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Bayu Triyogo Widyantoro
"Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) merupakan salah satu jenis pemodelan yang dapat digunakan untuk memodelkan pasang surut pada wilayah regional yang relatif luas. Tesis ini melakukan studi tentang pemodelan pasang surut menggunakan ROMS untuk wilayah Indonesia dengan membagi menjadi 4 zona. Data yang digunakan adalah data konstanta pasang surut dari TPXO tahun 2007 (TPXO7), data batimetri resolusi 1 menit dari etopo serta data dari World Ocean Atlas Tahun 2009 (WOA09) berupa data temperatur, salinitas, serta densitas dari kedalaman 0 hingga 5500 meter. Sebagai validator digunakan data pengamatan pasang surut tahun 2013 dari stasiun pasang surut permanen milik Badan Informasi Geospasial. Hasil pemodelan ini memiliki akurasi dan tingkat kepercayaan yang baik untuk hampir di seluruh wilayah perairan NKRI dengan nilai RMSE antara 9.4 cm hingga 24.4 cm namun hasil yang kurang baik didapat pada perairan sekitar Merauke, Papua dengan nilai RMSE 62 cm.

Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) is one of the models that can be used to simulate tidal regionally on relatively wide range area. Tidal modeling using ROMS in this thesis were performed by dividing Indonesian region into 4 different zones. Harmonic constituent data from TPXO year 2007 (TPXO7), Bathymetry data with 1 minute resolution from etopo, and World Ocean Atlas data year 2009 such as; temperature, salinity, inner density depth of 0 - 5500 meters were used as the model's inputs. As the validators, Badan Informasi Geospasial's tidal observation data year 2013 from permanent tidal gauge stations were used. The modeling result shows good accuracy and reliability in almost all Indonesian water with RMSE between 9.4 ? 24.4 cm. However, bigger RMSE up to 62 centimeters were found in Merauke water, Papua.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Dzikrul Fikri
"Metode gravitasi merupakan salah satu metode geofisika yang dapat diaplikasikan pada berbagai bidang untuk menggambarkan kondisi batuan di bawah permukaan. Dalam menggambarkan kondisi batuan di bawah permukaan, dapat dilakukan pemodelan gravitasi tiga dimensi menggunakan sejumlah prisma segiempat yang disusun hingga membentuk geometri batuan bawah permukaan. Akurasi dan efisiensi dari model gravitasi dipengaruhi oleh pemilihan metode penentuan medan gravitasi prisma segiempat. Terdapat empat metode yang umum digunakan, yaitu metode Sorokin, Plouff, Okabe, dan Nagy. Untuk memperoleh model dengan akurasi terbaik, diperlukan pembandingan antar metode menggunakan aplikasi pemodelan tiga dimensi. Web merupakan platform yang dapat digunakan dimana saja, kapan saja, dan tidak memerlukan spesifikasi perangkat yang tinggi sehingga dapat digunakan untuk membuat aplikasi pemodelan tiga dimensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan aplikasi pemodelan tiga dimensi berbasis web untuk membandingkan respon medan gravitasi dari sesar, lakolit, dike, dan sill menggunakan metode Sorokin, Plouff, Okabe, dan Nagy secara kualitatif. Berdasarkan peta respon gravitasi yang diperoleh, metode Sorokin merupakan metode dengan resolusi tinggi, data medan gravitasi yang lengkap di setiap titik pengukuran, dan pengaruh jumlah prisma segiempat terhadap peta respon gravitasi yang terlihat dengan sangat jelas.

The gravity method is one of the geophysical methods that can be applied to various fields to describe the subsurface condition. In describing the subsurface condition, three-dimensional gravity modeling can be carried out using several rectangular prisms arranged to form a subsurface rock geometry. The accuracy and efficiency of the gravity model are affected by the selection of the method of determining the rectangular prism's gravitational field. There are four methods that is commonly used, namely the Sorokin, Plouff, Okabe, and Nagy methods. To get the most accurate model, comparing the methods using three-dimensional modeling applications is needed. The web is a platform that can be used anywhere, anytime, and does not require high device specifications so that it can be used to create three-dimensional modeling applications. This study uses a web-based three-dimensional modeling application to compare the gravitational field responses of faults, laccoliths, dikes, and sills using the Sorokin, Plouff, Okabe, and Nagy methods qualitatively. Based on the gravity response map obtained, the Sorokin method is a method with high resolution, complete gravity field data at each measurement point, and the effect of the number of rectangular prisms on the gravity response map is very clearly visible."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puji Suharmanto
Telah diakukan penelitian guna mendelineasi zona prospek sistem panasbumi Daerah „P‟ menggunakan pemodelan multi dimensi data magnetotelurik terintegrasi data geologi dan geokimia. Daerah panasbumi „P‟ secara fisiografi termasuk pada Busur Banda Dalam tak bergunungapi disusun oleh komplek batuan malihan sekis berumur Perm-Trias. Gejala adanya sistem panasbumi pada daerah penelitian ditandai dengan kemunculan manifestasi permukaan berupa enam mata air panas bersuhu (37-67oC), pH (6-7) dan bertipe klorida-bikarbonat. Pembentukan sistem panasbumi diduga berkaitan dengan aktivitas tektonik kuat akibat tumbukan lempeng Pulau Seram dengan Lempeng Benua Australia (Plate Collision) yang memicu pembentukan batuan intrusi di kedalaman sebagai sumber panas. Guna mengetahui informasi subsurface daerah penelitian, dilakukan survei magnetotelurik. Selanjutnya hasil dari data MT akan diintegrasikan data geologi dan geokimia. Pengolahan data MT dimulai dari time-series data hingga mendapatkan kurva resistivitas-frekuensi dan fase, lalu dilakukan filtering noise, rotasi arah strike dan koreksi static shift untuk mendapatkan kualitas kurva MT baik. Selanjutnya dilakukan pemodelan inversi 1D, 2D dan 3D. Temperatur reservoir diduga sekitar 160-180oC termasuk temperatur sedang. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan lapisan konduktif (<15 Ωm) dengan ketebalan ± 500-1000 m diindikasikan sebagai Clay Cap dari sistem panasbumi. Zona resistivitas tinggi (>300 Ωm) dan berbentuk updome, berada di bawah area kemunculan manifestasi (MAP1, MAP2, MAP3, MAP4, dan MAP5) mengindikasikan heat source berada di utara kemudian menerus ke arah tenggara membentuk updome. Model konseptual terpadu sistem panasbumi dibentuk dari integrasi data geologi, geokimia, dan geofisika. Sistem panasbumi daerah penelitian merupakan hidrotermal heat sweep plate collision dengan temperatur sedang, luas area prospek dan rekomendasi titik pemboran diperkirakan ± 3 km2 di sekitar zona Upflow, potensi sumber daya hipotetik dengan metode volume lump parameter menggunakan binary cycle ± 34 MWe.

A study for delineating geothermal system of prospect area “P” has been done by using multi-dimensional modeling of magnetotelluric data. Physiographycally, geothermal prospect of “P” area is located at non-volcanic Banda inner arc hosted by Malihan Sekis rock complex with Perm-Trias age. The existance of geothermal system in this area is indicated by the presence of thermal manifestations in form of 6 chloride-bicarbonate hot springs with temperature in the the range of 37 – 67oC, and pH of 6-7. The development of geothermal system is most probably associated with strong tectonic activity caused by the collision between Seram island plate and Australian plate that ignite the occurence of intrussive body as heat source. In order to know the subsurface information of prospect area, magnetotelluric (MT) survey has been done. The processing of MT data was started from time-series data, continued by noise filtering, rotation of strike orientation and static shift correction to obtain better MT curve. The data were then being inversed by means of 1-Dimensional, 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional inversion methods. Reservoir temperature is estimated to be around 160-180 oC and classified as moderate temperature. The result of MT data inversions shows the presence of conductive layer (<15 Ωm) with 500 – 1000 m thickness that is interpreted as clay cap og geothermal system. High resistivity zone (>300 Ωm) with updome shape appears underneath the manifestations occurence (MAP1, MAP2, MAP4, and MAP5), indicating that the heat source is located in northern part and elongate to souteast direction. The conceptual model of geothermal system was built based on integrated interpretation of geological, geochemical and geophysical data. The prospect area and recommendation of drilling location is estimated to be ± 5 km2 around upflow zone. Potential hypothetical resource with volume lump parameters method using binary cycle ± 34 MWe., A study for delineating geothermal system of prospect area “P” has been done by using multi-dimensional modeling of magnetotelluric data. Physiographycally, geothermal prospect of “P” area is located at non-volcanic Banda inner arc hosted by Malihan Sekis rock complex with Perm-Trias age. The existance of geothermal system in this area is indicated by the presence of thermal manifestations in form of 6 chloride-bicarbonate hot springs with temperature in the the range of 37 – 67oC, and pH of 6-7. The development of geothermal system is most probably associated with strong tectonic activity caused by the collision between Seram island plate and Australian plate that ignite the occurence of intrussive body as heat source. In order to know the subsurface information of prospect area, magnetotelluric (MT) survey has been done. The processing of MT data was started from time-series data, continued by noise filtering, rotation of strike orientation and static shift correction to obtain better MT curve. The data were then being inversed by means of 1-Dimensional, 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional inversion methods. Reservoir temperature is estimated to be around 160-180 oC and classified as moderate temperature. The result of MT data inversions shows the presence of conductive layer (<15 Ωm) with 500 – 1000 m thickness that is interpreted as clay cap og geothermal system. High resistivity zone (>300 Ωm) with updome shape appears underneath the manifestations occurence (MAP1, MAP2, MAP4, and MAP5), indicating that the heat source is located in northern part and elongate to souteast direction. The conceptual model of geothermal system was built based on integrated interpretation of geological, geochemical and geophysical data. The prospect area and recommendation of drilling location is estimated to be ± 5 km2 around upflow zone. Potential hypothetical resource with volume lump parameters method using binary cycle ± 34 MWe.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Balqis Al Sausan Suwargono
"Daerah penelitian berada pada Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah dengan sistem geotermal temperatur sedang tipe zona rekahan dan sesar Palu Koro. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persebaran struktur patahan dan nilai densitas bawah permukaan daerah penelitian serta menghasilkan pemodelan tiga dimensi struktur bawah permukaan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode gravitasi guna memberikan informasi tentang densitas batuan bawah permukaan dan lokasi sesar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya persebaran struktur patahan bawah permukaan yang berada pada bagian tengah dengan jenis patahan sinistral, barat laut patahan naik dan normal, serta bagian tenggara dengan jenis patahan naik. Hasil pemodelan tiga dimensi menunjukkan adanya anomali rendah dengan densitas 1.8-2.2 gr/cm3 yang berada pada bagian tengah daerah penelitian dan memanjang dari utara hingga selatan, yang diduga merupakan zona depresi Palu berupa graben. Anomali tinggi ditemukan pada bagian barat laut dengan densitas 2.8-3 gr/cm3 diduga disebabkan karena keberadaan Formasi Latimojong yang berumur Kapur-Eosen.

The research area is in Central Sulawesi Province with a medium temperature geothermal system with a fracture zone type and the Palu Koro fault. This study aims to determine the distribution of the fault structure and the subsurface density value of the research area and to produce a three-dimensional modeling of the subsurface structure. The method used is the gravity method to provide information about the density of subsurface rocks and the location of faults. The results showed that there was a distribution of subsurface fault structures in the middle with sinistral fault types, northwest up and normal faults, and southeast with rising fault types. The results of the three-dimensional modeling show that there is a low anomaly with a density of 1.8-2.2 gr/cm3 which is located in the center of the study area and extends from north to south, which is thought to be a depression zone in Palu in the form of a graben. The high anomaly found in the northwest with a density of 2.8-3 gr/cm3 is thought to be due to the presence of the Cretaceous-Eocene Latimojong Formation."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mia Galina
"Di tengah penurunan pertumbuhan pendapatan industri telekomunikasi, operator telekomunikasi harus berusaha meningkatkan revenue usahanya dan menekan cost operational agar mampu bertahan dan bersaing dimasa mendatang. Banyaknya operator telekomunikasi yang mengembangkan bisnis pada market yang sama membuat ruang gerak operator telekomunikasi semakin terbatas. Permasalahan utama yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah menurunnya pendapatan operator telekomunikasi dimana salah satunya diindikasikan karena besarnya biaya regulatory charges yang membebani cost operational operator telekomunikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis terhadap regulatory charges operator selular yang berlaku saat ini dan hubungannya terhadap pendapatan operator, dengan menggunakan pemodelan sistem dinamik dan statisik.
Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa regulatory charges bukan penyebab utama terjadinya penurunan pendapatan operator telekomunikasi. Menurunnya pertumbuhan industri telekomunikasi saat ini lebih disebabkan karena keputusan atau kebijakan pertumbuhan investasi jaringan selular dengan tingkat pertumbuhan (growth rate) yang tinggi dimasa lalu, dengan melakukan kegiatan eksploitasi oleh banyak perusahaan telekomunikasi sehingga mengakibatkan pangsa pasar telekomunikasi di Indonesia mencapai saturasi dalam waktu yang singkat.

Along with declining revenue growth in the telecommunications industry, the telecommunication operators must continue in adopting new technologies and utilize its network to accommodate future telecommunication services. Therefore, the operator forced to increase their business revenue and reduce operational cost. As the Indonesian telecommunication industry is crowded with many operators fighting over limited market and resources, indicates that the telecommunication market is heading towards saturation. The main issues raised in this research is the declining in revenues of telecommunications operators, one of which is indicated of the regulatory charges that impacting to operational cost. This research is focusing to analyze current operator regulatory charges and its relation to operator revenues, using the dynamic system modeling approach and statistic.
The result showed that the regulatory charges is not the main cause of declining in revenues of telecommunications operators. A dramatic celular telecommunication investment growth in the past with high exploitation activities, however, has contributed fierce competition of market shares among many mobile operators. As the result, Indonesia's telecommunication market has lost some of its glory and become saturated within a relatively short period of time."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mia Galina
"Di tengah penurunan pertumbuhan pendapatan industri telekomunikasi, operator telekomunikasi harus berusaha meningkatkan revenue usahanya dan menekan cost operational agar mampu bertahan dan bersaing dimasa mendatang. Banyaknya operator telekomunikasi yang mengembangkan bisnis pada market yang sama membuat ruang gerak operator telekomunikasi semakin terbatas. Permasalahan utama yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah menurunnya pendapatan operator telekomunikasi dimana salah satunya diindikasikan karena besarnya biaya regulatory charges yang membebani cost operational operator telekomunikasi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis terhadap regulatory charges operator selular yang berlaku saat ini dan hubungannya terhadap pendapatan operator, dengan menggunakan pemodelan sistem dinamik dan statisik. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa regulatory charges bukan penyebab utama terjadinya penurunan pendapatan operator telekomunikasi. Menurunnya pertumbuhan industri telekomunikasi saat ini lebih disebabkan karena keputusan atau kebijakan pertumbuhan investasi jaringan selular dengan tingkat pertumbuhan (growth rate) yang tinggi dimasa lalu, dengan melakukan kegiatan eksploitasi oleh banyak perusahaan telekomunikasi sehingga mengakibatkan pangsa pasar telekomunikasi di Indonesia mencapai saturasi dalam waktu yang singkat.

Along with declining revenue growth in the telecommunications industry, the telecommunication operators must continue in adopting new technologies and utilize its network to accommodate future telecommunication services. Therefore, the operator forced to increase their business revenue and reduce operational cost. As the Indonesian telecommunication industry is crowded with many operators fighting over limited market and resources, indicates that the telecommunication market is heading towards saturation. The main issues raised in this research is the declining in revenues of telecommunications operators, one of which is indicated of the regulatory charges that impacting to operational cost.
This research is focusing to analyze current operator regulatory charges and its relation to operator revenues, using the dynamic system modeling approach and statistic. The result showed that the regulatory charges is not the main cause of declining in revenues of telecommunications operators. A dramatic celular telecommunication investment growth in the past with high exploitation activities, however, has contributed fierce competition of market shares among many mobile operators. As the result, Indonesia's telecommunication market has lost some of its glory and become saturated within a relatively short period of time."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Haryanto
Uranium merupakan salah satu bahan bakar PLTN. Eksplorasi uranium akan terus meningkat seiring dengan kebutuhan yang meningkat. Metode geomagnet, tahanan jenis dan polarisasi terinduksi dapat diterapkan dalam eksplorasi deposit uranium yang mineralisasinya berasosiasi dengan mineral sulfida. Pengolahan, analisis, dan interpretasi data geomagnet, tahanan jenis, dan polarisasi terinduksi dilakukan untuk dapat mengidentifikasi sebaran deposit uranium, litologi batuan, model geometri dalam 3 dimensi, serta memperkirakan sumber daya terunjuk di daerah Rabau Hulu, Kalan, Kalimantan Barat.
Deposit uranium di daerah Rabau Hulu pada umumnya berasosiasi dengan sulfida, turmalin dan terdapat dalam batuan favourable. Gejala mineralisasi uranium dijumpai dalam bentuk-bentuk tidak teratur dan tidak merata terdiri atas mineral uraninit, pirit, kalkopirit, pirhotit, molibdenit, dan ilmenit. Pengolahan data menghasilkan nilai anomali medan magnet total, tahanan jenis, dan faktor logam yang selanjutnya dibuat penampang 2 dimensi. Penentuan nilai tahanan jenis dan polarisasi terinduksi dilakukan dengan mengkorelasi data sumur bor dengan hasil pengolahan data. Tahanan jenis pada zona deposit uranium bernilai kurang dari 2.000 Ωm dan nilai faktor logamnya lebih besar dari 90 mho/m. Zona deposit uranium ini semakin meluas seiring dengan kedalaman. Model 3 dimensi menunjukkan bahwa distribusinya berarah Barat Daya?Timur Laut dan berbentuk lensa. Kadar rata-rata uranium pada zona deposit di daerah Rabau Hulu adalah 0,0085 %. Massa jenis deposit uranium yang digunakan untuk menghitung sumber daya terunjuk adalah 2,83 gr/cm3.

Uranium is one of the nuclear fuel. Uranium exploration will continue to increase along with the increased of demand. Geomagnetic, resistivity and induced polarization methods can be applied in the uranium deposits exploration that mineralization is associated with sulphide minerals. Processing, analysis, and interpretation of geomagnetic, resistivity, and induced polarization data conducted in order to identify the distribution of uranium deposits, lithology, model geometry in 3 dimensions and indicated resource estimates in the area Rabau Hulu, Kalan, West Kalimantan.
Uranium deposits in the area Rabau Hulu is generally associated with sulphides, tourmaline and contained in favorable rocks. Symptoms of uranium mineralization encountered in other forms of irregular and uneven consists minerals of uraninite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, molybdenite, and ilmenite. Data processing generates a magnetic field total anomalous values, resistivity, and metal factor which further created two-dimensional cross-section. Determination of resistivity and induced polarization conducted by boreholes to correlate the data with the results of data processing. Resistivity in the uranium deposits zone worth less than 2,000 Ωm and the value of metal factor greater than 90 mho/m. Uranium deposit zone is expanding along with the depth. Three dimensional modeling show that the distribution of deposits trending South West-North East and form lens. The average concentration of uranium in the deposit zone in the area Rabau Hulu is 0.0085%. The density of uranium deposits which are used to calculate the indicated resource is 2.83 g/cm3., Uranium is one of the nuclear fuel. Uranium exploration will continue to increase along with the increased of demand. Geomagnetic, resistivity and induced polarization methods can be applied in the uranium deposits exploration that mineralization is associated with sulphide minerals. Processing, analysis, and interpretation of geomagnetic, resistivity, and induced polarization data conducted in order to identify the distribution of uranium deposits, lithology, model geometry in 3 dimensions and indicated resource estimates in the area Rabau Hulu, Kalan, West Kalimantan.
Uranium deposits in the area Rabau Hulu is generally associated with sulphides, tourmaline and contained in favorable rocks. Symptoms of uranium mineralization encountered in other forms of irregular and uneven consists minerals of uraninite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, molybdenite, and ilmenite. Data processing generates a magnetic field total anomalous values, resistivity, and metal factor which further created two-dimensional cross-section. Determination of resistivity and induced polarization conducted by boreholes to correlate the data with the results of data processing. Resistivity in the uranium deposits zone worth less than 2,000 Ωm and the value of metal factor greater than 90 mho/m. Uranium deposit zone is expanding along with the depth. Three dimensional modeling show that the distribution of deposits trending South West-North East and form lens. The average concentration of uranium in the deposit zone in the area Rabau Hulu is 0.0085%. The density of uranium deposits which are used to calculate the indicated resource is 2.83 g/cm3.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Carrisya Azahra Pradhista
"Tesis ini mengeksplorasi pemodelan rangka rangka ruang untuk mencapai desain yang optimal. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa memperpendek jarak antara tumpuan dan menambah jumlah pengekang DOF akan mengurangi defleksi struktur. Studi ini juga menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan bahasa pemrograman, khususnya Bahasa Julia, memudahkan pengguna untuk menghitung dalam hal kecepatan dan akurasi. Selain itu, tingkat presisi yang tinggi akan mengurangi kesalahan atau kesalahan yang disebabkan oleh pembulatan yang salah.

This thesis explores space truss modelling in order to achieve an optimal design. The study results showed that shortening the distance between supports and increasing the number of DOF restraints will lessen the structure's deflection. This study also demonstrates that utilizing a programming language, specifically Julia Language, makes it easier for users to compute in terms of speed and accuracy. Furthermore, the high degree of precision will decrease mistakes or errors caused by incorrect rounding."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Rafi Al Farouq
"Dalam pertambangan bawah tanah, caving merupakan fenomena yang sangat lumrah terjadi pada area pertambangan bawah tanah. Caving sendiri dapat memberikan dampak yang berbahaya terhadap aktivitas maupun infrastruktur di area penambangan. Maka dari itu perlu dilakukan pemeriksaan rutin geoteknik atau geotechnic monitoring terhadap perkembangan zona caving di area penambangan. Salah satu pemeriksaan rutin tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan metode GPR. Pada penelitian ini diharapkan GPR dapat memberikan informasi terkait letak dari batas zona caving pada setiap titik pengukuran data. Lokasi penelitian bertempat pada middle acces area tambang bawah tanah Grasberg Block Cave atau GBC dengan panjang lintasa ±240 meter dengan 13 titik pengukuran. Akan dilakukan pula tiga analisis yang berbeda yaitu analisis amplitudo, frequency mapping, dan average spectrum pada setiap data yang didapat agar batas zona caving dapat teridentifikasi dengan jelas. Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa GPR dapat mengidentfikasi batas zona caving serta batas dari seismogenic zone dengan zone of loosening. Hal ini didapati dari analisis amplitudo dan frequency mapping yang dilakukan oleh peneliti. Perubahan amplitudo yang signifikan serta distribusi energi yang ditampilkan dalam domain frequensi menunjukkan batas-batas pada zona tersebut. Model batas zona caving yang dibuat oleh PT Freeport Indonesia pun berbeda dengan bebeda dengan model yang dibuat oleh peneliti.

In underground mining, caving is a phenomenon that commonly occurs in underground mining areas. Caving itself can have dangerous impacts on activities and infrastructure in the mining area. Therefore, routine geotechnical monitoring is necessary to monitor the development of the caving zone in the mining area. One such routine inspection can be carried out using the GPR method. This study expects that GPR can provide information related to the location of the caving zone boundaries at each data measurement point. The research location is in the middle access area of the underground mine Grasberg Block Cave or GBC with a track length of ±240 meters and 13 measurement points. Three different analyses will also be carried out, namely amplitudo analysis, frequency mapping, and average spectrum on each data obtained so that the boundaries of the caving zone can be clearly identified. The results show that GPR can identify the boundaries of the caving zone and the boundaries of the seismogenic zone with the zone of loosening. This is found from the amplitudo analysis and frequency mapping conducted by the researcher. Significant changes in amplitudo and the distribution of energy displayed in the frequency domain indicate the boundaries of that zone. The model of the caving zone boundary made by PT Freeport Indonesia is different from the model made by the researcher."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Nursyamsi
Sebagai negara kepulauan dengan wilayah perairan lebih dari dua per tiga total luas wilayah, Indonesia sudah seharusnya memberikan fokus lebih terhadap pengembangan Industri Maritim nya. Salah satu cara untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan Industri Maritim adalah dengan mengembangkan sebuah klaster maritim. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan sebuah pemahaman atas efek bila Indonesia menerapkan kebijakan klaster maritim terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi maritim dan perannya meningkatkan kinerja klaster maritim sehingga dapat memaksimalkan potensi Industri Maritim di Indonesia. Hasil model simulasi sistem dinamis yang telah dibangun menunjukan bahwa dengan adanya klaster maritim, pertumbuhan jumlah tenaga kerja dan nilai ekonomi Industri Maritim menjadi lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kondisi Business as Usual dengan tingkat pertumbuhan yang eksponensial. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa pemerintah harus bergerak cepat untuk segera mengambil langkah membentuk sebuah lembaga pengelola klaster maritim agar dapat tercipta sebuah lingkungan klaster maritim yang bersinergi, berkesinambungan, dan berdampak positif bagi kinerja Industri Maritim di Indonesia.

As an archipelago with two third of its territory consist of water, Indonesia should address more attention to its maritime industry development. One of the catalyst to fasten the maritime industry growth is by developing a maritime cluster. The purpose of this research is to gain understanding of the effect if Indonesia implement maritime cluster policy to the growth of maritime economic and its role to enhance the maritime cluster performance, hence enhancing Indonesia rsquo s maritime industry as well. The result of the constructed system dynamic model simulation shows that with the effect of maritime cluster, the growth of employment rate and maritime economic is much bigger that the business as usual case exponentially. The result implies that the government should act fast to form a legitimate cluster maritime organizer institution so that there will be a synergize, sustainable, and positive maritime cluster environment that will benefit the performance of Indonesia rsquo s maritime industry."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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