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Nurul Fadhilah
"Lore Lindu National Park covers 217,991 ha of Central Sulawesi. The elevation range from 200 m asl in Pakuli to 2,355 m asl at the top of Nokilalaki mountain on the north east of this national park. This wide range of the elevation has become the supporting factor of the high biodiversity in this national park. There were many Sulawesi endemic faunas which have been found in this national park. This national park have at least 5 species of squirrel, 31 of 38 of the rats species are endemic not to mention other big mammals and the species of shrews which are mostly endemic. Approximately there are 55 species of bats inhabit this national park. This group of animals plays important economic and ecological roles including producing fertilizer, pollinating fruit trees, and consuming vast numbers of insects. Bat’s morphology and anatomy are basically like that of any other mammal, the wings are the most obvious distinguishing characteristic. The fundamental similarity in structure of all bats has required the group to expand into new habitat or to partition their niche.
Ecomorphology is a study that relates the morphological structures that construct an organism with ecological and evolutionary consequences of that designs. Some previous study indicate the relationship between morphological characters such as cranial or wing characters with diet and niche partition in bats. Ecomorphological study of bats is very lack in Sulawesi particularly which correlates with its ecological function such as niche partition. The study on ecomorphology has not been comprise the whole area of this national park. There were no reports on this study at the South West Part of Lore Lindu National Park, near Tomado village.
Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is a pattern of variation in which asymmetry values are normally distributed around a mean of zero. FA has been considered as the product of random errors in development, and thus a measure of developmental stability. The level of FA in a trait may indicate genetic, developmental, or environmental stress. The study of FA can also predict the interspecies relationship between two or more species in one area. The study of FA in bats has never been conducted in Lore Lindu National Park. This study can explain the interspecies relationship among bats species and the level of environmental stress in the national park.
This study focused on two topics: (1) ecomorphological relationship between wing characters and niche partition in bat community, and (2) fluctuating asymmetry pattern in bat community. The study area was located at Lore Lindu National Park, Salupada Mountain, Tomado village, Central Sulawesi. The study was conducted between July to August 2002.
Bats were captured using mist nets and a harp trap. This study is testing the hypothesis that bat species are randomly dispersed in multivariate morphological space. In contrast, if they are organized (due to phylogeny, competitive interactions, etc), multivariate morphological space will be partitioned regularly. This study is also testing the significant difference of FA levels between species of bat in the community to see the interspecies relationship among them.
A total of 128 bat specimens from 16 species were collected. The wing morphology of each specimens were measured using digital caliper. The wing characters measured were the Metacarpal of the first to the fifth digit of the bat, the first and the second Phalanges of the third to the fifth digit of the bat, Forearms, and Tibiae. A total of 13 characters were measured. These characters was analysed using multivariate statistics, Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
Principal component analysis indicates that differences in size of the wing (PC-1) contribute 86% of niche partition, whereas wing width membrane differences (PC-2) contribute only about 8% of niche partition. The guild of bat community in Lore Lindu National Park was not distributed randomly in multivariate space. Instead we found that the morphological space is partitioned regularly, probably due to competitive interactions The pattern of fluctuating asymmetry between the two bat species showed no significant differences of FA level between the sexes within The study of ecomorphological attributes on bats in Lore Lindu National Park is still needed to be continued in order to find out the niche partition in the whole area of the park and also to see the level of disturbance in the area."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The study of the patterns of nematode infection on rodents in Lore Lindu,Central Sulawesi was carried out. A total of 52 rodents were examined...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ulva Soraya
"Sulawesi is the biggest and the most important island in Wallacea. This island has many endemic species including macaques. Seven species of macaques are recognized endemic in Sulawesi. There are Macaca maura, M. tonkeana, M. ochreata, M. brunnescens, M. hecki, M. nigrescens and M. nigra.
Compared to the other species of macaques in Sulawesi, M. tonkeana is more secure because its population decline its not as high as the others. But, the increase of human population around macaques habitat and the changing of forest structure and composition are the biggest threat for their lives.
Forest destruction and habitat loss also occured in Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi. Forest clearance for cocoa and coffee plantations are the cases which found more in that area. Besides that, exploitation of timber, especially rattan is the most common human activity. Those cases will jeopardize the population of wildlife including M. tonkeana.
Although the extinction risk of M. tonkeana is not readily evident at the moment, the increasing human activities in Lore Lindu National Park may present a serious threat to these endemic species. The main objectives in this study were to estimate the population density of M. tonkeana in two different habitats, and to know the characteristics of the habitat in that study area.
The study was conducted in Lindu Land, Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi. The two study sites including (1) forest which does not have any land clearance for agriculture but reveices human disturbance such as timber exploitation especially rattan (two transect of 2,5 km and 3 km) and (2) forest which is disturbed by agricultural clearance (two transect of 2,3 km and 3 km).
Data collection was carried out from November 2002 to February 2003. To estimate population density of M. tonkeana, replication of forest line transect were walked. These involved slow, quiet walkings, with stop every 100 meter to visually scan the forest and listen for sound. All individuals and groups sigthed were recorded, and measurements of the average visual distance on either side of transect line to provide an estimate of area covered were taken.
Vegetation study plots were established to study the composition and structure habitat of M. tonkeana. Twenty seven plots of 20 x 20 m were located in the forest and twenty six in agricultural forest. In each plot, all trees  10 cm diameter-at-breast height (DBH) were identified to species and precisely measured. Sample species were collected and identified at the Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor. From those data, species and family important value, species diversity and similarity index were calculated.
The result indicated that supply of food for M. tonkeana in their habitat had effect on their density. Population density of M. tonkeana in the agricultural forest habitat was higher than in the forest habitat. In forest habitat, the density were 0.97 ± 0.52 groups/km2 and 8.70 ± 7.49 individuals/km2 while agricultural forest had higher estimated population of 1.36 ± 0.31 groups/km2 and 14.09 ± 5.37 individuals/km2.
Seven species of figs as keystone source for vertebrates frugivorous were found in agricultural forest with total individuals were twelve. In the forest, five figs were found in total nine individuals. The diversity index for food trees in the agriculture forest habitat (2,4130) was higher than forest habitat (2,0591). Macaques can find more varieties of food in agricultural forest, because there were many agricultural products.
The results shows that supply of food and human activities in the habitat of macaques had an influence to the density of macaques. Forest clearance for agricultural made macaques loss their habitat and diversity of foods. Exploitation of timber especially rattan also disturbed the macaques."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indra Yustian
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siombo, Marhaeni Ria
Pembangunan nasional yang berwawasan lingkungan hidup merupakan pemanfaatan sumber daya alam secara bertanggung jawab. Sumber daya alam merupakan wujud dari keserasian ekosistem dan keserasian unsur-unsur pembentuknya yang diperlukan sebagai modal dasar pembangunan nasional yang wajib dikelola secara bijaksana, sehingga penggunaan dan pemanfaatannya dapat berlangsung secara lestari, seimbang, selaras dan serasi. Oleh karena itu diperlukan upaya konservasi, sehingga sumber daya alam yang menjadi tempat bergantung keberlangsungan hidup manusia tidak akan habis dan punah. Salah satu bentuk perhatian pemerintah terhadap masalah konservasi adalah dikeluarkannya UU No.5 Tahun 1990. Salah satu konservasi daratan adalah konservasi hutan yang meliputi suaka alam, hutan wisata, hutan lindung dan Taman Nasional (Atmawidjaya, 1991:3).
Taman Nasional Lore Lindu merupakan salah satu taman nasional yang terletak di Sulawesi Tengah, yang ditetapkan berdasarkan SK Mentan No. 429/kpts/org/7/1978 sebagai kawasan pelestarian alam eselon IV yang kemudian pada Kongres Taman Nasional Sedunia ke-3 di Bali, 14 Oktober 1982 ditetapkan sebagai Taman Nasional dengan luas areal 229.000 ha, berdasarkan Surat Pernyataan Menteri Pertanian No. 736/Mentan/X/1982.
Kelestarian kawasan Taman Nasional Lore Lindu makin terancam oleh perambahan yang terus meningkat dan menurunnya sumber daya alam yang dikandung serta minimnya pengembangan sarana-sarana konservasi.
Pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang sering terjadi adalah pencurian rotan, penebangan kayu, perkebunan rakyat dalam kawasan terlarang, serta perburuan satwa langka.
Dalam taman nasional ini terdapat empat desa yang telah ditetapkan sebagai enclave atau daerah kantong. Mereka hidup di wilayah ini sejak berabad-abad yang lalu, sebelum kawasan ini ditetapkan sebagai kawasan konservasi. Penduduk diperkenankan untuk memanfaatkan lahan yang ada di sekitarnya dalam batas-batas tertentu yang disebut Zona Pemanfaatan Tradisional. Keberadaan penduduk yang saat ini berjumlah lebih kurang 2756 jiwa atau terdapat sejumlah 648 KK dengan luas zona pemanfaatan tradisional yang disediakan lebih kurang 10.000 ha. Luas keempat desa tersebut 279 km2 (27.900 ha), adanya pertambahan penduduk akan mengakibatkan kawasan ini peka terhadap pelanggaran sebab jumlah penduduk akan terus bertambah. Tetapi pada sisi lain dalam kebiasaan-kebiasaan hidup mereka sehari-hari terdapat nilai-nilai yang sangat mendukung program konservasi, yang merupakan cerminan kearifan orang-orang Lindu dalam berinteraksi dengan alam. Dengan kondisi alam dan sarana transportasi yang sangat minim membuat mereka terisolasi dari wilayah lainnya. Satu-satunya sarana transportasi untuk sampai ke wilayah ini adalah dengan berkuda. Adat istiadat mereka yang masih kuat berlaku, belum banyak terpengaruh dengan budaya lain. Kebiasaan-kebiasaan, kepercayaan-kepercayaan terutama yang berkaitan dengan alam hingga kini masih ditaati.
Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1990 adalah undang-undang yang khusus mengatur masalah konservasi sumber daya alam.
Pelaksanaan peraturan di bidang konservasi belum efektif berlaku dalam Taman Nasional Lore Lindu; prinsip dan nilai tradisional yang hidup di kalangan masyarakat Lore Lindu berpengaruh pada strategi pengelolaan taman nasional; keterbatasan sarana dan prasarana merupakan salah satu sebab potensial timbulnya berbagai pelanggaran terhadap kawasan taman nasional. Ketiga hal diatas merupakan hipotesis kerja yang mempedomani penulis dalam melakukan penelitian.
Lokasi penelitian meliputi keempat desa yang berada dalam enclave Dataran Lindu, Kec. Kulawi, Kab. Donggala.
Tipe penelitian ini adalah deskriptif yaitu menggambarkan tentang pelaksanaan peraturan di bidang konservasi sumber daya alam dan ekosistem pada Taman Nasional Lore Lindu dan kebiasaan masyarakat yang masih berlaku yang erat kaitannya dengan konsep konservasi.
Untuk mendapatkan data primer digunakan pengamatan, wawancara dan partisipasi terbatas. Pengamatan diarahkan pada apakah prinsip-prinsip yang hidup dalam masyarakat pedesaan Dataran Lindu masa lalu masih ada pada saat ini dan apakah prinsip-prinsip tersebut dapat menunjang pelestarian sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistem yang ada dalam taman nasional, sebagaimana dapat dilihat dalam tingkah laku serta keputusan mereka sehari-hari. Dalam wawancara, pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajukan tidak mempunyai struktur tertentu tetapi selalu terpusat pada pedoman wawancara. Responden terdiri atas dua golongan yaitu masyarakat yang tinggal dalam enclave dan staf pengelola taman nasional. Dari kalangan masyarakat diambil 10% dari jumlah Kepala keluarga masing-masing desa dan anggota Lembaga Adat Dataran Lindu yang berjumlah 7 (tujuh) orang. Staf pengelola taman nasional yang diwawancarai disesuaikan dengan tugas atau jabatannya, yang terdiri atas; Kepala Sub Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam yang merangkap Pemimpin Proyek Taman Nasional, staf administrasi dan Jagawana/Polisi Hutan yang berada di lokasi taman nasional. Partisipasi terbatas dilakukan dengan tinggal beberapa lamanya di desa yang menjadi fokus penelitian.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah:
Mengetahui faktor penghambat dan faktor pendukung dalam upaya pengelolaan Taman Nasional Lore Lindu; Menginventarisasi nilai-nilai tradisional yang berkaitan dengan program konservasi; Untuk mengetahui sejauhmana pelaksanaan UU No. 5 Tahun 1990 dalam upaya optimalisasi pengelolaan Taman Nasional Lore Lindu.
Analisis normatif dilakukan dengan mengklasifikasi peraturan-peraturan yang terkait atas dasar kronologi kemudian dianalisis dengan mempergunakan pengertian-pengertian dasar dari sistem hukum yang mencakup subyek hukum, hubungan hukum, hak dan kewajiban. Dengan demikian dapat dilihat apakah peraturanperaturan tentang konservasi sudah efektif berlaku pada Taman Nasional Lore Lindu.
Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian ini adalah masyarakat Lindu telah mempraktekkan sebagian dari prinsip-prinsip konservasi yang ada dalam peraturan perundang-undangan. Hal ini terbukti dengan adanya nilai-nilai dalam kepercayaan masyarakat Lindu yang sudah lama dikenal dan dipraktekkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang secara tidak langsung mendukung program konservasi. Nilai-nilai tersebut merupakan cerminan kearifan orang Lindu dalam berhubungan dengan alam.

The national sustainable development is a development, which utilizes the natural resources in a responsible manner. Natural resources are the continuation of their constituents required as a fundamental capital for the national development, which should be operated on discretionally such that its utilization and its benefits could be continuously carried on and balanced. Therefore conservation is needed, so that the natural resources, which constitute the location on which human existence depends on, should not be used up.
One of the concerns of the Government on the issue of conservation is the law provision No.5, 1990. One of the land conservation is the forest conservation, which has conveyed of natural preservation, landscape forestry, reservatory forest and the national parks (Atmawidjaya 1991:3).
The National Park Of Lore Lindu is situated in Central Sulawesi, which was established through the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture No. 427/kpts/org/7/1978 as the zone of natural conservation classification IV which then in the third World Congress of National Parks in Bali on October 14th, 1982 was set up as a national park covering an area of 229,000 ha based on the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture No 736/Mentan/X/1982.
The Lore Lindu National Park has been increasingly threatened by the increasing deforestation and the decline of natural resources while the facilities used for conservation are absolutely limited.
In this national park there were found four villages were established as the enclaves or pocket zones. They have been living in the zones since centuries ago, prior to the establishment of these zones as a conservation area. The people have been allowed to take the advantages of the existing area surrounding properly the area called is the intensive use zone (traditional zone). The recent is population is 2758 people and/or 648 of heads of households with the traditional beneficiaries zone covering an area of 10.000 hectare of the Lindu enclave area (145.000 ha). It is potential to make this zone prone to violations due to the increasing number of the population. But on the other hand, in their customary daily living, there were found a set of values, which support the conservation program, and reflect the wisdom of local people in their interaction with the nature. The condition of nature and the minimum availability of transportation facilities, make them isolated from the other areas.
The Main transportation facility used in the intensive zone is horses. Their customary wisdom, which is strongly prevailing, is not influenced by other cultures. Indigenous knowledge that related to nature still exists.
The Act No. 5/1990 is the provision, which is, aimed at solving the problems of conservation of natural resources. The implementation of this provision has not yet been effective; there are principles and traditional values existing among the community. The limitations of facilities and planned facilities are the potential causes of the various problems relating with the zone of Lore Lindu National Park.
The three things in my hypothesis become the guideline in conducting this research.
The research location covers four villages from the enclave of Lindu, the district of Kulawi, Donggala. The type of this research is descriptive which tries to describe the implementation of provision concerning conservation of the living resources and use of the ecosystem in Lore Lindu National Park in relation with prevailing traditional customs of local community related to the concept of conservation.
To get the primary data, participant observation and limited interviews and are conducted.
The observation was conducted towards the existing values of the local community of Lindu Plateau of the past and the principles supporting the continuation of living resources and its ecosystem, as seen in their daily living. In the interviews, the questions did not have specific structure but were always focused on the interviews guidance. The respondents had consisted of two groups, i.e., the community members living in the enclave and the operational staff members of national park.
They are 10% of the population from each village and 7 members of the institute of traditional customs of Lindu Plateau. The operational staff members consist of The head of Sub Chamber of Natural Resources Conservation; administration Staff members and the Security Staff of Lore Lindu national park.
Limited participation is occasionally carried out in the villages during this research.
The objectives of the research are to find out:
a. The retarding and supporting factors in the effort of supporting the of Lore Lindu National Park management.
b. To what extent the implementation of Act No 5, 1990, is effectively implemented in the effort of optimally the management of the Lore Lindu National Park.
The data analysis is carried out qualitatively concerning the support of several theories
Explaining the correlation between the law and the principles of traditional beliefs (indigenous knowledge).
The conclusion of this research is that the Lindu community has practiced part of the conservation principles found in the jurisprudence. This matter has been attested by the existence of values in the belief of Lindu community, which have long been known and practised, in daily living and indirectly supporting the conservation program. These values have been the reflection of the wisdom of Lindu people in their inter-course with the nature.
The provision of the jurisprudence in the field of conservation has not yet been implemented optimally; several important things found in the provisions have not yet been carried out in the operation of Lore Lindu National Park. Facilities and planned facilities are very inadequate and becoming a retarding factor in operating and developing this national park. The supporting factor in operating and developing this national park is the existence of values of traditional customs of the local community, which supports the conservation program, and reflects their wisdom in their intercourse with the nature.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulia Wulandari
Jalak putih Acridotheres melanopterus merupakan burung endemik yang tersebar di daerah Jawa, Bali dan Lombok. Karena maraknya kasus perdagangan burung kicau, saat ini Jalak Putih telah termasuk dalam kategori Critically Endangered menurut IUCN. Pada habitatnya khususnya di daerah savana Bekol, Jalak Putih menempati relung tetentu. Selain Jalak Putih, teramati burung lain yang menempati habitat yang sama. Burung-burung yang menempati suatu habitat yang sama tentunya berbagi relung sebagai salah satu cara untuk menghindari kompetisi antar jenis. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pembagian relung antara Jalak putih dan jenis burung lainnya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di 6 area yang ditentukan pada daerah di sekitar savana Bekol, Taman Nasional Baluran, Jawa Timur, pada 16 April hingga 23 Mei 2018. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode jelajah bebas dengan mengunjungi tempat dan waktu yang berbeda setiap harinya. Penggunaan habitat Jalak Putih paling besar yaitu di pohon Pilang Acacia leucopholea sebanyak 27 kali perjumpaan dan Rusa Timor Cervus Timorensis sebanyak 10 kali perjumpaan. Teramati ada dua jenis burung yang kemungkinan berbagi relung dengan Jalak Putih yaitu Srigunting Hitam Dicrurus macrocercus dengan tingkat tumpang tindih relung 0,93 dan Kerak Kerbau Acridotheres javanicus dengan tingkat tumpang tindih relung 0,70. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kedua spesies terbukti memiliki nilai tumpang tindih relung yang cukup besar yang kemungkinan disebabkan oleh kesamaan sumber pakan atau adanya interaksi interspesifik, diantara lain yaitu kompetisi atau simbiosis yang terjadi diantara burung tersebut. Jalak putih berbagi sumber daya dengan cara pengambilan pakan yaitu dengan cara probing dan penggunaan sumber daya di waktu dan tempat yang berbeda.

Black Winged Myna Acridotheres melanopterus is one of endemic species which distribute at Java, Bali and Lombok. Black Winged Myna is one of endangered species and categorized to Critically Endangered according to IUCN because of song bird trade crisis. Black Winged Myna lived at their habitat especially at Bekol savannah at their certain niche. Birds that lived at same habitats, usually part their niche to avoid competition among species. Therefore this study supposed to knows about niche partitioning and niche overlap between Black Winged Myna and another bird species. This study was conducted at six area which is determined before at Bekol savannah, Baluran National Park, East Java. Study held from April 16th to May 23rd 2018. Method that use for observation and study is encounter survey, we visited different area and different time for each day. Black Winged Myna rsquo s habitat use mostly found at Pilang tree Acacia leucopholea with 27 encounter and Deer Cervus Timorensis with 10 encounter. We found two bird species which is mostly found at same habitat or interact each other, probably part their niche at their habitats with Black Winged Myna. The bird species is Black Drongo Dicrurus macrocercus with 0,93 niche overlap. and Javan Myna Acridotheres javanicus with 0,70 niche overlap. The result represent that those two species have high niche overlap value. That can be happens probably because of same food resource or any interspecific interaction, which is competition or symbiosis among those bird. Black Winged Myna share their resource with difference their way to take the food, which is probing and difference their foraging time and place. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marsya Christyanti
"Siamang hidup berdampingan dengan berbagai spesies mamalia arboreal yang berpotensi sebagai kompetitor di Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (TNBBS). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terjadi kompetisi antara siamang dan mamalia arboreal lainnya serta mengetahui tumpang-tindih relung berdasarkan penggunaan habitat dan pemilihan pakan di antara komunitas mamalia arboreal di Stasiun Penelitian Way Canguk, TNBBS. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan Februari hingga April 2014 dengan dua metode, yaitu metode focal instantaneous sampling untuk pengamatan perilaku siamang dan metode transek garis untuk survei mamalia arboreal.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siamang berkompetisi dengan simpai, bajing kelapa, dan jelarang hitam. Tumpang-tindih relung terbesar terjadi antara siamang dengan jelarang hitam berdasarkan pemilihan pakan (Ro = 0,418) dan penggunaan habitat (Uji Wilcoxon, p-value > 0,05). Dari 57 interaksi interspesifik antara siamang dan mamalia arboreal lainnya, terdapat 61,40% interaksi netral, 19,30% agresi, dan 19,30% dominansi. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah kompetisi interferensi dan eksploitatif terjadi antara siamang dan ketiga spesies mamalia arboreal serta terdapat tumpang-tindih relung antara siamang dan ketiga spesies mamalia arboreal.

Siamang coexists with various arboreal mammal species which are potential competitors to siamang in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (BBSNP). The aims of this study are to determine whether interspecific competition occurs between siamang and other arboreal mammals and to determine niche overlap in terms of habitat use and food selection among mammals community in Way Canguk Research Station, BBSNP. Data collection was conducted on February until April 2014 using two methods: focal instantaneous sampling to measure siamang behavior and line transect method to survey coexisting mammals.
The result of this research suggests that siamang competes with banded langur, plaintain squirrel, and black giant squirrel. Niche overlap is the highest between siamang and black giant squirrel based on food preference (Ro = 0,418) and habitat use (Uji Wilcoxon, p-value > 0,05). Among 57 interspecific interactions between siamang and other arboreal mammals, 61,40% are netral interactions, 19,30% are agressions, and 19,30% are dominance interactions. This research concludes that interference and exploitative competition occur between siamang and three other arboreal mammals and there is niche overlap among them.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Benyamin Lufpi
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Acciaioli, Gregory L.
"During the new order era local adat was subjected to a process of cultural erosion due to the priorities accorded national integrations, as well as economic, social and development by the Indonesian government. However, the '90s have witnessed a resurgence of concern with adat as a vehicle for the local peoples' identity and as a mechanism for local government and dispute resolution, trends intensified since the beginning of the reformasi era with its relegitimation of discourse of regional autonomy. This essay presents a case study of these processes among Lindu people of Central Sulawesi, focusing upon how they have managed to reinvigorate their adat as a response to two forms of governmental imposition: 1) the encompassment of their land within a national park (i.e. Taman National Lore Lindu); and 2) the plan to construct a hydroelectric project, which would have forced the loss of land to rising water level and resettlement of the local population. The Lindu people have sought there empowerment of their adat by recasting it as a community resource management system that they argue can lead to greater sustainability of local natural resource than any imposed regimen of national park regulations. With assistance of NGOs such as Yayasan Tanah Merdeka, they have also adopted the discourse of 'indigenous people' to defend their continuing right of inhabitation in their homeland in the face of threatened resettlement. This essay explores the cultural politics of masyarakat adat as 'indigenous people' and the invocation of ecologically sound 'indigenous wisdom' as a warrant for resistance to development programs."
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2001
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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