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Connolly, Thomas M.
""This book addresses issues the potential of games to support learning and change behaviour offering empirical evidence pertaining to the effectiveness of Serious Games in the key areas of psychology, pedagogy, and assessment"
Hershey, P.A.: Igi Global, 2014
794.801 9 CON p (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Switzerland: Springer, 2016
006.7 SER
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irene Chriscentia Leonardy
"Latar Belakang: Ilmu pedagogi didefinisikan sebagai metode dan pendekatan dalam pembelajaran. Game dengan tujuan pedagogi untuk pendidikan dan pelatihan disebut sebagai serious games (SG). SG telah digunakan dalam berbagai intervensi pendidikan kesehatan dan berperan sebagai sarana pembelajaran aktif yang dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, serta motivasi. Histologi rongga mulut adalah studi tentang struktur mikroskopis sel dan jaringan rongga mulut. Namun, pembelajaran histologi dideskripsikan sebagai salah satu topik yang kurang menarik dan sulit dipahami. Penggunaan SG berpotensi meningkatkan motivasi mahasiswa yang akan berdampak pada peningkatan performa akademik. Namun, penelitian mengenai efektifitas penggunaan serious games sebagai metode pembelajaran komplementer dalam bidang kedokteran gigi masih belum banyak dipahami. Tujuan: Mengevaluasi efektivitas serious games sebagai metode pembelajaran komplementer praktikum histologi jaringan rongga mulut. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain studi randomized controlled-crossover pada mahasiswa FKG UI preklinik tahun pertama. Responden penelitian terdiri dari 74 mahasiswa dan dibagi menjadi dua kelompok. Kelompok A diberikan pembelajaran dengan serious games terlebih dahulu dan dilanjutkan dengan pembelajaran dengan panduan praktikum (handout). Sedangkan kelompok B diberikan handout dan dilanjutkan serious games. Hasil: Berdasarkan uji analisis statistik, penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara statistik (p < 0,05) pada hasil nilai pre-test, post-test 1 (3 hari pasca intervensi), dan post-test 2 (7 hari pasca intervensi). Uji kuesioner juga menunjukkan motivasi, persepsi, engagement dan pengalaman yang positif setelah belajar menggunakan serious games. Kesimpulan: Pembelajaran serious games efektif meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif serta meningkatkan motivasi mahasiswa dalam mempelajari histologi rongga mulut. Pendekatan inovatif ini dapat direkomendasikan sebagai strategi pembelajaran komplementer praktikum histologi rongga mulut

Background: Pedagogy is defined as methods and approaches in learning. Games with pedagogical goals for education and training are called serious games (SG). SG has been used in various health education and acts as an active learning that can increase cognitive, skills, and motivation. Oral histology is microscopic study of cells and tissues structure of the oral cavity. However, histology has been described as one of the less interesting and difficult materials to understand. The use of SG has the potential to increase student motivation which will have an impact on improving academic performance. Nevertheless, studies and research on the effectiveness of serious games as a complementary learning method in dentistry is still not widely understood. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of serious games as a complementary learning method for oral practicum histology. Methods: The study was conducted using a randomized controlled-crossover design in the UI first year preclinical dental students. The research respondents consisted of 74 students and they were divided into two groups. Group A was given learning with serious games first, then continued with learning with practicum guides (handout). Meanwhile, group B was given handouts and continued with serious games. Results: Based on statistical analysis tests, the study showed that there were statistically significant differences (p <0.05) in the results of students' pre-test, post-test 1 (3 days post-intervention), and post-test 2 (7 days post-intervention) scores. The questionnaire test also showed positive motivation, perception, engagement and experience after using serious games. Conclusion: Learning with serious games is effective in increasing cognitive skills and student motivation in studying oral histology. This innovative approach can be recommended as a complementary learning strategy for oral practicum histology."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Serious Games Development and Applications, SGDA 2012, held in Bremen, Germany in September 2012. The 22 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers cover various topics on serious games including engineering, education, health care, military applications, game design, game study, game theories, virtual reality, 3D visualisation and medical applications of games technology.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Safira Azalia Wijayanti
"Dalam mendukung pembangunan yang merata dan berkelanjutan, perlu dilakukan strategi kebijakan yang dapat meningkatkan daya saing sektor maritim di Indonesia. Karena, pengembangan infrastruktur, tidak peduli seberapa baik peningkatannya, jika tidak diimbangi dengan penguatan komoditas utama di setiap wilayah, akan sulit untuk menyelesaikan masalah pemerataan pembangunan ini. Sistem klaster yang terintegrasi bisa menjadi solusi untuk permasalahan pemerataan pembangunan. Sistem klaster pelabuhan yang membangun interdependensi antara perusahaan yang bergerak dalam aktivitas pelabuhan yang sama sehingga menghasilkan keunggulan kompetitif dapat menjadi strategi yang dapat digunakan. Namun, penerapan sistem klaster bukanlah hal yang mudah, terlebih dengan tingkat kompleksitas yang tinggi dan banyaknya tahapan dalam pembuatan kebijakan. Begitupun kompleksitas dalam pembuatan kebijakan di ranah pengembangan klaster pelabuhan, kompleksitas terjadi dikarenakan oleh masing-masing aktor memiliki tujuan individu lembaganya sendiri. Dalam mengimplementasikan kebijakan pun terdapat beberapa rintangan, untuk mengimplementasikan kebijakan dengan baik, harus didasarki oleh bukti (evidence-based) agar pembuat kebijakan mengetahui dampak kebijakan yang ingin diterapkan.
Penelitian ini mencoba melihat bagaimana serious simulation game dapat membantu pembuat kebijakan untuk mengeksplor dan bereksperimen terhadap kebijakan yang akan dilakukan tanpa memiliki resiko dalam sistem di dunia nyata. Sehingga kebijakan yang akan diimplementasikan di dunia nyata tidak merugikan pihak manapun dan sejalan dengan tujuan negara bersama maupun tujuan masing-masing aktor. Dalam penelitian ini juga ditemukan faktor-faktor yang dilakukan oleh responden yang membantu dalam meningkatkan GDP dan pembangunan yang merata dan berkelanjutan. Permainan ini dibangun melalui kerangka kerja Lukosch untuk merancang serious simulation game dan mengadaptasi kerangka kerja Multi Actor Game for Port Cluster, sehingga dihasilkan rancangan permainan simulasi Policy Exercise for Port Cluster.

In supporting equitable and sustainable development, it is necessary to adopt a policy strategy to increase the competitiveness of national maritime industries, one of which is to build a maritime integrated industry cluster or port cluster at several strategic locations in Indonesia. The development of infrastructure, no matter how improving it is, if it’s not balanced with the strengthening of the main commodity in each region, it will be difficult to resolve this problem of equitable development. An integrated cluster system could be the solution to the problem of inequitable development. A port cluster system that builds interdependence between companies engaged in the same port area that is resulting in a competitive advantage can be a strategy that can be used. However, the application of a cluster system is not an easy task, especially with a high level of complexity and the many stages in the policy-making process. Likewise, the complexity in the policy-making process also occurred within the port cluster sector, complexity occurs because each actor has their individual goals or objectives. In the implementation of a policy, there are also several barriers. To implement a policy properly, it has to be based on evidence so that the policymaker knows the impact of the policy they initiate.
This research aims to see how serious simulation game can help policymaker to explore and experiment with the policy that will be carried out without having to affect and risk the real-world system. Thus, the policy that will be implemented in the real world does not harm any party and in line with the goals shared within the country and the individual goals of each actor. The findings in this research are factors that are carried out by respondents of the game that helped in increasing GDP and equitable and sustainable development. This game was built with Lukosch's framework in designing a serious simulation game for complex system and adopted the mechanics of the Multi-Actor Game for Por Cluster, hence the design of Policy Exercise for Port Cluster was made.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Joint Conference of the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Technology, Education, Communication, and the Scientific Network on Critical and Flexible Thinking, held in Ghent, Belgium, in October 2011. The 12 papers in this volume represent extended versions of the 20 papers presented at the conference and selected from numerous submissions. The conference brought together scholars and researchers who study the use of serious games in educational settings from different perspectives, such as instructional design, domain specific didactics, cognitive and computer science."
Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Postmodern movement which rose on thel970s, has many impact on art, culture. science, education and architecture. History noted that Postmodern Architecture was one of the Postmodern Par-excellence, one of the triggers that led to a holistic movement known as Postmodern movement. Based on that historical roles of architecture in Postmodern Movement, architectural education is expected to play a significant role in Postmodern practices today. The value of Postmodernism implemented in Postmodern Architectural Pedagogy and in the philosophy of Postmodern Architecture as the content and the body of substance. The value will help the architect to become culturally aware, reviving humanistic and challenging architectural egoistic arrogancy."
720 JIA 6:1 (2009)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Biswas-Diener, Robert
Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2010
158.3 BIS p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naufal Farras Fajar
Perkembangan teknologi yang luar biasa memengaruhi pertumbuhan yang cepat dalam penggunaan perangkat dan layanan TIK. Namun, jumlah penggunaan perangkat yang meningkat telah meningkatkan Limbah Peralatan Elektronik dan Listrik. Studi sebelumnya telah menunjukkan bahwa transformasi sistem dari Rantai Pasok Lingkar Terbuka menuju Rantai Pasok Lingkar Tertutup dapat memecahkan berbagai permasalahan pada pengelolaan sampah elektronik. Namun, transformasi ini tidak mudah karena membutuhkan waktu, salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah melalui edukasi. Di sisi lain, proporsi waktu studi Ekonomi Sirkuler dan Rantai Pasok Lingkar Tertutup di kelas perkuliahan sangat terbatas dan memiliki kompleksitas sistem tinggi sehingga dibutuhkan suatu metode yang lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman mahasiswa. Electriver game merupakan permainan simulasi yang dikembangkan dari konsep Rantai Pasok Lingkar Tertutup dalam konteks manajemen sampah elektronik. Permainan simulasi ini dapat membantu mahasiswa mendapatkan pengalaman edukasi yang lebih efektif, menyenangkan, dan mendalam dibandingkan pembelajaran secara tradisional di dalam kelas. Permainan simulasi ini dikembangkan dengan rangkaian proses desain, eksekusi, serta proses evaluasi menggunakan survei persepsi dan uji pemahaman pra dan pasca permainan kemudian dilakukan uji signifikansi menggunakan Mann-Whitney Test. Dengan dilakukannya penelitian ini, diharapkan penulis turut berkontribusi dalam transformasi sistem industri menuju rantai pasok yang lebih berkelanjutan.

Exceptional technological developments affect rapid growth in the use of ICT devices and services. However, the increasing device uses has increased the Waste of Electronic and Electrical Equipment. Previous studies have shown that a system transformation from the Open-Loop to the Closed-Loop Supply Chain can solve various problems in E-waste management. However, this transformation is not easy because it takes time, one way that can be done is through education. On the other hand, the proportion of study time for Circular Economy and Closed-Loop Supply Chain in-class lectures is very limited and has high system complexity so needed to improve student understanding by the more effective method. Electriver game is a Serious Simulation Game developed from the concept of Closed-Loop Supply Chain in the context of E-waste management. This game can help students get educational experiences that are more effective, fun, and deeper than traditional learning in the classroom. This game was developed with scientific method from design, execution, and evaluation using attitudinal survey and pre-post knowledge test and the significance test was carried out using Mann-Whitney Test. By conducting this research, the author expected will contribute to the transformation of the industrial system towards a more sustainable supply chain.


UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simon Soon
This essay examines the historical conditions of the politics of pedagogy that have shaped the history of postcolonial higher education and attempts at producing countermovements to its subsequent institutionalization. I consider this in relation to pedagogical practices that reference creative forms in avant-garde art and theater. A genealogy of rethinking education through creative means can be traced back to the establishment of Nanyang University and the teaching of contemporary Asian literature by Han Suyin, with later artists such as Wong Hoy Cheong engaging with Paulo Freires ideas on learning in Wongs course on Third World aesthetics, Universiti Bangsar Utamas reimagination of the role that education could play in Kuala Lumpur during the 1998 Reformasi, and most recently Buku Jalans decentering of education. Finally, I consider the pedagogical stakes at hand by exploring the life story of a bookseller in Kelantan and his embodiment of a local cosmopolitanism.
SEAS 7:3 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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