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"Tesis ini berusaha mempelajari pengaruh infrastruktur terhadap kemiskinan di Sumatera dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif regresi data panel yang mencakup series data dari tahun 2006 sampai dengan tahun 2012 pada sepuluh propinsi di Sumatera. Hasil esimasi koefisien regresi dengan model efek random menunjukkan, bahwa infrastruktur jalan, listrik dan air bersih berpengaruh signifikan secara statistik terhadap pengurangan kemiskinan di Sumatera yang terlihat dari ketiga tanda koefisiien infrastruktur tersebut yang memiliki tanda negatif, namun demikian tingkat signifikansinya berbeda. Oleh karena itu, kebijakan utama yang harus menjadi perhatian adalah bagaimana masing - masing pemerintah provinsi di Sumatera meningkatkan ketersediaan termasuk akses terhadap infrastruktur tersebut terutama bagi masyarakat miskin.

The aim of this thesis attempts to study the effect of infrastructure on poverty in Sumatera using a quantitative approach of regression panel data which consist of series data over the period 2006 ? 2012 in 10 Sumatera provinces. The regression coefficient estimate results using the random effect model reveal that road, electricity and water infrastructure have statistically significant influence on poverty alleviation in Sumatera, as It can be seen that all the coefficients have a negative sign, however, the significant level are vary among the three of them. Hence, the main policy concern is how local government to improve access to such infrastructures especially for the poor."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ridwan
"Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dampak dari ketersediaan infrastruktur jalan, listrik, dan air terhadap perkembangan ekonomi regional di Indonesia melalui beberapa analisis regresi panel data dengan menggunakan data yang terdiri dari 33 provinsi pada periode 2006 hingga 2016. Selain itu, dilakukan juga analisis dengan menggunakan regresi panel data dinamik untuk mengetahui konvergensi antarprovinsi selama periode studi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis model fixed effects, jumlah distribusi listrik per kapita dan persentase rumah tangga dengan akses air minum layak (proxy untuk variabel infrastruktur listrik dan air) memiliki dampak yang positif dan signifikan terhadap ekonomi regional. Di sisi lain, hasil analisis regresi panel data dinamik dengan menggunakan estimator Arellano-Bond menunjukkan bahwa panjang jalan per kapita dan jumlah distribusi listrik per kapita (proxy untuk variabel jalan dan listrik) memiliki dampak yang positif dan signifikan terhadap ekonomi regional dengan elastisitas sebesar 0.134 dan 0.120, berturut-turut. Hasil analisis juga menunjukkan terjadinya conditional β-convergence antarprovinsi. Dengan kata lain, provinsi dengan pendapatan lebih rendah cendering memiliki pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lebih tinggi dibandingan provinsi dengan pendapatan lebih tinggi selama periode studi. Hasil-hasil tersebut menunjukkan peran penting dari infrastruktur dalam pembangunan ekonomi regional.

By conducting several panel data regression analyses with a panel data set of 33 provinces from 2006 to 2016, this study tries to analyze the effects of road, electricity and water infrastructures on regional economic development in Indonesia. It also examines, using the dynamic panel data regression model, whether there is regional income convergence across provinces over the study period. According to the result of the fixed effects analysis, per capita amount of electricity and the proportion of households with access to safe water (proxies for electricity and water infrastructures) are found to have significant and positive effects on regional economy. On the other hand, according to the result of the dynamic panel regression analysis by the Arellano-Bond estimator, per capita road length and per capita amount of electricity (proxies for road and electricity infrastructures) are found to have significant and positive effects on regional economy with the elasticities of 0.134 and 0.120, respectively. This study also found that there is a conditional β-convergence across provinces. That is, poorer provinces tend to grow faster than richer provinces over the study period. These observations confirm the importance of infrastructures in the development of regional economy."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ide Juang Humantito
"Tesis ini membahas keterkaitan ketersediaan infrastruktur terhadap persentase penduduk miskin. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif regresi data panel dengan variabel dependen adalah persentase penduduk miskin dan variabel independen adalah jumlah SD, jumlah SMK, cakupan jumlah puskesmas keliling, dan kapasitas produksi efektif perusahaan air bersih serta panjang jaringan distribusi listrik dan cakupan jalan per provinsi. Variabel kontrol yang digunakan adalah Distribusi Persentase PDRB tanpa Migas atas Dasar Harga Konstan 2000 Lapangan Usaha Pertanian, Laju Pertumbuhan PDRB, Tingkat Inflasi, Kredit Bank Umum berdasarkan Lokasi Bank Penyalur dibagi dengan PDRB tanpa migas atas dasar harga konstan 2000, Rata - Rata Besarnya Anggota Rumah Tangga, Tingkat Partisipasi Angkatan Kerja dari Penduduk Berumur 15 Tahun ke Atas, Angka Partisipasi Sekolah umur 7-12 dan Persentase penduduk yang mempunyai keluhan kesehatan selama sebulan yang lalu menurut provinsi.
Hasil penelitian menunukkan bahwa seluruh variabel independen ketersediaan infrastruktur berpengaruh signifikan dan negatif terhadap variabel persentase penduduk miskin. Disarankan kepada Pemerintah agar dalam perencanaan pembangunan infrastruktur yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi prosentase penduduk miskin, dapat menyusun prioritas berdasarkan nilai koefisien variabel independen yang membentuk model, berturut - turut yaitu cakupan jumlah puskesmas keliling, cakupan panjang jalan, jumlah SMK, jaringan distribusi listrik, jumlah SD dan kapasitas produksi efektif perusahaan air bersih.

The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between the availability of infrastructure and poverty in Indonesia using econometric model of panel data regression model of 26 provinces for the years 2001 - 2007. The dependent Variable used is percentage of population below poverty line, and the independent variables used are the number of Primary School (SD), the number of Vocational Senior Secondary School (SMK), Mobile Health Center Coverage, Effective Production Capacity of Clean Water Company, Electric Energy Distribution Network and Road Coverage. The controlled variables used are Percentage Distribution of GRDP without Oil and Gas at 2000 Constant Price by Industrial Origin of Agriculture, Growth Rate of GRDP at 2000 Constant Price, Inflation Rate, Credit of Commercial Bank based on Location of Banks divided by GRDP without Oil and Gas at 2000 Constant Price, Average Household Size, Labor Force Participation Rate, School Enrollment of population aged 7-12 years and Percentage of Population Who had Health Complaint During The Previous Month.
Based on the result of this research, all the independent variables of infrastructure availability have a significant and negative relationship to percentage of population below poverty line. According to this conclusion, the government should continue to improve the quantity and availability of infrastructure in the sector of education, health, transportation, electric energy and clean water to eradicate poverty in Indonesia."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mehdinsareza Wiriarsa
Kemiskinan merupakan permasalahan bagi masyarakat karena mempunyai akibat sosial politis dan ekonomi Aspek sosial politis dari kemiskinan menitikberatkan pada social exclusion penduduk miskin di masyarakat Sedangkan secara ekonomi kemiskinan dapat memperlambat proses pembangunan Para ekonom percaya bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi penting untuk mengurangi kemiskinan Pemikiran ini pada akhirnya menghasilkan beragam paket kebijakan pemerintah yang unik Kebijakan upah minimum merupakan salah satu kebijakan yang populer untuk mengurangi angka kemiskinan Hal ini tidak hanya dikarenakan kebijakan upah minimum dapat meningkatkan rata rata pendapatan masyarakat namun juga karena kebijakan upah minimum merupakan kebijakan biaya rendah Card and Krueger 1995 Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari hubungan antara upah minimum dan kemiskinan secara empiris Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut penelitian ini menyusun sebuah data set yang terdiri dari data time series selama empat belas tahun sejak 2001 hingga 2014 dan data cross section dari 119 kabupaten kota di pulau Jawa Data yang terkumpul dianalisa menggunakan tiga metode analisa panel data pooled OLS fixed effect dan random effect Penelitian ini juga mencoba untuk menganalisa hubungan upah minimum dan kemiskinan di level provinsi dengan menggunakan sub sample data Hasil dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa kebijakan upah minimum di pulau jawa dapat mengurangi indeks kedalaman kemiskinan Poverty Gap Index dan presentase penduduk miskin Poverty Rate Namun pada level provinsi hasil regresi terlihat lebih bervariasi Di sebagian besar provinsi yang dianalisa kebijakan upah minimum mempunyai efek negatif terhadap indeks kedalaman kemiskinan dan presentase penduduk miskin.

Poverty is a problem for a society by considering the socio political and economic considerations Socio political aspect of poverty underlines social exclusion in society While economically poverty can decelerate development process To alleviate poverty economists believe that economic growth is important This in turn result in a unique set of policies among government Minimum wage is one of most popular policy to alleviate poverty Not only because minimum wage can improve average income of society but also because it is a low cost policy Card and Krueger 1995 The objective of this research paper is to investigate the relationship of minimum wage and poverty empirically In order to do that this research paper construct a data set of time series data for fourteen years from 2001 until 2014 and cross section data of 119 districts in the Java The analysis is run by using three methods of panel data analysis pooled OLS fixed effect and random effect method This research paper also tries to analyze the relationship of minimum wage and poverty in the province level using sub sample data Result of this research papers shows that minimum wage policy in Java can reduce both poverty gap index and poverty rate However in the province level the regression show more varied results In most of the analyzed provinces minimum wage has negative effect towards poverty gap and poverty rate, Poverty is a problem for a society by considering the socio political and economic considerations Socio political aspect of poverty underlines social exclusion in society While economically poverty can decelerate development process To alleviate poverty economists believe that economic growth is important This in turn result in a unique set of policies among government Minimum wage is one of most popular policy to alleviate poverty Not only because minimum wage can improve average income of society but also because it is a low cost policy Card and Krueger 1995 The objective of this research paper is to investigate the relationship of minimum wage and poverty empirically In order to do that this research paper construct a data set of time series data for fourteen years from 2001 until 2014 and cross section data of 119 districts in the Java The analysis is run by using three methods of panel data analysis pooled OLS fixed effect and random effect method This research paper also tries to analyze the relationship of minimum wage and poverty in the province level using sub sample data Result of this research papers shows that minimum wage policy in Java can reduce both poverty gap index and poverty rate However in the province level the regression show more varied results In most of the analyzed provinces minimum wage has negative effect towards poverty gap and poverty rate]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Ketimpangan pendapatan dan kemiskinan telah menjadi permasalahan utama dalam studi pembangunan sejak tahun 1970-an. Meskipun ada berbagai faktor yang secara teoritis terkait dengan insiden kemiskinan dan ketimpangan pendapatan, pilihan mengenai jenis dan struktur pengeluaran pemerintah sering dikutip sebagai salah satu faktor penentu penting. Namun, bukti ilmiah atas permasalahan ini masih belum bisa disimpulkan, dan penelitian atas kasus di Indonesia masih sangat sedikit. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk berkontribusi dengan memanfaatkan data panel 33 propinsi dari tahun 2005 sampai dengan 2017 untuk menguji pengaruh berbagai jenis pengeluaran pemerintah terhadap ketimpangan pendapatan dan kemiskinan di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan fixed effect, random effect, dan Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SURE) sistem, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa bantuan sosial, subsidi dan pengeluaran hibah memiliki efek yang tidak signifikan dalam mengurangi ketimpangan pendapatan dan kemiskinan di Indonesia. Namun, bukti empiris menunjukkan bahwa pengeluaran infrastruktur memiliki korelasi negatif dengan ketimpangan pendapatan di daerah perkotaan (ketika menggunakan random effect model), dan daerah pedesaan (ketika menggunakan fixed effect model), keduanya signifikan secara statistik pada tingkat 5%. Selain itu, pengeluaran infrastruktur juga berkorelasi negatif dan signifikan dengan kemiskinan di Indonesia, dan dampaknya lebih signifikan di daerah pedesaan daripada perkotaan.

The issues of income inequality and poverty have become key issues in development studies since the 1970s. Although there are various factors theoretically associated with the incidence of poverty and income inequality, choices regarding the types and structure of government expenditure are often quoted as one of the crucial determinants. However, the evidence is still inconclusive, and the research about these issues in the case of Indonesia is still minimum. This paper tries to contribute to the discussion by analysing a panel data set of 33 provinces from 2005 to 2017 to examine the effect of different types of government expenditure on income inequality and poverty in Indonesia. Using the fixed effect, random effect, and Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SURE) system, this paper finds that social aid, subsidy and grant expenditure have an insignificant effect on reducing income inequality and poverty in Indonesia. However, the empirical evidence suggests that infrastructure spending has a negative correlation with income inequality in urban areas (when using the random effect model), and rural areas (when using the fixed effect model), both are statistically significant at the 5% level. In addition, infrastructure expenditure is also negatively and significantly correlated with poverty in Indonesia, and the impact is more significant in rural than urban areas."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Delia Oktaviani
"Kemiskinan merupakan suatu kondisi yang ditandai dengan ketidakmampuan seseorang dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pokoknya. Berdasarkan publikasi Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) dari tahun 2017 hingga 2020, Provinsi Papua dan Papua Barat yang berada di Pulau Papua merupakan dua provinsi dengan kemiskinan tertinggi di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis variabel-variabel yang signifikan memengaruhi kemiskinan di Pulau Papua. Permasalahan kemiskinan merupakan permasalahan kompleks yang tidak hanya terjadi pada satu waktu dan dapat dipengaruhi oleh aspek kewilayahan atau spasial. Hal ini mengindikasikan perlunya dilakukan suatu penelitian yang melibatkan efek spasial dalam beberapa periode waktu. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, maka data spasial dengan struktur panel digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Data penelitian yang merupakan data spasial dengan struktur panel mengakibatkan kemungkinan munculnya pengaruh spasial seperti heterogenitas spasial. Uji heterogenitas spasial dilakukan menggunakan uji Breusch-Pagan. Berdasarkan pengujian didapatkan bahwa terdapat heterogenitas spasial pada data kemiskinan di Pulau Papua tahun 2017-2020 sehingga dilakukan analisis lebih lanjut dengan menggunakan model Geographically Weighted Panel Regression (GWPR). Model GWPR dibentuk menggunakan fungsi pembobot kernel Fixed Gaussian, Fixed Bisquare, dan Fixed Tricube. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model GWPR dengan fungsi pembobot kernel Fixed Gaussian merupakan model terbaik dalam memodelkan data kemiskinan di Pulau Papua tahun 2017-2020 dengan koefisien determinasi sebesar 84.93% dan RMSE sebesar 0.013459686. Variabel harapan lama sekolah, angka harapan hidup, rasio gini, pengeluaran per kapita disesuaikan, dan tingkat partisipasi angkatan kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kemiskinan pada minimal satu lokasi di kabupaten/kota di Pulau Papua. Variabel angka harapan hidup dan pengeluaran per kapita disesuaikan merupakan variabel yang paling banyak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kemiskinan di kabupaten/kota di Pulau Papua.

Poverty is a condition characterized by a person’s inability to fulfill their basic needs. Based on the publications of Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) from 2017 to 2020, the provinces of Papua and West Papua on the island of Papua are the two provinces with the highest rates of poverty in Indonesia. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the variables that significantly affect poverty on Papua Island. The problem of poverty is a complex problem that does not only occur at one time and can be influenced by regional or spatial aspects. This indicates the need for a study involving spatial effects over several periods. In this regard, spatial data with panel structure is used in this study. Research data which is spatial data with a panel structure results in the possibility of the emergence of spatial influences such as spatial heterogeneity. A spatial heterogeneity test was performed using the Breusch-Pagan test. Based on the test, it was found that there is spatial heterogeneity in poverty data in Papua Island in 2017-2020 so further analysis will be carried out using the Geographically Weighted Panel Regression (GWPR) model. The GWPR model is formed using the Fixed Gaussian, Fixed Bisquare, and Fixed Tricube kernel weighting functions. The results show that the GWPR model with the Fixed Gaussian kernel weighting function is the best in modeling poverty data in Papua Island in 2017- 2020 with the coefficient of determination of 84.93% and RMSE of 0.013459686. The variables of expected years of schooling, life expectancy, gini ratio, consumption per capita, and labor force participation rate have a significant effect on poverty in at least one location in a district/city on Papua Island. The variables of life expectancy and consumption per capita have a significant effect on poverty in most districts/cities on Papua Island."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ali Rizal
Penelitian ini menyelidiki pengaruh perubahan kebijakan fiskal selama
pelaksanaan desentralisasi fiskal terhadap ketimpangan di Indonesia. Dengan
menggunakan data panel dari 27 provinsi selama periode 2001-2012, penelitian
ini menjelaskan dampak dari peraturan baru tentang desentralisasi fiskal terhadap
ketimpangan pengeluaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan koefisien Gini, Theil L,
dan Theil T sebagai ukuran ketimpangan, sedangkan variabel independen meliputi
indeks desentralisasi fiskal (FDA dan FDB), PDRB per kapita (pcGRDP) dan
PDRB per kapita kuadrat (pcGRDP kuadrat). Variabel independen PDRB per
kapita dan PDRB per kapita kuadrat berfungsi sebagai variabel kontrol.
Hasil regresi panel menunjukkan bahwa selama pelaksanaan Undang-
Undang Nomor 25 tahun 1999 (2001-2004), desentralisasi fiskal berdampak
negatif pada ketimpangan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa desentralisasi fiskal
mengakibatkan peningkatan ketimpangan pengeluaran. Semakin besar
desentralisasi fiskal menyebabkan semakin besarnya ketimpangan pengeluaran.
Perubahan undang-undang desentralisasi fiskal tahun 2004 menunjukkan bahwa
ketimpangan dapat dikurangi. Meskipun pengaruh desentralisasi fiskal pada
ketimpangan masih negatif setelah tahun 2004, besar dampaknya jauh lebih kecil.

This study attempts to investigate the effect of change in fiscal regulation
during implementation of fiscal decentralization on inequality in Indonesia. Using
a provincial panel data set consisting of 27 provinces during 2001-2012 periods,
this study explains the impact of new regulation on fiscal decentralization on
expenditure inequality. This study employs Gini coefficient, Theil L, and Theil T
as a measure of inequality, while independent variables include indices of fiscal
decentralization (FDA and FDB), per capita GRDP (pcGRDP) and per capita
GRDP squared (pcGRDP squared). Independent variables, pc GRDP and pcGRDP
squared serve as control variables.
The panel regression results show that during the implementation of the law
No.25/1999 (i.e., from 2001 to 2004), fiscal decentralization has a negative impact
on inequality. In particular, this study finds that fiscal decentralization appears to
have increased expenditure inequality. Higher degree of fiscal decentralization
Universitas Indonesia
induces larger expenditure inequality. However, the implementation of the revised
fiscal decentralization law in 2004 seems to have mitigated inequality. Though the
effect of fiscal decentralization on inequality is still negative after 2004, the
magnitude of the effect is much smaller.;This study attempts to investigate the effect of change in fiscal regulation
during implementation of fiscal decentralization on inequality in Indonesia. Using
a provincial panel data set consisting of 27 provinces during 2001-2012 periods,
this study explains the impact of new regulation on fiscal decentralization on
expenditure inequality. This study employs Gini coefficient, Theil L, and Theil T
as a measure of inequality, while independent variables include indices of fiscal
decentralization (FDA and FDB), per capita GRDP (pcGRDP) and per capita
GRDP squared (pcGRDP squared). Independent variables, pc GRDP and pcGRDP
squared serve as control variables.
The panel regression results show that during the implementation of the law
No.25/1999 (i.e., from 2001 to 2004), fiscal decentralization has a negative impact
on inequality. In particular, this study finds that fiscal decentralization appears to
have increased expenditure inequality. Higher degree of fiscal decentralization
Universitas Indonesia
induces larger expenditure inequality. However, the implementation of the revised
fiscal decentralization law in 2004 seems to have mitigated inequality. Though the
effect of fiscal decentralization on inequality is still negative after 2004, the
magnitude of the effect is much smaller.;This study attempts to investigate the effect of change in fiscal regulation
during implementation of fiscal decentralization on inequality in Indonesia. Using
a provincial panel data set consisting of 27 provinces during 2001-2012 periods,
this study explains the impact of new regulation on fiscal decentralization on
expenditure inequality. This study employs Gini coefficient, Theil L, and Theil T
as a measure of inequality, while independent variables include indices of fiscal
decentralization (FDA and FDB), per capita GRDP (pcGRDP) and per capita
GRDP squared (pcGRDP squared). Independent variables, pc GRDP and pcGRDP
squared serve as control variables.
The panel regression results show that during the implementation of the law
No.25/1999 (i.e., from 2001 to 2004), fiscal decentralization has a negative impact
on inequality. In particular, this study finds that fiscal decentralization appears to
have increased expenditure inequality. Higher degree of fiscal decentralization
Universitas Indonesia
induces larger expenditure inequality. However, the implementation of the revised
fiscal decentralization law in 2004 seems to have mitigated inequality. Though the
effect of fiscal decentralization on inequality is still negative after 2004, the
magnitude of the effect is much smaller., This study attempts to investigate the effect of change in fiscal regulation
during implementation of fiscal decentralization on inequality in Indonesia. Using
a provincial panel data set consisting of 27 provinces during 2001-2012 periods,
this study explains the impact of new regulation on fiscal decentralization on
expenditure inequality. This study employs Gini coefficient, Theil L, and Theil T
as a measure of inequality, while independent variables include indices of fiscal
decentralization (FDA and FDB), per capita GRDP (pcGRDP) and per capita
GRDP squared (pcGRDP squared). Independent variables, pc GRDP and pcGRDP
squared serve as control variables.
The panel regression results show that during the implementation of the law
No.25/1999 (i.e., from 2001 to 2004), fiscal decentralization has a negative impact
on inequality. In particular, this study finds that fiscal decentralization appears to
have increased expenditure inequality. Higher degree of fiscal decentralization
Universitas Indonesia
induces larger expenditure inequality. However, the implementation of the revised
fiscal decentralization law in 2004 seems to have mitigated inequality. Though the
effect of fiscal decentralization on inequality is still negative after 2004, the
magnitude of the effect is much smaller.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mukhamad Mukhanif
"Kemiskinan merupakan masalah kependudukan yang sangat kompleks bukan saja dilihat dari perspektif determinan yang sangal bervariasi antar individu tetapi lebih dari itu kemiskinan merupakan fenomena yang dinamis. Pada tahun 2005-2007, BPS menghitung bahwa sebagian besar penduduk miskin merupakan miskin transient atau miskin sementara (60,4%) dan 39,6 persen berstatus miskin kronis atau selalu berstatus miskin. Banyaknya miskin transient identik dengan tingginya dinarnika masuk dan keluar kategorl miskin, ditambah dengan penumpukan penduduk pada level subsisten menunjukkan tingginya tingkat kerentanan individu untuk menjadi miskin. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran karakteristik rumahtangga serta perubahan karakteristik tersebut dalam memicu perubahan status miskin rumahtangga baik masuk menjadi miskin (entry to poor) maupun keluar dari miskin (exit from poor). Event perubahan karakteristik mencakup perubahan demografis, labor marketf dan human capital serta perubahan kondisi makro. Model menggunakan Multilevel Logistik Biner untuk melibat peran variabel­ variabel tersebut dalam menentukan probabilita Entry to Poor dan Exit from Poor. Hasil estimasi menunjukkan pada rumahtangga tidak miskin. rentanitas menjadi miskin terutama dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang sosial ekonomi responden, baru kemudian faktor peristiwa demografis dan ketenagakerjaan. Sebaliknya pada rumahtangga miskin, peristiwa demografis menyumbang peran terbesar pada probabilita keluar dari miskin dibanding latar belakang sosial ekonomi dan peristiwa ketenagakerjaan. Pertumbuhan ekonomi terbukti tidak berasosiasi?

The poverty is complex population probiem in order to has vary determinant among individu. More than that perspective, poverty is dynamics phenomena. Along 2005-2007, BPS-Statistics of Indonesia count that majority of poor popu!ation was transient poor (60.4%) and 39.6 percent was chronnic poor or persistens poor. This figure desribes high dynamics entry and exit from poor category, In other side, the Indonesia population has phenomena that high density at around of poverty line (subsistent level) area. It shows high vulnerability of individu to fall in poor. This study to found how role of household characteristics also their changes be trigger mobility of household povert state as well as entry to poor and exit from poor. The events of characteristics changes covers demographic changes, labor market, human capital also characteristic makro changes. The study uses Multilevel Binary Logistic Model to find role of these variabels in determine probability of entry to poor and exit from poor. Result of estimation suggests that no poor household, vulnerability being poor mainly determined by social economics factor of household then respectively by demographic and labor market events. Oppositely, on non poor household demographic events are largest role to contribute probability exit from poor than social economic background and labor market events. Other fact, economic growth has no association with probability of entty to poor and exit from poor. However employment rate significantly associated. Other finding, into aging time elder population has increasing in probability entry to poor that trigger by split of worker household members. Adding of household members has effect increasing?"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Pramono Sidik
"Infrastruktur mempunyai peranan penting dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi. Infrastruktur yang dianggap paling penting dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kalimantan adalah infrastruktur jalan dan infrastruktur listrik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh ketersediaan infrastruktur jalan dan listrik terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kalimantan. Berdasarkan hasil regresi ekonometrika data panel dapat diketahui elastisitas infrastruktur jalan maupun infrastruktur listrik terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kalimantan. Dengan dilakukan perhitungan sumber pertumbuhan dapat diketahui pula kontribusi masing-masing infrastruktur dan juga total faktor produktivitas terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kalimantan dalam periode 1994-2008.

Infrastructure has important role for economic growth. Infrastructure considered being the most important in Kalimantan are road and electricity. This research attempts to know the influence on availability of road and electricity to economic growth in Kalimantan. Based on result of panel data econometrical regression, elasticity of either road or electricity can be calculated. By growth accounting, contribution of each infrastructure and also total factor productivity for economic growth in Kalimantan for period of 1994-2008 can also be calculated."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herry Joko Rencono
"Tesis ini membahas bagaimana pengaruh investasi (PMDN dan PMA) serta tenaga kerja
terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi provinsi-provinsi di Pulau Jawa (DKI Jakarta, Jawa
Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur dan DI Yogyakarta). Penelitian ini menggunakan
panel data tahun 1990-2007. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan analisis deskriptif, analisis
regresi (cross section OLS), panel data (common dan fixed effect) serta uji chow untuk
menentukan model terbaik dan didapatkan fixed effect sebagai model terbaik. Penelitian
ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel PMDN, tenaga kerja dan periode waktu (dummy
krisis) berpengaruh terhadap PDRB sedangkan PMA tidak berpengaruh terhadap

This thesis discuses how the impact of investment (PMDN and PMA) and labor to economic growth in the provinces in Java Island (Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java and Yogyakarta). This study uses panel data year 1990-2007. This research began with descriptive analysis, regression analysis (OLS Cross Section), panel data (fixed and common effect) and the chow test to determine the best model and established as a fixed effect model best. Research shows that this variable PMDN, labor and time period (crisis dummy) effect on GDP regional while PMA did not effect the GDP regional."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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