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Ditemukan 177187 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Pelealu, Cinthya Melissa Vina
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai permasalahan perjanjian kawin yang tidak didaftarkan. Yang menjadi permasalahan adalah apakah perjanjian kawin yang tidak didaftarkan berlaku efektif kepada pihak ketiga dan bagaimanakah kedudukan harta benda dalam perkawinan tersebut apabila perjanjian kawin yang dibuat tidak didaftarkan. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dalam penulisan ini. Perjanjian Perkawinan adalah perjanjian yang dibuat sebelum perkawinan dan mengikat kedua belah pihak dan calon mempelai yang akan menikah. Banyaknya angka perceraian yang berujung masalah dalam harta perkawinan dirasakan perlu dibuatnya perjanjian perkawinan. Tidak hanya harta perkawinan, hutang - hutang yang timbul sepanjang perkawinan juga sering dipermasalahkan apalagi jika perjanjian perkawinan mengikat pihak ketiga.Tentunya pembuatan perjanjian perkawinan haruslah dengan prosedur yang berlaku seperti harus dibuat dengan akta notaris dan harus didaftarkan. Undang - Undang mengatur bahwa perjanjian perkawinan haruslah didaftarkan di Kepaniteraan Pengadilan Negeri setempat. Penulis dalam penulisan ini mencoba menganalisa perjanjian kawin yang tidak didaftarkan apakah dapat melindungi kepentingan pihak ketiga atau dianggap tidak berlaku sama sekali untuk pihak ketiga serta kedudukan harta benda dalam perkawinan itu sendiri apakah berlaku harta bersama atau berlaku pemisahan harta seperti yang tercantum dalam Perjanjian Perkawinan. Pihak Ketiga akan dirugikan apabila tidak dilakukan pendaftaran, karena Perjanjian Perkawinan dianggap tidak berlaku kepada pihak ketiga apabila tidak diaftarkan. Harta Benda dalam perkawinan dianggap tidak ada pemisahan harta dalam perkawinan tersebut. Pendaftaran perjanjian perkawinan dianggap syarat mutlak sehingga notaris juga bertanggung jawab untuk menjelaskan kepada kedua belah pihak sebelum pembuatan perjanjian mengenai akibat - akibat yang akan timbul jika perjanjian perkawinan tidak didaftarkan. Penulis ini menyarankan agar notaris memberikan penyuluhan hukum terlebih dahulu kepada klien yang akan membuat perjanjian kawin.

This research talking about prenuptial agreements that not been registered. The problems are whether the unregistered prenuptial agreements can be effective to third party and how the marital property position in unregistered prenuptial agreements. Juridical normative approach was used as method in this research. Prenuptial agreements is a contract entered into prior to marriage by the people intending to marry or contract with each other. Many problems occurs in divorce events, especially about marital property and financial rights. That is why prenuptial agreements is needed, to establishes the property and financial rights of each spouse and also third party, in the event of divorce.Prenuptial agreements should be made with notary deed to be registered. According to laws, prenuptial agreements should be registered to local district court.In this research, writer want to analyze the absent of prenuptial agreements, whether it can protect the third party's interests and also determine how property is handled during marriage based on marital agreement.Third party will be disadvantaged if prenuptials agreement is not been registered because marital agreement considered not valid to third party. It also affect to marital property where it can be considered no separation of property in that marriage. Thus, prenuptial agreement is a must before marriage and notary has responsibility to explain to both parties, the result that can be happened if the prenuptial agreements not been registered."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boby Rachman Gumay
"Perkawinan menurut KUHPerdata hanya dipandang dari segi keperdataannya saja. Berbeda dengan Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 1974 yang memandang perkawinan dari ikatan lahir batin, yang tidak hanya mencakup ikatan secara fisik dan batiniyah, namun juga ikatan dalam harta benda. Terkait ikatan harta benda tersebut, Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 1974 mengatur bahwa diperbolehkannya suami istri untuk membuat perjanjian perkawinan atas harta benda dalam perkawinan. Sehingga, apabila terjadi perceraian, maka perjanjian perkawinan yang telah dibuat akan berdampak pada perikatan yang timbul dari perjanjian tersebut mengenai pembagian harta benda perkawinan. Dengan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif, tulisan dalam skripsi ini menunjukkan adanya prosedur pembuatan dan syarat-syarat sahnya suatu perjanjian perkawinan yang terlebih dahulu harus dilakukan oleh suami istri; dan implikasi terhadap perjanjian perkawinan terhadap harta benda perkawinan apabila terjadi perceraian adalah telah memiliki kedudukan hukum selama perjanjian tidak bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan, kesusilaan, dan ketertiban umum. Sebagai contoh, mereka dapat mengadakan pisah harta sama sekali, pisah harta secara terbatas, pemisahan aset-aset tertentu, percampuran harta bulat, campur hasil pendapatan, persatuan untung rugi.

Marriage in accordance with The Civil Code is only being regarded in terms of civilization. Unlike The Law No. 1 of 1974 that views the marriage of the spiritual and physical bond, that includes not only physical and spiritual bonds but also the prenuptial bonds. Related to the prenuptial bonds, The Law No. 1 of 1974 regulates that husband and wife are allowed to arrange a prenuptial agreement in their marriage. Thus, in the event of divorce appears in their marriage, the prenuptial agreement that has been made will give an implication to the prenuptial in the marriage. By using normative methods, this mini thesis study shows that there are several procedures and requirements that should be conducted to make a legal prenuptial agreement; and the implication of the prenuptial agreement in the event of divorce appears is the prenuptial agreement has its own legal position in the course of the agreement?s clause is not permissible if it is prohibited by the law, or if it violates good conduct, or public order. In example, they can arrange a completely separated of assets, separately limited of assets, separation of custom assets, completely interfusion of assets, interfusion of incomes, coalition of benefits and loss"
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Ridzka Maheswari Djasmine
"Dengan adanya pembatalan perkawinan menimbulkan pertanyaan mengenai bagaimana kedudukan hukum perjanjian perkawinan terhadap pembatalan perkawinan di Indonesia serta akibat yang ditimbulkan terhadap para pihak dan pihak ketiga. Akibat pembatalan perkawinan yang mengakibatkan dibatalkannya perjanjian perkawinan di antara para pihak dalam perjanjian perkawinan pisah harta sama sekali adalah harta tetap menjadi milik masing-masing, dalam perjanjian perkawinan persekutuan untung dan rugi adalah pembagian untung dan rugi di antara para pihak berakhir, sedangkan dalam perjanjian perkawinan persekutuan hasil dan pendapatan adalah pembagian untung atau hasil dan pendapatan di antara para pihak berakhir. Apabila selama perkawinan dengan perjanjian perkawinan persekutuan untung dan rugi atau perjanjian perkawinan persekutuan hasil dan pendapatan terdapat harta yang dibuat atau dibeli atas nama bersama, maka pembagiannya dibagi dua di antara para pihak sesuai kesepakatan. Pihak ketiga tidak menanggung konsekuensi dari dibatalkannya perkawinan yang turut serta membatalkan perjanjian perkawinan di antara para pihak, sehingga perjanjian yang telah dibuat sebelumnya dengan pihak ketiga masih tetap berlaku. Terhadap harta yang dibeli atas nama bersama, setelah putusan pembatalan perkawinan dijatuhkan dengan alasan pembatalan perkawinan itu bukan karena masih ada perkawinan terdahulu (bukan karena suami melangsungkan perkawinan lagi dengan wanita lain tanpa adanya persetujuan istri atau istri-istri), sebaiknya para pihak atas kesepakatan bersama langsung menentukan siapa pihak yang akan bertanggung jawab atas harta tersebut (dijadikan harta atas nama salah satu pihak). Hal ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kepastian hukum kepada pihak ketiga terkait siapa pihak yang harus dimintakan pertanggungjawabannya berkenaan dengan status kepemilikan harta tersebut.

With the existence of marriage annulment, it raises questions about the legal position of the prenuptial agreement on the annulment of marriage in Indonesia along with the consequences it has on the spouses and third parties involved. Consequences of the marriage annulment which results in the cancellation of the prenuptial agreement: in a full separation of property, properties remains as the property of each spouse; in a profit and loss partnership, the profit and loss sharing between the parties ends; whereas in a result and income partnership, the distribution of profits or income between the parties ends. During a marriage which has a profit and loss partnership prenuptial agreement or an income and profit partnership agreement, if there are assets made or purchased in a joint name, then the distribution is divided between the parties according to the agreement. The third party does not bear the consequences of the annulment of the marriage which also involves canceling the prenuptial agreement between the parties, so that the previously made agreement with the third party are still valid. To assets purchased in a joint name, after the court decision to annul the marriage on the grounds that it was not because there was still a previous marriage (not because the husband had remarried with another woman without the consent of the wife or the wives), it is best if the parties have a mutual agreement in regard to directly determine the party responsible for the assets (made assets on behalf of one of the parties). This aims to provide legal security to third parties regarding who the party should be held accountable for regarding the ownership status of the property."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yotia Jericho Urbanus
"Penulisan ini membahas mengenai kabsahan hukum penggunaan dokumen elektronik dan video conference pada pembuatan akta perjanjian pra nikah oleh Notaris dalam masa Pandemi Covid-19. Akta perjanjian pra nikah merupakan suatu akta yang berisikan suatu perjanjian yang diadakan oleh bakal/calon suami istri dalam mengatur harta benda atau kekayaan sebagai akibat dari perkawinan yang dilaksanakan. Akta perjanjian pra nikah yang dibuat oleh Notaris merupakan suatu akta autentik. Menurut Pasal 1868 KUHPerdata, suatu akta autentik adalah suatu akta yang dibuat dalam bentuk yang ditentukan undang-undang oleh atau dihadapan pejabat umum yang berwenang untuk itu di tempat akta itu dibuat. Hal tersebut memberikan indikasi bahwa suatu akta perjanjian pra nikah dapat dikatakan sebagai suatu akta autentik apabila memenuhi syarat sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam pasal tersebut. Adanya Pandemi Covid-19 yang memaksa setiap masyarakat untuk menjaga jarak guna mengurangi penyebaran Covid-19, menyebabkan diperlukannya suatu kunci permasalahan bagi Notaris dalam hal terhambatnya pembuatan akta autentik yang diakibatkan oleh pandemic yang sedang berlangsung. Pada awalnya penggunaan dokumen elektronik dan video conference dianggap sebagai jawaban bagi Notaris dalam hal pembuatan akta autentik khususnya akta perjanjian pra nikah pada saat Pandemi Covid-19. Namun demikian Pasal 1868 KUHPerdata menjadi penghalang bagi penggunaan dokumen elektronik dan video conference pada pembuatan akta perjanjian pra nikah oleh Notaris dalam masa Pandemi Covid-19. Hal tersebut dikarenakan konsep menghadap dengan menggunakan video conference dan dokumen elektronik tidak dapat disamakan dengan hadir secara fisik sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam pasal tersebut.

This writing discusses the validity for the use of electronic documents and video conferencing on making a pre-marriage agreement deed by a notary during the Covid-19 pandemic. The pre-marriage agreement deed is a deed that contains an agreement made by a future husband/wife in regulating property or assets as a result of the marriage being carried out. The pre-marriage agreement deed made by a notary is an authentic deed. According to Article 1868 of the Civil Code, an authentic deed is a deed made in a form determined by law or before a public official who has the authority to do so at the place where the deed was made up. This gives an indication that a pre-marriage agreement deed can be said to be an authentic deed if it meets the requirements as described in the article. The existence of the Covid-19 Pandemic which forces every community to maintain a distance to reduce the spread of Covid-19, causes the need for a key problem for Notaries in terms of obstruction in making authentic deeds caused by the ongoing pandemic. Initially, the use of electronic documents and video conferencing was considered as an answer for the notary in terms of making authentic deeds, especially the pre-marriage agreement deed during the Covid-19 Pandemic. However, Article 1868 of the Civil Code is an obstacle to the use of electronic documents and video conferencing in making pre-marriage agreement deeds by notaries during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is because the concept of being present using video conferencing and electronic documents cannot be equated with being physically present as explained in the article."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardie Hudianto
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai kesepakatan bersama (perjanjian) pra perceraian. Perjanjian ini belum diatur didalam hukum perkawinan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksplanatoris dengan desain preskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyarankan Undang-undang Perkawinan Nomor: 1 Tahun 1974 perlu di amandemen karena sudah tidak mengakomodir kepentingan masyarakat; Perlunya dibuat sebuah Memory of Understanding (MoU) antara Pemerintah (diwakili oleh Kementrian Hukum dan HAM), Ikatan Notaris Indonesia, dan Mahkamah Agung sebagai peraturan pelaksana sementara, menunggu peraturan perundang-undangan dibuat; Perlu adanya kesepahaman di kalangan Notaris terkait dengan bentuk, jenis akta, moralitas dan etik bagi Notaris yang membuat kesepakatan bersama (perjanjian) pra perceraian ini.

The focus of this study is mutual consent (agreement) pre divorce. This agreement hasn't been regulate by Indonesian matrimonial regulation. This research is explanatory prescriptive. The researcher suggest that Indonesian matrimonial regulation Number: 1 year 1974 need to be amendment because it can't accommodate the citizen stipulation; Memory of Understanding between The Government (represent by Ministry of Law and Human Rights), Indonesian Notary Organization, and The Supreme Court is needed as a transitory regulation; There is need to be an understanding in the Indonesian Notary Community regarding the outline, the type of the agreement, morality and ethical conduct of the notary that construct mutual consent (agreement) pre divorce.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ira Rasjid
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai tinjauan akta perjanjian perkawinan yang dibuat di Indonesia oleh notaris di Indonesia untuk perkawinan campuran beda kewarganegaraan antar Warga Negara Indonesia dengan Warga Negara Australia yang mana perkawinannya itu dilangsungkan di negara bagian New South Wales - Australia berdasarkan hukum perkawinan Australia. Maka timbul permasalahan mengenai kedudukan akta perjanjian perkawinan yang dibuat di Indonesia dalam hukum perkawinan di Australia. Apakah akta perjanjian perkawinan tersebut berlaku dan diakui kedudukannya sebagai perjanjian perkawinan di Australia atau tidak. Permasalahan ini diteliti dengan menggunakan pendekatan metode yuridis normatif dan deskripsi analitis, yaitu berupa kajian terhadap asas-asas dan norma hukum yang terdapat dalam ketentuan perundang-undangan Indonesia yang berkaitan dengan perjanjian perkawinan campuran beda kewarganegaraan dan dilihat dari teori-teori Hukum Perdata Internasional yang terkait dengan masalah perjanjian perkawinan yang bersifat internasional ini. Serta peraturan dan perundang-undangan Australia yang mengatur mengenai perkawinan, perjanjian perkawinan dan pengakuan perjanjian perkawinan yang dibuat di luar Australia. Sebagai hasil dari penelitian ini, bahwa Australia hanya mengakui perjanjian perkawinan asing bilamana segala persyaratan tentang tata cara pembuatan perjanjian perkawinan Bindin Financial Agreement di Australia. Jadi dalam kasus tesis ini akta perjanjian perkawinan yang dibuat oleh notaris di Indonesia tidak diakui dan secara hukum tidak mengikat. Perjanjian perkawinan tersebut hanya dipakai oleh hakim di Pengadilan Keluarga Australia sebagai bahan pertimbangan saja.

This thesis is the review of a prenuptial agreement deed that made in Indonesia by Indonesian Public Notary for a mixed marriage with different nationalities between an Indonesian nationality and an Australian nationality, where the wedding was held in New South Wales - Australia. Is the prenuptial deed above valid and recognise as prenuptial agreement in Australia. The above conflicts, has been reviewed and obsereved by the writer using a yuridis normative method and deskriptive analitic, law principles rules by Indonesian regulation related with mixed marriage prenuptial agreement subject, also using the principles by International Private Law, Australian Acts and regulation that rules international mixed marriage on how foreign prenuptual agreement is recognise in Australia. The result has come up that Australian only recognise foreign prenuptial agreement as long as it meet with all the requirements on how Australian make a binding financial agreement. So in this case, the prenuptial agreement deed made by Indonesian public notary in Indonesia does not recognise and does not binding in Australian. Its use for the judge in Family Court for a concideration only. "
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Margareth Mutiara Tri Jojor
Perjanjian perkawinan harus dicatatkan dalam Akta Perkawinan. Namun, terdapat
beberapa pihak yang terlambat mendaftarkannya. Skripsi ini membahas Penetapan
Nomor 52/Pdt.P/2011/PN.Ska. yang dalam pertimbangannya tertulis bahwa
kelalaian pendaftaran Perjanjian Perkawinan menyebabkan perkawinan antara
Budi Santoso dan Lily Tjokrosusantodianggap tanpa adanya Perjanjian
Perkawinan. Dengan metode deskriptif analitis, aturan mengenai Perjanjian
Perkawinan ditinjau untuk mengetahui status kepemilikan harta bersama yang
diperoleh sebelum Perjanjian Perkawinan dianggap berlaku berdasarkan
Penetapan itu. Dari penelitian ini disimpukan bahwa Perjanjian Perkawinan diatur
dalam Pasal 139 – 179 KUH Perdata dan Pasal 29 UU Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 dan
status kepemilikan harta bersama milik Budi dan Lily mengikuti peraturan
perundang-undangan yang berlaku bukan pada Akta Perjanjian Perkawinan No. 1.

Prenuptial Agreement must be registered in the Deed of Marriage. However,there
are several parties who are late to register it. This thesis discussed the Court
OrderNumber 52/Pdt. P/2011/PN.Skawhich in its judgment states that the
negligence in registration led to the absence of the Prenuptial Agreement in the
marriage between Budi Santoso and Lily Tjokrosusanto. With the descriptive
research analytical methods, rules about Prenuptial Agreement is reviewed to find
out the status of the possesion of marital community of property acquired before
the Prenuptial Agreement is considered valid upon the Court OrderNumber
52/Pdt. P/2011/PN.Ska. From this research, it can be concluded that Prenuptial
Agreementis regulated in Article 139 up to Article 179 of the Civil Code and
Article 29 Law Number 1 of 1974 and the status of marital communityof property
is based on the regulations instead of the Deed of Prenuptial Agreement Number
Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kristin Junaidi
"[Perkawinan campuran sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 adalah perkawinan antara dua orang yang di Indonesia tunduk pada hukum yang berlainan, karena perbedaan kewarganegaraan dan salah satu pihak berkewarganegaraan Indonesia. Perkawinan campuran dapat dilaksanakan di Indonesia maupun di luar Indonesia. Dalam hal perkawinan campuran dilaksanakan di luar Indonesia adalah sah bilamana dilakukan menurut hukum yang berlaku di Negara di mana perkawinan itu dilangsungkan dan bagi Warga Negara Indonesia tidak melanggar ketentuan-ketentuan Undang-Undang Perkawinan. Dalam jangka waktu 1 (satu) tahun sejak sekembalinya mereka ke Indonesia, bukti perkawinan mereka harus didaftarkan di Kantor Pencatatan perkawinan tempat tinggal mereka. Pasangan perkawinan campuran yang hendak melangsungkan perkawinan campuran di luar negeri juga dapat membuat perjanjian perkawinan. Perjanjian perkawinan adalah perjanjian tertulis yang dibuat oleh calon suami isteri sebelum atau pada saat perkawinan dilangsungkan untuk mengatur akibat-akibat perkawinan terhadap harta kekayaan mereka. Pentingnya pembuatan perjanjian perkawinan bagi pasangan yang hendak melangsungkan perkawinan campuran adalah terkait dengan perlindungan hukum terhadap hak milik atas tanah di Indonesia yang hanya dapat dimiliki oleh Warga Negara Indonesia, sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria. Penulisan tesis ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif, yaitu dilakukan dengan menelusuri bahan hukum sekunder berupa norma-norma dari peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan. Prosedur pembuatan perjanjian perkawinan dalam perkawinan campuran yang dilangsungkan di luar negeri, tetap mengacu pada ketentuan Undang-Undang Perkawinan yaitu dibuat sebelum atau pada saat perkawinan dilangsungkan dan berdasarkan pada hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia. Dalam hal setelah perkawinan dilangsungkan di luar negeri dan mereka kembali ke Indonesia namun tidak mendaftarkan perkawinannya tersebut dan kemudian mereka membuat perjanjian perkawinan, maka perjanjian perkawinan tersebut menjadi batal demi hukum karena melanggar ketentuan Undang-undang yaitu dibuat setelah perkawinan berlangsung.

Mixed marriage as stipulated in Law No. 1 of 1974 is a marriage between two people in Indonesia which subject to different laws, because of differences in nationality and one party is having Indonesian nationality. Mixed marriage can be implemented and held in Indonesia and outside Indonesia. In the case of mixed marriages conducted outside Indonesia is legal if carried out under the applicable law in the State where the marriage was celebrated and for Indonesian citizens do not violate the provisions of the Marriage Act. Within a period of one (1) year since upon their return to Indonesia, evidence of their marriage should be registered in the marriage registration office where they live. Mixed marriage couples who want to hold the marriage abroad can also make a prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreement is a written agreement made by the prospective spouses before or at the day of the marriage took place to regulate the effects of marriage on their property. The importance of making prenuptial agreements for couples who want to have a mixed marriage is associated with legal protection of property rights over land in Indonesia that can only be owned by an Indonesian citizen, as stipulated in the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA). This thesis using normative juridical method, which is carried out by tracing the secondary law in the form of norms of the legislation relating to the cases. The procedure of making the prenuptial agreement in mixed marriages held abroad, still have to refer to the provisions of the Marriage Act is made before or at the day of the marriage took place and according to the laws in force in Indonesia. In the event that after the marriage held abroad and they return to Indonesia but did not register the marriage and then they make a prenuptial agreement, then the prenuptial agreement becomes null and void because it violated the provisions of the Act that is made after the marriage took place. Mixed marriage as stipulated in Law No. 1 of 1974 is a marriage between two people in Indonesia which subject to different laws, because of differences in nationality and one party is having Indonesian nationality. Mixed marriage can be implemented and held in Indonesia and outside Indonesia. In the case of mixed marriages conducted outside Indonesia is legal if carried out under the applicable law in the State where the marriage was celebrated and for Indonesian citizens do not violate the provisions of the Marriage Act. Within a period of one (1) year since upon their return to Indonesia, evidence of their marriage should be registered in the marriage registration office where they live. Mixed marriage couples who want to hold the marriage abroad can also make a prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreement is a written agreement made by the prospective spouses before or at the day of the marriage took place to regulate the effects of marriage on their property. The importance of making prenuptial agreements for couples who want to have a mixed marriage is associated with legal protection of property rights over land in Indonesia that can only be owned by an Indonesian citizen, as stipulated in the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA). This thesis using normative juridical method, which is carried out by tracing the secondary law in the form of norms of the legislation relating to the cases. The procedure of making the prenuptial agreement in mixed marriages held abroad, still have to refer to the provisions of the Marriage Act is made before or at the day of the marriage took place and according to the laws in force in Indonesia. In the event that after the marriage held abroad and they return to Indonesia but did not register the marriage and then they make a prenuptial agreement, then the prenuptial agreement becomes null and void because it violated the provisions of the Act that is made after the marriage took place.
Mixed marriage as stipulated in Law No. 1 of 1974 is a marriage between two people in Indonesia which subject to different laws, because of differences in nationality and one party is having Indonesian nationality. Mixed marriage can be implemented and held in Indonesia and outside Indonesia. In the case of mixed marriages conducted outside Indonesia is legal if carried out under the applicable law in the State where the marriage was celebrated and for Indonesian citizens do not violate the provisions of the Marriage Act. Within a period of one (1) year since upon their return to Indonesia, evidence of their marriage should be registered in the marriage registration office where they live. Mixed marriage couples who want to hold the marriage abroad can also make a prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreement is a written agreement made by the prospective spouses before or at the day of the marriage took place to regulate the effects of marriage on their property. The importance of making prenuptial agreements for couples who want to have a mixed marriage is associated with legal protection of property rights over land in Indonesia that can only be owned by an Indonesian citizen, as stipulated in the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA). This thesis using normative juridical method, which is carried out by tracing the secondary law in the form of norms of the legislation relating to the cases. The procedure of making the prenuptial agreement in mixed marriages held abroad, still have to refer to the provisions of the Marriage Act is made before or at the day of the marriage took place and according to the laws in force in Indonesia. In the event that after the marriage held abroad and they return to Indonesia but did not register the marriage and then they make a prenuptial agreement, then the prenuptial agreement becomes null and void because it violated the provisions of the Act that is made after the marriage took place.
;Mixed marriage as stipulated in Law No. 1 of 1974 is a marriage between two people in Indonesia which subject to different laws, because of differences in nationality and one party is having Indonesian nationality. Mixed marriage can be implemented and held in Indonesia and outside Indonesia. In the case of mixed marriages conducted outside Indonesia is legal if carried out under the applicable law in the State where the marriage was celebrated and for Indonesian citizens do not violate the provisions of the Marriage Act. Within a period of one (1) year since upon their return to Indonesia, evidence of their marriage should be registered in the marriage registration office where they live. Mixed marriage couples who want to hold the marriage abroad can also make a prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreement is a written agreement made by the prospective spouses before or at the day of the marriage took place to regulate the effects of marriage on their property. The importance of making prenuptial agreements for couples who want to have a mixed marriage is associated with legal protection of property rights over land in Indonesia that can only be owned by an Indonesian citizen, as stipulated in the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA). This thesis using normative juridical method, which is carried out by tracing the secondary law in the form of norms of the legislation relating to the cases. The procedure of making the prenuptial agreement in mixed marriages held abroad, still have to refer to the provisions of the Marriage Act is made before or at the day of the marriage took place and according to the laws in force in Indonesia. In the event that after the marriage held abroad and they return to Indonesia but did not register the marriage and then they make a prenuptial agreement, then the prenuptial agreement becomes null and void because it violated the provisions of the Act that is made after the marriage took place.
, Mixed marriage as stipulated in Law No. 1 of 1974 is a marriage between two people in Indonesia which subject to different laws, because of differences in nationality and one party is having Indonesian nationality. Mixed marriage can be implemented and held in Indonesia and outside Indonesia. In the case of mixed marriages conducted outside Indonesia is legal if carried out under the applicable law in the State where the marriage was celebrated and for Indonesian citizens do not violate the provisions of the Marriage Act. Within a period of one (1) year since upon their return to Indonesia, evidence of their marriage should be registered in the marriage registration office where they live. Mixed marriage couples who want to hold the marriage abroad can also make a prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreement is a written agreement made by the prospective spouses before or at the day of the marriage took place to regulate the effects of marriage on their property. The importance of making prenuptial agreements for couples who want to have a mixed marriage is associated with legal protection of property rights over land in Indonesia that can only be owned by an Indonesian citizen, as stipulated in the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA). This thesis using normative juridical method, which is carried out by tracing the secondary law in the form of norms of the legislation relating to the cases. The procedure of making the prenuptial agreement in mixed marriages held abroad, still have to refer to the provisions of the Marriage Act is made before or at the day of the marriage took place and according to the laws in force in Indonesia. In the event that after the marriage held abroad and they return to Indonesia but did not register the marriage and then they make a prenuptial agreement, then the prenuptial agreement becomes null and void because it violated the provisions of the Act that is made after the marriage took place.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Perjanjian perkawinan dibuat untuk mengatur harta benda milik suami istri. Perjanjian perkawinan yang telah dibuat harus didaftarkan di Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil bersamaan dengan pendaftaran akta nikah. Namun dalam praktiknya para pihak yang membuat akad nikah tidak melampirkan akad nikah pada saat pencatatan nikah. Pentingnya pencatatan berdampak pada status aset dan hutang pihak ketiga. Berdasarkan aturan, akad nikah yang tidak tercatat membuat akad nikah tidak sah, karena tidak memenuhi asas publisitas. Dengan menggunakan metode penulisan normatif, makalah ini akan membahas tentang perjanjian nikah yang tidak tercatat dalam akta nikah dengan menganalisis Putusan Nomor 25 / Pdt.G / 2013 / PN.Tbn. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa akad nikah siri akan membatalkan akad nikah yang tidak mengikat pihak ketiga. Namun keberadaan akad nikah tetap berlaku bagi pihak yang membuatnya. Penulis menyarankan kepada hakim untuk memberikan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat mengenai tata cara pembuatan dan pencatatan akad nikah serta mempertimbangkan pula untuk menentukan perpanjangan atau pembaharuan akad nikah.

The marriage agreement is made to regulate the property belonging to the husband and wife. Marriage agreements that have been made must be registered at the Population and Civil Registry Service together with the registration of a marriage certificate. However, in practice, the parties making the marriage contract do not attach the marriage contract at the time of registration of marriage. The importance of record-keeping has an impact on the asset and debt status of third parties. Based on the regulations, an unregistered marriage contract invalidates the marriage contract, because it does not fulfill the principle of publicity. By using the normative writing method, this paper will discuss about marriage agreements that are not recorded in the marriage certificate by analyzing Decision Number 25 / Pdt.G / 2013 / PN.Tbn. It can be concluded that the siri nikah contract will cancel the marriage contract that is not binding on a third party. However, the existence of the marriage contract still applies to the party who made it. The author suggests the judge to provide socialization to the public regarding the procedures for making and recording marriage contracts and also considering determining the extension or renewal of the marriage contract."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mochilla Shakina
Perjanjian kawin merupakan perjanjian yang dilakukan oleh calon suami dan calon isteri sebelum melangsungkan perkawinan.Substansi dari perjanjian perkawinan salah satunya dapat berupapengaturan harta perkawinan.Perjanjian perkawinan dibuat secara tertulis dan disahkan oleh Pegawai Pencatat Pernikahan. Permasalahan yang dibahas yaitu bagaimana ketentuan mengenai perjanjian perkawinan menurut peraturan perundang-undangan serta bagaimana penyelesaian sengketa harta benda perkawinan yang memakai nama bersama yang berkaitan dengan perjanjian perkawinan analisis Putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 1358K/Pdt/2012 . Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif dengan tipe penelitian deskriftif analitis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa dalam ketentuan perundang-undangan tidak diatur secara rinci tentang definisi dan isi mengenai perjanjian kawin. Ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berisi tentang perjanjian kawin terdapat dalam Pasal 139 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata dan Pasal 29 Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan. Dalam sengketa harta perkawinan yang memakai nama bersama yang berkaitan dengan perjanjian kawin tersebut Majelis Hakim Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia menyatakan bahwa Saudari Budiati sebagai pihak yang berhak atas harta benda objek sengketa karena Saudari Budiati dapat menunjukkan bahwa seluruh harta benda objek sengketa adalah hasil pembeliannya. Namun seharusnya Saudara Ruddy Tri Santoso juga berhak atas seluruh harta benda objek sengketa karena nama Saudara Ruddy Tri Santoso tercantum di dalam bukti kepemilikan seluruh harta benda objek sengketa. Kata Kunci : perjanjian kawin, harta perkawinan, nama bersama.

Prenuptial agreement is an agreement made by a prospective husband and a future wife before marriage. The substance of the prenuptial agreement may be the arrangement of marriage property. The prenuptial agreement is made in writing and authorized by the Registrar. The issues discussed are how the provisions concerning prenuptial agreement under the laws and regulations on how to settle dispute on joint matrimony that use share name in connection with a prenuptial agreement analysis of Supreme Court Decision Number 1358K Pdt 2012 . This research is a normative juridical research with analytical descriptive research type. Based on the results of the study can be concluded that in the provisions of legislation is not regulated in detail about the definition and contents of the prenuptial agreement. The provisions of legislation containing the marriage agreement are contained in Article 139 of the Civil Code and Article 29 of Act Number 1 1974 regarding Marriage. In a dispute on joint matrimony that use share name in connection with a prenuptial agreement the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia declares that Budiati as the party entitled to the property of the disputed object because Budiati can show that all property of the disputed object is the result of her purchase. However, Ruddy Tri Santoso should also be entitled to the entire property of the disputed object because the name of Ruddy Tri Santoso is contained in the proof of ownership of all objects of disputed property. Keywords Prenuptial agreement, joint matrimony, share name. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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