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Ditemukan 38357 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
TB Hasanuddin
Jakarta: Rmbooks, 2013
355.03 HAS a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Pacivics. University of Indonesia, 2008
355 SIS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nainggolan, Poltak Partogi, 1963-
Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia, 2020
363.32 NAI m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Daoed Joesoef
Jakarta: Yayasan Proklamasi, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, 1973
355.4 DAO d (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kesimpulan diantaranya 1.) Konflik terjadi akibat terkikisnya sendi-sendi kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, dan bernegara yang dilandasi Pancasila, pudarnya budaya bangsa akibat pengaruh negatif dari sosial media dan akibat kebijakan dalam pengelolaan sumber kekayaan alam. 2.) Kurangnya pemahaman Kepala Daerah dalam pengelolaan manajemen konflik dan selalu beranggapan bahwa tanggung jawab keamanan ada pada Polri dibantu oleh TNI. 3.) Belum seluruhnya Kepala Daerah membuat Rencana Aksi Terpadu di daerahnya."
JKL 21 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfa Duta Amadeo
"Masifnya perubahan lingkungan strategis terutama yang dilatarbelakangi oleh kemajuan teknologi informasi memunculkan permasalahan terkait keamanan nasional, khususnya pada kalangan generasi muda. Penelitian ini mengadopsi Teori Nilai Schwartz (2002), Teori Nasionalisme Kusumawardhani (2004) dan Hafnidar (2021), serta teori dari Stephan (2009) tentang Ancaman antar Kelompok dan Jacob (2010) tentang Model Lima Besar Keamanan Nasional. Berdasarkan teori tersebut penulis menyusun angket nilai personal (ANP), angket sikap nasionalisme (ASN), dan angket persepsi keamanan nasional (APKN) untuk mengetahui saling hubungan antar variabel. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji tingkat persepsi keamanan nasional dari generasi muda, menguji pengaruh nilai-nilai personal dan sikap terhadap nasionalisme generasi muda secara bersama-sama pada persepsi keamanan nasional, menguji pengaruh nilai-nilai personal generasi muda pada persepsi keamanan nasional, menguji pengaruh sikap nasionalisme generasi muda pada persepsi keamanan nasional, dan menguji pengaruh nilai-nilai personal pada sikap terhadap nasionalisme generasi muda. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode analisis regresi linier berganda. Menggunakan sampel 291 orang yang dipilih secara acak dari 316 generasi muda berumur 16-30 tahun dari semua kalangan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah tingkat persepsi keamanan generasi muda berada dalam taraf sedang, Nilai-nilai personal dan Sikap Nasionalisme generasi muda secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif pada Persepsi Keamanan Nasional, Nilai-nilai Personal generasi muda berpengaruh positif pada Persepsi Keamanan Nasional, Sikap Nasionalisme generasi muda berpengaruh positif pada Persepsi Keamanan Nasional, serta Nilai-nilai Personal generasi muda berpengaruh positif pada Sikap Nasionalisme generasi muda.

The massive changes in the strategic environment, especially for those which driven by development of information technology, raises problems related to national security, especially among the young generation. This theory adopted from Schwartz's Theory of Values ​​(2002), Kusumawardhani's Theory of Nationalism (2004) and Hafnidar (2021), as well as the theory of Stephan (2009) concerning Intergroup Threats and Jacob (2010) concerning the Big Five Model of National Security. Based on this theory, the writer compiles a questionnaire about personal values (ANP), questionnaire about nationalism behaviour (ASN), and a questionnaire about national security perceptions (APKN) to find out the relations between variables. This study aims to examine the level of perceptions of national security from the young generation, examine the influence of personal values and attitudes towards nationalism of the young generation together on perceptions of national security, examine the influence of personal values ​​of the younger generation on perceptions of national security, examine the influence of nationalism behaviour towards young generation on perceptions of national security, and examine the influence of personal values ​​on behaviour towards nationalism of the young generation. The method used of this study is quantitative using multiple linear regression analysis method which samples taken from 291 people that is randomly selected from 316 young people which aged is between 16-30 years from all social backgrounds. The results of this study are supposed to knowing the level of security perceptions of the young generation now is at the stage of medium level, the personal values ​​and behaviours of nationalism of the young generation have positive effect on the perception of national security, the personal values ​​of the young generation have a positive effect on the perception of national security, and the behaviour of nationalism of the young generation have positive effect on the perception of national security, and the personal values ​​of the young generation have positive effect on the behaviour of nationalism of the young generation."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Panji Wisnu Pamungkas
"Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya perubahan besar terkait inovasi Binmas Online System. Dalam pengembangan tahap pertama tahun 2016, Binmas Online System sebagai salah satu sarana Korbinmas Baharkam Polri dalam melakukan pembinaan masyarakat mengalami banyak permasalahan atau kendala. Akan tetapi, inovasi ini kembali dirilis oleh Polri pada tahun 2021 lalu bertajuk Binmas Online System Versi 2, dimana kini telah digunakan oleh hampir 97% Bhabinkamtibmas yang ada di seluruh Indonesia. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, maka penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui desain pengembangan inovasi Binmas Online System Versi 2 serta kontribusinya dalam penguatan kinerja Bhabinkamtibmas. Pisau analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah teori inovasi, teori kinerja, teori kebijakan, teori teknologi informasi dan Uses and gratification teory. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan, dan metode penelitian penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa desain pengembangan inovasi Binmas Online System Versi 2 dilakukan melalui tiga tahap. Pertama, proses inisiasi dilakukan melalui proses berpikir kreatif, menawarkan konsep atau rancangan inovasi, kemudian tahap pengambilan keputusan. Kedua, proses implementasi dilakukan melalui dua tahapan, yakni tahapan awal berupa pembentukan pokja berbasis kompetensi, penyusunan instrument pendukung, dan pengaturan sumber daya manusia. Adapun pada tahap lanjutan melakukan pengawasan dan evaluasi. Ketiga, proses kontuniasi dilakukan karena Korbinmas Baharkam Polri selalu terobsesi untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan meningkatkan pelayanan kepada masyarakat serta semangat yang besar untuk mengevaluasi demi mendapatkan perbaikan dan kesempurnaan. Selanjutnya, Binmas Online System Versi 2 memberikan kontribusi nyata bagi Bhabinkamtibmas dalam menjalankan tugasnya melakukan pembinaan masyarakat, Menghimpun informasi, melayani kepentingan warga masyarakat, membina dan melatih petugas satuan keamanan lingkungan, menyampaikan pesan Kamtibmas, serta melakukan deteksi dini terhadap potensi gangguan Kamtibmas.

This research is motivated by major changes related to the innovation of the Binmas Online System. In the first phase of development in 2016, Binmas Online System as one of the means of Korbinmas Baharkam Polri in conducting community development experienced many problems or obstacles. However, this innovation was again released by the National Police in 2021 entitled Binmas Online System Version 2, which has now been used by almost 97% of Bhabinkamtibmas throughout Indonesia. Based on these conditions, this research is intended to determine the design of the Binmas Online System Version 2 innovation development and its contribution in strengthening the performance of Bhabinkamtibmas. The analysis knives in this study are innovation theory, performance theory, policy theory, information technology theory and uses and gratification teory. This type of research is field research, and the research method of this research is a qualitative method. The results of this study show that the design of the Binmas Online System Version 2 innovation development was carried out through three stages. First, the initiation process is carried out through a creative thinking process, offering an innovation concept or design, then the decision-making stage. Second, the implementation process is carried out through two stages, namely the initial stages in the form of the formation of competency-based working groups, the preparation of supporting instruments, and the regulation of human resources. As for the advanced stage, it carries out supervision and evaluation. Third, the contuniation process is carried out because the Korbinmas Baharkam Polri is always obsessed with improving performance and improving services to the community as well as a great enthusiasm for evaluation in order to get improvement and perfection. Furthermore, Binmas Online System Version 2 makes a real contribution to Bhabinkamtibmas in carrying out its duties of conducting community development, collecting information, serving the interests of community residents, fostering and training environmental security unit officers, conveying Kamtibmas messages, and conducting early detection of potential Kamtibmas disturbances."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iskandar Zulkarnain
"[Selama ini, TNI Angkatan Laut dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas pertahanan diluar negeri berdasarkan pada kepentingan misi damai sesuai dengan mandat PBB dan ternyata TNI Angkatan Laut juga memiliki tugas diluar mandat PBB dalam operasi keamanan laut untuk memberikan jaminan keamanan maritim untuk kepentingan pelayaran bagi kapal-kapal dagang berbendera Indonesia di wilayah perairan internasional. Salah satu kontribusi pemerintah Indonesia terhadap jaminan keamanan maritim adalah melibatkan TNI Angkatan Laut dalam pembebasan kapal Sinar Kudus diluar batas yurisdiksi nasional. Dalam tesis ini akan mempertanyakan : 1. Bagaimana peran Militer, Polisionil dan diplomasi TNI Angkatan Laut dalam penanganan keamanan maritim khususnya keamanan maritim internasional, 2. Apa faktor-faktor yang menentukan kepentingan Indonesia dalam melibatkan TNI Angkatan Laut diwilayah perairan internasional, 3. Bagaimana implikasi penanganan keamanan maritim TNI Angkatan Laut terkait pembebasan kapal Sinar Kudus dan kontribusinya dalam perspektif ketahanan nasional. Dalam mengelaborasi permasalahan tersebut digunakan teori ketahanan nasional, keamanan maritim dan konsep universal angkatan laut. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif analisis deskriptif dengan menghimpun data-data primer dan sekunder juga melakukan wawancara mendalam terhadap narasumber. Sementara temuan yang di peroleh dari tesis ini adalah: 1. Bahwa partisipasi TNI Angkatan Laut yang selama ini melaksanakan tugas operasi diluar negeri lebih banyak dilandasi pada permintaan dari otoritas PBB. Sementara konteks dalam penanganan pembebasan sandera kapal Sinar Kudus pemerintah Indonesia melalui TNI Angkatan Laut tanpa menggunakan mandat PBB dan atas dasar kepentingan nasional, 2. Ternyata tugas-tugas TNI Angkatan Laut dapat memungkinkan untuk melakukan operasi ekspedisi jarak jauh dan memungkinkan TNI Angkatan Laut melaksanakan kegiatan ekspedisi jarak jauh sebagai bentuk dari fungsi-fungsi TNI Angkatan Laut yang bersifat internasional sesuai dengan konsep universal Angkatan Laut, 3. Kontribusi yang dilakukan oleh TNI Angkatan Laut dapat memperkuat ketahanan nasional, melalui jaminan keamanan maritim dalam rangka mendukung aktifitas perdagangan melalui laut. Adapun yang disimpulkan dari tesis ini adalah partisipasi TNI Angkatan Laut dalam misi keamanan tidak dibatasi oleh mandat PBB namun dapat dilakukan atas dasar kepentingan pertahanan dan keamanan nasional, meskipun berada diatas kapal berbendera Indonesia dan diluar kedaulatan Indonesia yang berimplementasi menjadi Angkatan Laut kelas dunia.
During this time, the Indonesia Navy in carrying out duties overseas defense based on the interests of peace missions in accordance with the UN mandate, and it turns out the Indonesia Navy also has a duty beyond the UN mandate in marine security operations to provide maritime security for the benefit of the cruise ships Indonesian trade flag in international waters. One of the Indonesian government's contribution to maritime security is involved in the liberation of the Indonesia Navy ship Sinar Kudus beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. In this thesis would question: 1. How does the role of military, constabulary and diplomacy the Indonesia Navy for maritime security, especially in the handling of international maritime security, 2. What are the factors that determine interest in engaging the Indonesian Navy in the region of international waters, 3. How implications handling the Indonesia Navy maritime security-related release of the ship Sinar Kudus and its contribution to national security perspective.In theory used to elaborate the issue of national security, maritime security and naval universal concept. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis by collecting primary data and secondary also conducted in-depth interviews of the informant. While the findings of this thesis in perole is: 1. Whereas the participation of the Indonesia Navy who had been carrying out tasks more overseas operations based on a request from the United Nations authority. While the context of the handling of the hostage ship Sinar Kudus, Indonesian government through the Indonesia Navy without using a UN mandate and on the basis of national interest, 2. Turns tasks can allow the Indonesia Navy to conduct expeditionary operations remotely and allows the Indonesia Navy conducts expeditions as a form of remote functions the Navy that is international in accordance with the concept of universal Navy, 3. Contributions are made by the Indonesia Navy to strengthen national defense, maritime security through in order to support trading activities by sea. As inferred from this thesis is the Navy's participation in security missions are not restricted by UN mandate, but can be done on the basis of the interests of national defense and security, despite being above and beyond Indonesian-flagged vessels Indonesian sovereignty implementation into world class navy ;During this time, the Indonesia Navy in carrying out duties overseas defense based on the interests of peace missions in accordance with the UN mandate, and it turns out the Indonesia Navy also has a duty beyond the UN mandate in marine security operations to provide maritime security for the benefit of the cruise ships Indonesian trade flag in international waters. One of the Indonesian government's contribution to maritime security is involved in the liberation of the Indonesia Navy ship Sinar Kudus beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. In this thesis would question: 1. How does the role of military, constabulary and diplomacy the Indonesia Navy for maritime security, especially in the handling of international maritime security, 2. What are the factors that determine interest in engaging the Indonesian Navy in the region of international waters, 3. How implications handling the Indonesia Navy maritime security-related release of the ship Sinar Kudus and its contribution to national security perspective.In theory used to elaborate the issue of national security, maritime security and naval universal concept. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis by collecting primary data and secondary also conducted in-depth interviews of the informant. While the findings of this thesis in perole is: 1. Whereas the participation of the Indonesia Navy who had been carrying out tasks more overseas operations based on a request from the United Nations authority. While the context of the handling of the hostage ship Sinar Kudus, Indonesian government through the Indonesia Navy without using a UN mandate and on the basis of national interest, 2. Turns tasks can allow the Indonesia Navy to conduct expeditionary operations remotely and allows the Indonesia Navy conducts expeditions as a form of remote functions the Navy that is international in accordance with the concept of universal Navy, 3. Contributions are made by the Indonesia Navy to strengthen national defense, maritime security through in order to support trading activities by sea. As inferred from this thesis is the Navy's participation in security missions are not restricted by UN mandate, but can be done on the basis of the interests of national defense and security, despite being above and beyond Indonesian-flagged vessels Indonesian sovereignty implementation into world class navy ;During this time, the Indonesia Navy in carrying out duties overseas defense based on the interests of peace missions in accordance with the UN mandate, and it turns out the Indonesia Navy also has a duty beyond the UN mandate in marine security operations to provide maritime security for the benefit of the cruise ships Indonesian trade flag in international waters. One of the Indonesian government's contribution to maritime security is involved in the liberation of the Indonesia Navy ship Sinar Kudus beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. In this thesis would question: 1. How does the role of military, constabulary and diplomacy the Indonesia Navy for maritime security, especially in the handling of international maritime security, 2. What are the factors that determine interest in engaging the Indonesian Navy in the region of international waters, 3. How implications handling the Indonesia Navy maritime security-related release of the ship Sinar Kudus and its contribution to national security perspective.In theory used to elaborate the issue of national security, maritime security and naval universal concept. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis by collecting primary data and secondary also conducted in-depth interviews of the informant. While the findings of this thesis in perole is: 1. Whereas the participation of the Indonesia Navy who had been carrying out tasks more overseas operations based on a request from the United Nations authority. While the context of the handling of the hostage ship Sinar Kudus, Indonesian government through the Indonesia Navy without using a UN mandate and on the basis of national interest, 2. Turns tasks can allow the Indonesia Navy to conduct expeditionary operations remotely and allows the Indonesia Navy conducts expeditions as a form of remote functions the Navy that is international in accordance with the concept of universal Navy, 3. Contributions are made by the Indonesia Navy to strengthen national defense, maritime security through in order to support trading activities by sea. As inferred from this thesis is the Navy's participation in security missions are not restricted by UN mandate, but can be done on the basis of the interests of national defense and security, despite being above and beyond Indonesian-flagged vessels Indonesian sovereignty implementation into world class navy ;During this time, the Indonesia Navy in carrying out duties overseas defense based on the interests of peace missions in accordance with the UN mandate, and it turns out the Indonesia Navy also has a duty beyond the UN mandate in marine security operations to provide maritime security for the benefit of the cruise ships Indonesian trade flag in international waters. One of the Indonesian government's contribution to maritime security is involved in the liberation of the Indonesia Navy ship Sinar Kudus beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. In this thesis would question: 1. How does the role of military, constabulary and diplomacy the Indonesia Navy for maritime security, especially in the handling of international maritime security, 2. What are the factors that determine interest in engaging the Indonesian Navy in the region of international waters, 3. How implications handling the Indonesia Navy maritime security-related release of the ship Sinar Kudus and its contribution to national security perspective.In theory used to elaborate the issue of national security, maritime security and naval universal concept. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis by collecting primary data and secondary also conducted in-depth interviews of the informant. While the findings of this thesis in perole is: 1. Whereas the participation of the Indonesia Navy who had been carrying out tasks more overseas operations based on a request from the United Nations authority. While the context of the handling of the hostage ship Sinar Kudus, Indonesian government through the Indonesia Navy without using a UN mandate and on the basis of national interest, 2. Turns tasks can allow the Indonesia Navy to conduct expeditionary operations remotely and allows the Indonesia Navy conducts expeditions as a form of remote functions the Navy that is international in accordance with the concept of universal Navy, 3. Contributions are made by the Indonesia Navy to strengthen national defense, maritime security through in order to support trading activities by sea. As inferred from this thesis is the Navy's participation in security missions are not restricted by UN mandate, but can be done on the basis of the interests of national defense and security, despite being above and beyond Indonesian-flagged vessels Indonesian sovereignty implementation into world class navy ;During this time, the Indonesia Navy in carrying out duties overseas defense based on the interests of peace missions in accordance with the UN mandate, and it turns out the Indonesia Navy also has a duty beyond the UN mandate in marine security operations to provide maritime security for the benefit of the cruise ships Indonesian trade flag in international waters. One of the Indonesian government's contribution to maritime security is involved in the liberation of the Indonesia Navy ship Sinar Kudus beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. In this thesis would question: 1. How does the role of military, constabulary and diplomacy the Indonesia Navy for maritime security, especially in the handling of international maritime security, 2. What are the factors that determine interest in engaging the Indonesian Navy in the region of international waters, 3. How implications handling the Indonesia Navy maritime security-related release of the ship Sinar Kudus and its contribution to national security perspective.In theory used to elaborate the issue of national security, maritime security and naval universal concept. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis by collecting primary data and secondary also conducted in-depth interviews of the informant. While the findings of this thesis in perole is: 1. Whereas the participation of the Indonesia Navy who had been carrying out tasks more overseas operations based on a request from the United Nations authority. While the context of the handling of the hostage ship Sinar Kudus, Indonesian government through the Indonesia Navy without using a UN mandate and on the basis of national interest, 2. Turns tasks can allow the Indonesia Navy to conduct expeditionary operations remotely and allows the Indonesia Navy conducts expeditions as a form of remote functions the Navy that is international in accordance with the concept of universal Navy, 3. Contributions are made by the Indonesia Navy to strengthen national defense, maritime security through in order to support trading activities by sea. As inferred from this thesis is the Navy's participation in security missions are not restricted by UN mandate, but can be done on the basis of the interests of national defense and security, despite being above and beyond Indonesian-flagged vessels Indonesian sovereignty implementation into world class navy., During this time, the Indonesia Navy in carrying out duties overseas defense
based on the interests of peace missions in accordance with the UN mandate, and
it turns out the Indonesia Navy also has a duty beyond the UN mandate in marine
security operations to provide maritime security for the benefit of the cruise ships
Indonesian trade flag in international waters. One of the Indonesian government's
contribution to maritime security is involved in the liberation of the Indonesia
Navy ship Sinar Kudus beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. In this thesis
would question: 1. How does the role of military, constabulary and diplomacy the
Indonesia Navy for maritime security, especially in the handling of international
maritime security, 2. What are the factors that determine interest in engaging the
Indonesian Navy in the region of international waters, 3. How implications
handling the Indonesia Navy maritime security-related release of the ship Sinar
Kudus and its contribution to national security perspective.In theory used to
elaborate the issue of national security, maritime security and naval universal
concept. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis by collecting
primary data and secondary also conducted in-depth interviews of the informant.
While the findings of this thesis in perole is: 1. Whereas the participation of the
Indonesia Navy who had been carrying out tasks more overseas operations based
on a request from the United Nations authority. While the context of the handling
of the hostage ship Sinar Kudus, Indonesian government through the Indonesia
Navy without using a UN mandate and on the basis of national interest, 2. Turns
tasks can allow the Indonesia Navy to conduct expeditionary operations remotely
and allows the Indonesia Navy conducts expeditions as a form of remote functions
the Navy that is international in accordance with the concept of universal Navy, 3.
Contributions are made by the Indonesia Navy to strengthen national defense,
maritime security through in order to support trading activities by sea. As inferred
from this thesis is the Navy's participation in security missions are not restricted
by UN mandate, but can be done on the basis of the interests of national defense
and security, despite being above and beyond Indonesian-flagged vessels
Indonesian sovereignty implementation into world class navy ]
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewie Mardhani
Penelitian ini membahas konsep security dan defence dalam studi ketahanan nasional yang kemudian menganalisis ketahanan politik dan ketahanan ekonomi pada krisis kesehatan pandemi Covid-19 agar menjadi masukan dalam RUU Kamnas untuk dapat disahkan di DPR untuk menciptakan keamanan dan pertahanan negara. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan bentuk-bentuk ancaman kontemporer terkait security dan defence, serta persamaan dan perbedaannya.
Metode penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini dilakukan melalui wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Informan yang diwawancarai sebanyak 2 orang pejabat setingkat Eselon III dari Kementerian Pertahanan Republik Indonesia.
Hasil analisis dari penelitian ini adalah bentuk ancaman kontemporer yang terjadi di Indonesia adalah ancaman di perbatasan yang mempengaruhi keutuhan wilayah, ancaman separatisme dari KKB di Papua serta beberapa bencana alam yang memakan korban jiwa, dan saat ini sedang terjadi pandemi Covid-19. Persamaan konsep security dan defence dapat dilihat dari regulasi dan konsepnya. Sedangkan perbedaannya dapat dilihat dari kelembagaan, konstitusi, dan sumber ancaman. Pada analisis ketahanan politik dan ketahanan ekonomi dalam menghadapi ancaman krisis kesehatan pandemi yang berimbas pada sektor lain baik politik, ekonomi, dan keamanan. Dampak yang paling dirasakan adalah banyaknya pasien yang meninggal dunia, menurunnya pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan tingginya jumlah pengangguran. Belum sinerginya pemerintah pusat dengan daerah serta tumpang tindihnya kewenangan dalam penyelesaian masalah menyebabkan makin bertambahnya korban pandemi. Oleh karena itu diperlukan regulasi kebijakan keamanan nasional yang mengatur tentang wewenang dan tanggung jawab serta koordinasi antar lembaga dalam penyelesaian pandemi ini.

This research discusses the concepts of security and defence in a national resilience study which then analyzes political resilience and economic resilience in the Covid-19 pandemic health crisis so that it becomes an input in the National Security Draft to be passed in the Parliament to create national security and defence. This study aims to explain the forms of contemporary threats related to security and defence, as well as their similarities and differences.
This research method uses descriptive qualitative research design. The research data collection technique was carried out through interviews and literature study. Informants who were interviewed were 2 echelon III officials from the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Indonesia.
The results of the analysis of this research are the forms of contemporary threats that occur in Indonesia are threats at the border that affect the territorial integrity, the threat of separatism from the KKB in Papua and several natural disasters that take lives, and currently the Covid-19 pandemic is happening. The similarities between the concepts of security and defence can be seen from the regulations and concepts. While the difference can be seen from the institutional, constitutional, and source of threats. In the analysis of political resilience and economic resilience in the face of the threat of a pandemic health crisis which impacted on other sectors of politics, economy and security. The most pronounced impact is the number of patients who died, declining economic growth, and high unemployment. The lack of synergy between the central government and the regions and overlapping authority in solving problems has led to an increase in pandemic casualties. Therefore, national security policy regulation is needed that regulates the authority and responsibility and coordination between institutions in resolving this pandemic."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hariyadi Wirawan
"Buku ini merupakan terbitan karya tesis dari penulis, yang diterbikan di Universitas Indonesia. Perkembangan kekuatan ekonomi dan militer China, dan secara geografis China dekat dengan Indonesia dan Asia Tenggara akan mempengaruhu hubungan khususnya keamanan dengan Indonesia. Buku ini membahas China sebagai mitra strategis; China sebagai potensi ancaman; postur pertahanan dan alutsista China serta Indonesia; dan dnamika persenjataan Indonesia-China."
JakartaHariyadi Wirawan, Akbar Rayyan Subekti: UI-Press, 2012
327.598 HAR p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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