"Penelitian ini berjudul "Representasi Pengetahuan Sistem Klasifikasi DDC-21 Bidang Ilmu Pendidikan ke dalam Sistem Berbasis Pengetahuan dengan Menggunakan "Kaidah Produksi." Penelitian dilatarbelakangi oleh kebutuhan untuk mengaplikasikan teknik representasi pengetahuan "Kaidah Produksi," terhadap Bagan Klasifikasi DDC-21 ke dalam Sistem Berbasis-pengetahuan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk membuat representasi pengetahuan tentang Sistem Klasifikasi DDC-21 Bidang Ilmu Pendidikan. Permasalahan utama adalah Bagaimana merepresentasikan Sistem Klasifikasi DDC-21 Bidang Ilmu Pendidikan ke dalam Sistem Berbasis-pengetahuan, yang dapat memberikan solusi terhadap pembentukan nomor kelas subyek bahan pustaka, yang terdiri dari nomor utama dan nomor sekunder klasifikasi.
Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) dengan menerapkan konsep model linear Expert Systems Development Life Cycle (ESDLC) pads tahap pengembangan front-end. Teknik representasi pengetahuan yang digunakan adalah "K.aidah Produksi," dengan format kaidah IF-THEN-ELSE. Pembuatan representasi pengetahuan dilakukan dengan menggunakan bantuan instnunen Diagram Pohon (Decision tree) dan dilakukan secara Modular.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknik representasi pengetahuan "Kaidah Produksi," dapat dan cocok digunakan untuk: 1) merepresentasikan Sistem Klasifikasi DDC-21 Bidang limu Pendidikan ke dalam Sistem Berbasis-pengetahuan. 2) memberikan solusi terhadap pembentukan nomor utarna (kelas utama, divisi, seksi dan turunannya), serta pembentukan nomor sekunder, benipa penambahan notasi dari bagian lain Bagan, Tabel-1 (Subdivisi Standar), Tabel 2 (khusus wilayah Asia, Asia Timur dan Timur Jauh), Tabel-2 perluasan untuk wilayah Indonesia, dan Tabel-5 (Ras, suku bangsa dan kebangsaan).
Knowledge Representation for Field of Education Science from DDC-21 Classification System to Knowledge-based System with Production RuleThis research about "Knowledge Representation for Field of Education. Science from DDC-21 Classification System to Knowledge-based System use Production Rule Technique_" Background of research is the need to application "Production Rule," as Knowledge Representation technique to Schedule-of DDC-21 Classification System. The purpose of this study is building knowledge representation about Field of Education Science from DDC-21 Classification System. The problem is how to representing Field of Education Science from DDC-21 Classification System to Knowledge-based systems, that can give solution for number building with primary and secondary number classification for material subject.The approach for research method is Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and apply front-end stage from linear concept Expert Systems Development Life Cycle (ESDLC)_ The knowledge representation technique for build knowledge-base is Production Rule. Rule formatted in IF-THEN-ELSE, with assisted by Decision tree instrument. Production Rule arranged with modularity concept to break the problems classification.The results of research supporting the hypothesis that DDC-21 Classification System is Knowledge Domain for Knowledge-based systems. It's can represented and available to implementing to Knowledge-based systems with use Production Rule technique. Production rule can represent solutions for problems in classification, such as number building for subject classification. This research have represented basic number (main class, division, section and subsection), and secondary number; Table-1 (Standard Subdivisions), Table-2 (Asia, Orient and Far East), Table-2 extension for Indonesia areas and Table-5 (Racial, Ethnic and National Groups), and number adding from the other part of Schedul."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2000