"As a treatment method for the law offenders, the correctional systems are functional to re-construct the inmates before they re-integrated in to society in acceptable manners. In achieving the correctional system's goal for inmates has involved all aspects and existence in handling the inmates which includes their rights, as the offender of the law, as individually, and social being.
The universal designs of such correctional system are not easily to be achieved, as it is interconnected to the complexity of the inmate's life inside the Cipinang Correctional. The separation of the inmates housing accommodation has also accelerated the occurrence 1 formation of inmate's ethnical group, with identifies by their state of origin. They are Javanese group (arek), Korea Group (Medan), Ambonesse group, Aceh group and others smaller ethnical group.
The purpose of this research is to get the view; how the Cipinang Correctional applies their policy and management in order to prevent and settle the conflict between the inmates ethnical group. The approach that used in the research is a qualitative approach which includes the interview techniques to the respondent, such as inmate, ex-inmate and the correctional officers.
Although the dilemma has continues to evade the innovative effort, this research has able to examine the conflicts, the implementation of the policy and the management in preventing and setting the conflict among the inmates ethnical group and the causing factor of the conflict, such as :
A. Conflict factors in Correctional
1. The conflict among the Javanese group (arek) and Medan group
2. The conflict among the Javanese group (arek) and Ambonesse group
3. The conflict between cell (housing) units
4. The conflict between inmates and the security officers
B. the Causing factors of the conflict
C. The formation of the inmate's ethinical group
D. Structure, task and rights in the group"