ABSTRAKTesis menjelaskan mengenai tipu muslihat sebagai alasan pembatalan putusan
arbitrase, dimana akan dibahas mengenai pengertian tipu muslihat dalam alasan
pembatalan, apakakah alasan tipu muslihat dalam permohonan pembatalan putusan
arbitrase harus dibuktikan dengan putusan pengadilan serta bagaimanakah
pandangan hakim terhadap unsur tipu muslihat sebagai suatu alasan pembatalan
putusan arbitrase. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah dengan penelitian
hukum normatif menggunakan bahan hukum primair berupa peraturan
perundangan UU.Nomor 30/1999 dan bahan hukum sekunder berupa buku-buku
tentang Arbitrase. Penelitian dilakukan dengan meneliti putusan Mahkamah
Agung RI mengenai sengketa antara PT.Nikko Securities Indonesia dengan
PT.Bank Permata untuk kasus pembatalan putusan arbitrase yang dibuat oleh
Badan Arbitrase Pasar Modal Indonesia (BAPMI). Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan
bahwa alasan pembatalan putusan arbitrase masih beragam dikalangan hakim baik
di tingkat Pengadilan Negeri maupun ditingkat banding Mahkamah Agung.
ABSTRACTThis thesis aims to explain Fraud as the reason for the annulment of the arbitral
award, which will be discussed on the understanding of fraud as a reason,
whether arbitral award must be proved by the decision of the court or not and
how the judge opinion about fraud as a reason for the annulment of an arbitral
award . The research method is the normative legal research using the primary
legal materials in the form of legislation UU.Nomor 30/1999 and secondary legal
materials such as books on Arbitration and other references . The study was
conducted by examining the decision of the Supreme Court regarding the dispute
between PT.Nikko Securities Indonesia and PT Bank Permata in case of annulment
of the arbitral award made by the Indonesian Capital Market Arbitration Board
(BAPMI) . From the results of the study found that the reason for the annulement of
an arbitral award is varied among the judges at both the District Court and
Supreme Court appeal level"