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TODIK 18:1 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
TEKNODIK 18(1-2)2014
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Arsala Majid
"Pada dunia Pendidikan, pencapaian akademik setiap peserta didik dipengaruhi oleh berbagai hal, salah satunya adalah keterlibatan agentik atau agentic engagement. Akan tetapi, sejak diterapkannya Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ), terjadi penurunan student engagement dalam belajar yang berdampak pada berbagai hal seperti putus sekolah. Student engagement sendiri juga dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, seperti kelekatan dengan teman sebaya atau peer attachment. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara peer attachment dan agentic engagement selama PJJ. Partisipan penelitian ini terdiri dari 215 mahasiswa baru perguruan tinggi di Jabodetabek dengan rentang usia 18-21 tahun (M =19,1, SD = 0.81). Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Agentic Engagement Scale (AES) untuk mengukur variabel agentic engagement dan Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA) untuk mengukur variabel peer attachment. Analisis yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis korelasi pearson. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa peer attachment memiliki hubungan yang positif dan signifikan terhadap agentic engagement (r = 0.23, p < 0.01, r2 = 0.05). Artinya, semakin tinggi peer attachment.
In education's world, the academic achievement of each student is influenced by various things, one of them is agentic engagement. However, since the implementation of Distance Learning (PJJ), there has been a decrease in student engagement in learning which has an impact on various things such as dropping out of school. Student engagement itself is also influenced by various factors, such as peer attachment. Therefore, this study aims to determine the relationship between peer attachment and agentic engagement during PJJ. The participants of this study consisted of 215 freshmans of higher education in Jabodetabek with an age range of 18-21 years (M = 19.1, SD = 0.81). The measuring instrument used is the Agentic Engagement Scale (AES) to measure the agentic engagement variable and the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA) to measure the peer attachment variable. The analysis conducted in this research is Pearson correlation analysis. The results obtained indicate that peer attachment has a positive and significant relationship to agentic engagement (r = 0.23, p < 0.01, r2 = 0.05). That is, the higher the peer attachment to students, the higher the level of agentic engagement in learning. Vice versa."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
"Open and Distance Learning (ODL) nowadays becomes a trend in higher education. Course delivery and course material distribution have already been in electronic form by using information and communication technology (ICT). This technology becomes cheaper and much easier to be used. Indonesia as a nation where its people spread in thousands of islands does not always have face-to-face university in each city. Meanwhile, the need of skilled worker is always increased. ODL then becomes an alternative to educate people by using different way of teaching and learning process. People who have difficulties in accessing face-to-face university can use ODL as an alternative to upgrade their education. The role of ICT in ODL become important since the students can learn by using ICT. The students cal also “meet” their colleagues virtually. Meanwhile, it was explored that ICT can be utilized for online examination. Online examination is more efficient, much faster in processing the examination result, and much cheaper in budget. This article discusses many aspects of strength and weakness which is faced by educational institutions in administering online examinations."
JPUT 11:2 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Riza Fanny Aditya
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai kebijakan penyediaan Wi-Fi gratis untuk menunjang kegiatan Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh di Kota Depok berdasarkan desain kebijakan dengan tujuan untuk melihat apakah kebijakan ini sudah tepat dari sisi desain, mengingat keberadaan kebijakan ini berkaitan erat dengan potensi klaster baru COVID-19. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan postpositivist dalam penelitian dengan metode pengumpulan dan analisis data secara kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam serta studi pustaka. Konsep desain kebijakan dari Birkland (2011) digunakan sebagai landasan teori dalam penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan penyediaan Wi-Fi gratis secara desain sudah baik, dengan catatan masih bermasalah pada elemen implementasi kebijakan. Permasalahan ini terlihat dari adanya bagian rencana implementasi yang tidak selaras dengan tujuan kebijakan (The Goals of the Policy) serta ketidakpastian data terkait masyarakat kurang mampu di Kota Depok sebagai landasan mengagas kebijakan. Namun demikian, kebijakan penyediaan Wi-Fi gratis telah berhasil mengatasi potensi timbulnya klaster baru COVID-19 yang menjadi risiko kebijakan.
This thesis discusses the policy of providing free Wi-Fi to support remote learning activities in Depok based on the policy design with the aim of seeing whether this policy is appropriate in terms of design, considering that the existence of this policy is closely related to the potential for new clusters of COVID-19. Researchers used a post-positivist approach in research with qualitative data collection and analysis methods through in-depth interviews and literature studies. This thesis used policy design concept from Birkland (2011) as theoretical basis in research. The results of the study indicate that the policy of providing free Wi-Fi is appropriate in the context of design, with consideration that there are still problems on policy implementation element. The problem can be identify from the part of the implementation plan that is not in line with the policy objectives (The Goals of the Policy) as well as the uncertainty of data related to the underprivileged community in Depok City as the basis for initiating policies. However, the policy of providing free Wi-Fi has succeeded in overcoming the potential for new clusters of COVID-19 to emerge which is a policy risk."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
"This study aims to identify problems facing by participants in experiencing teaching practice under The Strengthening Teaching Competency Programme. An evaluation method was employed through problem and issues maping, interpreting problem dynamics, and improving actions. A qualitative-naturalistic approach with interview was conducted during April-july 2009 to participants of Lower Secondary School Teacher Training who live in remote and rural areas in Bandung, Bogor, and Serang region. Interview was also conducted to tutors, supervisors, programme manager, remote-school principals, peer teachers and students involved in the teaching practicum/exercise. Observations and documentary study were employed to support the data of the interview. Problems identified as the low performance of supervisory officials and partnership schools in guiding student teachers in developing didastic materials for both practicum and final exam. Most participants become stressed due to the absence of a definite timetable guidance process both in the process of lesson plan development, implementation of practicum and execution of final exams. It was suggested to redesign the current system with a more reliable system for participants coming from remote areas who wish to carry out teaching practice."
JPUT 11:2 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Rayaning Pakarti Prasetyo
"Pelaksanaan pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ) di perguruan tinggi Indonesia menghadirkan sejumlah tantangan besar, terutama di tengah masa pandemi Covid-19. Self-efficacy dalam pembelajaran daring diketahui menjadi komponen penting bagi mahasiswa untuk menghadapinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara self-compassion dengan self-efficacy dalam pembelajaran daring pada mahasiswa program sarjana yang tengah menjalani perkuliahan daring secara penuh. Partisipan penelitian (N=290) merupakan mahasiswa S1 dari UI, ITB, dan UGM yang berusia 18-23 tahun. Mereka diukur menggunakan Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Online Learning (SeQoL) dan Self-Compassion Scale (SCS). Ketiga institusi pendidikan ini dipilih atas dasar klasterisasi perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang melihat adanya perbedaan kualitas dalam pembelajaran daring. Hasil pengujian korelasi Pearson menunjukkan bahwa self-compassion yang dimiliki mahasiswa berhubungan secara signifikan dan positif dengan self-efficacy dalam pembelajaran daring (r(290) = 0,42, p < 0,01). Hubungan positif dan signifikan terkuat ditemukan pada komponen self-kindness dengan dimensi self-efficacy dalam berinteraksi sosial dengan teman sekelas. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman baru mengenai kondisi mahasiswa dalam konteks pembelajaran daring.
The implementation of distance learning among higher education institutions in Indonesia presents a number of challenges, especially in the midst of Covid-19. Self-efficacy in online learning context is known to be one of core component for students to deal with it. This study aimed to examine the relationship between self-compassion and online learning self-efficacy among undergraduate students who are undergoing full online lectures. Research participants (N= 290) are undergraduate students from UI, ITB, and UGM, aged between 18-23 years old. They were measured using Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Online Learning (SeQoL) and Self-Compassion Scale (SCS). These three institutions were selected on the basis of a clusterization among universities in Indonesia, which saw differences in the quality of online learning. The Pearson correlation’s result showed that the students' self-compassion had a significant and positive relationship with online learning self-efficacy (r(290) = 0,42, p < 0,01). The strongest positive and significant relationship was found in self-kindness with dimension self-efficacy in social interaction with classmates. This study presents a new understanding of the students’ conditions in the context of online learning."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvita Rahma Diella
"Kondisi Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) dapat memicu atau memperburuk academic burnout pada mahasiswa. Passion dalam belajar dapat membantu mahasiswa menghadapi tuntutan-tuntutan akademis agar terhindar dari kelelahan fisik dan emosional, serta tetap termotivasi melakukan tugas-tugas selama menjalani perkuliahan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara passion dalam belajar dan academic burnout serta kontribusi kedua tipe passion yaitu harmonious dan obsessive passion terhadap academic burnout. Partisipan penelitian ini sejumlah 201 mahasiswa S1/D4 tahun pertama sampai tahun terakhir yang sedang mengikuti PJJ di perguruan tinggi Jabodetabek. Pada penelitian ini academic burnout diukur menggunakan Maslach Burnout Inventory - Students Survei (Arlinkasari & Rauf, 2016), sedangkan passion dalam belajar diukur menggunakan Passion Scale (Marsh et al., 2013) yang diadaptasi ke dalam konteks akademis dan Bahasa Indonesia. Analisis data menggunakan teknik statistik Pearson product-moment correlation dan multiple linear regression. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya korelasi negatif dan signifikan (r = -.48, p<.01) antara passion dalam belajar dan academic burnout. Passion dalam belajar berkontribusi sebesar 21% terhadap penurunan academic burnout. Harmonious passion (β = -.40, p<.01) memiliki kontribusi lebih besar terhadap penurunan academic burnout dibandingkan obsessive passion (β = -.08, p>.05) yang artinya semakin tinggi harmonious passion mahasiswa dalam belajar, maka academic burnout nya akan semakin rendah.
Conditions of Distance Learning (PJJ) can trigger or worsen academic burnout in university students. Passion for studying can help university students face academic demands in order to avoid physical and emotional fatigue, and stay motivated to do assignments during their studies. This research was conducted to determine the relationship between passion for studying and academic burnout and the contribution of the two types of passion, namely harmonious and obsessive passion to academic burnout. Participants in this study were 201 S1 / D4 students from the first to the last year who were following PJJ at higher education in Jabodetabek. In this study, academic burnout was measured using the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Students Survey (Arlinkasari & Rauf, 2016), while passion for studying was measured using the Passion Scale (Marsh et al., 2013) which researchers adapted to the academic context and Indonesian language. Data analysis used statistical techniques Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple linear regression. The results showed a negative and significant correlation (r = -.48, p <.01) between passion for studying and academic burnout. Passion for studying contributed 21% to the decline in academic burnout. Harmonious passion (β = -.40, p <.01) has a greater contribution to reducing academic burnout than obsessive passion (β = -.08, p> .05) which means that the higher the students' harmonious passion for studying, the lower the academic burnout will be."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Erning Kumala Dewi
ABSTRAKKeberadaan internet telah memungkinkan proses belajar mengajar dapat dilakukan kapan saja dan di mana saja. Dalam hal penggunaan internet untuk proses belajar mengajar ini, dikenal adanya istilah e-Learning, online learning dan distance learning. Sehubungan dengan teknologi informasi dan e-Learning, tata kelola juga diperlukan untuk membantu memastikan keberhasilan upaya dalam menerapkan e-Learning. Karya akhir ini menggunakan kerangka kerja COBIT 5 untuk mengukur tingkat kapabilitas tata kelola TI terkait e-Learning saat ini di Kantor Sumber Daya Pembelajaran (KSDP) UI serta membuat sejumlah rekomendasi guna memperbaiki tingkat kapabilitas. Pengukuran dilakukan menggunakan Process Assesment Model (PAM) dimana hasil pengukuran tingkat kapabilitas KSDP UI saat ini berada di tingkat tiga, yang berarti menunjukkan KSDP UI sudah melakukan dengan cukup baik pengelolaan e-Learning dan PJJ nya. Terdapat 11 proses COBIT 5 yang menjadi prioritas perbaikan yang ditentukan dengan memetakan permasalahan (pain points) dan proses COBIT 5 dengan rencana pengembangan penyelenggaraan e-Learning KSDP UI. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan 10 proses pada tingkat 3 (Established) dan 1 proses pada tingkat 4 (Predictable).
ABSTRACTThe existence of the internet has enabled the teaching and learning process to be carried out anytime and anywhere. In terms of the use of the internet for this teaching and learning process, there are known terms of e-Learning, online learning and distance learning. In relation to Information Technology and e-Learning, governance is also needed to help ensure the success of efforts in implementing e-Learning. This final project uses the COBIT 5 framework to measure the current level of IT governance related to e-Learning capabilities at the Kantor Sumber Daya Pembelajaran (KSDP) University of Indonesia (UI) and make a number of recommendations to improve the level of capability. The measurement is done using the Process Assessment Model (PAM) where the measurement of the capability level of KSDP UI is currently at the third level, which means that KSDP UI has done quite well the management of e-Learning and its PJJ. There are 11 COBIT 5 processes become priorities that are determined by mapping the problems (pain points) and the COBIT 5 process with plans to develop e-Learning at KSDP UI. The measurement results show 10 processes at level 3 (Established) and 1 process at level 4 (Predictable)."
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia Fitria
"Penelitian ini berangkat dari rendahnya skor Indonesia di PISA 2018 yang berimplikasi kepada kompetensi siswa remaja di Indonesia yang sangat rendah apabila dibandingkan dengan kompetensi siswa remaja di seluruh dunia. Keterlibatan siswa di dalam kelas berperan penting dalam mengembangkan kompetensi yang dimiliki siswa. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran keterlibatan orang tua terhadap keterlibatan agentik siswa di dalam Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (PJJ). Partisipan merupakan 334 siswa kelas 12 SMA Negeri di Jabodetabek yang menjalani PJJ. Untuk mengukur keterlibatan orang tua digunakan Perception of Parents Scales (POPS) (Grolnick et al., 1991) dan Agentic Engagement Scales (AES) (Reeve, 2013) digunakan untuk mengukur keterlibatan agentik. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan regresi linier berganda untuk menguji peran keterlibatan orang tua terhadap keterlibatan agentik siswa. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan adanya kontribusi sebesar 4,2% keterlibatan orang tua terhadap keterlibatan agentik. Keterlibatan ibu memiliki peran yang lebih besar (β = .38, p<.01) terhadap keterlibatan agentik siswa jika dibandingkan dengan keterlibatan ayah (β = .07, p>.05). Hasil dan diskusi penelitian ini memberi masukan bahwa peran orang tua walaupun kecil, memiliki peran yang signifikan dalam keterlibatan anaknya di sekolah.
This research departs from the low score of Indonesia in PISA 2018 which has implications for the very low competence of adolescent students in Indonesia when compared to the competence of adolescent students around the world. Student engagement in the classroom plays an important role in developing student competencies. Therefore, this study aims to determine the role of parental involvement on student agentic engagement during distance learning. The participants were 334 grade 12 students at public high school in Jabodetabek who underwent distance learning. To measure parental interaction, we used Perceptions of Parents Scales (POPS) (Grolnick et al., 1991) and Agentic Engagement Scales (AES) (Reeve, 2013) were used to measure agentic engagement. The research data were analyzed by multiple linear regression to examine the role of parental involvement on student agentic engagement. The results of hypothesis testing show that there is a 4.2% contribution of parental involvement on agentic engagement. Mother's involvement had a greater role (β = .38, p<.01) on student agent engagement when compared to father's involvement (β = .07, p>.05). emphasize that the role of parents, although small, has a significant role in the engagement of their children in school."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library