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"This topical collection of chapters examines secular society and the legal protection of religion and belief across Europe, both in general and more nation-specific terms. The expectations of many that religion in modern Europe would be swept away by the powerful current of secularization have not been realised, and today few topics generate more controversy than the complex relationship between religious and secular values. The 'religious/​secular' relationship is examined in this book, which brings together scholars from different parts of Europe and beyond to provide insights into the methods by which religion and equivalent beliefs have been, and continue to be, protected in the legal systems and constitutions of European nations. The contributors' chapters reveal that the oft-tumultuous legacy of Europe's relationship with religion still resonates across a continent where legal, political and social contours have been powerfully shaped by faith and religious difference. Covering recent controversies such as the Islamic headscarf, and the presence of the crucifix in school class-rooms, this book will appeal to academics and students in law, human rights and the social sciences, as well as law and policy makers and NGOs in the field of human rights"
Northampton: Edward Elgar, 2012
306.609 4 REL
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mitchell, Basil
London: Oxford University Press, 1970
340.112 MIT l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fay, Martha
New York : Simon & Schuster, 1994
248.82 FAY c
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roberts, Keith A.
Homewood, Ill.: Dorsey Press, 1984
306.6 ROB r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anbar Jayadi
Hak atas kebebasan beragama dan berkeyakinan dilindungi oleh Pasal 18
Kovenan Internasional Hak-Hak Sipil dan Politik. Indonesia telah meratifikasi
Kovenan ini sehingga Indonesia memiliki kewajiban internasional untuk
mengejawantahkan apa yang ada di dalam Kovenan tersebut. Namun, belum ada
harmoni antara kewajiban internasional Indonesia dengan hukum nasionalnya dan
implementasi yang ada di masyarakat. Peraturan perundang-undangan dan
kebijakan yang ada masih bersifat diskriminatif dan menghilangkan esensi dari
hak tersebut. Kasus kekerasan terhadap jemaah Ahmadiyah dan tumpang
tindihnya peran negara dalam perkawinan lintas agama dan kepercayaan adalah
cerminan bahwa hak atas kebebasan beragama dan berkeyakinan di Indonesia
belum dilindungi sepenuhnya.

Freedom of religion and beliefs is protected by Article 18 of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which Indonesia has ratified. It creates
international obligation for Indonesia to put the Covenant into effect. However,
there is inconsistency between Indonesia international obligation with its national
law and the implementation in society. It can be reflected by many discriminative
national laws that degrading the essence of the right to freedom of religion and
beliefs. Violence towards Ahmadiyah people and mixed administration in
interfaith marriage demonstrated that the right to freedom of religion and beliefs
has not yet been fully protected in Indonesia."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Frans Sayogie
"Tesis ini membahas konsep hak kebebasan beragama dalam Islam ditinjau dari perspektif perlindungan negara dan hak asasi manusia universal. Implementasi kebebasan beragama dalam Islam masih memiliki permasalahan yang belum tuntas. Berdasarkan perspektif Piagam Madinah, Islam dapat memberikan perlindungan kebebasan beragama dan memberikan hak-hak non-muslim. Namun, dalam praktiknya, di beberapa negara Islam dewasa ini, yang sering terjadi justru berbagai penyimpangan yang mengaburkan makna serta semangat yang dikandung dalam Piagam Madinah. Beberapa negara Islam saat ini masih memformalisasi dan merumuskan penerapan syariah dalam ruang publik. Negara menjadi tidak bersikap netral terhadap semua doktrin keagamaan dan selalu berusaha menerapkan prinsip-prinsip syariah sebagai kebijakan atau perundang-undangan negara. Hal ini juga tercermin dalam Deklarasi Kairo yang memberikan legitimasi kepada negara-negara Islam untuk tetap mempertahankan dan menjalankan doktrin berbasis syariah yang lebih menekankan perlindungan agama daripada memberikan perlindungan hak fundamental dalam kebebasan beragama. Oleh karena itu, perlunya doktrin pemisahan agama dan negara yang bertujuan agar negara lebih independen dan diharapkan dapat memberikan perlindungan organ-organ dan institusi-institusi negara terhadap penyalahgunaan kekuasaan atas nama agama. Hak kebebasan beragama hanya bisa direalisasikan dalam kerangka kerja negara yang konstitusional dan demokratis didasarkan oleh semangat yang dianut hak asasi manusia universal.

The thesis discusses the concept of religious freedom in the perspective of state protection and universal human rights. The implementation of religious freedom in Islam still has unresolved issues. Based on the perspective of the Madinah Charter, Islam can provide protection of freedom of religion and give the rights of non-Muslims. Nowadays, however, in practice, in some Islamic countries, there is actually a variety of aberrations that obscures the meaning and spirit of the Madinah Charter. In some Muslim countries, the formalization and formulation of syariah are still implemented in the public sphere. State does not remain neutral toward all religious doctrines and always strives to apply the principles of syariah as a policy or state legislation. This is also reflected in the Cairo Declaration that gives legitimacy to Muslim countries to maintain and run a syariah-based doctrine that emphasizes the protection of religion rather than the protection of the fundamental rights of freedom of religion. Therefore, the need for the doctrine of separation of religion and state is intended to make state more independent and is expected to provide protection of the organs and institutions of the state against the abuse of power in the name of religion. Right to freedom of religion can only be realized within the framework of the constitutional and democratic state based on the spirit of universal human rights."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhief F. Ramadhani
Hak kebebasan beragama merupakan hak asasi manusia yang tidak boleh dibatasi dalam keadaan apapun. Hak kebebasan beragama tidak hanya mencakup kebebasan setiap manusia untuk memilih keyakinan yang menurutnya benar, namun juga termasuk hak bagi tiap-tiap manusia untuk mengekspresikan keyakinannya dan juga hak untuk menjalankan segala ajaran agama atau kepercayaan yang diyakininya. Indonesia melalui Undang-Undang Nomor 1/PNPS Tahun 1965 hanya mengakui enam agama yaitu Islam, Kristen, Protestan, Hindu, Budha, dan Khonghucu. Pengakuan negara terhadap agama tertentu memang dibolehkan dan tidak melanggar hak asasi manusia. Sayangnya pengakuan negara terhadap enam agama tersebut menimbulkan dampak terlanggarnya beberapa hak asasi manusia, khususnya para penganut aliran kepercayaan dan agama-agama selain agama resmi yang diakui negara. Dampak yang timbul dari pengakuan negara terhadap agama-agama tertentu tersebut adalah pembubaran aliran-aliran yang dianggap sesat, pencantuman agama di dalam KTP yang kemudian menjadi pintu masuk pembatasan hak-hak para penganut aliran kepercayaan dan agama yang tidak diakui negara, pendirian rumah ibadat, dan pendidikan agama di sekolah.

The right to freedom of religion is a human right that should not be restricted in any circumstances. Right to freedom of religion not only includes the freedom of every human being to choose beliefs which he said is true, but it also includes a right for every human being to express his convictions and also right to perform any religious doctrine or belief that he believes. Indonesia through Law No. 1/PNPS of 1965 only recognizes six religions: Islam, Christianity, Protestantism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. State recognition of a particular religion is permissible and does not violate human rights. Unfortunately the state recognition of the six religious impact some human rights violations, especially the adherents of religions, beliefs and religions other than official religions recognized by the state. Impacts arising from the state recognition of certain religions is the dissolution of streams that are considered heretical, the inclusion of religion on identity cards which later became the entrance to the restrictions of the rights of followers of religions, beliefs and religions that are not recognized by the state, the establishment of the synagogue, and religious education in schools."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kebebasan beragama/berkeyakinan pada dasarnya merupakan hak asasi manusia yang tidak dapat dikurangi dalam keadaan apapun (non derogable rights). Dalam hukum Indonesia pemenuhan hak atas kebebasan beragama tiap warga negara secara langsung dijamin oleh konstitusi. Meskipun telah mendapat jaminan langsung dari konstitusi, pada prakteknya pelanggaran terhadap kebebasan beragama masih kerap terjadi. Keberadaan Undang-Undang No. 1/PNPS/1965 tentang Pencegahan Penyalahgunaan dan/atau Penodaan Agama ditengarai sebagai salah satu faktor yang mendorong terjadinya berbagai pelanggaran kebebasan beragama di Indonesia. Secara substasnsi, Undang-Undang tersebut memberikan pengakuan tehadap enam agama sebagai agama resmi. Tulisan ini dibuat dengan pendekatan normatif yang dimaksudkan untuk menelaah keseuaian norma dalam Undang-Undang No. 1/PNPS/1965 tentang Pencegahan Penyalahgunaan dan/atau Penodaan Agama dengan doktrin serta prinsip-prinsip HAM tekait kebebasan beragama. Selain itu, studi empiris dengan juga dilakukan untuk memperlihatkan dampak riil dari pengaturan dalam Undang-Undang tersebut. Dengan pendekatan demikian, dapat dilihat bahwa Undang-Undang No. 1/PNPS/1965 memuat ketentuan pengaturan yang secara substansial bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip HAM terkait kebebasan beragama. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa dalam prakteknya ketentuan dalam Undang-Undang No. 1/PNPS/1965 serta peraturan atau kebijakan turunannya memicu berbagai tindakan diskriminatif dan pelanggaran terhadap hak atas kebebasan beragama terutama bagi para pemeluk agama/kepercayaan yang tidak diakui oleh negara.

Religious freedom is one of the right that can not be reduced under any circumstances (non-derogable rights). Under Indonesian law, the fulfilment of religious freedom rights of every citizen are guaranteed by the constitution. Despite enjoying direct guarantee from the constitution, in practice, violations of religious freedom still occur frequently. The existence of the Act No. 1/PNPS/1965 on the Prevention of Abuse of Religion and/or Blasphemy is considered as one of the factors that led to religious freedom violations in Indonesia. Substantially, this Act provides recognition to six religions as official religion. This paper is written in a normative approach to look over the suitability of the norms in the Act No. 1/PNPS/1965 on the the Prevention of Abuse of Religion and/or Blasphemy by the doctrine of human rights and the principles of religious freedom. Moreover, empirical studies are also conducted to show the real impact of regulation in the Act. Thus, it can be seen that the regulation on Act No. 1/PNPS/1965 contains provisions that are substantially opposed to the human rights principles related to freedom of religion. Furthermore, it was found that in practice the provision on the Act No. 1/PNPS/1965 and its derivative regulations and policies caused various discriminative actions and violations to the right of religious freedom, especially for the disciples of the religion/beliefs who are not recognized by the state.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kebebasan beragama/berkeyakinan pada dasarnya merupakan hak asasi manusia yang tidak dapat dikurangi dalam keadaan apapun (non derogable rights). Dalam hukum Indonesia pemenuhan hak atas kebebasan beragama tiap warga negara secara langsung dijamin oleh konstitusi. Meskipun telah mendapat jaminan langsung dari konstitusi, pada prakteknya pelanggaran terhadap kebebasan beragama masih kerap terjadi. Keberadaan Undang-Undang No. 1/PNPS/1965 tentang Pencegahan Penyalahgunaan dan/atau Penodaan Agama ditengarai sebagai salah satu faktor yang mendorong terjadinya berbagai pelanggaran kebebasan beragama di Indonesia. Secara substasnsi, Undang-Undang tersebut memberikan pengakuan tehadap enam agama sebagai agama resmi. Tulisan ini dibuat dengan pendekatan normatif yang dimaksudkan untuk menelaah keseuaian norma dalam Undang-Undang No. 1/PNPS/1965 tentang Pencegahan Penyalahgunaan dan/atau Penodaan Agama dengan doktrin serta prinsip-prinsip HAM tekait kebebasan beragama. Selain itu, studi empiris dengan juga dilakukan untuk memperlihatkan dampak riil dari pengaturan dalam Undang-Undang tersebut. Dengan pendekatan demikian, dapat dilihat bahwa Undang-Undang No. 1/PNPS/1965 memuat ketentuan pengaturan yang secara substansial bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip HAM terkait kebebasan beragama. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa dalam prakteknya ketentuan dalam Undang-Undang No. 1/PNPS/1965 serta peraturan atau kebijakan turunannya memicu berbagai tindakan diskriminatif dan pelanggaran terhadap hak atas kebebasan beragama terutama bagi para pemeluk agama/kepercayaan yang tidak diakui oleh negara.

Religious freedom is one of the right that can not be reduced under any circumstances (non-derogable rights). Under Indonesian law, the fulfilment of religious freedom rights of every citizen are guaranteed by the constitution. Despite enjoying direct guarantee from the constitution, in practice, violations of religious freedom still occur frequently. The existence of the Act No. 1/PNPS/1965 on the Prevention of Abuse of Religion and/or Blasphemy is considered as one of the factors that led to religious freedom violations in Indonesia. Substantially, this Act provides recognition to six religions as official religion. This paper is written in a normative approach to look over the suitability of the norms in the Act No. 1/PNPS/1965 on the the Prevention of Abuse of Religion and/or Blasphemy by the doctrine of human rights and the principles of religious freedom. Moreover, empirical studies are also conducted to show the real impact of regulation in the Act. Thus, it can be seen that the regulation on Act No. 1/PNPS/1965 contains provisions that are substantially opposed to the human rights principles related to freedom of religion. Furthermore, it was found that in practice the provision on the Act No. 1/PNPS/1965 and its derivative regulations and policies caused various discriminative actions and violations to the right of religious freedom, especially for the disciples of the religion/beliefs who are not recognized by the state.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Masthuriyah Sa`dan
The haram (to forbid) fatwa issued by the MUI against LGBTs and the death penalty against sexual offenders deviant has shaken the people of Indonesia, especially those of diverse sexualities. Religion, suppose to provide ease and solace to the human condition, has effectively buried those of non-normative sexualities alive. This is despite the fact that the regional, national and international legal human rights instruments recognize their rights as human beings to express their sexual and gender identities and orientations. In essence, Shariah and Islamic law is being used as the theological foundation for the issuing of the MUI fatwa contrary to the concept of human rights. Here, the work of Khaled M. Abou El Fadl is important as he attempts to break the
tension between religion (Islam) and human rights using the social approach of contemporary
Jakarta: YJP Press, 2016
305 IFJ 4:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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