ABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas tentang Perjanjian Bangun Guna Serah (Build, Operate
and Transfer/ BOT) yang merupakan istilah baru dalam kegiatan ekonomi
Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah
penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat yuridis normatif dan menggunakan alat
pengumpul data yang berupa studi dokumen baik data primer maupun data
sekunder. Adapun pengertian BOT adalah pemanfaatan barang milik kekayaan
negara atau swasta/ perorangan yang berupa tanah oleh pihak lain, dimana pihak
tersebut diberikan hak untuk membangun bangunan dan/ atau sarana lain berikut
fasilitas di atas tanah tersebut, serta mendayagunakannya dalam jangka waktu
tertentu, untuk kemudian menyerahkan kembali tanah, bangunan, dan/ atau sarana
lain berikut fasilitas tersebut beserta pendayagunaannya kepada Departemen/
Lembaga atau pemilik lahan bersangkutan setelah berakhirnya jangka waktu yang
disepakati. Dalam perjanjian BOT ada kemungkinan terjadinya wanprestasi,
dalam hal ini wanprestasi terjadi antara PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk.; Dana
Pensiun BRI Dengan PT. Mulia Persada Pacific. PT. Mulia Persada Pacific
dianggap melakukan wanprestasi karena tidak memenuhi beberapa kewajibannya
yang sudah diperjanjikan yang pada akhirnya harus diselesaikan melalui
pengadilan yang berakibat pada berakhirnya perjanjian BOT tersebut dan PT.
Mulia Persada Pacific harus membayar biaya ganti rugi, denda dan bunga serta
biaya perkaranya. Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan agar perjanjian BOT perlu
segera dibuat pengaturan khusus yang dapat berupa peraturan perundangundangan
ataupun peraturan pemerintah serta para pihak yang berkepentingan
dalam perjanjian BOT harus lebih selektif dalam memilih mitra kerjasamanya.
ABSTRACTThis study discusses about the Build Agreement To Deliver ( Build , Operate and
Transfer / BOT ) which is a relatively new term in the Indonesian economic
activities . The method that used in this thesis is the research literature normative
juridical and use data collection tool in the form of studies document both the
primary data and secondary data. The definition of the BOT is the use of state
property or private property / individuals in the form of land by another party ,
where the party is given the right to build a building and / or other means the
following facilities on the land , and use it within a certain period , and then
handed back to the land , building , and / or other means of following the facility
along and right to use it to the Department / Institution or relevant land owner
after the expiration of the agreed period . In a BOT agreement is no possibility of
default , in which case default occurs between PT . Bank Rakyat Indonesia , Tbk .
; BRI Pension Fund With PT . Mulia Persada Pacific . PT . Mulia Persada Pacific
considered in default because it did not meet some of its obligations as they fall
due , which in turn must be resolved through the courts that resulted in the
expiration of the BOT agreement and PT . Mulia Persada Pacific should pay
indemnity costs , penalties and interest as well as the cost of its case . The result of
this study suggest that the BOT agreement needs to be made special regulation
that can be either legislation or regulation and as stakeholders in BOT agreement
should be more selective in choosing their cooperration partners.;This study discusses about the Build Agreement To Deliver ( Build , Operate and
Transfer / BOT ) which is a relatively new term in the Indonesian economic
activities . The method that used in this thesis is the research literature normative
juridical and use data collection tool in the form of studies document both the
primary data and secondary data. The definition of the BOT is the use of state
property or private property / individuals in the form of land by another party ,
where the party is given the right to build a building and / or other means the
following facilities on the land , and use it within a certain period , and then
handed back to the land , building , and / or other means of following the facility
along and right to use it to the Department / Institution or relevant land owner
after the expiration of the agreed period . In a BOT agreement is no possibility of
default , in which case default occurs between PT . Bank Rakyat Indonesia , Tbk .
; BRI Pension Fund With PT . Mulia Persada Pacific . PT . Mulia Persada Pacific
considered in default because it did not meet some of its obligations as they fall
due , which in turn must be resolved through the courts that resulted in the
expiration of the BOT agreement and PT . Mulia Persada Pacific should pay
indemnity costs , penalties and interest as well as the cost of its case . The result of
this study suggest that the BOT agreement needs to be made special regulation
that can be either legislation or regulation and as stakeholders in BOT agreement
should be more selective in choosing their cooperration partners.;This study discusses about the Build Agreement To Deliver ( Build , Operate and
Transfer / BOT ) which is a relatively new term in the Indonesian economic
activities . The method that used in this thesis is the research literature normative
juridical and use data collection tool in the form of studies document both the
primary data and secondary data. The definition of the BOT is the use of state
property or private property / individuals in the form of land by another party ,
where the party is given the right to build a building and / or other means the
following facilities on the land , and use it within a certain period , and then
handed back to the land , building , and / or other means of following the facility
along and right to use it to the Department / Institution or relevant land owner
after the expiration of the agreed period . In a BOT agreement is no possibility of
default , in which case default occurs between PT . Bank Rakyat Indonesia , Tbk .
; BRI Pension Fund With PT . Mulia Persada Pacific . PT . Mulia Persada Pacific
considered in default because it did not meet some of its obligations as they fall
due , which in turn must be resolved through the courts that resulted in the
expiration of the BOT agreement and PT . Mulia Persada Pacific should pay
indemnity costs , penalties and interest as well as the cost of its case . The result of
this study suggest that the BOT agreement needs to be made special regulation
that can be either legislation or regulation and as stakeholders in BOT agreement
should be more selective in choosing their cooperration partners., This study discusses about the Build Agreement To Deliver ( Build , Operate and
Transfer / BOT ) which is a relatively new term in the Indonesian economic
activities . The method that used in this thesis is the research literature normative
juridical and use data collection tool in the form of studies document both the
primary data and secondary data. The definition of the BOT is the use of state
property or private property / individuals in the form of land by another party ,
where the party is given the right to build a building and / or other means the
following facilities on the land , and use it within a certain period , and then
handed back to the land , building , and / or other means of following the facility
along and right to use it to the Department / Institution or relevant land owner
after the expiration of the agreed period . In a BOT agreement is no possibility of
default , in which case default occurs between PT . Bank Rakyat Indonesia , Tbk .
; BRI Pension Fund With PT . Mulia Persada Pacific . PT . Mulia Persada Pacific
considered in default because it did not meet some of its obligations as they fall
due , which in turn must be resolved through the courts that resulted in the
expiration of the BOT agreement and PT . Mulia Persada Pacific should pay
indemnity costs , penalties and interest as well as the cost of its case . The result of
this study suggest that the BOT agreement needs to be made special regulation
that can be either legislation or regulation and as stakeholders in BOT agreement
should be more selective in choosing their cooperration partners.]"