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"Latar belakang: Penurunan curah jantung merupakan masalah yang penting dalam penatalaksanaan pasca-bedah jantung terbuka karena penurunan curah jantung ini meningkatkan morbiditas dan mortalitas pasien. Modalitas untuk pemantauan curah jantung bergeser dari invasif ke non-invasif. Alat ultrasonic cardiac output monitor (USCOM) dan ekokardiografi menjadi alat baru yang non-invasif. Bila dibandingkan dengan alat ekokardiografi yang membutuhkan keahlian khusus, alat USCOM dapat dijadikan alat pengukuran indeks curah jantung alternatif secara intermiten oleh tenaga medis terlatih.
Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui kesesuaian hasil pengukuran indeks curah jantung dengan alat USCOM dibandingkan ekokardiografi pada anak pasca-bedah jantung terbuka dengan pintasan jantung paru.
Metode: Studi potong lintang (cross sectional) pada anak pasca-bedah jantung terbuka dengan PJP dengan metode pengukuran simultan indeks curah jantung dengan alat USCOM dan ekokardiografi di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta, dari bulan Juni-Juli 2014.
Hasil: Tiga belas pasien yang menjalani bedah jantung terbuka berhasil diukur dengan alat USCOM dan ekokardiografi secara simultan. Subyek terdiri atas 8 laki-laki dan 5 perempuan dengan median usia 3 tahun (1-12 tahun). Median berat badan, tinggi badan, dan luas permukaan tubuh berturut-turut 11 kg (5,5-29 kg), 82 cm (63-133 cm), dan 0,53 m2 (0,32- 0,98 m2). Diagnosis terbanyak berturut-turut adalah tetralogi Fallot (5 subyek), defek septum ventrikel (3 subyek), dan DORV (2 subyek). Pada analisis Bland-Altman indeks curah jantung yang diukur dengan alat USCOM dibandingkan ekokardiografi didapatkan perbedaan rerata sebesar 0,115 L/menit/m2 (IK95% -0,536 hingga 0,766) dan batas kesesuaian -3,616 hingga 3,846 L/menit/m2. Hasil tambahan penelitian ini berupa perbedaan rerata indeks isi sekuncup 0,03 mL/m2 (IK95% -5,002 hingga 5,065) dan batas kesesuaian -28,822 hingga 28,885 mL/m2. Perbedaan rerata diameter LVOT -0,017 cm (IK95% -0,098 hingga 0,064) dan batas kesesuaian -0,285 hingga 0,251 cm. Perbedaan rerata nilai VTI didapatkan sebesar -2,991 cm (IK95% -4,670 hingga -1,311) dan batas kesesuaian -12,616 hingga 6,635 cm.
Kesimpulan: Pengukuran indeks curah jantung dengan alat USCOM dibandingkan ekokardiografi pada anak pasca-bedah jantung terbuka dengan PJP didapatkan perbedaan rerata kedua pengukuran kecil dan batas kesesuaian 95% yang lebar. Pada pengukuran indeks curah jantung yang makin rendah, perbedaan atau selisih rerata semakin kecil dan memiliki kesesuaiannya lebih baik.

Background: Low cardiac output is important problem in post-open heart surgery management because this condition increase morbidity and mortality. Modality of cardiac output monitoring shifted from invasive to non-invasive. Ultrasonic cardiac output monitor (USCOM) and echocardiography are new non-invasive tools. Echocardiography needs special skill, but USCOM can used by trained user because of fast learning curve of skill.
Objectives: To determine the agreement of cardiac index measurement by USCOM and echocardiography in children after open heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.
Methods: Cross sectional study using simultaneous measurement of cardiac index by USCOM and echocardiography on post-open heart surgery patient in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, from Juni-Juli 2014.
Results: Thirteen post-open heart surgery of pediatric patient were enrolled (8 male and 5 female, median of age 3 years old (1-12 years old). Median of body weight, height, and body surface area respectively were 11 kg (5,5-29 kg), 82 cm (63-133 cm), dan 0,53 m2 (0,32-0,98 m2). Diagnosis of patient were tetralogi Fallot (5 subject), ventricular septal defect (3 subject), dan double outlet right ventricle (2 subject). This study using Bland-Altman analysis of cardiac index measurement by USCOM and echocardiography. Mean bias was 0,115 L/minute/m2 (95%CI -0,536 to 0,766) and limit of agreement was -3,616 to 3,846 L/minute/m2. Secondary outcome of this study was mean bias of stroke volume index 0,03 mL/m2 (95%CI -5,002 to 5,065) and limit of agreement was -28,822 to 28,885 mL/m2. Mean bias of LVOT diameter was -0,017 cm (95%CI -0,098 to 0,064) and limit of agreement was -0,285 to 0,251 cm. Mean bias of VTI was -2,991 cm (95%CI -4,670 to -1,311) and limit of agreement -12,616 to 6,635 cm.
Conclusion: Cardiac index measurement by USCOM and echocardiography in children after open heart surgery has narrow mean bias and wide limit of agreement. Mean bias was narrower and good agreement in patient with low cardiac index."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Nyoman Budi Hartawan
"Latar belakang: Penilaian fluid responsiveness merupakan masalah dalam tatalaksana pasien, terutama pasien dengan penyakit kritis. Stroke volume variation (SVV) adalah parameter hemodinamik untuk menilai fluid responsiveness. Pengukuran SVV dapat dilakukan dengan USCOM, yang merupakan alat pemantauan hemodinamik non invasif berbasis ekokardiografi Doppler
Tujuan: Mengetahui nilai cut-off point (titik potong optimal) SVV dengan USCOM sebagai prediktor fluid responsiveness pada pasien yang bernapas spontan maupn dengan ventilasi mekanik.
Metode: Penelitan dilaksanakan di Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) dan UGD (Unit Gawat Darurat). Penelitian ini merupakan uji diagnostik dengan menggunakan peningkatan stroke volume (SV) setelah challenge cairan ringer laktat 10 ml/kg berat badan selama 15 menit sebagai indek. Subyek penelitian baik yang bernapas spontan maupun dengan ventilasi mekanik. Peningkatan nilai SV ≥10% disebut responder dan < 10% disebut non responder. Pengukuran SV dengan USCOM dilakukan sebelum dan setelah challenge, dan pengukuran SVV dilakukan sebelum challenge cairan.
Hasil: Sebanyak 73 pengukuran terhadap subyek di PICU dan UGD. Area under curve (AUC) untuk seluruh subyek adalah 85,6% (95% IK 77,1% - 94,1%), p < 0,05. Titik potong optimal SVV adalah 28,5%, dengan sensitivitas 81,8% dan spesisifitas 75,9%. AUC subyek ventilasi mekanik adalah 76,6% (95% IK 60,1%-93,1%), p < 0,05. Titik potong optimal SVV adalah 30%, dengan sensitivitas 72,7% dan spesisifitas 70%. AUC subyek dengan pernapasan spontan adalah 93,7% (95% IK 84,6% - 100%), p < 0,05. Titik potong optimal SVV 28,5%, dengan sensitivitas 90,9% dan spesisifitas 84,2%.
Simpulan USCOM memilki validitas yang baik untuk menilai SVV baik pada pasien bernapas spontan maupun dengan ventilasi mekanik.

Background: Assessment of fluid responsiveness is a problem in the management of patients, particularly patients with critical illness. Stroke volume variation (SVV) is a hemodynamic parameter to assess fluid responsiveness. Measurement of SVV could be done by USCOM, which is a non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring tool based on Doppler echocardiography.
Objective: To determine the optimal SVV cut-off point measured by USCOM as a predictor of fluid responsiveness in spontaneously breathing and mechanically ventilated patients.
Methods: Research was conducted in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) and emergency room (ER). This study is a diagnostic test based on the increment of stroke volume (SV) after fluid challenge using Ringer's lactate 10 mL / kg body weight for 15 minutes as an index. The subjects are both spontaneously breathing and mechanically ventilated patients. Responders are those who experienced increment ≥10% from baseline SV, and non-responders are those who did not meet the criteria. Measurements of SV using USCOM were performed before and after fluid challenge, meanwhile SVV measurement was performed before fluid challenge.
Results: A total of 73 measurements were performed at the PICU and ER. Area under the curve (AUC) for all subjects was 85.6% (95% CI 77.1% - 94.1%), p value <0.05. Optimal SVV cut-off point was 28.5%, with sensitivity of 81.8% and specificity 75.9%. In mechanically ventilated subgroup, the AUC was 76.6% (95% CI 60.1% -93.1%), p value <0.05. The optimal SVV cut-off point of this group was 30%, with sensitivity of 72.7% and specificity of 70%. Lastly, the AUC of subjects with spontaneous breathing was 93.7% (95% CI 84.6% - 100%), p value <0.05. The optimal SVV cut of point in this group was 28.5%, with sensitivity of 90.9% and specificity of 84.2%.
Conclusion: USCOM is valid for assessing SVV as a fluid responsiveness predictor, in patients with spontaneous breathing and mechanical ventilation."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Shandi Laila
"Latar Belakang: Low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS) adalah salah satu komplikasi berat yang sering terjadi pascabedah jantung terbuka dengan insidens 25-32%. LCOS dapat terjadi akibat proses inflamasi melalui jalur inflamasi dan komplemen setelah pintas jantung-paru (PJP). Diperlukansuatu marker inflamasi yang dapat memprediksi terjadinya LCOS. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemeriksaan rasio neutrofil-limfosit (neutrophil lymphocyte ratio, NLR) yang merupakan marker inflamasi sederhana dan rutin dilakukan, tetapi penggunaannya sebagai prediktor dalam menentukan LCOS belum banyak dilaporkan.
Tujuan: Mengetahui peran NLR prabedah dan 0, 4, dan 8 jam pascabedah sebagai prediktor kejadian LCOS pascabedah jantung terbuka anak dengan penyakit jantung bawaan (PJB).
Metode: Penelitian menggunakan uji prognostik dengan desain kohort prospektif, dilaksanakan pada 1 Desember 2020 hingga 30 Juni 2021 di cardiac intensive care unit (CICU) Pelayanan Jantung Terpadu (PJT) RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta.
Hasil: Dari 90 subyek didapatkan 25 subyek (27,8%) mengalami LCOS. Nilai NLR prabedah berperan dalam memprediksi kejadian LCOS (AUC 70), dengan cut off ≥0,88 (p=0,027) didapatkan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas 64% dan 64,62% (IK 95%, 57-83). Sedangkan NLR 0 jam pascabedah memiliki nilai prediksi yang baik (AUC 81) terhadap kejadian LCOS, dengan cut off ≥4,73 (p<0,0001) didapatkan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas masing-masing 80% (IK 95%, 69-94). Selanjutnya NLR 4 dan 8 jam pascabedah memiliki nilai prediksi yang sangat baik (AUC 97 dan 98) terhadap kejadian LCOS, dengan cut off berturut-turut adalah ≥6,19 (p<0,0001) dan ≥6,78 (p<0,0001) didapatkan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas berturut-turut adalah 92% dan 96% (IK 95%, 92-100), serta 92% dan 96,92% (IK 95%, 94-100).
Kesimpulan: NLR prabedah dan 0, 4, dan 8 jam pascabedah terbukti berperan sebagai prediktor kejadian LCOS pascabedah jantung terbuka anak dengan PJB.

Background: Low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS) is a severe complications that often occurs in children after open heart surgery, with an incidence 25-32%. It can occur as a result of inflammatory response involving the inflammatory and complement pathways after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). An inflammatory marker is needed to predict the occurrence of LCOS. In this study, an examination of the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) which is a simple and routine marker of inflammation is carried out, but its use as a predictor in determining LCOS has not been widely reported.
Objective. We aimed to explore the role of preoperative and 0, 4, and 8 hours postoperative NLR as a predictor of LCOS after open heart surgery in children with congenital heart disease (CHD).
Methods: This study used a prognostic test with a prospective cohort design, was done from 1st December 2020 until 30 th June 2021 at cardiac intensive care unit (CICU) Pelayanan Jantung Terpadu (PJT) RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta.
Results: From 90 subjects, 27.8% (25 subjects) had LCOS. Preoperative NLR had a fair predictive value (AUC 70) for the incidence of LCOS, with a cut off value ≥0.88 (p=0.027) having a sensitivity and specificity of 64% and 64.62% (CI 95%, 57-83).While the NLR 0 hours post-operative also had a good predictive value (AUC 81) for the incidence of LCOS, with a cut off value ≥4.73 (p<0.0001) having a sensitivity and specificity of 80% (CI 95%, 69-94), respectively. Furthermore, NLR 4 and 8 hours post-operative had a very good predictive value (AUC 97 and 98) for the incidence of LCOS, with cut off value ≥6.19 (p<0.0001) and ≥6.78 (p<0.0001), having a sensitivity and specificity of 92% and 96% (CI 95%, 92-100), as well as 92% and 96.92% (CI 95%, 94-100).
Conclusion: Preoperative and 0, 4, and 8 hours postoperative NLR can be a predictor of LCOS after open heart surgery in children with CHD.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nico Iswanto Pantoro
"Kejadian Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) pasca bedah jantung terbuka masih merupakan salah satu komplikasi yang banyak ditemukan. Salah satu faktor risikonya adalah durasi pintas jantung. Studi kohort retrospektif dilakukan terhadap 187 pasien bedah jantung terbuka di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo tahun 2014-2015. Subjek dibedakan menjadi 2 kelompok berdasarkan durasi pintas jantung (durasi >60 menit dan ≤60 menit). Sebanyak 107 (57,2%) pasien mengalami SIRS dalam 24 jam pasca operasi. Kejadian SIRS ditemukan pada 75 (65,8%) pasien dari kelompok durasi >60 menit dan 32 (43,8%) pasien dari kelompok durasi ≤60 menit. Melalui analisis multivariat regresi logistik, didapatkan hubungan bermakna (p<0,05) antara durasi CPB dan SIRS dengan OR2,04 (IK95% 1,05-3,93). Durasi CPB merupakan faktor risiko independen dari kejadian SIRS pasca bedah jantung terbuka.

Sytemic inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) is a major complication foundat patient following open heart surgery. One of the risk factors is the duration of the cardiopulmonary bypass. A historical cohort study had been done on 187 postcardiac surgery patients in RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo. The subjects were divided into 2 separate groups based on the duration of cardiopulmonary bypass (duration >60 minutes and ≤60 minutes). There were 107 (57.2%) patients having SIRS within 24 hours following the surgery. SIRS was found on 75 (65.8%) patients from group with duration >60 minutes and 32 (43.8%) patients from group with duration ≤60 minutes. Through logistic regression multivariate analysis, there was a significant difference (p<0.05) with OR 2.04 (CI95% 1.05-3.93) between two groups. Therefore, duration of cardiopulmonary bypass was an independent risk factor of post open heart surgery SIRS.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indah Kartika Murni
Latar belakang: Luaran pasca-bedah jantung penting diketahui untuk menilai kinerja pelayanan bedah jantung anak, sehingga kualitas pelayanan dapat ditingkatkan.
Tujuan: Mengetahui luaran jangka pendek (mortalitas, komplikasi pasca-bedah berat lain, dan komplikasi pasca-bedah yang berat) pada anak yang dilakukan bedah jantung. Selain itu, ingin mengetahui faktor risiko terjadinya komplikasi berat pasca-bedah jantung dan membuat sistem skor dari faktor-faktor risiko tersebut.
Metode: Setiap anak dengan penyakit jantung yang dilakukan operasi jantung di RSUPN Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta sejak April 2014 sampai Maret 2015 diikuti setiap hari sampai pasien pulang atau meninggal. Data demografis, mortalitas, morbiditas atau komplikasi pasca-bedah jantung, dan faktor risiko terjadinya morbiditas pasca-operasi yang berat diambil dari rekam medis. Pasien yang sudah pulang dari rumah sakit, dalam waktu 30 hari pasca-operasi dihubungi untuk mendapatkan data kondisi pasien dalam waktu tersebut (hidup atau meninggal).
Hasil: Selama penelitian didapatkan 258 anak dilakukan bedah jantung. PJB terbanyak yang dilakukan bedah jantung adalah ventricle septal defect (28,7%) dan tetralogy of Fallot (24,4%). Komplikasi pasca-bedah jantung terjadi pada 217 (84,1%) anak dan komplikasi berat terjadi pada 49 anak (19%). Komplikasi pasca-bedah jantung terbanyak adalah hipokalsemia pada 163 (63,2%) anak, hiperglikemia 159 (61,6%), low cardiac output syndrome 52 (20,2%), aritmia 48 (18,6%), sepsis 45 (17,4%), dan efusi pleura 39 (15,1%). Komplikasi berat meliputi in-hospital mortality terjadi pada 33 (12,7%) anak dan mortalitas dalam waktu 30 hari pasca-bedah jantung terjadi pada 35 (13,6%) anak, henti jantung 13 (5%), operasi jantung ulang 10 (3,9%), dan gagal organ multipel 19 (7,4%). Faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan meningkatnya komplikasi pasca-bedah jantung yang berat adalah peningkatan kadar laktat darah [OR 30,7 (IK 95% 8,1-117,6)], PJB sianotik [OR 4,4 (IK 95% 1,2-15,8), dan pemakaian inotropik yang tinggi [OR 7,8 (IK 95% 1,6-38,9)]. Skor faktor risiko ≥ 3 mampu memprediksi anak yang mengalami komplikasi berat pasca-bedah jantung dengan sensitivitas skor 93,9% dan spesifisitas skor 84,2%, dan area di bawah kurva receiver operating characteristic (ROC) adalah 0,94.
Simpulan: Mortalitas di rumah sakit pasca-bedah jantung anak sebesar 12,7% dan mortalitas 30 hari pasca-bedah 13,6%. Komplikasi berat lain pasca-bedah 13,6%. Faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan meningkatnya komplikasi pasca-bedah jantung yang berat adalah peningkatan kadar laktat darah, PJB sianotik, dan pemakaian inotropik tinggi pasca-bedah jantung. Skor faktor risiko ≥ 3 mampu memprediksi anak yang mengalami komplikasi berat pasca-bedah jantung dengan sensitivitas skor 93,9% dan spesifisitas skor 84,2%.

Background: Outcome of children with cardiac surgery is important to evaluate the performance of cardiac surgery program. Identifying the risk factors for major adverse events after cardiac surgery is also important to improve patient care.
Objective: To evaluate the incidence of short-term outcome in children after cardiac surgery, including mortality, complication or morbidity, major complications, and the risk factors associated with major adverse events (major complications) at the Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Indonesia.
Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted from April 2014 until March 2015. All children conducted cardiac surgery, were monitored from the time the cardiac surgery performed until patients were discharged or deceased. During the follow up of all recruited patients, factors associated with the risk of developing major adverse events were identified.
Results: A total of 258 patients were recruited during the study period. Of the total, 134 (51.9%) were female. The mean age of the patients was 53.3±3.8 months. Among the patients, 217 (84.1%) had complications. The most complications occurred after cardiac surgery were hypocalcaemia in 163 (63.2%), hyperglycemia in 159 (61.6%), low cardiac output syndrome in 52 (20.2%), arrhythmia in 48 (18.6%), sepsis in 45 (17.4%), and pleural effusion in 39 (15.1%) children. Further, 49 (19%) of recruited patients had major adverse events (major complications), including in-hospital mortality in 33 (12.7%) and 30-day mortality in 35 (13.6%), cardiac arrest in 13 (5%), the need for re-operation in 10 (3.9%), and multiple organ failure in 19 (7.4%) children. Factors associated with the occurrence of major complications were increase in blood lactate [OR 30.7 (95% CI 8.1-117.6)], cyanotic congenital heart disease [OR 4.4 (95% CI 1.2-15.8), and high inotropes on leaving operating room [OR 7.8 (95% CI 1.6-38.9)]. Risk factor score ≥3 could predict major complications after cardiac surgery with sensitivity of 93.9% and specificity of 84.2%, and area under receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was 0.94.
Conclusion: In-hospital mortality after paediatric cardiac surgery at Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital is 12,7% and 30-day mortality is 13,6%. Increase in blood lactate, cyanotic congenital heart disease, and high inotropes on leaving operating room are associated with mortality and other major complications in children following cardiac surgery. Risk score ≥ 3 can predict the development of major complication in children after cardiac surgery with sensitivity 93,9% and specificity 84,2%.;Background: Outcome of children with cardiac surgery is important to evaluate the performance of cardiac surgery program. Identifying the risk factors for major adverse events after cardiac surgery is also important to improve patient care.
Objective: To evaluate the incidence of short-term outcome in children after cardiac surgery, including mortality, complication or morbidity, major complications, and the risk factors associated with major adverse events (major complications) at the Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Indonesia.
Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted from April 2014 until March 2015. All children conducted cardiac surgery, were monitored from the time the cardiac surgery performed until patients were discharged or deceased. During the follow up of all recruited patients, factors associated with the risk of developing major adverse events were identified.
Results: A total of 258 patients were recruited during the study period. Of the total, 134 (51.9%) were female. The mean age of the patients was 53.3±3.8 months. Among the patients, 217 (84.1%) had complications. The most complications occurred after cardiac surgery were hypocalcaemia in 163 (63.2%), hyperglycemia in 159 (61.6%), low cardiac output syndrome in 52 (20.2%), arrhythmia in 48 (18.6%), sepsis in 45 (17.4%), and pleural effusion in 39 (15.1%) children. Further, 49 (19%) of recruited patients had major adverse events (major complications), including in-hospital mortality in 33 (12.7%) and 30-day mortality in 35 (13.6%), cardiac arrest in 13 (5%), the need for re-operation in 10 (3.9%), and multiple organ failure in 19 (7.4%) children. Factors associated with the occurrence of major complications were increase in blood lactate [OR 30.7 (95% CI 8.1-117.6)], cyanotic congenital heart disease [OR 4.4 (95% CI 1.2-15.8), and high inotropes on leaving operating room [OR 7.8 (95% CI 1.6-38.9)]. Risk factor score ≥3 could predict major complications after cardiac surgery with sensitivity of 93.9% and specificity of 84.2%, and area under receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was 0.94.
Conclusion: In-hospital mortality after paediatric cardiac surgery at Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital is 12,7% and 30-day mortality is 13,6%. Increase in blood lactate, cyanotic congenital heart disease, and high inotropes on leaving operating room are associated with mortality and other major complications in children following cardiac surgery. Risk score ≥ 3 can predict the development of major complication in children after cardiac surgery with sensitivity 93,9% and specificity 84,2%., Background: Outcome of children with cardiac surgery is important to evaluate the performance of cardiac surgery program. Identifying the risk factors for major adverse events after cardiac surgery is also important to improve patient care.
Objective: To evaluate the incidence of short-term outcome in children after cardiac surgery, including mortality, complication or morbidity, major complications, and the risk factors associated with major adverse events (major complications) at the Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Indonesia.
Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted from April 2014 until March 2015. All children conducted cardiac surgery, were monitored from the time the cardiac surgery performed until patients were discharged or deceased. During the follow up of all recruited patients, factors associated with the risk of developing major adverse events were identified.
Results: A total of 258 patients were recruited during the study period. Of the total, 134 (51.9%) were female. The mean age of the patients was 53.3±3.8 months. Among the patients, 217 (84.1%) had complications. The most complications occurred after cardiac surgery were hypocalcaemia in 163 (63.2%), hyperglycemia in 159 (61.6%), low cardiac output syndrome in 52 (20.2%), arrhythmia in 48 (18.6%), sepsis in 45 (17.4%), and pleural effusion in 39 (15.1%) children. Further, 49 (19%) of recruited patients had major adverse events (major complications), including in-hospital mortality in 33 (12.7%) and 30-day mortality in 35 (13.6%), cardiac arrest in 13 (5%), the need for re-operation in 10 (3.9%), and multiple organ failure in 19 (7.4%) children. Factors associated with the occurrence of major complications were increase in blood lactate [OR 30.7 (95% CI 8.1-117.6)], cyanotic congenital heart disease [OR 4.4 (95% CI 1.2-15.8), and high inotropes on leaving operating room [OR 7.8 (95% CI 1.6-38.9)]. Risk factor score ≥3 could predict major complications after cardiac surgery with sensitivity of 93.9% and specificity of 84.2%, and area under receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was 0.94.
Conclusion: In-hospital mortality after paediatric cardiac surgery at Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital is 12,7% and 30-day mortality is 13,6%. Increase in blood lactate, cyanotic congenital heart disease, and high inotropes on leaving operating room are associated with mortality and other major complications in children following cardiac surgery. Risk score ≥ 3 can predict the development of major complication in children after cardiac surgery with sensitivity 93,9% and specificity 84,2%.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hafaz Zakky Abdillah
Latar belakang: Anak yang menjalani operasi jantung memiliki risiko tinggi yang bermakna terhadap kejadian morbiditas dan mortalitas pasca-bedah. Penggunaan obat-obatan vasoaktif dan inotropik yang tinggi sebagai dukungan hemodinamik pasca-bedah berhubungan dengan luaran yang buruk. Status hemodinamik yang buruk, menyebabkan meningkatnya dukungan obat-obatan vasoaktif dan inotropik yang dibutuhkan.Tujuan: Melihat hubungan skor vasoaktif-inotropik / vasoactive-inotropic score VIS dengan luaran jangka pendek pasien anak pasca-bedah jantung, termasuk kematian, morbiditas, komplikasi berat, dan faktor-faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan komplikasi berat.Metode: Penelitian ini adalah kohort retrospektif pada 123 anak yang telah menjalani prosedur bedah jantung di cardiac intensive care unit CICU RSUPN Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta pada periode Januari sampai Desember 2016. Data demografi, data pra-operasi, intra-operasi, pasca-operasi, mortalitas dan komplikasi diambil dari rekam medis. Skor vasoaktif-inotropik dihitung pada 24 jam pertama, 24 jam kedua dan total 48 jam pasca-bedah dan dianalisis hubungannya dengan komplikasi berat, selain itu juga dicatat faktor-faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan terjadinya komplikasi berat.Hasil: Selama penelitian didapatkan PJB terbanyak yang dilakukan bedah jantung adalah ventricle septal defect 28,5 dan tetralogy Fallot 34,5 . Pada 123 anak yang dilakukan bedah jantung, dijumpai 32 26 anak dengan VIS tinggi. Median VIS 24 jam pertama adalah 12 2-40 , median VIS 24 jam kedua adalah 14 3-32 , dan median VIS total 48 jam adalah 11 2-29 . Obat inotropik yang paling banyak digunakan adalah dopamin 97,6 diikuti oleh milrinon 69,9 .VIS pada 24 jam pertama dengan nilai area di bawah kurva adalah 0,94.VIS yang tinggi berkaitan dengan lama rawat inap di rumah sakit lebih dari 14 hari [OR 4,1 IK 95 , 1,4-11,7 ], kematian dalam 30 hari pasca-bedah [OR 44,5 IK 95 , 9,3-212,5 ], kejadian henti jantung [OR 57,2 IK 95 , 11,9-273,9 ], pemakaian ventilator > 7 hari [OR 25,2 IK 95 , 2,9-214,5 ] dan kejadian gagal multi organ [OR 23,3 IK 95 , 4,8-113,1 ]. Komplikasi pasca-bedah jantung terjadi sebesar 40 dan komplikasi berat terjadi pada 30 anak 24,4 . Komplikasi pasca-bedah jantung terbanyak adalah low cardiac output syndrome pada 48 39 . Komplikasi berat meliputi kematian dalam 30 hari pasca-bedah terjadi pada 18 14,6 anak, henti jantung 20 16,3 anak, operasi jantung ulang 5 4,1 anak, dan gagal multi organ 13 10,6 anak. Faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan meningkatnya komplikasi pasca-bedah jantung yang berat adalah peningkatan kadar laktat darah [OR 7,4 IK 95 2,0-26,9 ], dan skor vasoaktif-inotropik yang tinggi pasca-bedah [OR 30,5 IK 95 7,6-122,3 ].Kesimpulan: VIS tinggi pasca-bedah jantung, berhubungan bermakna dengan kematian dan komplikasi berat pasca-bedah. VIS 24 jam pertama pasca-bedah jantung merupakan pemeriksaan yang sederhana dalam memberikan informasi berharga tentang luaran pasca-bedah jantung. Faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan komplikasi berat pasca-bedah jantung adalah peningkatan kadar laktat dan nilai VIS yang tinggi pasca-bedah.

Background Children undergoing heart surgery are at high risk for significant post operative morbidity and mortality. The use of high vasoactive and inotropic suport after cardiac surgery was associated with poor outcome. The more severe the hemodynamic state, a higher vasoactive inotropic support were needed.Objective To determine the association between vasoactive inotropic support and clinical outcome in children after cardiac surgery, including mortality, complication or morbidity, major complications, and the risk factors associated with major adverse events major complications .Methods This is a retrospective analysis of the 123 children who underwent cardiac surgery at pediatric cardiac surgery intensive care unit from January to December 2016. Multiple demographic, pre operative, intra operative, post operative variables were recorded, vasoactive inotropic score VIS were assessed at the first 24 hours, second 24 hours and 48 hours after surgery and was analyzed for association with poor outcomes. Factors associated with the risk of developing major adverse events were also identified.Results A total of 123 patients were recruited, 32 26 were administered to high vasoactive inotropic score. Median VIS at first 24 hours, second 24 hours, and 48 hours after cardiac surgery were 12 2 40 , 14 3 32 , and 11 2 29 , respectively. The most widely used vasoactive inotropic agents were dopamine 97,6 and milrinone 69,9 . VIS at first 24 hours with area under curve was 0,94. There was a significant association between high VIS and poor outcome in children after cardiac surgery including 30 day mortality OR 44,5 IK 95 , 9,3 212,5 , prolonged hospital length of stay OR 4,1 IK 95 , 1,4 11,7 , cardiac arrest OR 57,2 IK 95 , 11,9 273,9 , prolonged mechanical ventilator support OR 25,2 IK 95 , 2,9 214,5 , and multiple organ failure OR 23,3 IK 95 , 4,8 113,1 . The most complication occurred after cardiac surgery was low cardiac output syndrome 39 . Further, 30 24,4 of recruited patients had major adverse events major complications , including 30 day mortality in 18 14,6 , cardiac arrest in 20 16,3 , the need for re operation in 5 4,1 , and multiple organ failure in 13 10,6 children. Factors associated with the occurrence of major complications were increase in blood lactate OR 7,4 IK 95 2,0 26,9 and high vasoactive inotropes score after cardiac surgery OR 30,5 IK 95 7,6 122,3 .Conclusion High vasoactive inotropic score after pediatric cardiac surgery was significantly associated with mortality and other poor outcomes. VIS at first 24 hours after cardiac surgery is a simple clinical tool that can provide valuable information regarding likely length of intubation, hospital stay and poor outcomes. VIS at 24 hours performs better than VIS in the first 48 hours and total 48 hours after surgery in predicting poor short term outcomes. Increase in blood lactate, and high vasoactive inotropes score after cardiac surgery are associated with mortality and other major complications in children after cardiac surgery."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfan Arief
"Latar belakang. Kejadian demam pascabedah jantung sering ditemukan akibat tindakan pembedahan maupun penggunaan mesin pintas jantung paru (PJP), demam tersebut sulit dibedakan antara demam akibat infeksi atau inflamasi. Penegakan diagnosa infeksi dengan pemeriksaan kultur membutuhkan waktu lama dan kadang tidak tumbuh bakteri. Prokalsitonin (PCT) diharapkan sebagai penanda infeksi tanpa harus menunggu hasil kultur.
Tujuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menilai kadar PCT dapat membedakan demam infeksi dengan demam inflamasi pada pascabedah jantung.
Metode. Penelitian ini dikerjakan di Unit Pelayanan Jantung Terpadu RSCM, dengan subyek pasien dewasa pascabedah jantung terbuka dengan menggunakan mesin PJP diikuti selama lima hari adanya demam dengan suhu ≥ 37,8° C, tanda dan gejala infeksi. Semua subyek diperiksa PCT dan kultur darah sebelum pembedahan, hari pertama, kedua dan kelima pascabedah. Pemeriksaan kultur dikerjakan atas indikasi klinis adanya infeksi.
Hasil. Sebanyak 59 subyek pascabedah jantung menggunakan mesin PJP, terdapat dua subyek dropout (meninggal pada hari pertama dan kedua), 22 (37,28%) tidak demam, 32 (54,24%) demam inflamasi dan 5 (8,48%) demam infeksi. Infeksi ditemukan dari kultur sputum (Klebsiella pneumonie), hasil kultur darah, luka operasi, dan urin tidak ditemukan pertumbuhan bakteri. Didapatkan kadar PCT demam infeksi 13,48 ng/ ml dan demam inflamasi 6,90 ng/ ml.
Simpulan. Kadar PCT demam infeksi (13,48 ng/ ml) lebih tinggi daripada demam inflamasi (6,90 ng/ ml). Tidak ada beda kadar PCT demam infeksi dan demam inflamasi secara statistik dengan p adalah 0,371.

Background. Post cardiac surgery fevers usually caused by surgery itself or cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Difficulties to differentiated fever caused infection or inflammation. Bacterial culture to prove infections take a long time and sometimes the result is negative. Procalcitonin is sugested infection marker without wait for culture.
Goal. The aim of this study is to know procalcitonin level can differentiate fever cause infectious or inflammation.
Methods. This study performed at Integrated Cardiovascular Unit in RSCM, on adult patients who had open cardiac surgery with CPB, observed for temperature ≥ 37,8° C, sign and symptoms of infections, for 5 days. PCT levels and blood culture performed before surgery, first, second and 5th day after surgery. Culture from other sites performed as indicated.
Results. There are 59 have cardiac surgery with CPB, There are two subject dropout (died on 1st and 2nd days), 22 had no fever (37,28%), 32 had inflammation fever (54,24%) and 5 had infectious fever (8,48%). Infection confirmed by bronchial wash culture (Klebsiella pneumonie), no surgical wound infection, blood and urine culture were negative. We have PCT levels infectious group 13,48 ng/ ml and inflammation group 6,90 ng/ ml.
Conclussion. PCT levels infectious group (13,48 ng/ ml) higher than inflammation group (6,90 ng/ ml). Non parametric diagnostic Mann Whitney U test there are no significant differences of PCT levels between infectious and inflammation group, p=0,371.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Julia Fitriany
"Latar belakang: Sepsis pascabedah jantung terbuka merupakan kondisi yang jarang terjadi tetapi memiliki mortalitas yang cukup tinggi. Gejala sepsis yang muncul pascabedah seringkali sulit dibedakan dengan kondisi inflamasi sistemik sehingga menimbulkan keterlambatan dalam menegakkan diagnosis maupun overtreatment pada pasien. Presepsin merupakan salah satu penanda sepsis yang mulai banyak digunakan terutama pada populasi dewasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran presepsin dalam menegakkan diagnosis sepsis pascabedah jantung terbuka pada anak.
Tujuan: Untuk menguji performa diagnostik presepsin sebagai penanda sepsis pada anak pascabedahjantung terbuka dibandingkan dengan prokalsitonin (PCT).
Metode: Studi potong lintang terhadap 49 pasien anak pascabedah jantung terbuka yang dirawat di RSCM. Penelitian ini mencari nilai batas optimal presepsin untuk mendiagnosis sepsis pascabedah jantung terbuka pada anak yaitu pada hari pertama dan ketiga pascabedah, kemudian membandingkannya dengan prokalsitonin. Analisis kurva ROC dikerjakan untuk menentukan nilai batas optimal presepsin.
Hasil: Kadar presepsin hari pertama (T1) dan ketiga (T3) lebih tinggi pada subyek dengan sepsis daripada subyek yang tidak sepsis (median 415 pg/mL vs. 141,5 pg/mL pada hari pertama dan 624 pg/mL vs. 75,9 pg/mL pada hari ke tiga). Titik potong presepsin pada T1 dengan nilai 404 pg/mL memiliki performa untuk mendiagnosis sepsis dengan AUC 0,752 sedangkan presepsin T3 dengan nilai 203,5 pg/mL dengan AUC 0,945 yang lebih baik dibandingkan T1.
Simpulan: Presepsin dapat dijadikan suatu modalitas untuk memberikan nilai tambah dan pertimbangan bagi klinisi untuk menegakkan diagnosis sepsis pada pasien anak pascabedah jantung terbuka.

Background: Postoperative open-heart sepsis is a rare condition but has a fairly high mortality. Symptoms of sepsis that appear postoperatively are often difficult to distinguish from systemic inflammatory conditions, causing delays in establishing diagnosis and overtreatment in patients. Presepsin is one of the markers of sepsis that is starting to be widely used, especially in the adult population. This study is to identify the role of presepsin for diagnosing sepsis in post open-heart surgery in pediatric population.
Aim: To perform diagnostic test of presepsin as sepsis screening markers compares to procalcitonin (PCT) in post open-heart surgery.
Methods: Cross-sectional study of 49 postoperative open-heart pediatric patients treated at RSCM. This study looked for optimal cut-off values of presepsin for diagnosing open-heart postoperative sepsis in children on the first and third postoperative days, then compared it with procalcitonin. ROC curve analysis is performed to determine the optimal limit value of presepsin.
Result: First (T1) and third day (T3) PSP levels were higher in subjects with sepsis than non- sepsis (median 415 pg/mL vs. 141.5 pg/mL on first day and 624 pg/mL vs. 75.9 pg/mL on third day). ). T1 presepsin cut off 404 pg/ml had AUC of 0.772, while T3 presepsin cut off 203.5 og/ml had better AUC of 0.945. T3 is better for diagnosing sepsis.
Conclusion: Presepsin can be used as a modality to provide added value and consideration for clinicians to establish the diagnosis of sepsis in pediatric patients after open-heart surgery.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oryza Eureka
"Latar Belakang: Disfungsi kognitif pascabedah adalah salah satu komplikasi pembedahan jantung yang telah diketahui. Hipoperfusi jaringan otak diduga sebagai penyebabnya, terutama dihubungkan dengan penggunaan mesin pintas jantung-paru. Near-infrared spectroscopy muncul sebagai alat pemantauan saturasi oksigen otak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara nilai NIRS dan kandungan oksigen intrabedah dengan kejadian disfungsi kognitif pascabedah jantung terbuka.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan kohort prospektif yang dilakukan di Rumah sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo, Indonesia. Sebanyak 60 pasien elektif yang akan menjalani bedah jantung terbuka dilakukan uji neurokognisi pada 1 hari sebelum pembedahan dan hari ke 5 pascabedah. Disfungsi kognitif pascabedah dinyatakan jika terdapat penurunan >20% dari nilai uji prabedah, pada 2 dari 3 ranah kognisi. Pemantauan saturasi oksigen regional (rSO2¬) menggunakan probe NIRS yang ditempel pada dahi subjek penelitian. Nilai rSO2¬ secara kontinu direkam sepanjang pembedahan. Desaturasi rSO2 adalah penurunan rSO2>20% nilai baseline, nilai terendah, durasi desaturasi rSO2, luas area under the curve rSO2 yang dihitung oleh INVOS 5100 dalam satuan min% dicatat pada berbagai fase pembedahan. Analisis bivariat variabel numerik menggunakan Independent T-test atau Mann-Whitney dengan SPSS 20.0. Variabel-variabel dengan nilai p<0.25 pada analisis bivariat selanjutnya dimasukkan dalam regresi logistik.
Hasil: Sebanyak 31 dari 60 pasien (51,6%) mengalami POCD. Durasi desaturasi rSO2>20% secara signifikan lebih lama pada kelompok POCD dibandingkan non-POCD, terutama pada fase intraCPB dan pascaCPB. Didapatkan desaturasi total rSO2 dan nilai AUC rSO2 yang lebih panjang pada kelompok POCD dibandingkan kelompok non-POCD (median 55 [0-245] vs 0 (0-140) menit, p= 0.007) dan (412 [0-4875] vs 0 [0-472], p= 0,003). Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan AUC rSO2 sebagai variabel yang paling berpengaruh terhadap POCD. Kualitas persamaan regresi logistik baik dengan AUC 83,5% (CI 95%; 72,8%-94,2%).

Introduction. Cardiac surgery has been known to cause postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD). Cerebral hypoperfusion is suspected as the cause, mainly related to the use of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) machine. Near infrared spectroscopy had been introduced as a method to monitor cerebral oxygen saturation. This study aims to investigate the role of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) monitoring in preventing POCD after cardiac surgery.
Purpose: To evaluate association between intraoperative Near-Infrared Spectroscopy value and arterial oxygen content with POCD in open heart surgery
Methods. This prospective cohort study was conducted at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Indonesia. We included sixty adult patients scheduled for elective open-heart surgery and assessed their cognitive function 1 day before surgery and postoperative day 5. To measure regional oxygen saturation (rSO¬¬2), NIRS probe was placed on the subjects forehead, the values were recorded until the end of surgery. A decrease in rSO2 >20% of baseline value was considered as rSO2 desaturation. The lowest rSO2 value and duration of desaturation were recorded before, during, after CPB. Another variable of NIRS value was Area under the curve of rSO2; an output measured by INVOS 5100 labelled as AUC rSO2 in min%. Data were compared using Students t test or the Mann-Whitney U test with SPSS 20.0 software. Logistic regression was applied to variables with p-value above 0.25 on bivariate analysis.
Results: In this study 31 out of 60 patients (51.6%) developed POCD. Duration of rSO2 desaturation 20% baseline was significantly higher in POCD group, espescially during and after CPB phase. We observed a median of 55 (0-245) minutes of total desaturation time in POCD group, compared to the non-POCD group, who experienced a median desaturation time of 0 (0-140) minutes (p = 0.007). Quality of regression equity based on good discrimination with AUC was 83.5% (CI 95%; 72.8%-94.2%). From multivariate analysis, it was found that variables of NIRS AUC could affect logistic regression equity."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eunike Ita Susanti Pramono Widjojo
"Latar belakang: Operasi jantung membutuhkan larutan kardioplegia untuk menghentikan jantung. Saat ini sebagian besar larutan kardioplegia menggunakan mekanisme depolarisasi membran yang berisiko menyebabkan gangguan keseimbangan ion transmembran, aritmia, vasokonstriksi koroner, gangguan kontraktilitas, dan sindrom curah jantung rendah. Menunjukkan proteksi miokardium masih belum optimal. Henti jantung melalui polarisasi membran secara teori dapat memberikan proteksi miokardium yang lebih baik.
Tujuan: Diketahui kualitas proteksi miokardium henti jantung terpolarisasi dibandingkan dengan henti jantung terdepolarisasi.
Metode: Tinjauan sistematik dengan menerapkan protokol PRISMA-P. Data didapatkan melalui pencarian dalam basis data Cochrane Library, PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, dan Embase.
Hasil: Dari penelusuran diperoleh empat studi yang memenuhi kriteria. Tiga studi dengan desain uji acak terkontrol, satu studi dengan desain kohort retrospektif. Jumlah sampel bervariasi dari 60 sampai 1000 subjek. Kualitas proteksi miokardium dinilai dari kejadian aritmia pascaoperasi, infark miokardium pascaoperasi, dan sindrom curah jantung rendah pascaoperasi. Satu studi melaporkan angka kejadian aritmia pascaoperasi yang lebih rendah secara bermakna pada kelompok henti jantung terpolarisasi (p 0,010). Tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna pada kejadian infark miokardium pascaoperasi. Tiga studi melaporkan angka kejadian sindrom curah jantung rendah pascaoperasi yang lebih rendah pada kelompok henti jantung terpolarisasi namun tidak bermakna secara statistik.
Kesimpulan: Henti jantung terpolarisasi berpotensi memberikan kualitas proteksi miokardium yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan henti jantung terdepolarisasi.

Background: Cardioplegia is needed in cardiac surgery to arrest the heart to achieve a quiet and bloodless field. Depolarized cardiac arrest is widely used despite the risk of ionic imbalances, arrhythmias, coronary vasoconstriction, contractility dysfunction, and low cardiac output syndrome leading to suboptimal myocardial protection. Polarized cardiac arrest has a more physiological mechanism to arrest the heart, thus giving better cardioprotection qualities.
Objective: To assess the myocardial protection quality of polarized cardiac arrest compared with depolarized cardiac arrest.
Method: Systematic review with PRISMA-P protocol. The literature search was performed using Cochrane Library, PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, and Embase databases.
Result: Three randomized controlled trials and one retrospective cohort study were identified, with sample sizes varied between 60 to 1000 subjects. The quality of myocardial protection was assessed from postoperative arrhythmias, postoperative myocardial infarction, and postoperative low cardiac output syndrome. One study reported significantly lower postoperative arrhythmias in the polarized arrest group (p 0.010). There were no differences in postoperative myocardial infarction between the two intervention groups. Three studies reported lower postoperative low cardiac output syndrome in the polarized arrest group although not statistically significant.
Conclusion: Polarized cardiac arrest may give better myocardial protection than depolarized cardiac arrest.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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