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Eko Wibisono
"Mahalnya harga rumah merupakan permasalahan bagi masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah. Program perumahan bersubsidi diharapkan dapat mengurangi kekurangan suplai perumahan (backlog) terhadap permintaan dan kebutuhan di masyarakat. Seiring berjalannya program, ternyata masih banyak masyarakat yang masih kesulitan untuk mendapatkan fasilitas subsidi tersebut. Kabupaten Bogor memiliki jumlah penduduk paling banyak di Jawa Barat mencapai 4,7 juta jiwa dan diprediksi akan meningkat 127% pada tahun 2030. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa apakah program Fasilitas Likuiditas Perumahan Bersubsidi (FLPP) telah berjalan efektif, kemudian mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan program Fasilitas Likuiditas Perumahan Bersubsidi (FLPP) agar kebijakan program dapat berjalan efektif dalam implementasinya. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan tabulasi silang untuk melihat faktor yang mempengaruhi. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa ketepatan sasaran pada program perumahan bersubsidi FLPP di Kabupaten Bogor masih dibawah 75% yang artinya tidak efektif, serta aktor yang mempengaruhi ketepatan tersebut adalah gaji pokok, pendidikan dan usia.

The high price of the house is a problem for low-income communities. Subsidized housing program is expected to reduce the shortage of housing supply (backlog) of the demand and need in the community. Over the program, there are still many people who are still difficult to obtain the subsidy facility. Bogor Regency has the most population in West Java reached 4.7 million people and is predicted to increase by 127% in 2030. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the subsidized housing program Finance Housing Liquidity Facility (FLPP) are effective, then to identified the factors that influence the success of subsidized housing program Finance Housing Liquidity Facility (FLPP) so that policies can be effective program in implementation. The method used is descriptive quantitative by using cross tabulation to look at the factors that influence. The results showed that the targeting accuracy in subsidized housing programs FLPP in Bogor still below 75% which means ineffective, and the actors that influence the accuracy is the basic salary, education and age."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini mengevaluasi suatu program bantuan pembiayaan perumahan bagi masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah MBR yaitu Fasilitas Likuiditas Pembiayaan Perumahan FLPP yang dilaksanakan oleh Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Perumahan Rakyat. Evaluasi difokuskan pada pelaksanaan program FLPP tahun 2013 di Kabupaten Karawang. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitis dengan pendekatan kualitatif sedangkan model evaluasi yang digunakan adalah model CIPP Context, Input, Process, Product . Dari hasil evaluasi secara keseluruhan menunjukkan hasil pelaksanaan program FLPP di Kabupaten Karawang tahun 2013 berjalan cukup baik namun belum optimal dikarenakan masih terdapat kendala-kendala dari sisi stakeholder yang perlu ditindaklanjuti untuk perbaikan program FLPP di tahun-tahun berikutnya.

This thesis evaluates the housing finance program for low income people MBR called Housing Finance Liquidity Facility FLPP which conducted by the Government through the Ministry of Housing. The evaluation focused on the implementation of the FLPP program in 2013 at Karawang Regency. The approach used in this study is descriptive qualitative analytical while the evaluation model used CIPP model Context, Input, Process, Product . From the overall evaluation results showed that FLPP program in Karawang Regency in 2013 went good enough but not optimal because there are still constraints of the stakeholders that need follow up to repair FLPP program in subsequent years."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syafira Sakti Meidiana
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan proses Implementasi Program FLPP untuk Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah (MBR) dengan menggunakan konsep Implementasi Kebijakan serta menggambarkan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi pelaksanaan kebijakan tersebut di Kabupaten Bogor. Meningkatnya pertumbuhan penduduk dan angka kemiskinan yang tinggi berkaitan erat dengan hunian tempat tinggal masyarakat di Kabupaten Bogor. Pada pertengahan tahun 2019, terjadi pengurangan kuota FLPP serta penyediaan rumah bersubsidi sehingga menyebabkan calon penerima Program FLPP kesulitan mendapatkan kepastian untuk dapat menempati hunian. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post-positivist dengan teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam serta studi kepustakaan. Wawancara mendalam secara individual dilaksanakan terhadap 10 Informan.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Implementasi Program FLPP untuk MBR di Kabupaten Bogor belum berjalan dengan baik, karena hingga saat ini program FLPP belum berjalan secara sistematis sebab belum memiliki perencanaan kinerja pengembangan program yang menjadi tolak ukur pencapaian, serta masih terjadinya ketidaktepatan sasaran penerima manfaat program FLPP untuk MBR. Penelitian ini menemukan faktor yang mempengaruhi kendala Implementasi Program karena belum seragamnya pemahaman para aktor implementasi mengenai kebijakan yang diampu; Minimnya ketersediaan sumber daya manusia, kewenangan, fasilitas, dan keuangan; Rendahnya pembagian tugas dan tanggung jawab antar aktor serta terdapat ketidaktepatan sasaran kepada MBR pada Implementasi Program FLPP. Kehadiran suatu sistem baru di PPDPP dinilai dapat membantu proses percepatan alur pemilikan hunian dan memonitor pelaksanaan program untuk mengurangi terjadinya kecurangan oleh beberapa pihak. 

The research objective was to describe the implementation process of the FLPP Program for Low Income Communities (MBR) using the concept of Policy Implementation and to describe the factors that influence the implementation of the policy in Bogor Regency. Increased population growth and high poverty rates are closely related to community housing in Bogor Regency. In mid-2019, there was a reduction in the FLPP quota as well as the provision of subsidized housing, causing potential recipients of the FLPP Program to have difficulty obtaining certainty to occupy a residence. This study used a post-positivist approach with qualitative data collection techniques through in-depth interviews and literature study. Individual in-depth interviews were conducted with 10 informants. The results showed that the implementation of the FLPP Program for MBR in Bogor Regency has not been going well, because until now the FLPP program has not run systematically because it does not have a program development performance plan that is a benchmark for achievement, and there are still inaccuracies in the targeting of FLPP program beneficiaries for MBR. This study found the factors that influence the program implementation constraints due to the lack of uniform understanding of the implementing actors regarding the policies being handled; Lack of availability of human resources, authority, facilities and finance; The low division of duties and responsibilities among actors and there is a lack of targeting to MBR in the implementation of the FLPP program. The presence of a new system in PPDPP is considered to be able to help the process of accelerating the flow of residential ownership and monitoring program implementation to reduce the occurrence of fraud by several parties."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ira Amalia
"Penyediaan perumahan yang layak dan terjangkau bagi semua kalangan di perkotaan merupakan tantangan bagi pengambil kebijakan. Adanya keterbatasan kemampuan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dasar rumah khususnya golongan Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah MBR , maka dibutuhkan peran pemerintah berupa penyediaan perumahan bersubsidi. Salahsatu upaya pemerintah dalam meningkatkan akses terhadap hunian yang layak dan terjangkau yaitu berupa Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah KPR Sejahtera Tapak dengan menggunakan Fasilitas Likuiditas Pembiayaan Perumahan FLPP. Namun pemanfaatan perumahan bersubsidi ini dinilai belum optimal, masih banyak rumah yang belum dihuni. Pertumbuhan perumahan bersubsidi ini pun berkembang ke wilayah pinggiran karena tingginya harga lahan di pusat kota. Demikian pula kecamatan Bojonggede yang pertumbuhannya tidak terlepas dari perkembangan wilayah Jabodetabek memiliki angka rumah kosong tertinggi di wilayah perkotaan Cibinong Raya. Fenomena kekosongan tersebut ironisnya terjadi ditengah maraknya pembangunan perumahan yang sedang berlangsung.
Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisa faktor penyebab terjadinya kekosongan rumah pada perumahan Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah MBR . Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan grounded theory dalam jangka waktu penelitian bulan Maret- Juni 2018. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi lapangan, wawancara mendalam dan penelusuran literatur. Tahapan analisa berupa proses coding, kategorisasi, dan penyusunan tematik sehingga menghasilkan grounded theory. Proses mengkosongkan rumah di Kecamatan Bojonggede dimulai dari persepsi pemilik mengenai perumahan, motivasi membeli rumah dan motivasi mengkosongkan rumah. Hasil penelitian faktor penyebab rumah kosong di Kecamatan Bojonggede yaitu adanya kebutuhan sosial domestik dan aspek budaya pemilik.

The provision of decent and affordable housing for all urban communities is a challenge for policymakers. The existence of limited ability to meet the basic needs of houses, particularly for the Low Income Communities, the government's role is needed in the form of provision of subsidized housing. One of the government's efforts in increasing the access to a decent and affordable housing is in the form of Sejahtera Tapak Home Ownership Loan Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah KPR by utilizing the Housing Loan Liquidity Facility Fasilitas Likuiditas Pembiayaan Perumahan FLPP . However, the utilization of this subsidized housing is considered not optimal, there are still many houses that have not been occupied. The expansion of the subsidized housing is also developing to the suburban area because of the high price of land in the city center. Similarly, Bojonggede District whose development cannot be separated from the development of Jabodetabek Jakarta Bogor Depok Tangerang Bekasi area has the highest number of vacant houses in Cibinong urban area. The phenomenon of these vacant properties is ironic in the midst of the ongoing housing development.
Therefore, this study aims to analyze the factors that cause the vacant houses in Low Income Communities housing. This research used qualitative method with grounded theory approach in the period of research from March to June 2018. Data collection was done through field observation, in depth interview, and literature review. Moreover, the steps of the analysis conducted were coding process, categorization, and thematic arrangement to establish the grounded theory. The process of vacating the houses in Bojonggede District starts from the owner's perception of housing, the motivation to buy the house, and the motivation to vacant the house. The result of this research that the phenomenon of vacant houses in Bojonggede District is influenced by the social domestic needs and cultural aspects of the owners.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ulfa Olivia
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian implementasi program kebijakan rumah subsidi tapak dengan tujuan kebijakan serta mengetahui efektivitas implementasi kebijakan program rumah subsidi di Villa Kencana Cikarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian postpositivis. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan program rumah subsidi untuk masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah telah sesuai dengan tujuan kebijakan, dan implementasi kebijakan program rumah subsidi untuk masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah telah berjalan efektif walaupun masih ditemukan beberapa pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang dilakukan penghuni di Perumahan Villa Kencana Cikarang.

This study aims to determine the suitability of the implementation of the home subsidy policy program program with the policy objectives and to know the effectiveness of the implementation of subsidized house program policies in Villa Kencana Cikarang. This study used postpositivis research methods. The results of this study conclude that the implementation of the subsidized home program policy for low income people has been in line with the policy objectives, and the implementation of the subsidized house program policy for low income communities has been effective even though there are still someviolations committed by residentsin Villa Kencana Cikarang Housing."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rajagukguk, Elenka Fourtiena
"Sebagai perwujudan amanah UUD 1945 untuk memastikan setiap orang berhak hidup sejahtera dan bertempat tinggal layak, pemerintah melakukan pengembangan sistem pembiayaan perumahan dengan tujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan rumah bagi setiap orang terutama Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah (MBR). Studi ini mengkaji pengaruh implementasi penyaluran Kredit Pemilikan Rumah Fasilitas Likuiditas Pembiayaan Perumahan (KPR-FLPP) terhadap tingkat migrasi risen dan dampaknya terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan perumahan bagi golongan MBR di Indonesia. Menggunakan metode regresi linear berganda random effect model, penelitian ini menganalisis status kepemilikan rumah migran risen dengan indikator rata-rata pengeluaran rumah tangga per kapita dalam Susenas 2010 s.d 2019. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa realisasi penyaluran KPR-FLPP berpengaruh secara negatif terhadap minat penduduk untuk bermigrasi. Sedangkan realisasi penyaluran KPR-FLPP berpengaruh secara negatif terhadap peningkatan rumah tangga MBR untuk memiliki rumah, artinya pencapaian KPR-FLPP untuk menjangkau golongan MBR belum sepenuhnya efektif. Alasan yang diindikasikan menjadi penjelasan, yaitu kurang berkembangnya portal informasi data kependudukan sebagai basis data perencanaan sekaligus menguji ketepatan sasaran penyaluran KPR-FLPP bagi MBR. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah setidaknya perlu meningkatkan aksesibilitas kredit jangka panjang perumahan bagi MBR dan kolaborasi bersama dengan berbagai pihak pelaku penyelenggaraan perumahan untuk membentuk konsep pengembangan kawasan hunian bertumbuh selain mampu menghemat lahan, juga untuk mendukung daya beli MBR.

As a manifestation of the mandate of the 1945 Constitution to ensure that everyone has the right to live in prosperity and a decent place to live, the government is developing a housing finance system in order to supply the housing needs of everyone, especially for the Low-Income Households. This study examines the effect of the implementation of Kredit Pemilikan Rumah Fasilitas Likuiditas Pembiayaan Perumahan (KPR-FLPP) as subsidized mortgage on the recent migration rate and its impact for low-income households in Indonesia. Using the multiple linear regression method random effect model, this study analyzed the home ownership status of recent migrants by the average household’s per capita expenditure in the 2010-2019 from the Statistics Indonesia survey. The results show that the realization of KPR-FLPP has a negative effect on the migration rate. Meanwhile, the realization of KPR-FLPP has a negative effect on low-income households’ home ownerships rate, it is the same as the achievement of KPR-FLPP to reach low-income households had not been fully effective. Current evidence suggests that due to the lack of data information portal usage which collect the major planning database to raise the low-income households as the main target. The Government of Indonesia should prioritize to formulate the subsidized mortgage policies necessary for the low-income households and encourage concerned stakeholders to develop the most appropriate policies such as the flat concept, which relevants of land-saving issues, as well as to supply the housing for low-income households."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iskandar Abdullah
"Perumahan adalah hal yang penting bagi masyarakat, karena berkaitan dengan kesejahteraan dan keamanan. Sayangnya, perumahan yang terjangkau tidak mudah diakses oleh publik, terutama kelompok berpenghasilan rendah. Pemerintah pusat telah meluncurkan Program Satu Juta Rumah pada tahun 2016 untuk kelompok berpenghasilan rendah.
Masalah perumahan adalah urusan bersama antara pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah bersama pengembang yang akan membantu mereka menyediakan rumah. Fokus penelitian menjelaskan tentang perumahan publik bekerja pada satu juta perumahan di kota Depok.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post-positivis dari dimensi implementasi kebijakan dari Malcolm Goggins, et.al (1990), yang terdiri dari bentuk dan isi kebijakan, kemampuan antar organisasi, dan kondisi yang mempengaruhi kebijakan. Dari ketiga dimensi tersebut, di analisis dengan wawancara mendalam dan studi literatur.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyediaan perumahan pada program Satu Juta Rumah di kota Depok masih memiliki beberapa masalah, seperti: tidak ada peraturan khusus untuk mengatur program, kinerja yang buruk antar organisasi, dan hubungan antar organisasi, ekonomi dan politik.

Housing is an important thing to the people, because it is related to daily life, welfare and security. Unfortunately, affordable housing cannot be easily accessed by public, especially low-income groups. The central government has been launched One-Million housing program in 2016 for low-income groups.
Housing issues are concurrent affair between central government and local government alongside the developer that will help them to provide houses. The focus of research explains about how public housing works on one-million housing in Depok City.
The research used a post-positivist approach from the dimensions of Malcolm Goggins, et.al policy implementation (1990), which are the content and form of policy, abilities of inter-organizations, and the conditions that affects the policy. From the three dimensions, the research analyzed with in-depth interview and study literature.
The result of research shows that the housing provision on one-million housing program in Depok City still have some problems, such as: there is no specific regulations to regulate the program, bad performance by the organizations, and the relations of inter-organizations, economics and politics.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Triana Susanti
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi sistem distribusi pupuk bersubsidi yang sudah ada perihal efisiensi sistem distribusi dengan menggunakan metode Minimum Cost Flow (MCF). Besarnya efisiensi akan direpresentasikan dalam bentuk prosentase pengurangan biaya distribusi usulan terhadap total biaya yang dikeluarkan pada jaringan sistem distribusi eksisting. Optimasi dilakukan dengan melakukan restrukturisasi rayon dan membuka ruas through trips. Restrukturisasi rayon yang diusulkan dapat mengurangi biaya total sebesar 1%-6% terhadap eksisting, sistem through trips dapat mengurangi biaya total sebesar 28%-39% dan sistem through trips dengan gudang buffer dapat mengurangi biaya total sebesar 22%-36%. Berdasarkan hasil optimasi tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem distribusi pupuk bersubsidi yang sudah ada masih bisa diperbaiki dengan sistem through trips dengan mengimplementasikan IT yang mendukung

The purpose of this research is to analyse the existing distribution system of subsidized fertilizer in regards to its efficiency by using Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) method. The magnitude of efficiency will be represented in percentage of cost reduction from existing cost of distribution system network against proposed distribution system. The cost covers transportation cost; handling cost; and rental cost of warehouse. The proposed system is based on the idea of restructuring the current clustering system and allowing through trips from plant to distribution?s warehouse. Results of this study indicate that the restructuring scheme can reduce total costs to 1%-6%, through trips scheme can reduce total costs to 28%-39% and through trips with buffer?s warehouse scheme can reduce total costs to 22%-36% of the existing system. Based on the optimization results, we can conclude that subsidized fertilizer distribution system that already exists in the system can be improved by through trip method, supported by information technology.;The purpose of this research is to analyse the existing distribution system of subsidized fertilizer in regards to its efficiency by using Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) method. The magnitude of efficiency will be represented in percentage of cost reduction from existing cost of distribution system network against proposed distribution system. The cost covers transportation cost; handling cost; and rental cost of warehouse. The proposed system is based on the idea of restructuring the current clustering system and allowing through trips from plant to distribution?s warehouse. Results of this study indicate that the restructuring scheme can reduce total costs to 1%-6%, through trips scheme can reduce total costs to 28%-39% and through trips with buffer?s warehouse scheme can reduce total costs to 22%-36% of the existing system. Based on the optimization results, we can conclude that subsidized fertilizer distribution system that already exists in the system can be improved by through trip method, supported by information technology.;The purpose of this research is to analyse the existing distribution system of subsidized fertilizer in regards to its efficiency by using Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) method. The magnitude of efficiency will be represented in percentage of cost reduction from existing cost of distribution system network against proposed distribution system. The cost covers transportation cost; handling cost; and rental cost of warehouse. The proposed system is based on the idea of restructuring the current clustering system and allowing through trips from plant to distribution?s warehouse. Results of this study indicate that the restructuring scheme can reduce total costs to 1%-6%, through trips scheme can reduce total costs to 28%-39% and through trips with buffer?s warehouse scheme can reduce total costs to 22%-36% of the existing system. Based on the optimization results, we can conclude that subsidized fertilizer distribution system that already exists in the system can be improved by through trip method, supported by information technology.;The purpose of this research is to analyse the existing distribution system of subsidized fertilizer in regards to its efficiency by using Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) method. The magnitude of efficiency will be represented in percentage of cost reduction from existing cost of distribution system network against proposed distribution system. The cost covers transportation cost; handling cost; and rental cost of warehouse. The proposed system is based on the idea of restructuring the current clustering system and allowing through trips from plant to distribution’s warehouse. Results of this study indicate that the restructuring scheme can reduce total costs to 1%-6%, through trips scheme can reduce total costs to 28%-39% and through trips with buffer’s warehouse scheme can reduce total costs to 22%-36% of the existing system. Based on the optimization results, we can conclude that subsidized fertilizer distribution system that already exists in the system can be improved by through trip method, supported by information technology., The purpose of this research is to analyse the existing distribution system of subsidized fertilizer in regards to its efficiency by using Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) method. The magnitude of efficiency will be represented in percentage of cost reduction from existing cost of distribution system network against proposed distribution system. The cost covers transportation cost; handling cost; and rental cost of warehouse. The proposed system is based on the idea of restructuring the current clustering system and allowing through trips from plant to distribution’s warehouse. Results of this study indicate that the restructuring scheme can reduce total costs to 1%-6%, through trips scheme can reduce total costs to 28%-39% and through trips with buffer’s warehouse scheme can reduce total costs to 22%-36% of the existing system. Based on the optimization results, we can conclude that subsidized fertilizer distribution system that already exists in the system can be improved by through trip method, supported by information technology.]"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmat Yusmal Andi
"Tujuan akhir tesis ini adalah mengidentifikasi penyebab rendahnya jumlah realisasi KPR Sarasuna bersubsidi sebagai instrumen pemilikan Rusunami oleh masyarakat sasaran di perkotaan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode survey dan wawancara terstruktur terhadap pakar yang terlibat langsung dalam berjalannya instrumen ini.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penyebab rendahnya penyerapan Rusunami oleh masyarakat sasaran diantaranya adalah: Housing Finance System yang ada masih belum mantap/maksimal, adanya kenaikan harga terbawah Rusunami di pasaran, dan budaya masyarakat yang masih terbiasa tinggal di landed house walaupun di pinggiran kota.

Trough this research, we would like to identify cause of low level absorption KPR Sarasuna Bersubsidi instrument for Rusunami by target community. This research is a quantitative study with survey and deep interview against the expert who was directly involved in walking this instrument.
Results of this research determined the cause of low level the Rusunami absorption by the target community are Housing Finance System was not yet stable/maximal, the existence of the Rusunami price increase in the market and the community's culture that still familiar with landed house although in suburban.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gusti Ayu Asri Permatasari
"Rumah hadir sebagai suatu pelengkap dalam memenuhi kebutuhan manusia selain sandang dan pangan. Perkembangan suatu perumahan tidak bisa lepas dengan perkembangan penduduk yang membutuhkan rumah tersebut. Akibatnya jika suatu perkembangan perumahan tidak diikuti dengan pertumbuhan penduduk yang semakin meningkat maka akan terjadi backlog. Pemenuhan kebutuhan akan perumahan yang kurang atau disebut backlog ini tidaklah mudah karena pemerintah hanya menyediakan seperempat dari kekurangan perumahan yang ada. Selain itu mahalnya perumahan yang ditawarkan pemerintah menjadi kendala bagi kaum berpenghasilan rendah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan rumah. Sehingga perlunya adanya usaha masyarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhan akan rumahnya sendiri yang biasa disebut dengan swadaya. Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa banyak perumahan yang kurang disuatu kawasan dan apa saja program pemerinta dalam menutupi kekurangan perumahan tersebut. Metode yang dipakai dalam penulisan yaitu dengan membaca berbagai refrensi untuk menganalisis kasus yang ada dilapangan.

House functions as a supplementary thing in fulfilling the human need in addition to cloth and food. Development of housing cannot be separated from development of population needing the house. Consequently, if a housing development is not kept up with the growth of population which is getting increased then it will result in backlog. Fulfilling the shortage of housing or so called backlog is not easy since the government only provides one-fourth of the existing shortage of housing. Besides, expensive price of housing as offered by the government has become constraint for those of low-income people to afford the house. So that people need to exert its best to fulfill the need for their own house which is usually called self-help. Writing of this paper is aimed at identifying how much housing which is still lacking in a cerain are and what program already adopted by government in covering the shortage for housing. Method used in writing is reading variety references to analyze case existing in field."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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