"Penelitian ini dilatar-belakangi oleh adanya kesenjangan antara biaya yang dialokasikan oleh dinas dengan dana yang diperlukan untuk mengoperasionalkan Rumah Sakit tingkat II Dustira, serta adanya peluang untuk melaksanakan pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat umum. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kontribusi yang telah diberikan oleh dana hasil pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat umum kepada peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan pasien dinas, serta memperoleh rumusan untuk mengoptimalkan kontribusi tersebut.
Penelitian yang bersifat retrospektif ini, menggunakan data triwulan sebagai unit analisis yang akan dianalisis secara kuantitatif. Variabel yang diamati meliputi penerimaan dana hasil pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat umum dan alokasi penggunaannya, serta dampak penggunaan ini kepada struktur dan hasil pelayanan kesehatan pasien dinas.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerimaan dana hasil pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat umum didominasi oleh jasa fasilitas rumah sakit (26,88%), jasa tenaga ahli (23,26%), penerimaan dari bekal kesehatan (17,75%), dan penerimaan lain-lain (25,36%). Penerimaan ini terus meningkat sesuai dengan peningkatan BOR kelompok pasien masyarakat umum, namun indeks penerimaan per hari perawatan untuk setiap pasiennya masih relatif rendah.
Penggunaan dana hasil pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat umum yang dikembalikan untuk operasional pasien masyarakat umum masih relatif tinggi, sehingga porsi untuk keperluan pasien dinas menjadi belum optimal. Namun demikian, dana ini telah berhasil meningkatkan struktur pelayanan kesehatan terutama bekal kesehatan dan sumber daya manusia. Dana hasil pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat umum sangat diperlukan untuk operasional rumah sakit karena menjadi penopang utama dalam pemeliharaan alat kesehatan dan bangunan, serta kelangsungan pelayanan penunjang umum. Peran dana hasil pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat umum belum berhasil mempengaruhi komponen hasil pelayanan kesehatan pasien dinas secara bermakna.
Untuk memberikan kontribusi optimal bagi pelayanan kesehatan pasien dinas, perlu diupayakan peningkatan penerimaan dana hasil pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat umum dengan menghindari peningkatan BOR kelompok pasien masyarakat umum secara berlebihan, efisiensi penggunaan dana, seta memperbaiki sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan.
The Role of the Fund Collected from Civic Mission Health Services in Improving Military Health Care in the Dustira Military Hospital, Cimahi
The background of this research was the gap between the budget allocated by the government and the expenditure to provide quality health care for military community in the Dustira Military Hospital. Moreover, there is an opportunity to perform a civic mission health services for non-military society. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the contribution of the fund collected from civic mission health services in improving military health care and to establish a formula to optimize the contribution.
This retrospective study used three-month data as unit of analysis using a quantitative approach. The observed variables were the revenue of civic mission health services and its expenditure, furthermore the impact of this expenditure against the structure and the outcome of the military health care.
The study showed that the revenue obtained from the civic mission health services was dominated by hospital services (26, 88%), medical services (23, 26%), drug and medical sundries (17, 75%), and miscellaneous income (25, 36%). The revenue continuously increased as well as the Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) of non-military patients, but index of the revenue for daily patient services was relatively in a low level.
The portion of the civic mission health sevices revenue that was expended for non-military patient?s services was still relatively high. Hence, the portion to increase military health care has not been optimized yet. However, the fund had already improved the structure of health services in the Dustira Military Hospital, especially the structure of drug and medical sundries, and the structure of human resources. The fund is highly needed to keep the hospital in operation because it has become the primary supporter to maintain medical equipments and buildings, and to perform the operational of supporting services. The role of the fund has not succeeded in influencing the outcome of the military health care in the Dustira Military Hospital significantly.
Establishing an optimal contribution to the military health care, it is important for the financial management to increase the revenue of civic mission health services by preventing excessive rate of increase of the BOR of non-military patients, increasing fund management efficiency, and improving the recording and reporting system."