ABSTRAKIn the optical communication system, we usually use
some optical components consisting oF very small lenses
ior coupling, branching, and transmitting lightwaves.
Optical Fiber communication system has reached an
integrated optical circuitry by utilizing optical
elements with distributed-index medium. On the other
hand, a concept of stacked planar optics has been
developed based on the characteristics of distributed
index medium in planar optical elements. A group of
optical components which is known as microoptics is now
a further development for realizing suitable microlenses
for the purpose oi optimizing such components. For
iocusing and imaging components, microlenses such as
distributed-index (DI) or gradient-index (GRIN) rod
microlenses , tiny spherical lenses,and similar optics
have been utilized.
In this research work I have studied the
applicability of planar microlenses as microoptic
component. Two examples of such components are the
branching circuit and the fiber coupler for working
systems in optical fiber communications have been
designed and constructed. I have also studied the
focusing property of planar microlens with beam deviation
method based on optical geometric concept.