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Karrer, Christoph
"[Identifying and customizing suitable control strategies is a challenging task, especially when production systems have to cope with variable demands, forecast error, and unstable processes. The focus of this book lies on helping companies with complex and discrete production systems to tailor a production control strategy to their needs. Thereby, the mutual merits of push and pull systems are taken into account, leading to hybrid strategies. Consequently, the book addresses practitioners who are interested in looking behind the scenes and into the physics of production control. A real-life case study demonstrates the practical applicability of the presented framework. , Identifying and customizing suitable control strategies is a challenging task, especially when production systems have to cope with variable demands, forecast error, and unstable processes. The focus of this book lies on helping companies with complex and discrete production systems to tailor a production control strategy to their needs. Thereby, the mutual merits of push and pull systems are taken into account, leading to hybrid strategies. Consequently, the book addresses practitioners who are interested in looking behind the scenes and into the physics of production control. A real-life case study demonstrates the practical applicability of the presented framework. ]"
Berlin: [Springer, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lintang Hapsari Wilujeng

Sumber tegangan listrik merupakan salah satu kebutuhan primer modern di masa sekarang.Sumber tegangan listrik mutlak dibutuhkan untuk menjamin tetap bekerjanya peralatan tersebut.

Namun masalah yang sering dihadapi seringkali adalah sumber-sumber tegangan memiliki nilai yang jauh dibawah level tegangan kerja yang umumnya digunakan pada sistem jaringan listrik perumahan. Untuk mengatasai permasalah sumber tegangan DC tersebut, salah satu cara yang dapat diambil adalah dengan mengimplementasikan sebuah rangkaian pengubah nilai tegangan DC atau DC-DC Converter.

Pada penelitian ini penulis menawarkan rangkaian DC-DC Converter dari tipe terisolasi, yaitu Push-Pull Converter. Pemilihan Push-Pull Converter dilakukan atas beberapa alasan antara lain keandalan, kualitas daya yang dihasilkan, kemudahan untuk diaplikasikan serta yang paling penting adalah ketahanan dari gangguan yang mungkin terjadi.

Sistem dikendalikan dengan menggunakan Pengendali PI dan IP serta diuji kualitasnya dengan menggunakan Diagram Bode.Hasil dari simulasi serta analisa kestabilan menunjukkan bahwa Rangkaian Push-Pull adalah rangkaian yang tahan terhadap gangguan.

Power supply is one of the modern primary needs in the present. Power supply is absolutely necessary to ensure the continuity cooperation of the equipment. However, a problem that often encountered is voltage sources values are far below the working voltage levels that are generally used in residential electrical grid system. To handling the problems of the DC voltage source, one way that can be taken is to implement a DC voltage converter circuit or DC-DC Converter.

In this research, a series of isolated type DC-DC Converters, namely Push-Pull Converter, is being promoted. The Selection of Push-Pull Converter based on reliability and quality of generated power among others, ease of applicability and the most important is the robustness of the interference that may occur.

The system is controlled using a PI controller and the IP also stability tested using Bode plots. The results of simulation and analysis shows that the stability of the Push-Pull circuit is a circuit that is resistant to interference.

Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harrtyan Muhammad
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai dampak penerapan sistem hybrid push/pull pada perusahaan produsen komponen otomotif yang menggunakan sistem produksi push pada proses produksinya. Hasil dari penelitian banyak ahli menunjukan bahwa dengan penetapan sistem produksi hybrid perusahaan bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari dua tipe produksi yaitu sistem produksi push dan juga pull, serta dapat mengurangi kelemahan dari masing-masing sistem. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan manfaat terhadap perbaikan sistem produksi dan menjadi pertimbangan terhadap perusahaan dalam optimalisasi terhadap proses produksinya. Perusahaan yang dijadikan objek penelitian adalah PT. Moreen JBBK, produsen komponen otomotif yang berlokasi di Jababeka, Cikarang, Jawa Barat. Analisis sistem produksi dan juga penerapan sistem produksi hybrid push/pull pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan metode simulasi discrete event dengan menggunakan software simulasi Arena.

This study discusses about the impact of applying hybrid push pull production system to automotive component manufacturer which uses push production system in its production process. Many experts have conducted research on the hybrid push pull production system. The results of the study indicate that with the establishment of hybrid production system the company can take the benefit from two types of production push and pull, and can reduce the weaknesses of each system. The push system has a weakness in its high inventory levels, while the pull system has a weakness in long lead time production. The purpose of this study is to provide benefits to the improvement of production systems and into consideration of the company in the optimization of the production process. The company that used as research object is PT. Moreen JBBK, a company that produces automotive components located in Jababeka, Cikarang, West Java. Analysis of production system and also implementation of hybrid push pull production system in this research will be conduct by discrete event simulation method using Arena simulation software."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sigit Irianto
"Dalam konteks hubungan antara SMS dan penyedia konten, ada dua cara yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan pesan, yaitu Pull dan Push. Dalam skenario Pull pengguna akan mengirim keycode tertentu kemudian sistem milik penyedia konten akan merespon dengan mengirimkan konten yang diminta. Sedangkan pada skenario Push penyedia konten akan melakukan broadcast konten ke kumpulan nomor yang terdaftar.
Kebanyakan penyedia konten akan mem-broadcast konten mereka begitu saja tanpa memiliki mekanisme untuk mengontrol proses, status pengiriman, serta tingkat kesuksesan pengiriman itu sendiri. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut maka skripsi ini dibuat yaitu untuk merancang bangun suatu sistem yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengendalikan proses push/broadcast, sehingga saat kondisi jaringan di sisi operator sedang sibuk broadcast dapat dihentikan sementara untuk dapat dilanjutkan kemudian saat kondisi memungkinkan.
Dari hasil skripsi ini tergambar bahwa tingkat keberhasilan proses broadcast (push) ditentukan oleh beberapa kondisi, diantaranya adalah cara broadcast serta waktu saat broadcast dilakukan. Dua hal ini adalah parameter yang bisa dimonitor dan dikendalikan. Dari hasil pengujian dan analisa didapat bahwa proses push tanpa delay (cara broadcast dilakukan, waktu idle antara dua proses pengiriman yang berurutan) yang dilakukan pada peak-hour (waktu saat broadcast dilakukan) hanya memiliki success-push-rate rata-rata sebesar 37%, sedangkan jika cara yang sama dilakukan diluar peak-hour maka success-push-rate akan meningkat menjadi rata-rata 96%. Jika cara broadcast diubah dengan menambahkan delay 1 detik saja, maka success-push-rate akan meningkat menjadi 100%, dan hasil ini tidak terpengaruh oleh waktu saat broadcast dilakukan, saat peak-hour atau diluar peak-hour.

In relationship between SMS and content provider, there is two ways that related to how a content delivered to end user, Pull and Push. Pull process is initiated by end-user as they send specific-and-predefined keycode to content provider system, the system will reply back with requested information. In Push scenario, system will initiate the process to broadcast a content to several registered number.
Most of content providers are directly broadcast their contents as it is without having a mechanism that could monitor the process itself. In that context this paper come up with the idea to design and implement the system with such capability. So during broadcast contents when network condition going unpredictably-high traffic the system can hold the push process temporarily and resume the process later, when the network traffic in more acceptable condition.
Result from this paper give some quantitive figure that shows that the level of succesfulness of broadcast/push process is tightly-related with several conditions, two of them are how the push process executed and when push process executed. These are two parameters that can be monitored and controlled. From some testing and data analysis it revealed that a push process without a delay (idle time between two consecutives send message, related to how push executed) during a peak-hour (related to when the push executed) suggested averagely 37% in success-push-rate, but when the same way of push is executed during a non peak-hour time then the success-push-rate positively increase to averagely 96%. If we change the way of push process is being executed by adding 1 second delay, the success-push-rate would stay at 100% regardless when the push is executed, during peak-hour or not."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Athasya Kandhiya
"Kehadiran aroma telah menjadi bagian dari keseharian manusia. Namun, belum banyak manusia yang memaknai kehadiran aroma dalam ruang. Hal ini diakibatkan karena wujudnya yang tidak kasat mata dan sifatnya yang perseptif. Aroma dapat dihadirkan secara sengaja dan tidak disengaja dengan strategi separation, deodorisation, scenting dan masking. Aroma memiliki peran dalam menentukan perilaku manusia seperti pikiran dan gerakan. Pull-in, push-out, dan netral, adalah tiga gerakan dari respon manusia terhadap kehadiran aroma dalam ruang. Studi pada skripsi ini dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh indera penciuman berperan dalam mengalami ruang urban. Pengamatan yang dilakukan pada akhirnya menunjukkan bahwa adanya kaitan antara strategi kehadiran aroma, respon gerak dari strategi tersebut, yang kemudian akan dikaitkan dengan teori pembentukan wilayah secara acak.

The presence of aroma has becoming a part of human daily life. However, there are still many people who have not interpreted the presence of aroma in space. This is due to its invisible form and perceptive characteristic. Aroma can be presented intentionally and unintentionally with the separation, deodorisation, scenting and masking strategies. Aroma has a role in determining human behavior such as thoughts and movements. Pull-in, push-out, and neutral, are three movements of human response toward the presence of aroma in space. The study in this thesis was conducted in an effort to find out how far the sense of smell plays a role in experiencing urban space. The observations showed that there was a link between the strategy of the presence of aroma, the movement responses due to the strategy, which would then be linked to the theory of random territorial walk."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titah Kusumastiti

Studi ini meneliti faktor secara keseluruhan yang mempengaruhi keinginan berpindah pelanggan pada penyedia layanan internet dengan menggunakan model Push-Pull Mooring. Metode yang digunakan adalah pengukuran kuantitatif kuesioner survei online pada 185 responden Indonesia dengan pengalaman menggunakan internet kabel selama setidaknya 1 bulan. Pengukuran menggunakan metode SEM untuk menganalisa data perolehan riset. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor Push tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap keinginan berpindah konsumen, sedangkan faktor Pull dan Mooring memiliki pengaruh terhadap keinginan berpindah konsumen layanan internet. Sebagai moderasi, faktor Mooring memiliki dampak terhadap hubungan faktor Pull dengan keinginan berpindah, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap hubungan faktor Push dengan keinginan berpindah. Validasi faktor-faktor yang paling mempengaruhi niat switching pelanggan dapat menjadi referensi bagi penyedia layanan internet, sehingga perusahaan dapat merumuskan strategi pemasaran untuk meminimalkan niat switching pelanggan. Penelitian ini membangun model yang komprehensif terhadap niat beralih pelanggan dari penyedia layanan internet di Indonesia.

This study examines the holistic factors that influence the customers switching intention on fixed internet services provider using the Push-Pull Mooring model. Employs quantitative measurements of online survey questionnaire on 185 Indonesian respondents with experience using cable internet for at least 1 months, the measurement uses structural equation model to examine the research data. The result shows that Push factors doesnt have impact to switching intention. However, Pull and Mooring factors have an impact to switching intention. As moderating, the mooring factor has an impact to Pull and switching intention relationship but hasnt significant impact to Push and switching intention relationship. Validation the most factors influence customers switching intention can be a reference for internet service provider, so that company can formulate marketing strategy to minimize customers switching intention. This study builds comprehensive model toward customer switching intention of internet service provider in Indonesia.

Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widya Pratiwi
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis hubungan keseimbangan jangan panjang dan dinamika pergerakan jangka pendek variabel pull factors dan push factors terhadap investasi portofolio asing di Indonesia (FPI) melalui pendekatan model kointegrasi dan error correction mechanism (ECM) sehingga dapat diketahui pergerakan tiap-tiap variabel untuk dapat dijadikan indikator bulanan dalam memperkirakan perubahan FPI serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari pergerakan variabel-variabel tersebut terhadap FPI dalam jangka panjang dan jangka pendek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh variabel pull factors dan push factors memiliki hubungan keseimbangan dalam jangka panjang terhadap investasi portofolio asing di Indonesia. Sedangkan dalam jangka pendek hanya terdapat tiga variabel pull factors (Depresiasi Rupiah terhadap Dolar, Jumlah Uang Beredar dan Tingkat Openness Indonesia) serta satu variabel push factor (LIBOR Rate) yang perubahannya memiliki pengaruh signifikan dalam proses penyesuain FPI menuju titik keseimbangannya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa kondisi fundamental perekonomian menjadi faktor kunci yang dapat menarik aliran masuk investasi portofolio asing di Indonesia.

This research was intended to know and analyze the long run equlibrium relationship and the short run dynamic fluctuation between pull factors and push factors variables to foreign portfolio investments in Indonesia by using cointgeration and error correction mechanism (ECM) models as an indicator to estimate foreign portfolio investment fluctuation. According to the research, all of the variables have the long run equibrium relationship with foreign portfolio investments, but in the short run there are only three pull factors variables and one push factor variable that have effect on foreign portfolio investments. The findings suggest that economic performance is the major factor in attracting FPI to Indonesia.;This research was intended to know and analyze the long run equlibrium relationship and the short run dynamic fluctuation between pull factors and push factors variables to foreign portfolio investments in Indonesia by using cointgeration and error correction mechanism (ECM) models as an indicator to estimate foreign portfolio investment fluctuation. According to the research, all of the variables have the long run equibrium relationship with foreign portfolio investments, but in the short run there are only three pull factors variables and one push factor variable that have effect on foreign portfolio investments. The findings suggest that economic performance is the major factor in attracting FPI to Indonesia.;This research was intended to know and analyze the long run equlibrium relationship and the short run dynamic fluctuation between pull factors and push factors variables to foreign portfolio investments in Indonesia by using cointgeration and error correction mechanism (ECM) models as an indicator to estimate foreign portfolio investment fluctuation. According to the research, all of the variables have the long run equibrium relationship with foreign portfolio investments, but in the short run there are only three pull factors variables and one push factor variable that have effect on foreign portfolio investments. The findings suggest that economic performance is the major factor in attracting FPI to Indonesia.;This research was intended to know and analyze the long run equlibrium relationship and the short run dynamic fluctuation between pull factors and push factors variables to foreign portfolio investments in Indonesia by using cointgeration and error correction mechanism (ECM) models as an indicator to estimate foreign portfolio investment fluctuation. According to the research, all of the variables have the long run equibrium relationship with foreign portfolio investments, but in the short run there are only three pull factors variables and one push factor variable that have effect on foreign portfolio investments. The findings suggest that economic performance is the major factor in attracting FPI to Indonesia.;This research was intended to know and analyze the long run equlibrium relationship and the short run dynamic fluctuation between pull factors and push factors variables to foreign portfolio investments in Indonesia by using cointgeration and error correction mechanism (ECM) models as an indicator to estimate foreign portfolio investment fluctuation. According to the research, all of the variables have the long run equibrium relationship with foreign portfolio investments, but in the short run there are only three pull factors variables and one push factor variable that have effect on foreign portfolio investments. The findings suggest that economic performance is the major factor in attracting FPI to Indonesia., This research was intended to know and analyze the long run equlibrium relationship and the short run dynamic fluctuation between pull factors and push factors variables to foreign portfolio investments in Indonesia by using cointgeration and error correction mechanism (ECM) models as an indicator to estimate foreign portfolio investment fluctuation. According to the research, all of the variables have the long run equibrium relationship with foreign portfolio investments, but in the short run there are only three pull factors variables and one push factor variable that have effect on foreign portfolio investments. The findings suggest that economic performance is the major factor in attracting FPI to Indonesia.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Situmorang, Hotma Taor
Tesis ini akan membahas tentang fluktuasi investasi langsung Jepang di
Indonesia dengan melihat faktor pendorong (dari pihak Jepang) dan faktor penarik (dari
pihak Indonesia). Penelitian ini akan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan
dukungan data primer dari laporan-laporan resmi. Investasi merupakan salah satu faktor
pendukung pembangunan perekonomian bagi negara berkembang. Jepang adalah salah
satu negara investor yang melakukan investasi langsungnya di Indonesia. Naik turunnya
aliran investasi dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor didalam maupun diluar negeri. Disini akan
diungkap usaha Indonesia sebagai negara penerima berupaya untuk menarik investor dari
Jepang. Demikian pula apa alasan yang mendorong Jepang melakukan investasi di

This thesis will discuss fluctuation Japanese direct investment in
Indonesia by looking at the push factors (from Jepang) and pull factors (from
Indonesia). The study will use qualitative descriptive method, with support of
primary data from official reports. Investment is one of the factors supporting
economic development for developing countries. Japan is one country that invests
its direct investor in Indonesia. Ups and downs of investment flows can be
influenced by factors inside and outside the country. ndonesian businesses here
will be revealed as a recipient country seeks to attract investors from Japan.
Similarly, what is the reason that pushed Japan to invest in Indonesia, This thesis will discuss fluctuation Japanese direct investment in
Indonesia by looking at the push factors (from Jepang) and pull factors (from
Indonesia). The study will use qualitative descriptive method, with support of
primary data from official reports. Investment is one of the factors supporting
economic development for developing countries. Japan is one country that invests
its direct investor in Indonesia. Ups and downs of investment flows can be
influenced by factors inside and outside the country. ndonesian businesses here
will be revealed as a recipient country seeks to attract investors from Japan.
Similarly, what is the reason that pushed Japan to invest in Indonesia]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mentari Anugrah Imsa
"Intensi berganti produk pada konsumen perlu menjadi pertimbangan produsen karena perilaku konsumen tersebut dapat memberikan dampak pada perusahaan. Pengukuran intensi berganti sudah banyak dilakukan dengan menerapkan Push-Pull-Mooring Model untuk melihat faktor yang mempengaruhi intensi berganti. Penelitian-penelitian yang sudah ada masih minim melibatkan pendekatan informasi sebagai faktor yang mempengaruhi intensi berganti. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini berusaha mengintegrasikan Information Adoption Model (IAM) ke dalam Push-Pull-Mooring Model untuk melihat pengaruh informasi terhadap intensi berpindah. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma positivistik dengan menerapkan logika deduktif dan pendekatan kuantitatif untuk membuktikan dugaan yang sudah dirumuskan. Sampel pada penelitian ini diambil secara purposive dengan karakteristik merupakan anggota atau pembaca informasi di komunitas daring Female Daily Network. Data primer diambil dengan teknik online survey menggunakan Google Form yang dikirimkan kepada followers Instagram dan twitter dari akun FDN. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross-sectional study. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegunaan informasi yang dikategorikan sebagai pull factor tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap intensi berganti. Sedangkan, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa E-WOM negatif yang dikategorikan push factor memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap intensi berganti. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa adopsi informasi yang dikategorikan sebagai mooring factor tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap intensi berganti. Secara keseluruhan, model dalam penelitian ini memiliki berkontribusi yang cukup rendah dalam memprediksi intensi beganti pada konsumen kosmetik dalam komunitas daring.

The switching intention on consumers is an important issue for any firm because it could give negative impact on business. The switching intention measurement has been carried out by applying the Push-Pull-Mooring Model to measure the factors that influence the switching intention. The prior studies of PPM Model have not measured the information approach as a factor that influencing switching intentions. Therefore, this study attempt to integrate the Information Adoption Model (IAM) into the Push-Pull-Mooring Model to assess the effect of information on switching intention. This study used a positivistic paradigm by applying deductive logic and quantitative approach to prove the formulated assumptions. The sample of this study was purposively taken by considering samples characteristic. Primary data was collected using an online survey technique with Google Forms that was sent to the followers account of Female Daily Network on Instagram and Twitter. The questionnaire was filled independently by respondents or self-administered. The research design of this research is a cross-sectional study. The results of this study indicated that information usefulness that categorized as push factor has not a significant effect towards switching intention on cosmetic products. Meanwhile, the result indicated that negative E-WOM categorized as push factor has a significant effect towards switching intention. Information adoption that categorized as mooring factor has not a significant effect towards switching intention. The overall model in this research has low contribution to predict switching intention on cosmetic consumers in online community."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Erfiasany Permatananda
Investasi langsung asing merupakan kegiatan yang melibatkan kebijakan dua negara, yakni negara asal dan tujuan. Selama beberapa tahun terakhir, Singapura telah menjadi sumber investasi langsung asing terbesar bagi Indonesia. Hal ini unik mengingat kecilnya Singapura dan lebih besarnya peran negara tersebut sebagai tujuan penanaman modal, dan bukan negara asal. Di masa pemerintahan Joko Widodo, Jepang masih tetap hadir sebagai partner ekonomi terlama Indonesia dan Tiongkok nilai investasinya sedang meningkat tajam. Namun, Singapura tetap tak beranjak. Dilihat dari push factor, hal ini dapat terjadi karena Singapura perlu melakukan investasi untuk memenuhi akses terhadap sumber daya dan pasar untuk memenuhi kekurangan geografis dan demografis yang ada. Di sisi lain, pull factor Indonesia mendukung hal ini karena sumber daya yang dimiliki memang menjadi daya tarik utama bagi investasi yang datang. Selain itu, Indonesia juga memiliki iklim ekonomi dan politik yang baik. Kebijakan Indonesia terhadap investasi Singapura cenderung terpisah dari kepentingan politik, tidak seperti kebijakan Indonesia terhadap investasi Jepang dan Tiongkok. Di luar push and pull factor kedua negara, terdapat pula hal lain yang berpengaruh, yakni dinamika kawasan maupun dinamika investasi negara lain, terutama Jepang. Kombinasi push and pull factor serta faktor pendukung menjadikan Singapura masih belum terkalahkan sebagai negara asal investasi langsung asing terbesar bagi Indonesia.

FDI an activity involving two countries home and host countries. During the past few years, Singapore has been the biggest FDI home country for Indonesia. This is unique knowing how small Singapore is and its bigger role as host country in the global investment world. In Joko Widodo era, Japan stays to be Indonesias oldest economic partner and China has been increasing its investment in Indonesia rapidly. Still, Singapore thrives. Seen from the push factors, this is the result of Singapores need of investment to gain access to resources and market to make up for its geographic and demographic shortage. On the other hand, Indonesias pull factors supports this because the countries resources has been known to be the primary attraction for foreign investors. Its stable economic and political climate also become other pull factors. Indonesias policy towards Singapores FDI tends to be apart from political interests, while towards Japan and China, these interests are quite apparent. Apart from these push and pull factors, there lies other contributing facts, specially from the region and investing countries dynamics, especially Japan. These combinations of push and pull factors, added by supporting factors, are the reason behind Singapores thriving role as Indonesias biggest source of FDI. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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