"[Perilaku makan menyimpang kini semakin banyak terjadi di
kalangan remaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor
dominan dari kecenderungan perilaku makan menyimpang pada siswi
sekolah swasta khusus perempuan SMA Tarakanita 1 Jakarta tahun 2015.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross sectional dan dilakukan terhadap 148 siswi pada bulan November Desember 2015.
Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengisian kuesioner, pengukuran
antropometri, dan food recall 2 x 24 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 84,5% siswi mengalami kecenderungan perilaku makan menyimpang. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna antara riwayat diet (P = 0,003), citra tubuh (P=0,006), pengaruh
teman sebaya (P=0,007), dan pengaruh media sosial (P=0,003) terhadap kecenderungan perilaku makan menyimpang. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh teman sebaya merupakan faktor dominan terhadap kecenderungan perilaku makan menyimpang (OR = 11,70). Oleh sebab itu, perlu dilakukan kegiatan promosi gizi dan edukasi mengenai perilaku makan menyimpang agar para siswi dapat memahami pola makan yang baik bagi kesehatan.;Eating disorders are happening among adolescents these days. This
study aims to determine the dominant factor of the onset of eating
disorders at an all girls private school Tarakanita 1 Senior High School
Jakarta 2015. The study was conducted using quantitative method with
cross sectional study design to 148 students in November-December 2015.
Data were collected with self-administered questionnaire, anthropometric measurement, and 2 x 24 hours food recall. The result showed that 84,5% of students has the tendency to have eating disorders. The variables that shown significant relation were dieting behavior history (P=0,003), body image (P=0,006), peer influence (P=0,007), and social media influence (P=0,003). Multivariate analysis result showed peer influence as the dominant factor of tendency to have eating disorders (OR = 11,70). These findings suggest that school and health services should collaborate and do more health promotion and education about eating disorders to improved students' knowledge on healthy eating behavior., Eating disorders are happening among adolescents these days. This
study aims to determine the dominant factor of the onset of eating
disorders at an all girls private school Tarakanita 1 Senior High School
Jakarta 2015. The study was conducted using quantitative method with
cross sectional study design to 148 students in November-December 2015.
Data were collected with self-administered questionnaire, anthropometric measurement, and 2 x 24 hours food recall. The result showed that 84,5% of students has the tendency to have eating disorders. The variables that shown significant relation were dieting behavior history (P=0,003), body image (P=0,006), peer influence (P=0,007), and social media influence (P=0,003). Multivariate analysis result showed peer influence as the dominant factor of tendency to have eating disorders (OR = 11,70). These findings suggest that school and health services should collaborate and do more health promotion and education about eating disorders to improved students' knowledge on healthy eating behavior.]"