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"Tourism sector plays a significant role in promoting the world economy because this sector has driven the entry flow of foreign exchange spent on foreign tourists in a country visited. It is expected that the tourism contributes in creating job for the locals and reduces the number of the poor. However, the role of tourism in eliminating poverty will not successful if the people itself does not controlled their spending. Tourism is only a tool to distribute the flow of money to the locals, the success of eliminating the poverty lies on the people, whether they will maximally use this opportunity or not. "
JUKIN 5:2 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Gde Pitana
Yogyakarta: Andi, 2005
338.479 1 IGD s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elly Yuniardi
"Studi ini menganalisis dampak pariwisata terhadap pengentasan kemiskinan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode fixed-effect dengan menggunakan data panel dari 33 propinsi di Indonesia selama periode 2007-2012. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pariwisata, yang diukur dengan menggunakan variabel kedatangan wisatawan asing dan domestik, secara signifikan mengurangi kemiskinan di Indonesia, sementara indikator lain seperti infrastruktur, akses rumah tangga terhadap perangkat modern dan PDRB per kapita secara signifikan juga mengurangi kemiskinan. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah harus mendorong proses pengembangan pariwisata dalam mempertimbangkan inisiatif dalam pengentasan kemiskinan di Indonesia.

This study estimates the causal impact of tourism and other macroeconomics indicators on poverty alleviation in Indonesia. This study employs fixed-effect method with panel data from 33 Indonesian provinces from 2007 to 2012. The result of this study shows that tourism, as measured by foreign and domestic tourist arrivals, significantly alleviate poverty in Indonesia, while infrastructure, access of household to modern devices and regional GDP per capita significantly reduce poverty. These findings suggest that government should encourage tourism development process in considering pro-poor initiatives.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wawan Yulianto
Penelitian ini membahas tentang pariwisata saba budaya baduy yang menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan sosial pada masyarakat baduy dalam kampung Cibeo menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasilnya, telah terjadi perubahan sosial sebagai akibat kegiatan pariwisata saba budaya baduy yang digambarkan dalam tahapan fenomena pariwisata multiplier melalui periodesasi perubahan sosial: pra kunjungan wisatawan, kunjungan wisatawan, pasca kunjungan wisatawan dan menutup siklus kunjungan wisatawan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa perubahan sosial terjadi secara lambat, besar dan terencana melalui variasi aspek proses sosial, pola sosial, interaksi sosial atau organisasi sosial dan perubahan dari unsur ndash; unsur jaringan hubungan sosial yang meliputi adat, ritual, aturan dan prosedur.

The research discusses Saba Budaya Baduy tourism activities cause social changes in the inner baduy society, Cibeo village used qualitative approach. The results showed the social changes occurred due to Saba Budaya Baduy tourism activies that described in multiplier tourism phenomena stagest through social change periodization pre tourist visit, tourist visit, post tourist visit and end of cycle tourist visit. The research concludes social changes occurred slowly, major and planned through variation aspects of social process, social pattern, social interaction or social organization and changes social relationship networks elements that covered customs, rituals, rules and procedures."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ajeng Arum Mawarni
"Industri pariwisata dalam masa transisi-bergerak dari apa yang disebutnya "S" dari pariwisata lama-Sun, Sand and Sex ke arah yang ia lihat berubah menjadi tiga "S" di pariwisata baru yaitu ketenangan (serenity), keberlanjutan (sustainability) dan spiritualitas (spirituality). Metode campuran dipilih untuk mengumpulkan, menganalisis dan menggabungkan data kuantitatif terkait motivasi wisatawan mengunjungi lokasi spiritual tourism dengan data kualitatif mengenai implikasi spiritual tourism terhadap ketahanan nasional dalam aspek sosial budaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara virtual dengan menjadikan lokasi spiritual tourism di Masjid Istiqlal dan Gereja Katedral Indonesia sebagai focus of attention. Temuan penelitian menghasilkan data bahwa spiritual tourism pada mulanya sebagai aktivitas dikalangan masyarakat kelas menengah atas, namun kini telah menjadi kebutuhan hampir setiap orang dengan dominasi cultural motivators. Pembangunan periwisata diberbagai negara telah menjadi andalan bagi perolehan devisa yang memberikan sumbangsih tinggi terhadap ketahanan nasional suatu bangsa dalam sektor ekonomi. Disisi lain pariwisata juga memberikan implikasi terhadap ketahanan nasional khususnya pada bidang sosial-budaya. Dalam aspek budaya terjadi perubahan tata nilai budaya, penguatan kehidupan beragama, dan terjaganya nilai-nilai kekeluargaan. Dalam aspek sosial seperti terjadinya proses interaksi yang baik antara host (tuan rumah/masyarakat lokal) dan guest (tamu/wisatawan), perubahan struktur demografi meliputi perubahan nilai, sikap, dan prilaku masyarakat.

The tourism industry in transition-moving from what he calls the "S" of old tourism-Sun, Sand and Sex in the direction then turning into three "S" in tourism new namely Serenity, Sustainability and Spirituality. The mixed method is chosen to collect, analyze and combine quantitative data related to tourists' motivation to visit spiritual tourism locations and qualitative data on the spiritual implications of tourism on national security in the socio-cultural aspects. This research was conducted virtually by making the location of spiritual tourism in the Istiqlal Mosque and the Indonesian Cathedral Church as the focus of attention. The research findings produce data that spiritual tourism was originally an activity among the upper middle class, but now it has become a necessity for almost everyone with the dominance of cultural motivators. The development of tourism in various countries has become a mainstay for foreign exchange earning which contributes greatly to the national resilience in the economic sector. On the other hand tourism also has implications for socio-cultural field. In the cultural aspect, there is a change in cultural values, strengthening religious life, and maintaining family values. In social aspects such as the occurrence of a process of good interaction between the host (local community) and guest (tourists), changes in demographic structure include changes in values, attitudes, and community behavior."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pembangunan apapun tidak mungkin akan dapat berhasil jika administrasi
pembangunan itu korup, atau jika pemerintahannya bercorak otoriter dan despotik
dan biasanya pemerintahan yang seperti itu juga korup. Pembangunan dalam
artian yang sebtnarnya menuntut dukungan pemerintah yang demokratis dan
administrasi yang bersih dari tindakan-tindakan korupsi para pejabatnya. Karena,
pemerintahan yang otoriter dan korup hanya akan melaksanakan program
pembangunan yang top-down (perintah dari atasan yang bisa sewenang-wenang,
penyeragaman program yang belum tentu cocok dengan kondisi lokal, dan
penggerogotan biaya program pembangunan oleh dan untuk kepentingan masing-
masing yang menangani administrasi program pembangunan tersebut.
Jurnal Polisi Indonesia, 4 (2003) Mei : 58-73, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"One of Indonesia's economic sectors is tourism. If it Indonesia can manage tourism sector with right paradigm and best in practice, it will help the government to increase the foreign exchange to fight proverty problem. This article describes and analyzes tourism development concept based on asset perspective to solve poverty especially in tourism destination. The asset perspective in development theory is based on de Soto (2000) and Sherraden (2006) conception. This article tries to implement the asset perspective in tourism development, especially in community-based tourism. The authors also show the differences between old and new paradigm, income and asset perspective."
JUKIN 2:1 (2007)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Emiliana Sadilah
Yogyakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1985
309.192 6 EMI p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joyce Irmawanti
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti dampak ekonomi sektor pariwisata di Provinsi Banten, daerah yang berdekatan dengan kota metropolitan Jakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan studi empiris di negara berkembang, yang terutama mengeksplorasi pentingnya pariwisata lokal/domestik, dampak langsung / tidak langsung dari kegiatan pariwisata dan peluang pengembangan keterkaitan dengan ekonomi lokal. Studi kasus ini menggunakan analisis kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Model kuantitatif menggunakan tren analisis, tren statistik dan simulasi input-output. Untuk analisis kualitatif, penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara semi-terstruktur dengan beberapa stakeholder pariwisata di Kabupaten Pandeglang. Ditemukan bahwa pariwisata lokal dan domestik adalah kontributor paling signifikan dalam pendapatan pariwisata Banten. Namun, data yang ada tidak secara jelas menjelaskan dampak fenomena ?wisatawan sehari? (excursion). Simulasi input-output mengungkapkan bahwa efek "tidak langsung" dari sektor pariwisata nilainya lebih besar dari "efek langsung" dari koefisien multiplier sektor pariwisata. Temuan ini membuktikan bahwa industri pariwisata adalah "sektor pemicu" tetapi bukan mesin utama pertumbuhan ekonomi di Banten. Keterkaitan sektor pariwisata dengan ekonomi lokal untuk mengurangi impor/kebocoran ekonomi pariwisata bahkan membutuhkan proses industrialisasi di dalam industri pariwisata itu sendiri;

The focus of this study is the freshman student of Faculty of Psychology at The purpose of this study is to explore economic impact of tourism in Banten Province, a region close to Jakarta (a mega city in Indonesia). This research is an empirical study of tourism economic in developing country, mainly explores the importance of local/domestic tourism, direct/indirect impact of tourism activity and linkage opportunity. This case study uses quantitative and qualitative analysis. The quantitative model uses trend, statistical and input-output analysis. Input-output simulation shows the multiplier effect of increasing tourist arrival and import substitution. For exploratory analysis, this study uses semi-structured interview with key important persons from major stakeholder groups in Pandeglang District (one of the most-preferred coastal tourism destination in Banten). It is found that local and domestic tourism are the most significant contributor in Banten tourism revenue. However, existing data do not clearly explain ?one day tourism visit? phenomena (excursion) of this local/domestic tourism from neighbouring cities. Input-output simulation reveals that ?indirect? multiplier effects of ?less tourism-dependent sectors? are greater than the ?direct? multiplier effect of ?most tourism-dependent sectors?. The finding proves that tourism industry is a ?trigger sector? but not the main engine for economic growth. In the other side, local linkage as an option to reduce tourism import (the leakage), requires industrialisation in tourism industry itself. Industrialization in manufacture sectors is still the key for economic growth in Banten.
The limitation of this paper is the restriction of underlining-assumptions of IO model: ?no supply constraint?, ?constant return to scale?, ?fixed commodity input structure?, and ?fixed output-ratios?, which might contrary to real conditions. The paper might not capture the in-depth micro-economic analysis of linkage feasibility. Another limitation of the study is that the result could not be generalized to different contextual situations;The focus of this study is the freshman student of Faculty of Psychology at The purpose of this study is to explore economic impact of tourism in Banten Province, a region close to Jakarta (a mega city in Indonesia). This research is an empirical study of tourism economic in developing country, mainly explores the importance of local/domestic tourism, direct/indirect impact of tourism activity and linkage opportunity. This case study uses quantitative and qualitative analysis. The quantitative model uses trend, statistical and input-output analysis. Input-output simulation shows the multiplier effect of increasing tourist arrival and import substitution. For exploratory analysis, this study uses semi-structured interview with key important persons from major stakeholder groups in Pandeglang District (one of the most-preferred coastal tourism destination in Banten). It is found that local and domestic tourism are the most significant contributor in Banten tourism revenue. However, existing data do not clearly explain ?one day tourism visit? phenomena (excursion) of this local/domestic tourism from neighbouring cities. Input-output simulation reveals that ?indirect? multiplier effects of ?less tourism-dependent sectors? are greater than the ?direct? multiplier effect of ?most tourism-dependent sectors?. The finding proves that tourism industry is a ?trigger sector? but not the main engine for economic growth. In the other side, local linkage as an option to reduce tourism import (the leakage), requires industrialisation in tourism industry itself. Industrialization in manufacture sectors is still the key for economic growth in Banten.
The limitation of this paper is the restriction of underlining-assumptions of IO model: ?no supply constraint?, ?constant return to scale?, ?fixed commodity input structure?, and ?fixed output-ratios?, which might contrary to real conditions. The paper might not capture the in-depth micro-economic analysis of linkage feasibility. Another limitation of the study is that the result could not be generalized to different contextual situations;The focus of this study is the freshman student of Faculty of Psychology at The purpose of this study is to explore economic impact of tourism in Banten Province, a region close to Jakarta (a mega city in Indonesia). This research is an empirical study of tourism economic in developing country, mainly explores the importance of local/domestic tourism, direct/indirect impact of tourism activity and linkage opportunity. This case study uses quantitative and qualitative analysis. The quantitative model uses trend, statistical and input-output analysis. Input-output simulation shows the multiplier effect of increasing tourist arrival and import substitution. For exploratory analysis, this study uses semi-structured interview with key important persons from major stakeholder groups in Pandeglang District (one of the most-preferred coastal tourism destination in Banten). It is found that local and domestic tourism are the most significant contributor in Banten tourism revenue. However, existing data do not clearly explain ?one day tourism visit? phenomena (excursion) of this local/domestic tourism from neighbouring cities. Input-output simulation reveals that ?indirect? multiplier effects of ?less tourism-dependent sectors? are greater than the ?direct? multiplier effect of ?most tourism-dependent sectors?. The finding proves that tourism industry is a ?trigger sector? but not the main engine for economic growth. In the other side, local linkage as an option to reduce tourism import (the leakage), requires industrialisation in tourism industry itself. Industrialization in manufacture sectors is still the key for economic growth in Banten.
The limitation of this paper is the restriction of underlining-assumptions of IO model: ?no supply constraint?, ?constant return to scale?, ?fixed commodity input structure?, and ?fixed output-ratios?, which might contrary to real conditions. The paper might not capture the in-depth micro-economic analysis of linkage feasibility. Another limitation of the study is that the result could not be generalized to different contextual situations;The focus of this study is the freshman student of Faculty of Psychology at The purpose of this study is to explore economic impact of tourism in Banten Province, a region close to Jakarta (a mega city in Indonesia). This research is an empirical study of tourism economic in developing country, mainly explores the importance of local/domestic tourism, direct/indirect impact of tourism activity and linkage opportunity. This case study uses quantitative and qualitative analysis. The quantitative model uses trend, statistical and input-output analysis. Input-output simulation shows the multiplier effect of increasing tourist arrival and import substitution. For exploratory analysis, this study uses semi-structured interview with key important persons from major stakeholder groups in Pandeglang District (one of the most-preferred coastal tourism destination in Banten). It is found that local and domestic tourism are the most significant contributor in Banten tourism revenue. However, existing data do not clearly explain “one day tourism visit” phenomena (excursion) of this local/domestic tourism from neighbouring cities. Input-output simulation reveals that “indirect” multiplier effects of “less tourism-dependent sectors” are greater than the “direct” multiplier effect of “most tourism-dependent sectors”. The finding proves that tourism industry is a “trigger sector” but not the main engine for economic growth. In the other side, local linkage as an option to reduce tourism import (the leakage), requires industrialisation in tourism industry itself. Industrialization in manufacture sectors is still the key for economic growth in Banten.
The limitation of this paper is the restriction of underlining-assumptions of IO model: “no supply constraint”, “constant return to scale”, “fixed commodity input structure”, and “fixed output-ratios”, which might contrary to real conditions. The paper might not capture the in-depth micro-economic analysis of linkage feasibility. Another limitation of the study is that the result could not be generalized to different contextual situations, The focus of this study is the freshman student of Faculty of Psychology at The purpose of this study is to explore economic impact of tourism in Banten Province, a region close to Jakarta (a mega city in Indonesia). This research is an empirical study of tourism economic in developing country, mainly explores the importance of local/domestic tourism, direct/indirect impact of tourism activity and linkage opportunity. This case study uses quantitative and qualitative analysis. The quantitative model uses trend, statistical and input-output analysis. Input-output simulation shows the multiplier effect of increasing tourist arrival and import substitution. For exploratory analysis, this study uses semi-structured interview with key important persons from major stakeholder groups in Pandeglang District (one of the most-preferred coastal tourism destination in Banten). It is found that local and domestic tourism are the most significant contributor in Banten tourism revenue. However, existing data do not clearly explain “one day tourism visit” phenomena (excursion) of this local/domestic tourism from neighbouring cities. Input-output simulation reveals that “indirect” multiplier effects of “less tourism-dependent sectors” are greater than the “direct” multiplier effect of “most tourism-dependent sectors”. The finding proves that tourism industry is a “trigger sector” but not the main engine for economic growth. In the other side, local linkage as an option to reduce tourism import (the leakage), requires industrialisation in tourism industry itself. Industrialization in manufacture sectors is still the key for economic growth in Banten.
The limitation of this paper is the restriction of underlining-assumptions of IO model: “no supply constraint”, “constant return to scale”, “fixed commodity input structure”, and “fixed output-ratios”, which might contrary to real conditions. The paper might not capture the in-depth micro-economic analysis of linkage feasibility. Another limitation of the study is that the result could not be generalized to different contextual situations]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naurah Kamilah
Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu adalah salah satu kawasan prioritas pembangunan pariwisata di Indonesia (Kawasan Strategis Pariwisata Nasional). Adanya peningkatan dalam sektor pariwisata ini memicu terjadinya peningkatan kebutuhan energi listrik sebagai salah satu kebutuhan primer kegiatan berwisata. Sementara itu, potensi energi terbarukan dapat menjadi sumber energi yang dimanfaatkan di Kepulauan Seribu. Penelitian ini membuat proyeksi kebutuhan energi untuk sektor wisata di setiap pulau yang dibandingkan dengan rencana pemerintah dalam memenuhi kebutuhan energinya. Pulau yang memiliki proyeksi konsumsi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan rencana pemenuhannya diangap sebagai wilayah defisit energi yang kemudian dikaji wilayah kesesuaian sistem energi terbarukan menggunakan Spatial Multicriteria Analysis. Hasil menunjukan wilayah defisit energi untuk kebutuhan sektor pariwisata terdiri dari Pulau Tidung, Pulau Harapan, Pulau Ayer, dan Pulau Putri. Berdasarkan hasil analisis spasial multicriteria untuk menentukan wilayah kesesuaian Turbin Angin dan Sistem Photovoltaic, sistem energi terbarukan yang berpotensi dikembangkan di wilayah defisit tersebut adalah Sistem PV, sementara sistem turbin angin tidak sesuai untuk dikembangkan di wilayah defisit tersebut. Hasil pemetaan wilayah menunjukan besar potensi energi yang dapat dihasilkan oleh sistem photovoltaic berdasarkan luasan wilayah yang sangat sesuai untuk sistem PV mampu memenuhi kurangnya supply energi yang dibutuhkan di wilayah defisit energi pada tahun 2022.

Kepulauan Seribu Regency is one of the priority tourism development areas in Indonesia (National Tourism Strategic Area). An increase in tourism sector will increase energy needs as one of the primary needs of tourism activities. Meanwhile, the potential of renewable energy can be an energy source used to be utilized in Kepulauan Seribu. The purpose of this study is to know the projection of energy demand for the tourism sector on each island that will be compared with the government's plan of the energy supply for each tourist destination island. Those islands that have a higher consumption projection compared to their planned fulfillment are considered as energy deficit areas which are then assessed for the suitability of renewable energy systems using Spatial Multicriteria Analysis method. The results show that the energy deficit region for the needs of the tourism sector consists of Pulau Tidung, Pulau Harapan, Pulau Ayer and Pulau Putri. Based on the results of the spatial multicriteria analysis to determine the suitability of Wind Turbines and Photovoltaic Systems, Photovoltaic system has the potential to be developed in the deficit area, while the wind turbine system is not suitable to be developed in those deficit region. The results of regional mapping show that the potential of energy that can be generated by photovoltaic systems based on the area that is very suitable are able to fulfill the insufficiency of energy supply needed in 2022."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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