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Ditemukan 59741 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Gultom, Rinda Chronika
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kedudukan kasus harga transfer di Indonesia dan praktik transaksi transfer pricing dalam skema bisnis lima belas pemohon banding. Selain itu, tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui proses penyelesaian kasus sidang banding harga transfer dan efektivitas peraturan transaksi hubungan istimewa dalam mendeteksi penghindaran pajak. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya peningkatan transaksi lintas batas negara dan peningkatan kerja sama antar negara sehingga kecenderungan wajib pajak memanfaatkan perbedaan tarif pajak juga meningkat. Dalam penelitian ini, disajikan stratifikasi kasus penelitian, skema harga transfer lima belas pemohon banding, dan alur persidangan.

The objective of this research is to navigate transfer pricing cases in Indonesia Tax Court and transfer pricing activity in each fifteen Tax Payer`s Business Structures. Moreover, this research also to investigate how Indonesia Tax Court conclude Transfer Pricing Activity and how effective Domestic Transfer Pricing Regulation in detecting a profit shifting or tax avoidance within Transfer Pricing Scheme. In brief, this research is motivated by the increasing of cross-border transaction and multinational agreement that leads Tax Payer to do tax planning or even tax avoidance. This research will present stratification of tax court case study, transfer pricing scheme of each fifteen tax payers, and the process of tax court."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sihombing, Margareth Sophia Elisabeth
"Salah satu strategi manajemen perpajakan yang umumnya dilakukan antar intra grup perusahaan multinasional adalah transfer pricing, tetapi seringkali memiliki konotasi negatif karena erat kaitannya dengan penghindaran pajak. Perkembangan teknologi dan industri berbasis know-how juga mendorong peningkatan transaksi yang berupa intangible asset dan jasa. Kedua jenis transaksi tersebut seringkali menimbulkan sengketa antara Wajib Pajak dan Direktorat Jenderal Pajak sehingga dapat menimbulkan koreksi atas pelaporan pajak perusahaan dan mendorong Wajib Pajak untuk mengajukan keberatan dan kemudian permohonan banding ke Pengadilan Pajak.
Penulisan karya ilmiah ini menganalisis kasus banding transfer pricing atas intangible property dan jasa intra grup untuk menemukan faktor penyebab sengketa dan kemudian mendeskripsikan kajian yang dilakukan Majelis Hakim dalam memutus sengketa. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif-deskriptif melalui analisis 7 (tujuh) kasus banding tahun 2005-2012. Setelah dilakukan analisis terhadap kasus-kasus tersebut,
Penulis menemukan bahwa terdapat beberapa faktor penyebab sengketa, yaitu perbedaan data, perbedaan interpretasi data, dan perbedaan interpretasi hukum. Selain itu, ditemukan pula bahwa terdapat beberapa aspek yang menjadi pertimbangan Majelis Hakim dalam memutus sengketa, yaitu kelengkapan dan kualitas dokumen pendukung, keterangan dari tiap pihak, dan pengetahuan Hakim.

One of the strategies commonly practiced by MNC groups internally is transfer pricing, which primary purpose is to enhance the efficiency of business process. However, this method often causes negative impression since it is closely related to tax avoidance issue. The rapid growth of technology and know-how based industry also boost transactions involving intangible assets and services. Disputes between Tax Payer and Directorate General of Tax (DGT) may arise when determining the nature of those transactions. Corrections made by DGT may lead to objection by Tax Payer and will be proceeded to Tax Court if remains unsatisfied with the result.
This study examines 7 (seven) appeals of transfer pricing case from 2005-2012 related to intangible property and intra-group service to find the factors causing the dispute and describe considerations taken by Judges to make the decision by using qualitative-descriptive approach.
The result shows that using different data and having different interpretation on data and law may have caused the disputes. Apart from that, there are several aspects that may affect Judges consideration, such as the completeness and quality of proof documents, arguments from each party, and Judges knowledge.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silalahi, Raisa Dewita Theresia
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh transparansi terhadap agresivitas pajak (CETR, LCETR dan PBTD) serta pengaruh transparansi sebagai variabel moderasi antara penghindaran pajak dan nilai perusahaan (Tobin?s Q). Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 79 perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama tahun 2011-2014, dengan total observasi 266 firms-years dengan pengujian data panel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada perusahaan yang transparan, kenaikan agresivitas pajak perusahaan akan meningkatkan nilai perusahaan tersebut secara jangka pendek, signifikan pada level 5%. Namun secara jangka panjang, pada perusahaan yang transparan, kenaikan agresivitas pajak perusahaan akan menurunkan nilai perusahaan tersebut secara signifikan.

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of transparency on Tax Agressiveness (CETR, LCETR and PBTD) and its effect as moderating variable between Tax Avoidance and firm value (Tobin?s Q). The sample of this study consists of 79 manufacture firms that listed for period of 2011-2014, with 266 firms-years total observation using panel data. The empirical results of this study show that in transparent firm, tax aggressiveness has positif effect to increase firm value annually. However, in the long term, tax aggressiveness will decrease firm's value, in transparent company.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Gibran Nadhir
"[Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perlakuan akuntansi atas aset biologis berupa HTI akasia pada PT INHUTANI III, memperbandingkannya dengan pedoman pelaporan keuangan yang digunakan perusahaan yaitu DOLAPKEU-PHP2H, mengetahui kualitas informasi aset biologis HTI akasia pada laporan keuangan perusahaan, dan memperbandingkan perlakuan akuntansi HTI akasia di perusahaan tersebut dengan IAS 41. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas informasi atas aset biologis HTI akasia pada perusahaan dapat diperbandingkan, cukup dapat dipahami, objektif, walaupun belum sempurna. Ada perbedaan perlakuan akuntansi HTI akasia antara perusahaan dan IAS 41. Dampak penerapan IAS 41 diantaranya yaitu perubahan yang signifikan pada laporan keuangan, besarnya biaya yang dikeluarkan, dan kurang terpenuhinya aspek comparability pada laporan keuangan. Jika diadopsi, DSAK harus memberi penjelasan lebih terperinci.
;This thesis aims to determine the accounting treatment for biological assets on acacia industrial timber plantation in PT INHUTANI III, to compare it with the financial reporting guidelines used by the company that is DOLAPKEU-PHP2H, to determine the quality of information on the acacia industrial timber plantation and to compare between the company's accounting treatment and accounting treatment based on IAS 41. The results showed that the quality of information on acacia industrial timber plantation in the company are comparable, understandable enough, objective, but not perfect. There are differences between the accounting treatment of acacia industrial timber plantation in the company and IAS 41. The impacts of the application of IAS 41 in PT INHUTANI III are the significant changes to the financial statements, the expensive costs, and lack of comparability of financial statements. If adopted, DSAK should give more detailed explanations.
;This thesis aims to determine the accounting treatment for biological assets on acacia industrial timber plantation in PT INHUTANI III, to compare it with the financial reporting guidelines used by the company that is DOLAPKEU-PHP2H, to determine the quality of information on the acacia industrial timber plantation and to compare between the company's accounting treatment and accounting treatment based on IAS 41. The results showed that the quality of information on acacia industrial timber plantation in the company are comparable, understandable enough, objective, but not perfect. There are differences between the accounting treatment of acacia industrial timber plantation in the company and IAS 41. The impacts of the application of IAS 41 in PT INHUTANI III are the significant changes to the financial statements, the expensive costs, and lack of comparability of financial statements. If adopted, DSAK should give more detailed explanations.
, This thesis aims to determine the accounting treatment for biological assets on acacia industrial timber plantation in PT INHUTANI III, to compare it with the financial reporting guidelines used by the company that is DOLAPKEU-PHP2H, to determine the quality of information on the acacia industrial timber plantation and to compare between the company's accounting treatment and accounting treatment based on IAS 41. The results showed that the quality of information on acacia industrial timber plantation in the company are comparable, understandable enough, objective, but not perfect. There are differences between the accounting treatment of acacia industrial timber plantation in the company and IAS 41. The impacts of the application of IAS 41 in PT INHUTANI III are the significant changes to the financial statements, the expensive costs, and lack of comparability of financial statements. If adopted, DSAK should give more detailed explanations.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silaban, Agust Hendra
"Data pembanding atas transaksi hubungan istimewa merupakan salah satu hal yang seringkali diperdebatkan oleh Wajib Pajak dan Pemeriksa Pajak. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pertimbangan Pemeriksa Pajak dalam menentukan data pembanding pada saat melaksanakan pemeriksaan terhadap Wajib Pajak yang memiliki hubungan istimewa, untuk mengetahui kendala Pemeriksa Pajak dalam menentukan data pembanding, serta untuk mengetahui apa yang menyebabkan sengketa antara Wajib Pajak dengan Pemeriksa Pajak mengenai data pembanding. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemeriksa Pajak mempertimbangkan karakteristik usaha, dokumentasi harga transfer, faktor kesebandingan, ketersediaan data pembanding internal, informasi dari sumber informasi eksternal, kelengkapan data dan ketersediaan website kandidat pembanding, kriteria kandidat pembanding, pendekatan pemeriksaan, serta metode harga transfer. Kendala yang dihadapi adalah kendala pemahaman dan kepatuhan Wajib Pajak, ketidakterbukaan Wajib Pajak, keunikan produk dan jasa serta proses bisnis Wajib Pajak, pemahaman Pemeriksa Pajak, load pekerjaan yang tinggi, mutasi pegawai, keterbatasan sumber informasi dan variasi database, kendala akses database, serta kendala penguasaan bahasa asing tertentu. Sengketa mengenai data pembanding disebabkan adanya perbedaan kepentingan, perbedaan pemahaman, tidak dilakukannya analisis transfer pricing yang mendalam, keterbatasan akses informasi, adanya tindakan untuk menjustifikasi transaksi, kurangnya pedoman dalam penentuan data pembanding, serta masalah komunikasi dan keterbukaan yang timbul pada saat pelaksanaan pemeriksaan.

Comparable on affiliate transactions is one thing that is often debated by the Taxpayers and Tax Auditors. This study was conducted to find out the Tax Auditors? consideration in determining comparable during transfer pricing audit and the constraints as well as the causes of dispute on comparable between Taxpayers and Tax Auditors. This research was conducted using qualitative approach.
The results showed that Tax Auditors consider Tax payers? business characteristics, transfer pricing documentation, comparability factors, the availability of internal comparable, the information obtained from external source such as databases, the completeness of data and the availability of comparable company's website, the qualitative and quantitative criteria of comparable company, transfer pricing methods used, and audit approach carried out. The constraints is due to understanding and tax compliance, lack of openness, the Taxpayers? uniqueness of products, services, and business, Tax Auditors? knowledge, high work load, personnel transfers within organization, limited information resources and variations in databases, limited access to database, and foreign language constraint. Disputes on comparable between Taxpayers and Tax Auditors may arise due to differences in interests and understanding, the absence of in-depth analysis of transfer pricing, limited access to information, justification on transaction, the lackness of guidance in determining comparable, and communication problems and lack of openness during the audit.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Herawati
Pajak mempunyai peranan penting karena berfungsi sebagai salah satu sumber
dana untuk membiayai pembangunan. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan penerimaan
pajak adalah dengan melakukan intensifikasi yang mengandung pengertian bahwa pajak
yang dibayarkan oleh setiap WP adalah sama dengan potensi yang seharusnya, sehîngga
kebocoran penerimaan pajak dapat dihilangkan.
Dengan semakin globalnya perdagangan dunia, maka transaksi yang dilakukan
oleh perusahaan pun semakin kompleks, terutama oleh MNC. MNC yang hampir selalu
menerapkan strategi world wide after tax profit akan menggunakan berbagai cara untuk
mencapainya, salah satunya adalah dengan melakukau transfer pricing pada transaksi
yang mereka lakukan.
Sejalan dengan intensifikasi penerimaan pajak yang dilakukan DJP, dilakukan
penelitian mengenai efektivitas sistem pemeriksaan pajak atas transaksi transfer pricing
yang dilakukan oleh WP, dengan memilih obyek KPP Baden untuk diteliti.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisa deskriptif dengan melakukan
wawancara secara mendalam terhadap pakar di bidang perpajakan dan petugas pemeriksa
pajak mengenai hal yang diteliti.
Sistem pemeriksaan pajak yang berlaku di KPP Badora belum efektìf untuk
mendeteksi adanya transaksi transfer pricing, karena 2 masalah pokok yaitu masalah
internal dan masalah eksternal yang mempengaruhi sistem pemenksaan pajak. Masalah
internal antara lain mencakup sumber daya manusia, dalam hal ini petugas pemeriksa
pajak, beban kerja, pemeriksaan pajak yang kurang kondusif dalam
mendukung sistem pemeriksaan pajak. Masalah eksternal antara lain mencakup kaakteristik WP dan sektor usaha yang khusus, yang melibatkan banyak peraturan-peraturan khusus.
Hasil penelitian ini masih sangat sederhana disebabkan keterbatasan pengetahuan
dan kernampuan penulis dalam melakukan analisa. Akan tetapi penulis berharap
hasil penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi para pembaca terutama DJP dan penulis sendri, serta
dapat memotivasi peneliti lainnya untuk menganalisa Iebih dalam lagi permasalahan ini
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bernardin Bela Naradina
Persaingan yang tinggi dengan perusahaan dalam industri yang sama
menyebabkan perusahaan harus mampu mencari peluang yang memungkinkan
untuk meminimalkan biaya dari penerapan strategi bisnis yang dijalankan.
Restrukturisasi tidak lepas dari adanya perubahan strategi yang pada hakekatnya
ingin memperbaiki performa organisasi, disamping adanya pengaruh struktur
keuangan yang membebankan perusahaan. Dalam kaitan ini, melalui kebijakan
perpajakan, pemerintah telah memberikan kemudahan (fasilitas) perpajakan bagi
Wajib Pajak dalam melakukan kegiatan restrukturisasi.
Pihak manajemen MMI mempunyai strategi berupa penggabungan usaha
atau likuidasi usaha. Manajemen perusahaan berusaha untuk memilih strategi
yang memberikan beban pajak yang paling efisien sebagai salah satu biaya yang
dikeluarkan, dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas perpajakan tersebut.
Metode penelitian yang dilakukan didasarkan pada metode deskriptif
analisis, dengan melalui studi pustaka dan analisis atas kebijakan perpajakan,
disandingkan dengan data keuangan dari MMI.
Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa
perusahaan bisa menggunakan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor
43/PMK.03/2008 untuk penggabungan usaha menggunakan nilai buku sehingga
perusahaan dapat terhindar dari adanya pajak penghasilan capital gain atas harta
perusahaan yang dialihkan dalam kegiatan restrukturisasi. Selain itu terdapat juga
Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 91/PMK.03/2006 untuk mengurangi Bea
Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah dan/atau Bangunan hingga mencapai 75%.

High competition with companies in the same industry led to the company
to be able to look for opportunities that allow minimizing the cost of
implementation of a business strategy. Restructuring cannot be separated from a
change in strategy that is intrinsically targeted to improve the performance of the
organization, in addition to the burden effect caused by the company's financial
structure. In this regard, through a tax policy, the government has provided a tax
facility for taxpayers in restructuring activities.
MMI?s management has strategic options to apply merger or liquidation
strategy. The management is trying to choose the propriate strategy that gives the
most efficient tax burden by utilizing the tax facility.
The research method performed based on the descriptive method of
analysis, the literature study and analysis of tax policy and coupled with financial
data from the MMI, GII, IR and SSK.
Based on the analysis it can be concluded that the Minister of Finance
Regulation Number 43/PMK.03/2008 for business combinations is applicable by
using the book value so the company can be prevented from the income tax due
on capital gain on assets transferred. In addition, there is also the Minister of
Finance Regulation Number 91/PMK.03/2006 to reduce Levy on Acquisition of
Land and/or Buildings up to 75 %."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gulo, Yaatulo
"The role of taxpayers permitted to maintain their book keeping in US $ currency to government's revenue are increasing therefore such discriminatory policy needs a serious study to ensure the fairness and certainty in implementation. Minister of Finance Decree Number 533 Year 2000 specifying five types of business which are allowed to maintain the book keeping in US $ without a criterion as standardized in financial accounting standard (FAS), as a result arising issue in the effort of taxing foreign exchange difference. Accounting standard sees the non functional currency as a foreign currency. All monetary items and all transactions are denominated in foreign currency generate the foreign exchange difference. Prevailing implementation rules designed to rule the Rupiah book keeping which will become inequitable judicially if applied to the US $ books taxpayer. This thesis is addressed to analyze the foreign exchange difference treatment to the company permitted to maintain their bookkeeping in US $, base on license's granting criteria, exchange rate and foreign exchange rate difference, foreign exchange treatment in prevailing regulations, exchange rates and financial report items translation, and the improvement proposal to make the foreign exchange taxing will be in line with the basic law principles.
US $ bookkeeping is designed to respond the globalization demand and to provide the conducive climate of investments. Accountancy is an element of tax administration in providing information about tax object. Accounting information is expressed in monetary unit is so-called as an accounting currency. Accounting currency is functional currency, currency considered as non-functional be foreign currency. Exchange rates fluctuation is generating foreign exchange difference. Restatement of foreign currencies balance and transactions denominated in foreign currency within two different points of time will generate foreign exchange losses/gains which ultimately affecting the tax liability. S-H-S income concept assumes the foreign exchange rate difference as a part of capital gains or capital losses, which should be taxed or deducted at the realization date.
Type of research for this thesis has the character of analytical-descriptive. Data collecting conducted with research of documents and research of field. Research of documents conducted with research of bibliography and research of field. Research of bibliography cover research of literatures, expert's opinions, relevant taxation rules and financial data of PT X. Field research conducted by holding an interview with interested parties to the foreign exchange difference taxation case which studied-in is PT X case as according to Code of Foreign Capital.
The principle of book keeping rule in the law of General Provision and Taxation Procedure (referred as "KUP Law") mention that unless otherwise stipulated by tax laws, the book keeping must be executed by means or systems normally uses in Indonesia, like on the basis of Financial Accountancy Standards (FAS). The KUP Law gives authority to Minister of Finance to define the taxpayer which may allow to maintain book keeping in US $ without accompanied by criterion, therefore MOF has his own discretion to issue further book keeping rules which might possibly oppose the basic principles of basic rules. Every transaction carries out in the non US S currency will yield the foreign exchange difference. A foreign exchange gain is subject to tax and a foreign exchange loss will be deductible from the gross income. Prevailing implementation rules related to the foreign exchange difference do not itemize particular financial report post able to be translated by historical exchange rate and balance, which translated with current exchange rate. The tax authority's treatment and tax court's decision on the PT X case was derived from Gunadi's opinion in his book that there is no foreign exchange loss from the tax payables or receivables accounts since the taxes receivables/ payables account should be translated by historical exchange rate. From accounting point of view, the Gunadi's method of translation is a temporal method with dual transactions perspective which nor FAS neither prevailing tax laws does not adopted. FAS adopts the monetary and non monetary translation method as an accepted standard to report all foreign currency transactions.
It is recommended that the licensed taxpayer to apply the US $ book keeping has to rely on certain criteria in line with the other article within the same provision. The implementation provisions of forcij exchange difference need to update by inserting the detail of foreign exchange loss derived from which items allow as deduction and the detail of foreign exchange gain derived from which items treats as the income tax object.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anthon Novianto
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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