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Erlanda Juliansyah Putra
Didalam penelitian ini peniliti memberikan gagasan mengenai pembubaran partai
politik korup melalui celah hukum pembubaran partai politik di indonesia dengan
memberikan tafsir terhadap makna hukum positif yang mengatur tentang pembubaran
partai politik, salah satunya yaitu adanya nomenklatur yang disebutkan didalam Pasal 2
huruf b Peraturan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 12 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pedoman
Beracara Pembubaran Partai Politik yang menyebutkan bahwa partai politik dapat
dibubarkan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi apabila kegiatan/akibat yang dilakukan oleh
partai politik tersebut bertentangan dengan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Klausul
?akibat? yang ditimbulkan tersebut dapat disamakan dengan kegiatan korupsi yang
melibatkan pengurus/anggota partai politik yang melaksanakan kegiatan aktifitas
kepartaian untuk dapat dibubarkan. Adanya persamaan pengertian yang ditujukan
antara korporasi selaku badan hukum yang disamakan dengan pengertian partai politik
selaku badan hukum dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan acuan untuk menarik keterlibatan
partai politik melalui pengurusnya dalam melakukan tindak pidana korupsi dengan
mempergunakan doktrin strict liability dan doktrin vicarious liability yang
memungkinkan partai politik tersebut bertanggungjawab atas perbuatan yang dilakukan
oleh pengurus/anggota partai politik yang menjalankan aktivitas kepartaian.

Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.;Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.;Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.;Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party., Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erlanda Juliansyah Putra
Depok: Rajawali Pers, 2017
324.2 ERL g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elstonsius Banjo
"Sudah banyak orang diputus besalah dan dipidana sebagai tindak pidana korupsi Pasal 2 dan Pasal 3 UU PTPK. Namun, apakah pengadilan Tipikor telah mempertimbangan unsur kesalahan secara komprehensif pada pertanggungjawaban pidana. Penelitian ini mengkaji tiga permasalahan hukum, yaitu (1) Bagaimana pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi mempertimbangkan unsur kesalahan pada Pasal 2 dan Pasal 3 UU PTPK dalam putusan-putusannya; (2) Bagaimana perkembangan penafsiran unsur kesalahan dalam rumusan tindak pidana korupsi Pasal 2 dan Pasal 3 UU PTPK; dan (3) Bagaimana parameter untuk menilai unsur kesalahan sebagai dasar pertanggung-jawaban pidana pada Pasal 2 dan Pasal 3 UU PTPK. Metode yang digunakan adalah “Yuridis Normatif” untuk menggali norma hukum dan keputusan pengadilan berdasar ‘library based-study”, dan dilakukan melalui “analytical and critical approach”. Penilaian dan pengujian berdasarkan asas dan teori kesalahan, dan dilakukan melalui model penalaran moralitas “Natural Law”. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, bahwa pengadilan Tipikor cenderung memidana terdakwa tanpa pertimbangan secara komprehensif unsur kesalahan. Lebih kepada keadaan objektif daripada keadaan objektif dan subjektif, yaitu suatu perbuatan yang tidak mengikuti standar dan prosedur administrasi yang dipersyaratkan, dan belum menyentuh pada suatu perbuatan yang bersifat melawan hukum (wederrecchtelijkheid) dan “dengan sengaja” untuk menguntungkan atau memperkaya diri sendiri, orang lain atau suatu korporasi, sehingga negara dirugikan. Meskipun ada hakim menyebutkannya secara aksplisit atau pun implisit dalam pertimbangan hukumnya, akan tetapi belum digali hubungan antara unsur “sengaja” dengan perbuatan yang dilakukan terdakwa, sehingga menimbulkan kerugian keuangan negara. Dengan demikian, asas dan teori Kesalahan yang dikolaborasi dengan model penalaran moralitas “Natural Law” dapat menjadi model ideal (parameter) untuk menilai unsur kesalahan sebagai dasar pertanggungjawaban pidana Pasal 2 dan Pasal 3 UU PTPK. Sebab keadaan objektif dan subjektif menjadi syarat pertanggungjawaban pidana, dan pada model penalaran moralitas “Natural Law” tidak melepas pengujian validitas normatif Pasal 2 dan Pasal 3 UU PTPK guna memperoleh kebenaran dan keadilan.

Many people have been convicted and sentenced for criminal acts of corruption in Article 2 and Article 3 of the PTPK Law. However, the Corruption Court has not been able to comprehensively consider the elements of guilt for the crimes committed. This study examines three legal issues, namely (1) How the Corruption Court considers the elements of guilt in Article 2 and Article 3 of the PTPK Law in its decisions; (2) How is the development of the interpretation of the element of guilt in the formulation of the criminal act of corruption of Article 2 and Article 3 of the PTPK Law; and (3) What are the parameters for examining and evaluation of the element of guilt as a basis for criminal responsibility in Article 2 and Article 3 of the PTPK Law. The method used is Doctrinal legal research methodology, also called "black letter" methodology, which focuses on the letter of the law to compose a descriptive and detailed analysis of legal rules found in primary sources (cases and regulations). The purpose of this method is to gather, organize, and describe the law; provide commentary on the sources used; then, identify and describe the underlying theme or system and how each source of law is connected or explore legal norms and court decisions based on library-based studies. The analysis is based on the principles and theory of Criminal Responsibility through the analytical and critical approach to avoid liability without fault and to ensure that "committed intentionally" is the main element used in decision-making regarding corruptor sentencing. Examining and evaluating are based on the "Natural Law" morality reasoning model. This study shows that the judge's decision is more about proving objective facts than subjective facts - or "intentions" of the perpetrators. The corruption court tends to punish defendants without comprehensively considering the elements of guilt or more to an act that does not follow the required administrative procedures and standards and has not yet touched on the concept of an unlawful act and "intentionally" that contributes to losses of the state finances. Even though some judges mentioned it explicitly or implicitly in their legal considerations, however comprehensively consider the elements of guilty yet. Therefore, the principle and criminal responsibility, and collaboration with the models of moral "Natural Law" can become an ideal model of legal reasoning for examining and evaluating the element of guilt as a basis for criminal responsibility under Article 2 and Article 3 of the PTPK Law. In this case, objective and subjective conditions are to examine the validity of Articles 2 and 3 of the PTPK Law to obtain truth and justice."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rafli Fadilah Achmad
"Partai Politik merupakan bagian penting dalam tatanan negara demokrasi karena merupakan manifestasi dari kebebasan berserikat yang telah mendapatkan jaminan dalam konstitusi. Akan tetapi tidak jarang partai politik dalam melaksanakan aktivitasnya keluar dari koridor yang telah diatur, sehingga cara terakhir yang harus ditempuh adalah dengan membubarkan partai politik. Skripsi ini membahas sekaligus mengkritisi legal standing permohonan pembubaran partai politik di Mahkamah Konstitusi yang hanya diberikan kepada pemerintah saja. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian normatif yang disempurnakan dengan pendekatan sejarah, pendekatan kasus dan perbandingan dengan dua negara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa legal standing yang hanya diberikan kepada pemerintah tidak sesuai dengan aspek ilmiah dan kebutuhan ketatanegaraan Indonesia saat ini. Dimana mulai dari teori kedaulatan rakyat, teori negara hukum, dan beberapa pendekatan empiris diketahui bahwa pemberian legal standing yang hanya diberikan kepada pemerintah terbukti menuai banyak masalah. Maka dari itu perlu adanya upaya merevitalisasi masalah ini dengan merevisi Pasal 68 Undang-Undang Mahkamah Konstitusi dengan cara memberikan legal standing kepada Warga Negara dan Kelompok Masyarakat juga.

Political parties are an essential part in the democratic state order because it is a manifestation of freedom of association thatis guaranteed in the constitution. But it is not an uncommon thing for political parties to be carrying its’ activities out of the corridor that has been set, so that the last way to be taken is to dissolve them. This thesis discusses the legal standing of the petition and at the same time criticized the dissolution of political parties in the Constitutional Court that is only given to the government alone. The method used is normative research methods, enhanced with historical approach, case approach and comparison with two different countries. These results indicate that the legal standing which is only given to the government is not in accordance with the scientific aspects and the needs of Indonesian state structure at this time. The sovereignty of the people, the theory of state law, and some empirical approach that are known to grant the legal standing to be only given to the government proved to reap a lot of problems. Thus the need for efforts to revitalize this problem by revising Article 68 of the Law on the Constitutional Court by giving legal standing to citizen and community groups as well."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rika Anggraini
"Tesis ini membahas tentang Kebijakan Penyederhanaan Partai Politik Menuju Sistem Multipartai di Indonesia Pasca Reformasi, dengan tujuan utama untuk mengetahui pengaturan dan dasar pemikiran kebijakan penyederhanaan partai, akibat hukum dalam pelaksanaannya terhadap partai politik dan sistem kepartaian dan batasan-batasannya sehingga tetap sesuai dengan amanat UUD 1945. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mempergunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif, melalui studi kepustakaan, dan membandingkan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dengan permasalahan yang terkait, kemudian dengan asas-asas hukum atau doktrin yang ada, serta memperhatikan praktek yang terjadi sebagai sebuah kajian terhadap sejarah hukum.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Kebijakan Penyederhanaan Partai Politik Pasca Reformasi di Indonesia bertujuan untuk mewujudkan sistem multi partai sederhana sebagai salah satu upaya memperkuat stabilitas sistem pemerintahan presidensiil dan juga untuk mewujudkan partai politik sebagai organisasi yang bersifat nasional, menciptakan integritas nasional dan menguatkan kelembagaan partai. Perwujudan kebijakan penyederhanaan partai politik yaitu melalui persyaratan kualitatif dan kuantitatif pembentukan dan pendaftaran partai politik sebagai badan hukum, persyaratan kualitatif dan kuantitatif serta persyaratan ambang batas perolehan kursi (electoral threshold) bagi partai untuk dapat menjadi peserta pemilihan umum dan juga persyaratan ambang batas perolehan suara (parliamentary threshold) sebagai syarat untuk dapat menempatkan kursi di DPR.
Akibat hukum kebijakan penyederhanaan partai politik bagi partai politik adalah : 1) Partai Politik tidak mendapat status badan, 2) Partai Politik tidak dapat menjadi peserta pemilu dan 3). Partai Politik tidak dapat memperoleh kursi di DPR. Meskipun terjadi penurunan jumlah partai politik yang diakui sebagai badan hukum dan parpol yang dapat mengikuti pemilu, namun dari pemilu 2004 sampai 2009, masih menciptakan sistem multipartai ekstrim. Namun demikian, Pemberlakuan kebijakan Parliamentary Threshold telah sedikit menurunkan Nilai ENPP (jumlah efektif partai di Parlemen) yang semula pada tahun 2004 bernilai 7.07 menjadi 6.47. Kebijakan penyederhanaan partai politik merupakan kebijakan yang tidak bertentangan dengan UUD 1945, karena merupakan pelaksanaan dari Pasal 28 UUD 1945 dan Pilihan kebijakan hukum (legal policy) pembentuk Undang-Undang, namun demikian terdapat prinsip-prinsip yang harus dipedomani dalam pengaturan kebijakan tersebut, yaitu : prinsip demokratis, Rasional dan Non Diskriminatif.

This thesis discusses Political Party Simplification Policy Towards Moderate Multiparty System in Indonesia Post-Reform, with main objective figuring out the arrangement and underlining idea at party Simplification, legal implication at its implementation on political parties and party system and its boundaries in keeping in line with the mandate of 1945 Constitution. The research was conducted using the method of normative legal research, literature study, and comparing applicable legislation to the associated problems, then with the principles of existing law or doctrine, and with regard to current practices as a study of the history of law.
The results of this study demonstrate that the Political Party Simplification Policy Post-Reform in Indonesia aims to realize a simple multi-party system in an effort to strengthen the stability of the presidential system of government and also to create a political party as a national organization, promoting national integrity and strengthen the parties institutionallity. Manifestation of the simplification policies of political parties is through qualitative and quantitative terms in founding and registrating political parties as a legal entity, as well as qualitative and quantitative threshold requirement of seats (electoral threshold) for the party to take part in the elections and voting threshold requirement (parliamentary threshold) as a requirement to be able to put the seats in Parliament.
The legal consequences of simplification policies of political parties are : 1) Political parties do not get the status of the legal body, 2) political parties do not take part in the elections and 3). Political parties can not gain seats in the House. Despite the decline in the number of political parties which are recognized as legal entities and political parties to follow the election, but the election of 2004 to 2009, it still creates extreme multiparty system. However, the policy Parliamentary Threshold enforcement lowered ENPP Value (effective number of parties in parliament) which was originally worth 7.07 in 2004 to 6.47 in 2009. Simplification policy do not conflict with the 1945 Constitution, simplification policy is an implementation of Article 28 of the 1945 Constitution and legal policy options of the former act. However, there are principles that should be followed in setting the policy, namely : democratic principle, rationality and non-discriminatory
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitra Arsil
"Di Indonesia, dalam suasana yang demokratis, pemerintahan koalisi ditemui dalam semua sistem pemerintahan yang pernah berlaku. Realitas koalisi di Indonesia menunjukkan berbagai masalah baik dalam pembentukkannya maupun pengelolaannya, masalah yang dihadapi telah mengancam bahkan merusak stabilitas pemerintahan. Dalam pemerintahan yang dibentuk berdasar koalisi, potensi instabilitas memang lebih tinggi. Praktik penerapan koalisi di negara-negara bersistem parlementer di Eropa Barat menunjukkan bahwa stabilitas pemerintahan dijaga melalui aturan-aturan hukum yang memagari setiap tahapan pemerintahan. Proses politik yang terjadi dalam pembentukan dan mekanisme berlangsungnya koalisi sangat terpengaruh kepada aturan yang berlaku. Negara-negara bersistem presidensial di Amerika Latin juga menghadapi masalah ancaman stabilitas pemerintahan akibat dari dinamika koalisi yang tinggi. Di sistem presidensial Amerika Latin, aturan hukum menjadi alat untuk mendesain suasana yang kondusif bagi pembentukan dan pengelolaan koalisi dalam rangka menjaga stabilitas pemerintahan. Praktik pemerintahan koalisi sepanjang sejarah ketatanegaraan Indonesia dan Praktik pengaturan terkait koalisi di negara-negara parlementer Eropa Barat serta negara-negara presidensial di Amerika Latin digunakan oleh penelitian normatif ini sebagai bahan pendekatan sejarah (historical approach) dan pendekatan perbandingan (comparative approach). Kedua pendekatan ini digunakan untuk mendapatkan jawaban bagi stabilitas pemerintahan dalam pembentukan dan pengelolaan pemerintahan koalisi di sistem presidensial Indonesia berdasar UUD NRI Tahun 1945. Desain aturan hukum untuk menjaga stabilitas pemerintahan koalisi yang terbentuk di Indonesia memperhitungkan realitas sistem kepartaian dan pemerintahan di Indonesia, karakter sistem presidensial dan perkembangan sistem parlementer dalam menjaga stabilitas sebagai tempat berasalnya konsep pemerintahan koalisi. Desain untuk stabilitas tersebut antara lain didapat dari penggabungan pemilihan umum serentak dengan sistem pemilihan presiden plurality atau majority with reduced threshold, pelembagaan koalisi pemerintahan yang sejajar dengan koalisi legislatif, dan penggunaan kekuasaan konstitusional presiden di bidang legislatif sebagai instrumen untuk membangun dan mengelola koalisi pemerintahan.

In Indonesia, in a democratic atmosphere, the coalition government is found in every government systems ever applied. In the era of parliamentary government, a coalition government is inevitable due to the fact that the parliament was fragmented so that no single party held an absolute majority of the seats. In the era of presidential government, a coalition government is also an option for the elected president even tough coalition was not the source of legitimacy for the ruling government. President who ruled in a highly fragmented multiparty situation chose to form a coalition to ensure the stability of the government. In reality, coalition in Indonesia showed various problems both in terms of the establishment and management. Problems encountered have threatened and even destabilized the government. In a government established under coalition, government stability is is likely to have more problems. Coalition practiced in countries applying parliamentary system in Western Europe show that government stability is maintained through legal rules that hedged every stage of governance. Political processes that occur in the establishment and the mechanism of coalition course are greatly affected by the prevailing rules. Latin American countries applying presidential system also face threats in the government stability due to the high dynamics of the coalition, just like the case in Western Europe. It can be seen on their experience designing a coalition through prevailing rules and laws. Coalition practiced by the government throughout the history of Indonesia and ruling practices in relations to coalitions in Western European countries applying the parliamentary system and Latin American countries applying the presidential system are used by these normative research as a source of historical approach and comparative approach. Both of these approaches are used to get an answer to the stability of the government in establishing and managing a coalition government in Indonesia’s presidential system based on Indonesia’s 1945 Constitution. Legal rulings designed to maintain the stability of the coalition government, take the reality of the party system and the Indonesian government, the characteristics of the presidential system and the development of parliamentary system into account in maintaining stability as the source of the concept of a coalition government. Designs to create the stability are among others received by combining simultaneous election with plurality presidential election or majority presidential election with reduced threshold, government coalition institutionalization parallel to legislative coalition, employment president’s legislative constitutional power as an instrument to form and manage the government coalition."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Umi Illiyina
"Tesis yang merupakan kajian interdisipliner antara kajian lembaga negara dengan kajian politik ini membahas perkembangan koalisi partai politik di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dalam era reformasi. Penelitian ini menganalisis dinamika koalisi partai politik dan pengaruhnya terhadap pelaksanaan fungsi legislatif di Indonesia. Dalam menganalisis dinamika koalisi partai politik dan pengaruhnya terhadap pelaksanaan fungsi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat di Indonesia penulis menemukan bahwa konfigurasi partai politik dan koalisi partai politik yang terbangun turut mempengaruhi pelaksanaan fungsi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia. Penelitian yang dilakukan dengan pendekatan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statutory approach), dan pendekatan kasus (case approach) ini merekomendasikan perlunya koalisi berbasis kesamaan ideologi dan haluan (platform) politik diantara partai politik yang berkoalisi, menata pelembagaan koalisi yang mapan, menata ulang format pemilu dalam arti luas.

This thesis is an interdisciplinary study between state organ studies and political studies that discusses the development of political party coalition in reformation era of the House of Representative of the Republic of Indonesia. In analyze the dynamic of political party coalition and its influence to application to the House of Representative function in Indonesia, the author find that the configuration of political party and political party coalition that was built also influences the function of the House of Representative of the Republic of Indonesia. The research conducted by statutory approach and case approach recommend that need to set up the coalition base on similarity ideology and political platform among political party in coalition, to institutionalizing of establish coalition and reformulation of general electoral design in broader sense."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faldo Maldini
"Partai politik baru mengalami tantangan tersendiri di dalam negara pascaotoritarianisme. Klientelisme dan polarisasi merupakan tantangan utama yang dihadapi dalam pertarungan demokrasi elektoral. Partai Solidaritas Indonesia (PSI) sebagai partai baru pada Pemilu 2019 memiliki latar belakang berbagai aktor yang dapat dibagi tiga kelompok, yakni LSM, profesional, dan ormas Islam. Kompetisi internal antarkelompok aktor di PSI dalam menentukan strategi dan isu kampanye menghadapi Pemilu 2019 merupakan fokus studi ini, dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dalam pengumpulan data. Pendekatan teori strukturasi dan ideational perspective digunakan untuk menganalisis interaksi dan kompetisi berbagai aktor di PSI dalam menentukan strategi kampanye yang dipilih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan interplay dari ketiga aktor dominan memengaruhi strategi kampanye PSI menghadapi Pemilu 2019. Pemilihan strategi kampanye juga disesuaikan dengan posisi PSI di dalam sistem politik Indonesia yang terpolarisasi, dipotret melalui lembaga-lembaga pollster dengan mengedepankan pendekatan perilaku pemilih. Maka justifikasi dari temuan riset ini menunjukkan kelompok-kelompok tertentu menjadi lebih relevan dalam memengaruhi keputusan strategis partai. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa sumber daya otoritatif dan reflexive monitoring bagi agen dalam teori strukturasi sangat memiliki peran krusial dalam sistem politik Indonesia yang sangat cair secara ideologis.

New political parties experience their own challenges in a post-authoritarianism country. Clientelism and polarization are the main challenges faced in the struggle for electoral democracy. The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) as a new party in the 2019 Election has a background in various actors which can be divided into three groups, namely NGOs, professionals, and Islamic mass organizations. Internal competition between groups of actors at PSI to determine campaign strategies and issues facing the 2019 Election is the focus of this study, using qualitative methods in data collection. The theoretical approach of structuration and ideational perspective is used to analyze the interaction and competition of various actors in PSI in determining the chosen campaign strategy. The results showed that the interplay of the three dominant actors influenced PSI's campaign strategy in facing the 2019 Election. The election of campaign strategy was also adjusted to PSI's position in Indonesia's polarized political system, portrayed by pollster institutions by prioritizing the voter behavior approach. Justification of the findings of this research shows that certain groups are more relevant in influencing party strategic decisions. This study concludes that authoritative and reflexive monitoring resources for agents in structuration theory have a very crucial role in Indonesia's ideologically fluid political system"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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