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Selo Selvieana
Terjadinya kasus perkara dalam Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara Bandung Nomor 50/G/2013/PTUN-BDG dimana terdapat gugatan pembatalan sertifikat pengganti membuka beberapa fakta bahwa telah terjadi beberapa permasalahan hukum yang menjadi pokok permasalahan, yaitu adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang terjadi dalam proses pendaftaran tanah pertama kali yang menyebabkan sertifikat hak milik terbit tiga tahun setelah pemegang hak meninggal dunia, juga mengenai faktor-faktor mengapa sertifikat pengganti yang diterbitkan atas bidang tanah yang sama dibatalkan oleh Hakim Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara, penulis mengambil dari sisi pernyataan para pihak dan bukti yang dihadirkan dalam persidangan juga pertimbangan hakim. Penulis juga membahas mengenai penyelesaian yang dapat ditempuh oleh pihak ketiga dalam hal sertifikat pengganti tersebut dibatalkan. Berdasarkan hasil analisa diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa cacat administrasi dalam proses pendaftaran tanah yang telah terjadi tidak menyebabkan sertifikat tanah menjadi batal, karena proses pembatalan harus melalui gugatan di Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara, sedangkan proses penerbitan sertifikat pengganti harus melalui serangkaian pengecekan yang menyeluruh oleh pihak Kantor Pertanahan, tidak terpenuhinya prinsip kehati-hatian Badan Pertanahan Nasional dalam pengecekan, maka dapat terjadi akibat hukum yang dapat melibatkan pihak ketiga yang merasa dirugikan, dimana pihak ketiga dapat memilih alternatif penyelesaian dengan cara musyawarah, peradilan atau arbitrase.

The occurrence of cases in Bandung State Administrative Court No. 50 / G / 2013 / PTUN-BDG where there is a replacement certificate lawsuit have unfold some facts that there have been some legal issues which the issues have been brought up as the main issues which are to determine the factors that occur in the process first land registration that causes property certificate issued three years after the rights holder dies, also of the factors why the replacement certificate issued on the same plot was canceled by the State Administrative Court judge, the author took from the statements of the parties and the evidence are presented in the trial judge also considered. The author also discusses the settlement can be reached by a third party in the event of a replacement certificate is canceled. Based on the analysis we concluded that the defect in the administration of land registration process that has occurred does not cause the land certificate is void, because the process of cancellation must go through a lawsuit in State Administrative Court, while the issuance of a replacement certificate must go through a series of thorough checks by the Land Office, non-fulfillment of the precautionary principle in the National Land Agency while checking process which can lead to legal consequences may involve third parties who feel aggrieved, in which a third party may choose an alternative solution by means of deliberation, a court or arbitration.;The occurrence of cases in Bandung State Administrative Court No. 50 / G / 2013 / PTUN-BDG where there is a replacement certificate lawsuit have unfold some facts that there have been some legal issues which the issues have been brought up as the main issues which are to determine the factors that occur in the process first land registration that causes property certificate issued three years after the rights holder dies, also of the factors why the replacement certificate issued on the same plot was canceled by the State Administrative Court judge, the author took from the statements of the parties and the evidence are presented in the trial judge also considered. The author also discusses the settlement can be reached by a third party in the event of a replacement certificate is canceled. Based on the analysis we concluded that the defect in the administration of land registration process that has occurred does not cause the land certificate is void, because the process of cancellation must go through a lawsuit in State Administrative Court, while the issuance of a replacement certificate must go through a series of thorough checks by the Land Office, non-fulfillment of the precautionary principle in the National Land Agency while checking process which can lead to legal consequences may involve third parties who feel aggrieved, in which a third party may choose an alternative solution by means of deliberation, a court or arbitration.;The occurrence of cases in Bandung State Administrative Court No. 50 / G / 2013 / PTUN-BDG where there is a replacement certificate lawsuit have unfold some facts that there have been some legal issues which the issues have been brought up as the main issues which are to determine the factors that occur in the process first land registration that causes property certificate issued three years after the rights holder dies, also of the factors why the replacement certificate issued on the same plot was canceled by the State Administrative Court judge, the author took from the statements of the parties and the evidence are presented in the trial judge also considered. The author also discusses the settlement can be reached by a third party in the event of a replacement certificate is canceled. Based on the analysis we concluded that the defect in the administration of land registration process that has occurred does not cause the land certificate is void, because the process of cancellation must go through a lawsuit in State Administrative Court, while the issuance of a replacement certificate must go through a series of thorough checks by the Land Office, non-fulfillment of the precautionary principle in the National Land Agency while checking process which can lead to legal consequences may involve third parties who feel aggrieved, in which a third party may choose an alternative solution by means of deliberation, a court or arbitration.;The occurrence of cases in Bandung State Administrative Court No. 50 / G / 2013 / PTUN-BDG where there is a replacement certificate lawsuit have unfold some facts that there have been some legal issues which the issues have been brought up as the main issues which are to determine the factors that occur in the process first land registration that causes property certificate issued three years after the rights holder dies, also of the factors why the replacement certificate issued on the same plot was canceled by the State Administrative Court judge, the author took from the statements of the parties and the evidence are presented in the trial judge also considered. The author also discusses the settlement can be reached by a third party in the event of a replacement certificate is canceled. Based on the analysis we concluded that the defect in the administration of land registration process that has occurred does not cause the land certificate is void, because the process of cancellation must go through a lawsuit in State Administrative Court, while the issuance of a replacement certificate must go through a series of thorough checks by the Land Office, non-fulfillment of the precautionary principle in the National Land Agency while checking process which can lead to legal consequences may involve third parties who feel aggrieved, in which a third party may choose an alternative solution by means of deliberation, a court or arbitration.;The occurrence of cases in Bandung State Administrative Court No. 50 / G / 2013 / PTUN-BDG where there is a replacement certificate lawsuit have unfold some facts that there have been some legal issues which the issues have been brought up as the main issues which are to determine the factors that occur in the process first land registration that causes property certificate issued three years after the rights holder dies, also of the factors why the replacement certificate issued on the same plot was canceled by the State Administrative Court judge, the author took from the statements of the parties and the evidence are presented in the trial judge also considered. The author also discusses the settlement can be reached by a third party in the event of a replacement certificate is canceled. Based on the analysis we concluded that the defect in the administration of land registration process that has occurred does not cause the land certificate is void, because the process of cancellation must go through a lawsuit in State Administrative Court, while the issuance of a replacement certificate must go through a series of thorough checks by the Land Office, non-fulfillment of the precautionary principle in the National Land Agency while checking process which can lead to legal consequences may involve third parties who feel aggrieved, in which a third party may choose an alternative solution by means of deliberation, a court or arbitration., The occurrence of cases in Bandung State Administrative Court No. 50 / G / 2013 / PTUN-BDG where there is a replacement certificate lawsuit have unfold some facts that there have been some legal issues which the issues have been brought up as the main issues which are to determine the factors that occur in the process first land registration that causes property certificate issued three years after the rights holder dies, also of the factors why the replacement certificate issued on the same plot was canceled by the State Administrative Court judge, the author took from the statements of the parties and the evidence are presented in the trial judge also considered. The author also discusses the settlement can be reached by a third party in the event of a replacement certificate is canceled. Based on the analysis we concluded that the defect in the administration of land registration process that has occurred does not cause the land certificate is void, because the process of cancellation must go through a lawsuit in State Administrative Court, while the issuance of a replacement certificate must go through a series of thorough checks by the Land Office, non-fulfillment of the precautionary principle in the National Land Agency while checking process which can lead to legal consequences may involve third parties who feel aggrieved, in which a third party may choose an alternative solution by means of deliberation, a court or arbitration.]"
Lengkap +
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edi Dharma Setiawan
"Dalam Garis-garis Besar Haluan Negara pada tahun 1994/1995 ditetapkan bahwa dalam Repelita VI pembangunan Industri tetap menjadi bagian usaha jangka panjang dalam upaya untuk tercapainya struktur ekonomi yang lebih kokoh dan seimbang yaitu dengan titik berat industri yang didukung oleh pertanian yang tangguh.
Sasaran utama pembangunan kawasan industri yaitu di samping sebagai sarana pengaturan ruang untuk pengalokasian kegiatan industri yang sesuai dengan tata ruang daerah yang telah disusun dan tercapai pula pembangunan yang berwawasan lingkungan sekaligus sebagai sarana percepatan pembangunan industri di daerah.
Setelah diterbitkannya 5K Gubernur KDH tingkat I Jawa Barat No.5931SK.629Bapp11990 sebagai langkah operasional dari Keppres No.53 tahun 1989 tentang kawasan industri, dapat menyebabkan munculnya masalah pembangunan industri di daerah Karawang, Jawa Barat, karena pembangunan industri menuntut penyediaan lahan untuk kawasan industri.
Mengingat lahan disuatu wilayah biasanya telah digunakan sesuai dengan fungsinya seperti untuk sawah, pemukiman, tegalan, perkebunan, industri, hutan dan sebagainya, maka akibat meningkatnya lahan untuk keperluan pembangunan industri tidak menutup kemungkinan akhirnya industri menggunakan lahan pertanian baik sawah berpengairan teknis maupun non-teknis yang telah memiliki jalan penghubung.
Konversi fungsi lahan persawahan menjadi kawasan industri tersebut tentu akan memberikan dampak terhadap kualitas hidup petani pemilik lahan. Konversi fungsi lahan tersebut di atas, menimbulkan pertanyaan dalam penelitian: (1) Adakah pengaruh luas lahan yang dikonversikan dapat memberi dampak terhadap peningkatan pendapatan keluarga petani?. (2) Adakah perbedaan kualitas hidup bekas petani pemilik lahan dengan kualitas hidup perani pemilik lahan yang usahanya tetap? (3) Faktor-faktor apakah yang berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat bekas petani pemilik lahan.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah dibatasi untuk mengetahui: (1) Adanya konversi lahan pertanian menjadi kawasan industri. (2) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terhadap kualitas hidup bekas petani pemilik lahan. (3) Adanya perbedaan kualitas hidup bekas petani pemilik lahan dengan kualitas hidup petani pemilik lahan (tetap bertani).
Penelitian ini dilakukan di desa Teluk jambe dan di desa Purwadana, Kecamatan Teluk jambe, di mana di kedua desa tersebut telah banyak mengalami konversi penggunaan lahan, khususnya lahan persawahan sebagian besar telah beralih fungsi menjadi kawasan industri.
Pengambilan sampel melalui pendekatan terhadap masyarakat bekas petani pemilik lahan dan sebagai kontrol dilakukan penelitian terhadap masyarakat petani pemilik lahan yang lahan usaha taninya tidak beralih fungsi (tetap).
Pengambilan contoh responden dilakukan dengan cara sistematik yaitu untuk bekas petani pemilik lahan di desa Teluk jambe dan di desa Purwadana masing-masing dipilih sebanyak 60 responden. Sebagai kontrol diambil 80 responden petani pemilik lahan di desa Pinayungan.
Pengolahan data dilakukan media Personal Computer dan dianalisis dengan deskriptif. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji Chi-square (X2)
Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan, sebagai berikut: (1) Faktor luas lahan yang dikonversikan berpengaruh balk terhadap kualitas hidup bekas petani pemilik lahan. Semakin luas lahan yang dikonversikan, semakin baik kualitas hidupnya. (2) Faktor besar uang ganti rugi berpengaruh baik terhadap kualitas hidup bekas petani pemilik lahan. Semakin besar uang ganti kerugian yang diterima, semakin baik kualitas hidupnya. (3) Terdapat perbedaan yang nyata antara kualitas hidup bekas petani pemilik lahan petani dengan yang tidak mengkonversikan lahan pertanian menjadi lahan industri masih tetap sebagai petani pemilik lahan.
Indikator-indikator yang menguatkan derajat kehidupan masyarakat bekas petani pemilik lahan dapat diungkapkan dari tingkat ekonomi keluarga, pendidikan, kualitas perumahan, tingkat kesehatan, dan kesempatan kerja umumnya lebih baik apabila di banding dengan masyarakat petani pemilik lahan.
Sedangkan indikator pendidikan di desa Teluk Jambe tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap kualitas hidup bekas petani pemilik lahan, hal ini disebabkan bahwa sebagian besar masyarakat yang diteliti mempunyai tingkat pendidikan yang rendah dengan usia rata-rata di atas 54 tahun.
Sungguhpun pembangunan kawasan industri pada saat ini telah berhasil memberi manfaat pada peningkatan kualitas hidup bekas petani pemilik lahan, namun perlu dipikirkan langkah-langkah penanganan lebih lanjut terhadap kemungkinan terjadinya dampak negatif terhadap kualitas hidup petani khususnya, maupun kualitas lingkungan pada umumnya di masa yang akan datang.
Apabila diperhatikan dalam Peta Rencana Umum Tata Ruang Kecamatan Teluk jambe tahun 1991 (Peta No.4) bahwa terdapat kecenderungan pembangunan kawasan industri di masa yang akan datang akan mengkonversikan sebagian besar jenis penggunaan lahan persawahan produktif, tentunya hal ini akan menambah semakin sempitnya lahan usaha tani, dan akan berakibat semakin banyaknya pengangguran petani yang sekaligus akan menambah menurunnya produksi di sektor pertanian.
Dengan dibangunnya kawasan industri, tentu membutuhkan sarana dan prasarana penunjang lainnya seperti perumahan, sekolah, pasar, kantor dan lain-lain yang berarti membutuhkan pula lahan, tidak menutup kemungkinan akan mengalihkan lahan produktif atau setengah produktif.
Di samping itu dengan adanya pabrik-pabrik di kawasan industri dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan hidup balk langsung ataupun tidak langsung pada masyarakat sekitarnya seperti adanya limbah industri, polusi udara, kebisingan dan lain-lain. Maka dalam penelitian ini disarankan agar darnpak-dampak negatif dimaksud dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan yang positif dalam rangka mencari pemecahan yang terbaik secara proporsional di masa mendatang.

The State Guideline of the fiscal year 1994/95 stipulated that during Repelita V development was aimed at industrial development stressing on heavy industry supported by a strong agricultural sector. The main objective was to achieve a solid and well balanced economic structure.
The main objective of setting up an industrial estate is to accelerate industrial development in the region. Besides, this policy is also aimed at allocating industrial activities in line with the existing space allocation policy and at the same time environmental friendly in national.
After the promulgation of the decree of the Governor/Regional Head of West Java No. 5931SK.6291Bapp11990 which is the operational guidance of the Presidential decree No 53 year 1989 on industrial zone, industrial development may problems come into being in the Karawang area, West Java, in particular in relation with a demand for land for that purpose.
Since land in some region is already used as paddy field, settlements, pasture, horticulture, industry, forest etc, increase in land demand for the purpose of industrial development has to be met by the use of agriculture land, both technically and non-technical irrigated with interconnecting channels. The conversion of paddy field into an industrial zone will certainly produce impacts upon the quality of life of farmers who originally own the land.
Conversion of land function as stared above resulted in problems, which can be put into questions as follows :(1) What is the influence of land size and amount of money received by the farmers upon their quality of life? (2) What is the difference between the quality of life of farmers still owning and working on their land and those whose land was transformed into industrial zone? (3) What factors are at work in promoting the farmer?s community's quality of life, which were land owning farmers before?
The objective of this study is to know: (1) The presence of agriculture land conversion into an industrial zone, (2) Factors influencing the quality of life of former land-owning farmers, and (3) The presence of different of quality of life between former land-owning farmers and farmers who are still wadding on their land.
This study was carried out in Teluk Jambe and Purwadana villages. It was in Teluk Jambe sub-district, where conversion of land use take place, especially from agriculture land into an industrial zone.
The sample was taken from among former land-owning farmers with land-owning farmers whose land has not been changed in functions as control group.
Systematic sampling was carried out in Teluk Jambe and Purwadana villages with 60 respondents respectively. The control group consisted of 80 respondents who are land-owning farmers in Pinayungan village.
Data processing was carried out by using Personal Computer and the results analyzed descriptively. Hypothesis testing was carried out by using the Chi Square test.
The results of this study concluded that : (1) The size of land converted seems to have a great influence upon the quality of life of farmers land-owning farmers. The bigger the size converted, the better the quality of life. (2) The amount of money has good influence upon the quality of life of former land-owning farmers. The bigger the amount of money received, the better their quality of life. (3) There is significant difference between the quality of life of former land-owning farmers and those who did not converse their agriculture land into industrial use and remain as land-owning farmers.
Indicators that supported the living standard of former land-owning farmers can be disclosed by observing the family economic standard, education, quality of housing, health and working opportunities, which are in general, better than land-owning farmer community.
In Teluk Jambe village, education as indicator has no obvious influence upon the quality of life of former land-owning farmers. This is due to the fact that the majority of the community studied were on the average more than 54 years of age with low level of education.
Although industrial zone development, at present, succeeded in providing benefit towards promoting the quality of life of former land-owning farmers, policies have to be considered to address the possibility of negative impact upon environmental quality in general, the quality of life of farmers in particular in the year to come.
Going over the map of General Spatial Plan of Teluk jambe subdistrict of the year 1991 (Map No. 4), there seems to be a tendency of industrial zone development in the future and thus the conversion of greater portion of productive paddy field which will results on ever decreasing productive farming land. This will be followed by an increasing number of unemployment and at the same time a decline in the production within the agriculture sector.
By establishing an industrial zone, supporting infra-structure will certainly be needed, such as housing, schools, market, office space etc. This in turn needs land also; hence, another conversion of productive or half productive land will take place.
The presence of factories in the industrial zone might cause negative impacts upon the living environment, both directly and indirectly in the form of industrial waste, air pollution, noise etc. Hence, it is suggested the negative impacts in question should be serious considered within the framework of solving the problem proportionally in the future.
Lengkap +
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Letezia Sihol Cynthia
"Penelitian ini menganalisis keabsahan akta jual beli yang dibuat berdasarkan perjanjian pengikatan jual beli sebagai perjanjian simulasi yang dibuat secara notariil. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi keabsahan perjanjian pengikatan jual beli dilihat dari terpenuhi atau tidaknya syarat sah perjanjian serta akibat dari perjanjian simulasi bagi akta jual beli yang didasarkan pada perjanjian pengikatan jual beli dengan dihubungkan dengan kasus dalam Putusan Mahkamah Agung No. 785 K/Pdt/2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian preskriptif kualitatif yang melakukan analisis terhadap suatu masalah dihubungkan dengan norma-norma hukum yang ada dan berlaku dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang utuh atas permasalahan yang diteliti, dengan merujuk kepada peraturan terkait, serta untuk memberikan saran atas permasalahan yang diteliti.
Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa perjanjian pengikatan jual beli yang dibuat sebagai bagian dari perjanjian simulasi tidak memenuhi syarat sahnya perjanjian sehingga tidak sah dan tidak mengikat para pihak. Perjanjian pengikatan jual beli ini tidak memenuhi syarat objektif perjanjian yaitu sebab (kausa) yang halal karena dalam perjanjian simulasi yang tercipta adalah kausa yang palsu karena adanya perbedaan kausa antara apa yang sebenarnya diinginkan oleh para pihak dengan apa yang dituangkan oleh para pihak dalam bentuk perjanjian. Selain itu dalam kasus pada Putusan Mahkamah Agung No. 785 K/Pdt/2012 ini, perjanjian simulasi juga dibuat atas dasar keadaan memaksa dan penipuan, sehingga perjanjian simulasi ini juga tidak memenuhi syarat subjektif perjanjian yaitu adanya cacat terkait kata sepakat yang diberikan oleh para pihak. Hal ini mengakibatkan akta jual beli yang dibuat berdasarkan perjanjian pengikatan jual beli ini juga menjadi tidak sah dan tidak mengikat para pihak.

This research analyzes the legality of a sale purchase deed, which is executed based on a sale purchase committment agreement as a simulation agreement made in public form or notary deed. This research identifies the validity of a sale purchase committment agreement, whether it satisfies the requirements of the legality of an agreement, as well as the impact of simulation agreement to sale purchase agreement executed based on a sale purchase committment agreement, related to Supreme Court Decision No. 785 K/Pdt/2012. This research is using prescriptive qualitative research method, which is analyzing a problem by using the applicable and existing legal norms, aiming to obtain a comprehensive description of a problem, by referring to related laws and regulations, and also to give an advice for such problem.
This research concludes that a sale purchase committment agreement, which is made as a part of a simulation agreement, does not satisfy the requirements of an agreement, and as a result it is not valid and is not binding the parties to the agreement. The sale purchase committment agreement does not satisfy the objective requirement of an agreement, which is the permitted cause (kausa yang halal), because a simulation agreement leads to a fictitious cause, as there will be a difference between what is intended by the parties and what is actually written under the agreement. In addition, pursuant to Supreme Court Decision No. 785 K/Pdt/2012, the simulation agreement under this decision is made under a fraudulent condition, and therefore this simulation agreement does not satisfy the subjective requirement of an agreement, which is consent of the individuals who are bound thereby. Consequently, the sale purchase deed executed based on the sale purchase committment agreement, will be invalid and not bind the related parties."
Lengkap +
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pardede, Feisha Gracia Nouvita
Saat ini masih banyak terjadi praktek jual beli yang dilakukan dibawah tangan atau tanpa dengan akta jual beli yang dilakukan dihadapan PPAT (Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah), yang tentunya tanpa akta tersebut masyarakat tidak dapat melakukan pendaftaran tanah atas peralihan hak tersebut pada Kantor Badan Pertanahan Nasional. Terdapat juga penerbitan Sertifikat Hak Milik oleh Kantor Badan Pertanahan Kota Medan tanpa disertai data yuridis maupun fisik yang benar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif, yaitu data diperoleh, dibaca serta ditafsirkan sendiri oleh peneliti berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keabsahan jual beli tanah yang dilakukan di bawah tangan dan perkara proses penerbitan sertipikat hak milik, khususnya dalam Perkara Nomor 305K/Pdt/1995 dan Perkara Nomor 23/K/TUN/2005. Hasil kajian ini menunjukan bahwa jual beli tanah yang dilakukan tanpa akta jual beli PPAT adalah sah menurut hukum, namun untuk melakukan pendaftaran peralihan hak pada Kantor Badan Pertanahan Nasional. Penerbitan sertifikat sebagai bukti hak oleh Kantor Badan Pertanahan Nasional juga harus didasari dengan data yuridis dan data fisik yang benar.

Currently, there is still a lot of buying and selling underhanded or without the deed of
sale is done before PPAT (Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah), which of course without the deed, the
people cannot do the transfer of rights over the registration as meant in office of National Land
Agency. There is also the issuance of Certificate in office of Medan National Land Agency
unaccompanied by judicial and physical right. This research used a qualitative analysis method,
namely based on the data obtained, read and interpreted by the researchers based on the laws and
regulations in force in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of the
sale and purchase of land made underhanded and cause the issuance of certificates of property
rights, particularly in case number 305K / Pdt / 1995 and case number 23 / C / TUN / 2005. The
results of the review showed that the sale and purchase of land is done without a deed of sale
PPAT is lawful, but to register the transfer of the National Land Agency. The issuance of a
certificate as proof of rights by the National Land Agency should also be based on the juridical
data and physical data are correct.;Currently, there is still a lot of buying and selling underhanded or without the deed of
sale is done before PPAT (Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah), which of course without the deed, the
people cannot do the transfer of rights over the registration as meant in office of National Land
Agency. There is also the issuance of Certificate in office of Medan National Land Agency
unaccompanied by judicial and physical right. This research used a qualitative analysis method,
namely based on the data obtained, read and interpreted by the researchers based on the laws and
regulations in force in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of the
sale and purchase of land made underhanded and cause the issuance of certificates of property
rights, particularly in case number 305K / Pdt / 1995 and case number 23 / C / TUN / 2005. The
results of the review showed that the sale and purchase of land is done without a deed of sale
PPAT is lawful, but to register the transfer of the National Land Agency. The issuance of a
certificate as proof of rights by the National Land Agency should also be based on the juridical
data and physical data are correct.;Currently, there is still a lot of buying and selling underhanded or without the deed of
sale is done before PPAT (Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah), which of course without the deed, the
people cannot do the transfer of rights over the registration as meant in office of National Land
Agency. There is also the issuance of Certificate in office of Medan National Land Agency
unaccompanied by judicial and physical right. This research used a qualitative analysis method,
namely based on the data obtained, read and interpreted by the researchers based on the laws and
regulations in force in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of the
sale and purchase of land made underhanded and cause the issuance of certificates of property
rights, particularly in case number 305K / Pdt / 1995 and case number 23 / C / TUN / 2005. The
results of the review showed that the sale and purchase of land is done without a deed of sale
PPAT is lawful, but to register the transfer of the National Land Agency. The issuance of a
certificate as proof of rights by the National Land Agency should also be based on the juridical
data and physical data are correct.;Currently, there is still a lot of buying and selling underhanded or without the deed of
sale is done before PPAT (Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah), which of course without the deed, the
people cannot do the transfer of rights over the registration as meant in office of National Land
Agency. There is also the issuance of Certificate in office of Medan National Land Agency
unaccompanied by judicial and physical right. This research used a qualitative analysis method,
namely based on the data obtained, read and interpreted by the researchers based on the laws and
regulations in force in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of the
sale and purchase of land made underhanded and cause the issuance of certificates of property
rights, particularly in case number 305K / Pdt / 1995 and case number 23 / C / TUN / 2005. The
results of the review showed that the sale and purchase of land is done without a deed of sale
PPAT is lawful, but to register the transfer of the National Land Agency. The issuance of a
certificate as proof of rights by the National Land Agency should also be based on the juridical
data and physical data are correct., Currently, there is still a lot of buying and selling underhanded or without the deed of
sale is done before PPAT (Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah), which of course without the deed, the
people cannot do the transfer of rights over the registration as meant in office of National Land
Agency. There is also the issuance of Certificate in office of Medan National Land Agency
unaccompanied by judicial and physical right. This research used a qualitative analysis method,
namely based on the data obtained, read and interpreted by the researchers based on the laws and
regulations in force in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of the
sale and purchase of land made underhanded and cause the issuance of certificates of property
rights, particularly in case number 305K / Pdt / 1995 and case number 23 / C / TUN / 2005. The
results of the review showed that the sale and purchase of land is done without a deed of sale
PPAT is lawful, but to register the transfer of the National Land Agency. The issuance of a
certificate as proof of rights by the National Land Agency should also be based on the juridical
data and physical data are correct.]"
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dicky Dwi Ananta
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang operasionalisasi dari perampasan tanah yang terjadi di tingkat lokal pada era pasca Orde Baru Dengan metode penelitian kualitatif dan mengambil studi kasus di Karawang penelitian ini berusaha menggambarkan bagaimana politik oligarki menjadi operasionalisasi dari terjadinya perampasan tanah di tingkat lokal. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukan jejaring kekuasaan oligarki yang terbentuk dan beroperasi sejak Orde Baru masih menjadi kekuatan sosial yang dominan dalam proses perampasan tanah di Karawang Hal tersebut juga diikuti dengan cara kerja yang predatoris dengan menggunakan kekuasaan negara untuk akumulasi kekayaan individu relasi patronase diantara para elit ekonomi dan politik penggunaan politik uang pengerahan organisasi kekerasan non negara dan dimungkinkan oleh lemahnya kekuatan sosial di luar jejaring kekuasaan oligarki tersebut Keseluruhan praktek politik yang oligarkis itu dijalankan untuk mendapatkan sumber daya material termasuk dalam kasus perampasan tanah. Studi ini berkesimpulan bahwa jejaring kekuasaan oligarki menjadi bentuk dan cara kerja dari politik lokal di Indonesia Politik oligarki itulah yang menjadi bentuk operasionalisasi dari perampasan tanah di Karawang.

This study discusses about the land grab that were operationalized by the political oligarchy at the local level after the New Order With qualitative research methods and case study in Karawang this study attempts to describe how the political oligarchy allow the expropriation of land at the local level. This study finds that networking power of the oligarchy was formed and has been in operation since the New Order It is also followed by the predatory way of functioning which are using state power for the accumulation of individual wealth political use of money the deployment of violent non state organizations and made possible by the weakness of social forces beyond the networking power of the oligarchy All oligarchic political practices were carried out to obtain material resources. This study conclusion that the networking power of the oligarchy is still a dominant social force and became the workings of local politics in Indonesia that political oligarchy becomes operational form of land grabbing in Karawang."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Willyardi Winata
Tanah Partikelir merupakan tanah yang diciptakan oleh Pemerintah Kolonial Belanda dengan cara menjual tanah tersebut kepada pihak swasta yang terdiri dari orang asing seperti golongan timur asing golongan eropa maupun golongan pribumi yang dianggap berjasa kepada VOC Tanah partikelir mempunyai hak hak keistimewaan yang bertentangan dengan prinsip keadilan sosial sehingga dianggap sebagai suatu negara didalam negara berbagai upaya penghapusan dilakukan baik oleh pemerintah kolonial Belanda sendiri maupun pemerintah Indonesia Upaya tersebut antara lain pembelian kembali tanah tanah partikelir kemudian pemerintah Indonesia melalui Undang Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1958 Tentang Penghapusan Tanah Tanah Partikelir menegaskan bahwa tanah tanah partikelir maupun tanah tanah yang luasnya melebihi 10 bauw dihapuskan dan menjadi tanah negara dan kepada setiap pemilik tanah partikelir diberikan ganti kerugian berupa uang maupun hak atas tanah Salah satu tanah negara bekas tanah partikelir adalah di daerah Kelurahan Jembatan Lima Jakarta Barat yang sampai sekarang masih dimiliki oleh pemilik atau ahli warisnya maupun oleh pihak yang menguasai secara fisik tanah tersebut yang dibuktikan dengan surat partikelir atau eigendom verponding Namun sejak berlakunya undang undang tersebut alat bukti kepemilikan tanah partikelir masih diakui dan merupakan suatu dokumen administrasi yang diperlukan untuk pendaftaran sehingga secara de facto tanah partikelir masih diakui keberadaannya dan dapat didaftarkan untuk memperoleh hak atas tanah dan diberikan Sertipikat sebagai tanda bukti hak berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997 Tentang Pendaftaran Tanah.

Private land is land that was created by the Dutch colonial government, by selling
the land to private parties consisting of a group of strangers as foreign east, europe
groups, as well as indigenous groups are credited to the VOC. Private land rights
have privileges that are contrary to the principles of social justice that is
considered as a state within a state. abolition efforts undertaken by the Dutch
colonial government itself and the Indonesian government. Such efforts include
the repurchase of private lands, then the Indonesian government through Act No.
1 of 1958 on the Abolition of private lands confirms that the private lands or lands
which covers more than 10 bauw abolished and became the ground state and the
any private land owners are given compensation in cash or land rights. One
former state land is private land in the Village area of Lima Bridge, West Jakarta,
which is still owned by the owners or their heirs or by the party that controls the
land physically, as evidenced by a private or eigendom verponding. Since the
enactment of this regulation such as, evidence of private land ownership was
recognized and a number of documents required for registration so that the de
facto private land still recognized and can be registered to obtain land rights and
given certificate as proof of rights under Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997
On Land Registry;Private land is land that was created by the Dutch colonial government, by selling
the land to private parties consisting of a group of strangers as foreign east, europe
groups, as well as indigenous groups are credited to the VOC. Private land rights
have privileges that are contrary to the principles of social justice that is
considered as a state within a state. abolition efforts undertaken by the Dutch
colonial government itself and the Indonesian government. Such efforts include
the repurchase of private lands, then the Indonesian government through Act No.
1 of 1958 on the Abolition of private lands confirms that the private lands or lands
which covers more than 10 bauw abolished and became the ground state and the
any private land owners are given compensation in cash or land rights. One
former state land is private land in the Village area of Lima Bridge, West Jakarta,
which is still owned by the owners or their heirs or by the party that controls the
land physically, as evidenced by a private or eigendom verponding. Since the
enactment of this regulation such as, evidence of private land ownership was
recognized and a number of documents required for registration so that the de
facto private land still recognized and can be registered to obtain land rights and
given certificate as proof of rights under Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997
On Land Registry;Private land is land that was created by the Dutch colonial government, by selling
the land to private parties consisting of a group of strangers as foreign east, europe
groups, as well as indigenous groups are credited to the VOC. Private land rights
have privileges that are contrary to the principles of social justice that is
considered as a state within a state. abolition efforts undertaken by the Dutch
colonial government itself and the Indonesian government. Such efforts include
the repurchase of private lands, then the Indonesian government through Act No.
1 of 1958 on the Abolition of private lands confirms that the private lands or lands
which covers more than 10 bauw abolished and became the ground state and the
any private land owners are given compensation in cash or land rights. One
former state land is private land in the Village area of Lima Bridge, West Jakarta,
which is still owned by the owners or their heirs or by the party that controls the
land physically, as evidenced by a private or eigendom verponding. Since the
enactment of this regulation such as, evidence of private land ownership was
recognized and a number of documents required for registration so that the de
facto private land still recognized and can be registered to obtain land rights and
given certificate as proof of rights under Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997
On Land Registry, Private land is land that was created by the Dutch colonial government, by selling
the land to private parties consisting of a group of strangers as foreign east, europe
groups, as well as indigenous groups are credited to the VOC. Private land rights
have privileges that are contrary to the principles of social justice that is
considered as a state within a state. abolition efforts undertaken by the Dutch
colonial government itself and the Indonesian government. Such efforts include
the repurchase of private lands, then the Indonesian government through Act No.
1 of 1958 on the Abolition of private lands confirms that the private lands or lands
which covers more than 10 bauw abolished and became the ground state and the
any private land owners are given compensation in cash or land rights. One
former state land is private land in the Village area of Lima Bridge, West Jakarta,
which is still owned by the owners or their heirs or by the party that controls the
land physically, as evidenced by a private or eigendom verponding. Since the
enactment of this regulation such as, evidence of private land ownership was
recognized and a number of documents required for registration so that the de
facto private land still recognized and can be registered to obtain land rights and
given certificate as proof of rights under Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997
On Land Registry]"
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ericha Veteriana
Perkawinan yang sah dilakukan menurut hukum agama dan kepercayaan serta dilakukan pencatatan menurut perundang-undangan. Pencatatan perkawinan dilakukan oleh pejabat pencatat perkawinan dan bentuk dari pencatatan tersebut adalah dikeluarkannya akta nikah akta perkawinan . Sebagai hasil dari keputusan tata usaha negara, akta nikah akta perkawinan dapat menjadi obyek sengketa pengadilan tata usaha negara. Akta nikah akta perkawinan jika ditinjau dari hukum perkawinan, bagi subyek yang melakukan perkawinan merupakan perbuatan hukum perdata, sedangkan menurut Pasal 2 huruf a Undang-Undang Nomor 9 Tahun 2004 tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1986 diatur bahwa, ldquo;Tidak termasuk Keputusan Tata Usaha Negra menurut undang-undang ini Keputusan Hukum Perdata rdquo;. Tesis ini membahas mengenai bagaimana Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara memandang kedudukan anak dalam proses pembatalan akta perkawinan ibunya sedangkan dalam hukum perkawinan Indonesia yang diatur dalam pasal 23 Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan, anak bukanlah pihak yang berhak membatalkan perkawinan, serta akan membahas pula akibat yang timbul dari pembatalan akta nikah akta perkawinan melalui pengadilan tata usaha negara. Tesis ini menggunakan penelitian hukum yuridis normatif yaitu penelitian untuk mengetahui sinkronisasi peraturan-peraturan hukum tentang pembatalan perkawinan yang dilakukan oleh anak melalui Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara yaitu dengan mempelajari, meneliti dan menganalisis masalah dengan menggunakan berbagai literature, baik berupa buku-buku, artikel, peraturan perundang-undangan, dokumen-dokumen dan yang lainnya.

A marriage is valid if it was conducted according to religion and belief laws and registered according to the regulations. Marriage registration done by marriage register officer and its registration is in the form of a marriage certificate marriage deed . As a result of State Administrative Decree, a marriage certificate marriage deed can be as an object of dispute in the administrative court. According to the marriage law, a marriage certificate marriage deed related to subject who was married constitutes as an act of civil law. While according to article 2 point a Law Number 9 of 2004 regarding Amendment of the Law Number 5 of 1986 is regulated that, ldquo Decree of Civil Law is not included in the scope of the State Administrative Decree according to this law rdquo . This thesis discussed about how Administrative Court considers a position of child in the process of their mother rsquo s marriage certificate revocation while in Indonesia marriage law as regulated in article 23 of the Law Number 1 of 1974, a child is not entitled to revoke a marriage and also discuss the consequences arising from revocation marriage certificate marriage deed through the administrative court. This thesis is using juridical normative i.e. the research to know synchronization about laws regulations regarding revocation of a marriage carried out by child through the administrative court and by studies, research and analyze problem using many literature, either in the form of books, articles, regulation, documents and other."
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Alifian Geraldi Fauzi
"Pasca berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2014 Tentang Administrasi Pemerintahan, kompetensi mengadili pengadilan tata usaha negara (PTUN) mengalami perluasan kompetensi absolut yang sangat signifikan. Kewenangan untuk mengadili objek sengketa tidak saja berupa keputusan tata usaha negara (KTUN) tetapi termasuk juga tindakan faktual badan dan/atau pejabat pemerintahan. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana implikasi perluasan kompetensi mengadili peradilan tata usaha negara pasca berlakunya UU AP dan bagaimana titik singgung kompetensi mengadili sengketa onrechtmatige overheidsdaad antara peradilan umum dengan peradilan tata usaha negara. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum yuridis normatif dengan mengkaji asas-asas hukum, peraturan perundang-undangan serta putusan pengadilan yang bersifat inkracht van gewijsde yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan hukum yang dibahas. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa implikasi perluasan kompetensi mengadili peradilan tata usaha negara terhadap perbuatan melanggar hukum oleh badan dan/atau pejabat pemerintahan (onrechtmatige overheidsdaad) pasca berlakunya UU AP adalah meliputi tindakan administrasi pemerintahan termasuk tindakan faktual yang dilakukan oleh badan dan/atau pejabat administrasi pemerintahan dan benang merah titik singgung kompetensi mengadili antara peradilan umum dengan peradilan tata usaha negara terhadap sengketa onrechtmatige overheidsdaad adalah walaupun suatu tindakan administrasi pemerintahan sama-sama dilakukan oleh subjek hukumnya badan dan/atau pejabat pemerintahan tetap harus dilihat terlebih dahulu sumber atau dasar dilakukannya tindakan administrasi pemerintahan tersebut.

After the enactment of Law Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration, the competence to adjudicate at the State Administrative Court (PTUN) experienced a very significant expansion of absolute competence. The authority to adjudicate the object of the dispute is not only in the form of state administrative decisions (KTUN) but also includes factual actions of government bodies and/or officials. The problem in this research is what are the implications of expanding the competence to adjudicate state administrative courts after the enactment of the AP Law and what are the points of contact for competence to adjudicate on-rechtmatige overheidsdaad disputes between the general court and the state administrative court. This type of research is normative juridical legal research by examining legal principles, statutory regulations and inkracht van gewijsde court decisions related to the legal issues discussed. The results of the research show that the implications of expanding the competency to adjudicate state administrative courts regarding unlawful acts by government bodies and/or officials (onrechtmatige overheidsdaad) after the enactment of the AP Law are to include government administration actions including factual actions carried out by government administration bodies and/or officials and The common thread that touches on the competency to adjudicate between the general judiciary and the state administrative judiciary regarding disputes on rechtmatige overheidsdaad is that even though a government administrative action is equally carried out by the legal subject, government bodies and/or officials must first look at the source or basis for carrying out the government administrative action."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional, Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Republik Indonesia, 1976
342.06 IND s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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