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Paulina Livia Tandijono
Tingginya angka infeksi virus dengue (DENV) di Indonesia merupakan masalah
kesehatan yang masih belum tertangani. Pengobatan infeksi DENV hingga saat ini
masih mengandalkan imunitas penderita. Berbagai jenis antiviral DENV sedang
dikembangkan, salah satunya menggunakan rekayasa genetika berbasis sekuens
untranslated region (UTR). Namun data mengenai UTR DENV masih sedikit. Oleh
karena itu, penulis melakukan penelitian untuk menganalisa sekuens dan
filogenetik UTR DENV-1. Dalam penelitian ini, dua strain Indonesia dibandingkan
dengan 25 strain dari GenBank menggunakan program Genetyx 5.1. Hasil
penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat beberapa sekuens yang lestari, sehingga
memenuhi kriteria sebagai target siRNA, yaitu 3’UAR, CS1, CS2, dan RCS2.
Sementara sekuens 5’ UTR tidak memenuhi syarat siRNA karena ditemukan
perubahan pada beberapa strain, termasuk strain Indonesia. Filogenetik
menggunakan UTR tidak sesuai dengan filogenetik envelope dan tidak dapat
digunakan untuk menjelaskan pola penyebaran DENV-1.

High prevalence of dengue virus (DENV) infection still become an unresolved issue
in Indonesia. Treatment for DENV infection relies heavily on natural immunity.
Various DENV antivirals are on development, one of them is untranslated region
(UTR)-sequence-based. However, there is only a few number of data available on
UTR DENV. Therefore, this research was done to analyze the sequence and
phylogenetic of UTR DENV-1. Two Indonesia strains were compared with 25
strains from GenBank using the Genetyx 5.1 program. There are four conserved
sequences that fill criteria as siRNA targets, which are 3’UAR, CS1, CS2, and
RCS2. 5’UTR sequence does not fill the siRNA criteria because mutations were
found within some strains, including Indonesia strains. Phylogenetic using UTR
does not fit envelope phylogenetic and can not be used to explain the DENV-1
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edwin Wijaya
"Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang masih mengalami masalah dengan infeksi virus dengue (DENV). Hingga kini, belum ditemukan antiviral spesifik untuk DENV. Ada beberapa potensi antiviral, salah satunya adalah intervensi pada sekuens untranslated region (UTR) menggunakan small-interfering RNA (siRNA). Penelitian mengenai UTR ini masih relatif terbatas. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan analisis filogenetik dan homologi pada sekuens UTR DENV-2 dengan data dari Mikrobiologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia dan GenBank. Analisis filogenetik dengan Genetyx 5.1 menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan persebaran genotipe berbasis envelope dan UTR. Selain itu, terdapat beberapa area yang sangat highly conserved pada 5’UTR maupun 3’UTR yang berpotensi menjadi target intervensi.

Infection of dengue is a major problem in Indonesia as there are no specific antiviral has been successfully developed. There are several promising candidates such as intervention of the untranslated region (UTR) sequence through small-interfering RNA (siRNA). The research for this field is still limited. In this research, the DENV-2’s UTR sequence data from Microbiology Department, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia and GenBank are analyzed using Genetyx 5.1 It is found through phylogenetic analysis that there are differences in genotype dissemination based on envelope and UTR. Moreover, there are several highly conserved ar
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arvin Pramudita
"Indonesia merupakan negara dengan jumlah kasus dengue terbanyak dan terparah di Asia Tenggara Studi filogenetik virus dengue DENV diperlukan sebagai dasar pengembangan struktur vaksin yang cocok Meskipun demikian data sekuens DENV masih terbatas Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis sekuens dan filogenetik keseluruhan gen envelope DENV 1 dibandingkan dengan domain III saja Data didapatkan dari GenBank dan Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia berupa whole genome DENV 1 sebanyak 30 sekuens yang diolah dengan Genetyx 5 1 Hasil analisis nukleotida gen envelope DENV 1 menunjukan strain Indonesia termasuk genotipe I dan IV Sedangkan analisis nukleotida dengan hanya domain III menunjukan adanya perbedaan cluster antar strain namun tetap dalam genotipe yang sama Dengan demikian studi filogenetik penentuan genotipe dapat dilakukan dengan hanya menggunakan domain III saja Analisis homologi asam amino domain III menunjukan epitope utama dilestarikan dan dapat menjadi landasan penting dalam pembuatan vaksin dengue berbasis domain III

Phylogenetic study of dengue virus DENV is required as a basis to develop a suitable structure for vaccine development Nonetheless DENV sequence data is limited This study aims to analyze and compare the sequence and phylogenetic of DENV 1 envelope gene with domain III The data is obtained from GenBank and Laboratory of Microbiology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia Thirty sequences of DENV 1 whole genome were processed using Genetyx 5 1 Analysis using DENV 1 envelope nucleotide showed that strain Indonesia has genotype I and IV Analysis using only the nucleotide of domain III showed the same genotype with difference of clusters between strains Thus phylogenetic studies determining the genotype can be done using domain III alone Homology analysis of amino acid of domain III showed that the main epitope is well reserved This finding can be an important cornerstone in the development of domain III based dengue vaccine.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indra Wicaksono
"Infeksi virus Dengue (DENV) masih menjadi masalah kesehatan dunia termasuk Indonesia, mengamcam lebih dari 150 ribu jiwa setiap tahunnya. Meski berbagai usaha preventif konvensional telah dilakukan, angka keparahan tetap tidak jauh berkurang. Karena itu, vaksin dikembangkan sebagai usaha preventif yang efektif sekaligus efisien. Sayangnya, jumlah studi filogenetik yang mendukung pengembangan vaksin saat ini masih terbatas. Untuk itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis sekuens nukleotida dan asam amino protein Non Struktural-1 (NS-1) pada bagian epitope. Analisis dilakukan dari data yang dikumpulkan melalui GenBank dan Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 29 sekuens diolah menggunakan program Genetyx 5.1. Hasil analisis menunjukkan persebaran filogenetik berdasarkan nukleotida NS-1 strain Indonesia yang berada pada Genotipe I dan IV dan tidak berbeda dengan filogenetik berdasarkan gen envelope. Sedangkan, hasil homologi asam amino menunjukkan substitusi terjadi pada beberapa situs epitope NS-1 yang sebelumnya dianggap lestari. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa, analisis NS-1 dapat digunakan sebagai dasar pengembangan vaksin dengue.

Until to date, dengue virus (DENV) infection is still a major global health problem including Indonesia, putting over 150 thousands people at risk every year. Despite various conventional preventive efforts conducted, number of people with severe dengue is not reduce significantly. Vaccine is than developed in a hope to make a more effective and efficient way of dengue prevention. But, only a limited number of phylogenetic studies have been conducted to support the vaccine development. This phylogenetic studies of dengue virus (DENV) is conducted in order to support the basis for development of protective dengue vaccine. This study analyze nucleotides and amino acids sequence of Non Structural-1 (NS-1) protein and emphasizing at epitope sites. By using Genetyx 5.1, 29 samples that have been collected from Laboratory of Microbiology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia and GenBank were analized. Phylogenetic tree analysis using NS-1 nucleotides showing that isolates from Indonesia is potitioned within genotipe I and IV, insignifically different with phylogenetic tree analysis using envelope nucleotides. While, amino acid homology analysis showing subtitution between NS1 epitope sites that considered being conserved at the previous studies. This results shows that, NS-1 analysis can be used as a basis of vaccine development."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tika Widayanti
"Infeksi dengue DENV adalah penyakit yang diperantarai nyamuk yang manifestasinya dapat mengarah pada dengue hemorrhagic fever DHF dan/atau dengue shock syndrome DSS yang dapat mengakibatkan kematian. Di Indonesia, DHF sudah endemis dan menjadi penyakit yang terjadi sepanjang tahun. Protein non struktural-1 NS1 dari DENV diketahui merupakan biomarker dalam diagnosis dengue karena protein ini bersirkulasi dalam darah selama fase akut penyakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan antibodi monoklonal mAb untuk mendeteksi antigen NS1 dari DENV serotipe 3 DENV3. Sel hibridoma penghasil mAb diperoleh dengan memfusikan sel B dari mencit yang diimunisasi dengan antigen NS1 yang diekspresikan pada sel CHO-K1 dengan sel PAI myeloma. Seleksi hibridoma dengan ELISA indirect diperoleh 16 klona yang berpotensi menghasilkan antibodi anti-NS1.
Tujuh klona terbaik dipilih untuk dikarakterisasi dengan metode IFA terhadap antigen rekombinan NS1 dan hasilnya 6 klona positif menunjukkan reaksi sinyal fluoresens. Klona mAb 4-2D, 4-4F, dan 2-7A diuji terhadap protein NS1 native dari DENV1, DENV2, DENV3, dan DENV4, dan ketiga mAb tersebut mampu mengenali secara spesifik protein NS1 dan tidak bereaksi terhadap protein virus yang lain. Terdapat reaktivitas silang dengan 3 serotipe lainnya yang mengindikasikan bahwa mAb yang diujikan mengenali epitop lestari antigen NS1. Analisis prediksi epitop NS1 juga dilakukan secara in silico terhadap beberapa strain DENV lainnya. Namun, studi lebih lanjut mengenai pemetaan epitop dan afinitas pengikatan antigen-antibodi perlu dilakukan untuk menentukan mAb yang paling potensial sebagai bahan baku kit diagnostik.

Dengue DENV is a mosquito borne infection disease which its manifestation can be lead to a lethal dengue hemorrhagic fever DHF and or dengue shock syndrome DSS . In Indonesia, DHF has been endemic and the disease occurs throughout the year. Non structural 1 NS1 protein of DENV is known to be a biomarker in dengue diagnosis since the protein is abundantly circulating in the blood during acute phase of the disease. The aim of this study to develop monoclonal antibodies mAbs derived from DENV3 to detect NS1. Hybridoma mAb producing cells were obtained by fusing B cells from an immunized mice with NS1 antigen expressed on CHO K1 cells, with PAI myeloma cells. Hybridoma selection with indirect ELISA showed 16 clones that could be potentially produce anti NS1 antibodies.
Seven up to sixteen clones were selected to be characterized by IFA against recombinant NS1 antigen and the result showed 6 clones produce fluorescence signals. Clones mAb 4 2D, 4 4F, and 2 7A were tested against native NS1 proteins from DENV1, DENV2, DENV3, and DENV4, and these mAbs were able to recognize specifically NS1 protein and did not react against other viral proteins. There is a cross reactivity within 3 other serotypes which initially indicate that mAbs recognizes the conserved epitopes determinant of the NS1 antigen. Epitopes prediction analysis was also performed in silico against several others DENV strains. However, further studies of epitope mapping and antigen antibody binding affinity are necessary to determine the most potential mAbs for diagnostic tools.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leonardus Wibowo Hidayat
Penelitian terkait karakteristik genetik sekuens virus dengue (DENV) diperlukan dalam menilai kekerabatan antara strain DENV yang tersebar di seluruh dunia. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah membandingkan karakteristik genotype dan sekuens data DENV serotipe 2 (DENV-2) nukleotida envelope dibandingkan dengan sekuens data DENV-2 nukleotida Non-Struktural 1 (NS1). Data didapatkan dari Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia untuk strain data yang berasal dari Indonesia dan GenBank untuk strain data yang berasal dari seluruh dunia sebagai data pembanding dengan jumlah sebanyak 42 data, yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan Genetyx 5.1. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa sekuens data NS1 strain DENV-2 yang berasal dari Indonesia termasuk ke dalam kelompok genotype Cosmopolitan, serupa dengan hasil analisis data dengan sekuens data envelope strain DENV-2. Sementara pada analisis epitope LX1 yang merupakan epitope khas dari NS1, terdapat berbagai peubahan komponen asam amino pada epitope tersebut dibandingkan dengan sekuens data strain Indonesia yang tergabung ke dalam kelompok genotype Cosmopolitan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa filogenetik dengan menggunakan NS1 sebagai bahan analisis dapat digunakan untuk menentukan genotipe. Sehingga gen NS1 pada DENV-2 strain Indonesia masih dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai salah satu dasar metode pengembangan vaksin.

Studies about genetic characteristic between dengue virus serotype 2 (DENV-2) sequence data is needed to determine its relationship between DENV strain over the world. The main purpose of this study is to compare between characteristic of sequence data DENV-2 envelope nucleotide and sequence data DENV-2 Non- Structural 1 (NS1) nucleotide, and analyze between amino acid homology in this study and related previous studies. 42 data used for this study are obtained from Laboratory of Microbiology Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia for data from Indonesia and form GenBank for data from other countries as a comparison, which is analyzed with software Genetyx 5.1. NS1 sequence data from DENV-2 strain from Indonesia is classified in Cosmpolitan genotype group, which are similar than data analysis from envelope sequence data from same data. Meanwhile in analysis of LX1 epitope, which is considered as typical epitope from NS1, there are any differences in amino acid component at it compared than strain Indonesia data sequences which are included in Cosmopolitan genotype group. As a conclusion, phylogenetic analysis of NS1 nucleotide is useful for determining the genotypes, which means NS1 DENV-2 gene strain Indonesia can be useful as the basis for vaccine development"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Yasmon
"Currently, we reported results of a nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay specific 5` untranslated region (UTR) region of hepatitis C virus (HCV) genome that showed three different patterns of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) fragments (single expected specific DNA band, single DNA band higher in size than an expected band, and multiple DNA bands). Three isolates (Isolate A, B, and C), representing all the three DNA bands, were analyzed by using phylogenetic trees. The results showed that the Isolate A, B, and C were classified into HCV genotypes 2, 1, and 3, respectively. The Isolate A and B were very closely related to viral isolates from Madagascar and Brazil, respectively and were not closely related to other Indonesia isolates. In contrast with the Isolate A and B, the Isolate C was very closely related to another Indonesia isolate. Among all there isolates, the Isolate C was very closely related to an Indonesia isolate detected from a cirrhosis patient, indicating that the Isolate C might be more virulence than the Isolate B and C. However, a complete genome-based comprehensive genetic characterization for all the three isolates needs to be conducted in future research to confirm all findings in this study."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lenggo Geni
Demam berdarah dengue (DBD) merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan karena
infeksi virus dengue (DENV), yang banyak ditemukan di Indonesia. Belum ada
terapi yang spesifik dalam pengobatan DBD. Upaya pengembangan vaksin
dengue yang efektif sangat diperlukan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisa
imunogenisitas kandidat vaksin DNA prM-E dengue serotipe 2 (pUMD2.kl.20)
dengan menganalisis sel T CD4, sel T CD8, IFN-γ dan TNF-α. pada sel U937 dan
PBMC secara in vitro, bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon imun ketika vaksin
diinjeksikan ke dalam tubuh manusia. Dasar penelitian ini adalah sel U937
ditransfeksi dengan pUMD2.kl.20 menggunakan lipofectamin. Sel U937 akan
berperan sebagai APCs yang akan mengekspresikan protein prM-E DENV-2 dan
mempresentasikan protein tersebut melalui molekul MHC class I dan MHC class
II kepada Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell (PBMC) manusia. Tahapan kerja
yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari: (a) kultur galur sel U937, (b)
transfeksi sel U937 dengan pUMD2.kl.20, (c) transfeksi sel U937 dengan plasmid
s(pUMVC), (d) infeksi sel U937 dengan DENV-2 strain DS.18/09, (e) pewarnaan
dan pengamatan hasil pewarnaan menggunakan alat semi flowcytometri (TALI).
pUMD2.kl.20 mengaktivasi sel T CD4 dan sel T CD8 untuk berploriferasi. Hasil
penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi sel T CD8 lebih tinggi dari
konsentrasi sel T CD4 dan konsentrasi sel positif yang mensekresikan IFNγ lebih
tinggi dari konsentrasi sel positif yang mensekresikan TNFα. Kondisi optimal dari
aktivasi sel T CD4 oleh pUMD2.kl.20 adalah 24 jam setelah penambahan PBMC
setelah transfeksi (8,53x10⁴sel/ml), untuk sel T CD8 adalah 24 jam setelah
penambahan PBMC setelah transfeksi (49,4x10⁴ sel/ml). Kondisi optimal dari
aktivasi sel+ yang mensekresikan IFNγ oleh pUMD2.kl.20 adalah 24 jam setelah
penambahan PBMC 48 jam setelah transfeksi (9,86x10⁴ sel/ml), dan untuk sel+
yang mensekresikan TNFα adalah 2 jam setelah penambahan PBMC 48 jam
setelah transfeksi (2,1x10⁴ sel/ml). Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa
pUMD2.kl.20 bersifat imunogenik.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a disease caused by infection with dengue
virus (DENV), which is found in Indonesia. There is no specific therapy in the
treatment of DHF. An effort to develop an effective dengue vaccine is needed. In
this research, analysis of the immunogenicity of the DNA vaccine candidate prME
dengue serotype 2 (pUMD2.kl.20) by analyzing the CD4 T cells, CD8 T cells,
IFN-γ and TNF-α in U937 cells and PBMC in vitro, aims to determine the
immune response when the vaccine is injected into the human body. This research
approach is based on transfection of U937 cells with pUMD2.kl.20 using
lipofectamin. U937 cells acts as APCs which will express the protein prM-E
DENV-2 and presenting these proteins through the MHC class I and MHC class II
molecule to the Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell (PBMC) of human body.
Stages of the work in this study consisted of: (a) culture cell line U937, (b)
transfection of U937 cells with pUMD2.kl.20, (c) transfection of U937 cells with
plasmid (pUMVC), (d) infection of U937 cells with DENV-2 strains DS.18/09,
(e) staining and observation results of staining using a semi-flow cytometri
(TALI). pUMD2.kl.20 activate CD4 T cells and CD8 T cells to proliferate. CD8 T
cells concentration higher than the concentration of CD4 T cells and the secretion
of INFγ-positive cells concentration higher than the concentration of the secretion
of TNFα-positive cells. Optimal condition of CD4 T cells activation by
pUMD2.kl.20 is 24 hours after the addition of PBMC after transfection (8,53x10⁴
cells/ml), for CD8 T cells was 24 hours after the addition of PBMC after
transfection (49,4x10⁴ cells/ml). Optimal conditions secretion of IFNγ-positive
cells were activated by pUMD2.kl.20 is 24 hours after the addition of PBMC 48
hours after transfection (9,86x10⁴ cells/ml), and for the secretion of TNFα-
positive cells were activated by pUMD2.kl.20 is 2 hours after the addition of
PBMC 48 hours after transfection (2,1x10⁴ cells/ml). From this study it can be
concluded that the pUMD2.kl.20 immunogenic, Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a disease caused by infection with dengue
virus (DENV), which is found in Indonesia. There is no specific therapy in the
treatment of DHF. An effort to develop an effective dengue vaccine is needed. In
this research, analysis of the immunogenicity of the DNA vaccine candidate prME
dengue serotype 2 (pUMD2.kl.20) by analyzing the CD4 T cells, CD8 T cells,
IFN-γ and TNF-α in U937 cells and PBMC in vitro, aims to determine the
immune response when the vaccine is injected into the human body. This research
approach is based on transfection of U937 cells with pUMD2.kl.20 using
lipofectamin. U937 cells acts as APCs which will express the protein prM-E
DENV-2 and presenting these proteins through the MHC class I and MHC class II
molecule to the Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell (PBMC) of human body.
Stages of the work in this study consisted of: (a) culture cell line U937, (b)
transfection of U937 cells with pUMD2.kl.20, (c) transfection of U937 cells with
plasmid (pUMVC), (d) infection of U937 cells with DENV-2 strains DS.18/09,
(e) staining and observation results of staining using a semi-flow cytometri
(TALI). pUMD2.kl.20 activate CD4 T cells and CD8 T cells to proliferate. CD8 T
cells concentration higher than the concentration of CD4 T cells and the secretion
of INFγ-positive cells concentration higher than the concentration of the secretion
of TNFα-positive cells. Optimal condition of CD4 T cells activation by
pUMD2.kl.20 is 24 hours after the addition of PBMC after transfection (8,53x10⁴
cells/ml), for CD8 T cells was 24 hours after the addition of PBMC after
transfection (49,4x10⁴ cells/ml). Optimal conditions secretion of IFNγ-positive
cells were activated by pUMD2.kl.20 is 24 hours after the addition of PBMC 48
hours after transfection (9,86x10⁴ cells/ml), and for the secretion of TNFα-
positive cells were activated by pUMD2.kl.20 is 2 hours after the addition of
PBMC 48 hours after transfection (2,1x10⁴ cells/ml). From this study it can be
concluded that the pUMD2.kl.20 immunogenic]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heidi Indraswara Satari
"Dengue berdarah dengue (DBD) di Indonesia adalah salah satu penyakit utama sejak 47 tahun yang lalu, yang terus meningkat hingga sekarang. Saat ini belum tersedia pengobatan spesifik Dengue Virus (DENV) yang efektif dan tersedia secara komersial, melainkan hanya sebatas terapi suportif. Penggunaan antivirus dapat menurunkan tingginya angka morbiditas dan mortalitas yang disebabkan dari infeksi DENV, di mana senyawa murni terus berkembang menjadi salah satu kandidatnya. Piperine adalah senyawa murni yang dapat ditemukan di beragam herbal yang tergolong dalam famili Piperaceae. Penelitian ini ialah studi eksperimental mengenai efektivitas Piperine sebagai antivirus terhadap DENV-2 galur New Guinea C pada galur sel manusia, Huh7it-1. Efektivitas didapat melalui perhitungan indeks selektivitas, melalui perbandingan nilai CC50 dengan IC50 Piperine. CC50 dan IC50 secara berurutan diuji menggunakan uji MTT assay dan focus assay. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, nilai CC50 dan IC50 yang didapat ialah 227,096 µg/ml dan 10,708 µg/ml, menghasilkan 21,208 indeks selektivitas. Tingginya CC50 dan rendahnya IC 50 menghasilkan indeks selektivitas yang tinggi, sehingga membuktikan bahwa Piperine memiliki aktivitas penghambatan DENV yang tinggi dengan memiliki efek toksisitas yang rendah pada Huh7it-1. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Piperine adalah senyawa murni yang dapat menjadi kandidat dalam antivirus DENV di kemudian hari.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in Indonesia has been one of the major health problems since 47 years ago, which continuously increasing until now. There is no effective and commercially available antiviral drug specific to DENV, but they are now only limited to supportive therapies. The use of antiviral can decrease the morbidity and mortality rates caused by DENV infection, where pure compounds of many herbs are currently developing to become antiviral candidate. Piperine is an alkaloid found in various plants belonging to Piperaceae family. This is an experimental study regarding the effectivity of Piperine as antiviral against DENV-2 strain New Guinea C in human cell line, Huh7it-1. The effectivity of Piperine is measured through selectivity index (SI), obtained from the ratio between the half-cytotoxic concentration of Piperine (CC50) and its half-inhibitory concentration (IC50). CC50 and IC50 were measured respectively through MTT assay and focus assay techniques. From this experiment, CC50 and IC50 obtained were 227.096 µg/ml and 10.708 µg/ml, respectively - thus resulting 21.208 as its SI. The high CC 50 and low IC 50 , that create high SI indicates that Piperine has high antiviral activity against DENV with low toxicity in human cell line Huh7it-1. Therefore, the conclusion drawn is that Piperine is an effective candidate for antiviral against DENV-2 in the future. "
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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