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Faridah Marzuqah Zhafirah
Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan penggunaan video animasi dan video nonanimasi sebagai media pendidikan dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan anak tunagrahita ringan mengenai kesehatan gigi dan mulutnya.
Metode: Subjek penelitian adalah 20 siswa SDLB Ar-Rahman diberikan edukasi menggunakan video animasi dan 14 siswa SDLB Mahardika menggunakan video non-animasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pre and post test design.
Hasil: Ada perbedaan bermakna antara peningkatan pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah edukasi (p=0.000). Namun, tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara peningkatan pengetahuan menggunakan video animasi dengan menggunakan video nonanimasi (p=0.457).
Kesimpulan: Video animasi dan non-animasi tidak memiliki perbedaan dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan kesehatan gigi dan mulut pada anak
tunagrahita ringan.

Objective: To determine the differences between animated and non-animated video as a medium of education in improving the knowledge of mild mental retardation children about their oral health.
Methods: The subjects were 20 students of SLB Ar-Rahman, who were given education using animated video and 14 students of SLB Mahardika who were given education using non-animated video. This study used a pre and post test design.
Results: There are significant differences in improvement of knowledge between before and after education (p=0.000). However, there are no significant difference between the increase in knowledge using animated viedo and using non-animated videos (p=0457).
Conclusion: animated and non-animated video does not have a difference in improving the oral health knowledge on mild mental retardation children."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kamila Rahandini
Tujuan: mengetahui perbedaan video animasi dan non-animasi dalam meningkatkan
keterampilan menyikat gigi anak tunagrahita ringan. Metode: studi eksperimental
dengan mengedukasi 30 anak tunagrahita usia 6-18 tahun menggunakan video
selama 21 hari dan pemeriksaan oleh peneliti setiap minggu. Hasil: setelah 3 minggu
terjadi peningkatan (68,75% dan 50%) keterampilan menyikat gigi, penurunan skor
indeks plak (68,75% dan 50%) dan kematangan plak (62,5% dan 35,71%) bermakna
pada kelompok intervensi A dan intervensi B. Kesimpulan: tidak ada perbedaan
antara efektivitas video animasi dan non-animasi dalam meningkatkan keterampilan
menyikat gigi anak tunagrahita. Video efektif meningkatkan keterampilan menyikat
gigi anak tunagrahita dengan adanya penurunan plak bermakna.

Aim: to know differences between animated and non-animated video in improving
toothbrushing skill of children with intellectual disability. Method: experimental
study by educate 30 children aged 6-18 with intellectual disability using video for 21
days and reasearcher evaluating every week. Result: there’s significant improvement
(68,75% and 50%) of toothbrushing skill, reduction of plaque index (68,75% and
50%) and plaque maturity score (62,5% and 35,71%) in intervention A and B group
after 3 weeks. Conclusion: no significant differences between animated and nonanimated
video’s effectiveness in improving their toothbrushing skills.Video is
effective to improve toothbrushing skill on children with intellectual disability by
decreasing plaque score."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia which is surrounded by its satellite cities Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi.
Nonetheless, scarce information are available of the current oral health of children. Objective: The study aims to
describe caries and gingival status among 5 and 12 years old children in Jabodetabek. Jabodetabek is an abbreviation
of Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, and the satellite cities in its surrounding (Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi).
Methods: The survey was done in 2014 and had already got ethical approval. Design of this study was crosssectional.
Subjects were 5-year-old and 12-year-old Indonesian children living in Jabodetabek, selected using cluster sampling
method. One trained examiner performed the clinical examination. Caries experience was measured using DMFT
index, severity of decayed teeth was assessed using PUFA index, gingival status and oral hygiene were measured
by Loe and Sillness modified index. Results: A total of 390 5-year-old and 458 12-year-old children with balanced
proportion between girls and boys participated in the survey. The prevalence of caries experience among the 5-yearold
children and 12-year-old children were 90% and 84% respectively. The mean DMFT and DT scores among
the 5-year-old children and 12-year-old children were 7.5±5.5 and 6.8±4.8; 3.2±2.2 and 2.9±2.1 respectively. Pulp
involvement were apparent in 45% and 23% of caries in 5 and 12-year-old children respectively. Most children, 45%
5-year-old children and 92% 12-year-old children had substantial amount of plaque. Moreover, 68% 12-year-old
children had gingivitis. Conclusion: Dental caries were prevalent among 5 and 12-year-old Indonesian children in
Jakarta and its satellite cities. The oral health condition of most of the children were poor."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kimbrough, Vickie J.
New Jersey: Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2006
617.601 KIM o
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar Belakang :Pesantren merupakan institusi pendidikan di Indonesia yang menjalankan sistem tempat tinggal asrama. Kondisi status kesehatan gigi mulut di beberapa pesantren masih menunjukkan hasil sedang hingga rendah, padahal terdapat lebih dari empat juta remaja yang menempuh pendidikan di pesantren. Upaya meningkatkan kesehatan gigi mulut adalah melaksanakan program promosi kesehatan mulut berbasis sekolah, dan program ini dapat disusun dengan sebelumnya melakukan identifikasi perilaku kebersihan gigi mulut.Tujuan : Menganalisis hubungan antara perilaku kebersihan gigi mulut dengan indeks plak, laju alir saliva, dan kuantifikasi bakteri Veillonella Parvula dalam saliva di komunitas pesantren populasi anak usia 12 – 14 tahun. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan pada 101 siswa Ibnu Hajar Boarding School. Pengisian kuesioner indeks OHB untuk menilai perilaku kebersihan gigi mulut. Pengambilan sampel saliva tanpa stimulasi dan diukur lajur alir, dilanjutkan pemeriksaan indeks plak. Sampel saliva dibawa ke laboratorium untuk mengetahui kuantifikasi bakteri Veillonella parvula melalui metode RT-PCR. Hasil: Koefisien korelasi antara OHB dengan Indeks plak adalah r = 0.127 p-value = 0.204. Koefisien korelasi antara OHB dengan laju alir saliva adalah r = -0.211, p-value = 0.034. Koefisien korelasi antara OHB dengan Ct Veillonella parvula adalah r = -0.156 , p-value = 0.119. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan berbanding terbalik dan bermakna antara perilaku kebersihan gigi mulut dengan laju alir saliva, dan hubungan tidak bermakna antara perilaku kebersihan gigi mulut dengan indeks plak dan kuantifikasi bakteri Veillonella parvula.

Background: Boarding schools in Indonesia operate as residential educational institutions. The oral health status in some boarding schools still indicates moderate to low results, despite more than four million adolescents pursuing education in these institutions. Efforts to improve oral health include implementing a school-based oral health promotion program, which can be designed after identifying oral hygiene behaviors. To date, there has been no study examining the relationship between oral hygiene behaviors and plaque index, saliva flow rate, and quantification of Veillonella Parvula. Objective: To analyze the relationship between oral hygiene behaviors and plaque index, saliva flow rate, and quantification of Veillonella Parvula in a population of 12- to 14-year-old students in a boarding school. Method: The OHB index questionnaire was used to assess oral hygiene behaviors. Unstimulated saliva samples were collected and saliva flow rate measured, followed by plaque index examination. Saliva samples were taken to the laboratory to determine the quantification of Veillonella Parvula bacteria using RT-PCR. Results: The correlation coefficient between OHB and the plaque index was r = 0.127, p-value = 0.204. The correlation coefficient between OHB and saliva flow rate was r = -0.211, p-value = 0.034. The correlation coefficient between OHB and Ct Veillonella Parvula was r = -0.156, p-value = 0.119. Conclusion: There was an inverse and significant relationship between oral hygiene behavior and salivary rate, and a non-significant relationship between oral hygiene behavior and plaque index and quantification of Veillonella parvula bacteria."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadhilah Almasyhur
"Latar Belakang: Kondisi kesehatan gigi dan mulut merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari individu dan mempengaruhi kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan. Usia 7-9 tahun merupakan masa yang krusial dalam pertumbuhan gigi karena gigi susu mulai rontok satu per satu dan gigi permanen pertama telah tumbuh. Pencegahan melalui pendidikan kesehatan perlu dilakukan untuk menghindari terjadinya karies gigi. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan media buku cerita dan powerpoint dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan kesehatan gigi dan mulut dan menurunkan skor plak pada anak usia 7-9 tahun. Metode: Penelitian eksperimen semu dengan desain non-equivalent group pretest posttest design menggunakan convenience sampling sebagai metode pengambilan sampel. Subyek penelitian berasal dari 4 SD di Kecamatan Cipinang Besar Utara yang berjumlah 197 anak yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok intervensi yang diberikan pendidikan kesehatan gigi melalui media buku cerita dan powerpoint, sedangkan kelompok kontrol diberikan pendidikan melalui media powerpoint. media power point. Pendidikan kesehatan gigi diberikan seminggu sekali selama 4 minggu. Subyek diperiksa plakat awal dan akhir, pengisian angket pre-test dan post-test, pengisian angket evaluasi guru dan pengisian angket sosiodemografi oleh orang tua subjek. Hasil: Terdapat 138 subjek berusia 7-9 tahun yang diteliti dengan kelompok intervensi (n=70) dan kelompok kontrol (n=68). Ada 59 subjek yang dikeluarkan karena tidak memenuhi kriteria usia (n=7), tidak mengumpulkan informed consent (n=11), tidak berpartisipasi dalam semua kegiatan (n=41). Hasil uji wilcoxon pada masing-masing kelompok sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan kesehatan gigi menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan (p=0,00). Hasil uji Mann Whitney menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara peningkatan pengetahuan setelah pendidikan pada kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol (p>0,05). Hasil uji Wilcoxon pada kelompok intervensi menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan pada skor plak akhir (p = 0,02) sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan (p = 0,994). Kesimpulan: Edukasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut melalui media buku cerita dan powerpoint serta melalui media powerpoint dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan kesehatan gigi dan mulut pada anak usia 7-9 tahun di Cipinang Besar Utara. Tidak terdapat perbedaan peningkatan pengetahuan kesehatan gigi dan mulut yang bermakna antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol. Terjadi penurunan skor plak pada kelompok intervensi.
Background: The condition of dental and oral health is an integral part of the individual and affects overall well-being. The age of 7-9 years is a crucial period in the growth of teeth because the baby teeth begin to fall out one by one and the first permanent teeth have grown. Prevention through health education needs to be done to avoid dental caries. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of using storybooks and powerpoint media in increasing oral health knowledge and reducing plaque scores in children aged 7-9 years. Methods: Quasi-experimental research with non-equivalent group pretest posttest design using convenience sampling as the sampling method. The research subjects came from 4 elementary schools in Cipinang Besar Utara District, totaling 197 children who were divided into two groups, namely the intervention group who were given dental health education through storybooks and powerpoint media, while the control group was given education through powerpoint media. powerpoint media. Dental health education is given once a week for 4 weeks. Subjects were checked for initial and final plaques, filling out pre-test and post-test questionnaires, filling out teacher evaluation questionnaires and filling out sociodemographic questionnaires by subject's parents. Results: There were 138 subjects aged 7-9 years studied with the intervention group (n=70) and the control group (n=68). There were 59 subjects who were excluded because they did not meet the age criteria (n=7), did not collect informed consent (n=11), did not participate in all activities (n=41). Wilcoxon test results in each group before and after dental health education showed an increase in knowledge (p = 0.00). The results of the Mann Whitney test showed that there was no significant difference between the increase in knowledge after education in the intervention group and the control group (p>0.05). The results of the Wilcoxon test in the intervention group showed a significant difference in the final plaque score (p = 0.02) while in the control group there was no significant difference (p = 0.994). Conclusion: Dental and oral health education through storybooks and powerpoint media as well as through powerpoint media can increase dental and oral health knowledge in children aged 7-9 years in Cipinang Besar Utara. There was no significant difference in the increase in knowledge of oral and dental health between the intervention group and the control group. There was a decrease in plaque scores in the intervention group."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitria Kusuma Dewi
Kemampuan oral hygiene dan status oral health mempengaruhi status nutrisi lansia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kemampuan oral hygiene dan status oral health dengan status nutrisi pada lansia. Desain deskriptif korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional di PSTW Budi Mulia 02 & 04 DKI Jakarta dengan 93 responden. Instrumen untuk mengukur status nutrisi MNA dan penilaian status oral health dengan OHAT. Responden penelitian ini 65,6% perempuan, kemampuan oral hygiene 54,8% tidak adekuat serta oral health 66,7% tidak sehat dan 68,82% mengalami masalah nutrisi. Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara status oral health dengan status nutrisi (p=0,028) dengan OR 3,104 (1,219-7,907). Kemampuan oral hygiene tidak berhubungan secara langsung dengan status nutrisi (p=0,493) namun, secara tidak langsung status oral health dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan oral hygiene (p=0,046) dengan OR 2,685 (1,105-6,522). Care giver diharapkan melakukan oral hygiene untuk meningkatkan status oral health pada lansia di panti sehingga dapat meningkatkan status nutrisi.

Ability of oral hygiene and oral health status influence nutritional status in elderly. This research aims to determine correlation between the ability of oral hygiene and oral health status with nutritional status in elderly. This research uses descriptive correlation design with cross-sectional approach which is applied to 93 elderly from PSTW Budi Mulia 02 & 04 DKI Jakarta. Instrument used to assess nutritional status in this research is MNA and to assess status oral health use OHAT. The research?s respondent is consisted of 65.6% female, 54.8% have inadequate oral hygiene, and 66.7% have unhealthy the oral health status and 68.82% have nutritional problem. There is a correlation between oral health status and nutritional status (p=0,028) with OR 3.104 (1.219-7,907). Besides, result shows that there was no correlation between the ability of oral hygiene and nutritional status (p=0.493), but it proves how oral health status is influenced by the ability of oral hygiene (p=0.046) with OR 2.685 (1.105-6.522). The ability of oral hygiene doesn?t correlate directly to nutritional status but it fairly correlates to oral health status. Care giver in the institution advised to execute the ability of oral hygiene and oral health status in other to improve nutritional status in elderly."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Olga Raphaela Kawilarang
"Latar Belakang: Kebersihan rongga mulut yang buruk dapat menyebabkan perkembangan karies gigi dan periodontitis. Lingkungan rongga mulut yang meliputi saliva mengandung berbagai faktor host defense dengan pH yang dapat digunakan untuk memeriksa hubungan biomarker saliva dengan penyakit rongga mulut dimana pH saliva dapat meningkat atau menurun akibat aktivitas mikroba. Dalam mencegah pertumbuhan bakteri yang berlebihan, nitrat dan nitrit dalam saliva berperan dalam pembentukan nitrogen monoksida (NO) dengan potensi efek protektif, terutama dalam proses fisiologis tubuh manusia. Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan kadar nitrogen monoksida (NO) dengan kebersihan rongga mulut (OHI-S) dan pH saliva. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian laboratorik dan observasional menggunakan 20 sampel saliva kelompok dewasa muda usia 18-30 tahun di provinsi Jawa Barat dan DKI Jakarta. Sampel saliva subjek diuji dengan Griess Reaction untuk mengukur kadar nitrogen monoksida (NO) dan dibaca menggunakan plate reader pada panjang gelombang 600 nm. Selanjutnya, data diolah menggunakan SPSS. Hasil: Nilai korelasi antara kadar nitrogen monoksida dengan kebersihan rongga mulut (r) sebesar 0,390 dengan p>0,05 dan nilai korelasi antara kadar nitrogen monoksida dengan pH saliva (r) sebesar -0,53 dengan p>0,05. Kesimpulan: Kadar nitrogen monoksida (NO) pada sampel saliva kelompok dewasa muda tidak memiliki hubungan dengan kebersihan rongga mulut (OHI-S) dan pH saliva, serta tidak terdapat perbedaan rata-rata kadar nitrogen monoksida (NO) sampel saliva kelompok dewasa muda baik berdasarkan kategori OHI-S maupun jika dibandingkan dengan sampel saliva kelompok anak.

Background: Poor oral hygiene can cause the development of dental caries and periodontitis. The oral cavity environment which includes saliva contains various host defense factors with salivary pH which can be used to examine the relationship between salivary biomarkers and oral disease where salivary pH can increase or decrease due to microbial activity. In preventing excessive bacterial growth, nitrates and nitrites in saliva play a role in the formation of nitric oxide (NO) with potential protective effects, especially in the physiological processes of the human body. Aim: To analyze the relationship between nitric oxide (NO) levels on dental and oral hygiene (OHI-S) and salivary pH. Methods: This research is a laboratory and observational study using 20 saliva samples from a group of young adults aged 18-30 years in the provinces of West Java and DKI Jakarta. The subject’s saliva samples were tested with Griess Reaction and read using a plate reader at a wavelength of 600 nm. Furthermore, the data was processed using SPSS. Results: The correlation value of r was 0,390 with p>0,05 between nitric oxide levels and oral hygiene and the correlation value of r was -0,53 with p>0,05 between nitric oxide levels and salivary pH. Conclusion: Nitric oxide (NO) levels in saliva samples from the young adult group are not related to oral hygiene (OHI-S) and salivary pH, and there are no mean differences either based on the OHI-S category or when compared with saliva samples from the children’s group.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Margaretha Suharsini Soetopo
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2008
PGB 0278
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kostlan, J.
Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, 1979
617.601 KOS o
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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