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Penelitian utama Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan strategi kompetitif
Emirates dan SkyTeam dalam hal keberlanjutan mereka. Proyek penelitian mencoba untuk
menjawab pertanyaan apakah penerbangan non-aliansi seperti Emirates dapat mempertahankan
posisi kompetitif mereka di pasar tanpa bergabung aliansi maskapai. Kerangka teoritis seperti
berbasis sumber daya view (RBV) dan kemampuan dinamis diterapkan untuk proyek ini.
Tinjauan literatur Bab mengidentifikasi sumber spesifik keunggulan kompetitif yang
berkelanjutan (misalnya kepemimpinan biaya dan diferensiasi). Manfaat utama dan kelemahan
bergabung aliansi maskapai disebutkan di bagian teoritis. Secara khusus, aliansi maskapai
penerbangan memiliki lebih banyak sumber daya yang mereka miliki dan basis pelanggan yang
lebih besar. Hal ini ditemukan bahwa Emirates memiliki model bisnis yang sangat hemat biaya
dan dapat bersaing secara efektif tanpa bergabung aliansi maskapai. Disarankan bahwa peneliti
masa depan di lapangan harus menyelidiki lebih lanjut hipotesis operasional mengenai manfaat
dan kelemahan yang terkait dengan bergabung aliansi penerbangan di industri penerbangan
komersial global

The main research aim of this study is to compare the competitive strategies of Emirates and
SkyTeam in terms of their sustainability. The research project attempts to answer the question
whether non-alliance airlines such as Emirates can sustain their competitive position in the
market without joining airline alliances. Such theoretical frameworks as the resource-based view
(RBV) and dynamic capabilities are applied to this project. The literature review chapter
identifies specific sources of sustainable competitive advantage (e.g. cost leadership and
differentiation). The key benefits and drawbacks of joining airline alliances are mentioned in the
theoretical part. Specifically, alliance airlines have more resources at their disposal and a larger
customer base. It is found that Emirates has a very cost-efficient business model and can
compete effectively without joining airline alliances. It is recommended that future researchers in
the field should further investigate the operational hypotheses concerning the benefits and
drawbacks associated with joining alliance airlines in the global commercial airlines industry"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Reynaldi
"Teknologi yang sudah di produksi oleh industri elektronik telah menyediakan konsumen dengan sebuah rasa pemberdayaan, dimana konsumen menginginkan peran yang lebih besar dalam proses pembuatan nilai-nilai melalui penghasilan ide, proses ini bisa disebut juga sebgai inovasi antara produsen dan konsumen, dimana proses ini juga bisa terjadi dalam konteks bisnis yang lainya. Berdasarkan dari riset kecil yang menjelaskan tentang keunggulan dari inovasi antar produsen dan konsumen sebagai wadah yang memperlibatkan konsumen, ilmu ini bisa menjawab pertanyaan dari, apa saja strategi inovasi melalui pendekatan inovasi antar produsen dan konsumen dalam industri elektronik yang membuat keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan. Maka dari itu, dengan menyediakan konsumen wadah seperti media sosial, dan digabung dengan beberapa area fungsional dalam strategi inovasi perusahaan multi nasional melalui inovasi antar produsen dan konsumen, ilmu ini mengharapkan sebuah produk teknologi yang lebih baik yang mengesahkan hubungan antar sebuah perusahaan dan pelanggan melalui inovasi antar produsen dan konsumen yang akan menghasilkan kesejahteraan perusahaan, karena itu sudah meraih keberlanjutan keunggulan kompetitif secara sukes dan juga menambah kualitas hidup para pelanggan. Dengan terjadinya itu, secara langsung sudah membuat lingkungan yang berkelanjutan untuk para stakeholder dan keunggulan kompetitif berkelanjutan untuk perusahaan.

Technology that has been produced by many consumer technology industry provided consumers with a sense of empowerment, that they desire to play a greater role in the process of value creation through idea generation, this process is referred as co creation and can occur in many contexts of business. Based on the little research that explains the benefit of co creation in consumer trends and today rsquo s technology as engagement platforms such as social media, and other recent technological breakthrough to the firm rsquo s innovation strategy and its capabilities, this study is try to answer the question of, what are the innovation strategies through co creation approach in consumer technology industry that creates sustainable competitive advantage. Thus, by providing the consumers an engagement platform such as social media, and combined it with a number of involved functional areas in firm 39 s innovation strategies through co creation, this study expects that a better technological product that established the relationship between firm and customer through co creation that would result in well being of the firm, because it has successfully achieved sustainable competitive advantage and also enhance the customers quality of life. Thus, create a sustainable environment for stakeholders and sustainable competitive advantage for the firm.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rosita Safitri
This paper examines the customer contribution in sustaining firms rsquo competitive advantage through innovation in the smartphone industry. Previous research claims that innovation is important for firms to sustain their competitive advantage and that it is important to consider the customers to have a better outcome of innovation. This study uses resource based view and dynamic capabilities as the theoretical foundations. It is based on the collection of secondary data from the existing literature, which becomes the basis of the analysis. The study finds that the customer contribution to product innovation in the smartphone industry could be improved in order to sustain the firms rsquo competitive advantage. More specifically, it suggests that creating innovation websites of companies in the smartphone industry and releasing smartphone prototypes can help the companies to come up with better results of product innovation.

Studi ini membahas kontribusi pelanggan dalam mempertahankan keunggulan kompetitif perusahaan melalui inovasi dalam industri smartphone. Penelitian- penelitian sebelumnya menyatakan bahwa inovasi merupakan faktor penting bagi perusahaan untuk mempertahankan keunggulan kompetitif mereka. Untuk memperoleh hasil yang lebih baik dari inovasi tersebut, perusahaan perlu mempertimbangkan pelanggan mereka. Studi ini menggunakan data sekunder dari literatur yang sudah ada sebagai dasar analisis dan menggunakan resource-based view dan dynamic capabilities sebagai landasan teori. Hasil dari studi ini menunjukkan bahwa kontribusi pelanggan terhadap inovasi produk dalam industri smartphone dapat ditingkatkan untuk mempertahankan keunggulan kompetitif perusahaan dengan menggunakan berbagai cara, diantaranya membuat website inovasi perusahaan dan mempublikasikan prototipe smartphone, yang nantinya dapat memberikan hasil inovasi produk yang lebih baik. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadhilah Daraini
Penulisan ini membahas mengenai permasalahan syarat dan tanggung jawab maskapai pesawat udara terhadap penyediaan makanan yang menimbulkan kerugian di pesawat udara Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat serta perlindungan hukum terhadap korban perbuatan melawan hukum di pesawat udara Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat. Tujuan penulisan ini menjelaskan syarat dan tanggung jawab maskapai pesawat udara atas perbuatan melawan hukum dalam penyediaan makanan yang menimbulkan kerugian di pesawat udara Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat dan menjelaskan perlindungan hukum terhadap korban perbuatan melawan hukum di pesawat udara Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif, yang bersifat deskriptif analitis, data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Teknik analitis data dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data yang dibutuhkan adalah data sekunder yang terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier. Hasil dari penelitian diketahui bahwa dasar pertanggung jawaban perbuatan melawan hukum pada putusan Indonesia dilandasi dengan Pasal 1367 ayat (3) KUH Perdata dan Konvensi Warsawa 1929, sedangkan putusan Amerika Serikat dilandasi pada Konvensi Warsawa 1929 saja.

This thesis discusses the issue terms and responsibilities of tort by the airlines in the provision of food that damage on an airplane Indonesia and the United States as well legal protection to the victims of tort on an airplane Indonesia and the United States. The purpose of this thesis describes the terms and responsibilities of tort by the airlines in the provision of food that damage on an airplane Indonesia and the United States as well legal protection to the victims of tort on an airplane Indonesia and the United States. This study is data analytical technique with a qualitative approach. The data that is required is secondary data that consist of primary, secondary and tertiary sources of law. The results of the study that the basis of tort liability in Indonesia based on the decision of Article 1367 paragraph (3) of the Civil Code and the Warsaw Convention of 1929, while the United States is based on a Warsaw Convention of 1929."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Nur Fadiah
"Saat ini, banyak fashion brand yang menggunakan strategi fast fashion, di mana brand-brand tersebut merespons consumer demand melalui pergantian macam barang dagangan dengan cepat dan menjual produknya dengan harga yang terjangkau. Walau selama ini strategi fast fashion telah model ini telah membawa banyak keuntungan terhadap brand, meningkatnya minat konsumen pada keberlanjutan dapat mengganggu keamanan masa depan mereka.
Situasi ini telah mendorong perusahaan untuk mengakui pentingnya sustainability dan melibatkan aspek tersebut ke dalam strategi mereka. Namun, banyak fashion brand yang masih ragu untuk meninggalkan strategi fast fashion. Situasi ini disebabkan oleh kesulitan yang mereka alami dalam menjual produk sustainable. Hal ini dapat mengarah kepada pertanyaan penelitian: bagaimana sustainability mempengaruhi cara promosi dalam mempertahankan keunggulan kompetitif dalam industri fast fashion? Temuan dalam penelitian ini akan didasarkan pada Dynamic Capabilities dan Stakeholder-based Theory. Hasil dalam penelitian ini adalah co-creation dalam periklanan dan penggunaan konten interaktif di media sosial akan mengarahkan fashion brand kepada keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan.

Today, many fashion brands utilize the fast fashion strategy, where they respond quickly to customers’ everchanging demands, frequently changing their merchandise assortments, and selling their products in affordable price. While this model has been beneficial, the increasing consumers’ interest in sustainability may disturb the security of their future. This situation has prompted companies to acknowledge its importance and incorporate it into their strategy. However, many fashion brands are still hesitating to leave their fast fashion way. The situation is caused by their struggle in selling sustainable product. This leads to the research question: how does sustainability influence promotion in sustaining competitive advantage within the fast fashion industry? The findings in this study will be based on Dynamic Capabilities and Stakeholder-based Theory. The result in this study is co-creation in advertising and the use of interactive content in social media would lead to sustained competitive advantage. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Andika Jaka Daniswara
This paper examines the role of customers and inter firm collaboration in becoming a source of sustained competitive advantage in video game industry. The study used resource based view of the firm and dynamic capabilities as the theoretical approach, focusing on the internal side of the firm in making an assessment. It found that there are numerous untapped opportunities available for companies in video game industry regarding inter firm collaboration and customers. In particular, it discovered that the application of cross platform play and investment into customer support would improve the source of sustained competitiveness. Finally, this study develops a conceptual model to illustrate the findings and derive future research suggestions.

Makalah ini membahas peran pelanggan dan kolaborasi antar perusahaan yang menjadi sumber keunggulan kompetitif berkelanjutan dalam industri video game. Studi ini menggunakan pandangan berbasis sumber daya perusahaan dan kapabilitas dinamis sebagai pendekatan teoritis, dengan fokus pada sisi internal perusahaan dalam membuat penilaian. Studi ini menemukan bahwa ada banyak peluang yang belum dimanfaatkan yang tersedia bagi perusahaan di industri video game terkait kolaborasi dan pelanggan antar perusahaan. Secara khusus, makalah ini menemukan bahwa penerapan cross-platform game dan investasi ke dalam pelayanan pelanggan akan meningkatkan sumber daya saing yang berkelanjutan. Terakhir, penelitian ini mengembangkan model konseptual untuk menggambarkan hasil dan memperoleh saran penelitian di masa depan."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhianya Nuasnigi Zen
"Majalah mode adalah aspek penting yang membuat pengaruh mode di dunia amat besar. Dalam proses produksi majalah mode glossy, editor membuat konten berharga dari berita mode dan iklan mode. Setelah sepenuhnya terkonsepkan, proses pembuatan majalah mode dilanjutkan ke tahap percetakan dan penerbitan. Keunggulan kompetitif masing-masing judul majalah kemudian diraih melalui jumlah pembaca yang terakumulasikan di industri majalah mode setelah masing-masing majalah diterbitkan. Menurut resource-based view, penerbit dan editor bisa menjadi sumber daya manusia keunggulan kompetitif bagi majalah mode apabila memenuhi kriteria tertentu. Selanjutnya, dengan memanipulasi sumber daya lainnya dan menjadikannya value-creating strategies untuk menghasilkan keunggulan kompetitif, sumber daya manusia majalah mode juga menampilkan dynamic capability dalam proses pembuatan majalah mode. Industri majalah mode memiliki ciri khas ‘multiple audience’, yang berarti pembaca bukanlah satu-satunya konsumen dari majalah mode tersebut. Condé Nast, penerbit majalah mode Vogue, adalah yang pertama untuk menyadari dan memanfaatkan hal ini. Pada awal abad ke-20, ia menyebrangi laut Atlantik dari Amerika ke Eropa dan mendirikan British Vogue dan Vogue Paris sambil mendirikan hubungan dengan sebuah sosok konsumen baru. Keberhasilan Vogue memelopori penerapan model bisnis baru di industry majalah mode. Pesaing dekat Nast, William Randolph Hearst, pun meniru terapan model bisnis tersebut dengan majalah modenya sendiri Harper’s Bazaar. Dengan jumlah pembaca lebih dari 24 juta di seluruh dunia di tahun 2019, Vogue masih menjadi pemimpin industry sementara Harper’s Bazaar berada di urutan kedua. Tesis ini menemuan bagaimana partisipasi konsumen memengaruhi proses produksi majalah mode glossy dalam menciptakan keunggulan kompetitif. Dengan demikian, tesis ini akan berkembang dari pertayaan:
bagaimana partisipasi konsumen memengaruhi proses produksi untuk mendapatkan keunggulan kompetitif di industri majalah mode?
Hasil tesis ini menunjukkan bahwa partisipasi konsumen dalam proses produksi majalah mode memang menghasilkan konten yang berharga dan menyukseskan proses percetakan dan penerbitan, sehingga menghasilkan jumlah pembaca yang tinggi dan setia. Akhirnya, keunggulan kompetitif akan tercapai saat editor dan penerbit majalah menjalankan peran mereka sebagai sumber daya manusia utama majalah mode.

Fashion magazines are a salient tool of the influence that fashion embodies in the world. In the production process of glossy fashion magazines, editors create valuable content from fashion news and fashion advertisements. After fully concepted, the magazines go into printing and publication. Competitive advantage is then achieved with the number of readership in the industry, after the magazines are published. According to the resource-based view, publishers and editors can be the source of competitive advantage to fashion magazines if they fulfill certain criteria. Furthermore, by manipulating resources into value-creating strategies to produce competitive advantage, dynamic capability is also displayed by the key resources of the magazines. The fashion magazine industry is characterized by its ‘multiple audience’ property, meaning that the readers are not the only consumers of the magazines. Condé Nast, the publisher of Vogue magazine, was the first to realize and capitalize off the new consumer. In the early 20th century, he crossed the Atlantic from America to Europe and established British Vogue and Vogue Paris while befriending the new consumer. The success of Vogue pioneered the implementation of a new business model in the industry, as Nast’s close competitor William Randolph Hearst followed with his title Harper’s Bazaar. With a readership of over 24 million in 2019, Vogue still leads the industry while Harper’s Bazaar follows in second. This paper finds how consumer participation influences the production process of glossy fashion magazines in creating competitive advantage. In doing so, this paper will expand from the research question:
how does consumer participation influence the production process to gain competitive advantage in the fashion magazine industry?
The results show that involving consumers in the production process does result in valuable content and successful printing and publication, hence yielding a strong readership. Ultimately, competitive advantage will be achieved as editors and publishers execute their role as key resources for the magazines.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anindita Nadia Taufany
"Abstrak Berbahasa Indonesia/Berbahasa Lain (Selain Bahasa Inggris):
Pertumbuhan konsumsi air minum dalam kemasan terus meningkat, meskipun banyak sekali laporan negatif terkait dengan industri tersebut. Media saat ini sedang menyorot kasus krisis lingkungan, dan perusahaan air minum dalam kemasan dianggap sebagai salah satu yang bertanggung jawab. Penggunaan botol plastik menerima paling banyak kritik di industri air minum dalam kemasan, terutama karena desain produk mereka yang dianggap berbahaya. Kepedulian konsumen mendorong permintaan untuk desain produk yang lebih aman, namun perusahaan masih memprioritaskan profitabilitas dalam menangani masalah ini. Konsep sustainability di dalam makalah ini diadopsi untuk menandakanpentingnya perusahaan air minum dalam kemasan untuk berkomitmen bersama menyelesaikan masalah lingkungan.
Berikut adalah pertanyaan utama didalam makalah ini: Bagaimana konsep sustainability dalam desain produk dapat membantu mempertahankan competitive advantage dalam industri air minum dalam kemasan? Diakui sebagai teori terkenal tentang competitive advantage, kedua teori stakeholder dan resource-based view akan digunakan sebagai landasan teori untuk makalah ini. Makalah ini mengusulkan empat desain produk sustainable sebagai penemuan akhir. Desain produk tersebut bertujuan untuk menggantikan atau mengurangi aspek negatif botol-botol plastik. Desain produk upcycling, desain produk yang tahan lama secara emosional, desain produk bioplastic dan desain produk tanpa kemasan akan dibahas di bagian analisis. Semua temuan dalam makalah ini diharapkan untuk mempengaruhi secara positifperceived value produk air minum dalam kemasan. Dua desain produk yang dianggap paling penting akan dimasukkan dalam bagian kesimpulan, yaitu desain produk yang tahan lama secara emosional dan desain produk tanpa kemasan.

Consumption growth of bottled water continues to increase, despite the myriad adverse reports associated with the industry. The current heightening media spotlight amplifies the environmental crisis, and bottled water companies are presumed accountable. Plastic bottles receive the most criticism in the bottled water industry, mainly accusing their harmful product design. Consumer concerns drive the demands for greener product design while companies still prioritize profitability in addressing the issue. The concept of sustainability is adopted to dismiss the diverging interests and signify the importance of bottled water companies’ commitment to solve the environmental issue. This paper proposes the following as the main research question: How does sustainability in product design help sustain competitive advantage in the bottled water industry?
Recognized as a well renowned theory of competitive advantage, stakeholder and resource-based view theory will be used as a theoretical foundation for this paper. The findings of this paper bring four sustainable product designs that aims to replace the negatively scrutinized plastic bottles. Upcycling product design, emotionally durable product design, bioplastic product design and zero-packaging design will be discussed in the analysis section. All of the suggestions are expected to positively affect perceived value of the product. Two of the most notable suggestions will be included in the conclusion, which are emotionally durable product design and zero-packaging design.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Putra Rusly
"The airline industry has been challenged, during the last years, by the opening of the European market, the adjustments required to deal with the new competitive environment and the pressure of the US open skies strategy. European airlines have developed innovative strategies in order to adapt themselves to market growth and competition challenges. During the last decade they have achieved considerable productivity improvements, which now permits the sector to create new jobs. However they still suffer from relative structural fragmentation and financial fragility when compared to their main competitors, notably North-American carriers.
Liberalization and globalization make the market increasingly competitive and require airlines to undertake large restructuring efforts. European Commission authorized state aid as a one-off measure to help national carriers to restructure during the transition to the liberalized single market. This transition is now over. The airline industry suffers from the same handicap as other industries in Europe, justifying general initiatives enhancing the efficiency of the economic environment.
The 11 September 2001 Tragedy no matter terrible should be identified as a one-off event and not a structural crisis. Air France wanted to act quickly while at the same time taking measures that could be easily reversed when needed. It needed quick action while at the same time avoiding over-reaction. Air France announced an adjustment plan on 18 September. which included among other things a freeze on hiring, a reduction in capacity and a number of cost-saving measures. Air France constantly shifted Its capacity regionally as it betted on the fact that the strength of Its hub, Paris/COG 2, allows it to resist the downturn and attract customers to Paris, thus gaining market share.
By the end of November, instead of a growth forecast of 7% over the winter of 2000, Air France had the results stabilized and the winter of 2001 was on the same level as the year before. The capacity reduced less than others but the load factors and the yields, whereas the figures for the European airlines were down 10% and even worse ¡n the U.S.
In general, and despite the huge financial losses it incurred, the European airline industry reacted much better this time than during the Gulf War crisis of 1990-91. This is largely due to greater flexibility in managing capacity and to a certain self- imposed discipline, which avoided a potentially disastrous fares war. In the end the fare structure might be imposed instead, which basically covered the costs.
Though for some other airlines still questionable, the alliances played an important role in helping Air France manage the crisis. In spite of some initial problems between European and U.S. carriers due to what was perceived as dumping practices on the part of the Americans, at a later stage a dialogue was possible on the issue of fares, thus avoiding much heavier losses. In this case, Air France was able to talk to Delta on these Issues after receiving antitrust immunity in January. In the future, the alliances may play an even larger role in minimizing the impact of such event, market slowdown, or even economic turndown.
Overall revenue figures for the industry are still down in the largest markets. There is still a depressed demand in the U.S. We are also facing additional costs as a result of 11 September, in particular ¡n the areas of security and insurance. Just in terms Of insurance, Air France is facing an annual cost increase of around US$100m.
Airline industry apparently cannot cover its capital costs. The authorities seem to realize it but they easily forget it as soon as the routines clock back. Unfortunately, if traffic decreases, the airports and the air traffic control authorities immediately increase their charges in order to compensate for lost revenue. There a great imbalance amongst player in the air transport industry.
Part of the blame for this, of course, lies within the industry. The low-cost carriers, for instance, while playing a useful role in opening up a new market segment to aviation are also damaging the industry as a whole. Their product is different, they occupy a niche of their own but in their communication they imply.
Air France practiced renegotiation, delivery delay, and restructures operating lease, which enables itself to withdraw aircraft from the fleet without being financially penalized. 11 September obviously spurred the airlines to slightly alter their plans and at least to anticipate some measures. Nine A310s were withdrawn from the fleet of Air France nine months ahead of time. They will be replaced by A330-200s. Two 747-200s and one 767 were withdrawn from long-haul operations, while in the medium-haul sector operating leases on three A321 s and one 737-300 were not renewed. The use of short-to-medium term operational leases has given Air France great flexibility in times of crisis. It seems that Air France learned the lesson of 1991 when it received brand-new aircraft that ended immediately parked iri the desert.
Strategic alliance is considered to have helped in avoiding cost increases, and building synergic complementary network. Through a code share, one could double a frequency without any spending. This means altogether substantial investment savings. On the cargo side, SkyTeam, for example, has developed frreaChiflg synergies between Air France, Delta and Korean.
The alliances are still a very young phenomenon and they have not yet expressed all their potential. Common marketing strategies might do the trick, while preserving the identity and ¡mage of each partner, will also fosters the growth of the SkyTeam brand. The alliance has made much progress over the past three years and the antitrust immunity granted in January will lead to a qualitative jump in its partner relationship."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jonathan H. Gunawan
Strategic Alliance is becoming more important ¡n the globalization era,
moreover in the rapid changing technology and greater complexity of process and
services in the business world. Two or more companies with their different core
competencies could establish a strategic alliance in order to achieve a synergy and to
position themselves as a Competitive company in the market. A comprehensive
understanding of Strategic Alliance is presented ¡n Chapter 2.
Indonesia as one of the emerging countries ¡n Asia has attracted many
investors from different countries. This includes an attractive investment in the
property industry which experienced booming in 1990 and 1994. The property
market in Indonesia particularly in Jakarta has experienced a tremendous growth
since the last five years. This is due to the rapid increase of foreign direct investment
(FDI) inflow to Indonesia.
A Joint Venture as a form of Strategic Alliance is partnership between two
parties or more. They may establish either fifty-fifty or unequal equity partnership.
This study is to elaborate a 50-50 or an equally equity Joint Venture process between
PT. Z and a foreign investor in property development which is often viewed as a
problem in voting. The purpose of this study is to elaborate a 50-50 Joint Venture
procese between PT. Z, a local property developer and a foreign investor. As a
guidelines a sequence process of joint venture is provided.
PT. Z is a medium sized property developer which prefers focusing on a niche
market. PT. Z has operated a good quality and international standard rental
apartment in South Jakarta. It is performing very well In terms of income and
occupancy level. PT. Z has also acquired a parcel of land in the Jakarta?s CBD area
and keeps it for future development. The shareholders of PT. Z have realized that
they have a limited capital resources to build the office building. Raising a new loan
will not be possible as the company has already a very high leverage. Having
considered all factors by using SWOT analysis, PT. Z will use high value of the
apartment to seek foreign partner who can bring new equity to the company. PT. Z
offers 50% equity partnership to the incoming foreign partner.
The HIC-SEA (Holding Investment Corporation for South East Asia) is a
subsidiary of a large prominent European-based multinational company. The HIC-.SEA is
interested in investing in the property market in the region and will manage property
portfolio in South East Asia countries including in Indonesia. The HIC-SEA is registered in
Bermuda and has chosen Singapore as a regional base operation.
A WIN-WiN negotiation could be implemented in achieving a joint venture
agreement because both parties will work together for a long term period. Building a
foundation for negotiation should be based on similarity of offer/requirements, then
moving up to negotiate differences in order to achieve WiN-WiN situation.
There are several key issues in structuring a 50-50 JoInt Venture such as control
and managent, buy-sell provisions In relating to a deadlock resolution in the Joint
Venture Company. The Joint Venture Company should limit the number of Board of
Commissioners and Board of Directors members in order to speed-up the decision
making process. Business plan for the Joint Venture Company should be prepared
carefully to avoid misunderstanding between the two parties.
A summary of the joint venture process is as follows:
1. Set-up the objective of doing joint venture
2. Do valuation of the subject properties
3. Arrange all legal documents such as land thle, building permit, artides of association.
4. Do feasibility study for a proposed project and/or prepare property report including
investment proposal (e.g. how many percent the shares participation is offered)
5. Set-up criteria for the foreign partner(s)
6. Prepare the agenda for a WiN-WIN negotiation
7. Go through the due diligent process
8. Legally binding agreement
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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