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Krisna Pramudita
Dalam menjalan fungsi pemerintahan (bestuurs functie), pemerintah melakukan tindakan hukum publik dan tindakan hukum privat dimana kedua tindakan hukum ini akan dapat bertentangan kepentingan masyarakat atau perorangan, sehingga dapat dikatakan tindakan Pemerintah rentan akan tuntutan hukum. Dikaitkan dengan keuangan negara putusan yang telah inkracht atas tuntuan hukum tersebut dapat menimbulkan risiko fiskal kepada Pemerintah berupa kewajiban kontinjensi pihak ketiga. Yang menjadi pokok permasalahan pada penelitian ini adalah: pertama bagaimana pengaturan risiko fiskal akibat tuntutan hukum dalam pelaksanaan kewajiban kontijensi dalam APBN? kedua dalam hal terjadi potensi kerugian Negara dalam risiko fiskal akibat tuntutan hukum, lembaga mana yang berwenang melakukan pemeriksaan?.
Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut digunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, yaitu penelitian hukum yang berbasis pada kaedah-kaedah atau norma-norma hukum yang terdapat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, yaitu dengan melakukan penelusuran terhadap Undang-undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2003 Tentang Keuangan Negara, Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2004 tentang Perbendaharaan Negara, Undang-Undang Nomor 15 tahun 2004 tentang Pemeriksaan Pengelolaan dan Tanggungjawab Keuangan Negara, Undang-Undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2006 tentang Badan Pemeriksaan Keuangan dan peraturan perundang-undangan terkait
Kesimpulan yang Penulis peroleh dari penelitian in atas kontijensi pemerintah terkait tuntutan hukum ini BPK berwenang memeriksa sesuai konstitusi namun di lain sisi sesuai Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 60 tahun 2008 tentang Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah ada pengawasan intern yang dilakukan oleh BPKP dan/atau Aparat Pengawasan Intern Pemerintah terhadap seluruh proses kegiatan pemerintah yang terkait APBN. lembaga mana yang berwenang melakukan pemeriksaan

In running the government functions (bestuurs functie), the government made public legal action and private legal action in which both these legal actions will be able to contradict the interests of society or the individual, so that it can be said government action vulnerable to lawsuits. Associated with the financial state of a final verdict a claim that the law could pose a risk to the Government in the form of fiscal contingent liability of third parties. Which are at issue in this study are: first , how the setting of fiscal risks due to lawsuits in the implementation of contingent liabilities in the state budget ? both in the event of a potential loss of State in the fiscal risks due to lawsuits, which agency the authority to conduct inspections?.
This study was conducted using normative juridical, that is by doing a search on the the study of law based on rules or norms of law contained in the legislation , ie by performing a search of Law No. 17 of 2003 on State Finance, Law Number 1 of 2004 on State Treasury , Law Number 15 of 2004 on the Management Audit and responsibilities State finances, Law Number 15 of 2006 on the Board of Audit and related legislation.
Authors conclusions obtained from this study on contingencies related to lawsuits government is authorized to examine the BPK according to the constitution , but on the other hand as the Government Regulation Number. 60 of 2008 on the Internal Control System The Government thereinternal controlconducted by BPKP and /or officers of the Government Internal Audit the whole process of government activities related to the state budget.;In running the government functions (bestuurs functie), the government made public legal action and private legal action in which both these legal actions will be able to contradict the interests of society or the individual, so that it can be said government action vulnerable to lawsuits. Associated with the financial state of a final verdict a claim that the law could pose a risk to the Government in the form of fiscal contingent liability of third parties. Which are at issue in this study are: first , how the setting of fiscal risks due to lawsuits in the implementation of contingent liabilities in the state budget ? both in the event of a potential loss of State in the fiscal risks due to lawsuits, which agency the authority to conduct inspections?.
This study was conducted using normative juridical, that is by doing a search on the the study of law based on rules or norms of law contained in the legislation , ie by performing a search of Law No. 17 of 2003 on State Finance, Law Number 1 of 2004 on State Treasury , Law Number 15 of 2004 on the Management Audit and responsibilities State finances, Law Number 15 of 2006 on the Board of Audit and related legislation.
Authors conclusions obtained from this study on contingencies related to lawsuits government is authorized to examine the BPK according to the constitution , but on the other hand as the Government Regulation Number. 60 of 2008 on the Internal Control System The Government thereinternal controlconducted by BPKP and /or officers of the Government Internal Audit the whole process of government activities related to the state budget., In running the government functions (bestuurs functie), the government made public legal action and private legal action in which both these legal actions will be able to contradict the interests of society or the individual, so that it can be said government action vulnerable to lawsuits. Associated with the financial state of a final verdict a claim that the law could pose a risk to the Government in the form of fiscal contingent liability of third parties. Which are at issue in this study are: first , how the setting of fiscal risks due to lawsuits in the implementation of contingent liabilities in the state budget ? both in the event of a potential loss of State in the fiscal risks due to lawsuits, which agency the authority to conduct inspections?.
This study was conducted using normative juridical, that is by doing a search on the the study of law based on rules or norms of law contained in the legislation , ie by performing a search of Law No. 17 of 2003 on State Finance, Law Number 1 of 2004 on State Treasury , Law Number 15 of 2004 on the Management Audit and responsibilities State finances, Law Number 15 of 2006 on the Board of Audit and related legislation.
Authors conclusions obtained from this study on contingencies related to lawsuits government is authorized to examine the BPK according to the constitution , but on the other hand as the Government Regulation Number. 60 of 2008 on the Internal Control System The Government thereinternal controlconducted by BPKP and /or officers of the Government Internal Audit the whole process of government activities related to the state budget.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dien Mochammad Iqbal Agung Anugrah
"Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dan secara khusus yang berbentuk perseroan diharapkan memberi pemasukan yang signifikan bagi negara dari sektor usaha serta sarana memenuhi hajat hidup warga negara. Namun, di sisi lain adanya disharmoni terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur, sehingga BUMN Persero tidak dapat secara optimal melakukan aktivitas usahanya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan dengan tujuan untuk memperolah data sekunder dari literatur dan data-data terkait. Dari metodologi penelitian tersebut akan dihasilkan bentuk laporan yang akan bersifat eksploratoris fact-findings, dimana akan menunjukkan bukti bahwa hukum positif di Indonesia menyebabkan BUMN Persero tidak dapat melaksanakan aktivitas bisnisnya secara maksimal.

State Owned Enterprise (SOE), specifically Limited Companies in form, are expected to give significant income for government from business sector and to fulfill people?s need. But, there is a disharmony on the regulation, so SOE cannot operate optimally. Research method used in this thesis is literature research to get secondary data from literatures and related data. From that research methodology, the result is exploratory fact-findings report, which will prove that regulation in Indonesia causes SOE cannot operate optimally."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohamad Ichsan
"Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Keuangan BPPK merupakan unit eselon I di Kementerian Keuangan Kemenkeu yang bertugas menyelenggarakan pendidikan dan pelatihan diklat dan sertifikasi di bidang Keuangan Negara. Dalam menjalankan tugasnya, BPPK telah menggunakan sistem informasi/teknologi informasi SI/TI untuk kegiatan pembelajaran dan administrasi. Namun, selama periode 2012-2016, kemampuan rata-rata BPPK menyelenggarakan diklat terhadap total pegawai Kemenkeu sebesar 58. Hal ini berarti pengunaan SI/TI belum mampu menangkap peluang bisnis berupa pegawai yang tidak mengikuti diklat sebesar 42. Hasil observasi terkait SI/TI menemukan sebanyak 51 aplikasi tidak terintegrasi dengan beragam platform, database, dan tools yang disebabkan oleh pengembangan SI bersifat parsial dan tidak terencana. Oleh karena itu, BPPK membutuhkan Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi PSSI. Dalam penelitian ini, pembuatan PSSI menggunakan metodologi Ward dan Peppard dengan menambahkan Business Model Canvas BMC untuk menganalisis model bisnis organisasi. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah BMC, value chain, balance scorecard, critical success factors, PEST politic, economic, social, and technology , tren TI dan McFarlan strategic grid. Penelitian ini menghasilkan strategi SI/TI strategi SI, strategi TI, dan strategi manajemen SI/TI dan roadmap implementasi SI/TI berdasarkan strategi bisnis BPPK. Strategi SI mengusulkan, pertama BPPK fokus pada pengembangan core system kediklatan dan pembelajaran. Kedua, pegembangan SI dilakukan secara terpusat dan memperhatikan interoperabilitas dengan sistem lain agar tidak terjadi SILO sistem dan efisiensi sumber daya. Strategi TI mengusulkan, pertama pengadaan bandwidth dan jaringan dilakukan secara terpusat dengan spesifikasi perangkat manangeable. Kedua, pengintegrasian SI menggunakan single sign on dan enterprise service bus Kemenkeu. Strategi manajemen SI/TI mengusulkan, pertama menambahkan steering committee dan chief information officer untuk menciptakan keselarasan strategi bisnis dengan SI/TI dan meningkatkan peran TI. Kedua, penambahan dan pengembangan kompetensi pengelola SI/TI di bidang project management, data integration, big data analytic, analisis media sosial, dan mobile application. Penelitian ini juga menghasilkan kebutuhan SI mendatang sebanyak 32 aplikasi dengan portofolio 26 aplikasi support, 2 aplikasi key operational, 1 aplikasi strategic, dan 3 aplikasi high potential.

The Finance Education and Training Agency FETA is the organization on the Ministry of Finance MoF which is responsible for organizing education and training and certification of State Finance. In performing its duties, FETA has used information system information technology IS IT for learning and administration activities. However, during the period 2012 2016, the average capacity of FETA organized training to total MoF employees by 58. This means that the use of IS IT has not been able to achieve business opportunities in the form of employees who do not the training by 42. Observation results related to IS IT found 51 applications not integrated with various platforms, databases, and tools caused by IS development are partial and unplanned. Therefore, FETA requires Strategic Planning of Information Systems SPIS. In this research, making SPIS using Ward and Peppard methodology by adding Business Model Canvas BMC to analyze the organization 39 s business model. The analysis techniques used in this research are BMC, value chain, balance scorecard, critical success factors, PEST politic, economic, social, and technology , IT trends and McFarlan strategic grid. The results of this study IS IT strategy IS strategy, IT strategy, and IS IT management strategy and roadmap of implementation of IS IT based on business strategy of FETA. The SI strategy proposes that the first, FETA focuses on the core systems development are traning admistration and learning technology. Second, the IS development are centralized and must to interoperability systems should not to happen SILO systems and resources efficiency. The IT strategy proposes, first, the procurement of bandwidth and networking is centralized with device specifications manangeable. Second, the integration of IS using the single sign on and enterprise service bus. The IS IT management strategy proposes, first to add steering committee and chief information officer to alignment business strategy and IS strategy and enhance IT role. Second, the addition human resources and development of IS IT competencies in project management, data integration, big data analytic, social media analysis, and mobile application. The research also result of the IS to be requirements of 32 applications with a portfolio of 26 application of support, 2 applications of key operational, 1 application of strategic, and 3 applications of high potential."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Adanya inkonsistensi definisi keuangan negara dalam hukum dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia, membuat organ Badan Usaha Milik Negara BUMN merasakan adanya insecure feeling untuk bertindak dalam pengurusan sehari-hari, termasuk membuat dan melaksanakan kontrak. Hal tersebut dikarenakan adanya kekhawatiran jika terjadi kerugian pada BUMN, akan dapat dianggap sebagai kerugian keuangan negara, sebagai imbas inkonsistensi definisi keuangan negara, yang mencakup atau tidak keuangan BUMN. Sehingga, menjadi pertanyaan apakah insecure feeling tersebut merupakan wujud adanya ketidakbebasan bagi BUMN untuk berkontrak. Padahal sebagai subjek hukum dan pihak dalam sebuah kontrak, BUMN perlu memiliki kebebasan berkontrak. Jangan sampai, hanya karena modal BUMN berasal dari Pemerintah, maka terjadi perbedaan perlakuan terhadapnya. Hal ini juga pada akhirnya memunculkan pertanyaan, seperti apa seharusnya negara berperan untuk melindungi BUMN dalam kondisi demikian. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dan dilakukan pengkajian terhadap asas hukum, sistematik hukum, serta taraf sinkronisasi vertikal serta horisontal.
Akhirnya, didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa keuangan BUMN bukanlah keuangan negara. Juga, terhadap BUMN tetap terdapat asas kebebasan berkontrak, meski kondisi saat ini masih membayangi ketidakpastian hukum. Serta, peran negara seharusnya adalah menciptakan harmonisasi hukum dan peraturan perundang-undangan terkait definisi keuangan negara, baik dalam lembaga legislatif maupun yudikatif, serta bertindak hanya sebagai pemegang saham atau pemilik modal dalam BUMN, yang tunduk pada hukum privat, bukan bertindak dengan kekuasaan dalam kapasitas sebagai badan hukum publik.

Inconsistency in the definition of state finance in law and legislation in Indonesia, making organ of State Owned Enterprises SOE gets the insecure feeling to act in the daily management, including make and execute the contract. This is due to concerns in the event of a loss in SOE, will be regarded as the state 39 s financial losses, as the impact of inconsistency definition of state finance, which include or not SOE rsquo s finance. Thus, the question whether such an insecure feeling form of their lack of freedom for SOE to contract. In fact, as a subject of law and the party in a contract, the SOE needs to have freedom of contract. Do not be, just because of SOE rsquo s capital from the Government, then there is a difference in treatment. It also ultimately begs the question, what should the state acts to protect SOE in such conditions. To answer these questions, the research conducted by using normative and conducted an assessment of legal principles, systematic law, as well as the level of vertical and horizontal synchronization.
Finally, it was concluded that the finances of SOE is not the state finance. Also, the SOE are still have the freedom of contract, although the legal uncertainty still exist. As well, the state 39 s role should be to create harmonization of laws and regulations related to the definition of state finance, both in the legislative and judicial, as well as acting only as a shareholder or owner of capital in SOE, which obey to private law and not act with power in the capacity as a public legal entity."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Madison
Skripsi ini membahas tentang pemberian Jaminan Pemerintah Dalam
Pembiayaan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Di Indonesia Menurut Hukum Keuangan
Publik. Pemberian Jaminan ini diberikan oleh Pemerintah dalam hal
mendorongnya roda pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia. Untuk dapat
memberikan jaminan pemerintah tersebut, Pemerintah harus didasari peraturan
perundang-undangan yang berlaku yang merupakan hukum keuangan publik.
Pemberian Jaminan Pemerintah Dalam Pembiayaan Pembangunan Infrastruktur
Di Indonesia harus melalui mekanisme Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara
(APBN). Dalam mekanisme Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN),
pemerintah harus memperhatikan Risiko Fiskal dalam pemberian jaminan
tersebut. Oleh karena itu, pemberian Jaminan Pemerintah Dalam Pembiayaan
Pembangunan Infrastruktur Di Indonesia harus dilakukan dengan secara tepat,
efisien dan akuntabel.

This thesis discusses the provision of Government Guarantees in
Infrastructure Development Financing in Indonesia According to the Public
Finance Law . Giving this assurance given by the Government in terms of pushing
the wheels of economic growth in Indonesia . In order to provide government
guarantees , the government must be based on legislation applicable is the law of
public finances . Provision of Government Guarantees in Infrastructure
Development Financing in Indonesia should be through the mechanism of the
state budget APBN . In the mechanism of the state budget (APBN) , the
government must pay attention to the Fiscal Risk in the provision of such
guarantee . Therefore , the provision of Government Guarantees in Infrastructure
Development Financing in Indonesia should be done with the proper , efficient
and accountable."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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658.15 NEW
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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658.15 BER c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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658.15 BRE f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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