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"This volume is concerned with the control and dynamics of time delay systems; a research field with at least six-decade long history that has been very active especially in the past two decades. In parallel to the new challenges emerging from engineering, physics, mathematics, and economics, the volume covers several new directions including topology induced stability, large-scale interconnected systems, roles of networks in stability, and new trends in predictor-based control and consensus dynamics. The associated applications/problems are described by highly complex models, and require solving inverse problems as well as the development of new theories, mathematical tools, numerically-tractable algorithms for real-time control. The volume, which is targeted to present these developments in this rapidly evolving field, captures a careful selection of the most recent papers contributed by experts and collected under five parts : (i) methodology : from retarded to neutral continuous delay models, (ii) systems, signals and applications, (iii) numerical methods, (iv) predictor-based control and compensation, and (v) networked control systems and multi-agent systems."
Berlin: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Michiels, Wim
"Time-delays are important components of many dynamical systems that describe coupling or interconnection between dynamics, propagation or transport phenomena, and heredity and competition in population dynamics. This monograph addresses the problem of stability analysis and the stabilization of dynamical systems subjected to time-delays. It presents a wide and self-contained panorama of analytical methods and computational algorithms using a unified eigenvalue-based approach illustrated by examples and applications in electrical and mechanical engineering, biology, and complex network analysis.
This text bridges the fields of control (analysis and feedback design, robustness, and uncertainty) and numerical analysis (explicit algorithms and methods). The authors present solutions of the (robust) stability analysis and stabilization problem of linear time-delay systems, which are the result of this cross-fertilization of control theory, numerical linear algebra, numerical bifurcation analysis, and optimization.
The book is organized into three parts: Part I addresses the analysis of linear time-delay systems from a stability point of view. Part II is devoted to synthesis problems with the focus on stabilization. In Part III the authors present a wide class of applications, including congestion analysis in high-performance networks, output feedback stabilization using the delays as controller parameters, predictor-type controllers, consensus problems in traffic flows, and stability analysis of various delay models in the biosciences."
Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2007
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Metrik Kresna Pradana
Teknologi Thermal Spray Aluminium TSA telah banyak diaplikasikan pada industri Minyak dan Gas terutama sebagai pelindung terhadap korosi. Sebagai pelindung korosi, sifat mekanis seperti kekuatan ikatan adesif dan kohesif material pelapis berkaitan langsung dengan umur ketahanan terhadap korosi. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan pengamatan pengaruh waktu tunda proses pelapisan aluminium terhadap karakteristik sifat mekanis lapisan.Proses pelapisan aluminium pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Thermal Arc Spray dengan material substrat baja karbon SK5 dan material pelapis kawat aluminium 95.5 , dilakukan secara bertahap dengan memberikan waktu tunda 0 jam tanpa waktu tunda , 4 jam, 24 jam dan 48 jam. Ketebalan lapisan TSA awal 75-125 ?m, dan ketebalan lapisan TSA setelah diberikan waktu tunda sebesar 200-250 ?m. Sampel dilakukan pengujian daya lekat pull-off test , tekuk bending test , kekerasan mikro, pengamatan metalografi menggunakan mikroskup optic dan SEM.Proses pelapisan TSA dengan disertai waktu tunda 4 jam, 24 jam dan 48 jam menghasilkan tingkat porositas yang lebih tinggi pada lapisan dibandingkan dengan tanpa waktu tunda, namun variabel perbedaan waktu tunda tidak mempengaruhi tingkat porositas. Tingkat porositas tersebut berpengaruh pada kekuatan ikatan adesif dan kohesif lapisan. Dari hasil pengujian daya lekat lapisan didapatkan sampel tanpa waktu tunda menghasilkan kekuatan ikatan 8,3 MPa, sedangkan sampel yang diberikan waktu tunda 4 jam, 24 jam dan 48 jam mengalami kegagalan adesif dan kohesif dengan kekuatan daya lekat 8 MPa, 8 MPa, dan 7,9 MPa. Pada sampel dengan waktu tunda, lapisan TSA pertama akan bertindak sebagai permukaan substrat bagi lapisan TSA kedua. Tingkat kekasaran dan profil permukaan lapisan TSA pertama sebesar 126,3 ndash; 153 ?m akan menghasilkan tingkat porositas lapisan TSA keseluruhan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan proses tanpa waktu tunda.

Thermal Aluminum Spray TSA has been widely applied in oil and gas industries especially as a protection against corrosion. As a corrosion protector, mechanical properties of coating materials such as adhesive and cohesive bond strength are directly related to the life time of corrosion resistance. In this research has been observed the influence of time delay of aluminum coating process on the coating mechanical properties.The aluminium coating process in this research using Thermal Arc Spray as the method with SK5 carbon steel substrat and 95.5 aluminum wire coating material. Coating process has been done in 2 stages with 0 hours, 4 hours, 24 hours and 48 hours time delay. The first layer thickness is 75 125 m, and after a given delay time is 200 250 m. Coated samples were tested by pull off test, bending test, micro hardness and metallographic observation using optical microscope and SEM.TSA within 4 hour, 24 hour and 48 hour time delay coating process produces higher porosity levels in the coating compared without time delay, however delay time difference variable did not affect the porosity level. Furthermore, porosity level will affect the adhesive and cohesive bond strength of the coating. From the Pull off testing, sample without delay time resulting 8,3 MPa bond strength, and samples with 4 hours, 24 hours and 48 hours delay time resulted bond strength of 8 MPa, 8 MPa and 7,9 MPa. For sample with time delay, the first TSA coating layer will act as a substrate surface for the second TSA layer. Thus, the surface roughness level of the first TSA coating layer of 126,3 ndash 153 m will resulting higher porosity for overall TSA coating layer than the process without time delay."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Castillo, Oscar
"This book, hybrid intelligent systems based mainly on type-2 fuzzy logic for intelligent control. Hybrid intelligent systems combine several intelligent computing paradigms, including fuzzy logic, and bio-inspired optimization algorithms, which can be used to produce powerful automatic control systems. The book is organized in three main parts, which contain a group of chapters around a similar subject. The first part consists of chapters with the main theme of theory and design algorithms, which are basically chapters that propose new models and concepts, which can be the basis for achieving intelligent control with interval type-2 fuzzy logic. The second part of the book is comprised of chapters with the main theme of evolutionary optimization of type-2 fuzzy systems in intelligent control with the aim of designing optimal type-2 fuzzy controllers for complex control problems in diverse areas of application, including mobile robotics, aircraft dynamics systems and hardware implementations. The third part of the book is formed with chapters dealing with the theme of bio-inspired optimization of type-2 fuzzy systems in intelligent control, which includes the application of particle swarm intelligence and ant colony optimization algorithms for obtaining optimal type-2 fuzzy controllers."
Berlin: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"PAAMS, the International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems is an evolution of the International Workshop on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. PAAMS is an international yearly tribune to present, to discuss, and to disseminate the latest developments and the most important outcomes related to real-world applications.
This volume presents the papers that have been accepted for the 2012 in the workshops : workshop on agents for ambient assisted living, workshop on agent-based solutions for manufacturing and supply chain and workshop on agents and multi-agent systems for enterprise integration."
Berlin: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Panjaitan, Bestian
"Penelitian yang sudah pernah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa penundaan di dalam penerbitan laporan keuangan tahunan dapat meningkatkan tingkat ketidakpastian didalam pembuatan keputusan berdasarkan informasi yang tersedia didalam laporan keuangan sehingga investor dapat menunda pembelian dan penjualan atas saham sampai laporan keuangan diterbitkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat sampai sejauh mana faktor-faktor yang menentukan ketepatan waktu penyampaian laporan keuangan yang biasa diukur dengan audit delay, yang dihitung dari selisih waktu tanggal laporan keuangan tahunan perusahaan sampai dengan tanggal laporan audit yang dikeluarkan oleh KAP. Dari berbagai faktor-faktor yang ada peneliti hanya memilih total aktiva, jenis opini auditor, ukuran KAP dan rasio profitabilitas. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuktikan apakah total aktiva, jenis opini auditor, ukuran KAP dan rasio profitabilitas memiliki pengaruh terhadap praktek audit delay pada bank-bank yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh dari total aktiva terhadap audit delay, sebaliknya ditemukan hubungan signifikan dari opini audit, ukuran KAP dan rasio profitabilitas terhadap audit delay, serta terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari seluruh variabel total aktiva, opini audit, ukuran KAP dan rasio profitabiltas terhadap audit Delay.

Studies have been done showing that the delay in publishing the annual financial statements can increase the level of uncertainty in making decisions based on information provided in financial statements so investors can defer the purchase and sale of shares until the financial statements issued. This research was conducted to see how far the factors that determine the timeliness of submission of financial reports which is usually measured with audit delay, which is calculated from the difference between the time of the company?s annual financial statement date until the date of the audit report issued by the audit firm. From the various factors researcher have chose only the total assets, auditor opinion type, auditor firm size and profitability ratio. This study was conducted to verify the total assets, the type of opinion the auditor, audit firm size and profitability ratio has an effect to audit delay at the banks listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The results from this study found that there was no significant relationship of total assets on audit delay, conversely found a significant relationship of the audit opinion type, audit firm size and profitability ratio to the audit delay, and there is significant influence of all variables in total assets, audit opinion, audit firm size and profitabiltas ratio to audit delay."
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Feka Angge Pramita
"Penerapan floortime diberikan kepada anak laki~laki berusia 3,9 tahun yang mengalami keterlambatan perkembangan bahasa-bicara, yaitu perkcmhangan bahasa-bicam anak yang mengalami `hamba1an yang tidak sesuai dengan perkcmbangan anak seusianya. Floortime memfokuskan pada meningkatkan kemampuan berinisiatif dan berinteraksi dua arah dengan ibu. Penerapan scsi Floortime berlangsung selama satu bulan dilakukan dalam rangkaian empat sesi pre-rest, delapan belas scsi intervensi, dan dua scsi post rest untuk melihat perubahan interaksi antara anak dengan ibu. Setelah scsi intervensi, diperoleh hasil bahwa anak lebih banyak melalcukan inisiatif dan dapat melakukan interaksi timbai balik dengan ibn. Ibu terlihat lebih memahami anak dan memberikan anak kesempatan untuk mengekspresikan dirinya. Beberapa saran yang dapat diberikan antara lain: memperbanyak waktu melakukan Floortime setiap hari, menerapkan prinsip dasar floortime di luar waktu scsi floortime dan mulai mclibatkan anggota keluarga lain untuk melakukan sesi Floortime.

Floortime was given for a 3.9 year old boy with Developmental Delay on Speech and Language area, whom delay on speech and language developmental. The focus of Floortime are increase tha ability to initiate and two-way interaction with this caregivers. The Floortime treatment carried out for one month and consists of four sessions of preĀ»test assessment, eighteen of Floortime treatment, and two sessions of post-test intervention. Posttest session was held to see the change of interaction between the mother and the child. Aher the end of the treatment, the child become more initiate to mother and can do reciprocal interaction with her. Mother become understand the child better and give him an opportunity to express him self. Some suggestion : do Floortime daily, do Floortime outside the session and begin to involve other family members doing Floorime."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Winston, Patrick Henry
Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley, 1987
006.3 WIN a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rauch-Hindin, Wendy B.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1988
006.3 RAU g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book provides a survey on research, development, and trends in innovative computing in communications engineering and computer science. It features selected and expanded papers from the EAI International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering 2018 (COMPSE 2018), with contributions by top global researchers and practitioners in the field. The content is of relevance to computer science graduates, researchers and academicians in computer science and engineering. The authors discuss new technologies in computer science and engineering that have reduced the dimension of data coverage worldwide, reducing the gaps and coverage of domains globally. They discuss how these advances have also contributed to strength in prediction, analysis, and decision in the areas such as Technology, Management, Social Computing, Green Computing, and Telecom. Contributions show how nurturing the research in technology and computing is essential to finding the right pattern in the ocean of data.
Focuses on research areas of innovative computing and its application in engineering and technology;
Includes contributions from researchers in computing and engineering from around the world;
Features selected and expanded papers from EAI International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering 2018 (COMPSE 2018)."
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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