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Dewi Setianingrum
Ikan kurisi merupakan salah satu ikan ekonomis penting di perairan
Tangerang dan sekitarnya. Intensitas pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan kurisi akhirakhir
ini semakin meningkat, seiring dengan meningkatnya permintaan akan
komoditas ini terutama untuk bahan surimi. Penelitian bertujuan mengkaji aspek
biologi ikan kurisi (N. peronii), potensi dan tingkat pemanfaatan, serta optimasi
pemanfaatannya di perairan Tangerang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode
survey dengan sampel ikan kurisi pada alat tangkap cantrang dan apollo. Analisis
parameter populasi digunakan program FiSAT II dan pengkajian potensi lestari
Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) dianalisis dengan model surplus produksi.
Optimasi pemanfaatan dilakukan dengan analisis Linier Programing. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan pola pertumbuhan ikan kurisi bersifat allometrik negatif. Panjang dan
berat ikan kurisi berkorelasi erat. Ukuran panjang pertama kali tertangkap (Lc) 16,34
cm. Parameter pertumbuhan menunjukkan ikan kurisi diperkirakan mampu mencapai
panjang 28,03 cm dengan laju pertumbuhan lambat sebesar 0,49 cm per tahun. Laju
mortalitas lebih besar disebabkan oleh kematian alami. Tingkat eksploitasi masih
berada di bawah nilai optimum dan perlu kehati-hatian dalam pengelolaannya.
Pendugaan MSY dan F-Opt sebesar 494 ton/tahun dan 743 unit alat tangkap standar
cantrang. Dari analisis optimasi menghasilkan jenis alat tangkap yang
direkomendasikan yaitu 743 unit alat tangkap cantrang.

Threadfin bream is one of the important and high economical fish that can be found
in Tangerang?s waters and its surounding. The use of threadfin bream increases
nowadays, alligned with the increasing demand of these commodities, especially for
Surimi. The research is aimed to exercise the biological aspects of threadfin bream
(N. peronii); the potential and the number of utilization of it, as well as the
optimization of water utilization in Tangerang.The research method used by the
writer was a survey method using threadfin bream caught by fishing gear named
Cantrang and Apollo as the samples.The writer used FiSAT II program to do the
analysis of population parameters, and used a surplus production model to assess the
Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). Linear Programming Analysis was used to
analize the use of optimization. The research?s result showed that the growing pattern
of threadfin bream was negative allometric. There was a close correlation between
the length and weight of the growing fish with their length when first being caught
(Lc) 16.34 cm. Threadfin bream?s growth parameters showed that threadfin bream
were expected to grow until 28.03 cm long, with a slow growth rate is 0.49 cm per
year. Mortality rate was caused by natural fish death. The level of exploitation below
the maximum value, so it needs to be managed prudentially. The estimation of MSY
and F - Opt are 494 tons/ year, and 743 units of standard Cangkrang fishing gear.
From the analysis of optimization, it produced the types of recommended fishing
gears, 743 units of Cantrang fishing gear.;Threadfin bream is one of the important and high economical fish that can be found
in Tangerang’s waters and its surounding. The use of threadfin bream increases
nowadays, alligned with the increasing demand of these commodities, especially for
Surimi. The research is aimed to exercise the biological aspects of threadfin bream
(N. peronii); the potential and the number of utilization of it, as well as the
optimization of water utilization in Tangerang.The research method used by the
writer was a survey method using threadfin bream caught by fishing gear named
Cantrang and Apollo as the samples.The writer used FiSAT II program to do the
analysis of population parameters, and used a surplus production model to assess the
Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). Linear Programming Analysis was used to
analize the use of optimization. The research’s result showed that the growing pattern
of threadfin bream was negative allometric. There was a close correlation between
the length and weight of the growing fish with their length when first being caught
(Lc) 16.34 cm. Threadfin bream’s growth parameters showed that threadfin bream
were expected to grow until 28.03 cm long, with a slow growth rate is 0.49 cm per
year. Mortality rate was caused by natural fish death. The level of exploitation below
the maximum value, so it needs to be managed prudentially. The estimation of MSY
and F - Opt are 494 tons/ year, and 743 units of standard Cangkrang fishing gear.
From the analysis of optimization, it produced the types of recommended fishing
gears, 743 units of Cantrang fishing gear., Threadfin bream is one of the important and high economical fish that can be found
in Tangerang’s waters and its surounding. The use of threadfin bream increases
nowadays, alligned with the increasing demand of these commodities, especially for
Surimi. The research is aimed to exercise the biological aspects of threadfin bream
(N. peronii); the potential and the number of utilization of it, as well as the
optimization of water utilization in Tangerang.The research method used by the
writer was a survey method using threadfin bream caught by fishing gear named
Cantrang and Apollo as the samples.The writer used FiSAT II program to do the
analysis of population parameters, and used a surplus production model to assess the
Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). Linear Programming Analysis was used to
analize the use of optimization. The research’s result showed that the growing pattern
of threadfin bream was negative allometric. There was a close correlation between
the length and weight of the growing fish with their length when first being caught
(Lc) 16.34 cm. Threadfin bream’s growth parameters showed that threadfin bream
were expected to grow until 28.03 cm long, with a slow growth rate is 0.49 cm per
year. Mortality rate was caused by natural fish death. The level of exploitation below
the maximum value, so it needs to be managed prudentially. The estimation of MSY
and F - Opt are 494 tons/ year, and 743 units of standard Cangkrang fishing gear.
From the analysis of optimization, it produced the types of recommended fishing
gears, 743 units of Cantrang fishing gear.]"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The japanese threadfin bream, Nemipterus japonicus is one of demersal fishes of the Family Nemipteridae which has high economy value and commonly caught by bottom trawl. The distribution is widespread throughout the Indian Ocean and West Pacific. This species is commonly found in coastal waters, on muddy or sandy bottoms from 5 to 80 meters depth. Special characteristics of N. japonicus are having 11-12 pale golden-yellow stripes along the body from behind of the head to the base of caudal fin, a prominent red-suffused yellow blotch origin of lateral line and a yellow fillament on caudal fin. This species is carnivorous and has external reproductive system. The diet consists mainly of small fishes, molluscas, crustaceans (mainly crab or shrimp), polychaetes and enchinoderms."
575 OSEANA 39 (4) 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Handri
"Statistik yang mencatat produksi secara akurat untuk jenis ikan kurisi di Indonesia baik secara nasional maupun daerah, belum ada. Untuk itu dilakukan penelitian yang dapat memberikan informasi mengenai status dan stok potensi ikan kurisi jenis ini di Laut Jawa bagi pemangku kepentingan dan pemerintah. Hal tersebut dilakukan dengan menganalisis status stok ikan kurisi dengan metode Swept Area, mengkaji selektivitas alat trawl yang dapat menjamin rekrutmen ikan kurisi dan menganalisis semua informasi yang berguna bagi pengelolaan ikan kurisi sehingga perikanan kurisi tetap lestari di perairan Tanjung Karawang. Hasil penelitian menentukan bahwa stok ikan kurisi di daerah penangkapan di Tanjung Karawang adalah 60.445 kg/m2 sedangkan hasil penangkapan ikan kurisi sebesar 765,1 kg/m2 atau 1,26 %. Ternyata jaring trawl yang berkantung 3 inci lebih selektif daripada jaring trawl berkantung 2 inci dan 1 inci. Untuk kelestarian perikanan ikan kurisi di Laut Jawa dianjurkan memakai jaring trawl dengan kantung bermata jaring 3 inci.

In fact in Indonesia there has been not an accuratedy been no production statistics are recorded accurately for Kurisi fish species both national and local. This study is expected to provide information on the status and potential of kurisi stocks type this in the Java Sea. Especially for stakeholders and government. Analyzing the status kurisi stocks with Swept area method in the Java Sea. Assessing trawl selectivity tool that can ensure recruitment Kurisi fish in the Java Sea. Analyzing all the useful information for the management of fish Kurisi so Kurisi remain sustainable fisheries in the Java Sea. Stock assessment and selectivity of trawling on fish Kurisi. In the waters of Tanjung Karawang, Java Sea. The study found that fish stocks in the area Kurisi arrest in Tanjung Karawang is (Maximum Sustainable Yield) 60 445 kg/m2 while the catch Kurisi of 765.1 kg/m2 or 1.26%, meaning not happen over fishing. Turns trawl nets pockets 3 inches more selective trawl nets pockets than 2 inches and 1 inch. Seen from a lot of fish that escaped from the bag Kurisi trawl nets as follows: the level of the break-out fish in bag 3 inches by 80.8%, on a 2-inch by 34.5% and the 1-inch by 14.9%. For the sustainability of fisheries in the Java Sea Kurisi fish can also be used trawl nets with 3-inch-edged pockets."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mahfudl Umar Khamdan
"Perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya merupakan salah satu daerah penangkapan udang jerbung yang sangat potensial di perairan pantai selatan Jawa. Trend indeks kelimpahan stok udang jerbung di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya cenderung menurun pada periode tahun 2004-2010. Hal ini sangat mengkhawatirkan terhadap keberlanjutan produksi udang jerbung apabila tidak ada pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan sumberdaya udang tersebut dengan baik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Cilacap dan sentra perikanan udang lainnya di Kabupaten Cilacap pada Januari sampai dengan November 2013. Data dikumpulkan melalui metode survey dan wawancara. Metode analisis terdiri dari metode analitik menggunakan Program FiSAT II, dan model surplus produksi. Udang jerbung yang tertangkap dominan pada mid length 31 mm, 33 mm, dan 35 mm, dan umumnya belum dewasa. Nilai faktor kondisi udang jerbung betina dan jantan masing-masing berkisar 37,36-648,87 dan 15,55-319,05. Laju pertumbuhan (K) udang jerbung betina 1,10 per tahun dan udang jerbung jantan 1,00 per tahun. Laju eksploitasi (E) udang jerbung betina 0,36 per tahun dan udang jerbung jantan 0,56 per tahun. Laju mortalitas total (Z) udang jerbung betina 1,69 per tahun dan udang jerbung jantan 2,46 per tahun. Pola rekruitmennya menunjukkan 2 modus dalam satu tahun, dengan puncak terjadi pada periode Maret-April dan periode Juli-Agustus. Estimasi potensi lestari (MSY) dan f-opt udang jerbung di perairan Cilacap 326 ton/tahun dan effort optimum (f-opt) 231 trip serta tingkat pemanfaatan sudah berada pada tahap overfishing.

Cilacap and surrounding waters is one of the potential fishing ground of banana prawn in south of Java sea. Abundance stock index of banana prawn in Cilacap and surrounding waters tend to decline in 2004-2010. It was apprehension for the banana prawn sustainability, when no appropriate management and utilization for this species. This research conducted in Cilacap and other shrimp fisheries centers in Cilacap District begin from January until November 2013. Data collected through a survey and interview methods. The method of analysis consists of : an analytical method by FiSAT II program, and surplus production models. Most of Banana prawn caught dominantly in the mid length 31 mm, 33 mm, and 35 mm, and generally immature. Value factor condition banana prawn females and males respectively ranged from 37.36-648.87 and 15.55-319.05. Growth rate (K) of banana prawn female was 1.10 per year and banana prawn male was 1.00 per year. The exploitation rate (E) of banana prawn female was 0.36 per year and banana prawn male was 0.56 per year. Total mortality rate (Z) of banana prawn female was 1.69 per year and banana prawn male was 2.46 per year. The pattern of recruitment showed two models in one year, with the peak season occur in the period of March-April and July-August. Estimation of the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) and f-opt banana prawn in Cilacap waters about 326 tons/year and optimum effort (f-opt) about 231 trips, and the utilization rate toward to overfishing level.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dony Armanto
"Aspek biologi ikan terbang merupakan salah satu informasi ilmiah yang dibutuhkan dalam merumuskan kebijakan pengelolaannya. Aspek ini diuji pada ikan terbang Cheilopogon katoptron yang merupakan hasil tangkapan utama nelayan di perairan Pemuteran Bali Barat, dengan pengoperasian drift gillnet selama bulan April-Juni 2011.
Aspek biologi merupakan permasalahan utama yang dibahas dalam penelitian, dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh informasi nisbah kelamin, pola pertumbuhan, kondisi, masa pemijahan, kondisi lingkungan, dan makanan. Pengumpulan sampel meliputi data panjang-berat, kematangan gonad, isi perut, data parameter fisik air dan populasi plankton.
Data dianalisis dengan fungsi regresi, uji-t dan koefisien determinasi. Data sebaran panjang untuk ikan terbang jantan pada 168-231 mm dan betina 158-284 mm, dengan perbandingan sex ratio jantan-betina sebesar 1,8:1,0. Kondisi ikan terbang jenis ini dinyatakan sebagai ikan yang kurus dan belum memasuki masa pemijahan.
Pertambahan ukuran panjang ikan memberikan pengaruh yang nyata dan keeratan yang tinggi terhadap pertambahan berat ikan terbang Cheilopogon katoptron jantan (2,6 %) dan betina (1,8 %). Pertambahan panjang ikan juga memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap volume isi perut ikan terbang Cheilopogon katoptron, yakni pada kisaran 1,7 - 2,8 %. Pada bulan Juni 2011, perairan Pemuteran Bali Barat diduga terjadi upwelling, yang didukung oleh data parameter fisik air laut dan adanya lonjakan pertumbuhan fitoplankton.

Biological aspects of flying fish is one of the scientific information needed to formulate management policy. This aspect was tested on Cheilopogon katoptron which the main catches of fishermen in the waters of Pemuteran Bali Barat, with the operation of drift gillnet during of April to June 2011.
Biologycal aspect is the main issue discussed in the research, with the aim to obtain information sex ratio, growth patterns, conditions, spawning time, food and environmental conditions. Samples collection was cover of length-weight data, gonad maturity, stomach contents, physical water parameters and plankton populations.
Data were analyzed with regression, t-test and determination coefficient. Data on the distribution of the length on male was 168-231 mm and female was 158-284 mm, with a sex ratio of male-female were 1.8:1.0. The condition of fish flying fish species is expressed as a skinny and have not entered the spawning period.
Added fish length gives a real impact and high closeness of flying fish weight Cheilopogon katoptron, males (2.6 %) and females (1.8 %). Fish length also provide a noticeable effect on the stomach contents volume of, in the range of 1.7 % to 2.8 %. In June 2011, the waters of Pemuteran Bali Barat is suspected upwelling, which is supported by the data of physical water parameters and occurrence of phytoplankton blooming.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hery Choerudin
"Kebijakan pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan demersal yang berkelanjutan di Laut Cina Selatan harus didasari oleh hasil kajian stok sebagai bukti ilmiahnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis komposisi jenis, sebaran dan kepadatan stok ikan demersal serta keterkaitannya dengan aspek lingkungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ikan demersal yang tertangkap terdiri dari 62 Famili 180 jenis dan yang mendominasi adalah famili Nemipteridae dengan jenis ikan kurisi Nemipterus furcosus dan Nemipterus thosaporni. Struktur populasi ikan demersal yang tertangkap didominasi ikan muda dengan tingkat kematangan gonad yang belum matang immature. Perbandingan kelamin ikan demersal jantan dan betina didapatkan dalam keadaan seimbang dengan kecenderungan lebih banyak didapatkan ikan jantan. Penyebaran ikan demersal hampir merata pada berbagai kedalaman dan pada beberapa area dengan konsentrasi kepadatan yang cukup tinggi di kedalaman 40-60 m di sekitar kepulauan Anambas, Tambelan, Subi, dan Midai. Kepadatan stok ikan demersal didapatkan berkisar antara 68,9 kg/km2 sampai dengan 5.685,9 kg/km2 dengan rerata sebesar 1.070,86 kg/km2 dan biomassa sebesar 188.765,14 ton. Suhu, salinitas dan kedalaman perairan di LCS tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepadatan stok ikan demersal.

The policy of a sustainable demersal resources management and utilization in South China Sea should be based on stock assesment results as its scientific evidence. The research aimed to analyze the species composition, distribution and demersal stock density, and its relation with environmental aspect. The research result showed that demersal fish caught consist of 62 family, 180 species and dominated by family of Nemipteridae as dominant species is Nemipterus furcosus and Nemipterus thosaporni. The structure of demersal population catched were dominated by younger fish with the gonad stage of maturity was immature. The ratio of male and female calculated in balance situation with male ratio higher. The distribution of demersal fish found at various depth and the height were found at depth range 40 60m around Anambas Island, Tambelan island, Subi island and Midai island. The stock density of demersal fish was estimated between 68,9 kg km2 to 5.685,9 kg km2 with average estimated about 1.070,86 kg km2 and the standing stock of demersal fish was estimated about 188.765,14 tons. The temperature, salinity and depth were not significantly influenced by the stock density."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erik Sostenes
"Fenomena penurunan sumberdaya ikan layur di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya terjadi disebabkan peningkatan laju eksploitasi.tanpa mempertimbangkan dinamika atau perubahan stok ikan dan aspek optimasi pemanfaatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dinamika populasi ikan layur tingkat pemanfaatan, dan optimasi pemanfaatannya di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya. Penelitian dilaksanakan di PPS Cilacap dan lokasi penelitian di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya dari bulan April 2013 sampai Juni 2014. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan pengambilan ikan layur yang tertangkap oleh alat tangkap jaring sirang dan jaring payang. Analisis dinamika populasi digunakan program FiSAT II dan pengkajian potensi lestari dianalisis dengan model surplus produksi dalam menentukan Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). Sementara optimasi pemanfaatan dilakukan dengan analisis Linier Programing terhadap aspek-aspek yang terkait dengan pemanfaatan ikan layur. Kisaran panjang total dan modus panjang 13-77 cm dan 51 cm. Ikan layur allometrik negatif, dengan nilai Lc < Lm yang menunjukkan sebagian besar ikan layur yang tertangkap dengan alat tangkap yang digunakan di perairan selatan Cilacap belum memijah / belum dewasa. Nilai parameter pertumbuhan adalah L∞ = 80,85 cm, K= 0,70 per tahun, to= -0,1748, Z = 2,18 per tahun, M = 1,07 per tahun, F = 1,11 per tahun, dan E = 0,51. Nilai menunjukkan tingkat pemanfaatan sudah fully exploited. Pendugaan MSY dan F-Opt sebesar 626,318 ton/tahun dan 1.173 unit dengan alat tangkap standar jaring sirang. Skenario optimasi menghasilkan jenis alat tangkap yang direkomendasikan yaitu 1.173 unit alat tangkap jaring sirang dengan keuntungan Rp. 78,3 milyar per tahun.

The phenomenon occurs due to a decrease of hairtai resources in Cilacap water area because eksploitation without consider increasing the rate or change the dynamics of fish stocks and utilization optimization aspects. This study aims to examine the dynamics of hairtail populations utilization rates and utilization optimization in Cilacap area and the surrounding waters. Research carried out in the PPSC (Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Cilacap) and research sites in Cilacap and surrounding waters from April 2013 to June 2014. Methods used is a survey method with hairtail fishing gear caught by sirang nets (gillnet monofilament) and payang nets (denish seine). Analysis of population dynamics used FiSAT II program and assessment of the potential sustainable surplus production models were analyzed with Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) in determining. While optimization is done with the use of Linear Programming analysis of aspects related to the use of hairtail. Range in total length and long mode 13-77 cm and 51 cm. Hairtail is negative allometric, with a value of Lc < Lm which shows hairtail caught with fishing gear used in Cilacap and surrounding waters not spawn / immature. Growth parameter values L∞ = 80.85 cm, K 0.70 = per year, to = -0.1748, Z = 2.18 per year, M = 1.07 per year, F = 1, 11 per year, and E = 0.51. Value indicates the level of utilization has been fully exploited. Estimation of MSY and f-Opt for 626.318 tons / year and 1,173 units with standard fishing gear is gill net sirang. Scenario optimization produces the type of fishing gear is recommended that 1,173 units of gillnet sirang with a net profit Rp 40.9 billion per year."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Panca Berkah Susila Putra
"Ikan tongkol lurik Euthynnus affinis, (Scombridae) merupakan ikan besar yang banyak tertangkap di perairan Laut Jawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi sebaran ukuran ikan tongkol, panjang pertama kali tertangkap, hubungan panjang-berat, pola pertumbuhan, kebiasaan makanan, nisbah kelamin, Tingkat Kematangan Gonad (TKG), Indeks Kematangan Gonad, fekunditas dan diameter telur ikan tongkol yang didaratkan di PPI Labuan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada bulan Mei, Juni, dan September 2012.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebaran frekuensi panjang cagak ikan tongkol yang ditangkap berkisar 38-69 cm ( x = 50 cm). Ukuran pertama kali tertangkap 47,8 cm dengan panjang cagak ikan yang paling banyak tertangkap berkisar 49-51 cm. Hubungan panjang-berat ikan tongkol bersifat allometrik negatif. Ikan tongkol memakan ikan pelagis kecil, cumi dan teri. Nisbah kelamin antara ikan jantan : betina (1:1,4). Tingkat Kematangan Gonad ikan termasuk TKG III dan IV hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ikan dalam masa pemijahan. Indeks Kematangan Gonad rata-rata adalah 4,55%. Faktor kondisi berkisar antara 1,38-2,22. Fekunditas telur berkisar antara 852.000 - 2.056.609 butir dengan rata-rata 1.352.382 butir. Sedangkan diameter telur berkisar 1,28 - 1,8 mm.

Eastern little tuna Euthynnus affinis (Scombridae) is a pelagic fish which caught excessively in the Java Sea waters. The objective of this research is to determine the composition of these tuna size distribution, lenght at first capture, length-weight relationship, growth pattern, food content, sex ratio, gonad maturity level, gonado stomatic index, fecundity and eggs with diameter of their kind of fish caught and landed in PPP Labuan. Sampling was conducted in May, June and September 2012.
The results showed that the frequency distribution of fork lenght caught ranged 38-69 cm (x =50 cm). Size of lenght at first capture is 47.8 cm and most of them ranging from 49-51 cm. Length-weight relationship is allometric negative. The food of this fish species are small pelagic fish, squid and anchovies. Sex ratio the male: female (1:1.4). Gonad maturity level of fish at TKG III and IV indicating that the fishes are in the spawning seasons. Gonad Maturity Index is 4.55%. The condition factor ranged from 1.38 to 2.22. Fecundity ranged from 852,000 - 2,056,609 eggs (average 1,352,382 eggs). While the eggs diameter ranged from 1.28 to 1.8 mm."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Kurniadi
"Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari 2015 - Mei 2015 terhadap ikan tembang yang didaratkan di PPP Tegalsari Kota Tegal dan PPP Tasikagung Kabupaten Rembang. Bertujuan untuk menganalisis kondisi bioekonomi sumberdaya ikan tembang pada pada rezim pengelolaan MSY, MEY dan Open Access dan melihat tingkat depresiasi sumberdaya. Penghitungan terdiri dari parameter biologi (model Fox, Clark-Yoshimoto-Pooley, Schnute dan Walter Hillborn) dan parameter ekonomi (biaya riil penangkapan, indeks harga ikan dan discount rate). Produksi ikan tembang di lokasi penelitian dihasilkan oleh kapal jenis purse seine (pukat cincin). Metode pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling dan data bioekonomi diolah menggunakan perangkat lunak microsoft excel 2013 dan Maple 18. Data yang diolah meliputi jumlah tangkapan ikan, jumlah trip kapal, dan nilai produksi. Aktifitas penangkapan ikan berlebih secara biologi dan ekonomi diduga telah terjadi di 2 lokasi penelitian. Tingkat overfishing terkecil berdasarkan model Fox yang terjadi di kota Tegal dan kabupaten Rembang, masing-masing sebesar 9,17% dan 6,66%, dan persentase kehilangan nilai sustainable rent di kota Tegal dan Kabupaten Rembang, masing-masing sebesar 44,28% dan 9,68% dari PDRB di masing-masing wilayah.

This study was conducted in February 2015 until May 2015 in PPP Tegalsari Kota Tegal and PPP Tasikagung Rembang. This study aimed to analyze the condition of the bioeconomy of ikan tembang on the management regime MSY, MEY and Open Access and view depressiation. Depreciation rates used consisted of biological parameters (Model fox, CYP, walter-hilbor and Schnute) and economic parameters (real cost, fuel, logistic etc). Fish production in research location produced by vessel type of purse seine. The sampling method is purposive sampling and the data is processed using microsoft excel 2013 and Maple 18. The processed data includes the number of fish caught, the number of boat trips, and production value. Activity overfishing biologically and economically alleged to have occurred in the two study sites. The level of overfishing that occurred in Tegal and Rembang district, respectively 9.17% and 6.66%. The percentage loss in value sustainable rent in the town of Tegal and Rembang, respectively 44.28% and 9.68% of the GDP in each region.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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