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Veresa Natasia
Mengacu pada studi empiris oleh G.E. Chortareas et al. (2012), penulis
mengestimasi perluasan dari model empiris original market power dan efficient
structure menggunakan kerangka data panel dinamis tidak seimbang. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk menganalisis variabilitas NIM sektor perbankan di 16 negara di
kawasan Asia-Pasifik (APAC) selama periode 2003-2012 dengan menggunakan
2800 observasi data bank dan lintas negara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
persistensi NIM di negara-negara berkembang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan
NIM di negara-negara maju. Selain itu, tingkat kapitalisasi bank terbukti
merupakan determinan yang mempengaruhi NIM di negara-negara berkembang,
sedangkan di negara-negara maju NIM paling banyak dipengaruhi oleh risiko
likuiditas bank.

Following in the footsteps of G.E. Chortareas et al. (2012) on the impact of
competition and efficiency on net interest margin (NIM) in Latin America banking,
I estimated the extension of the original market power and efficient structure
empirical model using an unbalanced dynamic panel data framework. This study
aims to analyze the variability of NIM of 16 banking sectors in the Asia-Pacific
(APAC) region during the 2003-2012 period by using 2800 observations of bank
level and cross-countries data. The results show that the persistence of NIM in
emerging countries is higher than NIM in the developed countries. In addition, the
level of bank capitalization is shown to be a dominant determinant of NIM in
emerging countries, whereas in developed countries NIM is most affected by the
bank?s liquidity risk.;Following in the footsteps of G.E. Chortareas et al. (2012) on the impact of
competition and efficiency on net interest margin (NIM) in Latin America banking,
I estimated the extension of the original market power and efficient structure
empirical model using an unbalanced dynamic panel data framework. This study
aims to analyze the variability of NIM of 16 banking sectors in the Asia-Pacific
(APAC) region during the 2003-2012 period by using 2800 observations of bank
level and cross-countries data. The results show that the persistence of NIM in
emerging countries is higher than NIM in the developed countries. In addition, the
level of bank capitalization is shown to be a dominant determinant of NIM in
emerging countries, whereas in developed countries NIM is most affected by the
bank?s liquidity risk.;Following in the footsteps of G.E. Chortareas et al. (2012) on the impact of
competition and efficiency on net interest margin (NIM) in Latin America banking,
I estimated the extension of the original market power and efficient structure
empirical model using an unbalanced dynamic panel data framework. This study
aims to analyze the variability of NIM of 16 banking sectors in the Asia-Pacific
(APAC) region during the 2003-2012 period by using 2800 observations of bank
level and cross-countries data. The results show that the persistence of NIM in
emerging countries is higher than NIM in the developed countries. In addition, the
level of bank capitalization is shown to be a dominant determinant of NIM in
emerging countries, whereas in developed countries NIM is most affected by the
bank?s liquidity risk.;Following in the footsteps of G.E. Chortareas et al. (2012) on the impact of
competition and efficiency on net interest margin (NIM) in Latin America banking,
I estimated the extension of the original market power and efficient structure
empirical model using an unbalanced dynamic panel data framework. This study
aims to analyze the variability of NIM of 16 banking sectors in the Asia-Pacific
(APAC) region during the 2003-2012 period by using 2800 observations of bank
level and cross-countries data. The results show that the persistence of NIM in
emerging countries is higher than NIM in the developed countries. In addition, the
level of bank capitalization is shown to be a dominant determinant of NIM in
emerging countries, whereas in developed countries NIM is most affected by the
bank’s liquidity risk., Following in the footsteps of G.E. Chortareas et al. (2012) on the impact of
competition and efficiency on net interest margin (NIM) in Latin America banking,
I estimated the extension of the original market power and efficient structure
empirical model using an unbalanced dynamic panel data framework. This study
aims to analyze the variability of NIM of 16 banking sectors in the Asia-Pacific
(APAC) region during the 2003-2012 period by using 2800 observations of bank
level and cross-countries data. The results show that the persistence of NIM in
emerging countries is higher than NIM in the developed countries. In addition, the
level of bank capitalization is shown to be a dominant determinant of NIM in
emerging countries, whereas in developed countries NIM is most affected by the
bank’s liquidity risk.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dani Bayu Angkat
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi determinan net interest marginpada perbankan Indonesia periode 2005-2014. Perbankan Indonesia di nilaiinefisien dibandingkan dengan perbankan di regional Asia Tenggara. Nilai netinterest margin yang relatif tinggi menjadi beban bagi perekonomian dengantingginya biaya intermediasi. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa net interest margindipengaruhi oleh kekutan pasar, biaya operasional, risk aversion, implicit interestpayment, opportunity cost of holding reserves, risiko kredit, ukuran operasional,ukuran aset dan pendapatan non-bunga. Penelitian ini menggunakan model yangdikembangkan oleh Ho and Saunders 1981 dan dimodifikasi oleh penulis danpeneliti lainnya.

The focus of this study is to observe deteminants of net interest margin inIndonesian banking industry. Indonesian banking industry is relatively inefficientbacause of higher net interest margin compared to other banking industry in SouthEast Asia region. Higher net interest margin rate is being a burden to theIndonesian economy through higher intermediation cost. This research finds thatnet interest margin is being influenced by market power, operating costs, riskaversion, implicit interest payment, opportunity cost of holding reserves, creditrisk, size of operations, size of assets and non interest income. This research usesthe model developed by Ho and Saunders 1981 and modification by otherauthors and researchers.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akmal Rangga Putra Warganegara
"Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat determinan Net Interest Margin (NIM) di industri perbankan Indonesia pada periode 2006-2009. Industri perbankan Indonesia di nilai inefisien dibandingkan dengan perbankan di regional Asia Tenggara. Nilai NIM yang relatif tinggi menjadi beban bagi perekonomian dengan tingginya biaya intermediasi. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa NIM dipengaruhi oleh kekuatan pasar, kualitas manajemen suatu bank, ukuran bank, dan kebijakan Non-Performing Loan (NPL). Penelitian ini menggunakan model yang dikembangkan dari Kannan et al (2001), Hawtrey dan Liang (2008), dan Peria dan Mody (2003).

The focus of this study is to observe deteminants of Net Interest Margin in Indonesian banking industry. Indonesian banking industry is relatively inefficient bacause of higher NIM compared to other banking industry in South East Asia region. Higher NIM rate is being a burden to the Indonesian economy through higher intermediation cost. This research finds that NIM is being influenced by market power, management quality, banks size, and Non-Performing Loan (NPL) rate policy. This research uses the model developed by Kannan et al (2001), Hawtrey and Liang (2008), and Peria and Mody (2003)."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taufik Miradz Tanya
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh partisipasi bank asing terhadap net interest margin (NIM) bank umum dengan studi kasus perbankan di Indonesia pada rentang tahun lima tahun (2007-2011). Setelah dilakukan regresi terhadap model dengan tiga pendekatan yaitu pooled least square, fixed effect model, dan random effect model yang kemudian dilakukan uji pemilihan terhadap ketiga pendekatan tersebut yaitu chow test, hausman test, dan The Breusch Pagan LM Test, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa partisipasi Bank Asing berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap net interest margin di perbankan Indonesia dalam kurun waktu 2007-2011. Selain itu, juga ditemukan pengaruh-pengaruh dari variabel teoritikal, environmental, dan makroekonomi terhadap NIM bank umum Indonesia.

The focus of this study is to observe the impact of foreign bank participation in Net Interest Margin (NIM) of bank in Indonesia in five years range, period of 2007-2011. By using three kind of approaches in regression, pooled least square, fixed effect model, and random effect model, which are continued by chow test, hausman test, and The Breusch Pagan LM Test, this research comes with a conclusion that foreign bank participation significantly effects Net Interest Margin of bank in Indonesia period of 2007-2011. Moreover, this research finds the relationship between theoritical variables, environmental variables, and macroeconomy variables in NIM of bank in Indonesia."
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Herta Sumarto
"Makalah ini menganalisis persaingan antara bank kecil dan bank besar dalam menentukan net interest margin (NIM) di pasar oligopoli. Penelitian ini menerapkan kerangka Game Theory yaitu Dynamic Games of Incomplete Information untuk mengembangkan model Ho dan Saunders. Kami menggunakan data dari industri perbankan Indonesia selama sepuluh tahun yang diklasifikasikan ke dalam tiga kelompok sampel; semua bank, bank kompetitif, dan bank spesifik, dan kemudian kami menghitung NIM optimalnya. NIM bank kecil yang optimal untuk masing-masing kelompok adalah masing-masing 7,32 persen, 8,73 persen, dan 9,16 persen; semua angka ini lebih tinggi dari NIM yang aktualnya. Untuk kelompok semua bank, NIM optimal bank besar lebih tinggi dari NIM aktualnya, sedangkan untuk kelompok bank yang kompetitif, NIM optimal bank besar selalu lebih rendah dari NIM aktualnya. Yang terakhir ini juga berlaku untuk bank-bank besar yang tidak kompetitif. NIM bank besar yang optimal pada ketiga kelompok tersebut masing-masing sebesar 6,78 persen, 4,21 persen, dan 2,75 persen; yang lebih rendah dari bank-bank kecil. Temuan ini membawa kita untuk menyimpulkan bahwa bank kecil memiliki peluang untuk meningkatkan NIM mereka ke tingkat yang optimal.

This paper analyzes the competition between small and large banks in determining the net interest margin (NIM) in the oligopoly market. This study applies the game theory dynamic games of an incomplete information framework for the Ho and Saunders model. We use data from the Indonesian banking industry for ten years, classified into three sample groups; all banks, competitive banks, and specific banks, and then we calculate the optimal NIM. The optimal NIM of small banks for each group was 7.32 percent, 8.73 percent, and 9.16 percent, respectively; all these figures are higher than the actual NIM. For all large banks, the optimal NIM is higher than the actual NIM, whereas, for the group of competitive large banks, the optimal NIM of large banks is always lower than the actual NIM. The latter also applies for the uncompetitive large banks. The optimal NIM of large banks in the three groups were 6.78 percent, 4.21 percent, and 2.75 percent, respectively; which are lower than the small banks. This finding leads us to conclude that small banks have the opportunity to increase their NIM to the optimal level."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yosman Bustaman
"Marjin intermediasi bank dikenal dengan sebutan net interest margin (NIM) yaitu selisih pendapatan bunga pinjaman dan bunga tabungan. NIM masih merupakan sumber utama pendapatan bank di kawasan ASEAN. Marjin yang tinggi akan berdampak pada tingginya biaya sosial bagi masyarakat, bahkan bisa menghambat laju pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara. Sebaliknya marjin bunga yang rendah diharapkan memberikan efek positif bagi semua pihak, namun marjin bunga juga merupakan sumber pendapatan yang menjadi buffer bagi bank dalam menghadapi risiko. Kecendrungan penurunan marjin bunga dikawasan ASEAN-4 paralel dengan peningkatan market power bank, peningkatan aktifitas diversifikasi income dan peningkatan penetrasi bank asing.
Untuk mengkaji fenomena tersebut maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh dari diversifikasi pendapatan, diversifikasi portofolio kredit, tingkat kompetisi dan penetrasi bank asing terhadap marjin bunga perbankan di kawasan ASEAN-4. Model bank sebagai dealer dari Ho dan Saunders (1981) dan pengembangan terakhir dari Maudos dan Solis (2009) di aplikasikan dalam kajian ini. Selanjutnya juga dilakukan investigasi pengaruh penurunan marjin intermediasi yang dipengaruhi oleh kompetisi pasar, diversifikasi, terhadap risiko kegagalan bank atau stabilitas perbankan seperti teori yang diajukan oleh Martinez-Miera & Repullo (2008, 2010). Estimasi model menggunakan panel data statis dan juga panel data dinamis dengan System Generalized Method of Moment (GMM).
Hasil estimasi model NIM menunjukkan bahwa kecendrungan penurunan marjin intermediasi pada perbankan konsisten dengan peningkatan penjualan produk tradisional berbasis fee income, yang memberikan indikasi bahwa terdapat subsidi silang dari pendapatan produk non-tradisonal terhadap penurunan pendapatan dari produk tradisional. Penetrasi bank asing secara langsung ikut meningkatkan kompetisi dan berkontribusi pada penurunan marjin bunga. Namun laju penurunan NIM diperlambat oleh meningkatnya market power perbankan dan kecendrungan bank untuk menjadi spesialis (less diversified) dalam pemberian kredit pada sektor bisnis. Hasil estimasi model risiko menunjukkan bahwa tingginya marjin bunga merupakan buffer bagi perbankan dalam peningkatan stabilitas.
Penetrasi bank asing, strategi diversifikasi bank pada penjualan produk non tradisional dan fokusnya (less diversified) perbankan dalam penyaluran kredit pada jenis kredit tertentu berkontribusi pada peningkatan stabilitas. Estimasi dampak kompetisi terhadap risiko menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi market power (less competitive) semakin meningkatkan stabilitas perbankan (competition fragility). Berbeda dengan MMR (2008, 2010), hasil estimasi regressi tidak memberikan bukti adanya hubungan yang tidak linear antara tingkat kompetisi dan risiko. Sementara itu agresivitas bank besar dalam pengambilan risiko untuk berekspansi dan merasa nyaman dengan garansi too big to fail diduga kuat berdampak pada penurunan stabilitas perbankan di kawasan ini.

Bank intermediation margin, well known as net interest margin (NIM) is the main source of bank?s revenue in the ASEAN region. On the positive side, high NIM will increase income that would provide a buffer for risk of bank failure. However, higher intermediation margin also cause bigger impacts on the social costs to society, even worse slower economic growth of a country. Decreasing trend in bank interest margin in ASEAN-4 is parallel with the increase in the market power of banks, the rise of revenue diversification as well as high penetration of foreign banks.
To examine this phenomenon, this study aims to analyze the effect of income diversification, loan portfolios diversification, market competition and the penetration of foreign banks on banks' interest margins in ASEAN-4. The diversification of the credit portfolio is divided into lending to the business sector and the types of credit financing. This study models bank as a risk averse dealer (Ho and Saunders, 981) and the latest development of Maudos and Solis (2009). It also investigates the impact of intermediation margins affected by market competition and diversification on the risk of bank failure as proposed by Martinez- Miera & Repullo - MMR (2008, 2010). The models are estimated using static panel data as well as dynamic panel data applying the System of Generalized Method of Moment (GMM).
The estimations of NIM model indicate that the declining trend of banking intermediation margin is consistent with an increase in sales of traditional products that generate fee-based income. It suggests that there is cross-subsidization of revenues from non-traditional products to the decline in revenues from traditional products. Penetration of foreign banks is directly boosted competition and contributed to the decline in interest margin. However, the rate of decline of NIM is slowed down by increased of market power and bank tendency to become specialists (less diversified) in lending to the business sector. Meanwhile, the estimation of risk model shows that higher interest margin is a buffer for banks to increase stability.
In addition, penetration of foreign banks, bank diversification strategy on the sale of non-traditional products and focused bank (less diversified) in lending to certain types of credit contribute to banking stability. The impact of competition on the risk indicates that more market power (less competitive) may result in higher banking stability (competition fragility view). Unlike MMR (2008, 2010), the results do not provide evidence of a non-linear relationship between the level of competition and risk. While the aggressiveness of bigger banks in taking risks to expand their market and feel comfortable with the warranty too big to fail allegedly impact on banking instability in the region.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat pengaruh spesifikasi bank terhadap net interest margin NIM perbankan di Indonesia. Industri perbankan Indonesia diharuskan beroperasi secara efisien. Nilai net interest margin mencerminkan seberapa efisien bank dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya. Dengan menggunakan data panel bank umum di Indonesia yang beroperasi pada periode tahun 2011 hingga 2015 ditemukan bahwa non performing loan NPL, risk aversion, ukuran, dan biaya operasional mempengaruhi net interest margin.

The focus of study is to analyze how bank spesification affect on net interest margin of Indonesian. Indonesian banking industry have to operate efficiently. Net interest margin value represent how effective the operational process. Employing pooled data from commercial banks operating in Indonesia period 2011 2015, This research finds that net interest margin is being influenced by non performing loan, risk aversion, size, and operational cost.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fry, Maxwell J.
London : Routledge, 1997
332.1 FRY e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pangaribuan, Nelli Marta BR.
"Return On Asset dan Net Interest Margin di Indonesia sangat tinggi dibandingkan dengan negara lain. Kondisi tersebut menjadi satu hal yang menarik untuk dibahas mengenai faktor yang apa mempengaruhi tingginya ROA dan NIM di perbankan Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peranan variabel firm level dan variabel makroekonomi dalam menentukan ROA dan NIM bank umum di Indonesia selama periode 2003-2012. Dengan menggunakan 83 sampel penelitian, diperoleh bahwa variabel firm level yang diwakili oleh ROA dan NIM periode sebelumya, penyaluran kredit (loan), biaya operasional, dan leverage berpengaruh terhadap ROA dan NIM. Ditemukan juga bahwa variabel makroekonomi yang diwakili oleh inflasi, PDB per kapita, dan rasio market capitalization to GDP juga berpengaruh terhadap ROA dan NIM bank umum di Indonesia pada periode 2003-2012.

Return on Assets and Net Interest Margin in Indonesia is very high compared to other countries. The condition becomes an interesting thing to discuss about what factors affect the high ROA and NIM in Indonesian banks. This study aims to analyzed how the role of firm-level variables and macroeconomic variables in determining ROA and NIM commercial banks in Indonesia during the period 2003-2012. Using 83 samples, acquired that firm-level variables are represented by ROA and NIM in the past period, loan, operational costs, and leverage effect on ROA and NIM. It was also found that macroeconomic variables are represented by inflation, GDP per capita, and the ratio of market capitalization to GDP also affect the ROA and NIM of commercial banks in Indonesia in the period 2003-2012."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vika Indriana
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis determinan net interest margin bank domestik dan bank asing di Indonesia periode 2010-2014 dengan menggunakan metode analisis fixed effect model GLS. Variabel dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi variabel spesifik bank dan variabel spesifik industri. Uji Mann-Whitney digunakan dalam menganalisis perbedaan yang signifikan atas rata-rata net interest margin serta ratarata variabel spesifik bank antara bank domestik dan bank asing. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa rata-rata net interest margin serta rata-rata variabel spesifik bank yang terdiri dari risk aversion, risiko kredit, likuiditas, biaya operasional, size of operation, dan implicit interest payment berbeda secara signifikan antara bank domestik dan bank asing. Sementara efisiensi manajerial kedua kelompok bank tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan. Ditemukan bahwa determinan net interest margin pada bank domestik adalah likuiditas, biaya operasional, efisiensi manajerial, implicit interest payment, dan size of operation. Sementara determinan net interest margin pada bank asing adalah risiko kredit, likuiditas, biaya operasional, efisiensi manajerial, implicit interest payment, dan konsentrasi pasar. Risk aversion tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan pada net interest margin bank domestik maupun bank asing.

This study aims to analyze the determinants of domestic and foreign banks? net interest margin 2010-2014 using Fixed Effect Model GLS. Variables in this study are divided into bank specific variables and industry specific variables. Mann-Whitney Test is used to test whether there is significant difference on net interest margin and bank specific variables between domestic and foreign banks. The results of this study found that there is significant difference on average of net interest margin and bank specific variables such as risk aversion, credit risk, liquidity, operational cost, size of operation, and implicit interest payment, between domestic and foreign banks. In the other hand, there is no significant difference on average of managerial efficiency. The study also found that determinants of domestic banks net interest margin are liquidity, operational cost, managerial efficiency, size of operation, and implicit interest payment. Meanwhile, the determinants of foreign banks net interest margin are credit risk, liquidity, operational cost, managerial efficiency, implicit interest payment, and market concentration.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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