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Florentina Marwisitaningrum
"Latar Belakang: Banyaknya industri jamu menimbulkan masalah baik bagi lingkungan berupa pencemaran maupun bagi kesehatan para pekerja. Dari proses produksi jamu, banyak dihasilkan debu. Hal ini tentunya dapat menimbulkan gangguan bagi kesehatan pekerja di pabrik tersebut. Kualitas udara sangat berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan pekerja, terutama yang berhubungan dengan fungsi pernapasannya dikarenakan sistem pernapasan terus-menerus terpajan oleh partikel-partikel yang ada di udara.
Obyektif: Mengetahui prevalensi gangguan fungsi paru akibat pajanan debu jamu serta faktor-faktor yang berhubungan pada pekerja di pabrik jamu PT.X, Semarang.
Metode: Penelitian potong lintang dengan mengukur fungsi paru pekerja pabrik jamu PT.X Semarang pada bulan November dan Desember 2014 dengan menggunakan spirometri dan mengukur kadar debu lingkungan kerja. Sampel yang dikumpulka sebanyak 100 responden untuk pengukuran fungsi paru dan 4 lokasi untuk pengukuran kadar debu lingkungan kerja.
Hasil dan Kesimpulan: Ditemukan gangguan obstruksi paru ringan sebanyak 1%. Tidak ditemukan gangguan restriksi paru ataupun gangguan fungsi paru kombinasi. Faktor risiko yang bermakna terhadap rasio VEP1/KVP adalah Umur (p < 0,01; selisih rerata 6,48% (-8,91 sampai -4,06)), Jenis kelamin (p = 0,016; selisih rerata -3,72 (-6,73 sampai -0,71)), Pendidikan (p = 0,01; selisih rerata 5,02 (2,21 sampai 7,83)), dan Masa Kerja (p = 0,01; selisih rerata -4,77 (-8,4 sampai -1,13)).

Background: Indonesian traditional herbal medicine industries cause many problems to environment and workers? health. Traditional herbal medicine production process produces many organic dusts. The organic dusts could lead to health disorder among factory workers. Air quality very influential to workers health, especially those that associated to respiratory function since it?s been exposed to air particles.
Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of lung function disorder and its related factors due to dust exposure in one of Indonesian traditional herbal medicine factory.
Method: This was a cross sectional study performed by examining 100 workers? lung function using spirometry and examining environment dust level from one of Indonesia traditional herbal medicine factory in November to December 2014.
Result: There was 1% prevalence of mild obstructive lung disease but there were no restrictive or combined lung diseases. Bivariate analysis showed that Age {p < 0,01; mean difference 6,48% (-8,91 to -4,06)}, Sex {p = 0,016; mean difference -3,72 (-6,73 to -0,71)}, Education {p = 0,01; mean difference 5,02 (2,21 to 7,83)}, and Years of service {p = 0,01; mean difference -4,77 (-8,4 to -1,13)} were the risk factors to ratio of VEP1/KVP.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maryko Awang Herdian
"Pendahuluan : Pekerja industri gula memiliki risiko terkena gangguan fungsi paru akibat pajanan debu, khususnya debu bagasse ( tebu ). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi kejadian gangguan fungsi paru pada pekerja pabrik gula di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, serta hubungannya dengan faktor - faktor karakteristik pekerja dan pekerjaan.
Metode : Desain penelitian adalah comparative cross sectional melibatkan 144 pekerja pabrik gula : 72 pekerja bagian factory dan 72 pekerja bagian plantation. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, pengamatan dan pemeriksaan meliputi pengukuran kadar debu lingkungan dan pemeriksaan spirometri pada pekerja. Variabel yang diteliti meliputi usia, kebiasaan merokok, status gizi, penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD) masker, masa kerja, jam kerja per minggu dan lokasi pekerjaan. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi square.
Hasil dan Kesimpulan : Kadar debu total di lingkungan bagian factory 0,0586 mg/m3 lebih rendah dibandingkan bagian plantation 0,0843 mg/m3. Kedua nilai tersebut jauh dibawah nilai ambang batas. Prevalensi gangguan fungsi paru 8,33 %. Di bagian factory 5,56 % dan di bagian plantation 11,1 %. Gangguan fungsi paru terbanyak ditemukan adalah gangguan fungsi paru obstruktif. Variabel yang berhubungan dengan gangguan fungsi paru adalah penggunaan APD (masker) (ORadj = 12,15; 95% CI: 1,14 - 102,62) dan status perokok (ORadj = 9,73; 95% CI: 1,14 - 82,75).
Saran : Perlu dilakukan evaluasi fungsi paru berkala, konseling bagi pekerja agar berhenti merokok dan selalu menggunakan alat pelindung diri. Perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk menilai kadar debu respirabel, komposisi debu, dan pengaruhnya terhadap fungsi paru pekerja.

Introduction : Workers in sugar factory are at risk to suffer from lung functon disorder due to exposure to dust, especially bagasse dust. The objective of this study is to identify the prevalence of lung function disorder among workers in a sugar factory in Central Lampung district and associated individual- and work- related factors.
Method : The study design used a comparative cross sectional method, involving 144 sugar factory workers 72 among them were from factory department and 72 other workers from plantation. Data collection used interview, observation, measuring of dust in work environment and lung function measurement using spirometry. The variables which studied were age, smoking habbit, nutritional status, use of personal protective equipment (PPE) mask, time of work, working hours in week, and job location. Data was analyzed with chi square test.
Result and Conclusion : Total dust level in the factory department was 0.0586 mg/m3, lower compared to the level in plantation department which was 0.0843 mg/m3. Both level were below the TLV. The prevalence of lung function disorders was 8.33 %. in the factory department 5.56 % and in the plantation 11.1 %. the most lung function disorder cases found among workers was obstructive lung function disorder. Variables associated to lung function disorders found were use of PPE (mask) (ORadj = 12.15; 95% CI: 1.44 - 102.62) and smoking status (ORadj = 9.73; 95% CI: 1.14 - 82.75).
Recommendation : Periodic lung function evaluation, workers counseling to stop smoking and use of PPE. Another study should be conducted to on respirable dust, dust composition and it's effect on workers lung function.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simamora, Nova
"Latar Belakang : Pekerja di manufaktur sepatu setiap harinya terpajan beragam hazard. Salah satu pajanan adalah pelarut organik. berbagai penelitian melaporkan hubungan yang kuat antara pajanan pelarut organik dengan gangguan fungsi paru obstruksi dan restriksi. Namun belum banyak studi dilakukan untuk mempelajari antara hubungan antara pajanan pelarut organik di manufaktur sepatu dengan faktor-faktor risiko dan gejala klinis gangguan fungsi paru.
Metode : Desain potong lintang melibatkan 134 subyek, Cementing n=67 dan stockfit n=67. Pada bagian cementing terpajan pelarut Aseton, bagian stockfit oleh campuran pelarut Aseton dan klorin. Seluruh subyek dilakukan pemeriksaan fungsi paru dengan menggunakan spirometer menilai KVP dan VEP1/KVP. Subyek dilakukan interview untuk mengetahui gejala klinis, riwayat penyakit dahulu dan riwayat pekerjaan. Kadar pelarut organik di kedua tempat diukur. Analisis statistik menggunakan Chi square dengan p0,05. Multivariat menggunakan regresi logistik metode enter.
Hasil : Didapatkan 23 orang (17%) mengalami gangguan fungsi paru testriksi. Tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara pejalan pelarut organik, faktor-faktor risiko demografi dan okupasi dengan gejala klinis gangguan fungsi paru restriksi (p>-.05) /disebabkan masa kerja < 10 tahun. Proporsi subyek dengan gejala bronkitis kronik, di cementing 40.3%, stockfit 62.7%. analisis chi-square menegaskan adanya hubungan bermakna. Di bagian cementing, diperoleh hasil berikut, faktor risiko umur (p < 0.015), masa kerja (p < 0.05), dan total kumulatif pajanan p < 0.05). Dan hasil uji regresi logistik didapat bahwa di bagian cementing, masa kerja faktor risiko dominan terhadap gejala bronkitis kronik p.
Kesimpulan : Dari studi dapat disimpulkan bahwa pajanan pelarut organik mengakibatkan gejala klinis bronkitis kronik yang berhubungan dengan faktor risiko usia, masa kerja, dan total kumulatif pajanan. Tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara panajan pelarut organik terhadap gangguan fungsi paru. Perlu langkah preventif guna mencegah berkembangnya gejala bronkitis kronik menjadi gangguan fungsi paru. Dilakukan dengan pemakaian alat pelindung diri sesuai dengan pajanan kimia dan pemasangan local exhaust.

Background : Depending on the kinds of production sites, Shoe factory workers are exposed to many kinds of occupational hazards with one of them being exposure to organic solvent. Organic solvent exposure has been reported to have adverse pulmonary effects including obstructive and restrictive pulmonary diseases. The study aimed to investigate association between organic solvent exposure, risk factor, and clinical symptoms of pulmonary functions impairment among shoe factory workers.
Methods : Cross sectional study group consist of 134 workers in two different production parts i.e cementing n 67 and stockfit n 67. Subjects works in cementing part were exposed to aceton, while in stockfit to a combination of aceton and chlorine. To all subjecs, pulmonary functions testing including measurement of FVC and FEV1 FVC Value were perfomed asking about clinical symptoms and the histories of both their health and work records. Statistic analysis using Chi square p,0,05 and logistic regretion for multivariate.
Result : All of subject, 23 17 suffered from restrictive diseases. However bivariate analysis using chi square did not show significant correlation between organic solvent exposure, demografic risk factors, clinical symptoms and restrictive lung diseases p 0.05. This probably due to the short work duration of the subject 10 years. Despite this observation, it is important to note that the study strongly identified chronic bronchitis symptoms among workers in both cementing 40.3 and in stockfit 62.7. Furthermore chi square analysis showed significant correlation between risk factors and chronic bronchitis symptoms in both places. in cementing, it was observed that age (p < 0.05), work duration (p < 0.05) and total cumulative exposure (p < 0.015) were significantly contributed to the symtoms. Whereas in stockfit, the risk factors were as follows, work duration (p < 0.05) and total cumulative exposure (p < 0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that in cementing, work duration was observed to be the greatest risk factor to the bronchitis related-symtoms, p < 0.008, OR 12.100 and CI95% (1.92-76.23, whereas in stockfit, total cumulative exposure was associated the most with the symtoms p0.039 OR 6.667 CI95% )1.099-40.434).
Conclusions : The result from the present studi indicate that occupational exposure to organic solvent has significant association with clinical symtoms related to chronic bronchitis. Risk factors sucs as age, work duration, and total cumulative exposure are observed to contribute to the symtoms. However, exposure to organic solben did not significantly caused lung function disorger. Preventions are required to avoid the clinical symtoms develope into pulmonary impairment, such as the use personal protection equipment and local exhaust apparatus.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pricella Maulana
"Ruang Lingkup dan Metodologi: Pajanan debu organik merupakan salah satu faktor risiko yang terdapat pada pabrik pembuatan bumbu mi instant PT X. Dampak yang mungkin ditimbulkan oleh pajanan debu organik adalah terjadinya gangguan kesehatan paru pada pekerjanya.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui apakah debu mempengaruhi terjadinya gangguan kesehatan paru pada pekerja atau hal lainnya baik yang terdapat pada pekerja seperti karakteristik sosiodemografi, status gizi, kebiasaan merokok, penggunaan APD atau faktor lingkungan yaitu area kerja. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan 2 disain yaitu disain studi kohort dengan 949 responden untuk mengetahui insidens dan mengikuti perjalanan gangguan kesehatan paru pada pekerja dengan menggunakan data hasil pemeriksaan berkala sejak tahun 1995. Dan disain studi krossektional dengan 647 responden untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang dapat menimbulkan terjadinya gangguan kesehatan paru pekerja dengan menggunakan data pemeriksaan berkala tahun 2001 dan kuesioner. Disamping itu juga dilakukan pengukuran kadar debu di area kerja yang terpajan dan tidak terpajan.
Hasil dan kesimpulan: Hasil pengolahan data studi kohort retrospektif dengan uji statistik menunjukkan adanya kenaikkan insidens dari 0,33 pada tahun 1999 menjadi 0,54 pada tahun 2001 dan kenaikan relative risk pekerja yang bekerja di area kerja terpajan yang mengalami restriksi dari 1,186 pada tahun 1999 menjadi 1,611 pada tahun 2001. Sedangkan data studi krossektional dengan uji statistik menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara pajanan debu organik dengan terjadinya gangguan kesehatan paru pekerja berupa berdahak kronik OR 1,463 ; p 0,0045 ; CI 95% 1,008 - 2,124 dan batuk kronik OR 1,744 ; p 0,002 ; CI 95% 1,222 - 2,47.

Organic dust exposure is one of the presented risk factor at PT X's instant noodle ingredient factory. Influence that could be raised by organic dust exposure is disorder of labor'lung.
The research purpose is to recognize whether dust influence the affection of labor' lung disorder or other factors related to the labor himself such as the characteristic of social demography, nutrition condition, smoking habit, usage of safety equipment, or environmental factor at working place. This research is conducted with Cohort Study with 949 samples, design in order to recognize incident and to trace the disorder historical of labor lung by using periodical medical check-up report since 1995. Cross Sectional Study Design with 647 samples is also performed in order to recognize entire factor that could cause disorder of labor lung by using medical check-up report in 2001 as well as questioner. Furthermore, calculation of dust level was performed at exposure working place and non-exposure working place.
Result and Conclusion: Data compilation result of Retrospective Cohort Study, checked by statistics test, shows that there is increasing of incident starting form 0.33 in 1999 to become 0,54 in 2001 and increasing of relative risk toward labor working at exposure working place whose suffer from restriction" starting from 1,186 in 1999 to become 1,611 in 2001. Whereas, Cross-sectional Study data, checked by statistics test, shows that there is a significant relation between organic dust exposure and disorder of labor lung healthiness in form of chronic phlegm OR 1,463 ; p 0,0045 ; CI 95% 1,008 - 2,124 and chronic cough OR 1,744 ; p 0,002 ; CI 95% 1,222 - 2,477.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mona Lestari
"Salah satu penyebab terjadinya gangguan fungsi paru yaitu pajanan debu batubara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan hubungan pajanan debu batubara dan gangguan fungsi paru pada pekerja. Metode yang digunakan desain Cross Sectional dengan sampel 72 pekerja. Gangguan fungsi paru diperoleh dari data kesehatan perusahaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gangguan fungsi paru restriksi 8,3%, obstruksi 2,8%, dan kombinasi 2,8%. Analisis bivariat menunjukkan gangguan fungsi paru berhubungan dengan masa kerja (p = 0,46). Namun pajanan debu batubara, umur, dan penggunaan alat pelindung pernapasan, ada kecenderungan untuk menjadi faktor risiko terjadinya gangguan fungsi paru.

One of the causes of lung function disorder in health problems is coal dust exposure. This study aims to describe the relationship of coal dust exposure and lung function disorder in workers. The method used cross-sectional design with a sample of 72 workers. Lung function disorder data is obtained from the company health data. The results of this research showed that the restriction of pulmonary function disorder 8.3%, obstruction 2,8%, and a combination of restriction and obstruction 2.8%. Bivariate analysis showed lung function disorder associated with year of work experience (p=0,46). However, coal dust exposure, age, and the using of respiratory protective equipment showed there is a tendency to get risk for lung fungtion disorders.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nelmi Silvia, auhtor
"Latar Belakang : Industri pemotongan batu memiliki potensi bahaya berupa debu batu yang dihasilkan dari proses pemotongan batu. Debu batu berpotensi besar masuk dan mengendap di saluran napas pekerja yang terpajan debu batu tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini ingin diketahui hubungan pajanan debu batu dan faktor lainnya dengan gangguan fungsi paru.
Metode Penelitian : Desain penelitian cross sectional dengan analisis regresi logistik. Subjek penelitian diambil secara cluster sampling. Tingkat pajanan debu batu ditentukan dengan metode semikuantitatif dan faktor-faktor lainnya dengan kuesioner. Pemeriksaan fungsi paru dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat spirometer.
Hasil : Subjek penelitian adalah 70 pekerja laki-laki industri pemotongan batu informal dengan masa kerja lebih dari 5 tahun. Sebanyak 21,4% subjek mengalami gangguan fungsi paru, dengan gangguan fungsi paru restriksi sebanyak 14,3% dan gangguan fungsi paru obstruksi sebanyak 7,1%. Faktor risiko yang berhubungan bermakna dengan gangguan fungsi paru adalah tingkat pajanan debu batu. Faktor umur, pendidikan, status gizi, kebiasaan olahraga, kebiasaan merokok, masa kerja, kebiasaan menggunakan alat pelindung diri (APD) dan penyediaan APD tidak memperlihatkan hubungan bermakna dengan gangguan fungsi paru. Subjek dengan tingkat pajanan debu batu tinggi mempunyai risiko 5,889 kali mengalami gangguan fungsi paru dibandingkan subjek dengan tingkat pajanan debu batu rendah [ odds rasio suaian (ORa) = 5,889; interval kepercayaan (CI) 95% = 1,436-24,153)].
Kesimpulan : Didapatkan hubungan bermakna antara tingkat pajanan debu batu dengan gangguan fungsi paru. Perlu dilakukan pengendalian terhadap pajanan debu batu untuk mencegah risiko gangguan fungsi paru pada pekerja industri pemotongan batu.

Background : Stone cutting industry have a potential hazard in stone dust resulted from stone cutting process. Stone dust has a significant potential to enter and settle inside exposed worker’s respiratory tract. This study aims to identify the relationship between stone dust exposure and other factors with lung function disorder.
Method : This study was a cross-sectional study with logistic regression analysis. Study’s subjects were taken with cluster sampling method. Level of stone dust exposure was determined by semi-quantitative method and the other factors were identified by a questionnaire. Lung function was tested with a spirometer.
Results : Study’s subject was 70 male informal stone cutting industry workers with more than 5 years of service. In this study, it was found that lung function disorders was 21.4%, which restrictive lung function disorder was 14.3% and the obstructive lung function disorder was 7.1%. Risk factor significantly related to lung function disorder was stone dust level of exposure. Age, education, nutritional status, exercise habit, smoking habit, length of employment, habit of using personal protective equipment (PPE) and provision of PPE showed no significant relationship with lung function disorder. Subjects with high level of stone dust exposure had 5.889 times the risk of lung function disorder compared to subjects with low level of stone dust exposure [adjusted odds ratio(ORa) = 5.889; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.436 - 24.153)].
Conclusion : The level of stone dust exposure significantly related to lung function disorder. Control measures are needed for stone dust exposure to prevent the risk of lung function disorder in stone cutting industry workers.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Ghozali Thohir
Latar Belakang. Gangguan fungsi kognitif dapat terjadi pada pekerja yang terpajan toluen. Gangguan fungsi kognitif tersebut terutama adalah penurunan memori, atensi dan konsentrasi, yang dapat menurunkan produktifitas kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui prevalensi gangguan fungsi kognitif dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Metode Penelitian. Desain potong lintang dilakukan pada 102 orang pekerja perempuan usia 19-40 tahun dan pendidikan minimal SMA. Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner, pemeriksaan fisik dan laboratorium serta MMSE. Kriteria inklusi adalah masa kerja ≥ 1 tahun dan bersedia menjadi responden dengan menandatangani informed consent. Kriteria eksklusi adalah hamil, menstruasi,merokok, minum alkohol, riwayat cedera kepala, hipertensi, gula darah dan dislipidemia. Faktor risiko yang diteliti antara lain umur, status perkawinan, masa kerja, lama kerja, kepatuhan pakai masker , stres kerja dan status gizi. Umur, status perkawinan,masa kerja dan lama kerja diambil dari data HRD. Status gizi didapatkan dari perhitungan Indeks Massa Tubuh. Kepatuhan pakai masker berdasarkan pengawasan kepatuhan APD. Stres kerja dinilai menggunakan kuesioner Survey Diagnostik Stress . Hasil. Walaupun kadar toluen didapat lebih kecil dari nilai ambang batas toluen , didapatkan prevalensi gangguan fungsi kognitif sebesar 52 %. Area kognitif yang menurun adalah atensi kalkulasi dan visuospasial. Faktor risiko yang secara bermakna mempengaruhi gangguan fungsi kognitif adalah masa kerja, lama kerja, kepatuhan pemakaian masker, stres kerja yang meliputi konflik peran, ketaksaan peran, beban kerja kualitatif, beban kerja kuantitatif, pengembangan karir dan tanggung jawab rekan kerja. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan konflik peran merupakan faktor risiko yang paling mempengaruhi gangguan fungsi kognitif ( OR 7,546 Interval kepercayaan 95% 1,5 ? 41,88 ) Kesimpulan. Prevalensi penurunan fungsi kognitif studi ini lebih besar dari penelitian sebelumnya dan teori. Aspek kognitif yang menurun didominasi oleh atensi kalkulasi dan visuospasial. Konflik peran merupakan faktor risiko yang paling mempengaruhi gangguan fungsi kognitif.

Background. Cognitive Function Impairment can happen among workers expose by Toluene. This impairment mainly effect in attention, concentration and memory function, and can decrease working productivity. This study aims to calculate the prevalence of Cognitive Function impairment and related risk factors Method. Cross sectional design study was conducted on 102 female workers, age 19-40 years old and graduated from senior high school. Age and education were obtained from secondary data, and followed by interviews, physical and laboratory examination and Mini Mental States Examination. The inclusion criteria were age ≥ 1 year of work and willing to be the subject of research. Exclusion criteria were pregnancy, menstruation, smoker, Alcohol consumption, history of head injury, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and Dyslipidemia. Risk factor included in this study were age, marital status, duration of work,time of work, PPE obedience ,work stress and nutritional status. Age, Marital status, Duration and Time of work were from secondary data of HRD department. Nutritional status was obtained from body mass index calculation. face mask obedience was obtained from data of wearing mask compliance. Work stress was assessed using Survey Diagnostic Stress Questionnaire. Results. The prevalence of Cognitive Function Impairment was 52 % , mainly at Attention ? Calculation and Visuospasial Aspect respectively. Significant risk factors ( p value < 0,05 ) in this study were duration of work and time of work, PPE obedience and all of work stress domain. The Result of multivariate analysis show that conflict of role was the most influence factor ( OR 7,546 C.I 95% 1,5 ? 41,88 ) Conclusion. This study found that the prevalence of cognitive function impairment was higher than theory and other similar studies . Cognitive aspects mainly affected were attention ? calculation and visuospatial. Conflict of role was the most inluence risk factor relating with cognitive function impairment;Background. Cognitive Function Impairment can happen among workers expose by Toluene. This impairment mainly effect in attention, concentration and memory function, and can decrease working productivity. This study aims to calculate the prevalence of Cognitive Function impairment and related risk factors Method. Cross sectional design study was conducted on 102 female workers, age 19-40 years old and graduated from senior high school. Age and education were obtained from secondary data, and followed by interviews, physical and laboratory examination and Mini Mental States Examination. The inclusion criteria were age ≥ 1 year of work and willing to be the subject of research. Exclusion criteria were pregnancy, menstruation, smoker, Alcohol consumption, history of head injury, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and Dyslipidemia. Risk factor included in this study were age, marital status, duration of work,time of work, PPE obedience ,work stress and nutritional status. Age, Marital status, Duration and Time of work were from secondary data of HRD department. Nutritional status was obtained from body mass index calculation. face mask obedience was obtained from data of wearing mask compliance. Work stress was assessed using Survey Diagnostic Stress Questionnaire. Results. The prevalence of Cognitive Function Impairment was 52 % , mainly at Attention – Calculation and Visuospasial Aspect respectively. Significant risk factors ( p value < 0,05 ) in this study were duration of work and time of work, PPE obedience and all of work stress domain. The Result of multivariate analysis show that conflict of role was the most influence factor ( OR 7,546 C.I 95% 1,5 – 41,88 ) Conclusion. This study found that the prevalence of cognitive function impairment was higher than theory and other similar studies . Cognitive aspects mainly affected were attention – calculation and visuospatial. Conflict of role was the most inluence risk factor relating with cognitive function impairment, Background. Cognitive Function Impairment can happen among workers expose by Toluene. This impairment mainly effect in attention, concentration and memory function, and can decrease working productivity. This study aims to calculate the prevalence of Cognitive Function impairment and related risk factors Method. Cross sectional design study was conducted on 102 female workers, age 19-40 years old and graduated from senior high school. Age and education were obtained from secondary data, and followed by interviews, physical and laboratory examination and Mini Mental States Examination. The inclusion criteria were age ≥ 1 year of work and willing to be the subject of research. Exclusion criteria were pregnancy, menstruation, smoker, Alcohol consumption, history of head injury, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and Dyslipidemia. Risk factor included in this study were age, marital status, duration of work,time of work, PPE obedience ,work stress and nutritional status. Age, Marital status, Duration and Time of work were from secondary data of HRD department. Nutritional status was obtained from body mass index calculation. face mask obedience was obtained from data of wearing mask compliance. Work stress was assessed using Survey Diagnostic Stress Questionnaire. Results. The prevalence of Cognitive Function Impairment was 52 % , mainly at Attention – Calculation and Visuospasial Aspect respectively. Significant risk factors ( p value < 0,05 ) in this study were duration of work and time of work, PPE obedience and all of work stress domain. The Result of multivariate analysis show that conflict of role was the most influence factor ( OR 7,546 C.I 95% 1,5 – 41,88 ) Conclusion. This study found that the prevalence of cognitive function impairment was higher than theory and other similar studies . Cognitive aspects mainly affected were attention – calculation and visuospatial. Conflict of role was the most inluence risk factor relating with cognitive function impairment]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Royani Nurrohman
"Latar belakang : Kemajuan sektor industri memberi dampak baik dan buruk. Debu yang dihasilkan dalam proses industri dapat berdampak buruk terhadap kesehatan paru. Belum ada penelitian tentang efek debu karbon hitam terhadap keluhan respirasi dan gangguan faal paru di Indonesia.
Tujuan : Penelitian ini mencari keluhan respirasi dan faal paru pekerja yang terpajan debu karbon hitam di PT X Bogor yang berdiri tahun 2006.
Metode : Penelitian potong lintang sejak bulan November 2012-April 2013. Sejumlah 248 subjek diperiksa dengan total coverage sampling kemudian dipilih sesuai kriteria inklusi. Dilakukan wawancara dengan kuesioner, pemeriksaan fisis, foto toraks, spirometri dan pemeriksaan carbonmonoxyde (CO).
Hasil : Ada 207 subjek inklusi dengan kebanyakan laki-laki (81,2 %), didapatkan keluhan respirasi sejumlah 68 (32,8 %) berupa flu, sesak, batuk, dahak kronik, batuk dahak, dahak, batuk kronik dan mengi. Hasil spirometri rerata VEP1/KVP 93,5± 4,4 (79,2 - 98,8). Tidak didapatkan hubungan bermakna secara statistik antara jenis kelamin, usia subjek, tingkat pendidikan, status gizi, status perokok, kadar CO, kondisi debu, penggunaan masker, kelainan foto toraks dan lama kerja dengan terdapatnya kelainan faal paru.Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara jenis kelamin laki-laki, status perokok aktif dan kadar CO ≥10 dengan terdapatnya keluhan respirasi dengan nilai p < 0,05.
Kesimpulan : Tidak ada hubungan antara kadar debu dengan keluhan respirasi dan kadar debu dengan faal paru yang bermakna secara statistik pada penelitian ini.

Background : Advances in the industrial sector gives good and bad impact. Dust generated in industrial processes may adversely affect the health of the lungs. No studies on the effects of carbon black dust on respiratory complaints and lung function disorders in Indonesia.
Objective : This research looks at respiratory complaints and lung function of workers exposed to carbon black dust X Factory in Bogor which was founded in 2006.
Methods : A cross-sectional study from November 2012-April 2013. A total of 248 subjects examined by total coverage sampling then selected according to the inclusion criteria. Conducted interviews with questionnaires, physical examination, chest Xray, spirometry and carbon monoxide (CO) inspection.
Results : There were 207 subjects with the inclusion of mostly male (81.2%), respiratory complaints obtained a number of 68 (32.8%) in the form of the flu, tightness, cough, chronic sputum, phlegm cough, phlegm, chronic cough and wheezing. Spirometry results mean 93.5 ± 4.4 FEV1/FVC (79.2 to 98.8). No statistically significant between sex, age of subjects, level of education, nutritional status, smoking status, the rate of CO, dust conditions, the use of masks, chest X-ray abnormalities and work duration with lung function abnormalities. There is a significant relationship between male gender, current smoking status and CO levels ≥ 10 with the presence of respiratory complaints with p <0,05.
Conclusion : There is no correlation between the dust with respiratory complaints and of dust with lung function statistically significant in this study.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susanto Ongkowidjaja
"Latar belakang: Penggunaan tepung terigu semakin lama semakin meningkat, begitu juga dengan gangguan kesehatan paru akibat pajanannya. Karena belum banyaknya penelitian yang menganalisis dampak debu tepung tersebut terhadap kesehatan paru maka dilakukannya penelitian gangguan fungsi paru restriksi (GFPR) akibat pajanan debu tepung terigu.
Metode: Penelitian potong lintang dilakukan di suatu pabrik tepung di Jakarta tahun 2006. Responden berasal dari pekerja yang terpajan tinggi dan rendah terhadap debu tepung. Data yang dikumpulkan antara lain karakteristik demografi, kadar debu personal dan spirometri (diukur oleh Balai Hiperkes dan Keselamatan Kerja). Analisis menggunakan pendekatan risiko relatif (RR) dengan waktu konstan (constant time).
Hasil: Dan total responden 118 orang, didapatkan yang terpajan tinggi 81 orang dan 37 yang terpajan rendah. Ditemukan kadar debu perorangan sebesar 5,66 mg/m', GFPR terjadi pads 43,2% responden. Kadar debu tinggi dan umur di atas 35 tahun paling berpengaruh terhadap GFPR. Jika dibandingkan dengan pajanan rendah, responden yang bekerja di tempat pajanan tinggi memiliki kemungkinan GFPR 2,4 kali lipat [risiko relatif suaian (RRa) 2,40; 95% interval kepereayaan (CI) 1,13 - 5,13; p = 0,022]. Jika bandingkan dengan usia di bawah 35 tahun, maka responden yang di atas 35 tahun mempunyai risiko GFPR lebih besar 1,7 kali lipat (RRa 1,67; 95% CI 0,87 - 3,22; p=0,122).
Kesimpulan: Responden yang bekerja dipajanan tinggi dan berusia di atas 35 tahun , perlu mendapat perhatian khusus terutama fungsi paru.

Background: Usage of wheat flour longer progressively mount along with the increasing of food variant using wheat flour materials. The mentioned is also experienced of by PT X as wheat flour producer, every year its production increasing, but affect from the production are incidence of flour dirt exposure to worker resulting its health trouble specifically for bronchi.
Method: Research conducted to 118 employees designed by cross sectional study to two group which are high exposure (81 employees) and lower exposure (37 employees) to flour dust base on result of measurement of personal dust sampler. Using risk analysis relative by wearing Cox regressi. Study conducted with interview to and responder measurement of lung function by spirometri.
Result: The concentration flour dust of packing exceed TLVs. Restrictive lung disorder happened at 43,2% responder. Responder in place high exposure have possibility of restrictive lung disorder 2,40 times bigger than low exposure (RR 2,40; CI 1,13 - 5,13; p= 0,022). Compared to age under 35 year, responder age above 35 year have bigger restrictive lung disorder risk (RR 1,67; CI 0,87 - 3,22; p=0,122)
Conclusion: employees are high exposure and have age above 35 year , require to get special attention especially lung function.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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