Ditemukan 1115 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Singh, Shree Nath, editor
"This book covers breakthroughs in sequencing methodology which offer new insight into metabolic and regulatory networks, as well as clues to the evolution of degradation pathways and to molecular adaptation strategies to changing environmental conditions. "
Heidelberg : Springer, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Xiaoyuan Wang, editor
"This book has a particular interest in the methods and applications of metabolic engineering to improve the production and yield of a variety of different metabolites. The overall goal is to achieve a better understanding of the metabolism in different microorganisms, and provide a rational basis to reprogram microorganisms for improved biochemical production."
Dordrecht: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Suresh, Anil K.
"This brief discusses the impact of gold, silver, zinc oxide, and cerium oxide nanoparticles on the growth and viability of both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterium. Moreover, it analyses the relationship between bacterial growth inhibition, reactive oxygen species generation, the regulation of transcriptional stress genomes, and the toxicity of these materials. Finally, it reviews the specific metallic nanomaterials and highlights their modes of synthesis, reactivity at surfaces, and the importance of assay procedures in determining their toxicity levels. "
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Stanier, Roger Y.
Jakarta : Bhratara Karya Aksara, 1982
576 STA d
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Hengki Tornando
"Open mining activities result in decreased microbial biomass and negatively impacts soil fertility. Soil microbes play a role in the decomposition of soil organic matter and in nutrient cycles through the process of mineralization by the enzymes they produce. The purpose of this study was to analyse soil fertility levels in PT Bukit Asam’s various reclaimed land sites at Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia, as determined by these areas’ microbial populations and soil enzyme activity. The research was conducted by using the explorative method in PT Bukit Asam’s various reclaimed land. Soil sample from 7 different reclamation age area were analysed. Our results showed that soil conditions and soil enzyme activity vary by reclamation age. At KTU, a 12-year-old reclaimed land site, urease enzyme activity had a value of 68.83 mg NH4+.g-1dm.h-1 with a microbial population of 82.64 x 104 CFU.g-1soil. The highest phosphatase enzyme activity value of 95.66 mg pNP.g-1 dm.h-1 was found on the 9-year-old SP702 reclaimed land site, with a soil pH of 5.23. Cellulase enzyme activity on the 21-year-old Udongan reclaimed site had a value of 21.51 mg GE.g-1dm.h-1 with a cellulolytic microbial population of 1.9 x 104 CFU.g-1soil, higher than on other reclamation sites. Invertase enzyme activity on the 15-year-old Tupak reclaimed land site had a value of 24.37 mg GE.g-1dm.h-1. Soil enzyme activity can be an indicator of soil quality and soil microbial activity as it relates to all forms of biochemical transformations occurring in the soil and is highly sensitive to environmental changes."
Bogor: Seameo Biotrop, 2018
634.6 BIO 25:3 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitra Suhanda
"Microbial Fuel Cel/ (IVIFC) adalan seperangkat alat yang mampu menguban energi kimia yang berasal dari metabolisme suatu mikroorganisme, menjadi energi Iistrik. |V|etabo|isme suatu mikroorganisme melibatkan transpor elektron di dalamnya, seningga dapat di manfaatkan untuk mengnasiikan listrik. Proses transpor elektron dari membran sei ke permukaan anoda dapat dibantu dengan penambanan mediator. Penelitian ini bertujuan memanfaatkan Kultur Pseudomonas aeruginosa untuk memproduksi Iistrik dalam IVIFC, tanpa penambanan mediator dari luar sistem. Pseudomonas aeruginosa adalan bakteri yang dapat mengnasilkan pigmen-pigmen berwarna knas. Salan satunya adalan pyocyanin, suatu pigmen biru nijau yang diperkirakan bersifat elektroaktif.
Pyocyanin dapat dinasilkan olen P. aeruginosa pada media pertumbunan ekstrak tauge. Hasil uji voltametri siklik ternadap ekstrak pyocyanin menunjukkan banwa senyawa tersebut bersifat elektroaktif, dengan potensial oksidasi pada 0,21825 V dan potensial reduksi pada 0,147 V. Pengukuran Iistrik IVIFC dilakukan dengan menggunakan Kultur P. aeruginosa pada media ekstrak tauge dengan pyocyanin sebagai auto-mediator. Arus yang diperolen rata-rata sebesar 23 uA, serta voltase rata-rata sebesar 260 mV. Produksi Iistrik IVIFC dengan memvariasikan konsentrasi substrat glukosa sebesar 0,5 g/L; 1 g/L; 2,5 g/L; 3 glL dan 4 glL menunjukkan bahwa pengukuran berlangsung optimal penambahan glukosa sebesar 3 g/L"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Fachryan Zuhri
"The microbial desalination cell (MDC) is a modification of the microbial fuel cell (MFC) system. The microbial desalination cell is a sustainable technology to desalinate saltwater by directly utilizing the electrical power generated by bacteria during the oxidation process of organic matter. In this study, tempe wastewater will be used as a substrate. Methylene blue (MB) at concentrations of 100 ?M, 200 ?M, and 400 ?M in the anolyte is added as a redox mediator, and the effect on electricity production and desalination performance are evaluated. The average power density increases by 27.30% and 54.54% at MB concentrations of 100 ?M and 200 ?M, respectively. On the other hand, the increase of the MB concentration in the anolyte results in a decrease in the salt removal percentage. The observation made using a scanning electron microscope showed the presence of MB adsorption on the surface of the anion exchange membrane (AEM) and is suspected to be the cause of the disruption of anion transfer between MDC chambers causing a decrease in the salt removal percentage."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:6 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Bakteri telah lama diketahui dapat menghasilkan listrik. Namun, pengembangan teknologi tersebut baru dilakukan beberapa tahun terakhir. MFC (Microbial Fuel Cell) adalah salah satu teknologi yang mengadaptasi prinsip kerja tersebut. MFC berpotensi sebagai penghasil energi listrik alternatif terbarukan melalui konversi limbah menjadi energi listrik. Kenyataaannya, teknologi ini masih menghasilkan listrik yang belum mencapai target nilai voltase minimum. Penelitian ini difokuskan untuk meninjau pengaruh penambahan bakteri gram positif dan negatif serta volume optimal penambahan bakteri gram dengan menggunakan tubular single chamber membranless reactor. Penambahan selektif mixed culture adalah melakukan penambahan gram bakteri masing-masing, yaitu positif dan negatif yang terdapat dalam limbah cair tempe. Gram bakteri ini telah melalui tahap isolasi dan kultur ulang terlebih dahulu sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam substrat sistem MFC. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa penambahan selektif mixed culture dapat meningkatkan produksi tegangan listrik pada sistem MFC. Bakteri gram negatif mendominasi limbah cair tempe dan lebih mampu mentransferkan elektron daripada gram positif. Tegangan bertambah seiring penambahan jumlah bakteri sampai pada titik tertentu yang menyebabkan transfer elektron menurun. Penambahan bakteri gram negatif sebanyak 1 mL memberikan hasil paling optimal yang mampu meningkatkan hasil listrik mencapai 16,50 mV atau 92,14% terhadap eksperimen awal dengan tegangan rata-rata sebesar 17,91 mV. Variasi penambahan optimum ini juga memberikan hasil yang baik pada penggunaan limbah industri, yaitu tegangan dan power density listrik tertinggi sebesar 8,90 mV dan 0,02 mW/m2.
Bacteria have long been known could produce electricity. However, the development of these new technologies carried out in recent years. MFC (Microbial Fuel Cell) is one of the technologies that adapt that working principle. MFC potential as a producer of renewable alternative electrical energy through the conversion of waste into electrical energy. The fact, this technology still produces electricity that has not reached the target value of the minimm voultage. This research is focused on reviewing the effect of the addition of gram positive and negative bacteria as well as the optimal volume additions gram using a tubular single chamber membranless reactor. The addition of selective mixed culture of bacteria is adding gram respectively, the positive and negative contained in tempe liquid waste. These gram bacteria have been through the stages of isolation and culture before incorporated into the substrate MFC system. The result showed that the addition of selective mixed culture can increase the production of electric voltage on the system MFC. Gram negative bacteria dominate liquid waste tempe and better able to transfer electrons than gram-positive. The voltage increases with increasing number of bacteria up to a point that causes the electron transfer decreases. Addition of gram-negative bacteria in 1 mL provide the most optimal results that can improve the electrical results reached 16.50 mV or 92.14% against the strart experiment with the average voltage of 17.91 mV. Variations optimum additions also give good results on the use of industrial waste, with electrical voltage and power density high of 8.90 mV and 0.02 mW/m2."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinaga, Yosep Dhimas
"Konsumsi obat-obatan seperti parasetamol yang tinggi berkontribusi terhadap jumlah limbah farmasi di perairan. Di sisi lain, proses pengolahan limbah farmasi menjadi tantangan krusial karena beberapa hambatan. Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) muncul sebagai alternatif menjanjikan dengan kemampuannya mendegradasi limbah farmasi tanpa memerlukan energi eksternal, bahkan menghasilkan listrik. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang model skema dan persamaan MFC kompartemen ganda degradasi parasetamol yang valid. Metode penelitian ini ialah pembuatan model MFC kompartemen ganda berbentuk tiga dimensi menggunakan model kinetika Monod-Butler-Volmer. Hasil estimasi parameter model MFC degradasi parasetamol menunjukkan nilai parameter KPCT rata-rata sebesar 2,94 × 10-3 mol/m3; KOksigen 3,34 × 10-3 mol/m3; kAnoda 1,76 × 10-3 mol/(m3·s); dan kKatoda 3,20 × 10-3 mol/(m3·s). Hasil perbandingan data simulasi dengan eksperimen menunjukkan AARD rentang 1,9-3,21%. Perolehan parameter kinetika tertinggi pada pH yang bervariasi terdapat pada data simulasi variasi pH kompartemen anoda 8,2, yaitu KPCT sebesar 1,43 × 10-3 mol/m3; KOksigen 2,09 × 10-3 mol/m3; kAnoda 1,46 × 10-3 mol/(m3·s); dan kKatoda 1,43 × 10-3 mol/(m3·s). Data simulasi menunjukkan penurunan profil konsentrasi parasetamol linear, sehingga sistem MFC diproyeksi dapat menjadi metode alternatif untuk mendegradasi parasetamol.
The consumption of pharmaceuticals such as paracetamol, which remains high every year, contributes to the amount of pharmaceutical waste in water bodies. The process of treating pharmaceutical waste presents a crucial challenge due to several obstacles. Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) have emerged as a promising alternative with their ability to degrade pharmaceutical waste while generating electrical energy without requiring external energy. This study aims to design a valid model scheme and equations for a dual-chamber MFC for paracetamol degradation. This research was conducted with the aim of designing a valid dual compartment MFC schematic model and equation for paracetamol degradation in a 3D dual-chamber MFC model using the Monod-Butler-Volmer kinetic model. The parameter estimation results showed average parameter values of KPCT at 2.94 × 10-3 mol/m3; KOxygen at 3.34 × 10-3 mol/m3; kAnode at 1.76 × 10-3 mol/(m3·s); and kCathode at 3.20 × 10-3 mol/(m3·s), with AARD in the range of 1.9-3.21%. The highest kinetic parameter values for varying pH were found in the simulation data for anode pH variation 8.2, with KPCT at 1.43 × 10-3 mol/m3; KOxygen at 2.09 × 10-3 mol/m3; kAnode at 1.46 × 10-3 mol/(m3·s); and kCathode at 1.43 × 10-3 mol/(m3·s). Simulation data shows a linear decrease in the paracetamol concentration profile, so that MFC system is projected to be an alternative method for degrading paracetamol."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
"Concerns over dwindling fossil fuel reserves and impending climate changes have focused attention worldwide on the need to discover alternative, sustainable energy sources and fuels. Biofuels, already produced on a massive industrial scale, are seen as one answer to these problems. However, very real concerns over the effects of biofuel production on food supplies, with some of the recent increases in worldwide food costs attributable to biofuel production, have lead to the realization that new, non-food substrates for biofuel production must be bought online. This book is an authoritative, comprehensive, up-to-date review of the various options under development for the production of advanced biofuels as alternative energy carriers. "
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library