"Contents :
1.Introduction to the handbook / Nicholas S. Vonortas
Pt. I Economic methods and applications
2.The theory and practice of public-sector R&D economic impact analysis / John T. Scott
3.Micro-econometric approaches to the evaluation of technology-oriented public programmes: a non-technical review of the state of the art / Spyros Arvanitis
4.Selection of a portfolio of R&D projects / Jonathan D. Linton
Pt. II Non-economic methods and applications
5.Peer review and expert panels as techniques for evaluating the quality of academic research / Irwin Feller
6.Logic modeling: a tool for designing program evaluations / Gretchen B. Jordan
7.Research value mapping and evaluation: theory and application / Gordon Kingsley
Pt. III Hybrid methods and applications
8.Social network methodology / Nicholas S. Vonortas
9.Estimating avoided environmental emissions and environmental health benefits / Sara E. Casey
Contents note continued: 10.Evaluating cooperative research centers: a strategy for assessing proximal and distal outcomes and associated economic impacts / Denis O. Gray
Pt. IV Data-driven applications
11.Bibliometrics as a tool for research evaluation / Julia Melkers
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