamatan Pamulang Kota Tangerang Selatan) Segmentasipemilihdapatdiklasifikasikan berdasarkan tingkat ekonomi, tingkat pendidikan, umur, kepercayaan atau agama, etnis, kelas social dan lain sebagainya. Dalam tesis ini penulis ingin menguraikan tentang segmentasi pemilih berdasarkan segmentasi umur dengan melakukan studi khusus tentang perilaku memilih pemilih, khususnya para pemula dalam memilih partai politik. Tesisinimembahasseberapa besar pengaruh faktor platform dan ideologi partai, program kerja partai, citra partai, identifikasi tokoh partai, hubungan emosional pemilih terhadap partai, isu dan pemberitaan yang terkait dengan partai, serta afiliasi sosial (social afiliation) para pemilih, terhadap besar kecilnya preferensi politik para pemilih pemuladalammemilihpartaipolitik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa faktor platform dan ideologi partai, program kerja, isu dan pemberitaan partai, dan afiliasi sosial pemilih mempengaruhi preferensi politik para pemilih pemula dalam Pemilu Legislatif 2014. Kata kunci: Faktor-faktor, pemilih pemula,Teori Reason Action, komunikasi politik.

Segmentation of voters can be classified based on the economic level, education level, age, religious beliefs, ethnicity, social class, and so forth. In this thesis, the author would like to elaborate on voter segmentation based on age segmentation by making a special study of the first voter behavior in the vote political parties
This thesis discusses how much the the influence of party platforms and ideology, work program of the party, the party's image, identification of party figures, emotional ties to the party's voters, issues and news related to the party, and social affiliation of voters, to the size of the the political preferences of the first voters in choosing the political party,
The results showed , that the factor of party platforms and ideology, work program of the party, issues and news related to the party, and social affiliation, affects the political preferences of first voters in the 2014 legislative elections
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gusti Reza Prawiranegara
Lanskap perpolitikan di Indonesia semakin berkembang. Jumlah pemilih
muda yang besar dan tingginya angka swing voters untuk mengahadapi Pemilihan
Umum 2014 membawa partai politik concern untuk mengejar suara ke dalam
wilayah pemilih muda. Sistem persaingan sempurna dalam sistem kepartaian yang
dianut oleh Indonesia memaksa setiap partai politik untuk menonjolkan faktor-faktor
yang membuat pemilih muda tertarik untuk menjatuhkan pilihannya. Penelitian ini
mencoba mengungkapkan faktor-faktor pembentuk ketertarikan pemilih muda
melalui ketokohan, hubungan emosional, platform partai, citra partai, dan ideologi
partai, serta bagaimana ketertarikan tersebut berpengaruh pada niat untuk memilih
partai politik.
Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti pengaruh faktor-faktor di atas
terhadap pemilih muda di DKI Jakarta dan Yogyakarta. Sampel penelitian
berjumlah 165 responden yang terdiri dari Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia dan
Universitas Gadjah Mada. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah
non-probability sampling. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuesioner
dan dianalisis dengan software LISREL 8.7 untuk mengetahui pengaruh masingmasing
variabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh positif antara
ketokohan dan hubungan emosional dengan sikap terhadap tokoh, platform dan
ideologi partai dengan sikap terhadap partai, serta sikap terhadap tokoh dan sikap
terhadap partai dengan niat untuk memilih partai. Sedangkan citra partai
berpengaruh secara negatif terhadap niat untuk memilih partai politik.

Developments in the political landscape of Indonesia has been growth. A
large number of young voters and the high number of swing voters for the 2014
General Election brought political parties concerned to pursue sound into the
realm of young voters. The perfect competition system in the party system adopted
by Indonesian forces any political party to highlight the factors that make young
voters attracted to impose his choice. This study tries to reveal the factors forming
the interest of young voters through the persona, emotional connection, the party
platform, the image of the party, and the party's ideology, as well as how these
interests affect the intention to choose a political party.
The focus of this study was to examine the influence of the factors on
young voters in Jakarta and Yogyakarta. Sample was 165 respondents consisting
of students of the University of Indonesia and Gadjah Mada University. The
sampling method used was non-probability sampling. The research instrument
used was a questionnaire and analyzed with LISREL 8.7 software to determine the
effect of each variable. The results showed a positive effect between persona and
emotional connection with attitude towards the characters, party platforms and
ideology with the attitude towards the party, as well as attitudes toward the
characters and attitudes toward the party with the intention to vote. While the
party's image negatively influence intentions to choose a political party."
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miftah Khairi Amrillah
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai praktik kampanye politik yang dilakukan oleh Partai Gerindra pada pemilu legislatif tahun 2014. Kasus ini di analisis menggunakan teori kampanye politik modern. Pada kampanye politik yang dilakukan oleh Partai Gerindra terlihat bahwa media memainkan peran sentral, terutama televisi dan media berbasis internet. Studi ini menemukan bahwa kampanye politik Partai Gerindra sangat profesional. Partai Gerindra mempekerjakan tenaga ahli diluar kader partai untuk merancang kampanye politiknya. Kampanye politik yang dilakukan Partai Gerindra fokus terhadap satu figur politik untuk menarik dan mempengaruhi pemilih.

This undergraduate-thesis analyzes about Gerindra’s political campaign in legislative election 2014 using the modern political campaign theory. Media played a central role in Gerindra’s political campaign, mainly used television and internet. The study finds that Gerindra’s political campaign was highly professional. The party employed a marketing expert outside of their party members to design Gerindra’s political campaign. The campaign is focused or personalized to one political figure to attract and influenced voters."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rasyiddin Azhar
"Pemilihan umum (pemilu) seringkali tidak mencerminkan murni keputusan rasional individual pemilih. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi prilaku pemilih adalah komunikasi politik yang tidak terlepas dari bingkai konstruksi sosial pada skala lokal. Konstruksi sosial pada skala lokal inilah yang dimaksudkan dengan place. Penelitian ini berfokus meneliti variasi karakteristik place pada wilayah pengaruh politik lokal, dan pengaruhnya terhadap komunikasi politik kandidat pada pemilu legislatif Kecamatan Sukmajaya Kota Depok 2014. Metode analisa yang digunakan adalah analisa spasial deskriptif dengan mengamati fenomena komunikasi politik kandidat pada setiap variasi place yang terkonstruksi pada setiap wilayah politik lokal. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah karakteristik place terbagi atas tiga tipe, yaitu place dengan tipe hirarkis, egaliter dan hirarkis-egaliter. Pada tipe hirarkis, keberhasilan komunikasi politik kandidat ditentukan oleh kekuatan relasi antara kandidat/kader dengan tokoh-tokoh lokal di lingkungan. Pada place tipe egaliter, keberhasilan komunikasi politik kandidat ditentukan oleh kekuatan relasi antara kandidat/kader dengan konstituen baik melalui komunikasi massa ataupun secara interpersonal. Sementara pada place tipe hirarkis-egaliter, keberhasilan komunikasi politik kandidat ditentukan oleh kekuatan relasi antara kandidat/kader dengan segmen tokoh lokal baik simbolik atau organisasi yang dominan pada suatu wilayah politik lokal.

Elections often do not reflect real rational voter decisions. One of the factors that influence the behavior of voters is a political communication that can not be separated from the social construction of the frame on a scale of local community. This local scale is called a place. The study focuses on examining the variety of place characteristics on the territory of local political influence, and influence on political communication candidates in legislative elections Sukmajaya District of Depok 2014. The analytical methods used are descriptive spatial analysis by observing the phenomena of candidates of political communication at any place constructed variations on each local political territory. The characteristic place is divided into three types, namely the type of place with hierarchical, egalitarian and hierarchical-egalitarian. In the hierarchical place, the success of candidates of political communication is determined by the strength of the relationship between candidates / caders with local figures in the neighborhood. In the type of egalitarian place, the success of candidates of political communication is determined by the strength of the relationship between candidates / caders with constituents through mass communication or interpersonal. While the hierarchical type-egalitarian place, the success of candidates of political communication is determined by the strength of the relationship between candidates / caders with local leaders segment either symbolic or dominant organization on an area of local politics."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asaf Antariksa Riyanto
"Tesis ini ingin mengetahui sejauh mana iklan politik partai pada pemilu legislative 2014 berperan sebagai ruang publik pemilu. Dalam hal ini akan dibahas bagaimana struktur kepemilikan televisi dan iklan politik komersial televisi berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan ruang publik pemilu. Tesis ini menggunakan konsep ruang publik dan analisis diskursus menurut teori tindakan komunikasi Habermas, serta pendekatan ekonomi politik komunikasi untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor struktural yang mempengaruhi ruang publik pemilu.
Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa iklan politik partai pada pemilu legislatif gagal untuk membangun ruang publik pemilu karena didominasi oleh iklan pencitraan, adanya komersialisasi iklan politik dan konsentrasi kepemilikan media. Kelemahan dibidang peraturan hukum dan penegakan hukum terkait dengan penyelenggaraan pemilu ikut menyumbang bagi kemungkinan terjadinya praktik keberpihakan politik media. Dalam hal ini telah terjadi kolonisasi ruang publik pemilu oleh koalisi antara elit politik dan elit media untuk kepentingan politik mereka. Media penyiaran telah gagal berperan sebagai ruang publik untuk membangun demokrasi Indonesia yang berkualitas.

This thesis discusses the political discourse on party political advertising in the 2014 legislative election, to determine wheter the party political advertising can function as a public sphere of election according Habermas’s conception. In addition, it also discusses how the ownership structure of commercial television and commercial political advertising will influence the public sphere of election. The methodology in this thesis uses the concept of public sphere and discourse analysis according to Habermas's theory of communication action, as well as the political economy of communication approach to determine the structural factors that influence the public sphere of election.
The results of this study stated that the party political advertising in legislative election dominated by advertising imagery that failed to build a public sphere of election. Furthermore, the commercialization of political advertising and concentration of media ownership has resulted media bias to a particular political party. Weakness in the field of rule of law and law enforcement related to the election contributed to the political bias of media practices. In this case there has been a colonization of public sphere in the legislative election by a coalition between the party political elite and the media elite for their political interests. Broadcast media have failed to act as a public sphere to build the quality of democracy in Indonesia.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Kurnia Dwitantri
"Selama ini Presiden RI selalu memiliki dua atribut: Jawa dan Islam. Pada Pemilu 2014, hanya ada dua kandidat da keduanya bersuku Jawa dan beragama Islam. Lalu, apa yang mempengaruhi pilihan politik pemilih? Tulisan ini ingin melihat sejauh mana hubungan faktor sosiologis dengan perilaku pemilih untuk memilih figur Joko Widodo atau Prabowo Subianto pada pemilihan presiden 2014. Faktor sosiologis yang dimaksud antara lain adalah wilayah, agama, etnis, kelas, keluarga, teman, dan keanggotaan. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan teoritis sosiologi politik sehingga berbeda dengan studi-studi sebelumnya. Lebih khusus lagi, studi ini menggunakan variabel jarak sosial dan sosialisasi yang belum pernah digunakan pada studi terdahulu. Berbeda dengan hasil studi Liddle dan Mujani (2007, 2010, 2011), penelitian ini berkesimpulan bahwa agama masih berpengaruh pada pilihan politik. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara selfadministered, wawancara mendalam, dan telaah data sekunder.

For the time being, President of Republic of Indonesia has to have two attributes: Javanese and Mosleem. In 2014 election, there are two candidates (Prabowo Subianto and Joko Widodo) and they both have those attributes. The next question is what is the influental factor of voter‘s political choice? This study tries to examine the correlation between sociological factors and political choice of university student in 2014 presidential election. Sociological factors that has been choosen are region, religion, ethnics, class, family, peer, and membership. This study uses political sociology theoretical approach. This study uses social distance and socialization as it's variables which had not been used yet in other studies. This study indicates religion remains an infuental factor that determines voter behavior. This study uses quantitative approach and survey method. Gathering data is done by self-administered online questionnaire and in-depth interview.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Febrianto Syam
Tesis ini menggambarkan tentang modal sosial dan strategi yang digunakan
kelima Anggota legislatif perempuan terpilih di Sulawesi Selatan. Latar belakang
penulisan yaitu berawal dari fakta yang dilihat dari hasil pemilu tahun 2014
khususnya Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan dimana dari lima Anggota legislatif
perempuan yang terpilih merupakan keluarga dari para penguasa yang ada di
daerah tersebut meskipun dalam pertarungan perebutan kursi DPR RI, terdapat
banyak calon perempuan yang juga berasal dari kalangan aktivis perempuan.
Dengan metode kualitatif, hasil yang diperoleh yaitu modal sosial yang dimiliki
oleh masing-masing Anggota legislatif perempuan yang terpilih menjadi kunci
mereka untuk terlibat dalam pencalonan pada pemilu 2014 silam. Faktorfaktornya
adalah pertama, karena kelima Anggota legislatif perempuan terpilih
merupakan keluarga dari penguasa di daerah Sulawesi Selatan, maka dengan
mudah dukungan birokrasi diberikan kepada mereka. Kedua, adanya beberapa
bentuk kecurangan seperti money politics serta bentuk pelanggaran pemilu guna
memenangkan kelimanya menyebabkan mereka berhasil memperoleh suara yang
signifikan di daerah dimana keluarga mereka berkuasa.

This thesis describes social capital and strategies used five female legislators elected in South Sulawesi Background of writing that originated from the fact that seen from the election results in 2014 especially South Sulawesi province where five legislators of elected women is the family of rulers in the area despite the fight for the seat of Parliament there are many female candidates are also come from women activists With qualitative methods the results obtained by the social capital which is owned by their respective legislative Members woman to be elected to key them to be involved in the nomination of the 2014 elections ago The factors is the first as the fifth legislative Members elected women is the family of the ruler in the area of South Sulawesi it can easily support given to their bureaucracy Second the existence of some form of fraud such as money politics as well as the violation of the election in order to win his fifth cause they managed to gain a significant voice in the area where their families in power ;This thesis describes social capital and strategies used five female legislators elected in South Sulawesi Background of writing that originated from the fact that seen from the election results in 2014 especially South Sulawesi province where five legislators of elected women is the family of rulers in the area despite the fight for the seat of Parliament there are many female candidates are also come from women activists With qualitative methods the results obtained by the social capital which is owned by their respective legislative Members woman to be elected to key them to be involved in the nomination of the 2014 elections ago The factors is the first as the fifth legislative Members elected women is the family of the ruler in the area of South Sulawesi it can easily support given to their bureaucracy Second the existence of some form of fraud such as money politics as well as the violation of the election in order to win his fifth cause they managed to gain a significant voice in the area where their families in power ;This thesis describes social capital and strategies used five female legislators elected in South Sulawesi Background of writing that originated from the fact that seen from the election results in 2014 especially South Sulawesi province where five legislators of elected women is the family of rulers in the area despite the fight for the seat of Parliament there are many female candidates are also come from women activists With qualitative methods the results obtained by the social capital which is owned by their respective legislative Members woman to be elected to key them to be involved in the nomination of the 2014 elections ago The factors is the first as the fifth legislative Members elected women is the family of the ruler in the area of South Sulawesi it can easily support given to their bureaucracy Second the existence of some form of fraud such as money politics as well as the violation of the election in order to win his fifth cause they managed to gain a significant voice in the area where their families in power , This thesis describes social capital and strategies used five female legislators elected in South Sulawesi Background of writing that originated from the fact that seen from the election results in 2014 especially South Sulawesi province where five legislators of elected women is the family of rulers in the area despite the fight for the seat of Parliament there are many female candidates are also come from women activists With qualitative methods the results obtained by the social capital which is owned by their respective legislative Members woman to be elected to key them to be involved in the nomination of the 2014 elections ago The factors is the first as the fifth legislative Members elected women is the family of the ruler in the area of South Sulawesi it can easily support given to their bureaucracy Second the existence of some form of fraud such as money politics as well as the violation of the election in order to win his fifth cause they managed to gain a significant voice in the area where their families in power ]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Fajrul Rahman
"Banyak studi telah dilakukan untuk menjelaskan proses demokratisasi yang dialami Indonesia pasca-Reformasi 1998, khususnya melalui penyelidikan mendalam terhadap pemilihan umum yang dilaksanakan setiap lima tahun sekali sejak 1999. Dari segi objek kajian, penelitian komunikasi politik terkait perilaku memilih berdasarkan kelas sosial masih relatif pinggiran dibandingkan beberapa objek kajian lain, seperti sistem kepartaian yang banyak ditulis dalam berbagai studi selama dekade pertama tahun 2000-an, maupun politik identitas dan gender yang menjadi sorotan pada dekade berikutnya. Dari segi kerangka teoretis, teori kelas sosial jarang digunakan, setelah selama lebih dari tiga dekade kekuasaan Orde Baru, teori ini relatif tidak berkembang dalam ilmu sosial di Indonesia. Disertasi ini mencoba mempertemukan pendekatan komunikasi politik dan kelas sosial dengan mempergunakan teori kelas sosial baru berdasarkan pendekatan strukturalisme genetik Pierre Bourdieu sebagai pisau analitis untuk menjelaskan perilaku memilih berbasis kelas sosial di Indonesia. Khususnya pemrosesan informasi oleh pemilih berbasis kelas sosial untuk memproduksi opini politik dan pilihan politik pada pemilihan umum Presiden dan Wakil Presiden pada 17 April 2019. Metode yang digunakan adalah convergent parallel mixed method—pendekatan kuantitatif dengan analisis kluster digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan kelas-kelas sosial di Indonesia, sementara pendekatan kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam dengan para informan kunci digunakan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang habitus kelas dan modus produksi opini politik masing-masing kelas sosial dengan menggunakan the modes of production of opinion Bourdieu. Hasil analisis kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan interpretative phenomenological analysis berhasil mengidentifikasi empat kelas sosial di Indonesia lengkap dengan habitus kelas masing-masing, yakni kelas elite, kelas menengah profesional, kelas menengah tradisional, dan kelas marhaen. Tiap-tiap kelas sosial memiliki jumlah dan komposisi kapital ekonomi, budaya, dan sosial yang berbeda, serta habitus kelas yang berbeda pula dan memiliki modus produksi opini politik yang juga menunjukkan perbedaan (distinction). Perbedaan modus produksi opini politik berhubungan langsung dengan perbedaan habitus kelas masing-masing kelas sosial. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa modus produksi opini politik dan pilihan politik tersebut terkondisikan secara sosial. Kelas elite dan kelas menengah profesional mengalami modus produksi opini dan pilihan politik berdasarkan etos kelas atau produksi orang-pertama, sementara kelas menengah tradisional dan kelas marhaen mengalami modus produksi opini dan pilihan politik berdasarkan production by proxy. Akibatnya, kelas menengah tradisional dan kelas marhaen rentan terhadap doxa, propaganda dan kekerasan simbolik.

Much have been written about the democratization process experienced by Indonesia after the 1998 Reformation, especially through in-depth investigations into general elections, which have been held every five years since 1999. In terms of the object of study, studies on political communication related to voting behavior based on social class are relatively marginalized compared to other objects, such as the party system, which has been widely studied in the firstdecade of the 2000s, as well as politics of identity and gender, which became the spotlighted topic in the following decade. In terms of the theoretical framework, social class theory has been rarely used, and after more than three decades of New Order rule, this theory remains relatively underdeveloped in social sciences in Indonesia. This dissertation attempts to reconcile political communication and social class approaches, by using a new social class theory based on Pierre Bourdieu's genetic structuralism approach as an analytical tool to explain social class-based voting behavior in Indonesia, particularly the processing of information by social class-based voters in producing political opinions and political choices in the presidential and vice presidential elections of April 17, 2019. The method used is the convergent parallel mixed method - a quantitative approach using cluster analysis is used to identify and describe social classes in Indonesia, while a qualitative approach through in-depth interviews with key informants is used to get an understanding of the class habitus and the mode of production of political opinion of each social class, using Bourdieu’s concept of mode of production of opinion. The results of the quantitative and qualitative analysis, using interpretative phenomenological analysis, have succeeded in identifying four social classes in Indonesia, complete with their respective class habitus, namely the elite class, the professional middle class, the traditional middle class, and the marhaen class. Each social class has a different number and composition of economic, cultural and social capital, as well as a different class habitus and distinctive mode of production of political opinion. The different modes of production of political opinion are directly related to differences in the class habitus of each social class. This research also shows that the mode of production of political opinion and political choice is socially conditioned. The elite and professional middle classes experience a mode of production of opinion and political choice based on a class ethos, or first-person production; while the traditional middle and marhaen classes experience a mode of production of opinion and political choice based on production by proxy. As a result, the traditional middle class and the marhaen class are vulnerable to doxa, propaganda and symbolic violence."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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