"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mencari tahu pengaruh dari jarak waktu terhadap tingkat pemberian hukuman. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, peneliti mencoba mereplikasi studi dari 2 penelitian sebelumnya, yaitu penelitian Carlsmith, Darley, dan Robinson (2002) tentang motif hukuman, dan penelitian Eyal, Trope, dan Liberman (2008), tentang jarak waktu. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Survey Eksperimen dan menggunakan modifikasi dari instrument penelitian Eyal, Trope, dan Liberman (2008).
Penelitian ini melibatkan 119 masyarakat umum, yang berdomisili di daerah Jabodetabek. Setelah data diolah dalam SPSS menggunakan metode Chi square, ditemukan bahwa hasil penelitian tidak signifikan χ 2 (1, N= 2,215, p>.01), yang berarti tidak ada hubungan antara jarak waktu dan perilaku menghukum. Hasil diduga tidak signifikan dikarenakan kegagalan instrument penelitian untuk memberikan efek jarak waktu kepada partisipan, dan kurangnya pertimbangan kepada perspektif pihak ketiga dalam pengambilan keputusan.
The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of temporal distance on the level of punishment. To achieve this goal, the researcher tried to replicate 2 previous studies, namely Carlsmith, Darley, and Robinson (2002) research on punishment motives, and Eyal, Trope, and Liberman (2008) research about time intervals. This study used an Experimental Survey design and used research instruments with modifications from the Eyal, Trope and Liberman (2008). This study involved 119 participants from general public, who live in the Greater Jakarta area. After the data were processed in SPSS using the Chi square method, it was found that the results of the study were not significant χ2 (1, N = 2,215, p> .01), which means there is no relationship between the temporal distance and the level of punishment. The results are thought to be insignificant due to the failure of the research instrument to provide the effect of time intervals to participants, and the lack of consideration for the perspective of third parties in decision making."