ABSTRAKPenanggulangan Krisis Kesehatan meliputi tiga tahapan, yaitu tahap pra, saat dan
pascabencana. Kegiatan pada tahap pascabencana/pemulihan, yaitu rehabilitasi dan
rekonstruksi diakukan untuk menilai tingkat kerusakan, kerugian dan kebutuhan bidang
kesehatan. Pusat Penanggulangan Krisis Kesehatan sebagai koordinator dalam
penanggulangan krisis kesehatan di lingkungan Kementerian Kesehatan telah menyusun
pedoman penilaian kerusakan, kerugian dan kebutuhan bidang kesehatan pascabencana.
Namun sistem yang ada saat ini belum dapat menyajikan data dan informasi yang
komprehensif untuk mendukung suatu keputusan dalam penanggulangan krisis kesehatan
pada tahap pemulihan secara efisien, efektif dan akurat. Untuk itu perlu dirancang sistem
informasi rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi pascabencana untuk penentuan prioritas pemulihan
fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan dengan sistem pendukung keputusan atau Decision Support
System (DSS). Prototype sistem telah dibangun dengan menggunakan metodologi
pengembangan System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) dapat menghasilkan ouput yang
dapat memudahkan pimpinan untuk mengambil keputusan dalam menentukan perhitungan
biaya kerusakan, kerugian dan kebutuhan, penentuan prioritas pemulihan fasilitas pelayanan
kesehatan dan pemantauan kegiatan pemulihan pascabencana.
ABSTRACTHealth Crisis Response consists of three phases, pre, during and post-disaster. The activities
in post-disaster / recovery phase are rehabilitation and reconstruction, conducted to assess the
level of damage, loss and needs of the health sector. Center for Health Crisis as a coordinator
in the response to the health crisis in the Ministry of Health, has established guideline for
damage, loss and needs assessmentt of the health sector in the post-disaster. However,
Center for Health Crisis, not yet have a system that can present comprehensive data and
information to support a decision in response to the health crisis in the recovery phase
efficiently, effectively and accurately. It is essential to design an information system of
rehabilitation and reconstruction in the post-disaster for the prioritization of health facilities
recovery with a decision support system (DSS). Prototype system has been designed;
applying System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology generating output that can
facilitate the authorities to take a decision in determining the cost calculation of damage, loss
and needs, prioritization of health care facilities recovery and monitoring of recovery
activities in the post-disaster., Health Crisis Response consists of three phases, pre, during and post-disaster. The activities
in post-disaster / recovery phase are rehabilitation and reconstruction, conducted to assess the
level of damage, loss and needs of the health sector. Center for Health Crisis as a coordinator
in the response to the health crisis in the Ministry of Health, has established guideline for
damage, loss and needs assessmentt of the health sector in the post-disaster. However,
Center for Health Crisis, not yet have a system that can present comprehensive data and
information to support a decision in response to the health crisis in the recovery phase
efficiently, effectively and accurately. It is essential to design an information system of
rehabilitation and reconstruction in the post-disaster for the prioritization of health facilities
recovery with a decision support system (DSS). Prototype system has been designed;
applying System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology generating output that can
facilitate the authorities to take a decision in determining the cost calculation of damage, loss
and needs, prioritization of health care facilities recovery and monitoring of recovery
activities in the post-disaster.]"