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Pitkänen, Pirkko
"The chapters show that people?s transnational linkages and migration across national boundaries entail manifold political, economic, social, cultural and educational implications. Although political-social-economic-educational transformations fostered by migrant transnationalism constitute the main topic of the book, the starting assumption is that the large-scale institutional and actor-centred patterns of transformation come about through a constellation of parallel processes."
Heidelberg : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karabchuk, Tatiana
The article contains an outline of migration and taxation in the Russian federation. The characteristics of migration, the legal and regulatory situation of migrant workers with regard to taxation, actual practices in this regard and the steps required to bridge the gap between potential tax payments from migrants and actual taxation practices are considered. Attention is paid to the reasons for irregular migration and informal employment from the points of view of both employers and migrant workers. Finally, overall conclusions and policy recommendations are provided for improving the situation and decreasing irregular migration and tax underpayment."
Thailand: United Nations Publications, 2017
363 APPJ 32:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Samers, Michael
London: Routledge, 2017
304.8 SAM m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ria’ad Setiawan Ali
"Kajian mengenai migrasi dalam lingkup Ilmu Hubungan Internasional merupakan isu yang kompleks dan multifaset. Dua pendekatan utama, yaitu keamanan dan pembangunan, telah menjadi perspektif yang mendominasi kajian ini. Namun, terdapat perubahan pola migrasi lintas batas negara akibat dari akumulasi kekayaan atau privelese dari para migran, baik kekayaan secara ekonomi maupun kekayaan relatif secara politik dan budaya. Hal ini menjadikan pendorong fenomena baru migrasi internasional, yaitu lifestyle migration atau migrasi gaya hidup. Sesuai dengan namanya, fenomena relokasi ini menitikberatkan pada aspek pemenuhan kualitas gaya hidup, berbeda dengan pola tradisional yang berorientasi pada pemenuhan aspek ekonomi dan politik. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk meninjau 37 literatur terakreditasi internasional mengenai fenomena lifestyle migration. Berdasarkan pada metode taksonomi, literatur-literatur tersebut dibagi ke dalam lima kategori tematis yang terdiri atas (1) aspek intrik dan motivasi lifestyle migration, (2) warisan historis dan ketidaksetaraan yang melatarbelakangi lifestyle migration, (3) keterikatan jejaring transnasional dalam mendukung fenomena lifestyle migration, (4) lifestyle migration dalam rezim ekonomi dan politik internasional, dan (5) pengaruh sistem global dan struktur kekuasaan dalam proses relokasi lifestyle migration. Tinjauan pustaka ini berupaya untuk menyingkap konsensus dan kesenjangan dalam topik ini. Selain itu, tulisan ini turut menunjukkan sejumlah tren perkembangan dalam kajian lifestyle migration berdasarkan tema, asal penulis, serta tren perspektif ilmu yang digunakan. Tinjauan pustaka ini mengidentifikasi bahwa kajian lifestyle migration merupakan kajian yang multifaset, menginkorporasikan banyak pendekatan dan perspektif untuk mampu menyikapi dan mengkaji fenomena migran berprivelese ini secara holistik, di bawah payung umum studi migrasi internasional. Tulisan ini kemudian merekomendasikan sejumlah agenda penulisan lanjutan dan menggarisbawahi pentingnya mengkaji fenomena ini sebagai bentuk spesifik dari migrasi yang dipengaruhi dan dibentuk oleh kepentingan negara.

The study of migration within the field of International Relations is a complex and multifaceted issue. Two main approaches, security and development, have dominated this field. However, there is a shift in cross-border migration patterns due to the accumulation of wealth or privilege among migrants, both in economic terms and in relative political and cultural wealth. This has led to the emergence of a new international migration phenomenon known as lifestyle migration. As the name suggests, this relocation phenomenon emphasizes the fulfillment of lifestyle quality, differing from traditional patterns that focus on economic and political aspects. This paper aims to review 37 accredited international literature on the phenomenon of lifestyle migration. Based on a taxonomic method, the literature is divided into five thematic categories consisting of (1) aspects of the intrigue and motivation behind lifestyle migration, (2) the historical legacies and inequalities underpinning lifestyle migration, (3) the involvement of transnational networks in supporting the lifestyle migration phenomenon, (4) lifestyle migration within international economic and political regimes, and (5) the influence of global systems and power structures in the relocation process of lifestyle migration. This literature review seeks to uncover consensus, debates, and gaps in this topic. Additionally, this paper highlights several developmental trends in lifestyle migration studies based on themes, author origins, and perspectives used in the research. The review identifies that lifestyle migration is a multifaceted study, incorporating many approaches and perspectives to holistically address and examine the phenomenon of privileged migrants under the broad umbrella of international migration studies. This paper then recommends several follow-up writing agendas and underscores the importance of studying this phenomenon as a specific form of migration influenced and shaped by state interests."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Using the data from 1.139 female migrants we observe that most of the females (65.85%) mirated due to the reason of marriage. The result indicates that only 6.41% female migrate due to pull factors and the remaining percent migrate due to push factors. By using a well known procedure Z (mean test) we see that there is a significant difference in migrant ststus, before and after migration. The binary logistic regression model reveals that age, education, family income, occupation and types of family significantly influence the process of migration among more educated women than illiterate. Further, the risk of migration is higher among older women than among younger women."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Santoso
New York: Routledge, 2017
331.544 ANI m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Diaspora and transnationalism are concepts that have become very popular in modern academic and political discourses. And while most of the new literature treats the two separately, this book studies these fields alongside one another. Rainer Bauböck and Thomas Faist bring together scholars from a wide range of academic disciplines to discuss the concepts, theories, and methodologies used in the study of border-crossing affiliations. --From publisher's description.
Diaspora &​ transnationalism are widely used concepts in academic &​ political discourses. Although originally referring to quite different phenomena, they increasingly overlap today. Such inflation of meanings goes hand in hand with a danger of essentialising collective identities. This book analyses this topic."
Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2010
304.82 DIA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Servulus Bobo Riti
"Para pekerja migran Indonesia asal Lembata sudah lama dikenal luas sebagai bagian dari migran tradisional sejak tahun 1950an yang bermigrasi ke Sabah, Malaysia. Mereka bermigrasi ke Sabah dengan didasarkan pada nilai-nilai jaringan sosial yang berakar dari para migran pioneer mereka yang sudah terlebih dahulu tinggal di Sabah. Sekalipun Pemerintah Indonesia sudah menciptakan banyak peraturan perundang-undangan seperti Undang-Undang Nomor 39 Tahun 2004 tentang Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di Luar Negeri, akan tetapi para pekerja migran asal Lembata tetap cendrung mempergunakan jalur non prosedural ketimbang jalur prosedural sebagaimana dikampanyekan dan dijamin oleh pemerintah. Berdasarkan pendekatan kualitatif, hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa jaringan sosial pekerja migran asal Lembata sudah terstruktur dengan kokoh karena didukung oleh nilai-nilai lokal mereka sendiri baik dari segi kultur sosial, struktur sosial maupun proses.

The Indonesian migrant workers from Lembata have been widely known as a part of the traditional migrant workers since 1950s in Sabah Malaysia. They migrate to Sabah based on their social network rooted by their pioneers migrant in Sabah. Although the government of Indonesia has created many rules and regulations such as Act No. 39/2004 (Undang-Undang Nomor 39 Tahun 2004) about the Placement and Protection of the Indonesian Overseas Workers, however, migrant workers from Lembata prefer to use unprocedural system then procedural one as campaigned and guaranteed by the goverment. Based on a qualitative approach, found that the social network of the migrant workers from Lembata is well structured which supported by their own values both in social culture, structure, and process."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Safira Prabawidya Pusparani
"Migrasi perempuan sebagai pekerja rumah tangga PRT telah menjadi sebuah fenomena hubungan internasional yang masih minim dibahas dalam literatur akademis. Pembahasan dalam literatur mengenai migrasi perempuan sebagai PRT seringkali terfokus kepada bagaimana mereka merupakan korban yang rentan terhadap berbagai subordinasi dan opresi. Perempuan PRT migran telah dijuluki sebagai pahlawan devisa dalam istilah populer di Indonesia, namun mereka masih direpresentasikan sebagai korban yang tidak berdaya. Tinjauan pustaka dalam tulisan ini memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat kesenjangan literatur dalam membahas keberdayaan yang dimiliki para perempuan PRT selama proses migrasi. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk mengisi kesenjangan tersebut dengan menyorot agensi yang dimiliki para perempuan PRT migran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus feminis terhadap pengalaman enam perempuan PRT migran yang telah kembali ke Indonesia. Dengan menganalisis perjuangan para perempuan tersebut dalam memberdayakan diri mereka pada saat maupun setelah mengalami berbagai bentuk opresi, akan terlihat bagaimana agensi telah dimanifestasikan oleh para perempuan PRT migran selama migrasi. Pada akhirnya, penelitian ini mengungkapkan bagaimana perempuan PRT migran telah memanifestasikan keberdayaan mereka melalui pembuatan keputusan bermigrasi dalam struktur patriarkis, kemampuan untuk melawan struktur dengan aktivisme, serta dengan menjadi agen pembangunan dan perubahan bagi komunitasnya.

The migration of women as domestic workers has become an international relations phenomenon that still lacks academic attention. The literatures discussing about migration of women as domestic workers has focused on representing them as victims who are vulnerable towards many forms of subordination and oppression. Women migrant domestic workers have been commonly addressed as ldquo heroes of foreign exchange rdquo in Indonesia, yet they are also still represented as powerless victims. The literature review in this research shows that there is a literature gap in the discussion of women migrant domestic workers during the migration process. This research seeks to fill in that gap by highlighting the agency of women migrant domestic workers. This research uses the feminist case study method towards the experience of six women migrant domestic workers who have returned to Indonesia. The author believes that by analyzing the struggle of those women in empowering themselves both during and after oppression, it will show how agency is manifested by these women migrant domestic workers throughout the migratory process. Through this research, it will be revealed how women migrant domestic workers have manifested their empowerment through their decision to migrate in a patriarchal structure, their capability in defying structure through activism, and also through becoming agents of development and change for their communities. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Adha Kurniati
Fokus pembahasan pada tesis ini adalah kategorisasi ekspresi lokalitas yang dipromosikan oleh penggemar dalam media sosial Twitter. 9 akun personal dan 3 akun kolektif penggemar dipilih berdasarkan intensitas partisipasi mereka dalam penyebaran wacana lokalitas terhadap teks budaya populer Korean Wave. Ekspresi lokalitas merupakan strategi dan usaha para penggemar untuk melokalkan dan menggabungkan teks budaya populer Korea sebagai penanda global dengan hal-hal kekhasan Indonesia yang dimaknai sebagai ldquo;lokal rdquo;. Dengan memakai metode netnografi dan analisis tekstual, penelitian ini memperlihatkan pemaknaan yang dibentuk oleh akun-akun ini dalam mereproduksi teks budaya populer Korea menjadi sebuah teks dengan penanda kelokalan. Selain itu, penelitian juga memaparkan pengaruh media sosial khususnya Twitter yang menjadi medium pertemuan dari berbagai teks budaya populer yang berdampak pada kompleksitas aktivitas budaya penggemar. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa terdapat ambiguitas di dalam proses pemaknaan dan reproduksi teks antara penanda-penanda global dan lokal yang digunakan oleh penggemar dalam melokalkan teks budaya Korean Wave.

Fan culture on social media is pervasive as it offers new forms of cultural practices and contributes to the progressing discussions of Korean Wave as the ldquo new rdquo global pop culture phenomena. In their cultural practices, fans are constructing Korean Wave as a global text while contextualizing this text in their own locality, in this case, Indonesian locality. This article aims to problematize these fan practices on Twitter as a way of consuming and re producing Korean Wave as a ldquo global rdquo pop culture and one of their strategies is appropriating global features of Korean idols in the form of fan fictions and fan arts. These acts of prosuming producing while consuming posit as an extension to the participatory culture of Korean Wave fans in their online activites. By conducting a thorough textual analysis on a number of Twitter fan pages, this article examines how these accounts contribute to redefining what locality means within the context of globalization. Reseach findings reveal that fans are constantly trying to make their Korean idol as a part of their everyday narratives by attaching local markers, such as local names or professions. This article shows the attempt to localize K Wave texts as a way to negotiate and represent Indonesia fans rsquo position in a larger social media network within the K Wave fandom. Locality articulation marks the complexity of global local circulation which no longer demonstrates homogeneity in the discussion of globalization. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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