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"Advertising control of medicine and traditional medicine was based on the Decree of the Minister of Health of Indonesian number 386/Menkes/SK/IV/1994 about advertising guidelines medicine, traditional medicine, cosmetics, medical devices and foods. The purpose of the study are (1) to identity regulation related to the advertising of medicine and traditional medicine, (2) to identity the institutional related to the advertising of medicine and tradisional medicine, and (3) to identity the implementation of regulation related to the advertising of medicine and traditional medicine. The study design was cross sectional with descriptive approach. The research locations are in jakarta , Yogyakarta, Denpasar, Medan dan Yogyakarta in 2009. The samples were institution related to the advertising of medicines and traditional medicines in central, provincial, and district level , i.e: Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi (Provincial Health Office), dinas Kesehatan Kota 9District Health Office), Badan POM, Gp farmasi, PPPI, KPID, and YKLI. The primary data were collected by using indepth interviews and focus group discussion. The secondary Prelimininary results enhanced by round table discussion in Jakarta. The data were analyzed by descriptive method. The Regulation related to the advertising are still based on decree of the minister of health og Indonesia no. 386/Menkes/SK/IV/1994 that has been inadequate. Another regulation in the central, provincial and district associated with the advertising control of medicine and traditional. The authority of institutions related to the advertising control of medicine and traditional medicine were: Badan POM conduct surveillance and repression advertising of medicine and traditional medicine, GPFI received a complain against the pharmaceutical industries that display advertising medicine and traditional medicine in violation of ethics, PPI is responsible for broadcast creative, KPID oversee broadcast media , the Board Press oversee the print media, and YLKI protect the public from advertising medicine and traditional medicines are still commonly found advertising that distorted, particularly it's advertisements in local media."
BULHSR 14:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maya Kusmardiani Kosim
"Mengiklankan sebuah produk obat adalah pekerjaan yang memerlukan perhatian lebih. Produsen dan biro iklan harus menciptakan pesan yang menarik, informatif dan tidak menyesatkan. Iklan dengan informasi yang tidak jelas sangat mungkin menimbulkan salah persepsi yang kemudian bisa saja berdampak lebih besar bagi masyarakat. Mengingat pentingnya kesehatan manusia membuat beberapa institusi memperhatikan produk-produk yang diiklankan lewat media secara lebih khusus.
Ada beberapa produk obat baru yang saat ini digolongkan sebagai produk obat tradisional yakni Fitofarmaka. Produk-produk ini sudah dibuat, dipasarkan dan diiklankan di media di mana beberapa di antaranya menciptakan kontroversi. Permasalahan yang dimunculkan dari iklan-iklan tersebut adalah anggapan menyesatkan atau tidak etis.
Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memegang peranan penting dalam penentuan iklan, penelitian ini menggunakan model hirarki dari Shoemaker & Reese. Kondisi realitas masyarakat Indonesia dan karakterisitik iklan juga menjadi kajian utama yang dilihat untuk memahami penyebab timbulnya ketidaksesuaian antara iklan dengan masyarakat luas.
Ada beberapa institusi terlibat dalam proses pembuatan ikian. Dalam kasus ini, peranan mereka sangat penting sebagai penilai dan penyensor. Keberadaan mereka adalah untuk melindungi masyarakat di antaranya dari kesalahan informasi. Bagaimanapun, mereka belum berhasil mengurangi kontroversi dari iklan-iklan yang ditonton masyarakat dan hal ini terjadi karena kurangnya koordinasi antara mereka semua.
Pada akhirnya bagaimana pun kreativitas, perlindungan konsumen dan juga masalah komersial merupakan hal-hal yang harus dipertahankan dalam setiap iklan. Untuk itulah sangat diperlukan koordinasi secara memadai antara seluruh komponen dalam sistem ini demi sebuah titik temu agar kepentingan seluruh pihak terlindungi.

Deciding TV Commercial Process: Describing the Roles of Related Elements in Traditional Medical AdvertisingAdvertising a medical product is a delicate work. Producers and advertising agencies should create a message which is attractive, informative and yet, not misleading. Advertising with vague information on the media could create misperception, which later could cause a greater impact in the society. Owing to the importance of people's well being, some institutions give special attention to the medical products advertised in the media.
Some manufacturers of medical products produce some new traditional medicine which can be put in the category of Fitofarmaka. Several products from this category have been manufactured, marketed, and advertised in the media. However, some media campaign has created controversy. This controversy happens because the messages seem to be misleading or unethical.
To look the factors that play important roles in creating a commercial, this research used the Shoemaker & Reese's hierarchical of model. The reality of Indonesian people and commercial's characters are also the main concern to understand the reasons for this controversy. Some institutions are involved in the process of creating a commercial message. In the case of Fitofarrnaka products, these institutions play important roles as filters. Their existence is meant to protect the public from being misinformed. However, the institutions involved have not succeeded in reducing controversial commercials that people see on TV and this happens because of the lack of coordination among them.
Creativity, consumer protection and commercial values should somehow be maintained in every commercial. To realize this, the institutions involved in the process of creating a commercial break should have strong coordination among them. Hence, the misperception of message by consumers could be minimized and people become better informed about the product being advertised."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
T 3844
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Badan Penjelenggara Dana Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Pusat. Departemen Kesehatan RI, 1973
R 615.1 OBA
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elis Sukmawati
"Khasiat obat tradisional kini tidak dapat disangkal lagi.
Jenis obat mi terdiri dari ramuan tanaman dengan atau tanpa
bahan yang berasal dari binatang, pada umumnya bekerja tidak Secepat
obat-obat moderen. Akan tetapi efek-efek sampingan yang dapat
timbul akibat penggunaan obat-obat tradisional jarang sekali
Atas dasar pertimbangan untuk membuat khasiat obat-obat tradisional
lebih cepat terasa oleh pemakai, maka ada usaha-usaha
untuk menambahkan obat-obat moderen kepada ramuan-ramuan obat
Dapat dipahami bahwa tindakan mi tidak disertai pencantuman
nama obat moderen tersebut dalam daftar susunan ramuan obat tradisional
yang terdapat pada pembungkusnya.
Pada penelitian mi ditentukan kandungan diazepam sejenis
"minor tranquilizer", dalam sejumlah obat tradisional, balk yang
dibuat dalam negeri maupun yang telah diimpor dari luar negeni.
Telah dipilih untuk penelitian mi obat-obat tradisional
yang dianjurkan untuk pengobatan penyakit reumatik atau sakitsakit
tulang dan yang dapat dibeli dipusat-pusat perbelanjaan di

The efficacy of traditional medicinal drugs are now
more readily accepted.
These preparations which are composed of plants or herbs
with or without the addition of animal parts do not exert
their pharmacological action as fast as modern drugs.
However, side effect.s due to herbal drugs are seldom encountered.
In order to obtain faster and more pronounced pharmacological
effects, efforts have been made to add modern
drugs to these traditional drugs without naming these additions
in t'he lists of composition, of these traditional
A number of local as well as imported traditional preparations
wereanalysed on-the presence of diazepam, a minor
tranquilizer . The analsis were restricted to those drugs
recommended against bone and muscle rheumatism and were purchased
over the counter at the various shopping centers in
Diazepam was identified in one brand of imported traditional
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1984
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azwar Agoes
Bandung: Angkasa, 1993
615.1 AZW k
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Indonesia is facing challenge of medicines prices. Many people complaining about high price of medicines. Several efforts have been done by the government, hovewer access people to the medicines is still a big issue...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fainal Wirawan
Obat merupakan komponen yang sangat penting dalam upaya pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit, menurut data yang ada di Direktorat Jenderal Pelayanan Medik Depkes RI., sekitar 30-40% anggaran belanja dipeiuntukan bagi belanja obat, sedangkan di luar negeri, komponen anggaran bagi belanja obat berkisar 15-20%. Hal tersebut meyakinkan kita semua bahwa terdapat penggunaan anggaran yang sangat berlebihan bagi belanja obat di rumah sakit, atau dengan perkataan lain, adanya penggunaan obat yang sangat berlebihan dalam arti jumlah maupun jenisnya bagi pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit. Hal tersebut pada akhirnya akan berdampak terhadap beban biaya obat bagi masyarakat pengguna jasa pelayanan kesehatan.
Untuk menangani masalah tersebut Depkes telah meageluarkan peraturan tentang kewajiban dokter untuk menuliskan resep obat generik, membentuk Panitia Farmasi dan Terapi (PFT) dan menyusun formularium (FRS) di rumah sakit.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kebijakan dan penulisan resep obat generik terhadap biaya obat di rumah sakit. Penelitian menggunakan metoda deskriptif pada empat rumah sakit kelas B non-pendidikan, pemerintah dan swasta di Jakarta. Amoksisilin digunakan sebagai contoh dalam penelitian.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya pengaruh kebijakan dan penulisan resep obat generik. Pengaruh tersebut bersifat terbalik, yaitu makin besar jumlah nilai kebijakan, PFT, FRS dan dokter makin kecil biaya obat yang diakibatkannya. Agar biaya obat di rumah sakit menjadi lebih rendah, disarankan pihak rumah sakit rmenerapkan kebijakan obat rendah, memperdayakan PFT, menyusun FRS sesuai kriteria WHO serta melakukan KIE terhadap dokter.

Drug is one of the most crucial components in health care on hospital. According to the data from Directorate General for Medical Care Department of Health, about 30-40% budget are allocated to medicine alone, compared to other countries that only spent about 15-20% of the total health budget. These data assured us that there is excessive spending on medicine in hospital. In other words, there are excessive uses of medicine in hospitals here in terms of amount and type. In turn, it will affect cost to the public.
To address this matter, the Ministry of Health already issued regulations. These regulation not only recommend medical doctors to prescribe generic drugs, but also oblige the hospital to form Pharmacy and Therapeutic Committee (PTC ) and set up formulary.
The purpose of the study is to observe the impact of policy, PTC, Formulary and doctor to the medicine cost in hospital. The study used descriptive methodology at four class B non teaching government and private hospitals in Jakarta. Amoxicillin used as a sample.
The results of the study show the impact of drugs policy, PTC, formulary and doctor to the cost it generates. It has inverse impact, the bigger policy, PTC, formulary and doctor weight, the lower is the cost implied. The researcher suggest to the hospital for low cost drug policy implementation, to empowerment PTC and set up the formulary as WHO criteria and provide communication, information and education.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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