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Almaulidah Ikaputri Septahapsari
Latar Belakang: Trauma gigi adalah masalah kesehatan yang perlu ditanggulangi.
Data epidemiologi trauma gigi di Indonesia belum ditemukan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi frekuensi trauma gigi permanen anterior pada
anak sekolah dasar. Metode: Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan desain
cross sectional yang dilakukan pada 500 anak usia 8-12 tahun. Hasil: Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa trauma gigi terjadi dua kali lebih sering pada anak laki-laki usia
9 tahun yang melibatkan gigi permanen insisif sentral maksila kanan dan biasanya
terjadi di lingkungan rumah akibat aktivitas fisik.

Background: Dental trauma is health problems that have to be solved. Epidemiology
data of dental trauma in Indonesia has not been determined. Aim: The aim of this
reseach was to determine the distribution frequency of traumatic permanent anterior
teeth on elementary school student. Method: The method of this research was
descriptive with cross sectional design, which has been done on 500 children aged 8-
12 years old. Result: Result showed that dental trauma in children is two times more
common in boys aged 9 years, involving the permanent maxillary right central incisor
and usually caused of physical activity around the house."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The objective of this research was to know the difference of Compomer (Dyract, Dentsplay) penetration in dentin of primary and permanent teeth after applied by Non-Rinse Conditioner (NRC). The samples were observed by Scanning Electron Inicroscopy = SEM (1200 X mag) and the length of Compomer penetration in dentin tubules after applied by non-rinse conditioner were measured. T test showed that Compomer penetration in primary teeth was shorter compared to permanent teeth (t=3.474, p=0.001)."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Many factors have been found to be related to the timing of the eruption of permanent teeth in a population, e.g. racial composition, sex, climate and socio economic condition. The aim of the study is to compare the ages of eruption of permanent teeth in children with and without undernutrition problems. A number of 1216 school children aged 5-14 years selected from 5 underdeveloped villages in Kabupaten Serang and Pandeglang were taken as subjects. A tooth was considered to have erupted if any part of the crown had penetrated the gingiva. Undernutrition was assessed as such if the score of height-for-aged was less than 70% of median WHO-NCHS standard. The study found that 34,4% of the subjects had under nutrition problems and the average time of eruption of all upper and lower teeth of the boys and girls without undernutrition (normal) were significantly faster compare to that of boys and girls having undernutrition (p<0.001). Teeth eruption in boys with undernutrition problem were slower than that of the girls. Conclusion: Further study is recommended since undernutrition problems were important factors which may influence the time of tooth eruption in Indonesian children."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agustina Fortunata Karim
"Skripsi ini melaporkan penelitian deskriptif potong lintang mengenai ukuran panjang basis kranila anterior (S-N) dan bidang horizontal Frankfort (FHP) anak usia 11-16 tahun melalui pengukuran linear 202 sefalogram lateral digital yang didapat dari sebuah laboratorium klinik di Jakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ukuran rerata panjang S-N anak usia 11-13 tahun laki-laki 62.32 ± 3.36 mm dan perempuan 60.86 ± 3.30 mm, sedangkan anak usia >13-16 tahun laki-laki 63.92 ± 3.04 mm dan perempuan 60.82 ± 3.01 mm. Ukuran rerata panjang FHP anak usia 11-13 tahun laki-laki 69.52 ± 4.86 mm dan perempuan 70.08 ± 4.56 mm, sedangkan anak usia >13-16 tahun laki-laki 72.51 ± 3.47 mm dan perempuan 69.21 ± 3.40 mm. Pertumbuhan S-N pada anak usia 11-16 tahun tampak stabil, sedangkan pertumbuhan FHP mengikuti teori percepatan pertumbuhan remaja.

This paper reports a cross-sectional descriptive research about the length of anterior cranial base (S-N) and Frankfort horizontal plane (FHP) in children aged 11-16 years old through linear measurement of 202 digital lateral cephalograms from a clinical laboratory in Jakarta. Results showed that the S-N average in children aged 11-13 years old for boys are 62.32 ± 3.36 mm and girls 60.86 ± 3.30 mm, while in >13-16 years old group, the boys’ average was 63.92 ± 3.04 mm and girls’ was 60.82 ± 3.01 mm. The FHP average in children aged 11-13 years old for boys was 69.52 ± 4.86 mm and girls 70.08 ± 4.56 mm, while in >13-16 years old group, the boys’ average was 72.51 ± 3.47 mm and girls’ was 69.21 ± 3.40 mm. The growth of S-N in children aged 11-16 years old is stable, while the growth of FHP follows the pubertal growth spurt theory."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syiva Sakinatun
"Studi ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh antara media berbasis komputer DHESTA dengan lembar balik terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan kesehatan gigi mulut dan retensinya, pada anak usia 7-8 tahun. 30 subjek diberikan edukasi menggunakan DHESTA, dan 30 subjek lain diberikan edukasi menggunakan lembar balik. Dilakukan pra tes, dan tes pasca 20 menit, 1 hari, 6 hari, dan 14 hari.
Hasil menunjukan tidak ada perbedaan bermakna peningkatan pengetahuan antara kedua media (p=0,49). Namun retensi pengetahuan kelompok DHESTA lebih tahan lama daripada lembar balik, penurunan retensinya dari hari ke-6 sampai ke-14 hanya 2,59%, nilai p=0,122. Media DHESTA efektif untuk retensi pengetahuan kesehatan gigi dan mulut.

This study due to know effect of computer based media DHESTA compared with flipchart towards dental health knowledge improvements and its retention. A group consist of 30 subjects is educated using DHESTA and another group is educated using flipchart. The subjects fill the pretest and posttest 20 minute, 1 day, 6 day, and 14 day after.
There is no significant difference of knowledge improvement using each media (p=0,49). But, knowledge retention of DHESTA group is better than flipchart group, decrease of its retention from day 6 to 14 just 2.59% (p=0.12). DHESTA effective for knowledge retention and recommended for DHE.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Phosphoric acid etching has been widely used to achieve a strong and
long lasting mechanical bonding between composite resin restoration
and tooth structure. The bond strength between the composite resin
restoration and the enamel of permanent teeth can be measured by the
shear bond strength of the composite resin restoration. The aim of this
study was to evaluate the bond strength between the enamel of
permanent teeth and the composite resin restoration by measuring the
shear bond strength after different durations of etching. In total 27
premolar teeth were divided into 3 groups where the enamel of the
buccal surface was etched with 37% phosphoric acid for 5″, 15″, and
25″ before placing the composite resin restoration. After keeping the
teeth inside an incubator for 24 hours, the shear bond strength was
measured using a universal testing machine Shimazu AG-5000 at a
crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. ANOVA was used for statistical
analysis of the results, with p<0.05 assumed to imply significance.
The mean shear bond strength after etching for 5″, 15″, and 25″ was
16.1 MPa, 17.3 MPa and 19.0 MPa, respectively. The results of ANOVA showed significant difference between the 3 groups. However, subsequent Tukey test showed significant difference between 5″ and 25″ of etching (p<0.05), but no significant difference between between the 5″ and 15″ groups nor between the 15″ and 25″ groups (p>0.05). Conclusion: Shear bond strength of the composite resin on the permanent teeth enamel increased with increasing etching time. Significant difference was showed between 5″ and 25″ of etching time."
[Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhira Rama Haidar Prakasita
Latar belakang: Maloklusi adalah ketidaksesuaian susunan gigi geligi, salah satu bentuknya adalah protrusi gigi anterior atas dengan overjet lebih besar dari normal (>3mm). Protrusi gigi anterior atas dapat disebabkan oleh kebiasaan buruk di rongga mulut, antara lain menghisap ibu jari, bernafas melalui mulut, dan menghisap bibir bawah. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan faktor kebiasaan buruk di rongga mulut dengan protrusi gigi anterior atas pada siswa-siswi kelas IV-VI SD Negeri 10 Johar Baru, Jakarta, Indonesia. Metode: Digunakan 157 anak dan dilakukan pemeriksaan intraoral dan ekstraoral terhadap dugaan kebiasaan buruk serta pengukuran overjet. Didapatkan 60 anak dengan kebiasaan buruk dan protrusi anterior atas; menghisap ibu jari 28 anak, bernafas melalui mulut 7 anak, menghisap bibir bawah 25 anak, dan 25 anak sebagai kontrol yang dipilih secara acak. Dilakukan uji korelasi padasemua kelompok. Hasil: Hasil uji korelasi kelompok kebiasaan buruk menghisap ibu jari dengan protrusi gigi anterior atas p=0.001; kelompok kebiasaan buruk menghisap bibir bawah dengan protrusi gigi anterior atas p=0.001. Besarnya overjet pada protrusi gigi anterior atas yaitu 3-6mm. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara kebiasaan buruk di rongga mulut menghisap ibu jari dan menghisap bibir bawah dengan protrusi gigi anterior atas pada siswa-siswi kelas IV-VI SD Negeri 10 Johar Baru, Jakarta.

One form of malocclusion is maxillary protrusion of the anterior teeth and its distinctive feature such as an overjet of 3mm. It is commonly caused by bad oral habits such as thumb sucking, mouth breathing, and lower lip biting. Objective: Analyze the relationship between bad oral habits and maxillary protrusion of the anterior teeth in primary students grade 4 to 6 in SD Negeri 10 Johar Baru, Jakarta. Method: Out of 157 students who were examined, only 60 students that fits the criteria and were divided based on their bad oral habits with 28 students on thumb sucking, 7 students on mouth breathing, 25 students on lower lip biting, and 25 as case control. Correlation test is used to determine the relationship between each group. Result: Test results shows that there is a significant correlation between thumb sucking and lower lip biting toward maxillary protrusion of the anterior teeth. (p=0.001) Teeth protrusion range around 3 to 6 mm. Conclusion: Bad oral habits such as thumb sucking, and lower lip biting has significant correlation towards maxillary protrusion of the anterior teeth in primary students grade 4 to 6 in SD Negeri 10 Johar Baru, Jakarta."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dellyan Putra Mulia
"Resorpsi akar gigi sulung dapat terjadi secara fisiologis dan patologis. Resorpsi akar fisiologis terjadi pada gigi sulung yang sehat atau tidak mengalami karies mencapai pulpa, dan resorpsi akar patologis terjadi pada gigi sulung yang mengalami karies mencapai pulpa. Pengetahuan mengenai pengaruh resorpsi pada gigi sulung secara fisiologis maupun patologis terhadap tumbuh kembang gigi permanen penting untuk menentukan rencana perawatan yang tepat.
Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh antara resorpsi akar gigi sulung terhadap tumbuh kembang gigi permanen pada anak laki-laki usia 7-8 tahun.
Metode : Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang. Subjek penelitian berupa 71 gigi molar satu dan molar dua bawah sulung serta gigi premolar satu dan premolar dua yang dilihat menggunakan radiografi panoramik anak laki-laki usia 7-8 tahun yang berjumlah 32 lembar.
Hasil : Tidak terdapat pengaruh (p>0.05) antara resorpsi akar gigi sulung terhadap tumbuh kembang gigi permanen pada anak laki-laki usia 7-8 tahun.

Primary root resorption can occur physiologically and pathologically. Physiological root resorption occurs in healthy primary teeth or in primary teeth with caries, but, without pulp involvement and pathological root resorption occurs in primary teeth with pulp caries. The knowledge about physiological and pathological primary root resorption towards the development of permanent successor is important to define the proper treatment plan.
Aim : The aim of this research was to analyze about the effect of primary root resorption towards the development of permanent successor in boys aged 7-8 years old.
Method : The method of this research was descriptive with cross-sectional design. The subject consisted of 71 mandibular primary molars and mandibular premolars that was seen using 32 sheets panoramic radiograph in boys aged 7-8 years old.
Result : Result showed that there was no effect of primary root resorption towards the development of permanent successor.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Risa Yunia Arsie
Pendahuluan: Masa remaja adalah suatu saat dimana seseorang mencari jati
dirinya. Hubungan sosial dengan orang lain menjadi hal yang tak terpisahkan
dalam masa ini, dan seringkali susunan gigi-geligi, berpengaruh terhadap
perlakuan sosial yang diterima seorang remaja dari lingkungannya. Berbagai
penelitian telah menemukan maloklusi gigi anterior atas berdampak negatif
terhadap relasi sosial remaja. Meskipun demikian, penelitian seperti ini masih
jarang ditemukan di Indonesia.
Material dan metode: Subjek berasal dari 2 SMP di Jakarta Timur, sebanyak 173
orang, yang dibagi menjadi 4 macam karakteristik oklusi: gigi anterior atas
berjejal, gigi anterior atas bercelah, dan gigi anterior atas protrusif, menggunakan
kuesioner PIDAQ (Psychosocial Impact of Dental Aesthetic Questionnaire).
Hasil: Analisis menunjukkan adanya perbedaan bermakna dalam dampak
terhadap rasa percaya diri antara remaja oklusi normal dengan maloklusi gigi
berjejal, bercelah, maupun protrusif, serta perbedaan bermakna antara dampak
psikologis yang dimiliki remaja oklusi normal dengan gigi bercelah.
Kesimpulan: Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan upaya pencegahan serta perawatan
ortodonti dini pada remaja dengan maloklusi agar dapat mencegah timbulnya
gangguan perkembangan psikososial remaja.

Introduction: Adolescence is a one of significant periods in one?s life. Relating
with others in this phase has become an inseparable aspect, and often physical
appearance, especially facial and dental, considerably determines the quality of
social treatment received from one?s surrounding. Several studies have found the
role of upper anterior malocclusion in rendering negatively one?s social
connection with his peers. Despite the quite fascinating findings, such studies are
relatively rare to be found in Indonesian context.
Material and method: impact of various anterior occlusion on adolescent
psychosocial from SMP 51 and SMP 195 in East Jakarta area by using PIDAQ
(Psychosocial Impact of Dental Aesthetic Questionnaire). Two school were
contacted and 173 subjects participated, classified into four occlusal
characteristics: normal, upper anterior crowding, upper anterior spacing, and
upper anterior protruding.
Result: There is significant difference between adolescents with normal occlusion
and those suffering from malocclusions, either crowding, spacing, or protruding.
Moreover, there is a significant psychological impact difference between
adolescents with normal dentition and those who have upper anterior spacing.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that anterior malocclusion has the possibility to
affect adolescents psychological condition. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to
take preventive action as well as early orthodontic treatment on adolescents
suffering from malocclusions in order to nullify the impact on their psychosocial
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syifa Nur Adlina
"Latar Belakang: Protein merupakan komponen utama yang berperan dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan jaringan tubuh. Protein terdiri dari protein hewani dan nabati. Protein hewani terdapat dalam ikan, daging, dan telur. Defisiensi protein hewani dapat menyebabkan karies akibat menurunnya sistem pertahanan tubuh, atropi kelenjar saliva, serta adanya risiko kelainan struktur email gigi. Gigi molar satu permanen merupakan gigi yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai status kesehatan gigi anak karena memiliki anatomi pit dan fissure yang dalam, dan gigi tersebut erupsi pada usia dimana anak sering mengkonsumsi makanan manis. Usia 8 – 9 tahun dipilih karena pada usia tersebut gigi molar satu permanen telah erupsi dan gigi tersebut telah terpapar selama 2- 3 tahun di dalam rongga mulut, serta pada usia tersebut membutuhkan asupan nutrisi yang baik untuk mendukung pertumbuhan.
Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan tingkat konsumsi protein hewani dengan karies gigi molar satu permanen pada anak usia 8 – 9 tahun di Jakarta Pusat.
Metode: Desain studi cross sectional. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 109 orang, yang dipilih menggunakan purposive sampling. Variabel yang digunakan bertujuan untuk menganalisis korelasi antara frekuensi konsumsi protein hewani dengan karies gigi molar satu permanen. Kuesioner yang digunakan untuk mengukur frekuensi konsumsi protein hewani yaitu Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) dan pemeriksaan klinis karies gigi molar satu permanen menggunakan skor International Caries Detection and Assesment System (ICDAS).
Hasil: Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan distribusi frekuensi karies pada gigi molar satu permanen anak usia 8-9 tahun adalah 1,8% bebas karies, 63,3% karies email, dan 34,9% karies dentin-pulpa. Hubungan frekuensi konsumsi protein hewani dengan karies menunjukkan hubungan tidak bermakna secara statistik (p>0,05). Kesimpulan : Terdapat hubungan tidak bermakna antara frekuensi konsumsi protein hewani dengan karies gigi molar satu permanen pada anak usia 8 – 9 tahun di Jakarta Pusat.

Background : Protein is the main component that have a role in body tissue’s growth and development. Protein consists of animal protein and plant protein. Animal protein can be found in fish, meat and egg. Protein deficiency can increase caries risk because of decreased immune system, salivary gland atrophy, and abnormalities of enamel structure. First permanent molar is a teeth that can be used to assess children’s oral health because it is more susceptible to caries than any other teeth. This tooth is susceptible to caries because it has deep pit & fissure anatomy and erupts at the age where children consume sweet food more often. Children aged 8 – 9 years is chosen because the first permanent is exposed long enough to oral environment and needed good nutrition for growth.
Aim: To analyze the correlation between animal protein consumption frequency and first permanent molar caries on children aged 8 – 9 years in Central Jakarta.
Method: This study design is cross sectional. Total research subject is 109 people that is chosen by purposive sampling method. The variables that are used in this research aim to analyze the correlation between animal protein consumption frequency and first permanent molar caries. Questionnaire that is used to assess the consumption frequency is Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) and clinical examination to assess severity of first permanent molar caries uses International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) score.
Result: This research shows first permanent molar caries frequency as follows; 1,8% free caries, 63,3% enamel caries, and 34,9% dentin-pulp caries. The correlation between animal protein consumption frequency and caries does not show any significant correlation (p>0,05).
Conclusion: There is no significant correlation between animal protein consumption frequency and first permanent molar caries in children aged 8 – 9 tahun in Central Jakarta.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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