ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan antara kepemimpinan
transformasional kepala sekolah dan kinerja guru. Pengukuran kinerja
mengunakan alat ukur yang diadaptasi dari dimensi Campbell (2012) yang
dikembangkan oleh Ratdityas (2013) dan pengukuran kepemimpinan
transformasional menggunakan alat ukur Multi Level Questionere Form 5x (MLQ
5x) yang dikembangkan oleh Bass dan Riggio (2005). Partisipan penelitian ini
adalah guru-guru yang mengajar di sekolah negeri di beberapa kota di Indonesia.
Total partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 172 orang guru. Hasil penelitian
ini menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kepemimpinan
transformasional kepala sekolah dan kinerja guru.
ABSTRACTThis study was conducted to examine the relationship between transformational
leadership of principals and teacher performance. The measurement of
performance is using measurement tool adapted from the dimensions of Campbell
(2012) developed by Ratdityas (2013) and the measurement of transformational
leadership is using Multi Level Questionere Form 5x (MLQ 5x) instrument
developed by Bass and Riggio (2005). The total participants in this study were
172 teachers. The results of this study showed a significant relationship between
transformational leadership of principals toward teacher performanc;This study was conducted to examine the relationship between transformational
leadership of principals and teacher performance. The measurement of
performance is using measurement tool adapted from the dimensions of Campbell
(2012) developed by Ratdityas (2013) and the measurement of transformational
leadership is using Multi Level Questionere Form 5x (MLQ 5x) instrument
developed by Bass and Riggio (2005). The total participants in this study were
172 teachers. The results of this study showed a significant relationship between
transformational leadership of principals toward teacher performanc, This study was conducted to examine the relationship between transformational
leadership of principals and teacher performance. The measurement of
performance is using measurement tool adapted from the dimensions of Campbell
(2012) developed by Ratdityas (2013) and the measurement of transformational
leadership is using Multi Level Questionere Form 5x (MLQ 5x) instrument
developed by Bass and Riggio (2005). The total participants in this study were
172 teachers. The results of this study showed a significant relationship between
transformational leadership of principals toward teacher performanc]"