"[Presiden Joko Widodo menargetkan untuk mencapai ketahanan pangan di era kepemimpinannya. Salah satu cara untuk memenuhi target tersebut adalah dengan swasembada pangan untuk lima komoditas, yaitu beras, jagung, kedelai, daging, dan gula. Tiga diantaranya, yaitu beras, jagung dan kedelai, memiliki kemungkinan yang tinggi untuk tercapai. Sementara itu, swasembada daging kemungkinan besar tidak akan tercapai sesuai target. Di lain sisi, swasembada gula sulit untuk tercapai, akan tetapi tidak sepenuhnya mustahil untuk tercapai melihat kinerja Indonesia di zaman dahulu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemungkinan swasembada gula di tahun 2017 menggunakan rencana realistis pemerintah. Dalam analisis ini, penulis mengestimasi produksi dan konsumsi gula di tahun 2017. Dua metode digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu model stokastik untuk proyeksi produksi dan model deterministik untuk proyeksi konsumsi. Hasilnya kemudian ditampilkan dalam rasio produksi terhadap konsumsi. Hasil menunjukan bahwa, di tahun 2017, konsumsi gula langsung dapat mencapai tiga juta ton dan konsumsi gula tidak langsung dapat mencapai 3.5 juta ton. Secara total, konsumsi gula Indonesia mencapai 6.5 juta ton di tahun 2017. Di lain sisi,produksi gula Indonesia di tahun 2017 hanya mencapai sekitar 2.7 ton. Dari hasil perhitungan tersebut, dapat diketahui bahwa swasembada gula di tahun 2017 tidak akan tercapai, baik dari konsumsi gula langsung maupun konsumsi gula total. Dengan demikian, pemerintah perlu berusaha lebih keras agar rencana-rencana strategis yang sudah dibentuk dapat terlaksana dengan baik sehingga target dapat tercapai.
President Joko Widodo aims to reach food security in its era. One of the mean to reach the target is by achieving self sufficiency in 5 commodities rice corn soybean meat and sugar. Three of them rice corn and soybean is likely to be achieved meanwhile meat will be unlikely to be achieved. Sugar is hard to be achieved yet it is not impossible seeing the track record of Indonesia. This research is aimed to see the possibility of sugar self sufficiency in 2017 based on the government 39's realistic planning. To analyze writer estimates production and consumption of sugar in 2017 Two methods are employed 1 stochastic model for production projection and 2 deterministic model for consumption projection. The result is then presented using production to consumption ratio The result shows that in 2017 the direct sugar consumption may reach 3 million ton and the indirect sugar consumption may reach 3 5 million ton totaling to 6,5 million ton. In other side the production may only reach 2,7 million ton Based on the calculation it is found that Indonesia may not reach sugar self sufficiency both in only direct sugar consumption and total sugar consumption. Given this government needs to take extra action so that the target may be achieved., President Joko Widodo aims to reach food security in its era One of the mean to reach the target is by achieving self sufficiency in 5 commodities rice corn soybean meat and sugar Three of them rice corn and soybean is likely to be achieved meanwhile meat will be unlikely to be achieved Sugar is hard to be achieved yet it is not impossible seeing the track record of Indonesia This research is aimed to see the possibility of sugar self sufficiency in 2017 based on the government 39 s realistic planning To analyze writer estimates production and consumption of sugar in 2017 Two methods are employed 1 stochastic model for production projection and 2 deterministic model for consumption projection The result is then presented using production to consumption ratio The result shows that in 2017 the direct sugar consumption may reach 3 million ton and the indirect sugar consumption may reach 3 5 million ton totaling to 6 5 million ton In other side the production may only reach 2 7 million ton Based on the calculation it is found that Indonesia may not reach sugar self sufficiency both in only direct sugar consumption and total sugar consumption Given this government needs to take extra action so that the target may be achieved ]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016