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Delinda Widyastuti
"Perkembangan positif bisnis ritel di Indonesia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir dan semakin impulsifnya perilaku belanja masyarakat Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun, menyebabkan para pebisnis ritel harulah memiliki pengetahuan tentang perilaku konsumen untuk bertahan dan memenangkan persaingan yang ada di bisnis ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjawab kondisi tersebut. Dimana penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apa pengaruh yang dihasilkan dari faktor situasional yang dibagi menjadi personal (money availability, economic wellbeing, family influence, time availability, credit card use) dan in-store (sales promotion, store environment, friendly employees, store music) terhadap impulsive buying behavior (perilaku pembelian impulsif) dan urge to buy impulsively (keinginan berbelanja impulsif) konsumen ritel. Selain itu, untuk juga ingin mengetahui apakah perilaku pembelian impulsif selalu diawali dengan keinginan berbelanja impulsif. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan umur dan jenis kelamin responden sebagai variabel kontrol. Sampel penelitian ini adalah konsumen ritel Carrefour di ITC Depok. Data diolah dengan menggunakan metode korelasi dan metode Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak semua faktor situasional mempengaruhi impulsive buying behavior. Begitu pula tidak semua faktor situasional mempengaruhi urge to buy impulsively. Selain itu, tidak terdapat pengaruh antara urge to buy impulsively terhadap impulsive buying behavior. Sedangkan, variabel kontrol umur ditemukan memiliki hubungan positif signifikan dengan impulsive buying behavior dan urge to buy impulsively.

Retail industry has been growth in recent years and Indonesian people has been more impulsive. That conditions make the retailers have to know more about the consumer behaviors to survive and compete in retail industry. Because of that conditions, this research aims to analyze the effect of situational factors that involve personal(money availability, economic wellbeing, family influence, time availability, credit card use) and in-store(sales promotion, store environment, friendly employees, store music) toward impulsive buying behavior and urge to buy impulsively. Not only analyze situational factors but also analyze the effect of urge to buy impulsively towards impulsive buying behavior. Age and gender are used as control variables. Samples of this research are consumers hypermarket Carrefour in ITC Depok. Correlation and Structural Equation Modeling method were used to analyze the data. The result of this research shows that is nor all of the situational factors affect the impulsive buying behavior or urge to buy impulsively. Furthermore, the results found that variable control, age, has positive significant related with impulsive buying behavior and urge to buy impulsively.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Tombak Islam Al Ayyubi
"Tesis ini meneliti secara kualitatif bagaimana perokok situasional melakukan reduksi disonansi kognitifnya dalam isu merokok sejak mereka memutuskan memulai merokok hingga setelah mereka memutuskan berhenti merokok. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan secara fenomenologis bagaimana tiga mahasiswa perokok situasional melakukan reduksi disonansi kognitif. Hasilnya menunjukkan: reduksi disonansi kognitif hanya dengan dukungan keluarga berfokus pada bagaimana perokok situasional menciptakan kognisi bahwa dia sanggup berhenti merokok; reduksi disonansi kognitif hanya dengan dukungan pasangan berfokus pada bagaimana berhenti merokok adalah komitmen menjaga hubungan romantis dengan pasangan; dan upaya reduksi disonansi kognitif tanpa dukungan orang lain tidak dapat melakukan reduksi disonansi kognitif secara konsisten.

This research focuses qualitatively on how situational smokers commit cognitive dissonance redution upon their smoking behavior since they have decided to start smoking until after they have decided to quit smoking. It describes phenomenologically how three situational smokers from a same university commit cognitive dissonance reduction. The result displays: cognitive dissonance reduction with family support only focuses on how situational smokers creates his own cognitive that he will be able to quit smoking; cognitive dissonance reduction with romantic partner support only focuses on how smoking quitting is understood as a commitment to hold his romantic relationship; and cognitive dissonance reduction without any other person support cannot consistently be commited.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Celly Anantaria Atmadikoesoemah
"Latar Belakang: Proses pendidikan kedokteran berawal dari seleksi calon peserta didik. Faktor nonakademik, yang meliputi kualitas dan nilai-nilai yang dianut seseorang ternyata dapat mempengaruhi tingkat keberhasilan seseorang, sehingga perlu dinilai sejak awal. Salah satu instrumen uji potensi/ psikometrik yang mampu mengukur hal tersebut adalah situational judgement test SJT . Hingga saat ini belum ada studi mengenai penggunaan SJT sebagai bagian uji seleksi masuk program pendidikan spesialis di Indonesia.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan suatu studi validasi butir soal SJT yang mengukur kemampuan nonakademik calon peserta didik pada Prodi IPJPD FKUI. Atribut uji meliputi profesionalisme, komunikasi efektif, dan kepemimpinan. Penelitian bersifat kuantitatif dengan rancangan potong lintang dengan melakukan uji coba terhadap seluruh PPDS Prodi IPJPD FKUI. Analisis dilakukan antara lain dengan mengevaluasi tingkat kesulitan item difficulty dan konsistensi internal internal consistency.
Hasil: Validitas isi dilakukan melalui penyelenggaraan rapat ahli dan pemilihan soal untuk diujicobakan terhadap seluruh PPDS Prodi IPJPD FKUI. Sepuluh dari enam puluh soal yang dirapatkan oleh para ahli gagal mencapai kesepakatan sehingga digugurkan. Nilai 50 soal SJT yang diujicobakan terhadap PPDS berdistribusi normal. Indeks kesulitan soal antara 56-88 . Terdapat 22 dari total soal dengan indeks kesulitan melebihi 80 . Rerata capaian PPDS pada atribut profesionalisme sebesar 716,89 3,60 dengan nilai maksimal yang ditargetkan adalah 968, rerata capaian pada atribut komunikasi efektif adalah 302,24 15,41 dengan nilai maksimal yang ditargetkan adalah 408, dan rerata capaian PPDS pada atribut kepemimpinan adalah 644,82 30,71 dengan nilai maksimal yang ditargetkan adalah 868. Rerata nilai SJT PPDS laki-laki lebih tinggi daripada rerata nilai SJT PPDS perempuan 720,57 35,38 vs 711,62 32,14, p > 0,05 . Tidak ditemukan pengaruh usia dan tahap pendidikan terhadap nilai total SJT PPDS. Terdapat 17 soal yang tidak berkorelasi signifikan dengan skor total sehingga dinyatakan tidak valid. Tiga puluh tiga soal 66 dinyakan valid dengan nilai reabilitas Cronbach Alpha sebesar 0,809.
Kesimpulan:Tidak adanya perbedaan bermakna pada nilai SJT berdasarkan usia, jenis kelamin, dan tahap pendidikan menunjukkan bahwa SJT bersifat netral fair . Hal ini penting bagi uji seleksi yang bersifat high stakes. Nilai SJT yang didapat calon peserta didik sebaiknya tidak digunakan sebagai penapis peserta didik tersebut untuk mengikuti pendidikan pada prodi; pertimbangan layak tidaknya seseorang diterima sebagai calon peserta didik memerlukan penilaian ataupun uji lainnya, dengan pertimbangan adanya soal-soal SJT yang tidak bersifat diskriminatif karena memiliki indeks kesulitan melebihi 80.

Background: Selection is the first assessment in the medical education and training pathway. In addition to the academic ability, the non academic attributes are also important to be assessed. Situational judgement tests SJT provides a reliable method for measuring important non academic attributes that are important for education and training. To the best of our knowledge, no previous study has explored the use of SJT in postgraduate training selection system in any medical school in Indonesia.
Methods: This cross sectional study was to validate the SJT that measure the non academic attributes in candidates of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Study Program Postgraduate Training. Specifically, we addressed three non academic attributes, i.e professionalism, effective communication, and leadership. Pilot testing was done on all current residents of the study program. The SJT item difficulty and internal consistency were analyzed.
Results: Content validity was conducted by performing expert review, releasing fifty out of sixty SJT scenarios to be piloted on the residents. SJT scores were relatively normally distributed. The difficulty index was in the expected range 56 88 . 22 SJT scenarios had difficulty index value above 80 . The mean score on professionalism was 716.89 3.60 maximal targeted score was 968 the mean score on effective communication was 302.24 15.41 maximal targeted score was 408 the mean score on leadership was 644.82 30.71 maximal targeted score was 868 . Males outperformed females on the mean SJT score 720.57 35.38 vs 711.62 32.14, p 0.05 . There are no significant differences on SJT scores with respect to residents rsquo age and their three level of cardiology training. Seventeen out of 50 piloted SJT scenarios had no significant correlation, and thus considered non valid the rest of the scenarios 66 were valid with good realibility Cronbach rsquo s Alpha 0.809.
Conclusion: No statistically significant group differences in performance on SJT based on gender, age, and level of cardiology training showed that SJT was fair. Fairness was essential in any high stakes tests. Concerning that there were some SJT rsquo s scenarios with difficulty index above 80 , we suggested that the SJT not be used as a single instrument in sifting candidates out of the postgraduate training.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rafi Ismail
"Twitter adalah salah satu media sosial berbasis teks terbesar di dunia dengan berbagai fitur yang menunjang aktivitas komunikasi penggunanya. Seiring berjalannya waktu, pengguna dapat mengirimkan pesan kepada akun menfess sesuai minat dan preferensi mereka, yang kemudian akan mengunggah kembali pesan itu secara publik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor usability, social interaction, dan browsing activity yang memengaruhi perilaku impulsive buying pengguna menfess Twitter.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mixed-method. Penelitian kualitatif dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara bersama 10 narasumber pengguna Twitter yang pernah berinteraksi dengan akun menfess Twitter. Data kualitatif yang telah terkumpul diolah menggunakan grounded theory. Hasil pengolahan data kualitatif digunakan sebagai acuan pembentukan instrumen kuantitatif. Penelitian kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner online dengan 918 responden pengguna menfess Twitter yang pernah melakukan transaksi pembelian setelah mendapatkan informasi dari akun menfess Twitter. Data kuantitatif diolah dengan metode Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa content relevance, navigability, dan presentation memengaruhi perceived usability; perceived usability memengaruhi browsing activity dan social interaction; social interaction memengaruhi informativeness, baik secara langsung maupun dengan mediasi perceived interaction quality; informativeness memengaruhi perceived information quality; perceived information quality memengaruhi browsing activity dan perceived enjoyment; browsing activity dan perceived enjoyment memengaruhi urge to buy impulsively; dan urge to buy impulsively memengaruhi actual purchase secara langsung serta melalui cognitive evaluation. Penelitian ini melengkapi pengetahuan di bidang usability, social interaction, dan browsing activity pada praktik akun menfess Twitter. Hasil penelitian dapat dimanfaatkan oleh pengembang Twitter untuk mengembangkan Twitter sebagai media interaksi berbasis menfess.

Twitter is one of the largest text-based social media in the world with various features that support the communication activities of its users. Over time, users can send messages to menfess accounts according to their interests and preferences, which will then re-post the message publicly. This study aims to analyze the factors of usability, social interaction, and browsing activity that influence the impulsive buying behavior of Twitter menfess users.
This research was conducted using mixed-method. Qualitative research was conducted by conducting interviews with 10 Twitter user interviewees who had interacted with the menfess Twitter account. The qualitative data that has been collected is processed using grounded theory. The results of qualitative data processing are used as a reference for the formation of quantitative instruments. Quantitative research was conducted by distributing online questionnaires with 918 respondents of Twitter menfess users who have made purchase transactions after getting information from Twitter menfess accounts. Quantitative data is processed using the Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM) method.
The results showed that content relevance, navigability, and presentation affect perceived usability; perceived usability affects browsing activity and social interaction; social interaction affects informativeness, both directly and by mediating perceived interaction quality; informativeness affects perceived information quality; perceived information quality affects browsing activity and perceived enjoyment; browsing activity and perceived enjoyment affect urge to buy impulsively; and urge to buy impulsively affects actual purchase directly and through cognitive evaluation. This research complements knowledge in the fields of usability, social interaction, and browsing activity in the practice of Twitter menfess accounts. The results of the study can be utilized by Twitter developers to develop Twitter as a menfess-based interaction media.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Halimah Ramawati
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis gaya kepemimpinan situasional yang diterapkan oleh Lurah Menteng Atas Kecamatan Setiabudi Jakarta Selatan. Pertanyaan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana gaya kepemimpinan Lurah Menteng Atas, bagaimana tingkat kematangan pegawai Kelurahan Menteng Atas, dan bagaimana kesesuaian antara gaya kepemimpinan Lurah dengan tingkat kematangan pegawai Kelurahan Menteng Atas. Pendekatan yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dan tujuan penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menunjukan bahwa Lurah Menteng Atas menerapkan gaya kepemimpinan Participating dan tingkat kematangan pegawai Kelurahan Menteng Atas berada pada M4 atau tinggi. Hal ini menggambarkan cenderung adanya kesesuaian antara gaya kepemimpinan yang diterapkan dengan tingkat kematangan karyawan. Hal ini sejalan dengan gaya kepemimpinan yang ada pada organisasi publik seperti Kelurahan Menteng Atas, yaitu terdapat kebijakan yang hanya dapat diputuskan oleh Lurah itu sendiri, atau suatu kewenangan yang hanya dimiliki olehnya. Sehingga pemimpin disektor publik lebih menerapkan gaya kepemimpinan yang memang sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi yang ada.

This study aims to analyze the situational leadership style adopted by the Setiabudi subdistrict headman Menteng Upper South Jakarta. The question in this research is how the leadership style headman Menteng Atas, how the level of maturity of Menteng Upper Village employees, and how the fit between leadership style village chief with the maturity level employees Menteng Upper Village. The approach used for this research is quantitative research and the purpose of this research is descriptive. Based on the results of the study, showed that the headman Menteng Atas apply leadership style and level of maturity Participating employees Menteng Top village located on the M4 or higher. This illustrates tend compatibility between leadership style that is applied to the maturity level of the employee. This is in line with the style of leadership that exist in public organizations such as the Village Menteng Atas, that there are policies that can only be decided by the village chief himself, or an authority that belongs only to him. So that more public sector leaders apply leadership style that is appropriate to the situation and conditions."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tika Ardiningrum
"Perkembangan teknologi di Indonesia tengah mengalami kemajuan yang pesat. Salah satu kemajuan teknologi yang sedang marak adalah munculnya situs atau aplikasi jual beli. Kemunculan ini mampu membuat masyarakat dengan mudah berbelanja maupun berjualan hanya dengan mengakses situs ataupun aplikasi jual beli melalui perangkat pintar. Namun, kemudahan yang didapatkan juga memiliki sisi negatif, yaitu dapat menyebabkan masyarakat cenderung berperilaku impulsif saat berbelanja. Konsumen yang memiliki perilaku ini membeli suatu barang atau jasa dengan spontan tanpa pertimbangan. Perilaku online impulsive buying dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, salah satunya adalah faktor intrinsik konsumen. Selain itu, individu yang cenderung berperilaku impulsif saat berbelanja umumnya berusia 18 sampai dengan 39 tahun, yang mana termasuk dalam fase dewasa awal. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini akan diteliti lebih lanjut mengenai faktor-faktor intrinsik yang dapat memengaruhi perilaku pembelian impulsif pada individu yang telah memasuki usia dewasa awal. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada mahasiswa FMIPA UI menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan terdapat 396 sampel berdasarkan the 10-times rule. Peneliti menggunakan metode Partial Least Square (PLS) dan Multi-Group Analysis Partial Least Square (MGA-PLS) dalam penyelesaian masalah penelitian, serta bootstrap untuk mengevaluasi inner model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kepribadian neuroticism, materialism, shopping enjoymet tendency, dan impusive buying tendency berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap online impulsive buying behavior. Selain itu, tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh diantara setiap kategori dalam variabel demografi jenis kelamin, domisili, dan pendapatan mahasiswa.

Technological developments in Indonesia are currently experiencing rapid progress. One of the technological advances that is currently popular in Indonesia is the emergence of buying and selling sites or applications. This emergence makes it easier for people to shop or sell by simply accessing buying and selling sites or applications through smart phone. However, this convenience also has a negative side, which can cause people tend to behave impulsively when shopping. Consumers who have this behavior buy an item or service spontaneously without consideration. Online impulsive buying behavior can be affected by various factors, one of which is the consumer's intrinsic factor, that is big five personality traits, culture, materialism, shopping enjoyment tendency, and impulsive buying tendency. Individuals who tend to behave impulsively when shopping are usually aged 18 to 39 years, which is in the early adult phase. Therefore, this study will examine further about the intrinsic factors that can influence impulsive buying behavior in individuals who have entered early adulthood. Sampling was carried out at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia by distributing questionnaires to students who fit the required criteria using a purposive sampling method and there are 396 samples whose number is determined by the 10-times rule. Researchers use Partial Least Square and Multi-Group Analysis methods to solve this research problem, and bootstrap to evaluate the inner model. The results showed that the personality of neuroticism, materialism, shopping enjoyment tendency, and impulsive buying tendency had a significant effect on online impulsive buying behavior. There is no difference in the influence between each category in the demographic variables of gender, domicile, and student income."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Mutia Zahira
"Seseorang yang memiliki kecenderungan untuk membeli barang secara tidak terencana atau secara impulsif biasanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan faktor eksternal, dan hal itu terjadi ketika konsumen membuat keputusan untuk membeli di dalam toko secara spontan. Terdapat dua faktor atau cara seseorang menanggapi perilaku kecenderungan pembelian secara impulsif, yaitu berdasarkan dimensi afektif dan dimensi kognitif. Faktor eksternal yang dapat mempengaruhi perilaku kecenderungan pembelian secara impulsif adalah in-store environment. In-store environment merupakan suatu strategi pemasaran dimana dapat mempengaruhi konsumen untuk membuat keputusan untuk membeli di dalam toko secara spontan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh in-store environment terhadap impulsive buying tendency. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan melakukan survei menggunakan instrumen kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada 100 orang responden. Pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan seluruh dimensi yang terdapat pada in-store environment yang terdiri dari crowding, in-store scent, background music, ventilation, coupons and vouchers, store display, advertisement and promotions, behavior of shop staff dan price berpengaruh terhadap impulsive buying tendency. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa strategi in-store environment yang diterapkan Watsons berpengaruh terhadap kecenderungan pembelian secara impulsif.

People who has a tendency to purchase goods unintentionally or impulsively usually affected by both internal factors and external factors and it’s happened when costumer makes decision to purchase inside the store spontaneously. There is two different internal factor or way people respond to impulsive buying tendency, by affective factors and cognitive factors. External factor which can affected people to have impulsive buying tendency is by in-store environment. In-store environment is a marketing strategy who can affect consumer to make decision to buy inside the store spontaneously. This research aims to analyze the effect of in-store environment towards impulsive buying tendency. This research uses a quantitative approach by conducting survey using questionnaire presented the instrument to 100 respondents. The data processing used simple linear regression method. The results of this research presents that all dimensions in in-store environment consisting of crowding, in-store scent, background music, ventilation, coupons and vouchers, store display, advertisement and promotions, behavior of shop staff and price is influenced towards impulsive buying tendency. This shows that Watsons’ in-store environment strategy has an effect on impulsive buying tendency."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dzul Fiqar Aditya Widhiartanto
"Twitter adalah salah satu media sosial berbasis teks terbesar di dunia dengan berbagai fitur yang menunjang aktivitas komunikasi penggunanya. Seiring berjalannya waktu, pengguna dapat mengirimkan pesan kepada akun menfess sesuai minat dan preferensi mereka, yang kemudian akan mengunggah kembali pesan itu secara publik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor usability, social interaction, dan browsing activity yang memengaruhi perilaku impulsive buying pengguna menfess Twitter. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mixed-method. Penelitian kualitatif dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara bersama 10 narasumber pengguna Twitter yang pernah berinteraksi dengan akun menfess Twitter. Data kualitatif yang telah terkumpul diolah menggunakan grounded theory. Hasil pengolahan data kualitatif digunakan sebagai acuan pembentukan instrumen kuantitatif. Penelitian kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner online dengan 918 responden pengguna menfess Twitter yang pernah melakukan transaksi pembelian setelah mendapatkan informasi dari akun menfess Twitter. Data kuantitatif diolah dengan metode Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa content relevance, navigability, dan presentation memengaruhi perceived usability; perceived usability memengaruhi browsing activity dan social interaction; social interaction memengaruhi informativeness, baik secara langsung maupun dengan mediasi perceived interaction quality; informativeness memengaruhi perceived information quality; perceived information quality memengaruhi browsing activity dan perceived enjoyment; browsing activity dan perceived enjoyment memengaruhi urge to buy impulsively; dan urge to buy impulsively memengaruhi actual purchase secara langsung serta melalui cognitive evaluation. Penelitian ini melengkapi pengetahuan di bidang usability, social interaction, dan browsing activity pada praktik akun menfess Twitter. Hasil penelitian dapat dimanfaatkan oleh pengembang Twitter untuk mengembangkan Twitter sebagai media interaksi berbasis menfess.

Twitter is one of the largest text-based social media in the world with various features that support the communication activities of its users. Over time, users can send messages to menfess accounts according to their interests and preferences, which will then re-post the message publicly. This study aims to analyze the factors of usability, social interaction, and browsing activity that influence the impulsive buying behavior of Twitter menfess users. This research was conducted using mixed-method. Qualitative research was conducted by conducting interviews with 10 Twitter user interviewees who had interacted with the menfess Twitter account. The qualitative data that has been collected is processed using grounded theory. The results of qualitative data processing are used as a reference for the formation of quantitative instruments. Quantitative research was conducted by distributing online questionnaires with 918 respondents of Twitter menfess users who have made purchase transactions after getting information from Twitter menfess accounts. Quantitative data is processed using the Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM) method. The results showed that content relevance, navigability, and presentation affect perceived usability; perceived usability affects browsing activity and social interaction; social interaction affects informativeness, both directly and by mediating perceived interaction quality; informativeness affects perceived information quality; perceived information quality affects browsing activity and perceived enjoyment; browsing activity and perceived enjoyment affect urge to buy impulsively; and urge to buy impulsively affects actual purchase directly and through cognitive evaluation. This research complements knowledge in the fields of usability, social interaction, and browsing activity in the practice of Twitter menfess accounts. The results of the study can be utilized by Twitter developers to develop Twitter as a menfess-based interaction media."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fikri Herwasto
"Fenomena para orangtua yang selalu mencari segala informasi terkait dengan produk anak melalui internet dan sosial media menjadi latar belakang pada penelitian ini. Kehadiran akun yang memberikan rekomendasi untuk produk anak pada sosial media diyakini dapat meningkatkan impulsifitas para ibu untuk membeli produk tersebut. Penelitian ini ingin melihat bagamaina pengaruh dari Rekomendasi Produk terhadap Impulsive buying. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah para ibu yang termasuk kedalam generasi milenial yang aktif dalam media sosial instagram dan mengikuti akun yang sering memberikan rekomendasi produk. Pengolahan data yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah urge to buy impulsively dipengaruhi oleh product affection dari produk yang direkomendasikan yang dipengaruhi oleh sinyal terkait produk (vicarious expression dan aesthetic appeal) dan affective trust pada pemberi rekomendasi.

The phenomenon of parents who are always looking for all information related to childrens products through the internet and social media is the background in this study. The presence of accounts that provide recommendations for childrens products on social media is believed to increase the impulsivity of mothers to buy these products. This study want to see how the effects of Product Recommendations on Impulsive buying. The sample in this study are mothers who are millennials generation who are active in social media instagram and follow accounts that often provide product recommendations. Data processingt in this study uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of this study are the urge to buy impulsively is affected by product affection of the recommended product that is influenced by product-related signals (vicarious expression and aesthetic appeal) and affective trust in recommender."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astri Cahyorini
"The packaging design`s important role as a means of marketing communication is growing. This research examines the effect of Monggo size 40 grams` packaging design on impulsive buying in South Jakarta and also examines which one among the dimensions in packaging design (graphic design, structure design, and product information) has the biggest effect on impulsive buying. This research uses the quantitative approach to explain the connection between the two variables. The data was collected through questionnaires filled out by impulsive buyers of Monggo size 40 grams in South Jakarta. A total of 100 respondents are examined using the purposive sampling technique. The result of the research shows that the packaging design affects impulsive buying at a rate of 38.0% and the packaging design dimension that results in impulsive buying is graphic design. We may conclude that Monggo`s management needs to review the brand`s packaging design. As the management is yet to utilize other communicating tools such as advertisements to support marketing communication, the packaging design becomes more crucial in boosting sales. The research also finds that customers have a great liking for the brand name `Monggo`, as it is a very distinctly traditional name that is not only appealing but also noticeable among the current brands."
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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